Security and fire systems: modern solutions for device integration. Security and fire systems: modern solutions for integrating devices The main functions of a fire and security system are

Copyright JSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg" State University» Department of Computer Science and Information Security E.V. Burkova SECURITY AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Recommended for publication by the Editorial and Publishing Council of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Orenburg State University" as methodological instructions for students studying in the program of higher professional education in the field of preparation 090900.62 Information security Orenburg 2014 Copyright JSC " Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" UDC 004.56.53(076.5) BBK 32.973-04 ya7 B 91 Reviewer - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.V. Khludenev B 91 Burkova E.V. Security and fire alarm systems: guidelines for laboratory work / E.V. Burkova; - Orenburg State univ. – Orenburg: OSU, 2014. – 62 p. The guidelines provide theoretical information about the composition, main modules and stages of designing security and fire alarm systems. Guidelines contain materials for conducting laboratory work in the course “Security and Fire Alarm Systems”, examples of structural and functional diagrams are given, assignments and questions for self-test are given. The guidelines are intended for students in the field of training 090900.62 Information security. UDC 004.56.53(076.5) BBK 32.973-04 ya7 Burkova E.V., 2014 OSU, 2014 2 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Contents Introduction………………………… …………………………………………………………. 5 1 Basic concepts and definitions………………….................................. 6 1.1 Functions and tasks of systems security and fire alarm system…………... 7 1.2 Structure of security and fire alarm system……………………….. 8 1.3 Basic terms and definitions…………………………………….. 10 2 Laboratory work No. 1. Categorization of objects of protection. Selection of the structure of controlled zones…………………………… 13 2.1 Characteristics of the protected object………………………………………………………. 13 2.2 Assessment of probable damage…………………………………………….. 15 2.3 Description of the situation around the object…………………………………. 16 2.4 Determination of the category of the protected object……………………….. 17 2.5 Selection of the structure of controlled zones…………………………….. 18 2.6 Options for physical protection objects………………… …………… 20 2.7 Task…………………………………………………………………………………. 20 2.8 Test questions…………………………………………………. 21 3 Laboratory work No. 2. Means of perimeter security…………….. 22 3.1 Development of a model of the perimeter of the object……………………………. 22 3.2 Means of engineering and technical strengthening of the object………….. 24 3.3 Selection security detectors ………………………………………………………….. 25 3.4 Assignment………………………………………………………………………………….. 28 3.5 Tests questions……………………………………………………………... 29 4 Laboratory work No. 3. Assessing the fire threat. Selection of fire detectors……………………………………………………………… 30 4.1 Assessing the fire threat and determining the class of the object………….. 30 4.2 Determining measures to protect the object from fire……………………….. 31 4.3 Characteristics of fire extinguishing means…………………………….. 33 4.4 Selecting the type of fire detector…………………………………. 34 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 4.5 Assignment………………………………………………………………………………. 37 4.6 Test questions……………………………………………………………... 5 Laboratory work No. 4. Security and fire control 37 devices………………………… ……………………………………….. 38 5.1 Purpose of the fire and security control panel…… 39 5.2 Structure of the fire and security control panel…… 5.3 Task………………… ……………………………………………………………………. 42 5.4 Test questions………………………………………….. 6 Laboratory work No. 5. Warning systems……………………… 43 6.1 Purpose of the warning system……… ……………………………… 43 6.2 Types of fire alarms………………………………………….. 44 6.3 Classification of security and fire alarms……………………… . 45 6.4 Types of security alarms……………………………………………………… 47 6.5 Task……………………………………………………………………………………… 49 6.6 Test questions…………………………………………... 49 7 Laboratory work No. 6. Development of security and fire 7.1 40 42 alarm system of the facility…………………… ……………………………… 50 Analysis of the vulnerability of the object………………………………………………………. 50 7.1.1 Assessing threats at the site…………………………………………… 50 7.1.2 Entry routes for the intruder……………………………………………………….. 53 7.2 Development of recommendations for reducing the level of risk……………….. 7.3 Development of a block diagram of the fire and security 54 Alarm system……………………………………………………………. 56 7.4 Selection of equipment and development of fire alarm system specifications……………… 57 7.5 Development of fire alarm equipment layout diagram…………………. 58 7.6 Development of a functional diagram of the OPS…………………………………… 58 7.7 Assignment……………………………………………………………… 60 7.8 Tests questions……………………………………………………….. 60 List of sources used…………………………….. 62 4 Copyright OJSC “CDB “BIBKOM” & Kniga-Service Agency LLC Introduction Problems of organizing information security are becoming increasingly complex and practically significant due to the active transition of information technologies to an automated basis. Information security is systemic in nature and involves the creation of a comprehensive security system, including legal, organizational, engineering, cryptographic and hardware-software methods and means of information protection. Engineering and technical means of the information security system are designed for passive and active counteraction to technical reconnaissance means and the formation of security lines for territory, buildings, premises and equipment, as well as for fire protection using complexes of technical means. Security and fire alarm (FS) is a basic element in the security system of any enterprise, as well as residential and cultural buildings. The security and fire alarm system is a complex set of technical means used for timely detection of fire and unauthorized entry into the protected area. The effectiveness of any security system largely depends on the parameters of intruder (fire) detection devices and, in particular, on the probability of detecting unauthorized entry. In a number of development tasks for both indoor and outdoor areas, it is important to analyze the detection characteristics of security sensors. Obviously, this probability depends on a number of factors characterizing both the offender himself (speed and direction of movement, clothing, etc.) and environmental conditions (temperature, presence of interference sources, etc.). The influence of the mentioned factors will be especially noticeable when using sensors outdoors. Another important issue affecting the likelihood of detection is the qualifications of the offender. A trained or 5 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency a highly qualified intruder who knows the principles of operation of sensors, their weak points, and has a priori information about the object and the alarm system, will use this information to overcome the OPS without detection. For example, choose the penetration route, taking into account the lower sensitivity of the sensors in the radial direction of movement. Therefore, such knowledge, combined with information about the topology of the object and the locations of sensors that a skilled intruder may have, can play a role in decisive role in overcoming OPS without detection. To train future engineers in the field of “Comprehensive protection of information objects”, knowledge of the principles of constructing security and fire alarm systems, skills in modeling protection objects, analyzing threat sources, building a model of an intruder, selecting equipment, designing structural and functional diagrams of fire alarm systems are required. These guidelines are intended for conducting laboratory work in the course “Security and Fire Alarm Systems” for students in the field of training 090900.62 Information Security. The guidelines contain seven sections, which provide materials for conducting laboratory work in the course “Security and Fire Alarm Systems”, examples of structural and functional diagrams are given, assignments and questions for self-test are given. 6 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 1 Basic concepts and definitions 1.1 Functions and tasks of fire alarm systems Security fire alarm is the receipt, processing, transmission and presentation in a given form of information about the penetration of protected objects and fires on them. The objectives of the alarm system are: 1) determining the fact of unauthorized entry into a protected facility or the appearance of signs of fire; 2) issuing an alarm and turning on actuators(light and sound alarms, relays, etc.). Security, alarm and fire alarm systems are very similar in design ideology and at small facilities they are combined on the basis of a single control unit - a control panel or control panel. Technical means of fire alarm system: 1) technical means of detection - detectors; 2) technical means of collecting and processing information - reception and control devices, control panels, notification transmission systems, etc.; 3) technical means of warning - sound and light alarms, modems, etc. Requirements for the security and fire alarm system:  24-hour monitoring of the condition of the facility territory;  quick detection of fire;  accurate determination of the location of the fire;  the fire must be determined reliably (to exclude the absence of false alarms);  the place of penetration must be determined precisely, indicating the specific area of ​​penetration into the protected premises and territory; 7 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency  information about the fact of a fire and its location must be presented in a simple and convenient form;  continuous monitoring of sensor malfunctions (security, fire), monitoring attempts to open the system. Complex integrated fire and security alarm systems include:  hardware and software burglar alarm,  fire alarm hardware and software,  access control and management,  security television. All these subsystems must have technical, information, software and operational compatibility and are designed to solve the problems of protecting objects. 1.2 Structure of the security and fire alarm system The security and fire alarm system is a system for collecting and analyzing data about the condition of the object. Information about the state of the object, collected using various sensor-analyzers, is continuously processed by the reception and control panel - the central point of the alarm system. The security alarm subsystem processes the following parameters:  state of contacts of magnetic contact sensors (open-closed);  signals about violation of the volume of the room;  signals about crossing the perimeter. Signals received by the fire alarm subsystem:  indoor temperature;  smoke level;  radiation from an open flame. The structure of the OPS is presented in Figure 1.1. 8 Copyright OJSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Fire Alarm Security alarm Smoke Contents Contact integrity Temperature Volume IR flame radiation Glass break sensor 1 2 Reception control panel 3 Operator's workstation 5 4 Alarm system Notification transmission system Figure 1.1 - Structure OPS The information transmission channel is the signaling loop - a two-wire or four-wire communication line. In Figure 1.1, number 1 indicates a fire loop, and number 2 indicates a security loop. The loop is also a measure of information grouping and allows you to divide the protected object into zones. Information about the meaning of the above parameters is processed by the reception and control panel, which is the central node for collecting information. Depending on the settings and operating algorithm, if the loop is broken or the threshold value of one of the parameters is exceeded, the control panel generates signals to start the actuators. In Figure 1.1, number 3 marks the signal for starting the fire warning system, and number 4 indicates the start of the system for transmitting notifications to the central monitoring console. 9 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 1.3 Basic terms and definitions Alarm - a warning about the presence of danger or threat to life, property or environment. Notification - a message about controlled changes in the state of a protected object or technical means of fire alarm system and transmitted using electromagnetic, electrical, light, and sound signals. Notifications are divided into alarm and service notifications. An alarm notification contains information about intrusion or fire, a service notification contains information about taking an object under protection, disarming it, equipment malfunction, etc. User - a person (or organization) using the services of a company (private security under the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, private security companies or associations) for installation of systems alarm system and/or their maintenance. Intruder - a person who tries to enter or has entered a premises (territory) protected by a security or fire alarm system without the permission of the person in charge, the user, or the owner. Fire alarm is the receipt, processing, transmission and presentation in a given form to consumers using technical means of information about a fire at protected facilities. Security and fire alarm complex is a set of jointly operating technical means of security, fire and (or) fire alarm systems installed at a protected facility and united by a system of engineering networks and communications. A security and fire alarm system is a set of jointly operating technical means for detecting the appearance of signs of an intruder at protected objects and (or) a fire at them, transmitting, collecting, processing and presenting information in a given form. Addressable fire alarm system (AFS) is a set of fire alarm technical means designed (in the event of a fire) to automatically or manually turn on the “Fire” signal at the addressable receiver. control device through automatic or manual addressable fire detectors of protected premises. Security (fire, security-fire) alarm loop - an electrical circuit connecting the output circuits of security (fire, fire-security) detectors, including auxiliary (remote) elements (diodes, resistors, capacitors, etc.) and connecting wires intended to transmit notifications of intrusion, attempted intrusion, fire and malfunction to the control panel, and in some cases to supply power to the detectors. Guarded object (SO) - an object guarded by security units and equipped with existing technical means of security, fire or security and fire alarm systems. A protected zone is a part of a protected object controlled by one fire alarm loop or a set of loops. An alarm line is a loop or a set of loops that monitor protected areas along the path of the intruder to the material assets of the protected facility and have access to a separate number of the central monitoring console (CMS). A security line is a set of protected areas controlled by an alarm line. Security (fire) detector is a technical security device for detecting intrusion, fire, attempted intrusion or physical impact exceeding the standardized value, as well as generating a notification about intrusion (fire). Security reception and control device (security and fire) (PPKO, PPKOP) - a technical means of security or fire alarm for receiving notifications from detectors (alarm loops) or others control panels , signal conversion, issuance of notifications for 11 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency for direct human perception, further transmission of notifications and activation of sirens. Security and fire alarm is a technical means of security, fire or security and fire alarm, designed to notify people located at a distance from the protected object about penetration (attempted penetration) or fire. Notification transmission system (NTS) is a set of jointly operating technical means for transmitting through communication channels and receiving at a centralized security point notifications about intrusion into protected objects and (or) fire on them, service and control and diagnostic notifications, as well as for transmitting and receiving telecontrol commands. Objects of information protection include: protected territory, building (structure), dedicated premises, information and (or) information resources of an informatization object. The result of information protection may be the prevention of damage to the information owner due to possible information leakage and (or) unauthorized and unintentional impact on information. Reliability of information protection involves ensuring the required level of its security, regardless of external and internal factors affecting the security of information. Continuity of information protection characterizes the constant readiness of the security system to repel information threats. The costs of changes to the security system are minimized if information security is secrecy. The higher the secrecy, the greater the uncertainty of the attacker’s initial data and the less ability he has to obtain information. The secrecy of information protection is achieved by secretly carrying out measures to protect information and limiting the access of employees of an organization (enterprise, institution) to information about specific methods and means of engineering and technical protection of information in the organization. 12 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 2 Laboratory work No. 1. Categorization of objects of protection. Choosing the structure of controlled zones Purpose. Determining the category of the protected object. Selection of methods and means of security and fire alarm systems. Tasks. 1) Characteristics of the protected object. 2) Description of the situation around the object. 3) Assessment of probable damage. 4) Determination of the category of the protected object. 5) Selection of the structure of controlled zones. 2.1 Characteristics of the object of protection Objects erected to meet the material and cultural needs of society are called structures. To design a fire alarm system, it is necessary to characterize the protected object and determine which class it belongs to. Buildings are classified according to many different characteristics (listed below). According to building codes, all buildings and structures are classified according to the criteria listed in Table 2.1. [Sinilov]. All rooms depending on environmental conditions, floor conductivity, as well as the placement of electrical equipment and those connected to the ground metal structures are divided according to the degree of danger of electric shock into three classes:  with increased danger;  especially dangerous;  without increased danger. 13 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Table 2.1 - Classification of buildings according to construction characteristics Sign Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Geometric function Purpose Volumetric Site Linear Residential Public: children's institutions, educational, retail, medical, cultural, sports Low-rise (2 or 3 floors) Industrial Floors Single-story External wall materials By fire resistance Stone Wood Fireproof Fire-resistant Type 4 Type 5 Agricultural Warehouse Multi-High-rise (bottage over 10 floors) (up to 10 floors) Mixed - - Combustible Combustible, washable, unprotected - - Classification of premises according to the nature of the environment: normal, dry, damp, damp, especially damp, hot, dusty, with a chemically active environment. Classification of hazardous areas. Zones located in rooms in which flammable gases or vapors of highly flammable liquids (flammable liquids) are released in such quantities and with such properties that they can form explosive mixtures with air under normal operating conditions. Classification of fire hazardous areas. A fire hazardous zone is a space indoors and outdoors, within which flammable (combustible) substances are constantly or periodically circulating and in which they can be located during normal technological processes or during its disturbances. Requirements for the reliability of power supply to facilities (categories). Receivers of electrical energy with regard to ensuring the reliability of power supply are divided into several categories. From the composition of electrical receivers 14 Copyright OJSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" the first category stands out special group electrical receivers, the uninterrupted operation of which is necessary for an accident-free shutdown of production in order to prevent a threat to human life, explosions, fires and damage to expensive equipment. For example, electrical receivers of a special group include operating rooms of hospitals, emergency lighting, fire and security alarms, etc. 2.2 Assessment of probable damage For a rough assessment of damage, it is necessary to identify the main risks arising from the penetration of intruders into a protected area or in the event of a fire. Due to the manifestation of various threats, the risks associated with the implementation of the organization’s core activities increase significantly:  the risk of loss of reputation,  liquidity risk,  the risk of loss of property,  the risk of loss of important assets of the organization,  the risk to people’s lives. These risks are associated with the possibility of situations involving threats that require additional, often significant costs of material, human, time, financial and other resources to eliminate the consequences of threats. An increase in risks leads to an increase in costs and a corresponding decrease in the efficiency of the organization, a decrease in its competitiveness. Material damage refers to objective damage caused to property, which is directly assessed in monetary terms. It can manifest itself in an attack on property or in an attack on an individual, can be purely material or monetary, expressed in actual loss or lost profits. 15 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Moral damage is subjective damage that does not encroach on property, but encroaches on forms of human feelings, such as honor, reputation, image. Aesthetic harm and damage are added here. A special place is occupied by physical damage, which has a material component (medical costs, economic impact , degree of disability) and the moral component (pretium doloris - suffering, cost of pain, damage to consent and aesthetic damage). Table 2.2 provides an example of a potential damage analysis. Table 2.2 - Analysis of possible damage No. Type of threat 1 2 Theft of design and technological documentation Theft of products 3 Theft of funds 4 5 Familiarization, copying, destruction, modification of protected information Damage to equipment 6 Fire Consequences Damage Liquidity risk Material Risk of loss of property Loss of property Material, moral, material Loss reputation Material, moral Stoppage of production Risk to human life, loss of equipment, products Material Physical, material, environmental, moral 2.3 Description of the situation around the object For a high-quality selection of detection means and means of physical protection, it is necessary to analyze the location of the object (in which part of the city the object is located) , what objects are in the immediate environment. It is necessary to create a spatial model of the object, taking into account the likelihood of observing the object, listening, creating electromagnetic and other interference for detection equipment. Spatial model of the object 16 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency can be presented in the form of a diagram or table indicating objects in the closest location to the protected object. 2.4 Determination of the category of the protected object Objects of physical protection are material assets, including sources of protected information, as well as controlled areas in which these material assets are located. In accordance with the governing document RD 78.36.006-2005, protection objects are divided into three categories indicated in Table 2.3. Table 2.3 - Categories of importance of protected objects Category Name of category A1, A2 Particularly important objects B1, B2 Important objects B Simple (ordinary) objects Purpose or ownership of the object Consequences of the implementation of threats Vaults and depositories of banks; enterprises for the production or storage of chemically hazardous, narcotic, explosive substances, ammunition, nuclear materials; defense enterprises; government agencies; energy complexes. Bank teller rooms; entrances of collection vehicles; rooms for storing important information; shopping centers selling valuable goods; production facilities for the manufacture of valuable products. Store trading floors; office premises of institutions; offices of medium and small businesses; industrial premises; Living spaces. Particularly large or irreplaceable material damage, environmental disaster at the site or in the region, death or threat to life a large number people, political consequences, and other particularly grave consequences. Significant property or financial damage, threat to human health or life, loss of government or important commercial sectors. Material damage; informational damage of a commercial or official nature; violation of the comfort of life or work activity. 17 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency All security objects can be divided into stationary and mobile. Stationary objects include territory, buildings, structures, premises, and extended boundaries. Mobile objects are distinguished by the fact that they are mobile. These are temporary parking lots, vehicles, small-sized objects. Objects are described by a set of administrative, legal, engineering, organizational, and special characteristics. Special characteristics describe an object from the point of view of its safety. 2.5 Choosing the structure of controlled zones One of the most important principles of object protection is multi-zonality. Multizonality involves division into separate controlled zones, each of which provides a level of security corresponding to the value of the information contained in it. In this regard, multi-zone allows you to reduce the cost of engineering and technical information protection. The more zones, the more rationally the system resource is used, but at the same time the organization of information security becomes more complicated. Zones can be independent, intersecting and nested (Figure 2.1). Figure 2.1 – Structure of controlled zones 18 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Nested zones are the most common, as they make it possible to more economically ensure the required level of security of the facility. The security of information in the 1st nested zone is determined not only by its level of protection, but also by the levels of protection in previous zones that an attacker must overcome to penetrate the 1st zone. Each zone is characterized by the level of security of the information contained in it. The security of information in the zone depends on:  the distance from the source of information to the attacker or his means of obtaining information;  the number and level of protection of boundaries along the path of the attacker’s movement or the spread of other information media;  the effectiveness of methods and means of controlling the admission of people and vehicles into the zone;  measures to protect information within the zone. An option for classifying zones according to access conditions is given in Table. 2.4. Table 2.4 - Classification of zones according to access conditions Zone category 0 I II III IV V Name- Functional purpose of zone zone Conditions of access Conditions of access for employees co-visitors Free Places of free visiting Free Free Observation Reception rooms Free Free Networkers Register Offices employees Free By ID card with registration Regime Secretariat, comIdentity disposable computer rooms, archives fictitious launch cards Reinforced Cash operating rooms For special special supplies protection halls, material warehouses of the Higher Department Cabinets of senior executives, rooms for documents negotiations, special storage facilities 19 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 2. 6 Options for physical protection facilities Table 2.5 presents options for information facilities (all buildings are considered one-story). Table 2.5 - Options for objects of protection Option number Protected object 1 Warehouse for food products 2 Warehouse for medicines 3 Warehouse for wood 4 Warehouse for electronic equipment 5 Factory workshop with valuable equipment 6 Tourist office 7 Cinema premises 8 Kindergarten with adjacent territory 9 Notary office 10 Bank cash room 11 City government premises 12 Residential cottage 13 Jewelry store premises 14 Small business office 15 Explosives storage room 16 Meeting room in the administration building of a commercial company 2.7 Task In accordance with the object option, complete the tasks. 1) Construct a plan of the protected object indicating the area. 2) Determine the class of the object based on construction characteristics, the nature of the environment, explosion hazard, fire hazard, and power supply requirements. Make a table. 20 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 3) Describe the situation around the object. Provide a diagram of the location of the territories around the protected object. Make a table. 4) Identify threats to the protected object. Assess the possible damage and enter it into the table. 5) Determine the category of the protected object. 6) Select the category and structure of controlled areas. Build a diagram of controlled zones. 2.8 Test questions 1 Define the object of protection. Name examples. 2 By what construction characteristics are protected objects classified? Give their characteristics. 3 How are electrical installations and premises classified according to electrical safety conditions? 4 Name the classes of hazardous areas. 5 Define and name the classes of fire hazardous areas. 6 Which power receivers belong to the first category in terms of power supply reliability? Name all the categories. 7 Define a threat to the security of the protected object and give the main types of threats. Describe the types of possible damage. 8 Describe the categories of protected objects. 9 What is a controlled area? What are the zone structures? Name the advantages of multi-zone protection. 10 Describe the classes of zones according to access conditions. 11 Name the basic principles of security systems. Explain the essence of the principle of continuity. 12 Explain the principle of flexibility, secrecy, and rationality of the security system. 13 What subsystems are included in integrated security systems? Name their functions. 21 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 3 Laboratory work No. 2. Perimeter security means Purpose. Study and selection of perimeter security means for a given object Objectives. 1) Development of a model of the object’s perimeter, analysis of vulnerabilities. 2) Selection of security lines. 3) Choice physical means perimeter protection. 4) Selection of perimeter detectors. 3.1 Development of a model of the perimeter of an object Perimeter is the external boundary (contour) of the protected territory of an object, unauthorized crossing of which should trigger an alarm indicating the location of its crossing. To effectively solve the problem, it is important to have an optimal combination of mechanical barriers, primarily passive perimeter fencing (fence), with technical detection means (alarms). The main task of any perimeter security system is to ensure the maximum probability of detecting an intruder with an accurate indication of the location of penetration to organize effective counteraction. Depending on the characteristics of the object (its purpose, design and configuration of the fence, climatic, geological factors, etc.), the perimeter line can be equipped with one or several security lines, either entirely, or only in certain particularly important areas. A single-border security system, in turn, can be created on the basis of one detection device that is most suitable for given conditions, or consist of a combination of detectors of different operating principles. For example, the lower and middle parts of the mesh fence are protected by a cable sensitive element, and the canopy is protected by beam detectors. A multi-line perimeter security system with two or more boundaries located at a distance from each other makes it possible to determine the direction of movement of the intruder and allows you to maintain the functionality of the system in the event of failure of one of detection means. In Russia natural conditions are very diverse. Large seasonal temperature fluctuations, in some areas reaching 80...90 ° C, heavy snowfalls, blizzards, sleet, ice, frost, fog, hurricane winds, heavy rains cause great difficulty in selecting appropriate perimeter protection equipment. When equipping the perimeter with protective equipment, it is necessary to take into account the factors influencing the construction of the protection system. Factors for the options are listed in Table 3.1. Types of vegetation: H - low (shrubs), C - medium (tall acacia bushes, lilacs, etc.), B - high (trees). Table 3.1 – Factors influencing the choice of protective equipment by option Option number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ + _ _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + + _ _ + _ _ + _ + _ _ + + _ + _ _ factor Presence of right of way Terrain features Presence of railway near the object Presence of power lines near the object Types of vegetation Pipeline _ _ _ _ + + + + N N N S S V _ + _ _ _ Break in the perimeter for the passage of transport, passage of people - + + + _ _ + + + + + S H N S V V N N V S _ + _ + _ _ + _ _ _ + + - + - + + - + + + - 23 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency If necessary, along the main perimeter fence between the main and internal warning fences arrange an exclusion zone in which they place:  security and alarm systems;  security lighting;  CCTV equipment;  security posts (guard posts, observation towers);  means of communication of posts and security squads;  directional and warning signs. For a building, the first line of security should be protected:  window and door openings along the perimeter of the building or facility;  communications entry points, ventilation ducts;  exits to fire escapes; The second line of defense should protect the volume of the premises using passive optical-electronic detectors with a volumetric detection zone, ultrasonic, radio wave or combined detectors. The third line of security should be protected by safes and individual objects or approaches to them using capacitive, vibration, passive and active optical-electronic or radio wave detectors. 3.2 Means of engineering and technical strengthening of an object Means of engineering and technical strengthening, which are the basis for building a security system, should be used to increase the reliability of security of objects. This means is a fence. The fencing is divided into main, additional and warning. The fence must prevent the accidental passage of people (animals), the entry of vehicles, or make it difficult for an intruder to enter the protected area bypassing the checkpoint. The fence must be made in the form of straight sections with a minimum number of bends and turns, limiting observation and complicating the use of technical security and alarm systems. The windows of the first floors of these buildings facing an unguarded area must be equipped with metal bars and, if necessary, metal mesh. There should be no holes, breaks, damage in the fence, as well as unlocked doors, gates and gates. The height of the main fence must be at least 2.5 m. Additional fencing can be installed to strengthen the main fence. The upper additional fence is installed on the main fence if the height of the latter is at least 2.5 m. As a rule, the additional fence is a canopy made of 3 or 4 rows of barbed wire. The lower additional fence to protect against undermining must be installed under the main fence with a depth into the ground of at least 0.5 m and made in the form of a concrete plinth or a welded steel grating. It is recommended to install a warning fence at objects of the AI ​​subgroup. It can be located from the outside and (or) inside main fence. On the warning fence, the height of which must be at least 1.5 m, signs should be placed such as: “Do not approach! Restricted area” and other directional and warning signs. 3.3 Selection of security detectors Technical detection means are detectors built on various physical principles actions. A detector is a device that generates a specific signal when one or another controlled parameter of an object changes. Based on their area of ​​application, detectors are divided into security, security and fire detectors and fire detectors. Security detectors, based on the type of controlled area, are divided into point, linear, surface and volumetric. According to the principle of operation, they are divided into electric contact, magnetic contact, shock contact, piezoelectric, optical-electronic, capacitive, sound, ultrasonic, radio wave, combined, combined, etc. The selection diagram for security detectors is presented in Figure 3.1. 25 Copyright JSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Active optical-electronic Passive IR corridor, curtain Linear radio wave Wired radio wave External perimeter Glazed openings Doors Perimeter blocking Combined IR + microwave Electrocontact Impact contact Acoustic (sound) Magnetic contact Building structures Piezoelectric Vibration Volume blocking Protection of buildings, premises Corridors Passive IR corridor, curtain Premises Active optical-electronic Passive IR volume Valuables blocking Outside the building Radio wave volumetric Combined IR+AK Showcase blocking Alarm alarm Safe locking Combined IR+microwave Passive IR volume Radio wave volumetric Stationary Ultrasonic volumetric Piezoelectric Mobile Vibration Capacitive Magnetic contact Radio channel Figure 3.1 - Scheme for selecting security detectors The choice of a specific type of detector is determined depending on:  comparison of the design and construction characteristics of the object to be protected and the tactical technical characteristics detector; 26 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency  the nature and placement of valuables in the premises;  interference situation at the facility;  probable routes of entry for the intruder;  security regime and tactics; The choice of detector is significantly influenced by the interference situation in the area where it is located. The interference situation may vary. For example, near a building they may start construction works using heavy equipment, which will create acoustic interference. Average influence of interference various types for detectors is characterized by the data in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 - Average influence of interference on detectors No. Type of interference Acoustic Optoelectronic Radio wave Capacitive Vibration Type of detector 1 External acoustic noise (street, thunder, etc.) + - - - + 2 Internal (in the controlled area) acoustic noise (refrigerators, TA, noise of water in pipes, etc.) + - - - - 3 External light (headlights, sun glare) - + - - - 4 Air movement in the room (drafts, fans, radiators) - + - - - 5 Movement of objects ( curtains, fan blades, water on glass, leaves, etc.) + + + - - 6 Electromagnetic interference (welding units, discharges of high-voltage lines, trams, trolleybuses, fluorescent lamps, etc.) - - - + - 7 Small animals , large insects + + + + + 27 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 3.4 Task In accordance with the object variant (in laboratory work No. 1), complete the tasks. 1) Construct a model of the protected object in accordance with the environmental factors indicated in Table 3.1. The model can be presented in the form of a diagram with explanations of symbols, or in the form of a table. 2) Conduct an analysis of possible ways for an intruder to enter the facility. Show penetration routes and vulnerabilities on the site plan. Use the plan built in the first work. 3) Determine the boundaries of the object’s protection (according to options in accordance with the controlled zones defined in the previous work). Select the type of fencing for a given object. Present the object with boundaries schematically with explanations. 4) Select, taking into account all the conditions specified in Table 3.1, perimeter detectors at all security lines of the facility. 5) Fill out Table 3.2 of the results of choosing perimeter means. Table 3.2 – Selection of perimeter means Subsystem Functions Equipment composition and location Fences, others Physical protection of the perimeter physical barriers Indicate the type and area Lighting Creation of conditions for the operation of video cameras, security services, scaring off intruders Indicate the type and location Security detectors (perimeter, volume, glass break) Early detection of non-sunks Indicate the type and location of dispersed penetration into the territory 28 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 3.5 Test questions 1 Define the perimeter of the security object. Name the main tasks of perimeter defense. 2 What is a security line? Define single-border and multi-border systems. Give examples. 3 What factors and how do they influence the choice of technical means of perimeter protection? 4 Describe the means of engineering and technical strengthening of the facility. In what cases are additional fences used? 5 Name all types of main fencing and explain their design. 6 What is the rejection zone? What are the main tasks of this zone? What technical means are placed in it? 7 What operating principle is it rational to use detectors to protect mesh fencing? 8 Name the advantages of capacitive detectors. At what objects is it most effective to use capacitive detectors? 9 Define active and passive technical means of detection. Name the types of active detectors. 10 Explain the operating principle of vibration detectors. Give examples of their application. 11 What detectors are used to detect movement in a volume? 12 What technical means are used to protect window systems? What means are used to detect glass breakage? 13 In what cases is it advisable to use magnetoelectric detectors? 14 What functions does security lighting of the protected object perform? 15 List all perimeter security subsystems and explain their main tasks. 29 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 4 Laboratory work No. 3. Assessing the fire threat. Selection of fire detectors Purpose. Study of types of fire detectors, principles of selection and placement of them at a given facility. Tasks. 1) Assessing the fire threat and determining the class of the object. 2) Determination of fire protection measures, characteristics of fire extinguishing agents, smoke removal. 3) Selection of the type of fire detector, taking into account the specifics of the object. 4) Development of a layout of fire detectors at the facility. 4.1 Assessing the fire threat and determining the class of the object The fire alarm system is designed for timely detection of the location of the fire and the generation of control signals for fire warning systems and automatic fire extinguishing. The main functions of fire alarms are provided by various technical means. Detectors are used to detect fire, and control equipment and peripheral devices are used to process and record information and generate control alarm signals. The purpose of the fire alarm system is: 1) timely detection of the fire location; 2) collecting data from fire detectors; 3) generation of fire warning control signals; 4) automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal. To successfully extinguish a fire, it is necessary to use the most suitable extinguishing agent, the choice of which must be resolved almost instantly. This task is greatly facilitated by the introduction of a classification of fires and their division into four types, or classes, designated 30 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Agency Kniga-Service in Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, F. In each class includes fires associated with the ignition of materials that have the same combustion properties and require the use of the same fire extinguishing agents. The classification of fires is given in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 - Classification of fires Class “A” - combustion of solids “B” - combustion liquid substances Category A1 A2 B1 B2 "C" - combustion of gaseous substances C D1 "D" - combustion of metals D2 D3 "E" - combustion of electrical installations "F" - combustion of radioactive materials and waste Description Combustion of solid substances accompanied by smoldering (for example, coal, textiles ) Combustion of solid substances not accompanied by smoldering (for example, plastic) Combustion of liquid substances insoluble in water (for example, gasoline, ether, petroleum products). Also, combustion of liquefied solids (paraffin, stearin) Combustion of liquid substances soluble in water (for example, alcohol, glycerin) Combustion of household gas, propane and others Combustion of light metals, with the exception of alkali (for example, aluminum, magnesium and their alloys) Combustion alkali metals(for example, sodium, potassium) Combustion of metal-containing compounds (for example, organometallic compounds, metal hydrides) E Combustion of electrically powered devices F Combustion of radioactive materials and waste 4.2 Determination of measures to protect an object from fire Fire prevention measures are divided into organizational, technical, regime and operational. 31 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Organizational arrangements: include correct operation machines and in-plant transport, proper maintenance of buildings, territories, fire safety instructions. Organization of evacuation routes for people in case of fire. Technical measures: compliance fire regulations and standards for the design of buildings, for the installation of electrical wires and equipment, heating, ventilation, lighting, and the correct placement of equipment. Regular events. In each organization, an administrative document must establish a fire safety regime corresponding to their fire hazard, including:  designated and equipped smoking areas;  the locations and permissible quantities of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products located in the premises at one time are determined;  a procedure has been established for the removal of flammable waste and dust, and the storage of oily workwear;  the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire and at the end of the working day has been determined;  procedure for carrying out temporary fire hazardous work;  procedure for inspecting and closing premises after completion of work;  actions of workers upon detection of a fire;  the procedure and timing of fire safety training and fire safety training have been determined, and those responsible for their implementation have been appointed. Operational activities - timely prevention, inspections, repairs and testing technological equipment. Depending on the type of object, purpose and operating conditions, various measures are selected fire safety. 32 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 4.3 Characteristics of fire extinguishing agents A wide range of different substances are used as fire extinguishing agents: water, air-mechanical foam, powder, inert gases, gas aerosols, as well as their combinations. The most widespread, both in Russia and abroad, are water and foam fire extinguishing installations. Their share in the total volume automatic installations fire extinguishing rate exceeds 80%. Modern installations water fire extinguishing can prevent large fires, which significantly reduces material losses. These installations are used in various sectors of the national economy, used to protect facilities where substances and materials such as cotton, flax, wood, fabrics, plastics, rubber, flammable and bulk substances, as well as a number of flammable liquids are used and processed. These installations are also used to protect technological equipment, cable structures, cultural facilities (theatres, cultural centers and other similar structures). Foam fire extinguishing installations are used to protect technological equipment of chemical and petrochemical plants, warehouses and bases of oil and petroleum products, as well as other facilities where flammable and combustible liquids are used in large quantities. The classification of fire extinguishing installations is presented in Figure 4.1. Automatic gas and aerosol fire extinguishing installations are intended to protect premises in which flammable liquids are stored and processed, ship holds, halls and storage facilities of art galleries, museum premises, archives, various electrical installations under voltage, computer center premises, as well as in all cases when the use of water or air-mechanical foam (AMF) is impossible. Powder fire extinguishing installations, depending on the type of fire extinguishing powder, are used to extinguish fires of classes A, B, C, D and electrical installations with open live parts under voltage up to 1000 V. The most effective use of these installations is for extinguishing flammable and burning materials. & Kniga-Service Agency LLC sneezing hydrocarbon liquids, alcohols, ethers and other products, as well as flammable gases (including in a liquefied state), alkali, alkaline earth metals and organometallic compounds. Figure 4.1 - Classification of fire extinguishing installations 4.4 Selecting the type of fire detector A fire detector is a device for generating a fire signal. Addressable fire detector (API) is a technical means of an automatic fire alarm system that transmits its address code along with a fire notification to the addressable control panel. 34 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Depending on the purpose of the building where the fire safety system is installed, certain sensors are used. For example, to install a fire alarm in warehouse For large areas, beam sensors are used. To install a fire alarm in rooms with a large number of people in it (cinemas, theaters, libraries, etc.) it is best to use smoke detectors. If we are dealing with a warehouse in which, for example, wood or other flammable materials are stored natural materials, it is recommended to use sensors that respond to open fire. Must be taken into account the smallest details the room in which the fire alarm is installed. Because the thermal sensors somewhat inert when triggered, it is preferable to use smoke sensors. There are also combined sensors on the fire equipment market. They are designed to notify of a fire when two parameters change (temperature and smoke). Installing a fire alarm allows you not only to notify people about a fire, but also to localize the fire in time and thereby avoid material losses along the way, which is also important. The classification of automatic fire detectors is presented in Figure 4.2. Classification of automatic detectors By type of controlled sign of fire By the nature of the reaction to the controlled sign Thermal Maximum Smoke Differential Flames Maximum - differential Gas Combined Figure 4.2 - Classification of automatic fire detectors 35 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency By method of activation In operation, fire detectors are divided into manual and automatic. Manual call points do not have the function of detecting a fire source; their action is reduced to transmitting an alarm message to the electrical circuit of the alarm loop after a person detects a fire and activates the detector by pressing the corresponding start button. Automatic fire detectors operate without human intervention. With their help, a fire is detected using one or more analyzed signs and a fire notification is generated when a controlled physical parameter reaches a set value. The area controlled by one point smoke fire detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detectors and the detector and the wall, must be determined according to Table 6.3, but not exceeding the values ​​​​specified in technical conditions and passports for detectors. Table 4.2 – Characteristics for the placement of point fire detectors The placement of fire detectors is carried out in accordance with the Fire Safety Standards “Warning systems and management of evacuation of people during fires in buildings and structures” (NPB 104-03). 36 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 4.5 Task 1) Assess the fire threat at a given facility and determine the class of the facility according to Table 4.1. 2) Determine organizational fire protection measures at the facility. Present it in the form of a table. 3) Identify and justify fire extinguishing and smoke removal means. 4) Select the type of fire detector taking into account the conditions at the site. 5) Develop a layout of fire detectors at the facility. 4.6 Test questions 1 Define the fire alarm system, name the main functions and composition. 2 Name the types of fire alarm systems. Explain the difference between threshold and address systems. 3 Name the classes of objects according to the type of fire. Describe each class. 4 Name the types of fire protection measures. Formulate fire protection measures for an industrial enterprise. 5 Formulate fire protection measures for cultural buildings. 6 Describe fire extinguishing agents and installations. Name the types of objects where automatic fire extinguishing is used. 7 Define a fire detector. List the requirements for fire detectors. 8 Describe the principles of operation of fire detectors. List the types of interference for fire detectors. 9 Name the factors influencing the choice of fire detector type. 10 What types of detectors are divided into according to the nature of the reaction to the controlled sign? Describe each class. 37 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 5 Laboratory work No. 4. Security and fire alarm control devices Purpose. To study the principle of operation of fire alarm control and control devices (PPKOP). Tasks. 1) Description of Control Panel, its structure and purpose. 2) Characteristics of the main parameters of the control panel. 3) Study existing equipment modes. 4) Study the typical connection diagram of the control panel, detectors and sirens. 5.1 Purpose of the fire and security control panel devices Reception and control devices and control panels belong to the technical means of monitoring and recording information. They are designed for continuous collection of information from detectors included in the alarm loop, analysis of the alarm situation at the facility, generation and transmission of notifications about the condition of the facility to the central monitoring console, as well as control of local light and sound annunciators and indicators. In addition, the devices provide arming and disarming of an object according to accepted tactics, and in some cases, power supply to detectors. Devices are the main elements that form an information and analytical security or fire alarm system at a facility. Such a system can be autonomous or centralized. With autonomous security, the devices are installed in a security room (point) located on the protected object or in the immediate vicinity of it. With centralized security, an on-site complex of technical means, formed by one or several devices, forms an on-site fire and security alarm subsystem, which, using a notification transmission system 38 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency, transmits information in a given form about condition of the object to the centralized monitoring console located in the center for receiving alarm notifications (centralized security point). The information generated by the device, both during autonomous and centralized security, is transmitted to employees of special facility security services, who are entrusted with the functions of responding to alarm notifications coming from the facility. The alarm loop is one of the necessary components of an on-site fire and security alarm system. It is a wire line that electrically connects the remote element, the output circuits of security, fire and security fire detectors with the input of the receiving control device. A fire alarm loop is an electrical circuit designed to transmit alarm and service notifications from detectors to the control panel, as well as (if necessary) to supply power to the detectors. The alarm loop is usually two-wire; it includes remote (auxiliary) elements installed at the end of the electrical circuit. 5.2 Structure of a fire and security alarm control panel To select a control panel, you first need to determine the type of alarm system used (threshold, addressable-analogue, combined). 1. Analogue (non-addressable) systems are built according to the following principle. The protected object is divided into areas by laying separate loops that combine a number of detectors. When any sensor is triggered, an alarm is generated throughout the entire loop. The decision about the occurrence of an event is “made” only by the detector, the functionality of which can only be checked during maintenance of the alarm system. The disadvantages of such systems are the high probability of false alarms, signal localization accurate to the loop, and limitation of the controlled area. The cost of such a system is relatively low, although it is necessary to lay a large number of loops. The tasks of centralized control are performed by the fire and security panel. The use of analogue systems is possible at all types of objects. But with a large number of alarm areas, there is a need for a large amount of work on the installation of wired communications. 2. Address systems assume installation of addressable sensors on one alarm loop. Such systems make it possible to replace multi-core cables connecting detectors with a control panel (PKP) with one pair of data bus wires. 3. Addressable non-interrogation systems are, in fact, threshold systems, supplemented only by the ability to transmit the address code of a triggered detector. These systems have all the disadvantages of analog systems - the inability to automatic control operability of fire detectors (in case of any electronic failure, communication between the detector and the control panel is terminated). 4. Addressed polling systems periodically poll detectors and ensure monitoring of their performance in case of any type of failure, which makes it possible to install one detector in each room instead of two. In targeted polling fire alarm systems, complex information processing algorithms can be implemented, for example, automatic compensation for changes in the sensitivity of detectors over time. The likelihood of false positives is reduced. For example, an addressable glass break sensor, unlike a non-addressable one, will indicate which window was broken. 5. Most promising direction in the field of building alarm systems are combined (addressable-analog) systems. Addressable analogue detectors measure the amount of smoke or temperature at the facility, and the signal is generated based on mathematical processing of the received data in the control panel (specialized computer). It is possible to connect any sensors; the system is able to determine their type and the required algorithm for working with them, even if all these devices are included in one security alarm loop. These systems provide maximum speed of decision making and control. For the correct operation of addressable analog equipment, it is necessary to take into account the communication language of its components, unique for each system (protocol). The use of these systems makes it possible to quickly, without high costs, make changes to an existing system when changing and expanding the zones of the facility. The cost of such systems is higher than the previous two. Number of alarm loops – the most important parameter PKP. Devices are produced with the number of loops from 1 to 40. If the loops of one control panel are not enough to protect an object, then it is necessary to design a modular alarm system, which is characterized by the fact that the alarm devices are connected by a network interface (RS-485, and for communication with a computer - RS-232 , Ethernet). Light and sound annunciators are connected to the control panel for warning functions. They can be either built into the control panel or external (remote). Also, any control panel contains a block of relays that can be programmed to trigger any alarm loop or group of alarm loops. Relay contact types can be short-circuit or switching. Through relay circuits, devices for transmitting fire/alarm notifications to the fire department console or central monitoring console via telephone line or radio channel can be connected. The structure of the PCP is presented in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.1 - Structure of the control panel 41 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 5.3 Task 1) Provide a description of the control panel according to the variant, provide its block diagram, formulate the functions. 2) Present the technical characteristics of the control panel. 3) Describe the existing operating modes of the equipment. 4) Present and describe a typical scheme for using the device. 5) Present and describe a typical loop diagram for a device alarm. PEP options are listed in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 – Task options PKP option PKP option PKP option 1 Astra-812-M 6 Kodos A-20 11 Tandem -2M 2 Signal 20 7 Granit-16/24 12 BShS8-I 3 Signal 10 8 Astra -713 13 Nota -2 4 S2000 9 Quartz 14 Astra-712/2 5 A16-512 10 Signal-VK6 15 Granit-12 USB 5.4. Test questions 1 Describe the functions of the control panel. 2 What is the difference between PCPs intended for targeted and threshold OPS? 3 What are the main technical characteristics of the control panel. 4 Describe the block diagram and explain the purpose of each control panel unit. 5 What is an alarm loop? How many loops are included in one control panel? 6 Name and describe the main operating modes of the control panel. 7 Give examples of the types of power supply for the control panel. 8 How is the control panel powered? From what sources are the loops powered in the event of power failures? 42 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 6 Laboratory work No. 5. Warning systems Purpose. Study the classification of security and fire alarms, their structure, principle of operation and factors influencing their choice. Tasks. 1) Study the purpose and functions of the warning system. 2) Study the classes of security and fire alarms. 3) Study the factors influencing the choice of siren type. 4) Select sirens taking into account the conditions at the protected object. 5) Construct a layout of sirens at the site. 6.1 Purpose of the warning system Warning systems can be part of security, fire and fire protection systems. Accordingly, the main functions of such systems are issuing a signal about the penetration of an intruder or the occurrence of a fire at the facility. The main way to ensure the safety of people during fires in public buildings and structures is to evacuate them to a safe area. A safe zone is considered to be premises (areas) inside buildings and the space outside the building, where exposure to dangerous fire factors on people is excluded. Warning and evacuation control system (WEC) is a set of organizational measures and technical means designed to promptly communicate to people information about the occurrence of a fire and (or) the need for and routes of evacuation. Fire warning zone is a part of the building where people are notified about a fire simultaneously and in the same way. Technical means of warning - sound, speech, light and combined fire alarms, their control devices, as well as fire safety evacuation signs. 43 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Static sign is a fire safety evacuation sign with a constant semantic meaning. A dynamic sign is a fire safety evacuation sign with a variable semantic meaning. Automatic control - actuation of the emergency control system by a command impulse of automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installations. Semi-automatic control - actuation of the emergency control system by the dispatcher upon receipt of a command impulse from automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installations. Evacuation is ensured in accordance with GOST 12.1.004 - 91 through the installation of the required number of evacuation routes and compliance with their required parameters, as well as the organization of timely notification of people and control of their movement. The purpose of warning and evacuation control systems is to: - timely transmit information about the occurrence of a fire, - facilitate the implementation of the plan for evacuation of people from the site. At small facilities, reception and control devices or fire alarm control panels are used as control devices for these types of emergency control systems, but, as a rule, the power to power warning devices in most control panels is limited. To solve this problem, when carrying out warning functions at small objects, PPK executive relays are used (as control circuits) and uninterruptible power supplies for systems (as devices that power the sounder loops). It is necessary to remember to comply with the mandatory requirements of the airbag: the implementation of hardware monitoring functions for the integrity of siren lines (loops), as well as the monitored performance of control and power devices. 6.2 Types of fire alarms When defined SOUE type and the choice of equipment for its design must be guided by regulatory documents approved in the manner prescribed by law. First of all, these are NPB 77-98 (Norms for 44 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency for heat safety), establishing general technical requirements for technical means of warning and evacuation management, and NPB 104-03, establishing fire safety requirements for SOUE, as well as their types, with a definition of the list of objects to be equipped with such systems. The requirements of these standards when selecting equipment and designing warning systems are mandatory. For most small and medium-sized facilities, fire safety standards require the installation of type 1 and 2 fire safety systems. Depending on the functional characteristics SOUE are divided into five types, listed in Table 6.1. Table 6.1 – Types of fire alerts Description of alert signals Alert type no. Sound alert (bells, tone signal, etc.). 1 Sound warning and light indicators “Exit”. Notification must be made in all premises simultaneously. 2 Voice notification and presence of “Exit” indicators. The order of notification is regulated: first to service personnel, and then to everyone else according to the developed order. Voice notification, presence of light indicators for direction of movement and “Exit”. Communication between the warning zone and the control room must be ensured. The order of notification is regulated. Voice notification, presence of light indicators for direction of movement and “Exit”. Traffic direction indicators must be switched on separately for each zone. Communication between the warning zone and the control room must be ensured. The order of notification is regulated. 3 4 5 6.3 Classification of security and fire alarms A security alarm is a technical means of security alarm, 45 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency, intended for notification of the occurrence of a criminal threat at a protected facility. The fire alarm is designed for timely transmission of information about the occurrence of a fire and the implementation of a plan for evacuating people from the site. The classification of fire and security alarms is presented in Figure 6.1. The main difficulty in designing warning systems is the correct selection of the number, switching power and optimal location of sounders in the premises. The installation locations of sirens should be selected to achieve maximum audibility and intelligibility of the transmitted information. Figure 6.1 – Classification of fire and security sirens As an example, we will give the combined fire and security siren MAYAK-12-KP. It is designed for light and sound notification of the condition of an object protected by fire alarm devices. The characteristics are presented in Table 6.2. 46 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Table 6.2 - Characteristics of the MAYAK-12-KP siren Parameter Value Operating temperature range, °C -30 ... +55 Overall dimensions, mm 80x80x42 DC supply voltage, V 10.8 ... 13.2 Light siren consumption current, mA 25 Sound siren consumption current, mA 50 Alarm sound volume level, dB 100 Nominal time of continuous operation of the siren in the “Alarm” mode, min. 60 The placement of fire alarms is carried out in accordance with fire safety standards “Warning systems and management of evacuation of people during fires in buildings and structures” NPB 104-03. 6.4 Types of security sirens Classification, general technical requirements and test methods for security sirens are specified in GOST R 54126-2010. All sirens are used to produce sound or light signal to attract the attention of security and psychological impact on the offender. Signal lights use incandescent lamps, LEDs or pulsed light sources. Electromagnetic sirens and bells, electrodynamic loudspeakers and sirens, and piezoelectric sirens are used as sound signals. Loudspeakers are used for speech. Combined sirens are two different sirens in one housing. Sounders are classified depending on the nature of the generated signals, the presence of a built-in backup power supply, as well as the conditions of use. The classification of sirens is given in Table 6.3. 47 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Table 6.3 - Classification of sirens Purpose By the nature of the generated signal, X1 By application conditions, X2 By the presence of a built-in power supply, X3 Type Designation Light C Sound Z Combined K For heated premises 1 For unheated premises (including under canopies) 2 For placement in the open air 3 Without a built-in source of backup power supply a With a built-in power supply b The structure of the group of designation symbols for sirens should be as follows: X1X2X3 - X4/X5X6 X4 - development serial number siren registered by the relevant government agency responsible for technical policy in this area; X5 - modification designation (the first modification is A, the second is B, etc.); X6 - designation of modernization (the first modernization - 1, the second - 2, etc.) Example of a symbol: OO "Sova" K3a-5/A1. Combined security siren, for placement outdoors, without a built-in power supply, development serial number 5, modification A, with the name "Owl", first modernization. Sound sirens must have expanded information content, i.e. In addition to the alarm signal, they must produce information signals to indicate the state of the control panel, for example: “Arming”, “Disarming”, “Noting a work order”, etc. The type of these signals should be different from the "Alarm" signal. The signal parameters of sound alarms must comply with GOST 21786. Requirements for resistance to mechanical factors are established in the technical specifications for alarms of a specific type in accordance with operating conditions and product design groups in accordance with GOST 16962. 6.5 Task 1) For a given object, select fire alarm means taking into account specific conditions at the site. (Objects are indicated in work No. 1). 2) Provide a technical description of the selected means of notification. 3) For a given object, select the type of security alarms. 4) Construct a layout of fire and security warning systems at a given facility. Use the plan built in the first work. 6.6 Test questions 1 Define a security siren. By what criteria are sirens classified? Give an explanation of each class. 2 What information signals should security sirens produce? Give examples of the use of various types of security alarms. 3 Define a fire alarm. By what criteria are fire alarms classified? Give an explanation of each class. 4 What information signals should fire alarms produce? Give examples of the use of various types of security alarms. 5 What are the rules for placing sirens? 6 What specific conditions at the protected object must be taken into account when choosing sirens? 7 How is the warning system powered? 49 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 7 Laboratory work No. 6. Development of a security and fire alarm system for an object Goal. Gain skills in designing security and fire alarm systems for a given facility. Tasks. 1. Analysis of the vulnerability of a given object. 2. Determination of recommendations to reduce the level of risk. 3. Selection of the structure of the security and fire alarm system. 4. Selection and justification of security and fire alarm equipment. 5. Development of a layout of engineering and technical fire alarm systems. 6. Development of a functional diagram of a security and fire alarm system. 7.1 Analysis of the vulnerability of the facility 7.1.1 Assessment of threats at the facility One of the main tasks of the initial stage of designing a fire alarm system is to assess the threats to the facility and existing system physical security (protection). Based on the results of the assessment of security threats, the object and general basic recommendations for the system’s task to provide security and fire alarm systems are developed. The goals and objectives of conducting a threat assessment are: 1) identifying items of protection that are important for the life of an object (the most likely targets of attackers); 2) identification of possible threats and models of likely perpetrators of threats; 3) assessment of possible damage from the implementation of predicted security threats; 50 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 4) assessment of the vulnerability of the facility and the existing security system; 5) development general recommendations to ensure the safety of the facility. Items of protection. The implementation of the vital interests of any enterprise is ensured by its corporate resources. These resources must be reliably protected from foreseeable security threats. For the protected object, the most important resources for life, and, therefore, the objects of protection are: 1) People (enterprise personnel); 2) Property: - important or scarce technological equipment; - secret and confidential documentation; - material and financial assets; - finished products; - intellectual property (know-how); - computer facilities; - control and measuring instruments, etc.; 3) Confidential information: on tangible media, as well as circulating in internal communication channels of communication and information, in the offices of enterprise management, at meetings and meetings; 4) Financial and economic resources that ensure the effective and sustainable development of the enterprise (capital, commercial interests, business plans, contractual documents and obligations, etc.). The listed protective items are placed at the relevant production facilities (sub-facilities) of the enterprise in buildings and premises. These subobjects are the most vulnerable places, which are identified during the inspection of the object. Security threats. The main security threats that can lead to the loss of corporate resources of an enterprise are:  emergency (fire, destruction, flooding, accident, etc.); 51 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency  theft or damage to property;  unauthorized recording of confidential information;  deterioration in operational efficiency and sustainability of development. The most dangerous threat to the safety of an industrial enterprise is an emergency situation, which can lead to great material damage, pose a threat to the life and health of people, and at potentially hazardous facilities - catastrophic consequences for the environment and the population. An example of a threat assessment is given in Table 7.1. Table 7.1 – Enterprise threat assessment No. Source of information 1 Design documentation 2 People, documents, technical equipment 3 Technological process 4 Voice information 6 Raw materials and production waste 52 Location Type of source threat and type of controlled area Intentional Shelving, exposure cabinets. Viya maliciousRegimental Lennikov in the zone. sources of information All zones. Fire Performer of the threat Degree of damage Competitors, industrial spies, employees High Terrorists, High Competitors, employees, faulty electrical equipment Workshop. Zone Surveillance Competitors, High Enhanced Industrial Protection. spies office eavesdropped on competitors, high executives, and industrial meeting rooms. spies Highest protection zone. Stock. Collection and analysis Competitors, High Security Zone industrial waste spies Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency In modern conditions, unauthorized actions of individuals: saboteurs, terrorists, criminals, extremists pose a particular danger, because may result in most foreseeable threats. At the stage of threat analysis, together with the security service during a preliminary inspection of the facility, a model of probable perpetrators of threats (violators) is formed, i.e., their quantitative and qualitative characteristics (equipment, tactics, etc.). 7.1.2 Entry routes for the intruder Unauthorized entry into the facility is carried out mainly through windows, doors, balconies; to the perimeter - through the entrance, holes in the fence and directly through the fence. Possible ways intruder penetrations are presented in Figure 7.1. Figure 7.1 - Possible routes of entry for an intruder 53 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Traffic routes are indicated on the corresponding plans of security facilities. Since modeling is based on random events, it is advisable to outline several penetration options. The main elements of entry routes can be:  natural (gates, checkpoint doors);  auxiliary (windows, hatches, communication channels, tunnels, fire escapes);  specially created (breaks, tunnels, manholes). Possible entry routes for intruders are marked with lines on plans (diagrams) of the territory, floors and premises of buildings, and the results of the analysis of the intruder’s entry routes are entered into a table, a version of which is indicated in Table 7.2. Considering that an attacker will choose the path with the best parameters for solving his task - with a higher probability and shorter penetration time, threats are ranked according to these parameters. Table 7.2 - Results of the analysis of the routes of penetration of the intruder No. source - Price of the source - Path of penetration source niknonewformation of information 1 2 3 Characteristics of the threat Risk of penetration Time of penetration 4 5 Value Rank of threat level 6 7 7.2 Development of recommendations to reduce the level of risk Measures to It is advisable to divide information protection into two groups: organizational and technical. The basis of organizational measures is regulation and access control. Organizational measures for engineering and technical information protection determine the order and modes of operation of technical means of information protection. Regulation is the establishment of temporary, territorial and regime restrictions in the activities of the organization’s employees and the work of technical means aimed at ensuring information security. The regulation provides for:  establishing the boundaries of controlled and protected areas;  determination of information protection levels in zones;  regulation of the activities of employees and visitors (development of a daily routine, rules of conduct for employees in the organization and outside it, etc.);  determination of operating modes of technical means, including the collection, processing and storage of protected information on a PC, transfer of documents, order of storage of products, etc. Technical measures include measures implemented by installing new or upgrading used engineering structures and technical means of information security . A typical list is given in Table 7.3. Table 7.3 – List of methods and means of protection No. Type of threat 1 2 3 Method of protection Means of engineering and technical protection Penetration 1) Strengthening mechanical 1) Engineering structures: ton fences, barbed wire, sources of foreigners. thick walls, gratings and films on the formation. 2) Detection. windows, metal doors, safes. 3) Neutralization 2) Security detectors, television and intentional surveillance equipment. actions. 3) Alarm systems, weapons, fire extinguishing equipment, backup power supply. Fire. 1) Detection of 1) Fire detectors. fire signs. 2) Fire extinguishers, automatic. 2) Neutralization of the fire extinguishing system. fire. 3) Fireproof room safes. 3) fire protection. Observation. 1) Spatial 1) Caches. hiding objects. 2) Covers, natural and artificial 2) Temporary hidden masks during operation of objects. surveillance equipment. 3) Masking of objects - 3) Natural and artificial observation objects. masks, camouflage paints, false objects, foams, smokes. 55 Copyright JSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Development of 7.3 structural diagram of a security and fire alarm system. The typical composition of a security and fire alarm system includes the following elements:  security and fire detectors;  control panel;  source uninterruptible power supply;  warning devices (light and sound);  control center;  lighting system;  ACS;  data network. Depending on the value of the protected object, probable threats, conditions around the object, the choice of the structure of the security and fire system is made. An example of a block diagram of an OPS is shown in Figure 7.2. Peripheral devices Hardware part of the facility Light siren Siren Fire loop PI PI PI PI PI PI Security loop PI UPS Key reader TM PKP OP OI BRO Light board ST RS485-RS232 converter ST PC Dispatch console Figure 7.2 - Example of a block diagram of 56 ST Copyright JSC "TsKB" BIBKOM & Kniga-Service Agency LLC 7.4 Selection of equipment and development of fire safety specification The selection of equipment for the designed security and fire system is carried out after comparative characteristics equipment and analysis of the applicability of devices depending on the interference situation at the facility. An example of equipment specification is given in Table 7.4. Table 7.4 – Specification of materials and equipment used Name Fire and alarm control panel Type Quantity Price, rub. Control Panel “Astra-Z8945” 1 pc Magnetic contact point security detectors IO 102-20 and IO 102-14 6 pcs 1458.00 Magnetic contact security detector invoice DPM-1-100 4 pcs 468.00 IR+acoustic detector Orlan-Sh (IO- 315-1) 7 pcs 18048.00 Fire detector IP 212-64 8 pcs 2400.00 Light signaling device “NV 3020” 3 pcs 1070.00 Rechargeable battery 12V, 7A/h 1 pc 800.00 Active IR barrier OPTO LUX and OPTO FLEX 4 pcs 20000.00 Sound annunciator MAYAK-12ZM1 NI 2 pcs 658.00 KSPVG wire 4x0.22 54 m 540.00 ShVVP wire 3x0.5 8m 120.00 Total: 3,678.00 52813.00 57 Copyright JSC " Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 7.5 Development of a layout of fire alarm equipment When developing a layout of fire alarm equipment, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the geometric characteristics of premises and territories, as well as the technical characteristics of devices. Designations of fire safety equipment in accordance with the requirements of recommendations RD 78.36.002-99 of the Main Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Technical means of facility security systems. Conventional graphic designations. An example of the layout of fire alarm equipment is shown in Figure 7.3. First floor Second floor W W S S W W S S W S W W S S W W W S S S Figure 7.3 – Layout of fire alarm system equipment 7.6 Development of a functional fire alarm system diagram As a result of selecting equipment and studying their technical characteristics, a functional diagram for connecting devices is developed. An example of a functional diagram is shown in Figure 7.4. 58 Copyright JSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Kniga-Service Agency" Figure 7.4 - Functional diagram of the security system 59 Copyright JSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Kniga-Service Agency" 7.7 Task 1) Compile a complete list of sources of protected information indicating location, classification and type of storage medium. Enter the results into a table similar to Table 7.1. 2) Compile a list of threats for the listed sources of information on the protected object, indicating the probable damage and the rank of threats. Enter the results into a table similar to Table 7.2. 3) Create a model of a likely offender. Determine classes of violators. Present the model in the form of a table. 4) Develop a plan for the protected object and indicate the routes of penetration of the intruder and channels for information leakage. Based on the example of Figure 7.1. 5) Develop recommendations to reduce the level of risk. Construct a table of methods and means of ensuring the safety of an object according to the example of table 7.3. 6) Select equipment to protect the perimeter of the facility. Make a table similar to Table 7.4. 7) Select fire alarm equipment. Make a table similar to Table 7.4. 8) Develop a layout of equipment and a structural diagram of the security and fire alarm system at the protected facility according to the samples of Figures 7.2 and 7.3. 9) Develop a functional diagram of the connections of the security and fire alarm system according to the example of Figure 7.4. 7.8 Test questions 1 Describe the points included in the analysis of the vulnerability of a protected object? 2 60 Name examples of sources of information and types of threats at the facility. Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 3 Name typical methods and means of preventing threats. 4 Describe the main procedures for the physical protection of information sources. 5 Name recommendations for increasing the strength of fences. 6 Name organizational measures to reduce threats at the facility. 7 Describe the perimeter means of protecting objects. 8 Describe the factors influencing the choice of detectors and loops. 9 Name the functions of security lighting. List the types of security lighting, rules for placing security lighting sources. 10 List typical measures to protect information from surveillance. 11 List typical measures to protect information from eavesdropping. 12 Describe the classes of detectors by purpose, operating principles and type of detection zone. 13 Name the types of contact detectors, describe the principles of operation of magnetic contact detectors. 14 Name the types of acoustic detectors. Methods for increasing the noise immunity of ultrasonic detectors. 15 Name the types of optical-electronic detectors. Principles of increasing the noise immunity of passive and active optical-electronic detectors. 16 Name and describe the types and principles of operation of vibration detectors. 17 Explain the principles of operation of fire detectors. 18 List the advantages and disadvantages of heat detectors. 19 Explain the functions of control panels and centralized security panels. 20 What factors are taken into account when placing security and fire detectors at a facility? 61 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency List of sources used 1 Volkhonsky, V.V. Security alarm systems / V.V. Volkhonsky. – St. Petersburg: Ecopolis and Culture, – 2005. – 208 p. 2 Vorona, V.A. Engineering, technical and fire protection of objects / V.A. Vorona, V.A. Tikhonov. - - M.: Hotline - Telecom, 2012. - 512 p. 3 GOST R 54126-2010 Security alarms. Classification. General technical requirements and test methods. 4 GOST 26342-84 Security, fire and security-fire alarm systems. Types, main parameters and sizes. 5 GOST R 50775-95 Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General provisions. 6 Kornyushin, P.N. Information security: textbook / P.N. Kornyushin, S.S. Kosterin. – Vladivostok: DVGU, 2005. - 345 p. 7 Magauenov, R. G. Security alarm systems: basic theory and design principles: textbook / R. G. Magauenov. - M.: Hotline - Telecom, 2004. - 367 p. 8 Menshakov, Yu.K. Protection of objects and information from technical intelligence means: textbook. manual / Yu. K. Menshakov - M.: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2002. - 296.p. 9 RD 25.953-90 Automatic fire extinguishing, fire, security and fire alarm systems. Symbols of conventional graphic elements of systems. 10 Sinilov, V.G. Security, fire and security-fire alarm systems / V. G. Sinilov. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 512 p. 11 Streltsov, A.A. Organizational and legal support of information security: textbook / A.A. Streltsov, V.S. Gorbatov, T.A. Polyakova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. - 256 p. 12 Torokin, A.A. Engineering and technical information protection: textbook / A.A. Torokin. – M.: Helios ARV, 2005. - 960 p. 62

The laboratory installation consists of a security and fire alarm device "Signal-37YU", two magnetic contact detectors DIMK, a magnetic contact detector IO102-2, a foil detector for the glazed surface of a window, an optical-electronic infrared detector "Foton-1", a power supply for the detector "Foton-1" 1", sound and light alarms, remote resistor and two switches.

The external connection diagram of the fire and security alarm control device “Signal-37Yu” is shown in Fig. 7. “Neva - 60” consoles can be used as a monitoring station. "Center - K" and other analogues.

The alarm loop (terminals 9 and 10) includes fire detectors VK1...VK5, remote resistor R2, diode VD1, and through switch SA2 at night (during shift time) security detectors B6...B10 are connected.

Light HL and sound HA alarms are connected to terminals 3, 4 and 5. The device is powered from a 220V, 50 Hz network through terminals 1 and 2, toggle switch SA1 and fuse FU. The remote resistor R2 of the alarm loop is installed inside the protected object in the section of the alarm loop where it is most likely to be shorted when attempting to enter the protected object.

Security measures

When operating the device, it is necessary to strictly observe the “Rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers” » IP safety during operation of consumer electrical installations.” Installation, installation, testing, and maintenance of the device must only be carried out by persons who have the necessary qualifications and are authorized to work with electrical installations up to 1000 V.

Work order

1. Carefully read the description of the laboratory work.

2. Study the safety rules when performing laboratory work.

3. Study the external connection diagram of the “Signal-37Yu” security and fire alarm device.

4. To take an object under protection, you must:

¾ set switch SA2 to the “Night” position;

¾ open the front door (break the alarm loop);

¾ turn on the toggle switch SA1 for powering the device (the signal lamp does not light up);

¾ close the front door (restore the alarm loop, while the signal lamp is on at full intensity).

5. Open the front door (open the alarm loop). Device
must turn on the light and sound annunciators in alarm mode: do not
intermittently flashing light and short-term sound.

Turn off the power to the device using toggle switch SA1.

Close the front door.

6. Turn on toggle switch SA1 for powering the device (restore the loop circuit
security alarm).

Set (by lightly tapping) the glass in the front door, to which the DIMK magnetic contact detector is glued, into an oscillatory motion. The device must turn on the light and sound annunciators in alarm mode.

Turn off toggle switch SA1 powering the device.

7. Turn on the power of the optical-electronic infrared detector “Foton-1”

Turn on toggle switch SA1 for powering the device

Try to enter the alarm protection zone from directions A and B (see Fig. 6) at a speed less than 0.5 m/s and more than 4.0 m/s. If you are detected in the area protected by the Foton-1 detector, it will open security alarm loop, and the device will turn on the light and sound alarms in alarm mode.

Turn off toggle switch SA1.

1. Purpose of the work

2. Brief theoretical information about the principles of operation of security detectors

3. Diagram of external connections of the fire and security alarm control device

4. “Signal-37Yu” (see Fig. 7)

5. Experimental data.

6. Conclusions.

Self-test questions

1. What types of security detectors do you know?

2. What is the principle of operation of the security detector IO 102-2?

3. What is the operating principle of the DIMK security detector?

4. What is the principle of operation of an optical-electronic security detector

5. What is the area of ​​the zone protected by the Photon-1 optical-electronic detector?

6. What is the principle of protection against penetration through a glazed surface (windows, doors, hatches, etc.) covered with foil?

7. In what cases for blocking building structures Are you using aluminum foil?

8. For what purposes is remote resistor R2 included in the security detector loop?

9. What are the signals produced by the Signal-37Yu fire and security alarm device?


1. Sharovar F.N. Fire alarm devices and systems. -M.: Stroyizdat. 1985 - 375 p.

2. Security and fire alarm reception and control device “Signal-37Yu”. Technical description and instruction manual - 16 p.

3. Detector IOP 409-1 “Foton-1”. Technical description and operating instructions - 48 p.

4. A guide to the rules of production and acceptance of work. Security installations. fire and security fire alarm systems. Dushanbe design and technology bureau "Spetsavtomatika" - 78 p.

Laboratory work No. 5

    The OS provides detection and recording of the opening of doors and windows, breaking of glass, and movement of violators in designated areas and premises under guard.

    System construction

    Burglar alarm system is built on two-wire line controllers “S2000-KDL”. The use of an addressable scheme in security alarms provides the following advantages:
  • the operator has the ability to control the status (including operability and opening of the case) of each detector individually, and not in groups combined into loops, thus achieving high accuracy in localizing the location of penetration for prompt response to alarm signals;
  • damage to the communication line in the threshold system causes the same alarm as the activation of the detector. In the address mode - it is diagnosed as a malfunction, with the ability to localize the location of the damage and maximum preservation of the operability of the rest of the line;
  • there is no need to lay a separate cable to each group of detectors, which, with a large number of rooms, results in a significant reduction in the number of wiring alarm cables.

To implement the OS construction, the following technical means were used:

  • monitoring and control panel (PKU) “S2000M”;
  • two-wire communication line controllers “S2000-KDL”;
  • display units "S2000-BI";
  • signal and trigger units “S2000-SP1”;
  • volumetric optical-electronic addressable security detectors “S2000-IK”;
  • acoustic addressable security detectors “S2000-ST”;
  • addressable expanders for two zones “S2000-AR2”, with the ability to connect to them non-addressable magnetic contact security detectors “IO 102-16/1”
  • addressable surface vibrating security detectors “S2000-V”;
  • uninterruptible power supplies RIP-24.

According to clause 6.2.1. RD 78.36.003-2002, all premises with permanent or temporary storage of material assets, as well as all vulnerable places in the building (windows, doors, hatches, ventilation shafts, ducts, etc.) through which it is possible to unauthorized entry into the premises of the facility.

In the guard's room (room 102) on the 1st floor, a security and fire control panel “S2000M” and display units “S2000-BI” are installed, which are designed to display the status of sections in the integrated security system “Orion”. Also in the room. 102 signal and trigger units “S2000-SP1” and power supplies “RIP-24” are located.

The “S2000-SP1” signal and trigger unit provides the following signal of the “dry” contact type in the process control system: the “Security alarm triggered” signal.

Two-wire communication line controllers “S2000-KDL” and uninterruptible power supplies “RIP-24” are installed in cubicles for OS equipment on each protected floor of the building.

The facility is equipped with a multi-site security alarm system.

The first line of the security alarm is blocked by:

  • entrance doors of premises for “opening”;
  • glazed structures - for “opening” and “destruction” (“breaking”) of glass;

Detection of the opening of doors and windows is carried out by magnetic contact detectors “IO 102-16/1”. IO 102-16/1 detectors are installed on all entrance doors of protected premises and on openable window transoms.

Acoustic detectors “S2000-ST” are used to detect the destruction of glazed structures.

The second line of security alarms protects the volume of premises against “intrusion” using volumetric detectors. In large rooms with a complex configuration that require the use of a large number of detectors to protect the entire volume, it is allowed to block only local areas (vestibules between doors, corridors, approaches to valuables and other vulnerable places).

To detect the movements of people in the protected space of premises, optical-electronic detectors “S2000-IK” with a volumetric detection zone are used.

Security volumetric optical-electronic addressable detectors "S2000-IK" are installed on the walls of protected premises, at a height of 2.1 m from the floor.

The third line of the security alarm in the premises blocks individual objects, safes, metal cabinets, in which values ​​are concentrated.

In the weapons storage room (room 109) on the 1st floor, an additional controller for a two-wire communication line “S2000-KDL” is installed to allocate a separate security zone. Room walls 109 are protected from intentional destruction (burglary) using security vibration surface addressable detectors “S2000-B”.

Alarm. To promptly transmit messages to the security post about illegal actions against staff or visitors (for example, robbery, hooliganism, threats), the facility must be equipped with alarm devices (AS).

An alarm system is usually installed:
  • in storage rooms, storerooms, safe rooms;
  • in weapons and ammunition storage areas;
  • in the offices of the organization’s management and chief accountant;
  • at the main entrance and emergency exits to the building;
  • in other places at the request of the manager (owner) of the facility or on the recommendation of a private security officer
To organize an alarm system, the addressable alarm button “S2000-KT” is intended.

Installation of electrical wiring

The security alarm loops in the protected premises should be made with a cable with copper conductors of type KPSVV 1x2x0.75.
Lay the power lines with VVG-ng LS 3x2.5 wire.

To exchange information between devices of the integrated Orion system, an interface line is used, made with a cable of the KPSVV 2x2x0.5 type.

Installation of electrical wiring systems is carried out in corrugated PVC pipes and cable ducts. In case of parallel open installation, the distance from the wires and cables of the systems to the power and lighting cables must be at least 0.5 m.

When laying networks, the method, laying routes and lengths of sections of wires and cables are subject to clarification during design and installation on site.

Fundamentals of designing technical equipment for security, fire and fire alarm systems

1. General information about security and fire alarm systems

Terminology for technical means of security (TS OS) and security and fire alarms (TS FSA) began to take shape with the advent of technical means for solving these functions. The most active period for the development of TS OPS and regulatory documentation falls on the seventies and eighties of the last century, when after the formation in 1952 of the private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and then the formation in 1962 of the SKB as part of the VNIIPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, a rapid process began to create and develop the TS OPS.

Currently, in the conditions of market relations and the reorganization of private security, further development continues to create more advanced security guard systems based on the latest achievements of microelectronics and computer technology.

However, the foundations of terminology were laid precisely in the initial period of the creation of the TS OPS and were further developed at the present stage. According to (1), the term “security alarm system” is “a set of jointly operating technical means for detecting the appearance of signs of an intruder at protected sites, transmitting, collecting, processing and presenting information in a given form.”

The term “security and fire alarm system” is defined as: “A set of jointly operating technical means for detecting the appearance of signs of an intruder at protected objects and/or a fire at them, transmitting, collecting, processing and presenting information in a given form.”

The definition of the term “fire alarm” follows from the concept of the term TS OPS, if “signs of an intruder” are excluded from it.

With the advent of new TS OS and TS OPS, the terminology is replenished with new names. As an example, we can cite regulatory documents (2,3,4)

General questions about design, installation and maintenance TS OPS are set out in (5).

2. Organization of security of objects. Autonomous and centralized security

What do we understand by the term “object protection”? The most complete definition of the term “protection of an object” is given in (4) “A regulated set of organizational and staffing measures, engineering and technical means and actions of people aimed at preventing criminal attacks on a protected object, eliminating or reducing the threat to the health and life of people, as well as protection of technical security and safety equipment from intentional disabling.”

The security of the facility largely depends on the level of organization of facility security, i.e. the state of the object’s protection from internal and/or external threats of unacceptable damage. TS fire protection systems are directly related to the task of ensuring, among other things, the fire safety of the facility (6).

According to the method of organization, security can be autonomous and centralized. Autonomous security is a separate security of an object with display of signals of the state of the fire alarm vehicle directly at the object itself. Autonomous security is used mainly for low-value objects (stalls, kiosks, warehouses, etc.), as well as for objects that do not have a telephone connection. Autonomous alarms mainly serve as a deterrent alarm or a warning alarm for security guards and patrol officers.

Centralized security is a set of technical means for protecting dispersed objects with the help of specially equipped central security control centers (CMS), connected to the protected objects by GTS lines or radio channels.

3. Classification of technical means of security and fire alarm (TS OPS)

The first fundamental document of the classification of TS OPS is standard (7).

In accordance with this standard, we will consider the main features of the classification of the most commonly used vehicle safety equipment.

3.1. Classification of security and fire detectors:

A) according to the method of actuation - automatic and manual;

b) by purpose:

For closed (heated) premises;

For closed (unheated) rooms and open areas and perimeters.

V) by type of zone controlled by the detector:





G) according to the operating principle:

Magneto contact;

Electromagnetic non-contact;





Radio waves;



d) by range of ultrasonic, optical-electronic, radio wave (volume):

For enclosed spaces:

Short range - up to 12 m;

Medium range - over 12 to 30 m;

Long range – over 30 m;

e) by range for open areas and perimeters:

Short range - up to 50 m;

Medium range - over 50 to 200m;

Long range - over 200.

3.2. Classification of central monitoring consoles (CMS):

A) In terms of information capacity, the monitoring stations must correspond to the SPI;

b) In terms of information, it is similar to SPI:

V) According to the monitoring station maintenance algorithm:<

With manual arming of objects and manual disarming of objects;

With automatic arming and disarming of objects;

With a combination of taking and withdrawing;

Using automated workstations (AWS) using computer technology.

3.3. The classification of access control and management tools and systems (ACS) is made in accordance with (8).

Currently, access control systems are increasingly used for the purposes of monitoring and identifying personnel at civil and industrial facilities.

3.4. The classification of closed circuit television (CCTV) systems is given in the standard (9).

In recent years, COTs have found wide application for video surveillance and security purposes. The advantage of SOT over traditional OPS vehicles is the documentation of an alarming situation at the facility, which greatly facilitates the process of identifying a criminal from SOT video recordings. In addition, in recent years, serious research has been carried out on the use of television to detect fires at protected sites, which will significantly expand the scope of application of fire protection systems.

3.5. Classification of integrated security systems (ISS)

ISIS is understood as a system that combines facility security and safety equipment based on a single hardware and software complex with a common information environment and a single database. ISB is the future, as it allows you to combine into a single complex all the subsystems for managing technical security equipment and managing engineering equipment. First of all, the integration of such subsystems as:

Security alarm;

Fire alarm;

Fire warning and evacuation control systems;

Smoke removal system;

Power supply and electric lighting system;

Ventilation and heat supply system;

System for supporting the facility in emergency situations, etc.

In (10), for private security units, it is recommended to use the ISF “Rubezh - 07 - 3”, “Orion”, as the most adapted to the conditions and tactics of the work of the security system at sites protected by private security. Dozens of various types of ISS are offered on the TS OPS market.

Detailed information about the OPS vehicle necessary for selection and design is presented in (11).

4. General issues of design, installation and commissioning work

4.1. Design stages and their contents

The most general tasks for the development, approval, and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures are set out in (12).

By designing a security and safety system, in the general case, we will understand the process of creating a prototype of a proposed or possible security and safety system (diagrams, drawings and text documentation), necessary for its subsequent implementation at a protected facility, taking into account standardized restrictions.

The design process for national economic facilities is usually carried out in two stages:

The first stage - pre-design includes:

Selection of a design object (newly constructed, reconstructed or existing, equipped with an OPS vehicle);

Inspection of the object and execution of the inspection report;

Drawing up a contract for the implementation of design work, and when performing turnkey work, a contract is drawn up for installation and commissioning work;

Development of technical specifications for design in accordance with regulatory documentation.

The second stage of design work includes:

Development and execution of working drawings;

Drawing up a settlement and explanatory note (EPR);

Preparation of a working draft;

Coordination and approval by the Customer of the detailed design.

4.2. Methodology and content of the object inspection process and the necessary regulatory documents

In the process of selecting an object, it is necessary to clearly define with the Customer whether the object will be handed over to a non-departmental or private security structure, since this establishes the specifics of the inspection and equipment of the OPS vehicle.

For objects handed over under private security, a clear procedure for inspection and subsequent development of the project and its approval has been developed, which can equally be recommended for objects of private security services.

It should be noted that the quality and content of the project largely depends on a qualitative survey. Therefore, special importance should be attached to the stage of pre-design work and the most experienced workers should be allocated to carry it out.

The inspection of the facility is carried out by a commission appointed by order or instruction of the Customer, taking into account the approval of representatives from the educational institution (OVO), state supervision and design and installation organization (PMO).

Before the start of the survey, the Customer, in accordance with (14), must provide the PMO with the necessary drawings for a preliminary study. First of all, for the OPS vehicle project, it is necessary to obtain the following drawings:

1. Construction drawings of floor plans with explication of all premises.

2. Electrical wiring drawings.

3. Drawings for laying ventilation ducts.

4. Drawing of the AC power supply input panel.

Before inspecting the object, commission members must study and be guided by regulatory documentation (13-21).

During the inspection process regarding security and fire alarms, decisions must be established and made in accordance with regulatory requirements, namely:

The required list of fire alarm system equipment for the facility has been established;

The boundaries of protection have been determined (one, two or three boundaries) depending on material assets;

The type of security has been established (centralized, autonomous);

The zones for generating alarm notifications of the facility have been determined (the number of alarm notifications at the monitoring station by groups of controlled premises - facade, rear, premises of the 1st floor, etc.).

The customer is obliged to provide drawings (to scale) of the building structures to be blocked. This refers to drawings of the same type of doors, windows, hatches, partitions, etc. indicating the type of building materials. It is necessary to determine the presence of false ceilings, false floors, types and heights of ceilings (smooth, with stiffeners, etc.). The procedure for handing over the object under protection to the monitoring station must be determined. Will there be a 24-hour security post at the facility or not? If there is such a post, the design must provide for the allocation of a separate room in accordance with (19).

The AC OPS vehicle device must be powered from a separate cell of the input panel. At the same time, OPS vehicles are classified as category 1 of power receivers in terms of reliability of power supply according to the PUE, due to which their power supply must be uninterrupted (22) - either from two independent alternating current sources, or from one alternating current source with automatic switching in emergency mode to backup power from batteries.

If the facility does not have an input switchboard, then it is necessary to issue the Customer with a technical specification for the equipment of the input switchboard indicating the power consumption.

Based on the results of the survey, an object inspection report is drawn up, which is the basis for the development of technical specifications.

Requirements for equipping a facility with fire alarms, warning and evacuation control systems, as well as automatic fire extinguishing systems are formed by State Fire Supervision inspectors during the inspection process in an order to the Customer. This instruction is the basis for the Customer to develop the appropriate technical specifications for design.

4.3. Composition and content of working documentation and the procedure for its approval

The development of a working design can be carried out by an organization that has a license to carry out this type of work. Currently, the production of working drawings is usually done using a computer.

When issuing drawings and drawing up the RPP, it is necessary to be guided by regulatory documents (23,24,25). The sequence of work on preparing working drawings and RPZ is as follows. The responsible executor of the project, on the floor plan drawings, marks in the symbols the location of cable and wire communications and fire alarm system equipment in accordance with the technical specifications. The drafts completed in this way are transferred to the computer draftsman for final design in accordance with (23,24,25).

Simultaneously with the preparation of working drawings, a work plan is drawn up. Based on experience, the RPP for projects on objects with TS OPS is compiled, you can focus on the recommended content of the RPP given below.

1. A common part. Contains the full name of the object and the designed fire safety equipment. Name, addresses and details of the Contractor and the Customer

2. List and characteristics of protected premises.

3 . Justification of technical solutions adopted in the project.

4. Characteristics of electrical wiring of the vehicle OPS (types, wiring, design, certificates).

5. Power supply of the vehicle OPS.

Responsible section in the project. Characteristics of the AC power supply are given. The calculation of the battery capacity for emergency time is given (according to (22) in standby mode for 24 hours, “Alarm” mode for 3 hours). By agreement of the commission, it can be established based on the maximum interruptions in power supply for a given facility according to the energy supervision certificate.

6. Placement of OPS vehicle equipment at the security point.

Characteristics of the premises of the security point and recommendations for the placement of equipment are given.

7 . Grounding of the vehicle OPS.

10 . Specification of equipment and materials.

1. General information. A table of reference normative documents and a table of graphic symbols are provided.

2. Schemes of floor-by-floor connections of the alarm system equipment (detectors, control panels, TV equipment, access control systems, etc.)

3. General connection diagram. Topography of cable and wire lines in a longitudinal section of the object.

4. Connection diagrams for equipment of the OPS vehicle (diagrams of terminal blocks of the same type of equipment).

5. Blocking diagrams of building structures (scale drawings of similar building elements with the application of blocking elements and wire connections - doors, windows, hatches, partitions, etc.)

6. Drawings of the placement of equipment of the fire alarm system at the security point. If you use non-standard furniture (tables, stands, etc. and non-standard fasteners), then you must provide drawings for their manufacture.

7. Table of addresses of cable and wire connections (cable log). It must be remembered that at the same time estimate documentation for the project must be prepared, which is included in the working draft.<

The working draft is drawn up in at least three copies (maybe more at the request of the Customer or PSB). Before its implementation at the site, the working design must be agreed upon with the VO division and, if necessary, with the State Fire Inspectorate.

After approval, the project must be approved by the Customer and, after approval, transferred to the installation organization for implementation.

4.4. Basic requirements for installation, commissioning and commissioning of the facility

Let's consider the basic requirements in the process of implementing a working project.

First of all, even at the stage of design work, the PMO must prepare for the Customer the so-called construction and installation task. According to this assignment, the Customer, under a separate contract, must carry out the necessary preparatory construction work for laying, if necessary, pipes, making grooves for the subsequent laying of wires and cables, recesses in the walls for cabinets, equipping risers, etc.

It is recommended to organize incoming inspection of all incoming equipment before its installation. In the process of performing installation work, it is necessary to draw up appropriate acts, a list of which is given in the Appendix of the Manual to RD 78.145-93, and also be guided by (26).

If necessary, to carry out commissioning work, the Customer enters into an appropriate agreement with a specialized organization.

After adjustment work, the object is usually put on a “run” to check its functionality for several days.

Upon completion of the work, the Customer appoints, by agreement of the parties, an acceptance committee, which accepts the facility into operation with the execution of the relevant documents (18).


1. GOST R 50775-95 (IEC 839-1-1-88). Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General provisions.

2. RM 78.36.003-99. Technical means of protection. Dictionary of basic terms and definitions.

3. RM 78.36.006-99. Technical means of security. Dictionary of basic terms and definitions.

4. RD 25.03.001-2002. Security and safety systems for facilities. Terms and definitions TC 439 "Automation means and control systems "Gosstandart R.F. International Association "Systemservice"

5. GOST R 50776-95 (IEC 839-1-4-89). Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 4: Design, Installation and Maintenance Guidelines.

6. PPB 01-93**. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.

7. GOST 26342-84. Security, fire and security-fire alarm systems. Types, main parameters and sizes.

8. GOST R 51241 - 98. Access control and management means and systems. Classification. General technical requirements. Test methods.

9. GOST R 51558-2000. Security television systems. General technical requirements and test methods.

10. P 78.36.001-2004. List of technical equipment approved for use in private security in 2004 (updated annually)

11. Catalog of technical security equipment (Part 1, Part 2) Main Military Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

12. Sn and P 11-01-95. Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures.

13. RM 78.36.002-99. The procedure for examining objects taken under protection. Methodological manual of the Main Military Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

14. RD 25 952-90. Automatic fire extinguishing, fire, security and fire alarm systems. The procedure for developing a design assignment.

15. Basic requirements for the design of automated integrated security and life support systems. Educational and reference manual. University of KSB and IOM, 2002.

16. RD 78.36.003-2002. Engineering and technical strength, technical security means. Requirements and design standards for protecting objects from criminal attacks.

17. RD 78.145-93. Security, fire and security-fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for production and acceptance of work.

18. Manual for RD 78.145-93.

19. NPB 88-2001?.. Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Design norms and rules.

20. NPB 110-03. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms.

21. NPB 104-03. Warning systems and management of evacuation of people in case of fires in buildings and structures.

22. Directory of technical engineers and electricians of technical means of security and fire alarm systems. Approved Main Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 12/24/96

23. GOST 21.101-97. Basic requirements for design and working documentation.

24. RD 78.36.002-99. Technical means of facility security systems. Symbols of conventional graphic elements of systems.

25. RD 25.953-90. Automatic fire extinguishing, fire and security fire alarm systems. Conventional graphic designations of communication elements.

26. Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems. Rules for acceptance and control. Methodological recommendations of VNIIPO, M. 1999.

Goal of the work: studying the operating principle of an automatic fire fighting system

alarms. Introduction to the principles of operation of fire heat and smoke detectors.

General instructions

The widespread use of oil and gas motor fuels, flammable liquids and gases in road transport under certain conditions can cause a fire, which is associated with large material losses and loss of life. Early automatic detection of a small fire by a fire detector allows you to take the necessary measures in a timely manner and eliminate the fire at the initial stage of its development.

The domestic industry produces automatic fire detection devices - fire detectors of various types, photoelectric and ionization - for detecting smoke; thermistor, thermomagnetic, thermoelectric, heat-melting, reacting to excess temperature. photoelectric and ultrasonic - for detecting open flames and turbulent heat flows arising above the fire. Signals from fire detectors are received by on-site devices, concentrators, and control panels, which can be installed at a considerable distance from protected objects

A set of fire detectors. on-site devices, concentrators and receiving consoles, interconnected in an appropriate manner, constitutes an automatic fire alarm system.

Heat detectors, responding to excess temperature of the environment, depending on the physical phenomenon underlying the operation of the detector, are divided into several types. The phenomena of changes in the electrical conductivity of solids, contact potential differences, ferromagnetic properties of materials, changes in the linear dimensions of solids, etc. are widely used. Heat detectors of maximum action are triggered at a certain maximum temperature. Detectors that respond to the rate of temperature increase are called differential.

Ferromagnetic material is often used as a sensitive thermoelement in fire detectors. The physical and technical basis of such detectors is the loss of the magnetic properties of the magnetic insert upon reaching a controlled temperature threshold close to the Curie point.

The disappearance of the magnetic properties of ferrites at a temperature at the Curie point is explained by this. that the energy of thermal motion becomes greater than the energy of the orienting internal molecular field. When the temperature of a magnetic material decreases below the Curie point, its magnetic properties are restored.

In ferrites of different compositions, the Curie point temperature has different values. Thus, nickel-zinc ferrites have a Curie temperature point in the range of 70...90°C.

Thermal magnetic fire detector PP105-2/1 (Fig. 1, a) is intended for use in enclosed spaces and installation on stationary objects in order to detect a fire and generate an alarm signal to control panels and fire alarm devices.

The detector consists of a base 1 with terminals 6 for connecting the wires of the fire alarm loop and a temperature-sensitive element 3 mounted on two racks 5 with heat receivers 4, closed with an easily removable protective cap 2.

The heat-sensitive element of the detector (Fig. 1,b) is a non-separable unit consisting of a heat-sensitive magnetic system in the form of two ring permanent magnets 7 with a heat-sensitive ferrite 9 installed between them with a low-temperature Curie point (near 70°C). The heat-sensitive ferrite magnetic core and both ring magnets are strengthened using special glue on the bulb of the magnetically controlled contact (reed switch) 8. At temperatures below the threshold temperature of the detector, the reed switch contacts are closed under the action of the longitudinal magnetic field of the magnetic system of the thermoelement. Under the influence of elevated temperatures perceived by thermal detectors, exceeding the Curie point for the ferromagnetic material from which the heat-sensitive ferrite of the detector is made, the magnetic permeability of the ferrite practically drops to zero. This leads to a sharp decrease in the longitudinal field that previously held the reed switch contacts in a closed state, as a result of which the contacts open, signaling an increase in temperature at the detector installation site above 70°C.

Technical characteristics of the IP105-2/1 detector: Response temperature.°C……………………………….……………………….. 70 ± 7

Transitional electrical resistance of closed contacts, Ohm, no more than…….0.5

Response inertia, s, no more than ……………………………………………..120

Protected area, m 2 ……………………………………………………………….. 15

Operating temperature range, °C …………..……………………………………..… ±50

The maximum permissible current flowing for a long time through the contacts, mA….…. 10

Average service life, years..………………………………………………………10

The thermal fire detector IP104-1 is designed to issue an alarm signal when the air temperature rises above the established norm to the on-site control panel, electric fire alarm station or centralized alarm panel.

The IP 104-1 detector is used in closed explosion-proof rooms, as well as in explosive rooms with devices that provide intrinsically safe operating conditions.

The detector (Fig. 2) consists of a body 4, a thermal switch 5 and a base 1. The contacts of the thermal switch are soldered with Wood's alloy. Screws 3 and nuts 2 with washers are designed to secure the thermal lock inside the housing, as well as for connection to the alarm circuit.

When the ambient air temperature in the protected room rises above 72 ° C, the Wood alloy junction melts and the contacts of the thermal lock open (break the electrical circuit).

A break in the electrical circuit is a signal that the temperature has risen above the permissible limit.

Technical characteristics of the IP104-1 detector:

Operation temperature, °C ……….72 ±2

Transitional electrical resistance of closed contacts, Ohm............................0.1

Response inertia,

s, no more…………………………….…125

Protected area, m 2……………….15

Operating temperature range, °C….….±50

Ah, no more…………………………….0.1

Average service life, years…..………….10

When using fire detectors simultaneously in the electrical alarm line with security alarm devices, a D226B diode is installed inside the housing parallel to the breaking contacts.

The DIP-1 detector is designed to detect fires accompanied by

the appearance of smoke or increased temperature in enclosed spaces. The fire detection signal is supplied to the control panel by opening the normally closed relay contacts. At the same time, the red indicator light on the detector turns on. The device is designed to work together with any on-site receiving and control device.

Technical characteristics of the DIP-1 detector

Response temperature. °C……………………………………………………..…….90

Inertia of response when increasing

optical density of the medium up to 10%, s……………………………………………………..5

Permissible background illumination at the detector installation site. lux, no more than……..10000

DC supply voltage, V………………………………………….……24 ± 2.4

Power consumption in standby mode, W. No more ………..………………. ..1

The same in the alarm transmission mode……………….……………………………..2

Protected area, m 2 ………………………………………………………….……………….85

Operating temperature range, C……………………………………………………… ….-30…-50 Relative air humidity at a temperature of 35 C.%, no more than…..…..… …………98 Average service life, years …..……………….…………………………………….10

The detector is a combined thermophotovoltaic device that gives an alarm when smoke appears or the temperature rises at its installation site.

The housing 3 (Fig. 3) of the DIP-1 detector has a protective mesh 7, inside of which there is a smoke-sensitive area 1, formed by the intersection of the solid angles of the field of view of the radiation source 2 and the photodetector 6, which is not directly illuminated by it, which are fixed in the optical channels 4 of the holder 5 When smoke appears, it freely penetrates through the protective mesh 7 and enters the sensitive area 1. In this case, the radiation from the source 2 is reflected from the smoke particles and affects the photodetector 6, the electrical signal of which, passing through the processing device, causes an alarm.

The design of the detectors allows them to be securely mounted on reinforced concrete panels, wooden or metal structures. It is recommended to place the detectors on the ceilings of the premises being stored; it is also permissible to install them on vertical surfaces at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from the ceiling.

The “Signal-37Yu” fire alarm control device is designed to monitor the state of the fire alarm loop in enclosed spaces and issue control signals for sound and light annunciators and alarm signals to the central monitoring station (CMS).

Technical specifications

Rated supply voltage…..………………………………….……………… 220 V

AC frequency……………….…………………………………….………50±1 Hz

Supply voltage deviation

from the nominal value, no more than ………………………………………….. …. -15%

Number of connected alarm loops……………….…………….. 1

Insulation resistance of the alarm loop, not less than……………………………20 kOhm

Resistance of the alarm loop without taking into account the remote

resistor, no more………………………………………………………………………. 1.0 kOhm

Power consumed by the device is no more than…………………………………….10 VA

Alarm light power,

connected to the device, no more than……………………………………………..……... 25 VA

Alarm sounder power,

connected to the device, no more than……………………………………..………………25 VA.

Sounder operating mode:

continuously flashing light (in alarm mode);

short-term sound (in alarm mode);

continuous light at full intensity (in standby mode);

the warning light does not light up (when the alarm loop is open before the object is armed).

In case of a break, short circuit, or increase in the resistance of the alarm loop above 30 kOhm, the device issues alarm signals: flashing light, single sound, continuous to the central monitoring console.

Relative humidity……………………………………………30..80%

Continuous operation time of the device, not less than …………………………………..170 hours Average service life of the device, not less than …………………………………8 years.
