Useful tips for caring for furniture. Cleaning wooden furniture Cleaning products for wooden furniture

Any furniture gets dirty sooner or later, whether it's an office leather sofa or a polished table in a residential apartment. During operation, dust, dirt, greasy or other stains may appear on the furniture.

How to clean wooden furniture

Wood is most often used in the manufacture of furniture, but wooden products must be constantly looked after. For example, dust must be wiped daily, and general cleaning should be carried out once a week. Here are some ways to clean wood.

  • Lemon essential oil. The mixture is applied to a soft sponge or cloth and the wooden surfaces and individual elements of this material are wiped. The essential oil has a pleasant fresh scent and is great for polishing wood.
  • Baby soap. Take a suitable container and pour 2 cups of water into it. Add some baby soap. Soak a soft cloth in this liquid and wipe the contaminated areas. After that, wipe with a cloth soaked in clean water and then dry.
  • Vinegar and olive oil. For this cleaning method, you will need 100 ml of table vinegar 9% and 50 ml of olive oil. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Spray on desired areas and wipe well with a tissue. This treatment will update your furniture, making it clean and radiant.
  • Lemon juice. Mix 50 ml of lemon juice with the same amount of water. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the surface of the wood. This method is great for daily cleaning.
  • Ammonia. If the wooden surface is very dirty, it can be cleaned using this solution: add 10 ml of ammonia to 50 ml of water. With this liquid, rub the contaminated areas well using a sponge.
  • Petrolatum. If you or your family were careless to put a hot cup or plate on a wooden surface and left a white mark, try treating this place with petroleum jelly. Leave it on all night and polish it in the morning.

Furniture cleaning folk remedies

  • Brine from sauerkraut. Soak a sponge or cloth with the brine and wipe the stained areas on the polished surface.
  • Vinegar. Stubborn stains from lacquered furniture will help eliminate table vinegar 9%. Lightly dampen a cloth and rub the stained area.

How to clean polished furniture from grease stains

Removing grease stains from polished furniture is not as difficult as it might seem. There are several ways.

  • Baby powder. Sprinkle baby powder or talc over the grease stain. Within 10 minutes, the powder will absorb the fat. After that, remove it with a soft cloth and wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • Potato. Take one medium sized potato. Wash well and dry. Then, cut in half. One of the halves needs to be rubbed on the grease stain, and after 3 minutes this area should be polished well using a soft cloth.

How to restore the shine of polished furniture

Any polished surface tarnishes over time. The following remedies will help restore the original shine.

  • Polish made from turpentine and oil. If you want to use natural ingredients to polish your furniture, you can make your own polish at home. To do this, you will need turpentine and any vegetable oil in equal proportions. Mix them together, and, applying to a soft cloth, wipe the tarnished areas of the furniture.
  • Kerosene and oil. A mixture of 5 tablespoons of kerosene and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil can also help you. Any one you have will do. Using a sponge, apply the mixture to the surface and wait until it dries. Then polish thoroughly. When polishing, use a soft natural cloth.
  • Shampoo and antiseptic. In a small container, pour 8 tablespoons of water, as well as one tablespoon of hair shampoo and antiseptic. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour the resulting liquid into a convenient bottle. Use to polish lacquered furniture as needed.

How to use furniture wax for restoration

It happens that not only dirt, but also scratches appear on wooden furniture. To date, this is not a serious problem, since such damage is easily eliminated with the help of special furniture wax.

Furniture wax is a special universal tool with which to eliminate various damages from wooden surfaces. It can be used both on the raw surface of the tree and on the varnished one. There are two types of wax, soft and hard.

  • Soft furniture wax. This type is best suited for removing small chips and scratches. To do this, you will need to rub the damaged surface with a soft wax. If the groove is deep, you can use a knife blade or spatula to apply the wax. After 15 minutes, remove the residue and polish using a cotton cloth.
  • Hard furniture wax. This is a professional tool, it is better to work with such a product with certain skills. It is more expensive than soft wax, but the effect is much better. Before applying wax, it should be melted and applied to cracks and scratches, as well as around them. Next, you need to wait until the tool hardens. This happens very quickly, in just a few minutes. Then the wax residues are removed and the surface is polished.

How to make furniture wax at home

Furniture wax can be prepared at home. To do this, you will need a bee product such as wax and turpentine. If it is necessary to repair damage on light-colored furniture, use a clarified product, as the natural color of wax is yellow.

  • You should arrange a water bath. Place a pot of water on the stove.
  • When it boils, put a grid on it (a grid from a multicooker is perfect).
  • Place a small container on the grid into which you need to pour turpentine. It should be half as much as beeswax.
  • Wax must be crushed with a knife and put in turpentine. Wait until it melts and a homogeneous mass is obtained. The tool is ready.

When preparing this mixture, do not leave turpentine near an open fire, control it in a steam bath. This liquid is highly flammable and careless behavior with it can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Cleaning polished furniture at home is not so difficult, but you should follow some rules to avoid possible problems:

  • Put on rubber gloves before using one of the furniture cleaners. If the product has a pungent odor, also put on a respirator or cotton-gauze bandage. You will protect yourself from contact with aggressive agents and their vapors on the skin and in the respiratory tract.
  • Before proceeding with the surface treatment, test the product of your choice. It is necessary to apply a small amount of it to an inconspicuous area and wait a while. If no unexpected reaction has occurred, you can safely use the tool.
  • If the composition used does not work and you want to try another, thoroughly rinse off the previous remedy. Otherwise, the components may enter into a chemical reaction, after which stains, stains and other unforeseen consequences may remain.
  • If the recipe says the product needs to dry, let it dry naturally. Do not use a hair dryer or other heating devices;
  • Do not use large amounts of water when cleaning.

If you properly and regularly care for polished furniture, it will serve you for many years, delighting you and your loved ones.

Not really

Wooden furniture is in every home. These are cabinets, stools and even decorative figurines. And the kitchen is almost all made of wood.

Such a coating also requires cleaning, and not once a year, but regularly. Dust quickly settles on it, fat is absorbed, which is sometimes difficult to remove. In order not to spoil the surfaces of the furniture, you need to clean and polish it with the right products.

Folk methods

In order not to harm the wooden surface with chemicals, use natural folk recipes.

Choose care products based on the problem. You can read about the action of a particular composition and independently create a good cleaning agent.

Turpentine, vinegar and linseed oil

This method is only for wood furniture that is not painted, as it may damage or remove the paint.

To carry out the procedure, you will need white vinegar, turpentine, a soft cloth, an old toothbrush, boiled and cooled linseed oil, rubber gloves, paper napkins, cardboard boxes and a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning wooden furniture - step by step guide:

  1. Start by choosing a work area that is very well ventilated. It is best to carry out such cleaning outdoors in the shade so that the unpleasant smell does not leak into the house. If it is not possible to take out the furniture, close one room and open all the windows in it wide open.
  2. Prepare the work area. Lay oilcloth, large cardboard sheets from boxes or fabric under the cabinets. Put on rubber gloves, and it is advisable to buy a mask to protect the respiratory tract from corrosive fumes.
  3. Place your wood furniture on your work surface and start wiping it down with paper towels to remove some of the dirt. Then use a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle.
  4. Next, mix in equal proportions linseed oil, turpentine and white vinegar. Dampen a soft cloth with the prepared solution, and begin to remove dirt from the surface of the wood. Don't wet it too much.
  5. Continue cleaning with cloths only until the dirt is gone.
  6. Clean the corners of the structure with a toothbrush. Dip it in the solution, and carefully process all the grooves.
  7. After removing all dirt, simply wipe the wood with a soft cloth. No rinsing required, leave to dry and then go over it with a polish or polish with a rag.

Dispose of the remaining cleaner, as well as tissues used for cleaning. This product is flammable, so dispose of them immediately after the procedure.

Perfectly copes with almost any dirt melamine sponge. This universal remedy has recently entered the life of a person, but has already managed to gain considerable popularity.

The melamine sponge removes traces of pens, felt-tip pens, greasy stains, paint and other contaminants. It can be used on metal, wood and plastic.

How to apply the melamine sponge:

  1. Wet it with water.
  2. Hold between your palms and gently squeeze out the water.
  3. Rub the contaminated areas with the tip of the sponge (to save money). All wooden furniture can be processed.

Work should be in rubber gloves, a mask and goggles to protect the eyes. Pieces of melamine may fly off during cleaning and enter the respiratory tract or eyes. This substance is dangerous to human health and it is better to prevent its penetration into the body.


If the furniture is in the kitchen, or simply without a tablecloth, and something often gets on it, for example, drops of fat or oil when cooking, you can remove them with a regular iron.

How to clean wooden furniture correctly from greasy stains:

  1. Preheat the iron by setting the lever to the lowest temperature.
  2. Cover the problem area with a soft cloth.
  3. Set the iron over the stained area for 5-10 seconds. The heat will melt the fat and it will transfer to the fabric.
  4. Change material, and repeat until all stain is gone.

Stubborn stains require repeated applications or harsh chemicals to remove.

Mineral spirits, talcum powder, sawdust and other substances that can absorb it are recommended as cleaning agents to get rid of grease stains.

Lemon juice

You can remove dirt from furniture at home without the use of chemicals. Lemon juice and olive oil work great for this.

You will also need a soft brush and cloth for cleaning, rubber gloves are not necessary.

How to clean:

  1. The work area should be large so that it is convenient to maneuver around the furniture. It would be nice to arrange it outdoors or in the garage.
  2. Remove the main dirt with towels and a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Mix two parts olive oil with one part lemon juice.
  4. Dampen a soft cloth with the solution and gently wipe away the dirt.
  5. This composition will not damage the finish, but it will clean perfectly.
  6. After going through the composition on all surfaces of the tree, wipe it with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Before use, it is advisable to test the effect of olive oil and lemon juice on an inconspicuous area.

Red wine

A very expensive and not quite common way to clean mahogany is the same color wine. Even if you buy the cheapest drink, it will still be expensive compared to other means.

How to apply it? First remove all dust from the surface with a soft cloth or slightly damp sponge. You can vacuum to be sure. Then soak a cloth in red wine and wipe the wood.

It also covers scratches and scuffs on furniture.

Methods against cigarette smoke

Wooden furniture is fast, which is difficult to remove by simple ventilation.

If you bought an old chest of drawers, but the inside stinks, do not put things in it, clean it first.

To work, you will need vinegar, water, soda, coffee grounds, a soft cloth, a spray bottle and a vacuum cleaner.

Means for cleaning wooden furniture from cigarette smoke:

  1. Start by mixing ½ cup of white vinegar with 2 cups of water in a spray bottle. Apply the product to the surface, wipe immediately so that moisture does not penetrate deep into the wood. Repeat until the smell is completely gone.
  2. Baking soda is also good at absorbing odors and can be applied in several different ways. It can be combined with water and sprayed directly onto the surface and inside of drawers. Let the composition work a little, about 24 hours. For best results, close soda drawers inside. Then it is simply removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. If you want minimal cleanup, place a bowl filled with fresh (unused) coffee grounds nearby or inside. Leave it inside for a few days. This way to rid the furniture of the stench, and inside will smell like a faint aroma of coffee.

If possible, take the furniture outside, open it fully and let it air out. The smell will naturally dissipate.

Newspapers also absorb odors and can be placed inside. The process will take longer, but this method is one of the most accessible and cheapest.

lacquered finish

Lacquered wood also needs care. When it is cleaned, it sparkles in the light.

If the cabinets are in good condition, cleaning them is a pleasure. Therefore, you need to know the rules on how to care for wooden furniture.

Lacquer cleaning:

  1. Wipe the entire surface with a dry soft cloth to remove dust.
  2. If there are sticky spots, wipe them with a damp cloth, then dry immediately. Avoid prolonged contact with wet fabrics. The varnish is not waterproof and will absorb water. This will damage the finish of the lacquered wood.
  3. To restore the shine, apply a solvent-based furniture varnish with a soft, dry cloth.

Do not use water or alcohol based cleaners as they will damage the finish.

If too much varnish has been applied, wipe the wood with a cloth soaked in mineral spirits or turpentine. Wear rubber gloves and dispose of rags.


Proper care of wooden furniture will not lead to such a problem as mold.

However, if she stands in a too damp room or on the street, this misfortune cannot be avoided, but you can fight it if you take care of things from the very beginning.

How to clean wood from mold:

  1. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and use it against the fungus. Spray it on the desired areas, scrub the wood with a brush, then spray the problem areas again and leave for an hour. No need to rinse, once the vinegar has worn off, go over the surface with a dry cloth.
  2. Places that are treated with hydrogen peroxide. Do not use it on dark surfaces. Peroxide brightens. After 10 minutes, walk over the surface with a soft brush, removing all traces of the vital activity of the fungus.
  3. Use tea tree oil. Add 5-6 drops to 200 ml of water and wipe all moldy surfaces with this composition.
  4. Pine oil also copes well with the fungus, and it also smells good. In a spray bottle, dilute 1 tsp. funds from 1 tbsp. l. water, spray on problem areas and leave to soak.

Wood furniture must be properly cared for in order to prevent mold. She needs good ventilation.

Professional chemistry

You can find many professional wood furniture cleaners in stores, however, not all of them are good.

There are a number of products that really clean the surface and do not harm it. They are also called "Green Products" because they are made from natural ingredients.

If you know how to care for a tree from the very beginning, restoration will not be needed soon.

Natural professional cleaners:

  1. Oak-Y Dokey Green Wood Cleaner is made from a blend of natural oils that will clean, polish and protect wood furniture while adding a natural sheen. This cleaner is safe for most surfaces, including chests of drawers, countertops, sofas, and cabinets. In addition, it effectively removes dust and dirt. It does not produce toxic fumes, which means it is completely safe for humans.
  2. Kate by Eco-Me Wood Polish and Cleaner. This cleansing product is made up of olive oil, fractionated coconut oil and pure ether essential oils. It does not contain harmful components, so it can be used if there are small children in the house. Simply spray Kate by Eco-Me Wood Polish and Cleaner onto the surface and wipe with a cloth.
  3. Natural Shine Furniture Cleaner & Polish is another natural wood cleaning product that will remove dirt and polish furniture. This special cleaner is formulated with natural orange and soybean oils, so it leaves a fresh orange scent. In addition to removing dirt and stains, it removes soap and wax, and creates a protective film that prevents fingerprints and new damage from appearing.

Being unprofessional or using the wrong cleaning products can easily damage the wax or varnish coating.

When caring for wooden furniture, do not use abrasive cleaners, only gel or sprays.

The type of such a coating depends entirely on how it was looked after. Only the use of the right products, regular cleaning and polishing can extend the life of wooden cabinets and shelves.

Remove dirt with folk remedies, use natural professional cleaners and then your furniture will thank you, it will delight you with a beautiful shiny look.

Wooden furniture needs regular maintenance. This is no secret to anyone, but it should be understood that wooden furniture is extremely sensitive to the effects of various chemicals and organic substances, and therefore requires a delicate and careful attitude. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly eliminate the defects that have arisen and keep the furniture in perfect condition for many years.

Wooden furniture, due to its exquisite texture and aesthetic characteristics, requires special care. And if the furniture frame itself can be preserved for decades, then the lack of proper care significantly conceals the luxury of its appearance.

Caring for furniture requires not only attention, but also special knowledge. Obviously, restoration work needs to be done by professionals, but a few tips will help keep your furniture looking its best.

Furniture Surface Care

It is not enough to simply wipe the dust from the surface of the furniture and protect the surfaces from direct sunlight. But at the same time, it is unacceptable to use care products too actively, because in the end you can get completely unexpected and not the most pleasant results.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to apply furniture polish frequently. But this is an erroneous assertion. As a result of the frequent use of polish, the patterning of the wood is smeared, and the unique character of the texture is lost. Polish is used occasionally and only after a thorough cleaning to refresh the wood and give it a noble matte sheen.

polished surfaces

Wood polishing can be refreshed with olive oil to which lemon juice or wine vinegar has been added in a ratio of 1:2 parts of oil and acid. For example, you can take 1 tablespoon of oil and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. It is better not to apply the mixture directly on a cloth, but to spray it. With a velvet or flannel cloth, wipe the surface of the furniture with a cotton pad. Vinegar cleans wooden furniture from dirt, and oil does not allow the surface to dry out and creates a uniform noble shine.

Polished furniture surfaces should never be wiped with a damp cloth. They lose their luster, and over time, unsightly scuffs form on the protruding relief places. For preventive purposes, the polished surface is wiped with a woolen cloth slightly moistened with burdock oil. Experts say that with proper care, polishing will not lose its properties even after a hundred years from the date of manufacture of furniture.

If it became necessary to wipe the furniture with water or wipe spilled liquid from the table, ammonia should be added to the washing water in the proportion of 1 part of alcohol to six parts of water. It is not recommended to wipe varnished surfaces with water only.

Maintenance of lacquered furniture. Do not use soapy solutions to wash it, as this can ruin the varnish. The best cleaning agent is water with a small amount of ammonia (for 6 parts of water you need to take 1 part of alcohol). It is not recommended to wipe the furniture with water only.

Scratches on furniture

If your wooden furniture is scratched with a sharp object and the scratch is clearly visible, you can repair it with crumbled colored pencil leads or children's crayons. Pick the right color, apply strokes across the scratch, blend with cardboard and wipe off the excess with the edge of a plastic card or hard cardboard. To give evenness, wipe the area of ​​​​the feathered scratch with lemon oil or drip with furniture gloss. Today, furniture stores offer a wide range of furniture grouts. This option is more reliable, although sometimes it is quite difficult to find the right color.

In general, lemon oil is an ideal product for polishing furniture, in addition, it acts as a natural antiseptic and has a pleasant aroma.

Scratches can be filled with shoe cream in a suitable color. After the cream has dried, polish the place with furniture gloss.

Scratches can also be eliminated with the help of mastic specially designed for this purpose. The mastic is dissolved over low heat (4 parts of wax in 3 parts of turpentine), then the mixture is well stirred, 2 parts of alcohol are poured in, and stirred well again. Before applying the mastic, wipe the place where the mastic was applied with a woolen cloth soaked in aviation gasoline. Then mastic is applied with a cotton swab, rubbed again with a woolen cloth. The prepared mastic can be stored for a long time in a glass jar with a tight screw cap.

Stains on polished furniture

You can try to remove stains from polished furniture with a sleeping tea brew wrapped in a bag. For these purposes, it is necessary to take the brewing of large-leaf tea, and not the sleeping tea bags.

Protecting furniture from humidity in the room

You can protect your furniture from moisture with wax paper. The back walls of cabinets and a sideboard must be pasted over with waxed paper, which absorbs moisture from the air well and prevents the furniture walls from drying out.

Caring for oak furniture

Noble and expensive oak wood, alas, is not particularly well protected from aggressive influences. Grease stains are especially noticeable on the surface of oak furniture. They should be cleaned with warm beer. The beer mixture must first be prepared. Boil a glass of beer with 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar or well-dissolved granulated sugar and 20 grams of wax. For these purposes, you can buy wax in hardware stores or crumble wax candles. The mixture is boiled in a water bath. Still hot, but not too hot, the mixture is evenly applied to the fabric, slightly squeezed out and the greasy spots are gently erased with vertical movements. It is not necessary to rub the grease stain. After the surface has dried, the furniture is polished with a woolen cloth.

Divorces from water

If stains from wet glasses have formed on the tabletop of a wooden table, these stains can be wiped with fresh walnut juice, that is, a cut walnut wedge. When the oil released from the walnut slices dries, wipe the surface with a cloth.

A water stain that has penetrated into the inner layers of wood leaves a whitish sheen. It should first be wiped with ordinary wheat flour, and then polished with vegetable oil.

Hot dish stains

If wooden furniture is in the kitchen, stains from hot dishes become almost inevitable. Whitish stains from dishes are the most difficult to remove. Sometimes efforts to remove the stain are completely fruitless. But you can try the following methods.

1. Lubricate the stain with petroleum jelly and leave overnight. In the morning polish the stain with a cloth.
2. Lubricate the old stain with a mixture of vegetable oil and table salt, and wipe it with a woolen cloth after three hours. After a few more hours, polish the spot with a cloth.

Wax stains

The hardened stain from the wax that has dripped onto the surface of the furniture is carefully cut off with a hot knife blade. The knife is heated under a stream of hot water, the stain is cut off, and the trace of wax is washed away with a cloth soaked in gasoline. If the stain is still visible, it is smeared with furniture polish.

Spots of iodine

Iodine stains are well removed from lacquered furniture if you clean the surface with half a fresh potato.

Cleaning unpolished furniture

Unpolished furniture is even more vulnerable to various influences. But it can be wiped with a damp swab dipped in water, washed with warm water and soap.

Cleaning darkened metal fittings

Metal parts can be cleaned with the following mixture: ammonia (30 g), chalk or tooth powder (15 g), water (50 g). mix well, moisten a flannel cloth and wipe the parts. Then buff to a shine with a cloth.

As an alternative method, you can use baking soda, onion juice, and lemon juice to clean. Use the mixed mixture beforehand, then polish with chalk moistened with a mixture of ammonia and water in the proportion of 4 parts of chalk, 1 part of ammonia and 1 part of water.

Prevention of the appearance of grinder beetles

Unfortunately, wood furniture owners often have to face the situation of woodworms damaging their wood furniture. Beetles are bred in dusty, cluttered rooms, which are rarely and poorly ventilated. If bugs have already appeared in any furniture, it should be taken out of the apartment, since it is impossible to keep track of insects and sooner or later they will render all the remaining furniture unusable.

It is better to immediately place newly purchased furniture in a well-ventilated room and immediately treat the surfaces with a solution of sodium fluoride or silicon fluoride (200–250 g per bucket of hot water). The solution must be carefully placed and used only after complete cooling.

You can treat furniture with a composition of turpentine (100 parts), wax (5 parts), paraffin (5 parts), creolin (3 parts).

It is best to repeat the treatment in July and January. If the furniture is already affected by woodworms, then 3-4 treatments should be made per year.

Renovation of old unpolished furniture

To update the surface of old furniture inherited from grandmothers or parents, you can use a wax-turpentine mixture. Put the planed wax in a jar of turpentine, melt the mixture in a water bath until the fractions are mixed. Then apply the composition to the furniture, as it dries, polish with a cloth.

Remember that furniture requires strict storage conditions. By following the manufacturer's recommendations, you will extend the life of wooden furniture for several decades.

Published: 19.10.12

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Blinds are fabric, aluminum and plastic. And each species requires its own special care measures.

There are sinks now, thank God, in every home. But they can be made from a variety of materials. And therefore, care for them should be different.

And now some tips on how to remove stains from chocolate, ink, beer, wine and many other pests of cleanliness in our home.

Kitchen furniture inevitably gets dirty with grease. It settles both on open surfaces - cutting tables, doors, decorative surfaces, and in closed cabinets, clogs in cracks. And if the set is made of wood, it can be quite difficult to wash old fat so as not to spoil the surface.

Depending on the manufacturing technology and material, furniture in the kitchen can be sensitive to one or another type of cleaning.

In particular, wooden surfaces can be irreparably damaged:

  • mechanical processing;
  • exposure to acids and alkalis;
  • plenty of water;
  • excessive dryness;
  • high temperatures.

Among other things, wood is a material with a porous structure. Therefore, if you do not regularly wash a wooden kitchen, over time, fat penetrates into its thickness and is difficult to remove.

We must not forget that fat deposits tend to polymerize. It is almost impossible to wash such contaminants without special professional tools.

Universal kitchen cleaner (video)

Gentle cleaner for wooden surfaces

A mixture of vegetable oil and soda will help to wash grease from wooden furniture. This tool cleans countertops, doors, shelves, frames, dishes.

To prepare such a remedy:

  1. Take soda and sunflower oil in a 2:1 ratio.
  2. Blend ingredients until creamy.
  3. Apply the resulting scrub with a soft cloth on a wooden surface.
  4. With light movements, without effort, rub the stains of fat.
  5. Then the entire furniture is wiped with the same composition.

After such a procedure, the tree is transformed, looks newer and brighter. This cleansing and nourishing scrub is used to treat furniture once every 2-3 weeks.

The mixture not only cleans furniture from grease, but also protects against high humidity in the kitchen or overdrying from high temperatures.

Unusual detergents

Housewives sometimes use the most unexpected means to clean wooden surfaces.

Let's take a closer look at such original ways of washing furniture:

  • Clay. Ordinary clay is diluted with table vinegar to a state of soft slurry. The composition is applied to the surface and left on them until dry, and then washed off with warm water. Clay perfectly absorbs fat.
  • Ammonia. An aqueous solution of ammonia perfectly fights against persistent greasy stains on a tree. They are also advised to wipe the work area for disinfection.
  • Salt. Exposed wooden surfaces are advised to wipe with salt. This removes fatty deposits and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. Once a week, facades and countertops are treated with salt water.

Aromatic furniture cleaner

This universal tool is used not only for cleaning wooden furniture. It is also suitable for removing lime deposits on metal surfaces. They can wash ceramics and plastics.

To prepare the composition:

  1. Take half a glass of vodka, the same amount of vinegar, add 0.5 teaspoon of orange essential oil and a few drops of eucalyptus. Vodka can be replaced with alcohol diluted with water.
  2. Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Shake well before use and spray onto desired area.
  4. Wash off the composition with a damp sponge after a quarter of an hour.

How to wash a wooden kitchen from fat (video)

Here are some simple tips that will help in caring for wooden furniture and cleaning surfaces from grease. The tools are simple and inexpensive, but very effective.
