Prospects for human development. Future development of life on earth

The future of the Earth is largely connected with the processes occurring inside the Sun. Some scientists believe that this hot fireball will cool over several billion years, which will affect the planets closest to the Sun. Ultimately, the earth's interior will cool down so that the movement of continental surfaces will stop. The processes of mountain building, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will also stop.

Changes in the external topography of the planet will occur mainly due to weathering, which will smooth out all the irregularities over time earth's crust. The landscape elements remaining after this will slowly disappear under the water. Leveling the surface will lead to a radical change in the appearance of the planet, so familiar to modern humanity.

It is difficult to predict with accuracy what the average annual temperature on the planet will be. If, as the Sun cools, it decreases, then the surface of the Earth will slowly become covered with an ice crust, and the oceans will begin to freeze. But for some time, the luminosity of the Sun may increase, which will inevitably lead to the evaporation of water and exposure of the earth's surface.

Prospects for life on Earth

When making forecasts for the development of the Earth, researchers are increasingly turning their attention to the central body of the solar system. Scientists have discovered that waste helium is gradually accumulating in the core of the Sun. Continuing this process after about 1 billion years will lead to an increase in the star's luminosity by about 10%. Following this, the zone in which living beings can live should expand. Conditions favorable for life will move far beyond the Earth's orbit.

When the temperature near the planet's surface increases, increased circulation in the atmosphere will become possible. carbon dioxide. Its quantity will decrease, which may well lead to the disappearance of vegetation. In a few million years, this will cause a decrease in the oxygen content in the earth's atmosphere, which is so necessary for the existence of living organisms.

In 3 billion years, the brightness of the central star may increase by almost one and a half times. Most likely, by that time the climatic conditions on Earth will be comparable to those that exist now on Venus. Even optimistic scientists doubt that biological life is possible. Humanity, if it survives by then, will probably have to look for another habitat for itself, moving to the outer part of the solar system or completely leaving the vicinity of the Sun in search of better places.

The textbook “Fundamentals of Life Safety” for grade 11 was developed by a team of authors in accordance with the federal state educational standard(FSES) secondary (full) general education. The textbook completes the line of textbooks for grades 5-11 educational institutions“Fundamentals of Life Safety”, edited by Yu.L. Vorobyov, Honored Rescuer of the Russian Federation, Hero of Russia.
One of the features of the textbook is the consideration on its pages global problems modernity, which inherently affect the interests of all humanity and pose a potential threat to its life.
The material in the textbook will help consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in providing first aid in various dangerous and emergency situations.

Prospects for the development of life on Earth.
IN modern world As a result of natural causes and active transformative human activity, a significant set of security problems has developed: interconnected threats to the security of the individual, society, state and the world community.

Humanity at the end of the 20th century. entered a new era of its development. This time is characterized rapid growth information relations, economic integration, globalization social processes, interpenetration national cultures, fall spiritual level people and norms of behavior, as well as a number of other signs, but above all the emergence of global threats created by man himself and his activities.

Introduction 5
Chapter 1 The Future of Human Security 8
§ 1. Prospects for the development of life on Earth 8
§ 2. Ways to solve global problems of safety of life on Earth 13
§ 3. Main directions of international cooperation of Russia in the field of life safety 20
§ 4. State of the environment natural environment in Russia and measures to improve it 24
§ 5. Environment and human health 32
Chapter 2 Military duty 38
§ 6. Basic information about military service 38
§ 7. Organization of military registration and its purpose 43
§ 8. The procedure for registering citizens with military records 48
§ 9. The procedure for examining citizens when registering for military service 52
§ 10. Mandatory preparation of citizens for military service 56
§ 11. Voluntary preparation of citizens for military service 64
§ 12. Organization of conscription for military service 68
§ 13. Responsibility of citizens regarding issues of conscription for military service 74
§ 14. Military service upon conscription 78
Chapter 3 Legal foundations of military service 84
§ 15. Military service under contract. Peculiarities of military service by female citizens 84
§ 16. Alternative civil service and the procedure for its completion 100
§ 17. Social guarantees for military personnel 104
§ 18. Rights and responsibilities of military personnel 115
§ 19. Dismissal from military service 124
§ 20*. Training for Armed Forces Russian Federation 130
Chapter 4 Combat traditions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 140
§ 21*. Memory of Generations - Days of Military Glory of Russia 140
§ 22. Friendship, military camaraderie - the basis of combat readiness of troops 152
§ 23. Relationships in the military collective 158
Chapter 5 Symbols military honor 171
§ 24. Military oath - a warrior’s oath of allegiance to the Motherland - Russia 171
§ 25. Battle Banner parts 177
§ 26*. Orders, honorary awards for military distinction in battle and merits in military service 186
§ 27. Rituals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 195
§ 28. Military ranks of military personnel 205
§ 29. Military uniform 211
Chapter 6 Fundamentals of medical knowledge 216
§ 30. Main infectious diseases 216
§ 31. Preventive measures infectious diseases 232
§ 32. General principles providing first aid to the victim. First aid for wounds and burns 241
§ 33. First aid for injuries. Bruises, sprains, dislocations 256
§ 34. First aid for poisoning 262
§ 35. Assisting a drowning person 266
§ 36*. Organization of the healthcare system in the Russian Federation 276
Project activities 286.

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  • Fundamentals of life safety, grade 10, Smirnov A.T., Frolov M.P., Litvinov E.N., Vorobyov Yu.L., 2011
  • Fundamentals of life safety, grade 10, Frolov M.P., Vorobyov Yu.L., 2013

The following textbooks and books.

Russian cosmism. Cosmism is a completely different idea, justified by the fundamental need for man to go beyond the boundaries of the Earth itself. Necessity is a common feature of cosmists. The difference is in the answer to the question: why? West: Schopenhauer: everything is for the worse. Here: we need to improve and go into space. Nietzsche: everything is bad, the blond beast will come. Here: all this must be accomplished by modern people together. Spengler: everything is bad again, hope for a new culture. Freud: culture is the sublimation of the sexual instinct. Here: a good person. There is absolute goodness, morality. Development within the framework of a high unearthly civilization. Western philosophy- pessimistic view. Russia is a humanistic, optimistic thought.

Cosmism: natural science, religious. Philosophizing natural scientists: Chizhevsky (co-author of astrobiology), Vernadsky (noosphere), Tsiolkovsky (the need for man to go into space, the discovery of rockets; the Earth is a cradle, but one cannot live in a cradle), Umov, Kuprevich. Natural scientific cosmism, why? The natural scientific explanation is taking into account the influence of cosmic phenomena on life on Earth. Solar flares are geomagnetic phenomena that affect the behavior of animal organisms, migration of populations, world revolutions, social upheavals, etc. Chizhevsky - biorhythms.

Vernadsky is the creator of the noosphere theory. He took the position of fundamentality of the existence of life. Living beings are the same substance as any other. At any stage of the geochemical process, living matter is found. Although he did not deny that living things can come from non-living things. But still, living things most likely always exist. There is a directionality to the evolutionary process, although there are branches, zigzags; there is no clear movement. At a certain level, the movement reaches such a stage of development that it is capable of influencing the world. Man is a participant in the geological process. The capacity for destruction is so great that nature cannot cope. The next stage of development of the rational principle is necessary, the noosphere is necessary - the sphere of reason. The noosphere covers the entire shell and emerges from the biosphere. Its purpose is to harmonize the relationship between man and nature. Man becomes the main regulator of nature. This area must increase. Man is running out of resources - it is necessary to use the resources of space.

Tsiolkovsky. Knowledge of the laws of nature. Autotrophic nutrition is necessary (as plants directly take energy from the Sun). Human entry into space is a consequence of limited resources and constant population growth. Exploration of other worlds in solar system etc. Fantasizes about autotrophic nutrition in space. Doesn't know about the theory of relativity. Space is limitless, there are many stars, there are many planets - there must be life. Life always exists due to the scale of the universe.

Umov. Possible uniqueness of life in the universe (hereinafter the works of Tsiolkovsky). Man is responsible for the state of the universe (as the crown of development). Killing yourself in wars is immoral from the point of view of the development of nature. Eternity and uniqueness of life. About human death.

Kuprevich. Human death is not a law of evolution for humans. Death is needed to improve the generic characteristics of the species. Further development through culture - in an external exoteric way. Death loses its biological necessity - death must be eliminated. Viruses and single-celled organisms live almost forever. Sequoia lives for thousands of years and dies due to outside influence. Death as a result of a failure in the genetic mechanism. Aging begins at age 21. It is necessary to consider the failure at the molecular level (either it is a disease or a failure). Problem nerve cells. The brain is not one hundred percent used (biology - it may not be true). It is still unknown why the failure occurs. You can extend your life. Biotechnology. Life and death are cosmic problems. They come into contact with moral and ethical problems. The pursuit of pleasure.

Religious direction of cosmism. Fedorov, Soloviev, Berdyaev, Florensky, Bulgakov. From their point of view, access to space is conditioned moral reasons. Fedorov: “Common cause.” The task is not only to throw out death, but also to resurrect everyone who lived on earth. In religion, we strive to follow the example of Christ the sufferer, but we must not suffer, but resurrect. Resurrection along the chain from father to son. If we say that only we will live, then this is immoral in relation to everyone who brought us to this stage. Soloviev. 1. The idea of ​​the unity of humanity, 2. the idea of ​​sophia, 3. the idea of ​​the deification of the world. God-humanity. Creativity (and creation) does not end with the creation of the world. Man, together with God, participates in the improvement of the world. Everyone can be saved; what is predicted in the Apocalypse is a forecast, a warning. We need to change something now to avoid this. Humanity has a chance to come to the Judgment fully armed - to stand together with God in the harmonization of the world. God together with man is the God-man. Deification of the world. Sofia helps the man. Unity of various areas of positive science (religion, art, philosophy). All-inclusive spiritual activity. Unified cultural spiritual development. The God-man is not Nietzsche's superman, everything is different here.

Archaea- ancient life. Lasted about 900 million years, from 3500 to 2600 million years. There are few remains of organic life. Archean rocks contain a lot of graphite, it is believed that graphite was formed from the remains of living organisms. Discovered stromatolites- cone-shaped calcareous formations of biogenic origin. Many reserves of sulfur, iron, copper, nickel, and cobalt are of bacterial origin. Living organisms of the Archaea were first represented by anaerobic prokaryotes, later blue-green ones appeared. Photosynthesis of blue-greens is the most important aromorphosis of the Archean era. Thanks to their vital activity, the atmosphere is enriched with oxygen.

Proterozoic era.

Proterozoic- era of primary life. Duration from 2600 million years to 570 million years, that is, about 2 billion years. The surface of the planet was a bare desert, life developed mainly in the seas. This longest era is characterized by the formation of the largest deposits of iron ores, formed due to the activity of bacteria. In the Proterozoic era, fundamental aromorphoses occurred:

© about 1500 million years ago the first eukaryotes appear, the dominance of prokaryotes is replaced by the flourishing of eukaryotic organisms;

© multicellular organisms appeared - the prerequisites were created for the specialization of cells, increasing the size and complexity of organisms;

© sexual reproduction (combinative variability) arose, in which the fusion of genetic material of different individuals supplied material for natural selection;

The most important aromorphosis was the formation of bilateral symmetry in actively moving organisms.

During this era, all departments of algae are formed, and the thallus of many becomes lamellar. Animals of that time are characterized by the absence of skeletal formations; the end of the Proterozoic is sometimes called "the age of jellyfish". Annelids appear, from which mollusks and arthropods originated. The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere has reached 1% of the current level.

Paleozoic- era ancient life, the duration of which is from 570 to 230 million years. During this era, significant aromorphoses occurred in the plant and animal world, associated both with life in water and with the development of land. Divided into six periods: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, carbon, Permian.

Cambrian and Ordovician plants inhabit the seas and are represented by all departments of algae. In the Silurian period (440 million years ago), the first terrestrial plants appeared in the ebb and flow zone from green plants. higher plants - psilophytes(naked plants) (Fig. 361). The appearance of integumentary, mechanical, and conductive tissues were the aromorphoses that helped plants to emerge into the air. Psilophytes do not yet have roots; they absorb water and mineral salts with the help of rhizoids. Scales on the stem of psilophytes increased the surface area for photosynthesis.

In the Devonian, pteridophytes appear - herbaceous and tree-like horsetails, mosses, and ferns. The appearance of roots and leaves provided sufficient air and mineral nutrition for a variety of ferns. Ferns reproduce by single-celled spores, damp places from them, germs develop that form germ cells. Fertilization requires water; an adult plant develops from the zygote.

The Carboniferous has a warm and humid tropical climate. Ferns reach gigantic sizes - up to 40 m in height. Carboniferous forests subsequently led to the formation of huge deposits of coal. At the same time, two most important aromorphoses occurred in the Carboniferous, as a result of which higher seed plants appeared: firstly, pollination with

with the help of the wind, when pollen with male reproductive cells travels through the air to plant organs containing female reproductive cells, water is no longer needed for fertilization; secondly, after fertilization, seeds are formed. Such plants were seed ferns.

Seed ferns gave rise to the development of gymnosperms. During the Permian period, the climate became drier and colder. Tropical forests remain near the equator; gymnosperms spread throughout the rest of the territory.

Animals of the Cambrian period are characterized by a variety of trilobites - the oldest arthropods; during this period, animals with a mineralized skeleton appeared.

In the Ordovician period, the first chordates with an internal skeleton appeared, the distant descendants of which are lancelets and cyclostomes - lampreys and hagfish.

In the Silurian seas, echinoderms and jawless armored “fish” appear, which only superficially resembled real fish and did not have jaws. Capturing and holding large prey with such a mouth was impossible. The first arthropods come to land - scorpions and spiders.

In the Devonian, insects appeared on land, and real fish - cartilaginous fish (sharks) and fish with a bony skeleton - already swam in the seas. As a result of mutations and selection, the third pair of gill arches turned into jaws, with the help of which they could feed on large prey.

The most interesting among bony fishes were lungfishes and freshwater lobe-finned fishes, which had lungs along with gills. Warm water and the abundance of vegetation in fresh water bodies served as prerequisites for the development of additional respiratory organs; the pharyngeal pouches of lungfish and lobe-finned animals gradually turn into lungs. Freshwater lobe-finned fish also had powerful paired limbs (Fig. 362) and were better adapted to life in shallow coastal waters, from which stegocephals (shell-headed amphibians) evolved (Fig. 363).

In the Carboniferous, winged insects appeared on land; some dragonflies had a wingspan of up to 70 cm. The abundance of arthropods on land caused the appearance of a large number various forms ancient amphibians (up to 6 m in length).

Further development of land led to the appearance of reptiles and was accompanied by a number of aromorphoses: the surface of the lungs increased, dry scaly skin protected from evaporation, internal fertilization and the laying of large eggs allowed embryos to develop on land.

In the Permian period, climate change was accompanied by the disappearance of stegocephalians and the spread of reptiles.

Mesozoic era.

Mesozoic- the era of average life, began 230, ended 67 million years ago. It is divided into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The vegetation of the first two periods of the Mesozoic era was represented by gymnosperms and ferns, and the extinction of tree ferns continued. At the beginning of the Cretaceous period (130 million years ago), the first angiosperms appeared. The appearance of the flower and fruit are major aromorphoses that led to the appearance of angiosperms. With the help of a flower, the pollination process was facilitated, and the ovules located inside the ovary of the pistil were better preserved. The walls of the pericarp protected the seeds and facilitated their dispersal.

Rice. 364. Archeopteryx.
In the animal world of the Mesozoic era, insects and reptiles reached the greatest distribution. In the Triassic, reptiles returned to the water for the second time, plesiosaurs lived in shallow waters, and ichthyosaurs, reminiscent of modern dolphins, hunted far from the shore. The first oviparous mammals appear; unlike reptiles, their high metabolic rate allows them to maintain a constant body temperature.

In the Jurassic period, some herbivorous reptiles reached gigantic sizes, and very large predatory dinosaurs appeared - tyrannosaurs, whose body length reached 12 meters. Some reptiles master the airspace - flying lizards (pterosaurs) appear. In the same period, the first birds also appeared; Archeopteryx (the size of a pigeon) retains many of the characteristics of reptiles - its jaws have teeth, three fingers protrude from its wing, its tail consists of large number vertebrae (Fig. 364).

At the beginning of the Cretaceous period, the dominance of reptiles on land, in water and in the air remained, some herbivorous reptiles reached a mass of 50 tons. Marsupials and placental mammals appeared, and the parallel evolution of flowering plants and pollinating insects continued. At the end of the Cretaceous period, the climate becomes cold and dry. The area occupied by vegetation is decreasing, giant herbivores are dying out, and then predatory dinosaurs are dying out. At the end of the Mesozoic era, some mammals from the order of insectivores began to lead an arboreal lifestyle, from which the ancestral forms of primates appeared at the beginning of the Cenozoic era.

Cenozoic era.

Cenozoic- era of new life. It lasts 67 million years and is divided into two unequal periods - Tertiary (Paleogene and Neogene) and Quaternary (Anthropocene). In the first half of the Tertiary period (Paleogene), a warm tropical climate re-established itself over most of the Earth; in the second half (Neogene), tropical forests were replaced by steppes, and monocotyledonous plants spread. In the Quaternary period, which lasts about 1.5 million years during the Ice Age, Eurasia and North America were subject to glaciations four times.

As a result of steppe, which occurred in the second half of the Tertiary period, some primates were forced to descend to the ground and adapt to life in open spaces. These were the ancestral forms of people - hominids, upright primates. The other part remained to live in tropical forests and became the ancestors of apes - pongid. At the end of the Tertiary period, ape-men appear from hominids, Pithecanthropus.

In the Quaternary period, the cold climate led to a decrease in the level of the world's oceans by 60 - 90 m, glaciers were formed and descended to the south, the ice thickness of which reached tens of meters, the water evaporated, but did not have time to melt. Land bridges were formed between Asia and North America, between Europe and the British Isles. Animal migrations from continent to continent took place along these land bridges. About 40 thousand years ago, ancient people left Asia across the Beringian land bridge North America. As a result of cooling and the appearance of people who hunted animals, many large animals disappeared: saber-toothed tigers, mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses. Near the sites of ancient people, the remains of many dozens of mammoths and other large animals are discovered. Due to the extermination of large animals 10 - 12 thousand years ago, people were forced to move from gathering and hunting to agriculture and cattle breeding.

The development of life on Earth - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Development of life on Earth” 2017, 2018.

About the West, which was puffing up, puffing up, and Russia itself Dmitry Vitalievich Kalyuzhny

General prospects for life on Earth

Nature is always stronger than principles.

David Hume.

Before Analyzing Scenarios possible development Russia needs to understand what is happening in the world as a whole. Usually the situation in each individual country are considered regardless of what is happening outside its borders, considering that everything there is stationary. But doing so is quite reckless. Imagine that the wallpaper in your apartment has peeled off because your neighbors doused you with water. And you think where to start, how to arrange your life? Either go to the store to choose wallpaper, or first quarrel with your neighbors. And at this time, a strong hurricane has already begun, which will break all the windows, break the wires in the city, blow away the roofs... Agree, in this devastation you will have different priorities, thoughts, and neighbors too.

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