New Year's competitions for children and schoolchildren. New Year's games for children

Tatiana Krainikova
"Fun of Santa Claus." 16 games for New Year's parties


16 games for New Year's matinees

I know that teachers always have difficulties with games when creating scenarios. My games were held over many years. Children really like them, and if Grandfather also plays Frost and other characters, then complete delight!


Players take turns listing everything that happens in New year: Grandfather Freezing, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, gifts, Christmas tree toys, needles on the floor, snow, lanterns, etc.

The one who runs out of ideas is out of the game. The most resourceful one wins.


Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden(or other characters according to the script) holding in their hand a hoop entwined with Christmas tree tinsel. Cotton balls are poured onto the floor ( "snowballs"). Children, at the command of the heroes, throw lumps into the hoops, then count the number of hits in the hoop Santa Claus and into the Snow Maiden's hoop.


In front of the main Christmas tree, two small Christmas trees and two boxes with unbreakable New Year's toys . Three people are called to each tree. By command Children dress up Santa Claus. Whoever decorates his Christmas tree with all the toys from the box faster and more accurately wins.

The game is good to play with fun rhythmic music. The children are standing around. Grandfather Freezing or the host of the holiday begins the game by transferring the hat from his head to the head of the child standing next to him, he, in turn, transfers the hat from his head to the head of his neighbor, and so on in a circle. By command Santa Claus(clap, whistle, blow with staff) the movement stops, and the one who still has the hat on at that moment must dance, sing or tell a winter poem, a proverb, or ask a riddle.


1st option (individual).

Children are given pencils or markers. A sheet of Whatman paper is hung on an easel with magnets. You need to draw by holding a pencil or felt-tip pen between your teeth. (with eyes closed or left hand).

2nd option (collective).

All players are blindfolded with scarves. On a large Whatman paper, children take turns drawing some part of the figure. Santa Claus. At the same time, players are not informed to what place Grandfather has already been drawn Freezing. So, it may turn out that he will have two beards or a whole pyramid of bags with gifts.


Each child is given "snowball" (on a small cotton ball). At a signal from Winter or the leader, the children loosen their lumps and launch them into the air (throwing up) and begin to blow on them from below so that they stay in the air as long as possible and do not fall to the floor. The most dexterous one wins.


Grandfather Freezing, Snow Maiden or Snowman suits "snowfall"- throws up a whole bunch of paper snowflakes. Children are given baskets. At the signal, players begin collecting snowflakes in a basket. The one with the most snowflakes wins.


Children select gifts from a bag by touch Santa Claus, describing in detail what it is and what it is like. Can you hide gifts in boxes? different sizes so that children can imagine what might be in the box (it will be even more interesting if the smallest gift is in the largest box).


Two children compete (one by one). The first person is blindfolded and given a small bag containing various toys. (cubes, balls, nesting dolls, cars, etc.). Task: take objects out of the bag and identify them by touch. The player must answer what kind of thing he got. Then the toys are changed and the game is repeated with the second participant. Of the two, the one who guessed correctly wins nai larger number toys.


Cards with New Year's illustrations: Christmas tree, round dance, snowflake, icicle, skis, sleds, etc. Children take turns taking out a card and, after looking at the image on it, must read a poem about it or sing an excerpt from a song.


Chairs are placed in a circle (there are 1 less of them than players). Grandfather is among the players Frost or Snowman. Music sounds, all participants in the game begin to run around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, all the children quickly try to take their seats. The adult hero plays half-heartedly (giving in, pretending that he doesn’t have time to sit down on a chair all the time. Since all the seats are occupied by children, he will have to dance for everyone or give out gifts.


Two participants stand opposite each other, with a prize lying on a chair in front of them.

Grandfather Frost is counting:

"One two Three. eleven!”

"One two Three. twenty!”

The winner is the one who is attentive and the first to take the prize when Grandfather Frost will say: "Three!"

see also: Playing game - prize-grabbing "New Year!"


Snowman details are cut out of whatman paper (Two copies): three circles of different sizes. From colored paper: eyes, mouth, nose–carrot, bucket, scarf, broom. The summoned children, on command, quickly assemble snowmen from the offered parts on the floor near the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who assembles the snowman more accurately, quickly and correctly, using all the prepared parts.


Large snowflakes are cut into triangles. Placed near the Christmas tree. Task: While fun, moving music is playing, put all the parts together. The winner is the one who keeps to the music and neatly folds everything.


Grandfather Freezing competes with children in running in sacks or jumping on one leg around a Christmas tree. One condition mandatory: Having run around or jumped to the agreed upon place, you need to take a rattle - a maracas on a chair in front of the Christmas tree and ring it.

Catch up with felt boots

Children stand in a circle and are given felt boots in their hands. Children pass felt boots around in a circle to cheerful music, and Grandfather Freezing trying to catch up with him. Children need to pass the felt boots very quickly so that Grandfather Freezing couldn't take it away.

New Year's games and entertainment for schoolchildren

The games proposed in the article will allow you to organize an entertaining all-around tournament for everyone remaining in the house or class. Competitions can be held according to the Olympic system: participants are divided into pairs, losers drop out of the game and become fans, and winners meet each other. With each round, the tasks become more complicated: the distance to the target increases, the number of objects that need to be remembered increases, the size of the throwing rings, the size of the targets decreases, etc. Everything necessary for the attraction games must be prepared in advance - this will make them more dynamic. The role of judges is usually performed by the owners of the house or those who prepared the evening.

And don't forget about gifts for the winners! Try to understand that a gift is not expensive, but attention is expensive. The “gift system” can be completely diverse. Much depends on your imagination.


"Game as a gift". A rope is tied across the width of the room, and paper bags with gifts are tied to it at a distance of 10-15 cm (the number of bags should be equal to the number of guests). All participants move 1-2 m away and use a counting machine to choose who will be the first owner of the gift. He is blindfolded, spun around himself 5 times and directed in the direction where the rope is stretched. His task is to tear off “his” bag. Then the next participant is chosen, and the game is repeated from the beginning until each of the guests finds a gift.

"What changed?". The game involves 3-4 people. Various objects are laid out on the table (toys, pencils, keys, coins, etc.), the number of which depends on the age of the players. Participants in the game are asked to remember the location of objects on the table within 1-2 minutes and, at the presenter’s signal, turn away or leave the room; In the meantime, some of the items are moved to other places or removed altogether. The winner is the one whose answer to the question “Are all the objects left on the table and which ones have been rearranged?” - will be more accurate. The game can be complicated by using chess, checkers, dice, dominoes, etc. for this purpose.

"Don't drop it." 5-6 people participate in the game at the same time. They sit on chairs 4-5 steps opposite each other. Each of them is given a prop: a small stick, a pencil or thick paper rolled into a tube. The players’ task is to stand up at the signal and hold the object vertically on the tip of their finger, walk to the “opponent’s” chair and sit on it, without dropping the object from their finger. If the object falls, then the participant in the game gives the host a forfeit and leaves the game. And at the end of the evening the forfeit “redeems”. The “ransom” should not be delayed; the task is given by the host of the evening. They should be simple and easy to implement. For example: sing one verse of a song, say a tongue twister, etc.

“Who has the most accurate eye?” The game involves 4 people. To play this game you need a ruler and several sheets of unlined paper. Each competitor is given a sheet of paper folded into 5-7-9 (necessarily an odd number) strips of equal width. The players’ task is to determine by eye the length and width of the strip and the entire sheet.

The presenter uses a ruler to determine the winner. Whoever has the most accurate readings wins. You can set other tasks: determine the length of the table circumference, the height of one of the players, etc.

“Who is more resilient?” 3-4 people participate. A ribbon is stretched on the floor from strips of paper or twine - a path along which you must walk with your eyes closed. In turn, each participant is blindfolded, spun around 3 times and directed to the track.

The one who takes the most accurate steps along the ribbon wins.

"Walk with binoculars". 3 - 4 people participate. A rope several meters long is placed on the floor; you need to put binoculars with wide lenses to your eyes (thereby the rope will move away from the player). The player's task is to walk exactly along the rope to the end.

The one who completes the task correctly wins.

“Determine without looking.” 4 people participate at the same time. Participants in the game can be asked to determine by touch the type of fabric, type of grain, material from which the item is made, and even the names of magazines. In the latter case, the competitors are first given the opportunity to look at the magazines (they should not differ significantly from each other in appearance). At the signal from the presenter, the players are blindfolded. Their task is to correctly identify in 2 minutes the material from which the proposed items are made (their number should not exceed 5 pieces).

The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

"Basket with snowballs". Two players participate at the same time.

Two paper baskets are hung on a crossbar located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the floor. They are decorated decoratively with white corrugated paper. You can glue pale blue snowflakes onto paper.

The players are given 7-10 snowballs. Their task is to throw the maximum number of “snowballs” into a swinging basket. The winner will be the one who throws the most snowballs into the basket.

Making “snowballs” is very simple: sew small round bags from thick material and fill them with cotton wool.

"Take the Prize". 5-6 people participate. A prize (toy, fruit, candy) is placed on a chair or stool under a bright cap. The presenter invites one of the players to stand with his back to the chair, put on a mask with his eyes taped shut (or, if there is no mask, blindfold his eyes with a scarf), walk forward 5 steps, turn around and, returning to the chair, lift the cap in one motion. The one who lifts the cap wins. He takes the prize for himself.

“Nose to the snowman!” 3-4 people participate. A snowman the size of a person is made from gauze, cotton wool, papier-mâché and a wire frame. They put a hat on his head and give him a broom in his hands. Instead of eyes, coals are glued, and where the nose should be, a circle is drawn.

The player stands at a distance of 5-7 steps from the snowman, he is put on a mask with his eyes taped shut. They give you a carrot made of papier-mâché and ask you to go to the snowman and put the carrot nose on it. If the player hits the circle with a carrot, he is awarded a prize.

You can also make a flat snowman (from plywood or cardboard).

“Collect the cones.” Two people participate at the same time. Each player is given a basket in his hands and blindfolded. Cubes, balls, cones, pencils, etc., in the amount of 15 pieces, are placed on the platform. These are “cones” that, at the presenter’s signal, the competitors begin to blindly search for and put in the basket. One minute is given to collect the “cones”.

The one who collected the most “cones” wins.

"Bubble". 4 people take part in the game at the same time. Players receive a bottle of soap bubbles.

Assignment: blow as hard as you can.

The winner is the one who releases as many soap bubbles as possible at one time. The participant who has fewer soap bubbles leaves the game.

The second match involves three players. They need to blow one big one soap bubble. The one with the biggest bubble wins.

“Crush the ball with your foot.” Two people are playing. They will have three balloons tied to their left leg.

Objective: crush the enemy's balls and protect your own. The one who has at least one ball left wins.

"Cockroach Races" 3-5 people take part in the game. You need ropes, skittles, cubes. Each player is tied with a rope around his waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail. A pin is tied to the tail. A cube is placed in front of the participant. At the signal from the leader, players must guide the pin cube to the finish line without using their hands.

The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

"Reach for the prize." Two players grab each other's palms with their right hands. In front of everyone, two meters from him, a prize is placed on the floor. Each player pulls the opponent in his direction, trying to take the prize with his left hand.

The winner is the one who outweighs the opponent and takes the prize.

"Who's faster?" 4 people participate at the same time. Competitors are divided into pairs. Each person holds a book with a small prize on it, such as a chocolate bar. At the leader’s signal, the players get closer, each of them tries to take the prize from the opponent’s book. You can put the book behind your back, but if the prize falls to the floor, the player loses. The winner is the one who took the opponent's prize and did not drop his own.

"Pull the Prize". 10 people participate at the same time. 10 ribbons hang from a large box, the prize in the box is tied to only one of them, the rest of the ribbons are empty. Players take hold of the ribbons and, at the leader’s signal, pull out one ribbon at a time. Whoever had the ribbon with the prize won.

"Lump." 3-4 people participate at the same time. An unfolded newspaper or a sheet of paper is placed on the floor in front of each participant. The players place their right hand behind their backs, and with their left hand, at the leader’s signal, bending down, they begin to crumple the newspaper, trying to collect the entire sheet of paper into a fist.

The winner is the one who crumples up the newspaper the fastest and who has the smallest lump.

"Fishing rod". Three people play. The attraction requires 3 bottles and 3 fishing rods. Each player is given a fishing rod with a ring at the end - the rings can be made of wire, they should be of such a size that they can be put on the neck of the bottle. Bottles are placed in front of each participant at a distance of 1.5-2 m (depending on the length of the fishing rod). At the leader’s signal, each player begins to “fish.”

The one who puts the ring on the bottle first wins.

"Winders". 2 people play. A rope 3-4 m long is tied at both ends with a stick or a pencil, the middle of the rope is marked with a ribbon. Two players take sticks and move away from each other, pulling the rope. At the leader’s signal, everyone begins to quickly wrap the rope around the stick, moving forward.

The one who winds the rope to the middle the fastest wins.

“Put your tail in the bottle.” 5-6 people can take part in the game. You need bottles, ropes and pencils.

Each player is tied with a rope around his waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail.

A pencil is tied to the tail. Empty bottles are placed behind the participants. At the presenter's signal, each participant tries to put his tail into the bottle.

The winner is the one who gets the pencil into the neck of the bottle first.

"The most attentive". A small team of 6-7 people can take part in this game. The presenter, using the game “Who has the most buttons,” determines the driver of this game. It becomes the person who has the most or the fewest buttons. He leaves the room and changes something in his appearance. For example: unbuttons his jacket, takes off his tie, takes a newspaper, slouches unusually, etc. (there should be no more than 6 such changes). Having thus prepared, he enters the room where the players are waiting for him. Everyone tries to quickly see what has changed in their appearance, and immediately says out loud everything that they notice. The presenter records the players' answers.

The winner is the one who noted the most changes.

"Turning Hoops" 4 people play. They get four hoops. Participants in the game place them on the floor on their edges and, at the leader’s signal, begin to spin them. Whose hoop spins the longest wins.

"Get through the hoop." 3 people play. Each player is given a hoop and a box with children's cubes. At the presenter’s signal, you need to open the box, place all the cubes one on top of the other in a pile and carry them on one hand from start to finish, where the hoop lies on the floor (approximate distance - 5-6 steps). While continuing to hold the pile of cubes, you need to sit down, take the hoop in your hand and crawl through it without letting go or dropping the pile of cubes.

If the slide falls apart along the way, the player collects it at the place where he failed and continues the game further.

The winner is the one who completed this difficult task the fastest.

"Fun Boxing" 3-4 people play in turns. The balloon is suspended at chest height. A boxing glove is put on the player's hand. The player stands at a distance of 10 steps from the ball. He is blindfolded, spun 2-3 times and asked to walk 10 steps to the ball and knock it out of place with one blow of the hand.

The person who completes this task is awarded a prize.

"Hold the snowflake." Number of players - 10-15 people. The host distributes to those who want to play little lump cotton wool, it must be loosened so that you can blow it and it will fly like a feather.

The task is to prevent the “snowflake” from falling; you need to blow on it, keeping it in the air. You cannot pick up a fallen snowflake.

The game begins at the command of the leader.

The winner is the player who keeps the “snowflake” in the air longer than other participants.

“Find a clothespin.” 3-4 pairs participate. The leader blindfolds one player from each pair, and gives the other 5 ordinary clothespins, which he attaches to himself. The blindfolded player's task is to find the clothespins by touch.

The winner is the one who finds all 5 clothespins faster than others.

"Wrap yourself in a rope". Two people are playing. To play, you need a rope or ribbon 8-10 meters long. Players stand at different ends of the rope, wrapping it around themselves once. At the leader's signal, they begin to spin forward, wrapping the rope around themselves until they collide together.

The winner is the player who has wound the most meters of rope.

"Throw the lasso on the horse." Up to 4 people can participate at the same time. In American films, dashing cowboys of the Wild West throw a lasso on mustangs, and our players will have to demonstrate the same accuracy.

A lasso or lasso is made from a 3 m long rope. At a distance of 2.5 m they place a large playground or cut out a horse’s head from plywood and nail a stick to it.

At the leader’s signal, the players make 3 attempts to throw the lasso onto the horse.

Those who fail their throws are eliminated from the competition.

The one who makes the most accurate throws wins.


"Running with a burning candle." Two teams of 4 people each participate.

With the help of pins, the start and finish of the players’ movements are determined.

The host gives the players a plate with a burning candle glued to it. Competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. The first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the next participant.

The winner is the team that finishes the game first and whose candle does not go out while running.

"Crush the ball." Teams of 2 people play. The presenter gives each pair one inflatable ball. Participants hold the ball with their stomachs, squeezing it on both sides.

At the leader’s signal, everyone should begin to press hard on the balls.

The winner is the couple whose balloon bursts, unable to withstand the pressure.

“Hurry up to get dressed.” Two teams of 5 people play. At the finish line, trousers, a fur coat and a hat are placed on a chair in front of each team. At the signal, the first players of both teams, having reached the chairs, put on the lying clothes, then run back, take off the clothes and pass them on to the next player.

He must put on trousers, a fur coat, a hat and run to a chair, undress there and run back, touch his hand to the next player who runs to the finish line, puts on clothes, returns, takes them off, etc.

The team that finishes the dressing run before the other wins.

"Chamomile". This game can be played by 2-4 teams of 5-6 people. You need to make a daisy flower out of paper and back side white petals to write assignments. Then a representative of each team approaches the daisy, tears off the petals and returns to the team, which must prepare the proposed task in 3-4 minutes and then show it. Task options:

1. You know that there is a “Sabre Dance”, and you come up with a dance

With felt boots;

With brooms;

With suitcases;

With mops, etc.

2. Perform the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” as if you:

Indians from the Mumba-Yumba tribe;

Gypsies from the camp;

Highlanders of the Caucasus;

Song and dance ensemble, etc.

3. Imagine that you have forgotten how to speak, and you can only bark, moo, and crow. So perform the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” in animal language.

4. Compose “Burime”, that is, write a poem using the given rhyming words:

Winter - cold;

Snowflake - fluff;

Frost - nose;

Christmas tree - a needle.

"Bring in matchboxes". Two teams of 4 people each participate.

The presenter places matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players, like shoulder straps, one box each on the right and left shoulders. The task is to run to the specified place and back, trying not to drop the boxes. Players number one pass the boxes to the next members of their team.

The second participant does the same. If the box falls, the participant picks it up, puts it on his shoulder and starts moving from the place where he dropped the box.

The team that finishes the game first and has the fewest box falls wins.

"Tell someone else". It's very simple and funny game, 3-4 pairs or two teams of 5-6 people can participate in it.

The upper part of the matchbox is taken and placed on the nose of the first participant. The task: pass boxes from your nose to the nose of another player without using your hands. If a box falls from the nose, the person who dropped it picks it up, puts it on his nose and passes it to the next player.

Those who complete the task faster and more successfully win.

There are several varieties of this game:

1. Participants are given an orange or an apple. The player holds the orange, pressing it with his chin to his chest, and tries to pass it to another without dropping it; another participant, without using his hands, also tries to grab the orange with his chin, pressing it to his chest.

2. Hold the pencil between your upper lip and nose and pass it to someone else without dropping it.

Any celebration is, first of all, fun. What creates the mood for a holiday? Of course, entertainment! Including in the form of various games and competitions.

We offer you New Year's games for children that can be played both at home and in kindergarten or at school near the Christmas tree. Among the whole variety of games and competitions, you will certainly find exactly what suits you and will make the New Year unforgettable.

Game “Name the Gift”

Place a lot of toys and figurines in a spacious bag. The child must, with his eyes closed, pull out the object and guess what it really is. If the baby correctly recognizes the figure, then the gift goes to him.

Game "Owl on the hunt"

An “owl” is selected from the team of players to be the leader. The rest of the guys must portray wild or domestic animals: a cow, a bear, a hedgehog, a frog, a rhinoceros, a dog, a hippopotamus. After the presenter’s command “Day!” all the animals are jumping and having fun. After the word “Night!” no one moves, because the owl begins the night hunt for animals. The one who changes his position, blurts out or laughs loses. This animal becomes the prey of a bird of prey.

Racing game "Fish"

The leader forms two equal teams. Each group is given a fishing rod with a small hook on a line. In front of each team they place a hoop that plays the role of a pond. There are paper fish in the pond. Their number is equal to the number of participants in the game. From each team, accompanied by musical accompaniment, one person goes to the pond to pull out his goldfish. The first move is given to the captains, then to the rest of the participants in turn. The team that is the first to catch fish in its own pond is considered the winner.

Game "New Year's round dance"

One of the most common and favorite children's New Year's games. Children stand around the Christmas tree, holding hands together. A cheerful children's song is played, for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.” The guys, singing along, move around the tree in one direction, then the direction changes.

"Bring the snowball"

At the same time, two participants must run to the Christmas tree. The difficulty is that everyone has a spoon with an artificial snowball in their hand. At the signal they scatter different sides in the direction of the tree. Whoever turned out to be the most dexterous and did not lose his snowball along the way won.

Game "Bouncing Bag"

Two children take part in the race at the same time. They stand in an empty bag and begin to jump into races. The top of the bag is supported by hands. The first person to come running receives a legitimate prize from the presenter.

Game “We are funny kittens”

The guys dance in pairs to an incendiary composition. The presenter suddenly says the phrase: “We are funny kittens.” Immediately all the couples break up, and each individually depicts a dancing kitten. New Year's riddles are well suited for this game. The winners will be rewarded with sweet prizes.

Game "Build a Castle"

Several players participate at the same time. The guys study the drawn diagram of the castle. Everyone is given a certain amount plastic cups. Blindfolded, children reproduce the castle from memory. The fastest one wins the competition.

Game "Football with tangerines"

The kids are divided into two groups. On big table tangerines are placed. Children must use two fingers to score a goal against the opponent's goal.

Accurate shooter

Select a suitable target. This can be a bucket or basket. The guys must use paper balls (snowballs) to hit the target and earn their team a certain number of points and defeat their opponents.

winter wind

To play, prepare a ball rolled out of paper or a wad of medical cotton wool. Place it in the middle of the table. The goal of the game is for players to try to blow it to the floor as quickly as possible.

Decorate the Christmas tree

Divide the children into two teams. Place a box of Christmas tree decorations next to each team. It is advisable that they are not made of breakable glass. Otherwise, in the chaos they will quickly break. Each team of players is provided with two Christmas trees. Players from each team must run from the start to the Christmas tree and hang the toy taken from the box. The game continues until the decorations run out. The fastest team to decorate their tree wins.


The guys stand in a circle and pass each other a New Year's cap. All this time there is music playing. As soon as the sounds subside, we see who has the headdress in their hands. Whoever gets caught tells Santa Claus a poem about winter or sings a song.

Build a snowman

First of all, you will need plasticine. The idea is that two people sit next to each other and jointly build a snowman. The task is difficult because everyone uses one hand. One person working right hand, second left. Together they should get a New Year's snowman. It's especially fun if there are adults in pairs. The game truly connects and develops fine motor skills.

Cinderella's slipper

The guys take off their shoes and put them in a common pile. Everyone is blindfolded with thick cloth so that no one can peek. The shoes are mixed, then the presenter gives the signal to look for your things. A child with his eyes closed should be the first to find his shoes by touch. In the end, everyone will end up with someone else's shoes. The game is quite funny and active.


For the participants, slides of cereals, legumes and nuts are prepared and mixed. Players must remember the fairy tale “Cinderella” and, like it, but with their eyes closed, separate the ingredients.

Game "Train Engine" with dance elements

Both adults and children can take part in the game. Everyone stands behind each other, placing their hands on the waist of the person in front. Having lined up, the locomotive sets off to the accompaniment of lively music.

Competition "Help Grandfather"

Children are divided into two teams. Their task is to help Santa Claus pack gifts. One person runs a relay race with a bag and puts toys and candies out of it, and runs back. The second participant runs along the same route and collects everything back into the bag.

Game with Santa Claus “Pass the felt boots”

Children stand in a circle. They are given a felt boot, which they pass to a friend to the music. Santa Claus must catch up with his felt boots. You must pass the felt boots quickly, otherwise you may lose. Of course, Santa Claus will give in at first, but it’s better not to yawn.

Collect snowflakes

Tinsel stretches the entire length of the room. Paper snowflakes are attached to it. To make it easier for children, do not try to glue the paper to the tinsel too tightly. They choose two people and blindfold them with a scarf. While the music is playing, the guys must have time to collect all the snowflakes.


White snowballs roll out of paper. For convenience, children are divided into two equal teams. This game can be played in several ways. For example, pour the lumps onto the floor and ask the children to collect them in baskets while playing music. Or another option. Place a basket on the wall and hold a snow basketball competition. Whose team throws the most snowballs is considered the winner of the competition.

Competition "Smeshinka"

Very fun game for little children. Children sit in a circle, and the leader gives each person a new name. For example, a snowman, an icicle, a Christmas tree, a gift, Santa Claus. Then he asks everyone in turn simple questions: “Where do you live?”, “What did you get for your birthday?”, “What’s your name?” best friend?", "What's your favorite dish?. But the trick is that you need to answer the questions with your new names. The same answer is given to every question. It turns out to be a pun, but no one should laugh. Those who disobey leave the circle. The most serious person wins the competition.

Box with a secret

You will need several empty boxes of different sizes. Place the prize in the smallest one. Then place it in another box, and so on several times. Children sit in a circle and pass the box to each other, opening one of them. The winner is the one in whose hands the last one ends up - with the coveted prize.

New Year's auction

Children take turns listing everything that relates to the New Year: balls, gifts, Christmas tree, garlands, snowman, snow, candies, icicles, tangerines. Who couldn't come up with the right word, is eliminated from the game.

Snowman portrait

To play the game you will need a large sheet of paper. This team game. Children with their eyes closed must draw a snowman. Each person draws a separate part: head, nose, buttons, hands, etc. Then the children are untied and see what the young artists have achieved. Instead of a snowman, you can draw a Christmas tree or the Snow Maiden.

Wrap the gift

2-3 children are invited to participate. The assignment requires them to wrap a gift. But instead of holiday packaging they are given toilet paper. So the guys compete to see who can wrap the surprise more beautifully. The task is not easy, but quite interesting.

Guess the item

The guys put warm gloves on their hands and put their hands in Santa Claus's bag. With their eyes closed, they need to guess by touch which toy they got in the bag. If they guess right, they take the prize for themselves; if not, they put it back into the bag, and the game continues.

Game "Alphabet greetings"

Children should wish their friends a Happy New Year, but for a reason. The presenter names any letter of the alphabet he likes. And the child must come up with a text for this letter. For example, the letter Z: “Health to you and your loved ones in the new year, happiness, success and a sea of ​​smiles.” To be tricky, the presenter pronounces the letters not in alphabetical order, but out of order. It will be much more fun and spontaneous. Interesting situations occur when the presenter names letters such as Y, ь, Ъ, И.

Training your memory

Children carefully study what hangs on the tree, then turn away. Now they need to remember every detail and voice what they saw. The one who names the most toys wins.

Chef competition

Children are divided into three teams. In a minute, the first team must come up with festive dishes for the New Year starting with the letter “N”, the second team must come up with treats for the Snow Maiden starting with the letter “C”, and the third participants must pamper Santa Claus and come up with treats with the letter “D”. Whoever names the most dishes wins the culinary competition.

Grabbed - won

All kinds of toys are laid out on the floor: balls, dolls, trains, teddy bears. Participants dance around a pile of objects. Then, when the music ends and the presenter says: “Stop!”, each child must have time to grab two toys. Whoever gets one is eliminated from the game.

Glue the nose

Santa Claus is drawn on whatman paper full height, but at the same time they do not finish drawing the nose. Children are invited to fashion it out of plasticine themselves. With their eyes closed, they have to glue their nose to Right place. It turns out funny and fun.


Each child is given a ball of cotton wool. He must make a snowflake out of it by stretching the material beyond the edges. The snowflake must be made very thin so that it can fly up. After preparations, they launch it into the air and try to keep it suspended with their breath. The most dexterous one wins.

Musical hat

Pieces of paper with New Year's words are placed in a deep hat: Christmas tree, snowflake, Santa Claus. The guys take turns pulling them out and singing songs with the indicated words. Children can also recite poems on the specified topic.

Elusive felt boots

Near the Christmas tree there are large felt boots. Two children run around a tree from different directions. Whoever puts on his felt boots first wins.


Form two equal teams. Players are given bunny ears. Cabbages are placed near the Christmas tree. It can be made from regular green paper. A player from each team runs to the Christmas tree and removes one leaf from the cabbage, passing the baton to the next one.


Children pass the hat around in a circle and put it on their neighbor’s head. The game is played to cheerful music. When the music stops, they look to see who is still wearing the hat at that moment. This child recites a poem or sings a song about winter.


Chairs are placed around the Christmas tree. But there must be one less than the number of players. Children walk around the Christmas tree, and when the music ends, they try to take the nearest chair. Of course, someone does not have time to find a place and drops out of the game. The most dexterous one receives a prize from Santa Claus.

Winter mysteries

Children sit in a circle, and Santa Claus takes turns showing cards with New Year's motifs depicted: a candle, an Advent wreath, a sleigh, a Christmas tree. The guys must name what is shown and how it can be used.

Another version of this competition is that Santa Claus asks each child in turn riddles on winter and New Year themes. For each correct answer, the player is awarded a chip (coin, card). To the one who collected large quantity trophies - the main prize from grandfather.

Portray Santa Claus

It might seem like a simple task, but it has its own difficulties. Two teams take whatman paper each and try to draw a New Year's character without hands. According to the rules, markers can only be held in the mouth.

Blind the winter

A newspaper is spread out in front of the players. It needs to be crumpled up at the command of the leader. One condition - you don’t need to sculpt a big lump, it should fit in the palm of your hand.

Race in felt boots

Two teams are given large boots of Santa Claus. You need to safely run to the tree, run around it and come back. The felt boots are given to a friend and he repeats the run of the previous player.

Give a round of applause to winter

The presenter pronounces a set of words, and the children must recognize definitions related to winter and the New Year. When they hear the right word, they clap their hands together. A number of words can be like this: vase, snowflake, shop, stick, icicle, snowdrift, chair, monkey, Santa Claus, whale, Snow Maiden, car, Christmas tree, leaves.

New Year is approaching

The New Year will not come if the guys don’t help him. They need to name as many New Year's words as possible. They take turns naming everything that comes to mind: snowflake, bell, garland, tinsel, star, chimes, snowball, gift, ball. Whoever has the last word wins.

Free the tree from needles

Two participants play. Ten clothespins are attached to their clothes, each. When the music starts, they must help each other take them off. The fastest one receives a sweet prize from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Puzzle in mittens

Divide the children into two teams. Each participant puts on mittens and tries with his comrades to assemble a puzzle with winter landscapes. It is advisable that there are not too many details.

Nimble Throw

The Snow Maiden holds in her hands a hoop decorated with bright tinsel. The team stands a few meters away from him and throws small paper snowballs at him. At the end, the snowballs are counted. Wherever there are more snowballs, that team is considered the winner.

Santa Claus's Assistant

Form two equal teams. Place a basket near the tree. It will need to be filled out New Year's gifts. Prepare in advance ordinary boxes covered with colored wrapping. The first player is given mittens and a beard. The child puts them on himself and runs with the gift to the basket, throws it into it and returns to the start. Passes the false beard and mittens to the next participant. And this is what the whole team does until the last player.

Build a snowman

The presenter must cut out the components of the snowman in advance. Body, nose, eyes, buttons, bucket, broom. All this is laid out in a chaotic manner on the floor. Two teams compete against each other for a time. The guys must figure out how to correctly place the details in the composition, and also have time to accurately complete their work in the allotted time.

Ice cream

Father Frost and Snow Maiden dance and feel warm. The host advises them to cool off with ice cream. Everyone is divided into two teams. Opposite each one stand Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and hold paper horns in their hands. The guys must run to them and put ice cream - snowballs - into the cones. This is the only way they will save fairy tale characters from the heat.

What types of Christmas trees are there?

The presenter says the phrase: “We dressed up our beauty, we did our best. What kind of Christmas trees are there in the forest?” The guys should remember the adjectives that describe the New Year's tree: fluffy, tall, New Year's.

Prizes and gifts

What are games and competitions without prizes? Let's figure out what is the best gift to give a child for winning a competition.

There is a universal and familiar reward option - sweets. However, you shouldn’t dwell on it, especially since new year holidays Children already get a lot of sweets, which is not very healthy. Here are a few more gift options that Santa Claus can give to the winners of competitions and games:

  • small toys. Depending on the age of the children, these can be small puzzles, cars, dolls, books, soft toys (including in the form of a symbol of the next year), mosaics, construction sets in small boxes;
  • souvenirs - calendars, pens, cups. Such souvenirs can be ordered at individual design With group photo group or class;
  • New Year's attributes - Christmas tree toys, snowflakes, figurines of Santa Claus, snowman;
  • lottery tickets. Just not the ones sold in special stores, but those made specifically for the occasion. These could be just pieces of paper with numbers, according to which prizes will be drawn at the end of the holiday;
  • wish. Comic wishes that can be fulfilled right at the holiday. For example: the child who won the competition makes a wish for the second child to sing a New Year's song or recite a poem. Or a wish for Grandfather Frost to light the lights on the tree or dance;
  • target. For example, to rescue the Snow Maiden from the hands of the Snow Queen, or to call the Snowman, or to somehow help out some holiday hero.

We hope this article helps you in planning a fun holiday! Happy New Year!

It's coming to an end whole year our life. The holiday is approaching. You can already smell the frosty morning, snow, New Year tree and tangerines. We can already hear the bells on the sleigh of Father Frost, who with his granddaughter, Snegurochka, is rushing to visit us with gifts.

And I want to spend this year fun and interesting, because it has brought us so much joy, pleasant and unexpected moments. I especially want to entertain the kids, who, like no one else, are waiting for a New Year's miracle. Some will see Santa Claus for the very first time, while others can’t wait to take part in Santa Claus again as soon as possible. funny competitions to get the most from grandpa best gift. Let's help the kids and give them an unforgettable holiday with games, competitions and entertainment.

We bring to your attention exciting New Year's games for a group of children and games that are perfect for a holiday with the family.

New Year's games and competitions for children

At home with family and friends, having gathered all the children near the Christmas tree, you can arrange for them very interesting New Year’s games and entertainment:

Competition "New Year in a bag"

Children aged 3 years and older can take part in the game. You can play together, or you can combine several people into 2 teams. The first 2 representatives from the team are given beautiful New Year's bags, and between them a box with New Year's paraphernalia mixed with items that have nothing to do with the New Year is placed on the table.

The players are blindfolded. And thus, they must choose from a box of items those that relate to the new year and put them in their bag. Whoever finishes putting items into the bag the fastest and who has the most New Year's paraphernalia wins.

If a whole team participates in the entertainment, then the bag is passed to each other in turn, and the result of each player is recorded by the leading adult. The team that finishes playing before the other and collects the most correct items is declared the winner and, if possible, receives small souvenirs.

Game for kids “Guess the object”

We gather several kids near the New Year tree. We blindfold one of them and give him a New Year’s “Santa Claus bag” filled with various New Year’s paraphernalia. The child feels any object and describes it in as much detail as possible: small, hard, rough, etc. The rest of the participants try to guess what the presenter is holding in his hands. The kid who manages to recognize the most objects wins a prize.

Fun game "New Year's snowfall"

To play you will need large white and blue buttons and large thick gloves for adults. We scatter the buttons on the floor. Children will need to pull on gloves and try to collect buttons from the floor, putting them in special boxes given to them before the start of the game. The participant who collects the most buttons in a certain number of minutes is declared the winner and receives a prize.

The game requires dexterity and ingenuity. Plus, fun with her is simply guaranteed!

Save the snow.

In this game, 2 children compete in one round. Everyone is given tablespoons and cotton wool snowballs. The children's task is to put the cotton wool snowball on a spoon and make a circle around the tree as quickly as possible, trying not to drop their snowball. The kid who manages to complete such a difficult task is declared the winner and awarded.

Outdoor game "Lion's Tail"

This game is better when several people play together. Children should line up in one line, as if playing a fun little train, and grab those in front by the belt. The first baby standing puts on a lion mask, and the one who closes the line puts on a lion's tail (we tie the tail around the waist). The essence of the game is that the “lion’s head” runs away, and the “tail” tries to catch up with it. Babies located between the head and tail should hold on tightly to each other and not come apart. If decoupling occurs, the “tail” and “head” change roles. All participants must act as parts of the lion’s body. The game continues until the children are having fun and are not bored.

Gift hunters.

One of the most favorite games of all children and adults for many years. However, this does not make it lose its love and relevance. On suitable height(accessible to children) a rope is stretched with small objects (toys) and sweets (sweets and chocolates) suspended on it. The children take turns being blindfolded and given safety scissors. The child needs to cut as many candies and gifts from the rope by touch in 5 minutes. The participant who counted the most cut items won.

A variety of competitions for the New Year can turn the New Year's celebration into an unforgettable holiday that will unite your family and make you experience vivid emotions for a long time.

The puzzle is folding.

Snowball snipers.

For this New Year's game, it is best to organize teams. Prepare snowballs in advance, crumpled from sheets of white paper. Each player takes 2 snowballs. Next, the participants, in turn, must throw them into the basket (the team is given a separate basket, which can be an ordinary bucket located at a distance of approximately 2 m from the participants). The team with the most hits in the basket is declared the winner and receives prizes.

No less fun games with “homemade snowballs” are collected in our article “”. Any of these games will also brighten up the New Year holidays.

Of course, in fun holiday games Not only younger family members can participate. New Year's games in the family circle with moms and dads will delight your fidgets much more. Here are some examples of such games and competitions.

New Year's games in the family circle

Funny stuff.

Beforehand, for the game you should prepare pieces of paper with funny questions and answers written on them (equal parts of both). Then mix folded pieces of paper with questions in one beautiful New Year’s box, and with answers in another. Participants randomly draw a question and read it aloud to all players, and then draw an answer from another box, which is also read aloud. After such a game, everything is guaranteed good mood for all day.

Sample list of fun questions:

  1. Do you like to gossip?
  2. Do you enjoy listening at the door?
  3. Do you like swimming in mud?
  4. Do you like throwing scraps at passers-by from your balcony?
  5. Do you get pleasure from undermining those around you?
  6. Do you like to smash dishes when angry?

Sample list of funny answers:

  1. Only on Fridays.
  2. Only on frosty nights.
  3. Only when no one is looking.
  4. I always dreamed about this.
  5. No, I'm very modest.
  6. I only do this when visiting.

Use your imagination and make up your own funny questions and answers. We are confident that you will do even better!

Choir of bunny boys and squirrel girls.

This fun karaoke will always put you in a good mood and liberate any party! To play, you need to prepare several that children can sing too. For example: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “If only there were no winter”...

The essence of the game is that you need to sing a song different ways, which are determined by drawing lots. We put folded pieces of paper in a beautiful box, on which it is written how the participant should perform the song. For example:

  • as if you were an ensemble of military pensioners;
  • as if you are 3-year-old kids in diapers;
  • like you're a choir of bunny boys;
  • as if you were a choir of military pilots, etc.

Of course, you can add to this list yourself. Participants pull out a piece of paper at random and a cheerful performance and good mood are guaranteed to everyone.

Merry mousetrap.

The adult in this game is a mousetrap. And the children are cheerful little mice. The adult presenter blindfolds himself, and the children scatter. The task of the mousetrap is to catch the little mice by making hand movements similar to scissors. The caught mouse is sent into a mousetrap - a special chair. The game continues until all the mice are caught.

Funny dream.

The task of this game is to blindfoldedly depict what you want most to get in the new year. All participants are given large sheets of white paper. Best of all, A3 format. And, of course, blindfolds. The dream must be drawn in complete darkness. The best drawing is considered to be one from which one can guess what the person who drew it is dreaming of.

Then these drawings can be signed and packaged in . And in next year find out if the artist's dream has come true.

Frozen snowflakes.

Before the game, you need to cut out several beautiful snowflakes from paper and then put them on the table in front of the competition participants. Players should blow on their snowflakes at the same time. The snowflake that flies farthest from the table wins.

Unusual Christmas tree

Before the game, we prepare a beautiful New Year's garland and Christmas tree decorations, balls, sweets and other items suitable for decorating the Christmas tree. An adult is selected from the company who agrees to become a New Year tree. Players wrap a garland around an adult and then use clothespins to attach toys to the garland. This fun activity will bring pleasure to everyone present, and the decorated “Christmas tree” can be photographed. We guarantee that the resulting photo will lift your spirits and make you smile throughout the whole year.

Who am I?

Before the game, you should prepare medium-sized rectangles of cardboard. On each of them we write any name: a plant, an animal, an invented name... The main thing is that the word is funny and brings a smile. We attach a card with the name to the back of one of the players, who needs to guess his new name based on the leading questions that he asks the participants. His questions are answered briefly: with the words “yes” or “no.” The players keep track of time. The one who guesses his new name faster is declared the winner of the game.

Predatory snowdrift

To play, you need to prepare a sheet in advance and stretch it along the room. The leading adults lower and raise the sheet up and down in waves, while the children run under it or try to jump over it. Anyone who is caught is tickled (carefully) and sent to the reserve. But so much laughter and fun!

At the end of this list, I invite you to watch a video from the “Children’s Holidays” channel about New Year’s games and competitions for children and adults!

We hope you enjoyed our fun games and competitions. We wish you a positive New Year's holiday! Happy New Year!

With love,

Marina Talanina and Lyudmila Potsepun.

What a fun New Year would be without competitions, relay races, etc. entertainment program? These games will help you entertain your little guests and tell you what to prepare for this. It will be more interesting if you prepare small souvenirs in advance for those who win. This could be any office supplies: pencils, erasers, pens, air balloons, notepads.

Maybe something edible: candy, waffles (packaged), lollipops, chewing gum, etc.


This is a very fun and active game. It should not be done immediately after eating. To conduct this relay race, you will need two chairs (or stools), two ropes on pegs, two buckets, two balls.

Participants are divided into two teams. At the command of the leader, players must complete the following tasks: jump over a rope, run around a chair, throw a ball into a bucket (preferably hit it). The team that performs all the listed actions faster and more accurately wins.


To start this competition, you need to organize a mini-competition for cutting out paper “snowflakes”. To do this, you need to give the children colored and (or) shiny paper of a size suitable for the size of the future “snowflakes”, give them scissors in their hands, and also ask them to use all their imagination and skill and make paper “snowflakes”.

After these small works of art are ready, you can proceed to the competition itself.

“Snowflakes” spill out onto the floor. At the leader’s command (this could be ringing a bell, clapping hands, or the words: “One, two, three, start!”), the children begin to collect “snowflakes.” At the same time, you need to make sure that they collect “snowflakes” not in handfuls, but individually. The game ends when the host rings the bell again (or gives some other command). At the same time, all participants stop, and everyone who can count counts their “trophy”. If the participant does not yet know how to count, then the presenter helps him in this difficult task. The one with the most snowflakes wins.


This competition develops accuracy and attentiveness in children. For this, you need to prepare “snowballs” in advance (3 “snowballs” per child) from a ball of cotton wool and wrap them in shiny, multi-colored “rain.” But if you haven’t had time to prepare, then you can entrust it to little craftsmen to do it. And as a prize you can give them the same “snowballs” that they make with their own hands. But before you hand out the snowballs, organize a competition.

Divide the participants into two teams. Each player must be given snowballs. Children take turns throwing snowballs into a hoop or basket, which must be prepared in advance and placed on the floor. The team with the most snowballs in the hoop will win.


This competition develops children's reaction speed and attentiveness. To hold it, you need to prepare multi-colored “daisies” in advance (according to the number of participants). Each petal of the future “daisy” should be cut out of colored paper the size of a landscape sheet. You also need to cut out a round center that is the size of the “daisy”.

Chamomile petals are laid out on the floor (mixed, colored side up). Participants stand near their “centers”. At the leader's command, they begin to collect daisies. The winner will be the player who collects his daisy first and most correctly.


To conduct this competition, you need to prepare large sheets of blank paper in advance. The size of the sheet will depend on the size of the snowman you want to see. You can take a sheet of A1 format (Whatman paper). The amount of paper and markers (or markers) will depend on the number of participants.

The players are blindfolded (a neckerchief or scarf is suitable for this purpose) and given a felt-tip pen. Each participant begins to draw a snowman. The winner will be the one whose drawing is the most accurate (or more suitable for the image of a snowman).

This competition can be made as a team competition. Each team has three players. In this case, each participant will draw his own snowman circle. The team that completed the task better will win.


For this game, you will need to inflate two balloons in advance, prepare two baskets in which these balls would fit, and two 30-50 cm rulers.

Participants are divided into two teams. Each player must “bring” the ball with a ruler to the basket (through the air) and lower it with the same ruler into the basket standing on the floor. In this case, the ball should not fall to the floor and should not be touched by any part of the body. The team that wins is the one that gets the ball to the basket faster than the other (one at a time). least errors. The game may end if the ball bursts.


For the game to be a success, you need to draw a snowman on the large sheet paper (can be on whatman paper) and attach it to some vertical surface (wall, door, closet, etc.). Make the nose for this snowman separately: take a sheet of paper, roll it into the shape of a nose (“potato-shaped”, elongated) and wrap it with tape, but only with the sticky side up, so that the nose sticks to any surface.

Participants line up one after another, dividing into two teams. The queue can be established by numbers that are drawn in advance. The presenter blindfolds each player with a handkerchief or scarf, then spins the participant around his axis with the words: “It spins, spins, everything will stick to us,” and turns him to face the drawing. The player must stick the snowman's nose while blindfolded. For each accurate sticking of the nose, the participant receives a snowflake. The team with the most snowflakes wins.


This game develops attention in children. Both interesting and useful. It will require two identical pictures with drawings (Christmas trees, snowmen, snowflakes, sleighs, skates).

The presenter lays out the pictures on the table, images down, and mixes them. Two participants take turns choosing two pictures. If the images match, the player takes them for himself; if not, he puts them back. The game continues until there are no pictures left on the table. The one who collects the most pictures wins.


This is an active game. To carry it out, prepare in advance a broom (like a janitor) or a broom, skittles (the quantity depends on the available distance). Participants must be divided into two teams. Each player runs on a broomstick (zigzag) between pins placed at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. In this game, the team that runs the fastest and knocks down the fewest pins wins.


In this game, you will need toy cars (preferably trucks), on which you can place glasses (or small buckets) of water, filled to the brim. The number of cars will depend on the number of participants. Participants will have numbers pinned to their chests.

You need to tie ropes of the same length (10-15 m) to the cars. At the leader’s command, participants must quickly wind the rope around the stick, pulling the machine towards them. If the water splashes, the presenter loudly calls the number of the “driver”, and he stops winding the rope for a second. The winner is the participant who pulled up the car faster than the others without spilling the water. You can play without water, you just need to lengthen the rope.


This is a very fun and noisy game. Before the game you need to inflate the balloons very much. Each participant sits on his own ball and begins to jump on it. The goal of the game is to jump on the ball as long as possible without it bursting.

The winner will be the one whose balloon goes the longest without bursting.


For this outdoor game, we will need to cut out 4 paper “snowflakes” in a size that matches the shoe size of the largest participant. “Snowflakes” can be made from ordinary white or colored paper, but it will be better if they are made from some thick paper (for example, Whatman paper) or thin cardboard.

All participants must be divided into two teams. At the leader’s signal, participants must put one “snowflake” on the floor and step on it with both feet (without stepping on the free floor), then put the other one and step on it. So, rearranging the “snowflakes”, reach the chair. While the kids “fly” from “snowflake” to “snowflake”, the presenter can comment on their “flight”. Participants must run back. The team that arrives the fastest will win.


This outdoor game can be played between two players or between two teams. Two participants stand opposite each other. At the leader’s command, the participants put one hand behind their back and begin to jump on one leg. At the same time they push each other free hand. The winner is the participant who can stay on one leg longer than the other (without falling or standing on the other leg). If the game is played between teams, then each participant who wins is given a “snowflake” cut out of paper. The team with the most snowflakes will be considered the winner.


For this game you need to make a beautiful New Year's hat out of paper in advance, decorate it with tinsel, “rain”, and brightly paint it.

One player is taken out of the room where the participants are located. The remaining players (or the leader) hide one participant under a bright blanket and cover it with a prepared cap on top. All other participants change places. When the presenter brings in the player who came out, the player must determine who is hidden under the hood.


This competition develops imagination and intelligence in young participants. The presenter gives each player multi-colored, bright, non-stick plasticine. Then he shows a letter (it is better to write the letters in advance on separate cards). Participants must create something New Year's (or winter) starting with this letter as quickly as possible. It could be a sleigh, a snowman, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a hat, mittens, felt boots. The winner will be the one who makes a plasticine figure the fastest.


A large ring (diameter about 20-25 cm) is suitable for this game. It can be made from wire or cut out of some thick paper. And to make it elegant, it should be wrapped in shiny paper, tinsel or “rain”. Participants sit on chairs in a circle. Each player is given a rope, the ends of which are pre-tied, and a ring is threaded through this rope. The presenter (one of the little guests) stands in the middle of this circle. He is blindfolded with a handkerchief or scarf. The leader’s task is to find the ring on a string, while all participants move it in a circle or in different directions. When the ring is found, the leader should be changed.


In this game, participants must be divided into 2-3 equal teams. Each player is given a paper “sled” tied to a thread (the length of the thread can be 1-1.2 m), which must be cut out in advance from a landscape sheet and decorated with 2-3 (depending on the number of teams) colors. Each participant fastens his end of the thread with the “sledge” to the back of his belt so that the “sleigh” freely touches the floor. If the participant cannot do this, the presenter helps him. Each team has a sled different color. At the leader’s signal, the players, running after each other, try to step on the “sled” of the “opponent.” Participants are not allowed to touch the threads and “sleds” with their hands. The player whose sled is torn off leaves the game. The team with the most sleds left wins.


This competition will require two participants. But it can be carried out until everyone present has played enough in pairs.

You need to tie an “icicle” in the middle of the rope. You can take it from old stocks of Christmas tree decorations or, if you have imagination and skill, make it yourself from paper, cotton wool or something else and wrap it with multi-colored paper, tinsel or “rain”. A simple pencil, also beautifully designed, is attached to the ends of the rope. Each participant stands on their own side of the rope. His task is to wind his part of the rope around the pencil. The winner will be the one who reaches the “icicle” faster than the other.


For this competition, all participants (if there is a very large number of participants, then take half) must be lined up in one line. At the command of the presenter, all participants “jump” into the New Year. The winner is the participant who jumped the furthest.


This is just a fun game that does not require any skills from children. For this game, you should prepare in advance binoculars and a rope 5-6 m long (or such a length that it is comparable to the size of the room in which the competition is held). You need to lay a rope on the floor, not in a straight strip, but in a winding way. The participant is given binoculars, turning them over so that the objects become smaller. The participant, looking through binoculars, must walk along the entire length of the rope, trying to get his feet on it more accurately. The winner will be the navigator who completes the entire course more accurately than other navigators.
