Is it possible to finish eating with another person? Why in Judaism a man is not allowed to finish eating his wife, but a woman is allowed. Why you shouldn't paint your nails in the kitchen - signs

The common people have many superstitions about food. Our ancestors were sure that if you follow all the signs and superstitions, you can avoid trouble and attract good luck. Signs about food are also found in modern society, but their meaning has already been lost. Let's reveal the secret of beliefs that people used in the past, and the secrets of signs that have already become closely integrated into our everyday life.

The first pancake is lumpy. Those who love to bake pancakes always know that often the first pancake turns out not so beautiful, and may even go bad. Such a pancake is either quickly eaten “to try” or given to pets. But few people know that in ancient times the first pancake was intended for the dead. It was placed separately on the windowsill in order to honor deceased relatives.

Throwing away bread means trouble. Many people know from childhood that half-eaten pieces of bread should not be thrown away, it is a sin. In ancient times, bread was of great importance to people. It was grown by the powers of the Sun God, and a lot of time and effort was spent on its cultivation. Poverty awaits the one who does not honor bread and throws it away.

You can't eat while crossing the threshold. Previously, thresholds were a symbol of the border between a foreign world, inhabited by different creatures, and one’s own world, home. By crossing the threshold, and even chewing food, evil spirits can enter a person through an open mouth. Today, this belief can be interpreted differently: while eating food while walking, you can trip over the threshold and choke.

You cannot finish drinks after another person. In a large family or during a feast, it often becomes unimportant where whose glass is and who finishes the drink after whom. However, according to our ancestors, if you finish the rest of the drink for someone, you can take on part of that person’s sins or take on their energy.

At the end and beginning of the meal you need to eat a piece of black bread with salt, then prosperity, money and love will not leave the house. Bread and salt were considered symbols of hospitality and goodness. It was a kind of magical talisman that warded off evil forces and protected from all misfortunes.

An apple fell from the table - to love and meeting your betrothed. Since ancient times, the apple has been considered a symbol of love. A fallen apple meant the approach of matchmaking and marriage for a young girl.

You can't eat from a knife, otherwise you'll be angry. This sign has a fairly clear rationale. All sharp objects and corners are considered sources of negative energy. When tasting food with a knife, a person risks being charged with negative energy, becoming irritable and aggressive.

If a girl oversalted her food while cooking, it means she fell in love. In ancient times, salt was considered an expensive product, a delicacy. Only wealthy people could afford to buy salt. Salt was handled very carefully and economically. And if, while cooking, a girl suddenly added too much salt to her food, it meant that there was something wrong with her. They believed that she was in love, and because of this she could not concentrate on cooking. Indeed it is. A person in love, as a rule, has his head in the clouds and forgets about everything in the world. There's nothing you can do about it: the soup will be too salty and the tea too sweet.

He who eats stale bread will swim well and not be afraid of thunderstorms. This sign is most likely based on simple deceit. This sign was used in poor families, when parents gave their children stale bread, and, so that they would not be capricious, they told them how well they could swim during a thunderstorm. And swimming during a thunderstorm was considered a very useful activity. During this procedure, the person was in complete unity with nature and charged with positive energy. Today, few people would think of swimming in a thunderstorm, but nevertheless, stale bread and crackers are good for our body.

All these folk signs were born during pagan times. But surprisingly, most of them have survived to this day and are actively used in everyday life. If you found this article useful, click on and

08.11.2013 14:58

Diet by date of birth is not only a great way to lose weight, but also a good opportunity...

  • Don't eat sneakily in the dark children will become thieves.
  • You cannot eat while crossing the threshold: the unclean can take possession of you.
  • Who eats while studying: eats what he has learned.
  • The bread in the oven split in two - to the departure of one of the household.
  • If the bread is not baked and remains raw - to separation or ruin.
  • Large grain harvest - to imminent famine.
  • Cutting off a piece of bread, Don’t stick a knife into a loaf, it will lead to hunger.
  • Don't eat from a knife - you'll be evil.
  • Who eats stale bread? he swims well and is not afraid of thunderstorms.
  • Throw away bread - great sin. He who throws away half-eaten pieces rather than feed them to the birds will become poor.
  • The first pancake is funeral. They put it on the windowsill, saying: “Our honest parents! Here is a pancake for your soul!” Whoever bakes pancakes for a funeral cares about satiating the soul of the deceased.
  • When you bake pancakes: Don’t let strangers watch, they can jinx you and the pancakes won’t work.
  • Don't eat peas on an empty stomach - you'll put the evil eye on someone.
  • The pot of porridge cracked in the oven - not good.
  • Porridge comes out of the pot towards the exit from the furnace - this is unlucky, and if towards the far wall - it means abundance.
  • Forget the spoon on the table after dinner - to the guest.
  • If corned beef is cooked during the new moon, then it will soon deteriorate.
  • Do not drink while lying down (that is, lying down or kneeling), Otherwise the devil will push you with a spatula.
  • Who fasts during all four fasts, All four evangelists pray to God for him. During fasting, you cannot say the word “meat” - you must say “soon”. Whoever eats meat during Lent will have a pockmarked bride. Whoever fasts before the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos will be saved from the attack of the evil one. Whoever fasts on the Friday before the Ascension will be protected from drowning. Whoever fasts on Friday before the descent of the Holy Spirit will be saved from the sword. Whoever fasts before the day of Kozma and Demyan will be saved from mortal sin. Whoever fasts on Friday before Elijah’s Day will be saved from eternal torment.
  • Wipe the table with paper - to a quarrel.
  • You cannot brush bread crumbs off the table with your palm, otherwise you’ll have to ask for crumbs with the same palm.
  • At the beginning and end of lunch it is advisable eating a piece of bread with salt is fortunate.
  • Spilling tea means misunderstanding.
  • A tea leaf floats in a glass - for a gift.
  • An apple fell from the table - for a date with your lover.
  • Shell from an eaten egg need to be crushed into small pieces. If it falls into the water, the mermaids will build boats from it. If you leave an uncrushed shell in the yard, magpies will drink water from it, and you will get a fever.
  • A woman salts her food - It means I fell in love.
  • Who are you drinking for? you accept your sins.
  • Scattering salt means a quarrel. Collect the sprinkled salt into a pinch and throw it over your left shoulder, laughing at the same time - then everything will be fine...
  • If at the table you are asked to pass the salt, You must smile when passing, otherwise you will quarrel.
  • Spill salt into the fire - to a quarrel.
  • Drinking containers must not be kept open - the enemy's power will take up residence. In a container with a drink left open overnight, evil spirits frolic.
  • Choked at the table - It means someone is in a hurry for lunch.
  • Don't clean the house when the bread is in the oven - there will be no abundance.
  • Sauerkraut will not spoil if you put an aspen branch in it.
  • Don't eat in front of the mirror- otherwise you will eat your beauty
  • After cutting off a piece, do not stick the knife into the loaf - this will lead to hunger
  • Enter every room with a loaf of bread and a saucer of salt to bring happiness to the new home
  • Eating pancakes and peas helps increase wealth
  • On Vozdvizhenye, pickles should be shaken in a tub - then they will be stored better
  • After dinner, a spoon forgotten on the table goes to a guest
  • When the sun went down, don’t start a new adventure, poverty will overcome
  • Accidentally spilled tea to surprise (usually pleasant)
  • The bread is not baked remains raw - to separation or ruin
  • Throw away pieces of bread to lack in the house; better to feed to birds, animals
  • Who eats stale bread? he swims well and is not afraid of thunderstorms
  • When cut, the loaf breaks in your hands, this portends a family quarrel.
  • If you bite your tongue while eating, it means you were telling a lie.
  • Empty eggshell you have to press so as not to leave evil
  • Vodka served in a glass, drink to the bottom, otherwise you will be rich, but there will be no happiness in life
  • At the beginning and end of lunch eat a piece of bread with salt - fortunately
  • Woman pricking bread with a fork or with a knife - she forever deprives herself of happiness
  • A pot of porridge cracked in the oven - not good
  • Accidentally spill sugar to the good
  • An apple fell from the table- for a date with your lover
  • Having dined at someone's house for the first time, folding a napkin means never visiting this house again
  • The meat swells in the pan - this portends success
  • Choked at the table- the guest is in a hurry
  • There's no laughing at the table- the demon will spoil the food
  • Who bakes pancakes for a funeral, he cares about satiating the soul of the deceased
  • He who eats quickly works quickly
  • A tea leaf floats in a glass- for a gift
  • Don't eat from a knife - you'll be angry
  • Don't eat peas on an empty stomach- jinx someone
  • Peas are boiling when removed from heat- good sign
  • Women don’t eat berries before Midsummer, otherwise the children will die
  • Don't start eating fish from the head - otherwise you will invite trouble
  • Whoever changes glasses during a meal will have a bad time
  • Spilling tea means misunderstanding
  • I didn’t finish the bread and took another piece without noticing - one of my relatives in the distance was hungry
  • Big harvest of bread- to imminent famine
  • Leaving uneaten pieces of bread on the table from your slice you leave your happiness there
  • If you cook corned beef during the new moon, it will soon deteriorate
  • Don't leave it in the bedroom cold boiled water - you will anger the devil and you will be in trouble
  • Don't leave a knife in the bread - you'll find out you're hungry
  • Don't let yourself go after eating at the table - you'll become a widower
  • The meat is boiled down too much in a pan - this is a bad sign
  • Two spoons in one gravy boat - for a wedding
  • Salt gets damp - bad weather
  • No matter how little there is baked bread in the house, but if a neighbor asks to borrow it, you should not refuse him, you need to share at least the last piece with him - in this case there will always be plenty of bread in the house.
  • If someone has eaten a piece bitten by another person, then the thoughts of this person will become known to him, or the health and strength of that person may pass to him. And if this piece is given to an animal, then the diseases of the person who ate this piece will be transferred to the animal.
  • Scattering salt means a quarrel. Collect the sprinkled salt into a pinch and throw it over your left shoulder, laughing at the same time - then everything will be fine.

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This restriction is just part of the conventions of the code of conduct of a person who zealously professes Judaism. These restrictive measures are in effect on the so-called “days of nida.”

What are “nida days”

The Jewish Torah very clearly dictates the rules for the relationship between spouses during the “uncleanness” of the wife - the main teaching of Judaism interprets this period of the monthly cycle for women as a time of short-term cessation of close relationships between husband and wife. The ritual status of “nida” (“distant” in Hebrew) in Judaism is given not only to a woman who is having “difficult days,” but also to a woman giving birth.

The seven-day stay in the status of nida, according to traditional Jewish laws, ends with the woman’s bathing in a mikvah (special tank), cleansing her of ritual impurity. During the “days of nida,” devout Jewish men are prohibited from contacting their spouses, even at the everyday level.

Unmarried nidas by definition

As one of the most famous Israeli rabbis, Mordechai Eliyahu, wrote in his book “Paths of Purity,” the prohibition for a devout Jewish man on the “days of Nida” is expressed in a fairly broadly interpreted restriction “not to approach” (to an “unclean” woman). Eliyahu explains that behind this term lies everything that in one way or another contributes to the arousal (lust) of a man.

It is noteworthy that, when interpreting the relevant provisions of the Torah and Talmud, Mordechai Eliyahu focuses on the inescapability of the status of “nida” for unmarried girls and women professing Judaism - according to the canons of this religion, they constantly remain at a conditional distance from men, since they do not undergo the rite of ritual ablution in mikveh. Jewish men should not even touch such “nids”; Judaism also imposes a ban on solitude with them, admiring their charms and other temptations.

Food is also a temptation. But only for men

Mordechai Eliyahu, explaining the main tenets of the teachings of Judaism, writes that, according to the canons of the Torah and Talmud, a husband in front of his wife should not eat food that she tasted during her stay in the status of “nida” and finish her wife’s drinks - all this equates to “approaching” "unclean" woman. In Judaism, such actions are considered to tempt a Jewish man. At the same time, finishing your husband’s food “nida” according to Judaic laws is not a sinful act.

The teachings of Judaism, according to many researchers, proceed from the fact that men are more susceptible to temptation and lust during the “days of Nida”. And this time, on the contrary, brings women closer to the comprehension of the Divine gift.

Why do women have such privileges in Judaism?

Although the Bible preaches equality in marital relations, obedience in family life, according to Christian traditions, is prescribed only to women. And the Talmud clearly states that a wife must show respect to her husband “to a greater extent than to herself.”

Norman Lamb, the author of the book “Fringed with Lilies”, where they give a philosophical interpretation of the social and religious status of “nida”, studying the Torah, comes to the conclusion that women have a more privileged position in Judaism compared to men. Lam believes that a wife who observes ritual procedures during the “days of nida” in accordance with the requirements of Judaism is able, unlike a man, to most deeply comprehend the sanctity of time, since her biological rhythm is thus sanctified. The absence of such an internal rhythm, according to Norman Lamb, encourages a Jewish man, in understanding the holiness of time, to strive to observe hundreds of commandments of the Torah.

The advantage of “nida” in this case is that a woman comprehends the Divine gift through an internal state, with the help of her “biological clock” consecrated by the mikveh, while a man has to be content with external efforts. Norman Lamb believes that this is a much deeper and more intimate form of approaching the sanctity of time.

On the same topic:

Why in Orthodoxy a woman who has given birth is not allowed to enter church for 40 days? Why do Orthodox Christians prohibit a woman who has given birth from going to church for 40 days? What things should you not say to a Russian woman?

Since ancient times, people have noticed various patterns in life, on the basis of which they made forecasts for the future. There are a huge number of folk signs, the topics tend to be infinite, and among them there are those related to food and drink. Perhaps these signs may seem naive, far-fetched or completely absurd to some, but they have existed for hundreds of years. It is their “longevity” that proves that there is at least a little truth in them. Studying signs is not only interesting, but also useful: after all, there are signs with a reversible effect. Read our article on how to avoid negative consequences.

Surely, you have heard that you should never leave a spoon in a cup of tea? This advice (or even instruction) has a logical explanation: most often people spill it because of the spoon. This failure especially frightened our ancestors: they believed that spilled tea could cause anger in the Higher Powers, who could perceive awkwardness as wastefulness and reward it as it deserves. But what if the tea is spilled? There are several interpretations for this case.

It must be admitted that, unlike the past, in our time there are many signs that promise happiness. For example, if you spill tea in a hurry, unintentionally, then there is a high probability that the offender will experience material well-being in the future. Also, tea that was spilled on the table and was foamy promises financial profit. If the foam is not visible, but bubbles form, it’s also not a problem - a kiss with your beloved will soon happen. And an unmarried girl who accidentally stains her clothes with spilled tea can be preparing for the imminent arrival of matchmakers.

However, there are also less happy predictions. You should not indulge during the day, because self-indulgence can result in spilled tea. And under such circumstances, signs advise preparing for a strong quarrel (there is a glimmer of hope that it is not because of this self-indulgence). Even scattered dry tea indicates unpleasant events approaching your home. But you can correct the situation and avoid awkward situations and misunderstandings: you need to sweep the spilled tea leaves onto a piece of paper and then turn it on fire.

Is it worth taking out the spoon?

Many compatriots claim that it is worth it. In their opinion, this reduces the risk of injury. You can burn yourself with a regular hot spoon, and in more severe cases you will need the help of a surgeon.

A similar rational approach existed in the past, expressed by a sign: if you leave a spoon, you will soon spill tea on yourself or spill the tea leaves, and in special cases health problems may arise. Therefore, popular beliefs also say that you should take out the spoon. In their opinion, a spoon left in a mug can worsen the level of material condition, and rapidly (although it is still faster to get injured). Another interpretation can be expressed in words: a spoon in a mug means happiness out.

However, it is also important how to place the spoon after removing it from the mug. For example, if you place it in such a way that it simultaneously touches the table, this can serve as a signal for evil spirits. According to ancient beliefs, a spoon in this position is a kind of teleport for the horned devil, who, with its help, makes his way inside a person and becomes the cause of life’s hardships and various kinds of diseases. Some people believe that the spoon position described above can cause loss of money.

Thus, both experts and omens unanimously say: it is better to drink tea without a spoon.

Which way to stir the tea?

According to existing wisdom, tea should be stirred only clockwise. If you believe it, then by stirring the tea counterclockwise, you can turn back time. For this reason, it is recommended to stir the tea only in a clockwise direction.

A piece of bread falls into the tea

Sometimes signs can seem very strange and unusual. There is a special belief according to which a piece of bread dropped into tea has a special meaning. If bread falls into the tea, it means that unexpected guests will soon appear in the house.

A tea stick got into the tea

By paying attention to various details, you can learn a lot about your future. There is an old saying that chopsticks end up in a cup of tea for a reason. If you believe the belief that this means the beginning of some new business.

Hair in tea

Among the folk signs, there are several very strange ones for her. For example, a hair found in tea does not mean that you should clean your apartment better. In fact, his appearance is a hint from higher powers of quick success and big changes.

Drink tea with salt

According to an old saying, drinking tea with salt is a very lucky coincidence and a real gift of fate. Thus, a person who drinks tea finds a way to avoid a big misfortune or a big quarrel with someone close.

Finish someone else's tea

Among the interesting signs that make you think seriously is one that does not advise drinking tea after another person. This is especially true for loved ones and relatives. Thus, a person who drinks tea risks completely quarreling with him.

If a fly got into the tea

Seeing a fly in your tea is quite an unpleasant sight. But there is a sign that can explain this coincidence of circumstances. It says that if a fly gets into a glass of tea, then you should definitely expect a gift from someone close to you.

If the tea spilled

Having spilled tea, people immediately try to clean up the resulting mess. Few people think that this incident may have a secret meaning. Folk omens claim that the person who spilled the tea will be in for a very welcome surprise.

Why are there bubbles in tea?

There is a belief that the surface of the tea can determine a person’s financial situation. If it is covered with small bubbles, a person can expect an increase in money. This tea must be drunk hot for it to come true.

Why choke on tea

Choking on tea can end your life sadly. It’s good if someone close is nearby. But the forefathers believed that by choking on tea, a person receives a sign from higher powers. This means that someone you know really wants to see them.

Burn yourself with tea

A burn from hot tea is a very unpleasant event. However, there is a sign that assures that this is a good sign. A person who has been burned by tea has something exciting and interesting ahead. There will be big changes in his life.

Foam in tea

Foam in tea is a sign similar to bubbles. According to legend, if you see foam on the surface of the tea, you should immediately drink the drink. Moreover, it can be scalding hot, which will only increase efficiency. This is for monetary success.

Sweeten the tea

Sweetening omen tea is quite simple if you think about it or take a break from the process. Few people attach great importance to this event. In fact, there is a sign that describes the reason for this. Something unpleasant will happen in the life of the person who did this.

Full mug of tea

Signs say that when pouring tea, it is better to fill the mug completely than to leave it half empty. Thus, a person risks remaining unhappy for the rest of his life and losing his happiness. A full mug is considered a good omen.

Why you shouldn’t leave unfinished tea

Unfinished tea is a very unpleasant omen. While rushing to work or on errands, almost every person at least once in his life left the cup half full. Signs assure that this cannot be done. By leaving tea in a cup, a person deprives himself of happiness and good luck.

Tea leaves

If, while pouring tea, a person finds tea leaves in his mug, then some news awaits him. Signs say that this will be something unexpected and possibly good. The more tea leaves, the larger the changes that the news will entail.

Japanese signs about tea

The Japanese have a very unusual and very creepy superstition, which a good half of the population still adheres to. According to legend, you should not pour tea if the teapot lid is closed. After this, someone close to you may die.

Popular signs about tea

It has long been the custom that you need to pour tea into a cup to the very edge. Overflowing tea (bordering on spilling) marks happiness and material wealth in the future. If you do otherwise - do not top up the tea - you can invite disaster. If you systematically underfill your tea, you can spend the rest of your life in financial need. The principle “it’s better not to finish drinking than not to top up” applies here. If the mug is too large, it is better to replace it with a smaller one rather than fear misfortune.

You can guess not only by, but also by the tea leaves found in them. The tea leaves themselves indicate that news or even a gift will be received in the near future. To find out whether the news will be pleasant, just count the number of tea leaves. If the number is even, then the news will be good. Odd is bad.

  • You should not shake the tea in the teapot too often, as this can cause a quarrel.
  • If an unmarried guy spills tea, then his wife will have plump lips.
  • A fly caught in tea portends good luck!
  • A man and a woman pouring tea into cups together, from the point of view of signs, will have a common child in the future.
  • Males should follow the order: add sugar first, then cream (if necessary). Otherwise, you can lose your beloved.

Signs from a geographical point of view

The British are famous for their love of tea. And in their folklore you can also find signs regarding tea. Thus, the British believe that if the nose of the teapot is directed towards the fireplace or wall, then the woman or girl will not receive either kisses or a lover. However, a similar Russian sign will help here: spilling tea on yourself means marriage.

Residents of Russia in the past believed that the foam that formed when pouring tea promised an improvement in their financial situation. Therefore, it was carefully collected with a teaspoon and - attention - rubbed into the head, believing that it would thus protect against headaches, improve hair growth and add money. An interesting pattern in a modern way: if the tea is green, the money will also be “green”.

At the end of the article I would like to say: many planets are associated with tea. Depending on the part of the globe, time, country or even village, they may differ. But it should be remembered that there is no fundamental, 100% realized influence of omens on a person’s destiny. Man is the creator of his own destiny.

Everything is done decorously and sacredly by all family members. And God forbid, one of the children in the house whistles - he will immediately receive a slap on the wrist (he decided to whistle money!). True, they were not there and are not. Not for a car, not for a vacation in Crimea, not for “eating in a cafe.” Oh, these are our troubles...

Here's another paradox. My friend Tanya and her mother-in-law quarreled for the first time in three years. Tanya completely refused to take the clamp from the village to the city apartment. The mother-in-law was indignant throughout the street and desperately tried to shove the collar of the neighbor's horse Ramona into her daughter-in-law's hatchback. Tatyana could not stand it and sent her mother-in-law to the bathhouse. The picture was picturesque. Ask: what's what? It's simple. Tanya and her husband brought their newborn granddaughter to her mother-in-law. The baby was only two months old, and she, like all children at this age, had a tummy ache. My mother-in-law immediately realized: when we had a stomach ache, we carried our little children three times through the collar of a black horse. It seemed to help. And she rushed to her neighbors for “folk medicine.”

Oh, these “zababonov”...

Every day I walk down the street with my child. But this was the first time I saw this. A young mother is walking with a stroller, and on the stroller is a wedding veil with a wreath. Honestly, I wasn’t the only one who turned my head. A good mosquito net came out of the veil, I thought even then. A couple of days later, one friend clarified: she hung up her veil so that the baby would not be jinxed.

It would be better if she wore a wedding dress, then the child would definitely not be jinxed. Everyone would just stare at her. And they made a characteristic gesture with a finger at the head.

And I thought it was the 21st century...

My former colleague Irina got married at 33 and divorced her husband in the third month of marriage. I thought this only happens in movies.

My mother told me: it’s not good for you to walk down the aisle in a yellow dress (the color of champagne), but I didn’t listen. And I also had a bouquet of yellow roses... - Ira opened up. - And you know, they say that on the wedding day the bride and groom should communicate only through witnesses, but Misha and I talked on the phone in the morning. Still, you need to follow the signs...

Only when I got to know her better did I find out: Misha was her 35-year-old student, a full-time student, and wasn’t even looking for a job. He's a terrible bore - he can't go to the cinema or invite anyone to visit. He forbade his wife to communicate with all her friends, and was also terribly stingy. Irina is a sociable woman, loves gifts and luxury. They were different.

So it's not the champagne-colored dress.

Oh, how scary you've become... Perhaps you're expecting a girl? She took all your beauty... - an old friend met me once, pregnant.

Well, yes... - I barely squeezed out. And then I looked at myself in the mirror for half an hour: was it really THAT scary? And she ran to the hairdresser: she needed to look prettier.

Are you out of your mind? Pregnant women should not get their hair cut! - my friend Lenka attacked me when she saw me with a new haircut.

Who put such nonsense into your head?

Everybody knows! - she snapped.

Yes, Lenka, well, you’ve accumulated nonsense in your head...

But she's not the only one. I recently took a taxi. We pass under the railway bridge, and a train is driving along it - the taxi driver threw the steering wheel and let's hit the pockets with both hands - so that the money will be found.

My sister recently brought the child to look after her for two hours, I found six pins on my clothes. So as not to jinx it.

Oh, my right hand itches. Give me something red. This is about getting to know each other, - a conversation between two girlfriends in a cosmetics store.

They seem to be reasonable people, but how many prejudices do we cultivate and abundantly water in our heads? After all, you can be happy even without these troubles... - Lenka listened to everything that was boiling up in me and added:

Oh, well, you're happy, yes...

Do you know why? - I realized. - Firstly, she looks like her father (daddy’s daughters, they say, are happy). Secondly, I have a lot of moles on my back (my grandmother once told us about this belief: moles on the back are lucky). And thirdly, when I clear the table after dinner, I like to finish the bread after others, so I finish eating the happiness after others.

Lenka has it all wrapped up in her mind: it will be useful in life.

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