Exterior finishing of window slopes. What is the best way to finish street window slopes Finishing windows from the outside of a private house

After replacing the windows, the external openings look unaesthetic, which means they need to be brought into proper shape. Finishing required window slopes from the outside - to make the window look really good.

Why is it necessary to carry out external finishing of slopes?

Do not think that after installing new windows, the renovation work in the apartment will end. Alas, few builders finish the outer part of the opening, and more than 70% of consumers of construction services never finish the work they start, considering it a waste of time and money.

But external finishing of window slopes will prevent serious problems from arising.

Slopes left unfinished are not only unsightly. Over time, untreated slopes will have a detrimental effect on the sealing of openings. Polyurethane foam, even if carefully trimmed, will begin to deteriorate over time under the influence of UV radiation and wind. In a few years, the sun will turn the foam into crumbs, which will slowly but surely fall out of the opening.

As a result, this will lead to strong drafts “settled” in your house. Birds are often interested in polyurethane foam, biting off small pieces of material to create nests. To prevent such serious damage, you need to know how and with what to finish the external slopes of windows.

Options for finishing external slopes: choosing material

Exist various ways give a finished look to the external slopes. Each of them has its own characteristics, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages; finishing options differ in the time of work and the cost of implementation.

Possible finishing options:

  • The oldest and most economical option is plastering slopes. The work is quite simple: we dilute the dry mixture with water and finish it. After the mixture has dried, it is sanded and sanded, then painted. This finishing of exterior window slopes is cheap, which is a decisive factor for many. True, there is also a minus here - the duration of the work. On average, finishing slopes using this method takes up to 10 days. The disadvantages include the “coldness” of the slopes: the junction of the slopes with the frames can freeze, which causes condensation to form, leading to the appearance of fungus. If we are talking about plastic windows, then a mismatch between the plaster mixture and PVC profiles can cause a weak connection. As a result, the plaster may soon peel off from the window, which means the work will have to be done again.
  • Using drywall. Drywall is considered a more modern material for finishing window slopes. Its main advantages include ease of operation and good result as smooth surface, which can be simply painted. However, it should be borne in mind that they will last a long time only if you properly prepare the surface: treat it with antibacterial impregnation. also have disadvantages. The main disadvantage in this case is the lack of moisture resistance and the need for periodic repairs.
  • Usage plastic slopes. Most modern way- usage PVC slopes. Due to wide choice colors and technical features, such products will help to effectively design slopes of any shape, including bay windows and arches. In addition, the material of the slope will fully correspond to the material of the window profile (if we are talking about PVC windows), having a similar expansion coefficient at different temperatures. In addition, the material does not develop microcracks over time, fungus will not appear in it, and dirt is easy to remove. Finishing the external slopes of windows by PVC applications panels has a disadvantage - the rather high cost of the products. However, if you want guaranteed quality, then it is better to choose them, despite the cost.
  • Siding panels are also often used for finishing external slopes. They are easy to care for and do not accumulate dust on the surface, are resistant to aggressive environmental influences, are not afraid of severe frosts and do not fade in the sun. In addition, siding panels can last quite a long time if they are installed correctly.

Having chosen how to finish the outside window slopes, you can begin the work itself.

Finishing window slopes from the outside using plaster

As we have already said, the use of plaster is the most economical option, making this method accessible to absolutely everyone. The work is also quite simple, the main thing is to follow our instructions exactly.

How to finish window slopes from the outside - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Surface Preparation

First you need to clean the window openings - remove all dirt, dust and excess foam. To prevent the solution from getting on the glass, they must be covered with film, and if there are cracks, it is better to seal them.

To apply the mixture you need to use a medium-sized spatula - it is much more convenient if it is no smaller than the width of the slopes. Apply the mixture from top to bottom, carefully pouring a small amount onto the surface and smoothing it, not forgetting to monitor the level according to the previously installed beacons. In order for the solution to lie on the surface efficiently, try to hold the spatula perpendicular to the surface of the slope. Such actions are performed in several approaches with stops, due to which the surface of the slopes will be smooth and without cracks. If suddenly during the process of work you develop several bumps, it’s okay, because after the plaster has completely hardened, you will need to go over the surface with a grater or sandpaper, which will easily remove errors and unevenness.

Step 4: Apply Putty

But finishing window slopes from the outside with plaster does not end there. To remove any imperfections that may occur during plastering, use putty. The main thing is to apply it after the mixture is completely dry. On average, one centimeter of plaster takes about 5 days to dry, but to be safe, you can wait a couple more days. You should not make a layer of putty too thick - 0.5 cm is enough to smooth out unevenness. Carefully apply the putty with a spatula and level it.

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

The design of PVC windows after their installation includes finishing of the slopes. After completion of this work, the corners are drawn up decorative corners or install internal slopes on windows.

Why do you need window treatments?

The interior decoration of plastic windows has not only a decorative function, but also a protective one. The installation seam must be reliably protected from the influences exerted on it so that the window system as a whole functions correctly: the glass does not fog up or freeze, and condensation does not accumulate on the slopes.

The installation seam on the outside must also be reliably protected from exposure atmospheric precipitation, wind and sun rays, under the influence of which expanded polystyrene is destroyed. You can effectively protect it by installing metal slopes and trims on plastic windows for exterior decoration, which will give the window a neat, finished look.

For interior decoration material used for the window opening in the house different types. It could be decorative plaster, do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels or plasterboard on the slopes of plastic windows. The finish looks impressive internal slopes decorative artificial stone. To understand which of these methods is better, it is worth considering each of them separately.

Decorative plaster

When carrying out renovations in a house, interior decorative plaster is often used as a finishing material for walls. This material will make the slopes on the windows unusual and spectacular.

Decorative plaster is often used for interior decoration of slopes

Decorative plaster may contain fillers of various fractions and origins - these can be natural wood fibers or stone chips or artificial granules of various sizes. Decorative plaster is used as a finishing layer, creating an unusual textured surface or an intricate pattern, like Venetian plaster.

As a material for interior finishing of slopes, decorative plaster has the following characteristics:

  • effectively masks base unevenness;
  • it can be applied to any base material: brick, concrete, plasterboard, wood;
  • this material does not absorb odors;
  • safe, non-flammable and environmentally friendly composite;
  • has soundproofing qualities;
  • in case of minor defects in the base, preliminary repairs are not required;
  • when treated with wax or painting, the plaster layer becomes moisture-repellent;
  • has breathability;
  • Repairing the plaster layer is very simple, there is no need to remove all the finishing;
    finishing of arched window structures is possible.

Types of decorative plasters

Depending on the type of filler and main substance, decorative plasters are:

Surface preparation

The durability of the plaster layer depends on a well-prepared surface.. Therefore, finishing window slopes inside with decorative plaster should begin with preparing the base.

Drywall slopes

Finishing slopes with plasterboard is quick and does not require special construction skills. Installation is possible using polyurethane foam or putty as an adhesive or on metal carcass . Drywall for windows must be marked GKLV.

Drywall on slopes can be mounted on a metal frame

It is characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • affordable price;
  • simple installation;
  • decorative effect when finishing with any materials;
  • smooth, durable surface;
  • durability;
  • possibility of designing arched openings.

Preparatory work

Surface preparation consists of the following steps:

Using polyurethane foam, you can finish a window opening without having any construction skills. It is important to remember that drywall is fragile material, so cut it out necessary details it must be done carefully, without any effort.

To get smooth edges at the cut points, you need to follow the drawn line on a sheet of drywall, applying a ruler, using a sharp construction knife make the cut. You need to cut the top paper layer and a little inside. Then you can lightly tap along the cut - the drywall will break itself along the intended line.

Foam mounting

Finishing slopes with plastic panels

Finishing of window slopes inside can be done using plastic ceiling panels or multi-layer sandwich panels. The installation of this material is so simple that it is possible to finish the inside of plastic windows with your own hands. How to make slopes for plastic windows in a house will be described below.

PVC panels are most often used to finish slopes from the inside.

Sandwich panels are better than ceiling panels due to the presence of a layer of insulation inside. However, ceiling ones also have thermal insulation properties due to air chambers between the internal stiffeners.

Installation and repair of slopes inside a building using these finishing materials is possible due to their qualities:

  • PVC slopes are durable;
  • the use of panels for finishing window slopes gives them an attractive, neat appearance appearance;
  • finishing options can be very diverse thanks to a wide range of colors,
  • which have external surfaces of panels;
  • it is possible to install plastic on arched structures;
  • Repairing plastic slopes is not difficult;
  • ease of installation - window openings are finished with your own hands, and installation does not take much time;
  • PVC is easy to process;
  • slopes lined with plastic on the inside are easy to maintain;
  • Finishing window openings with this material increases energy efficiency window system;
  • The interior decoration of windows prevents them from fogging and freezing.


How to install internal slopes for windows made of PVC panels is shown below.

  • remove excess polyurethane foam using a stationery or construction knife;

    To remove residual foam, use a stationery or construction knife

  • We fix it along the perimeter of the window opening near the frame using self-tapping screws wooden block;

    Secure a wooden block around the perimeter of the frame

  • We attach the starting profile to the block;

    The starting profile is attached to the block

  • We install a strip along the outer perimeter of the window;

    The rail is fixed along the outer perimeter of the frame

  • It’s better to insert the side elements first;

    Side panels installed first

  • then insert the top panel, bend it, foam it a little and fix it in the required position;

    A small layer of foam is blown between the upper slope and the PVC panel

  • fix the side parts in the same way;
  • After the structure has dried, the corner parts are decorated with decorative elements - corners or platbands.

    Corners are covered with platbands

Sandwich panels can be installed in the same way or without a starting profile. In this case, the panel is placed in a groove cut in the mounting foam. This installation method is relevant when it is not possible to place the block around the perimeter of the window frame.


Platbands or casing for internal slopes for PVC windows It can be made from different materials, but its functional purpose is the same - protecting the installation seam from destruction and giving the window opening an aesthetic appearance.

Types of platbands

Platbands differ in appearance and functionality:

Flat platbands. This is the easiest and most inexpensive type of cash withdrawal.
Profiled platbands have a convex surface of different profiles, aimed at enhancing the decorative function of cashing.
Shaped platbands can have a complex relief and imitate natural wood.
Carved platband is the most expensive type of cash, made to order according to individual sizes.

Materials for production

The most common material for making cash is sheet plastic. It is used for the manufacture of budget flat platbands, which can be used for finishing windows indoors and outdoors.

This material is not afraid of temperature changes, exposure to moisture or sunlight. Its surface can be laminated and acquire any color or imitate various breeds natural wood. Therefore, choosing cash to match the color of the window facade will not be difficult.

Plastic cash can be made to match any façade

Plastic platbands are not prone to deformation due to temperature changes and exposure to moisture.

Profiled platbands from PVC profile have the same properties, but may have a figured surface. They are also used for interior and exterior window decoration.

MDF trims can also be flat or profiled, but they are used exclusively indoors, since the properties of MDF do not allow them to be used outdoors under the influence of surrounding natural phenomena.

For external use, dense foam casing can be used. This material is easy to process and install. You can cut out the most intricate and intricate designs from polystyrene foam. complex shapes. It can be decorated with any finishing materials. It has negligible weight, so it does not put any load on the wall.

Foam trim can be used for exterior window decoration

The most expensive window design option is the installation of wooden carved cash. Carving can be done by hand or mechanized way. Handmade is very expensive due to its individuality and exclusivity.

Profiled and shaped frames made of natural wood, made on a machine, will cost less.

Behind wooden platbands careful care is required, since wood, when used in conditions of exposure to the external environment, has some disadvantages:

  • wood can become deformed when absorbing moisture or crack as a result of drying out;
  • Such cashing looks harmonious on wooden windows or on timber facades. On modern facades such cashing out will look ridiculous.


Most often, when installing platbands on a plastic window, they use mounting elements, which are fixed to a frame or wall.

Platband installation diagram

The use of removable trims, which are attached to special latches, allows for quick and high-quality installation.

Finishing the external slopes is the last and necessary moment in the installation procedure metal-plastic window. On finishing stage it is necessary to hide the rough surface of the walls, fastenings, and polyurethane foam. Don’t put it off “for later” important point. Facing the slopes from the outside gives the window and entrance group external attractiveness and completeness. It masks unsightly foam stripes and cracks formed during installation, and more importantly, it helps protect the structure on the street side from destruction. Preserves its original properties and ensures durability.

Functions and necessity of finishing external slopes

In addition to the purely decorative component, external slopes perform the following tasks:

  • provide additional insulation walls and windows;
  • protect the polyurethane foam layer from exposure to sunlight, moisture penetration and temperature changes. Moisture-saturated foam collapses when frozen and loses its heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties;
  • prevent the appearance of condensation in frames and the formation of fungus;
  • serve additional protection from external noise.

Do not delay performing this work for a long time. During this time, irreversible changes may occur in the structure, which will entail the need for repairs and even replacement of windows.

Materials for slopes

To finish external slopes on windows, use the most different materials. The most popular cladding:

  • plaster;
  • plastic;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • metal;
  • vinyl siding;
  • drywall;
  • natural stone;
  • sandwich panels.

Each of these options has certain advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before making a final decision, you need to get acquainted with their characteristics.


Plastering is the most economical way slope finishing. Recommended for outdoor work special compounds for facades with thermal insulation additives. The material is applied to the prepared surface in several layers, each of which must be allowed to dry thoroughly. The solution must completely cover the mounting foam and reach the frame. In this case, the thickness of the layer cannot exceed 2 cm. Therefore, this material is suitable for relatively flat slopes. The resulting coating is carefully sanded and painted.

The advantages of this type of finishing include:

  • fire resistance and strength of the material;
  • low cost plaster mixtures and necessary tools;
  • the ability to perform work independently.
  • the process takes a long time - 3-4 days;
  • the coating gets dirty quickly and cracks may form;
  • this type of finish has low thermal insulation properties;
  • performance of work is associated with the formation of large amounts of dust and dirt.


The use of sheet plastic makes it possible to produce Finishing work as quickly and accurately as possible. The panels have an aesthetic appearance, they are durable and practical. They do not require additional finishing, since they are ideally combined with the material of the frames and form a harmonious and complete solution in tandem.

Advantages of PVC slopes:

  • long service life;
  • extensive color palette;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • no condensation forms;
  • resistance to moisture and mold formation.

Weaknesses of plastic:

  • the need for replacement in case of damage - cannot be restored;
  • low noise and heat insulating properties.


Perfect for cladding external slopes vinyl siding. It is presented in the form of hollow plastic panels that are attached to each other using special locking systems. The material allows you to quickly create an aesthetic coating that has a certain level of thermal insulation and soundproofing. The slats do not require additional finishing or complex maintenance. As additional insulation, it is recommended to fill the space between the siding and the wall with mineral wool or foam, and decorate the joints with decorative corners.

Advantages of vinyl siding:

  • DIY installation is possible;
  • slopes are easily cleaned of dust and dirt;
  • no fungal growths appear on the plastic;
  • many color options;
  • will last a long time if handled carefully.


  • color change may occur with intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • insufficient shock resistance.


Another inexpensive option is finishing with plasterboard. Typically this material is used for interior work due to insufficient moisture resistance. But it is also quite suitable for cladding external slopes if the windows overlook a glazed loggia, balcony or terrace. Suitable for these purposes moisture resistant drywall. It allows you to quickly create a perfectly flat surface, which facilitates the process of applying plaster.

Before installing the slabs, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the surface with an antibacterial compound.

Advantages of finishing with plasterboard

  • Affordable price of material.
  • Easy installation.
  • Light weight, which makes work easier.
  • Good thermal insulation ability.


  • Low strength - even a not very strong blow can lead to the formation of potholes, dents and chips.
  • Low moisture resistance.

Sandwich panels

For facing slopes, three-layer plastic panels, 10 mm thick, with a “filling” of foamed or extruded polystyrene are used. They have low thermal conductivity and do not require additional finishing. The plastic used as outer layers is similar in color and appearance to the window profile. The fixed panels must be protected from moisture with a plastic corner. This will not only preserve the integrity of the material and prevent it from delaminating, but will also give the structure a finished and aesthetic appearance.

Advantages of sandwich panels

  • Long service life - around 25 years.
  • Easy care.
  • Fast and easy installation– in 1 day.
  • Light weight.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • Resistant to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures.
  • Good soundproofing ability.
  • High thermal insulation characteristics– additional insulation, for example, mineral wool, as is the case with ordinary plastic panels, not required.
  • A wide selection of different colors, as well as surfaces imitating natural wood or stone.
  • If exposed to high temperatures for a long time, the color of the product may change.
  • difficulties during transportation due to the impressive size of the panels.


Slopes covered with foam plastic will save heat in the house and protect from external noise. And it is not at all necessary to reinforce the slabs, cover them with several layers of plaster and paint them. It is offered to customers modern material with a waterproof coating of marble chips and acrylic binders. This layer has sufficient strength and flexibility at the same time. The coating does not crack or crumble. The material is produced in the form of ready-made thermal slopes - corner elements, 2 cm thick. Corners can be used for insulation in combination with thermal panels or separately. You can bend the slabs yourself to form corners using special devices for cutting polystyrene.

Foam slopes protect against:

  • street noise and cold;
  • dampness and mold;
  • the need for frequent repairs - thermal slopes have rounded smooth corners, which will not cause chips.

The undoubted advantages of the material are the ease of its installation, the simplicity of calculating the number of elements required for finishing, and the original appearance of the window composition.

Thermal corners with the addition of flexible clinker are perfect for decorating window and door openings of a private brick house.

Choosing metal as a finishing material for external window slopes is a reliable, aesthetic, and durable solution. This is a durable coating that is not afraid of either moisture or sudden temperature changes. Iron will perfectly protect against cold and noise, and thanks to a special anti-corrosion coating it will serve long years. The variety of shades offered will allow you to choose a harmonious frame for any window that will successfully fit into the facade of any color.

Advantages of metal slopes:

  • They have unsurpassed resistance to atmospheric precipitation.
  • Serve as reliable protection against mechanical damage to walls.
  • They are distinguished by their solidity and aesthetic appearance.
  • They are quick and easy to install and do not require complex maintenance.

The only disadvantage of such structures is their relatively high cost. But during operation you will not have to regularly invest in their repairs.

Finishing from natural stone is an impeccable, stylish and sophisticated appearance of the slopes, unsurpassed durability and guaranteed strength. The variety of materials offered - shell rock, sandstone, limestone, dolomite, wild stone - provides ample opportunities for implementing a variety of design ideas. The stone retains its original impeccable appearance for many years. It is very easy to maintain and does not require additional investments.

Stone products are not afraid of:

  • sudden temperature changes;
  • exposure to directed sunlight;
  • interactions with aggressive chemical compounds;
  • mechanical influences.

The only disadvantage of this type of finishing is its high cost. But if you calculate the amount of time that a stone coating will last, its purchase will seem more than practical and cost-effective.

The need for insulation - how and how to insulate

Insulation of slopes helps retain heat in the room and prevents an increase in humidity inside the room. Let's consider possible insulation options that are advisable to use in this case:

  • mineral wool – is moisture resistant, provides thermal insulation for the window and reliably protects against the penetration of external noise. The insulation must be fixed to a special mesh that is glued to the wall;
  • polystyrene foam – has good heat and sound insulating properties, easy to install. You can purchase ready-made foam slopes. Mounted on metal profiles;
  • expanded polystyrene - a waterproof cellular material with high thermal insulation properties;
  • Sandwich panels are an option for finishing, endowed with heat-insulating properties - the middle layer is made of extruded polystyrene foam.

Self-finishing slopes with plaster

External slopes should be plastered immediately after the polyurethane foam has hardened. It is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of environmental factors affecting its integrity.

Materials and tools

The speed and efficiency of work depends not only on the skill of the master, but also on the availability of all necessary materials and tools. So prepare them ahead of time so you have them all on hand.

You will need:

  • container for preparing plaster mixture;
  • construction mixer or drill with a special attachment for mixing components;
  • a set of spatulas of various widths. You will also need a corner option;
  • Master OK;
  • building level;
  • square;
  • wide brush with soft bristles;
  • plaster grater;
  • building mixture for facade work;
  • putty for exterior use;
  • decorative plaster;
  • fiberglass reinforcing mesh;
  • primer solution.

Selection and preparation of plaster mixture

As the main material for plaster, you can use a regular sand-cement mixture. However, this composition is not durable and does not have “insulating” properties. Therefore, for such work, a special one is better suited facade plaster, preferably “warm”. In addition to cement and gypsum, reinforcing components are added to the composition of such materials, bulk insulation materials natural origin and plasticizers.

Such mixtures have good waterproofing and soundproofing characteristics. Ready-made formulations have good adhesion. Due to its homogeneity and fine consistency, the solution adheres well to the surface. Of course, this mixture is more expensive concrete mortar, but not much is needed to design the slopes.

If the material contains gypsum, carefully follow the instructions for preparing the solution - required condition maintaining the characteristics of the material. In addition, gypsum hardens quickly, so it is better to mix the mixture in small portions.

Step-by-step plastering process

  1. We clear the slopes of old plaster. It is advisable to completely get rid of the remnants of the coating, in which cracks may subsequently appear.
  2. If the cleaned surface turns out to be too smooth, it is necessary to increase its adhesive characteristics using notches.
  3. Remove dust from the surface.
  4. We apply the first – starting layer of plaster and level it with the rule. It is recommended to apply several thin layers to the upper slope.
  5. We form a beautiful corner using an angle spatula.
  6. Glue the reinforcing mesh.
  7. Level the surface with putty and apply a primer.
  8. We apply finishing layer material and paint. You can use decorative plaster.

Master class on finishing slopes with polystyrene foam

Finishing slopes with polystyrene foam allows you to simultaneously level and insulate the openings. For this, slabs with a thickness of 15-20 mm are used. When working with this material, it is necessary that the surface be as smooth as possible. Expanded polystyrene is not flexible, but, on the contrary, has increased rigidity and fragility. Therefore, on significant protrusions it may crack or even break. The advantage of this finishing method is that you don’t need to have deep construction knowledge to perform it and you can do the installation yourself.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • knife for cutting polystyrene foam boards;
  • mixer for preparing tile adhesive;
  • a set of different-sized spatulas;
  • construction square, ruler;
  • level;
  • polystyrene foam 15-20 mm thick;
  • tile adhesive suitable for outdoor use;
  • plaster mesh;
  • metal perforated corners.

Finishing stages:

  1. We properly prepare the surface - clean it from dust and residues cement mortar, cover existing cracks and crevices with putty or cement.
  2. We cut out the parts of future slopes from foam plastic and connect them together with glue.
  3. Apply glue to the surface and fix the prepared parts. You should not save glue, as voids may form between the slopes and the polystyrene foam. It is better to remove excess composition with a rag. During the gluing process, check the correct installation using a level. After the glue has dried, you can further secure the material with dowels. It is better to drill holes in advance or a couple of hours after gluing the boards. The main thing is to prevent the foam from moving.
  4. Apply glue to the surface on which the window sill will be installed.
  5. The next stage is to apply a starting layer of putty, carefully covering all joints and cracks. We apply a sickle mesh.
  6. Before applying paint, cover the glass along the contour with stripes. masking tape. This will protect the window from getting paint, and will save you from tedious scrubbing of splashes.

    Features of finishing slopes with plasterboard or sandwich panels

    The technique for finishing slopes with these materials is similar. The difference is that drywall requires finishing, while sandwich panels do not need it. Therefore, they are ready for use immediately after installation.

    To work you need:

  • sandwich panels or sheets of plasterboard (moisture resistant);
  • L-shaped profile - metal or plastic;
  • glue;
  • external perforated corner or F-shaped profile for decorating a protruding corner of slopes;
  • construction knife - for cutting panels;
  • level;
  • screwdriver or drill;
  • ruler;
  • construction square;
  • Installation stages of sandwich panels

    • Clean the surface. We remove dust, fragments of crumbled plaster, and drops of mortar. We prime the surface and treat it with an antibacterial compound. You can use the product two in one. You must wait until the surface is completely dry.
    • Starting profiles are fixed to the frame, into which plastic or plasterboard panels will subsequently be installed. The profile is installed around the entire perimeter of the window using self-tapping screws. Fasteners are installed in increments of 20-25 cm. Depending on the selected material, the required profile width is selected.
    • Along external corner a wooden lath is installed on the slopes. Its width is 10-12 cm, thickness - 1-1.2 cm. This rail acts as a leveling bar onto which the outer profile is fixed. It will hide the distance between the wall and finishing material, and will also hide the unsightly edge of the panel. The profile consists of two elements. One of them is attached to a wooden strip, the second - to the end of the slab. They are connected using a locking system - tongue and groove. In the case of drywall, you can install a regular corner.
    • We install the insulation - mineral wool is fixed with glue so that its thickness changes. We place thicker material closer to the frame, and thinner material along the outer border. If foam is used as insulation, apply it directly to the panel before installation.

    Here it is important not to “overdo it” with the amount of foam - there may be too much of it and then it will inflate. And if she gets to outside, it will not be easy to remove it.

    • We fix the internal corner profile to the upper end of the side parts using sealant. It serves to connect horizontal and vertical panels.
    • Installing the side plates.
    • We apply a layer of foam to the top horizontal panel, insert it into the grooves of the corner profiles and press well.
    • We decorate the end of the top plate using an F-profile or a decorative corner.

    Installation of plasterboard panels

    Sheathing slopes with gypsum board slabs is even easier, since there are several options for fastening them:

    • on the sheathing - with a sufficient width of the slope;
    • to a special profile;
    • directly to the wall - if the latter has a relatively flat surface.

    During installation, the screws are screwed directly through the slab. Their caps do not need to be masked, since the material will require finishing in any case. Layers of putty and paint will reliably hide the joints and fasteners. If you plan to make “warm” slopes, mineral wool is laid according to the same principle as in the previous version. Foam can be introduced through holes that are drilled after the panels are installed. Drywall needs reinforcement, so at the puttying stage it is strengthened with a painting mesh.

    Problems associated with improper finishing of slopes

    The main rule, the observance of which will allow you to avoid problems when operating plastic windows and doors, is timely finishing of external slopes. It is unacceptable to leave seams open for a long time. Under the influence of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, the foam crumbles, collapses and, as a result, loses its insulating properties.

    There are a number of installation errors that can lead to undesirable consequences.

    The most common mistakes:

    • excessive removal of polyurethane foam from the seam;
    • too rigid fixation of panels to the profile;
    • use of unsuitable materials for lining the opening.

    What consequences might the above shortcomings entail?

    Mistakes can cause foam destruction, wall shedding and, as a result, moisture penetration and fungus formation despite regular ventilation. Some problems may appear within a few days, while others may not become apparent until months later. It is impossible to determine the exact cause of their occurrence without violating the integrity of the slopes. But some signs that mistakes were made when finishing the opening can be determined by education:

    • condensate;
    • ice in winter;
    • the whistle and howl of the wind.


    To maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house you need modern windows. And the first thing you need to do after installing them is to properly design the external slopes.

Today, window replacement has become very common. Old frames are still being actively replaced with modern analogues made of plastic, metal and wood. The installation process itself occurs quite quickly, which cannot be said about finishing the windows from the outside, since this procedure has a number of technological requirements, and from an aesthetic point of view, the owner should be satisfied. In the article we will analyze various ways to create beautiful and reliable slopes and frames, focusing on materials and methods of their installation.

So, why is it worth paying close attention to the correct finishing of windows on the outside. The first thing that comes to mind is the neat appearance of the building. Without quality framing, you can’t expect your home to look neat. Slopes and platbands are actively used in shaping the style of a building, its design, but not only. In many ways, they directly affect the comfort of people staying inside the building:

1. The technology for installing window frames requires leaving a technological gap, that is, they are never placed close to the walls. The resulting gaps are necessary to compensate for movements of the structure as a result of shrinkage and even seismic activity, as well as the window system itself under temperature influences. If this technology requirement is violated, any changes would lead to deformation of the frames, which would cause the windows to stop opening, and possibly the glass would be squeezed out.

2. Left behind technological gaps are direct routes of heat exchange between the room and the street, so they must be insulated. Previously, tow, wool, and felt were used for these purposes; now it is mainly polyurethane foam or mineral wool.

3. All of these types of materials quickly deteriorate if they come into contact with the atmosphere, moisture, wind, ultraviolet rays, which is why they need reliable protection.

As protection, a coating made of materials that are immune to the above factors is used. At the same time, they must be sufficiently attractive and correlate with the systems with which the façade of the building is finished. In other words, the material of the slopes must be visually and technically combined with the material of the walls.

Plaster type slopes

Windows can relate differently to the plane of the walls - either they are recessed inward and there are perpendicular slopes, or they are aligned in one plane. In the second case, to protect the insulation, only an overhead casing is required, however, such a solution can be implemented mainly only during the construction of a new house, or old windows were installed in the same way. Making a platband is much easier than making a slope.

So, first on our list will be plaster slopes. They can rightfully bear the title of a classic version.

For such slopes, a sand-cement mixture is used, from which the outline of the window opening is completely formed. Today, this method is not as popular as it used to be, but many still consider it the most reliable and durable solution.

They are used if the walls of the façade of the building are either completely plastered or formed from mortar. architectural element, which externally will harmoniously combine with the material of the walls.

The advantages of such slopes are the availability of materials and a fairly simple manufacturing technology; such finishing is resistant to atmospheric influences and looks simple but neat.

An experienced craftsman will make a high-quality slope within a few hours, if we're talking about o simple rectangular shape. Complex compositions with non-standard geometry can be very time consuming. It’s almost impossible to do something like this yourself without experience and templates.

Cement plaster requires a certain amount of drying time, which will not allow you to immediately decorate the structure. It is also worth considering that such work is dirty, so you should be careful.

Interesting to know! For work, you can use any plaster mixtures, including decorative ones, for example, bark beetle. It all depends on the design approach.

Prices for various types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster

How to make a plaster slope

Now let's figure out what is required for such work and in what sequence it is performed. We are preparing the following tool:

  1. Container for mixing plaster mixture.
  2. Electric tools for mixing - mixer, electric drill, hammer drill.
  3. A set of spatulas for applying the mixture, a corner trowel, and a trowel for applying the plaster.
  4. Tools for determining the evenness of a slope - a plumb line, a bubble building level, a laser axle builder.
  5. Wide brush with soft bristles.
  6. Plaster float.

We purchase the following materials:

  1. Ready-made dry plaster mixture or cement with sand, if you decide to save a little. The slopes do not require a lot of material, so it is better to buy it ready-made, since the factory composition contains plasticizers in the required proportions, which adds elasticity to the solution - in general, makes working with it more comfortable.
  2. Putty mixture. Compositions for external work are used, including decorative plaster, applied only as a finishing layer.
  3. Primer deep penetration for outdoor work, which will reduce water absorption of the base and strengthen it.
  4. Fiberglass mesh for slope reinforcement. This material is inexpensive, but significantly strengthens the concrete layers, so do not neglect it.

When choosing a ready-made solution, we advise you to pay attention to additional properties material. Thanks to the use of certain additives, the compositions can differ favorably from the classic sand-cement mixture. For example, thermal insulation plaster will additionally insulate your window. It contains foam glass granules, perlite, and vermiculite, which imparts similar properties. In addition, the material is moisture resistant. Fiber fiber is often used for additional reinforcement.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how slopes are plastered. In fact, the technology includes only two stages - placing beacons and working with the mixture. If everything is clear with the second point, then the first has many options for execution. Today we will look at a modern method that will help to do everything efficiently even for a beginner who has not encountered anything like this before.

Table 1. Plastering slopes.

Photos, stepsDescription

First, the base must be cleaned of dirt and dust. This is done using a regular brush. Next, a layer of primer is applied, which needs to dry well. The drying time is indicated on the jar with the composition. This step is mandatory, since due to low adhesion the plaster may fall off over time.

Installing this element is rightfully considered the most difficult, but not the option that we will offer you. Here is a special beacon profile for slopes with reinforced mesh and an adhesive base. It is inexpensive, but saves a lot of your time and nerves. Installation occurs in the following order:
1. An indentation is made from the edge of the frame exactly the width of the profile. You can navigate directly along the edge, but we advise you to put additional level marks so that you don’t have to tear off the glued profile if it misfires, and the window itself may not be positioned exactly.
2. C reverse side the protective tape is removed to release the adhesive base.
3. The profile is glued along the marks.

Attention! If your slope is very wide, extend the fiberglass mesh using a separate roll.

The second beacon can also be made in different ways. Let's take specific example, in which the master uses a metal rule and straight sections plywood sheets. He states the rule as follows:
1. Two holes are drilled in the wall at a certain height into which plastic dowels are inserted.
2. Then installed homemade clamps, as in the photo, consisting of a platform and a short support on one side. There is a slot in the platform for a self-tapping screw so that the height can be adjusted.
3. A rule is set under the free end of the clamp, it is clearly leveled, after which the screws are tightened for reliable fixation.

It is much easier to place beacons on the side walls. The photo shows another option. Plywood was used, in which cuts were made to allow for quick adjustment of the position of the element. It is also attached to dowels.

All external beacons are set strictly at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the window frame along the internal beacon.
The undoubted convenience of this solution is the speed of installation (no need to wait for the mixtures to dry under the beacons) and the ability to quickly correct the position if mistakes are made.

Next, the plaster mixture is mixed. It must be thrown inside the slope so that it sticks securely to the base.

Attention! In no case is it allowed to spread the solution, only throw it on.

If desired, the plaster can be further strengthened. To do this, screw dowels are screwed into the base and do not reach the end. The protruding cap will significantly strengthen the structure of the slope.
1. The applied mixture is pulled with a rigid spatula along the beacons. You can use any smooth and strong lath.
2. We achieve ideal evenness of the surface.
3. After some time, the plaster must be rubbed down.
4. The external beacon is removed after the slope has dried.

Advice! To avoid the solution sticking to the plywood, the latter can be coated with waste oil or covered plastic bag. This measure will further increase the service life of the device.

Prices for deep penetration primer

Deep penetration primer

Video - Do-it-yourself slopes: beacons for plaster

Frame-type slopes

So, if plaster is a continuous covering of a slope, then there is also frame type, when there is empty space inside that can be further insulated. The choice of material for such solutions directly depends on the type of building cladding. Slopes can be made of plastic, wooden lining, vinyl or metal siding, near-window profile, metal cassette element. The installation of these materials is almost identical, so we did not separate them.

View the following photographs showing similar slopes.

Each of the listed materials has its own set of characteristics, but none of them provides the window system with additional thermal protection, like special compositions of plaster mixtures. However, there are methods for insulating such slopes: the internal space is filled with polyurethane foam or mineral wool.

Installation proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. A frame is exposed, which can be external and internal, or only external. In the first case, a belt of slats or metal profiles is attached near the window frame and the same along the outer perimeter of the slope. In the second - only the outer element - the inner one is replaced with a starting profile, which is attached directly to the frame. The last solution is suitable for plastic and thin lining.
  2. All frame elements are set clearly in level, since they completely determine the geometry of the future slope.
  3. They are attached differently, depending on the material. Most often, anchors and metal hangers are used as fasteners.
  4. The finishing material is installed according to the fastening diagram specific material. For example, wooden lining can be held in place by nails and self-tapping screws directly or through metal clamps, and siding is held in place by self-tapping screws and a special fastening profile.
  5. The outer corner of the slope is covered with a decorative element. Usually these are overhead corners, examples of which you could see in the photographs shown above.

It is much easier to make a frame slope than a plaster slope, and in 90% of cases it does not require additional processing. The product begins its service life immediately after installation. Everything would be great, but not every material will last long. Painted elements fade over time in the sun, wood can rot and change color. You can repeat the coloring, but it will not look like the factory one, and the slopes will definitely lose their attractiveness. But plaster surfaces can be renewed an unlimited number of times.

Prices for various types of window slopes

Slope panel

Video - Slope made of plastic panels

Decorative elements for window framing

Agree, you won’t surprise anyone today with ordinary slopes. How then can you improve the appearance of your home? For these purposes, various elements and techniques are used that can be combined with the previously described types of slopes.

1. You can frame the windows polyurethane linings. They are installed with glue, so you need to ensure level base with good adhesion. They are also suitable for brick walls.

2. Smooth plastered slopes will serve as an excellent basis for finishing with various decorative materials. The photo shows an option for decorating the window outside decorative artificial stone. Clinker and porcelain tiles will also look beautiful.

3. Extruded expanded polystyrene is also used for similar purposes. Such systems consist of corner elements and a straight profile. Everything is put on glue. You can choose any color from those available, or paint the material yourself.

4. In cases of façade renovation using decorative masonry made of brick, the windows can be lined separately with shaped products to give them an unusual, beautiful look.

5. You can use the services of professional craftsmen who can create masterpieces like this for an expensive price. stucco moldings. Such windows look very beautiful, luxurious and rich.

6. Sandrik- This is a small architectural element above the window that can be made of concrete, plaster, polyurethane and foam. The difficulty of installing the part depends on the material.

7. Pyramid or wedge-shaped decorative element, made from the same materials. Installed at the top of a vault or arch, above the window.

8. You can install it under the window false baluster.

It is worth noting that determining the necessary decorative elements is quite a complex matter. If you overdo it, then instead of beauty you will end up with wild pretentiousness and bad taste, so do not be afraid to consult professionals. Of course, they charge money for their services, but remember that you are creating the appearance of the house and will be looking at it for many years, and only positive emotions should arise from contemplation for you and the audience.

After the window system is installed, it is necessary to install external slopes for plastic windows. Postponing this process “for later” is not recommended for several reasons. Exterior finishing window opening is designed to give it a finished, neat appearance

The second reason is more significant and practical. It is connected with the performance properties of polyurethane foam, which is used to fasten PVC windows in the opening and fills the installation seam, protecting the room from the penetration of precipitation, noise, pollution and wind from the street. However, this material itself needs protection, which can be provided by external slopes on the windows.

Purpose of external slopes

Polyurethane foam, which is used when installing PVC windows, does not imply its operation in an unprotected environment. external influences,video

Slopes protect the polyurethane foam from external influences

In direct sunlight, polyurethane foam will deteriorate within a few months. The loss of foam’s qualities entails improper functioning of the window system as a whole: from loss of energy efficiency to violation of the geometric position in window opening accompanied by mechanical breakdowns of control systems.

The finishing of plastic windows can be delayed for a short period of time, but it is better that it be done “hot on the heels”.

In addition to the sun, moisture is a threat to polyurethane foam. At first, water does not penetrate the material. But when, under the influence of the sun, its structure is disrupted, moisture easily penetrates into the pores of the polyurethane foam, having a destructive effect on it.

Due to the fact that foam is a porous material, it will invariably allow moisture from the room to pass through, albeit in small quantities. As a result, condensation will form, which will lead to the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

To summarize, we can highlight the following functions characteristic of external slopes for plastic windows:

  • protecting walls from condensation;
  • window protection from fogging;
  • heat and sound insulation of the room;
  • increasing the service life of the window system;
  • Give the window opening and facade a generally neat appearance.

Types of materials

Window finishing on the outside can be done various materials, which create different decorative effect and the level of protection of the assembly seam due to its properties.

Plaster slopes

Finishing plastic windows from the outside using plaster mortar is traditional and in an inexpensive way. Despite the apparent simplicity of working with this material, an untrained person will not be able to do a quality job, since one must have certain professional skills. But you can take a risk and make external slopes with your own hands using plaster. How to make slopes on windows in this way will be described below.

High-quality plastering of external slopes requires certain skills

In order for plastered slopes on windows from the street to look neat, it is necessary to ensure their even geometric parameters. To do this, it is recommended to set beacons, focusing on which, you can achieve an even application of the plaster layer.

Preparation and execution of work

The work begins with preparing tools and purchasing plaster for exterior work.

First you need to prepare tools and buy plaster for exterior work.

Plastic slopes

Finishing windows with plastic is one of the most common methods due to the following advantages of PVC:

  • the glossy surface of the plastic naturally matches the appearance of the window profile;
  • the plastic surface can be laminated, giving it any color or imitation of the texture of natural wood;
  • the material has a low level of thermal conductivity, therefore virtually eliminating the formation of condensation on its surface;
  • it is easy to care for;
  • it has a long service life;
  • street slopes made of plastic are easy to install;
  • It has low weight, so it does not load the wall structure.

Plastic panels are most often used for finishing external slopes

One of the disadvantages of plastic street slopes is that when using low-quality plastic, you can observe its yellowing over time. At low temperatures, the plastic becomes brittle and if it is damaged, the entire fragment will have to be replaced.


  • finishing the slopes of windows from the outside with plastic panels begins with preparing the surface - cleaning it and sealing the cracks;
  • measurements are taken on each side, the side fragments are measured in two places - at the window and at the wall due to the presence of a slope;
  • the perimeter of the window opening is framed wooden slats, to which using construction stapler attach the starting profile. A plastic element will go into it;
  • corners are formed using an f-shaped profile or external slopes with platbands are arranged.

Considering the existing disadvantages of this material, it is better to use it for interior work.

Drywall slopes

Exterior finishing of windows using drywall is a dubious undertaking. GKLV brand plasterboard can be used when finishing the external slopes of windows facing glazed loggia or balcony. Before installing this material, the surface of the base must be treated with an antiseptic. Installation can be carried out with or without insulation.

The surface of drywall can be decorated in any way.

It would be a mistake to install external plasterboard slopes on window openings exposed to direct exposure to precipitation. This material is not suitable for outdoor use.

Sandwich panel slopes

Finishing the external slopes of plastic windows with sandwich panels is an inexpensive and common method. It is characterized by the following qualities:

  • finishing window openings with this material allows you to obtain a decorative, neat appearance of the window opening;
  • the outer plastic surface can be covered with lamination of any color or imitate the texture of natural wood;
  • has insignificant weight due to the use of foamed polyurethane foam as an insulating layer;
  • you can arrange external slopes with platbands;
  • due to the multilayer nature of the material, such finishing of the window opening allows for decent heat and sound insulation of the room;
  • simple installation will allow even a non-professional to make external slopes on windows with his own hands;
  • slopes for windows made of sandwich panels have a long service life;
  • Such window slopes are easy to maintain - it is enough to occasionally wet clean them.

Among the disadvantages, the following can be noted: summer period from direct sunlight, the outer surface of the panels may turn yellow.

It is also worth considering that the material is sold in the form of dimensional panels, so you need to be prepared for difficulties with transportation. Some stores offer a service for sawing large panels into pieces of the required size. Slopes made of sandwich panels are installed in the same way as indoors.

Foam slopes

When finishing plastic windows with your own hands, you can make slopes on the windows from foam plastic.

A foam slope does not require insulation

This interesting example how to make street slopes on windows, but short-lived. Such external slopes are made simply, the main thing is to take the necessary dimensions and cut out the parts.

Foam plastic has many positive qualities, which allows it to be used when finishing external slopes:

  • external slopes made of foam plastic are maximally insulated;
  • high sound insulation in the house is ensured;
  • polystyrene foam does not rot or become moldy;
  • simple installation - making external slopes from this material is very simple;
  • the work is done quickly, since there is no need to make complex preparations;
  • if you install elements made of this material on plastic windows, then you don’t have to be afraid that a load will be placed on the structure - polystyrene foam has the lightest weight among all finishing materials;
  • polystyrene foam is easy to process, so you can give the part any size;
  • The surface of this material is then finished with plaster or painted.

This material can be used to insulate the walls of a house along with the accompanying design of window openings.

Metal slopes

There are different types of external slopes, but the best are metal products.

External slopes made of metal have high strength

They are made of galvanized steel. The outer part of the product is powder coated, which ensures durability of the coating and protection against corrosion and rust.

Positive qualities of metal slopes:

  • durability and aesthetic appearance;
  • heat and sound insulation of premises;
  • reliable protection from natural phenomena;
  • easy installation and maintenance.

How to properly install the metal fragment is shown below.

Slopes made of natural stone

Use of natural or artificial stones is not the cheapest method, but on the facade of the house such finishing looks very impressive.

Stone slopes do not absorb moisture at all

Natural stones have all the necessary qualities for their use as exterior finishing. They are durable, have a beautiful appearance, and are varied in their design. They have protective, heat and sound insulating qualities. They do not absorb moisture at all. You can decorate the openings with bricks or use various artificial and natural stones.
