New manufacturing business. What business is relevant now and what is in demand?

Total in the category: 24 types, investment sizes: from 129,320 to 1,123,100 rubles. Catalog of ideas for creating a mini production in Russia, choose a current idea for opening your own small manufacturing business.

The section presents a variety of options for creating a small manufacturing business with minimal investment(no more than 1 million rubles).

Format of the information provided:

  • Business ideas with economic calculations;
  • Examples of business plans for small businesses;
  • Interviews with real entrepreneurs.




Relevance of a small manufacturing business

It is generally accepted that small business based on production is a complex, costly and unprofitable investment. Let's try to refute these statements and understand the question - what is mini production for small businesses.

World practice shows that it is precisely the ideas whose implementation began in small private enterprises that turned out to be the most viable, promising and progressive. Let's remember the birth of the legendary Harley-Davidson motorcycle or the assembly of the first batch of computers by Steve Jobs in the garage. Many leading corporations are classic examples transforming small-volume production into multi-industry giants that generate huge profits, which means small production is a confident platform for implementation bold ideas or a source of stable earnings on time-tested schemes. Let's consider which industries are the most profitable and quickly pay for themselves today, and also determine the set of mandatory conditions in the organization of any production, on which the potential, and subsequently the real success of the enterprise depends.

Where to begin?

Three pillars that determine sustainability manufacturing enterprise, are:

  • interesting business idea;
  • availability of knowledge of production technology;
  • starting capital in the required amount.

As for any type of activity, for small production the idea is the most important criterion. Entrepreneurs start a new business for various reasons: some are realizing an old dream, while others are trying to make money, but everyone is trying to fulfill a plan that is close and understandable to them. In addition, the ownership of future production space, personal yard or land plots. This will eliminate the additional cost of rent and will provide additional reason for choosing an idea in which to use this property. It is also important to analyze the regional market, the location of the future enterprise, as well as the degree of demand for the product.

In addition, a businessman must have knowledge of the features and intricacies of the business he is about to undertake. It is impossible to make a profit without understanding production. Such a business project will either not survive or will require constant financial investments to hire competent personnel, but this is another topic, and our article is devoted to small-scale industries, where business begins with minimal financial investments.

Availability of capital is a very important condition for starting. Understanding that the issue of money is very acute, we will focus on a review of production facilities with relatively low investment costs of up to 1 million rubles, but with promising opportunities.

Advantages and disadvantages of small industries

Since the production is small and its owner usually combines the functions of a manager and an ordinary employee, he knows first-hand about the needs of the enterprise and this allows him to:

  • actively respond to market changes;
  • quickly reorient production;
  • create promising directions;
  • change the location of the business if necessary.

At the same time, everything decisions made and the businessman does not need to coordinate changes with anyone, and this significantly saves time and reserves, and helps to increase the profitability of the enterprise, since in small industries there is no huge layer of bureaucratic obstacles that invariably accompany large companies.

Along with the advantages, mini-productions also have disadvantages, mainly expressed in the risks of ruin. But such is the prose of life, and entrepreneurs who are seriously interested in small business, competently managing the economy and predicting the prospects for its development, achieve excellent results.

Successfully implemented business ideas

Real, effectively working business ideas with minimal investment in production in 2015 exist in every direction - in the creation of food and non-food products. As a rule, lines for the production of products, for example, pasta, semi-finished meat products, etc., are quite expensive equipment; naturally, the costs of operating such a line will be considerable. Most not big investment require narrow-profile productions that do not use expensive equipment. For example, making cakes to order, the main expense for which is the purchase of products, baking dishes and utility bills. Or you can try your hand at producing traditional Russian fast food in a small cafe - pirozhkova, the approximate amount of investment in the opening of which will be about 600 thousand rubles. The average payback for such a point is 1.5-2 years.

Among low-cost agricultural production, the most economical is growing vegetables on small areas. In our example, the cost of starting a business for cultivating 1 hectare of land and planting vegetables amounted to no more than 50 thousand rubles. In this business, knowledge of plant cultivation, timing and rates of fertilization, and timing of various agrotechnical activities is required.

Farms for raising animals (breeding and for meat), poultry, production chicken eggs. A rabbit breeding business, like raising laying hens, involves the purchase or construction of premises for animals, their timely vaccination and a whole range of other necessary measures. With the invested costs for the production of eggs and raising laying hens within 245 thousand rubles. (subject to own premises) annual profitability is more than 200 thousand rubles. and the payback of the project is 14-16 months. Despite the apparent simplicity of these types of production, there are many nuances that must be followed, since violations in animal breeding technology are fraught with loss of livestock. A business plan for breeding geese on a personal yard gives a detailed picture of the investment of funds. With an investment of about 300 thousand rubles. The project pays off in 2 years.

Small tailoring ateliers that are relevant today are a very popular type of production that requires small investment(about 100 thousand rubles), the bulk of which goes to the purchase of sewing equipment.

Ideas for development clothing production can be very diverse: such exotic offers as sewing slings for young mothers, ethnic clothing, clothing for dolls and animals increase the profitability of the enterprise. It is also necessary to develop clothing repair services.

A significant part in the segment of small industries is occupied by entrepreneurship in the production of construction and facing materials, for example, for the production of corrugated sheets, metal tiles, doors, windows, etc. A workshop for the production of paving slabs or a profitable business for the production of cinder blocks at relatively low costs gives excellent results. With an investment of 100 - 200 thousand rubles. (depending on the cost of the equipment) the payback of the project is 12-18 months.

In conclusion, let us recall that all of the listed business ideas became profitable enterprises with one more important condition- high efficiency of businessmen and the great contribution of their strength, knowledge and ability to achieve goals.

Section about production: business ideas, instructions on how to start from scratch and types of goods, profitability, equipment and manufacturing technologies, risks in small business, analytics and advice in this industry. Details about which one and how to open it, what you need to start your own business.

It is worth noting that modern production includes not only the material, but also the intangible sphere - the production of intangible goods and (new scientific discoveries, inventions, education, art and culture, healthcare, consumer services, management, financing and lending, sports, etc.). But the development of intangible production and the service sector largely depends on the material.

Business ideas for production

Articles are published here not only on how to start and open your own business, but also various current ideas that can be implemented into your existing business.

Continuation of the business idea

About business in this industry

Often the word “production” usually evokes associations with factories, large workshops, complex machines and conveyors, a wide sales market and big amount work force. Therefore, when thinking about our business, we rarely turn the vector of our thoughts in this direction. But in vain, because very often you can stumble upon simply great ideas production in small businesses that do not require large initial investments and the involvement of a significant workforce. Every day, if you wish, you can find your own business ideas, for which production is the main thing. Yes, if you are good at something or you simply have a thorough knowledge of how something can be done better or cheaper than others, and are looking for new business ideas, small production is just what you need.

Working for yourself is a very responsible decision. But, despite this, many people with an entrepreneurial spirit have always been inclined to make this choice. After all, you can not only earn money by working for yourself, but also be useful to others by choosing your own business in this production field among many ideas.

In this section you will find many business ideas that are relevant today and you will definitely be able to choose something that suits your spirit and material capabilities.

Most The best way get rich - become a businessman. Which business to choose will be determined by your circumstances and your skills. Until now, production has brought good benefits, and today it is easy to organize even on a small scale. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to have a huge start-up capital. This way you can set up, for example, or , as well as implement many . And having established own business, you can easily quit your boring job and...

Advice: Experts usually do not advise leaving your current job for a business idea before its implementation begins or initial stages. At the very least, when you start growing your business, keep working until you are sure that you no longer need it.

Open your own production - ideas

Of course, you can’t build your own business out of nothing, even without an idea. Think about what you can do best with your own hands. And if no thoughts arise, the Internet will always tell you what you could do.

Manufacturing of paving slabs

Manufacturing paving slabs– the idea is not new. Some novice businessmen adapt their own garages and summer cottages for such production. And they do the right thing, because the equipment does not take up much space, so you can significantly save money on renting or purchasing production premises. Equipment you will need:

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Press;
  • Melting and heating unit (for polymer tiles);
  • Forms.

Depending on what type of tile you will produce, a standard set of equipment costing about 1.5 rubles can be supplemented. Tiles can be made either classic from concrete or outlandish from plastic bottles, crumb rubber, polymer sand. Based on the choice of the type of tile, you need to purchase raw materials.

Workshop for the production of plastic windows

Who said that you can’t organize a mini-production for plastic windows? A small workshop can produce about 10-15 products per day, and the payback of such production will not be long in coming due to its relevance.

For the manufacture of plastic windows you will need:

  • PVC profiles;
  • Double-glazed windows;
  • Special fittings;
  • Rubber seals.


  • Milling machine;
  • Welding machine;
  • Saw for cutting PVC;
  • Weld cleaning machine;
  • Engraver for processing grooves for seals.

The total costs will be about 500 thousand rubles.

Production of corn sticks

Corn sticks are defined as a dry breakfast, and this product is popular among people of almost all ages. In addition, it has no seasonality. Therefore, the manufacturer can count on year-round profits. These products can be sold as separate point of sale, and through supermarkets and shops.

A workshop production line will cost a businessman from 400 thousand rubles to 4 million rubles, depending on its level of productivity, which can also be chosen at your discretion.

Raw materials needed for production:

  • Corn grits;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Oil.

In addition, there will be expenses for packaging, maintaining cleanliness, etc.

Kono-pizza production

Despite the fact that the popularity of healthy food is not fading, there are no fewer fast food lovers. However, no one says that fast food must necessarily be harmful. And you, as a manufacturer, have the power to take care of this.

Kono pizza - comparatively New Product originally from Italy. Essentially, it is an interpretation of traditional Italian pizza, only on a small flatbread with different cone-shaped toppings.

To make pizza you will need:

  • Oven for making and baking cones;
  • Convection oven.

Equipment costs are no more than 100 thousand rubles. But here it is important to think about how to sell the products. If you want to produce it under your own brand and sell it yourself, the costs will be much less.

Raw materials for production:

  • Mix for yeast dough (or separately flour + yeast + eggs + olive oil);
  • Products for filling: cheeses, black olives, mushrooms, ham, etc.

Don't forget about maintaining cleanliness and packaging costs.

Making oil-adhesive putty

The production of putty is a fairly simple process, does not require huge costs, and is quite profitable. Moreover, such a product is highly profitable and always relevant. It is used for repair and finishing work.


  • Substitute;
  • Kraskoterka;
  • Check scales;
  • Plastic barrels;
  • Bag sealer.

And the necessary raw materials are even smaller: natural chalk, drying oil, methyl cellulose. Thus, to produce oil-adhesive putty, you will need only about 150 thousand rubles of starting capital.

Small production - business ideas

More and more people today are trying to earn money in addition to the official salary at their main place of work. In addition, the financial crisis is pushing this forward. But what to do if it is not possible to make large investments in production? Small-scale business ideas come to the rescue. Some of them do not require start-up capital at all, and some ideas can be implemented right at home, then in this case it is much easier.

Mini bakery

This is not to say that a mini-bakery will require a minimum investment from you. However, the profitability of such production is quite high - it pays off in a year or two. It all depends on the scale of production, the location of the point of sale and, of course, on the quality of the product. Fresh bread, buns and other pastries are very popular (taking into account the fact that store-bought products can hardly be called very tasty and always fresh). As for the investments themselves, first of all you should think about the premises. If you already have one, then you should do redecorating and ensure that it meets the standards. Your activities must be officially registered with the relevant authorities. After which you can purchase products such as milk, flour, yeast, etc. The equipment will cost a total of approximately 200 thousand rubles. This:

  • Bakery oven;
  • Proofing cabinet;
  • Dough mixer;
  • Flour sifter;
  • Exhaust hood;
  • Refrigerated cabinet;
  • Scales;
  • Washing equipment.

In addition to the standard set of baked goods, you can make custom-made confectionery products, which is very fashionable and relevant today. Then the profit can be increased by several units.

Cheese factory

Producers of natural cheese are most often rural residents, which is not surprising. After all, fresh and high-quality raw materials for production in this case are much easier and more profitable to obtain. However, organizing production is not so simple. Since cheese is not a very simple food product, but uses milk and starter cultures, production must especially comply with SES standards.

A mini-cheese factory costing about 300 thousand rubles is suitable. This amount includes the cost of the device itself, as well as delivery and installation. Don't forget about other expenses ( wage workshop workers, cleaning the premises, purchasing packaging materials, utility bills, etc.).

Mini forge

Beautiful metal fences, patterned original benches in the courtyards of dachas and houses, lamp posts - all this is the work of craftsmen - blacksmiths who are ready to make custom-made products of almost any type and size. For expensive houses, openwork ones are best suited. Forged Products for decoration and protection.

Even a novice businessman can engage in blacksmithing. In addition, purchasing equipment will not require more than 200-250 thousand rubles, and it can even be placed in your own garage, which will significantly reduce the cost of renting premises. One should not expect much competition, since the production niche is quite free. And in order to attract customers, it doesn’t hurt to create your own website, place advertising banners and advertisements in newspapers and on specialized online bulletin boards. Cooperation with construction companies and interior design studios is also possible.

Products are sold, as a rule, at approximately 200% of cost, so the business idea pays off very quickly.

Production of construction nails

Another type of production that can easily be deployed in the garage, since special requirements no to the premises. Equipment (production machines) can cost 300-800 thousand rubles. It all depends on the scale and whether it was previously used. In addition to equipment, you will also need raw materials in the form of special wire. Moreover, each type of nail uses its own. The price of such wire is approximately 30-40 thousand rubles per ton, and finished products can be sold for approximately 1.5-2 times the cost.

Advice: production in the garage - perfect option for a budding entrepreneur. After all, in this case there is practically no need to deal with the premises. The main thing is that it is warm, dry and connected to electricity. In addition, you can simply place a tire workshop in the garage by purchasing only. And to officially register your activity, you don’t need a lot of paperwork either.

The most cost-effective production for small businesses

Many businessmen say that to succeed in business, you either need to be the best at what you do, or choose business ideas that no one has ever implemented. On the one hand, this is true. But on the other hand, this rule works more for medium and large businesses. In a small business, it is important not only the quality of the products produced, but also taking into account some important factors. Among them, an activity according to your mind and soul, selection of the most original idea, choosing a niche with little competition, responding to the needs of potential consumers. Compliance with all factors as a whole practically guarantees successful and profitable business not only in production, but in all areas. This means that the desire to become an entrepreneur alone will not be enough. In addition, it is important to think about which niche will require fewer costs and financial investments.

Many people think that small business is a very risky investment. Money and the event as a whole. However, for a professional in his field, mini-production in the field of small business can become a profitable business that combines his favorite hobby.

As practice shows all over the world, it is a small manufacturing business that not only turns out to be the most viable, but over time can dynamically grow and develop. Take Steve Jobs, who assembled the first batch of computers in his garage. This room, by the way, is very often used by beginning entrepreneurs. We will touch on it later in the article. However, probably all huge corporations and giant companies once started small.

The relevance of mini-productions does not decrease. Let's consider what best business ideas for organizing small productions exist today. We will also calculate the approximate financial planning at the start for an entrepreneur.

Which business idea should you choose and where to start?

For a mini production for a small business to be successful, already at the planning stage it must have:

  • original idea;
  • knowledge of how to implement it;
  • cash.

As in any business, it all starts with the idea of ​​a mini production. One will finally decide to fulfill his old dream. The other just wants to earn more. But, one way or another, an entrepreneur has a greater chance of success if he takes on a business whose essence is clear to him.

In addition, personal property will help, which can be used for the site where mini-production is carried out. Then rental costs will be saved. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs often choose mini-production ideas that are easy to implement using their home. When deciding on a business, they also analyze the regional market in those places where they plan to sell the product. It is also important to calculate the degree of demand for the future product.
An entrepreneur must have deep knowledge and skills to implement his business idea. Mini production without a good theoretical and practical basis is doomed to failure. After all, you will have to hire staff who understand all the intricacies much better than him. And this is a considerable additional financial investment.

Without start-up capital it is impossible to start a business. Mini production costs money. Since this is a rather thorny issue for beginning entrepreneurs, we will choose those options that can be implemented with the least investment. At the same time, mini-production ideas should certainly be promising. Without this they are useless.

Why do business ideas for small businesses have a future?
Having chosen a mini-production, the entrepreneur first usually is both the owner and the worker in one person. Therefore, he knows well what is needed for the functioning and development of his enterprise. Thanks to this, he is able to:

  • respond quickly to changes;
  • focus on the most promising directions;
  • even change location if the need arises.

An entrepreneur is completely free in his actions, therefore he is capable of rapid changes, which is impossible to implement in large companies. This mobility helps increase income.

At the same time, of course, mini production also has disadvantages. First of all, this concerns risks. An entrepreneur can go bankrupt, from which he is completely protected employee. But if you do business wisely, analyze and predict the market, you can achieve excellent results.

The best ideas for mini production at home and in the garage

So, if you don’t have to spend money on renting a room, you can save a lot of money. You can organize an excellent mini-production for a small business right in the garage. It can be equipped for a regular auto repair shop or for many other business projects. Beginning entrepreneurs are finding new ideas for mini-production in a garage. We have already published a list of 40 different ideas for production in a garage. Let's list some of them:

  • furniture manufacturing (for example, assembling cabinets, reupholstering soft elements, sewing covers, painting, producing frameless or garden furniture);
  • souvenirs and home decor (for example, magnets, bookends, jewelry, soaps, ceramics, bells, baskets, pillows, mirrors, blinds, etc.);
  • products for animals (cages, beds, nail sharpeners);
  • children's products ( kites, sandboxes, toys);
  • construction and renovation (mini-production of stained glass countertops, shop windows, hand stamping, forging, printing on tiles);
  • fashion accessories (bags, belts, printing on footballs, posters, key chains, airbrushing).

Let's take a closer look at how to organize a mini production for a small business.

Top best mini-productions for small businesses

Food products spoil, and therefore many nuances have to be taken into account both in their production and marketing. However, their production can be highly profitable with sufficient depth in the topic. But, we will look at how you can open a mini-production at home, mainly for non-food products.

Facing and Construction Materials. You can, for example, open a tile production workshop. The roadway is usually repaired by large companies. But sidewalks, from the production of materials to installation, are given to small businesses. Wholesale sales allow you to get up to 50% of net profit, and when retail trade the figure increases to 80-90%.

Another relevant mini-production for small businesses is the production of pet food. It is highly not recommended for “our little brothers” to sit on dry food alone. And some foreign popular foods have long earned themselves a “bad reputation.” But the doors open for domestic producers who are ready to create natural food for animals.

Many studies have shown that the demand for this type of product is stable regardless of the economic situation and remains relevant all year round. Investments in this business are minimal. It all starts with organizing a mini-workshop for a small business. The equipment you will need here is virtually the same as for making cutlets. The recipes are not secret. Veterinary institutes will easily provide a whole variety of them. The only thing you will have to spend money on is massive advertising for the final sale of the product.

If you look at other business ideas, mini production of leather accessories offers excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs. The demand for belts is only growing. But the cost of materials is very low. And if you manage to make a truly cool thing, then its price can jump significantly.

The raw materials and equipment necessary for mini-production at home according to the chosen business idea will cost only 20,000 rubles. Net profit starts at 100%. Compared to foreign products, the price can be several times lower, while remaining profitable for the manufacturer.

Many people's favorite home decor or souvenir products open up countless creative possibilities for business. All the most creative ideas can find application here. And, most importantly, the products can be easily manufactured in a mini-workshop for small businesses. Souvenirs can be from:

  • acrylic (for example, refrigerator magnets);
  • metal, followed by the application of enamel or inlay;
  • stone (but this will require a considerable amount of patience);
  • glass (images on it and laser art design are especially popular today);
  • wood (it is best to set up a mini production - as a custom business).

Mini production business plan

Any entrepreneur knows that planning is an important component to guarantee the success of a project. A business started without a detailed calculation of expenses and income, market analysis, risks, and so on will most likely end unsuccessfully and very quickly.
Therefore, in order for mini production for a small business to function and make a profit, a business plan is drawn up, an essential part of which is a financial plan.

It includes the amount of necessary investments, costs of raw materials, mini equipment for home production of business ideas, calculation of profits and forecast of product sales volumes, payback of the project. If investment funds were attracted from outside, then a detailed plan their return.
We must try to make as realistic a calculation as possible, taking into account the risks. Then mini production for small businesses at home has every chance of successful existence.

For example, the purchase and installation of equipment and materials for the production of plastic windows costs about 500,000 rubles. 10 windows are produced per shift, and 22 shifts are produced per month. Thus, it is realistic to produce 220 per month standard windows. Wholesale price products is 4000 rubles. It turns out that the monthly revenue will be 880,000 rubles. All equipment will pay for itself in six months. The profitability of the enterprise is 15%.

Moreover, if the work is carried out in two shifts, self-sufficiency can be 3 months. But we also need to take into account the great competition in this market. Therefore, to reach it, you may have to reduce the price.

The manufacturing sector is considered the most profitable area entrepreneurial activity. The higher the profitability of an enterprise, the more income it generates. The most profitable production for a small business, it is a stable operating enterprise that produces in-demand products and does not require large financial investments.

Types of profitable production

Before you start implementing new small business production ideas, you need to conduct a thorough marketing analysis and calculate future expenses. After this, you need to develop a competent business plan. Thanks to this, you will be able to clearly structure all stages of business development. This is especially true for those beginning entrepreneurs who are going to take out a loan to start a business.

In addition, you need to analyze the market to identify products that are in great demand among consumers. It should also be remembered that almost all enterprises undergo certification and receive permits to conduct activities from various authorities. Try to choose a production area for a small business that does not have very strict requirements, otherwise you will have to pay a decent amount for obtaining permits.

Let's try to figure out what is the most profitable production for small businesses.

Experts highlight the following areas of activity:

  • Food;
  • Household chemicals and hygiene products;
  • Construction Materials;
  • Hosiery;
  • Simple metalworking.

Now let’s look at several ideas for mini production for small businesses from these areas, which are characterized by quick payback and high profits.

clothing industry

One of the most promising small business ideas at home is the production of garments. It's about about a universal atelier that can satisfy any consumer needs, from sewing children's clothing to bed linen or curtains. Sewing products are in demand in any, even the most difficult times, since they are bought by all citizens of our country, without exception. If you provide a competent approach, your business will flourish and bring you a stable income.


Many people are not even aware of what can bring a good stable income. Despite high level competition in this area, newcomers can easily find reliable distribution channels for such sweet products, since the demand for them never falls. Various jams and preserves are used to make confectionery, sweets and semi-finished products, so many enterprises purchase such goods in large quantities Food Industry. This profitable production for small businesses will generate income in any locality. It is most profitable to open such a business in rural areas. In this case, you can use fruits and berries from your own garden as raw materials.

Wicker furniture

If you often think about it, try organizing. Any person can do this kind of work. If you do not have money to purchase raw materials, you can prepare it yourself. In order to master the skill of wicker weaving, use special literature. Another option is free master classes from folk craftsmen on the Internet.

To begin with, you can practice making small baskets, souvenirs, pots and other small items. If everything works out for you, you can start organizing small business production. Select a room for a workshop, purchase the necessary professional tool, and also make your own website where customers can order furniture or souvenirs. According to experts, this is the most profitable production for small businesses, since it does not require any financial investments. All you need for the job is your time and skillful hands.

Compound feed

Due to the development Agriculture, the demand for balanced feed for poultry and animals. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that this is one of the most profitable areas of entrepreneurial activity. Such products are purchased in large quantities farms, intermediary companies, nature reserves, zoos and individuals who have their own household plots.

To enter this business, it is enough to purchase a small production line, purchase raw materials for the production of feed and find permanent markets. It is more profitable to open such a business in rural areas. This will allow you to significantly save on transportation costs.

Semi-finished meat products

Food production generates decent income even during an economic crisis. The most profitable activity in this area is the production of semi-finished meat products. These products are very popular among domestic consumers, so such a business will generate decent income.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

To organize you do not need special equipment. At first, such products can be made manually. Over time, when the enterprise begins to develop, you can purchase a production line and hire assistants. To increase the profitability of the enterprise, organize. To do this you will have to purchase optional equipment and obtain the necessary permits.


If you want to open the most profitable production for small businesses, please Special attention for building materials, and in particular for . As practice shows, such a mini-enterprise pays for itself in the shortest possible time. Therefore, we can safely say that this type of business is quite promising and highly profitable.

Modern mini-brick production enterprises are safe and absolutely harmless, so at first you can do this business at home. This will allow you to significantly save on renting premises. The most important thing in this business is the sale of finished products. If you don't find regular customers, the enterprise will be idle, and this will entail serious losses. It is advisable to enter into an agreement for the supply of finished products with a large construction company. In this case, you can count on a constant monthly income.
