Scale in gas boilers. Washing (cleaning) the heat exchanger of a gas boiler with your own hands. Cleaning and rinsing methods

Owners of gas boilers have thought more than once that they would like the unit to work for a long time, be reliable and not create any serious problems during operation. These dreams can be turned into reality if one minor condition is observed during operation - it is necessary to carry out periodic inspections and small scheduled repairs if necessary. One of these scheduled activities is flushing and cleaning the gas heat exchanger.

This operation will allow the unit to return to its nominal efficiency. This part needs to be cleaned once every 2-3 years.

Why do heat exchangers need periodic cleaning?

During operation, soot settles on this element. Sometimes the soot layer is so thick that the boiler efficiency drops by almost half. As a result, the unit does not heat and the owner has to turn the device to full power. Prevention measures allow you to remove this soot. But scale also forms inside the gas heat exchanger. Because of this scale, the passage channel narrows significantly, and the coolant warms up much more slowly. This negatively affects work efficiency heating system and increases the load. In addition, energy costs are increasing.

To avoid problems with the equipment, it is recommended to clean the heat exchangers of gas boilers every three years. This process is a set of works that can be done with your own hands without special skills. The whole range of events will take from one and a half to four hours.

How to clean gas boiler heat exchangers

It is worth noting that this element It is a pipe system through the internal channels of which the coolant moves. Water is often used as a coolant, but it rarely differs high quality. The most salts quickly accumulate on the walls of the heat exchanger. different metals, which over time turn into scale. In addition to the fact that scale is a barrier to the passage of water, it can cause a sharp decrease in the temperature of the coolant.

Among all existing methods, allowing you to clean this part, you can select mechanical cleaning, chemical methods, as well as rinsing with water. The latter is supplied under high pressure.

Let's consider flushing the heat exchangers, which means the third option will have to be discarded. To implement it you will need a special powerful compressor. It is with the help high pressure dense deposits of metallic salts can be broken up and removed. The other two methods are quite suitable. Everything for them can be found at home or purchased in appropriate stores.

Mechanical cleaning

Choosing this option, it is worth remembering that the element itself in the boiler body takes up quite a lot of space. In most cases it is located above the combustion chamber. It's not easy to get to. To gain access to the gas heat exchanger, you need to dismantle the external parts of the housing. To do this, disconnect the gas hoses and electrical cords, if any. Next, the element itself is directly disconnected from the pipes. Finally, on last stage remove the fastenings.

After this, you can remove the part from the housing and start cleaning it. Immediately after dismantling, you can see that the internal cavities of the device are literally clogged various deposits. Often these are metal salts (sodium and calcium), as well as elements of the so-called ferric iron. Clean them with a metal tool - scrapers and pins will do. You need to work extremely carefully so as not to break the internal walls.

The device itself can be soaked in a bathtub or basin. A solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid is added to the water. When the deposits begin to soften under the influence of acids, they can be removed mechanically. Experts recommend that at the end of the procedure, rinse the heat exchanger inside with water pressure. A lot of dirt will come out of the outlet. You need to wait until it comes out of the heat exchanger pure water. This washing can be supplemented by light tapping on the body.

Chemical washing

This procedure is quite complicated, but can be done at home. To do this you will need special equipment called a booster. Before carrying out, you need to know the nuances of the procedure. They exist, despite the simplicity of the process.

The process is simplified, and this simplification lies in the complete absence of any need to dismantle the heat exchanger. There is also no need to disassemble the boiler. To carry out chemical flushing, you just need to disconnect the pipes from the heat exchanger. A hose is connected to one, which will pump the flushing liquid. A hose is also connected to the second one. Liquid will come out of it. Inside the system of heat exchanger and booster, the flushing composition will move in closed loop. You also need to know how to flush the heat exchanger gas boiler. We'll consider possible means, which you can make yourself or purchase at the market or in a store.

What is a booster

It is a special tank that can withstand aggressive influences chemical substances. The device also consists of a pump and heating element. This heater is not available on all models, but experts recommend choosing them for greater efficiency. This will allow you to heat up the chemical reagent, which will act much more efficiently when hot.

Flushing agents

On modern market chemistry there are many preparations suitable for cleaning and the choice must be approached carefully. It is made based on two factors - the level of contamination, as well as how the reagent will affect the metal from which the heat exchanger is made.

You can wash the gas heat exchanger yourself with citric acid. It copes quite effectively with removing minor deposits and scale. Sulfamic acid as well as adipic acid are also suitable. They are practical when washing is regular and contamination is insignificant. Hydrochloric acid is also used for descaling - it removes even complex thick layers of scale. However, here you need to take into account the materials from which the heat exchanger is made. There are also special gels on the modern market that need to be dissolved in water. They, unlike acid, are not so aggressive, and their effectiveness is high level, as the reviews say.

Experts recommend using a saline solution to flush heat exchangers for gas boilers. It is effective, but you need to be very careful with it. It will cope well with scale and deposits, but in itself it is quite aggressive. In addition to these products, branded compounds such as “Sanax”, “Sillit”, “Dketex” and others are suitable for gas heat exchangers.

Features of cleaning plate heat exchangers

These products also detach and clean the external as well as internal surfaces. It will be better and faster if you start cleaning from the outside. First of all, the device needs to be filled warm water with the addition of an anti-scale and rust agent. Then after a while the liquid is washed off clean water. It is best to do this activity outdoors using a pressure washer.

After the outer surface is thoroughly cleaned, the internal parts of this element are washed. This operation differs from the usual one in that there is a thick layer of scale on the surface of the walls, which is larger than in conventional heat exchangers. Therefore, for this work you need to make every effort. It is important to clean the scale completely for better heat transfer.


Cleaning the heat exchanger of a gas boiler is only half the battle. Be sure to clean the boiler itself and the chimney of soot. Only after this can we say that complete prevention. This operation will significantly extend the service life of the heating system.

The article is devoted to an important problem that millions of boiler owners face every day. Find out how to wash the heat exchanger of a gas boiler with your own hands in a matter of minutes and completely free of charge. But remember, if you are not sure, do not take it, a gas boiler is not a test field, there is a danger of explosion.

For cleaning you will have to use metal tools - pins, scrapers, and so on. During work, special care should be taken to avoid damaging the surfaces of the structure.

In some cases, the device is wetted in a container filled with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. And as soon as the scale softens, you can begin to remove it. At the end of the procedure, everything internal voids washed with water under low pressure. For these purposes, you can attach a hose connected to the water supply system.

You can see for yourself how much dirt will spill out. You need to wait until clean water starts flowing. Additionally, you can tap the surfaces of the device with a mallet (this is a special hammer made of wood or rubber).

Burner cleaning

During operation of gas burners, carbon deposits gradually form, which accumulates and can interfere with the proper operation of the unit. Cleaning the element consists of mechanical removal pollution. This can be done in various ways - remove carbon deposits with special brushes or use chemical solvents. Everything here will depend on the degree of pollution.

Cleaning the heat exchanger

As for cleaning the heat exchanger, the situation here will be somewhat more complicated. The fact is that the element is exposed not only external influences, but it is also contaminated from the inside, and therefore the issue of cleaning it requires more detailed consideration.

Externally, the heat exchanger has some similarities with a car radiator of the cooling system. This is a tube bent into a coil, which is surrounded by transverse plates, which serve to increase the heating efficiency. The plates are usually made of metals that have high thermal conductivity. Over time, the heat exchanger plates become covered with soot from the gas flame, which accumulates and prevents normal functioning devices. Cleaning the element is carried out similarly to cleaning gas burners - using brushes or chemicals and a sponge, the outer surface of the heat exchanger is cleaned of contaminants.

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In private houses with a central water supply, water that has undergone disinfection and rough cleaning is used as a coolant for hot water supply and heating. This coolant contains large quantities of various suspended substances, including Ca and Mg, which, under the influence high temperatures, more than 65°C, due to a malfunction of the geyser modules, unsatisfactory water pressure, carbonate precipitates (CaCO3, MgCO3). Such deposits are called scale.

The scale adheres firmly to the metal surface inside the heat exchanger, pipeline, etc.

Low thermal conductivity of scale and good adhesion leads to:

  • overheating of the tubes and plates of the heat exchanger, up to its damage;
  • overconsumption of energy resources;
  • reduction of water consumption due to overgrowing of internal pipeline channels and water heater elements;
  • clogging of valves, taps and other system elements;
  • reducing the thermal power of the device.

Over time, the outer part of the heat exchanger becomes covered with fuel combustion products. Intense flame promotes soot formation gas burner, poor draft in the chimney, unsatisfactory gas-air ratio, increased content of additional impurities in the fuel, ingress of contaminated condensate from the chimney. Soot affects heat exchange and leads to increased gas and water consumption.

Signs of heat exchanger contamination

To exclude premature failure of the water heater due to the listed symptoms, it is advisable to call specialists as soon as possible to diagnose and repair the malfunction. Since the heat exchanger is contaminated on the outside with soot, and on the inside with scale and patina (copper corrosion), we will consider the signs for each individual case.

The following indicators indirectly indicate the appearance of scale in the heat exchanger geyser and water heating system:

  1. Water consumption from a hot water tap is significantly lower than from a cold tap. To identify the real reason To reduce the pressure, the condition of the shut-off valves is checked, since its breakdown can lead to a similar situation.
  2. The appliance is set to maximum power, but the water does not reach the set temperature. Such symptoms are possible when the pressure in the gas line decreases. Therefore, before dismantling and cleaning the heat exchanger, the supply gas pressure should be examined. In the absence of a pressure gauge low pressure, you can navigate by the indications of the burner gas oven. The presence of a normal flame will indicate normal pressure in the system.
  3. The water heater burners begin to turn on and off frequently. But, such a malfunction can also occur if the gas valve or control module is unstable.
  4. There is noise inside the double-circuit boiler. It is worth considering that noise in the heat exchanger also occurs due to boiling water, or breakdown and clogging of the pump turbine. Boiling of the coolant is possible due to poor contact of the temperature sensors with the pipeline.

The listed signs indirectly indicate the formation of scale in the heat exchanger of the column, so first of all you need to check the components that affect the occurrence of the above symptoms.

External contamination of the heat exchanger is determined by opening the device housing. The radiator is considered dirty if it is more than 30% covered with black deposits.

Cleaning Frequency

The frequency of cleaning the heat exchanger depends on the frequency of use of the water heater, the pressure and hardness of the water, the serviceability of the components, the presence of a protective layer against scale, and the condition of the chimney. Under some operating conditions of the same model of a flow radiator, it is necessary to clean it after 6 months, and under other conditions – after 3 years.

Methods for cleaning the heat exchanger

Removal of scale and soot can occur mechanically or using special chemical reagents.

Mechanical cleaning

The cleaning process takes place using a foam sponge, a brush with soft bristles, and a mini high-pressure washer. The most effective of the listed tools, allowing you to quickly remove plaque and destroyed layers of scale, is a mini high-pressure washer.

Before cleaning, for a high-quality reaction, it is advisable to apply a special liquid for removing carbon deposits to the radiator plates, or treat the surface detergent for dishes. You can combine two methods of removing dirt and pour descaling liquid into the coil. After 30 - 40 minutes, and with the combined method after 30 - 180 minutes (depending on the type of reagent used), thoroughly rinse the elements of the flow radiator with water under pressure.

Cleaning with chemical reagents

Dry cleaning can take place at a static or dynamic pace. When using the static method, the heat exchanger is removed from the water heater and filled with the active substance:

  1. Hydrochloric acid (H2SO4) with additives to prevent active reaction with metal (inhibitors). When acid comes into contact with a metal surface, the protective layer is broken and the thickness of the coil wall becomes thinner, so inhibitors are added to it, which prevent corrosive wear. After flushing the radiator, the spent acid residues from the coil must be neutralized with an alkaline solution, such as soda dissolved in water, before being poured into the sewer.
  2. Orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4). Neutral agent, reacts well with carbonates, does not harm the metal components of the system. An effective reagent is obtained by mixing H3PO4 and water in a ratio of 1/6.
  3. Aminosulfonic acid (NH3SO3) - an iron oxide remover. To prevent metal parts from being subject to premature wear when cleaning the boiler heat exchanger, a liquid consisting of corrosion inhibitors, water with a concentration of NH3SO3 in an amount of 2-3% is used.
  4. Citric (C6H8O7) or acetic (C2H4O2) acid. These substances are less dangerous to metal and humans than hydrochloric, orthophosphoric and aminosulfonic acid. But the decalcification reaction lasts several times longer than when treated with salt or phosphoric acid. If 30 - 40 minutes are enough to react with the same amount of H2SO4 scale, then for lemon and acetic acid time increases to 3 - 4 hours.
  5. Special liquid for descaling. Specialized stores sell certified substances, for example, Detex, Boiler Cleaner E, which easily deal with scale. After some concentrates, it is necessary to additionally treat the cavities with an acidity neutralizer, while others do not need to be treated with a neutralizer, since they are neutral to the components of the system. IN service centers Only certified liquids should be used. If this rule is observed, the company is guaranteed to have protection against claims from the owner whose heat exchanger has leaked after chemical cleaning.

The dynamic method of removing carbonates is carried out with special boosters. A booster is a device designed to circulate scale-active liquid both through the heating system and through its individual components. The flushing liquid used is the same as for static cleaning.

Use of H2SO4 causes premature corrosion metal parts booster.

All events are held at outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, using personal protection(glasses, rubber gloves) in clothing that covers parts of the body well to prevent acid and fumes from entering the human body. To improve the catalytic reaction and reduce processing time, the contacting liquid should be 50 - 60°C.

How to clean the heat exchanger of a geyser from scale

Let's take a closer look at how to clean the heat exchanger of a Termet TermaQ geyser. The presented heater model is equipped with a chimney with an outlet for condensate collection and inspection, and a semi-automatic burner ignition system.

You will need the following tools, equipment and materials:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • stationery knife;
  • container for heating the heat exchanger and for draining the spent solution;
  • mini high pressure washer;
  • vinegar solution;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • baking soda;
  • rubber, 3/4 inch gaskets;
  • foam sponge;
  • sandpaper.

Before inspection, it is necessary to close the gas supply valve and cold water into the device. Unscrew the nuts with the feed and hotline and drain the water from the heater.

Heat exchanger cleaning sequence:

  • Remove the water and gas flow control knobs.
  • Remove the water heater cover.
  • Using an adjustable wrench, unscrew the heat exchanger nuts. If they do not unscrew, apply WD 40 to the joint and wait 30 - 40 minutes and try again.

  • Unscrew the front heat exchanger clamp, water temperature control sensor and housing strip.
  • Remove the element to be dismantled from the device.
  • Using a foam sponge, generously apply dishwashing detergent to the outside of the heat exchanger.

  • After 30 - 40 minutes, carefully, so as not to damage the plates, thoroughly wash off the carbon deposits with a mini sink.
  • Fill the container prepared for the heat exchanger with hot water (50 - 60°C).
  • Place the heat exchanger in a container with hot water, and pour a solution of acetic acid into the coil.

  • Maintain temperature 50 - 60°C.
  • After three hours, drain the used liquid from the heat exchanger into a container for collecting waste solution.
  • Neutralize the acid with baking soda and pour the solution down the drain or onto the ground.
  • Using a mini sink, wash the coil to remove any remaining scale and acid.

  • scraper or sharp knife On the coil and pipes for connecting the heat exchanger, clean the contact areas of the sealing insert.
  • Place the heat exchanger in place and secure it with straps.
  • Sandpaper or stationery knife remove dirty, oxidized deposits from the junction of the control sensor housing and the coil. This operation can be performed before installing the heat exchanger in its original location.

To improve thermal conductivity, contacting surfaces can be degreased and thermal paste, for example KPT 8, can be applied to them.

  • Fix the water control sensor on the coil with bolts.
  • Connect the water heater to the water supply.
  • Open the heater supply valve to fill the hot water circuit with water.
  • Check the tightness of the mounted unit.
  • Attach the housing in place, and install the handles on the water and gas regulators.

Check the system for leaks periodically, every 3-4 days.

Cleaning the gas burner of a water heater

A gas burner clogged with debris and soot contributes to the formation of soot on the plates and coil of the water heater.

To ensure a high-quality inspection of the heating unit, it is advisable to clean the gas burners. This operation can be performed either with improvised means (brush, rag, etc.) or with a mini high-pressure washer.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure when cleaning the gas water heater heat exchanger.

The procedure for conducting an inspection of the Termet TermaQ gas water heater

After removing the heat exchanger of the gas water heater, unscrew the fastenings of the nozzles.

Disconnect the wick, ignition electrode and thermocouple mounting strip from the injectors. Remove the gas burner block.

Rinse the dismantled unit under running water or pressure.

Washing gas water heater burners.

Dry the cleaned burners and reinstall them in reverse order.

In the presence of the necessary tool, skills, cleaning the heat exchanger of a geyser goes quickly. Due to this, the service life of the water heater is significantly increased.

If you wish, you can clean the heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists. This procedure does not take much time, and you will not need to spend extra money. The main thing is to follow some rules and know the operating principle of a gas boiler. By spending only 2-3 hours, you can thoroughly clean the equipment from contaminants.

A gas boiler heats water when gas is burned in it. The heat exchanger of the structure is a curved copper or steel pipe. When the gas is converted into energy, the heat exchanger also heats up, transferring heat to the heating system. Heating is carried out thanks to special plates, which also help raise the temperature and direct it to one of the circuits of the dual-circuit system.

The heat exchanger is made from the following materials:

  • Copper;
  • Stainless steel;
  • Copper alloys.

This is explained by the fact that copper and its derivatives conduct heat well.

These plates tend to become covered with deposits due to contact with water, so they need to be cleaned every two years before turning on the heating in the winter.

If the water is hard enough, you will have to clean the heat exchanger from scale once every 2 years. You can do this yourself by preparing the necessary tools in advance.

Cleaning methods: how to clean a gas boiler

To prevent overheating of equipment parts, breakdowns and increased fuel costs, periodic flushing and cleaning of the heat exchanger and other elements is required.

Cleaning the heat exchanger can be done in several ways:

  • Manual cleaning, which involves removing the coil, can be done mechanically or you will have to flush the pipe special composition, dissolving salt;
  • Cleaning with acidic liquid using a booster;
  • A hydrodynamic flushing option using increased pressure is possible.

Manual cleaning is carried out using a stiff brush and vacuum cleaner. For a double-circuit boiler, you should use anti-salt liquid from limescale. First, the coil is removed, and after the procedure it is returned to its place. Particular attention must be paid to checking the tightness.

You can also clean the pipe using a booster. To do this, a special solution is passed through it, which is capable of removing even deposits of iron compounds. Finally, the acid is neutralized by another liquid, which is driven through the pipes.

The hydrodynamic method allows you to effectively destroy plaque and deposits by increasing pressure and using abrasive substances pumped into the coil.

Procedure: how to clean the boiler from scale, soot and soot

If you decide to do the procedure for cleaning the structure yourself, before carrying out work at home, you need to turn off the electricity, turn off the gas, and close all valves of the heating system and boiler.

All actions should be carried out carefully; disassembly and assembly requires special care:

  • The boiler cover is removed;
  • Next, you should remove the gas burner, remove dirt in the form of carbon deposits from the electrodes, you can wash the surface with water and detergent, and rinse;
  • Clean the injector and nozzles with a soft hair brush;
  • Next, the fan is removed and its blades are cleaned;
  • The wall of the AGV combustion chamber is removed;
  • The heat exchanger should be cleaned of soot and descaled with citric acid or a special compound;
  • Having dismantled the coil, it is necessary to clean the bottom of the boiler;
  • Then the filter intended for cold water is cleaned, blown and rinsed with clean water;
  • All parts are returned to their places;
  • The tightness of the AOGV is checked.

After completing all the necessary procedures, you can open the gas valve and turn on the electricity.

When the boiler operates for a long enough time, contaminants in the form of carbon deposits gradually form on the burner. Accumulating in large quantities, it can cause equipment malfunctions. Therefore, it must be removed periodically.

For mechanical cleaning with small accumulations of dirt you will need:

  • Brush;
  • Yorshik;
  • Thin needle.

The gas duct must be wiped clean. The surface of the nozzles is cleaned with brushes or a brush. A needle is used for holes. Under no circumstances should the hole be widened, as the combustion process may be disrupted.

If there is a lot of carbon deposits, you can use acidic solvents.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of the Aton gas boiler (video)

Any gas boiler, even if it is manufactured by such well-known companies, like “Aten” or “Vailant”, requires respect and care. Timely prevention, washing and cleaning different types contamination is the key to uninterrupted and long-term operation of this type of equipment. However, when independent work It is important not to forget about proper assembly and safety rules.

To save efficient work gas boiler, it is necessary to take timely measures to care for it. The most difficult and time-consuming thing is to flush the unit’s heat exchanger. During long-term operation, especially if there is no water filter, limescale deposits will accumulate in the heat exchanger. To prevent this problem from damaging the gas boiler, it is necessary to periodically clean the circuit. Therefore, many users of the units are interested in how to clean the heat exchanger of a gas boiler.

The heat exchanger of a gas boiler is a curved pipe made of metal or cast iron. It is heated by the flame of a gas burner, and then transfers heat to the coolant liquid, which moves throughout the heating system. If the heat exchanger is clean, it transfers heat efficiently. When salt deposits accumulate in it, its thermal conductivity decreases. Then the gas boiler has to heat the coolant longer, which entails an increase in fuel and electricity consumption.

If the maintenance element is heavily contaminated desired temperature it needs to remain in the maximum heated state for a long time - this leads to overheating of the heat exchanger and its failure.

Deposits and scale also prevent the coolant from moving along the circuit. As a result, the load on the circulation pump increases.

Thus, a contaminated heat exchanger threatens failure not only of the element itself, but also of other important components of the unit. To prevent damage, the boiler should be cleaned regularly.

Note! Dual-circuit models often fail secondary heat exchanger, which works to heat hot water.

How often should the heat exchanger be cleaned?

The frequency of cleaning the gas boiler heat exchanger is usually indicated in the operating instructions. If at the entrance water pipe If the filter is installed, you can clean it less often. If there is no filtration and there is hard water in the region, the heat exchanger will clog faster.

Usually, without a water filter, cleaning is done once or twice a year. If there is filtration tap water It is enough to maintain the heat exchanger once every 4 years.

Exist signs that the circuit needs urgent cleaning:

  1. Fuel consumption has increased - if the circuit is clogged, gas consumption can increase by 15-20%.
  2. The performance of the heating system has decreased. Signs of this may be the following: weak heating of the batteries, the unit cannot reach the required temperature and operates continuously.
  3. Weak water pressure from DHW systems or insufficient heating.
  4. Noises in the heat exchanger.

If at least one such “symptom” appears, you should clean the heat exchanger as soon as possible, otherwise inaction will lead to expensive repairs.

Gas boiler cleaning options

There are several basic methods for cleaning gas boiler heat exchangers:

  • manual;
  • chemical;
  • hydrodynamic.

Which method to use depends on the degree of blockage. Let's take a closer look at each of the listed methods.

Not all users of gas boilers know how to clean the heat exchanger of a gas boiler themselves. Manual cleaning is easiest to do yourself. There are two ways to perform this method:

  • mechanical - using a brush and brush;
  • washing with active solutions – more effective option, is especially relevant for boilers with two circuits.

At heavily polluted They use two methods of descaling - first washing and then mechanical cleaning. This process is carried out in the following steps:

  • turn off the gas and disconnect the unit from electricity;
  • open the lid of the gas boiler;
  • dismantle the heat exchanger;
  • place it in an active substance, for example, a solution of hydrochloric acid;
  • remove the heat exchanger from the solution and clean the dirt with a brush or brush;
  • rinse the element with water inside and out;
  • dry and install the circuit back.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is characterized by the use of a booster or its analogues, as well as aggressive chemicals. An important condition chemical cleaning is to maintain a safe concentration of the substance so that it does not corrode the surface of the heat exchanger.

Chemical cleaning is carried out using a booster, but many craftsmen create it cheap analogue with your own hands. To do this, take a 10-liter container and attach two hoses and a pump to it.

If the scale layer is too large, you can use substances based on sulfuric or hydrochloric acid for cleaning. The simplest cleaning solution is made from citric acid: 200 grams of powder is diluted with 5 liters of water.

The chemical cleaning process is quite simple:

  • the chemical solution is diluted in a container and poured into the booster;
  • two hoses are connected to two boiler pipes - inlet and return;
  • turn on the device and drive the liquid through the heat exchanger several times.

Factory boosters have a heating function, which allows you to flush the circuits with greater efficiency.

After the procedure, it is necessary to drain the reagent and rinse the system again with a neutralizing agent or clean water.

Of course, dry cleaning is more effective than manual cleaning, but the active substances contained in the solutions can lead to corrosion. Therefore, this method cannot be used often.

Heat exchanger cleaning solutions

Some owners of gas boilers on the forums are interested in how to clean a gas boiler from scale at home. Usually for dry cleaning the following means are used:

  1. Cleaning gel - it is considered the mildest product. Afterwards it is enough to rinse the heat exchanger running water. Despite its gentle effect, the gel copes well with scale and lime deposits.
  2. Adipic acid - in order to flush the heat exchanger of a gas boiler with acid, it is important to dilute it with water in the correct proportion, otherwise the substance will damage metal surface. Adipic acid softens all deposits inside the heat exchanger well. After flushing the system with this product, neutralizing liquid should be driven through it.
  3. Sulfamic acid – helps cope well with complex stains. The substance is diluted with water and filled into a booster. After completing the process, it is necessary to rinse the heat exchanger with neutralizing liquid.
Note! When performing chemical cleaning, you should wear rubber gloves on your hands, and protect your body with special clothing, through which the acid solution cannot get on the skin.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

This method of cleaning the heat exchanger is carried out only by specialists. There is no need to disassemble the boiler and remove the heat exchanger to do this. The principle of hydrodynamic cleaning is as follows: liquid is pumped into the system and circulated under pressure several times. For greater efficiency, cleaning abrasive substances are added to the water. It turns out that due to the rapid movement of water, scale disappears and impurities are washed away.

However, with this method it is important to correctly calculate the pressure force - if it is too great, a pipe breakthrough may occur. Therefore, hydrodynamic cleaning cannot be performed independently.

What are the differences between cleaning a double-circuit gas boiler?

How to rinse the secondary heat exchanger of a gas boiler with your own hands? Fundamental differences between washing DHW circuit and there is no heating heat exchanger. Just in case dual-circuit model You will have to clean not one, but two elements.

Double-circuit gas boilers can be equipped with two types of heat exchangers:

  • removable secondary;
  • bithermic.

The first option is cleaned in the same way as the primary circuit using manual or chemical cleaning using a booster:

  • connect the booster hoses to the pipes for cold water supply and hot water outlet;
  • The apparatus is put into operation with the reagent heated (t=50-55ºC).

For manual cleaning, the secondary circuit is dismantled and immersed in a citric acid solution. Then brush the outside and dry.

A bithermal heat exchanger consists of two pipes inserted into one another: the coolant moves through one of them, and through the other hot water. Cleaning it is much more difficult, especially since such a circuit cannot be dismantled as a separate analogue. Therefore, flushing the bithermal circuit can only be done using a booster. If such an element is heavily contaminated, then it is simply impossible to clean it. Then you will have to buy a new bithermic heat exchanger and install it in place of the old one.

What is the best way to flush the heat exchanger?

Some people get lost in the variety of substances for contour care and often choose the most powerful ones, which, with regular use, negatively affect the metal. Experts say that such products are best used as a last resort, if more gentle solutions are not suitable. The most universal remedy is lemon acid- it cleans scale no worse than all sorts of expensive means, but does not damage the surface of the heat exchanger.

If you flush the circuit in time, and do not wait until the pipes are completely overgrown with salt deposits, then you will not have to use aggressive substances to clean a small layer of scale.
