People born on Thursday have character and destiny. The day of the week on which you were born: meaning and influence on fate. Let this eastern horoscope become useful for you and your loved ones

In the first month of autumn, many pleasant moments are expected in your personal life. The Sun, Mercury and Mars are located in Capricorn's friendly sign Virgo, so the stars promise a period of harmony.

September 2017 will bring bright events, the gates of love will open and sensuality will blossom. Now representatives of your sign have enough optimism and a sense of humor, which will create favorable circumstances for love and romance. The time is suitable both for strengthening an existing connection and for the birth of a new love affair.

The family life of Capricorns will also be calm. You will notice that it is easier for you to find mutual language with relatives. If you try to ask your friends for advice in resolving any issue, you are unlikely to really get helpful advice. You better rely on own opinion and use your own discretion because no one else knows your circumstances as well as you do.

On September 20, 2017, the planet of love Venus moves into the expansive ninth house of Capricorn, horizons in love expand. This is a good time for romantic trips. May begin romantic relationship with a person from afar, or you will fall in love on a trip. For love, spiritual and cultural interests shared with the beloved become more important. Another option for expressing this position of Venus is studying a new subject together with your other half, foreign language, attending educational courses, or you will work together on a project related to abroad.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for September 2017

For career and financial affairs, the month is productive and quite balanced. IN business sphere expect an increase in activity, because on September 6, 2017, Mercury ends its retrograde period and resumes its straight motion. This means that obstacles in work will disappear and future prospects will become clearer. If you were planning to start new project or start your own business, then the stars are on your side.

The cluster of planets in the ninth house of long-distance connections in Capricorn indicates that the wind of good fortune will blow from distant lands. Favorable opportunities will come through contacts with partners and organizations from abroad or from other cities. If you go on a business trip, you will be pleased with the results. This time will be especially successful for those who are engaged in research, work in the field higher education, rights, culture.

September 23, 2017 The sun enters your career house. The influence of the Sun will help you bring out your best. professional quality, become a leader in a team. Not everything will always go smoothly, disagreements are possible, but the chances of success are very high.

When it comes to finances, the month can be generous. In the first and second decades, the benefic planet Venus is located in one of the financial houses of Capricorn, which portends higher than usual income. You can make good money thanks to partners and cooperation.


No serious health problems are expected this month. You feel that your energy potential is incredibly high. The period is well suited for travel for treatment and consultations with medical specialists from afar.

Don't take it upon yourself to solve other people's problems! Pay more attention to yourself and don't be distracted from your business.

In September 2017, Capricorns will give their lives to chance, and as it turns out a little later, they will be completely right. Fate itself will determine what and when should happen to you, and what consequences these events will bring. We are not talking about something bad, everything is exactly the opposite. At the beginning of autumn, your life will dramatically change its vector, but it will not be an everyday drama, but a chain of positive coincidences. And the most important thing is that you will completely calmly accept everything that happens. Apparently, thanks to your Spartan equanimity, you will with emotional comfort survive a stage that could bring any other person to a psychologist’s office.

Now about everything in more detail. In September 2017, your personal life will change dramatically and radically. If until now you were glad that you have a family union, then in September, after a chain of some accidents, you will decide to free yourself from this attachment. What exactly will happen? Most likely, your partner will demonstrate the worst qualities of his nature, and you will decide that there is no point in continuing to put up with his constant betrayals or betrayals. Divorce scares many people, but you will find a number of great advantages in it. You will be able to devote more time to yourself, completely change your wardrobe and/or hairstyle, and also make many friends from the opposite sex. In general, there will be no hint of depression in your life, which, as a rule, accompanies the breakup of a long-term love affair.

Another scenario for the September events is also possible. With it, you are not in danger of divorce, and what happens in the life of one of your relatives will become a chain of surprises for you and your family. After these people find themselves in a financial impasse, you decide to shelter them within the walls of your family nest. Of course, few people are tempted by the thought of letting strangers (even relatives) into your cozy little world, but you won’t break even in this case! And, as it turns out a little later, your kindness and calmness will receive a great reward (the life of your relatives will soon return to its normal track, and they will greatly thank you for your help).

Lonely Capricorns will have a different kind of concern in September 2017. Whether you like it or not, you will find yourself in the center of a love triangle, and you will become its top. The life of a couple of your best friends will turn into a severe test, and again by chance. Your friend of the opposite sex, for a number of reasons known only to him, will suddenly decide that it is not his constant passion, but you, that he wants to see in the role of his soulmate. Suddenly? More than unexpected! But that's enough for you internal forces to adequately withstand all the September surprises. In this situation, you will behave like a very wise and strong-willed person (you will forever break off friendship with people who cannot agree with each other, and without delay you will begin to build a love affair with a person whom you meet completely spontaneously).

Unfortunately, your September trials, dear Capricorns, will not end there. At work, you will rush between two fires, choosing between several very promising offers. And then you will again give yourself into the hands of fate, believing that it knows better than you in which direction you should develop. This will be a justified step, and very soon the controversial situation will be resolved. By allowing events to take their course, you will witness a very strange “denouement” (one of your employers will reveal his true colors, and you will understand that cooperation with him would be a huge mistake for you).

Attention, the Capricorn horoscope for the month of September 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2017 Red Rooster, you should draw up personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Not everything goes as you expected, you have to adapt to new circumstances, and they are not always favorable. However, we can benefit from everything that is happening today if we are creative and do not follow stereotypes and misconceptions.
It is not easy to find a common language with loved ones, disagreements arise more often than usual, but you do not allow serious conflicts. Common sense helps to reach a compromise and find solutions that will suit everyone. In the evening, unexpected gifts and pleasant surprises are possible.

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Love horoscope - Capricorn

Remember to pay attention to your loved one, otherwise your relationship may deteriorate, so exercise caution.


Today your passion can change the long-term plans that you made with her. Perhaps she will be dissatisfied with the methods and approaches that you apply, and this will greatly touch your nerve. However, try not to let this negative emotions will. It is possible that this tension is only temporary. Be patient and wait until the situation improves on its own.
Try to fully understand the emotions that overwhelm you before you throw them out on your crush. It is possible that you are actually to blame for the problems and difficulties that are now clouding your relationship.

When choosing a fan from the large mass of your admirers, it is best to turn to your mother for advice. Her good advice and many years of experience, as always, will help you take correct solution. And true friends will only confuse your head - do not trust them. This will not lead to anything good.


Family horoscope - Capricorn

In your relationships with your family, you will be very serious and constancy. You will get along well with older relatives, but not at all with children. Jokes aside, they will have to very clearly meet your requirements so as not to cause your anger.

Business horoscope – Capricorn

Don’t stand on ceremony with old problems; try tomorrow in one fell swoop to eliminate the obstacles that hinder the development of your business.


Due to the influence of restless luminaries, the day promises to be restless. If you work with your hands, there is a risk of injury, and those who are engaged in home renovation will face unexpected troubles in this area. In general, all representatives of the sign will face a wide variety of changes in life that will make you very nervous.

Health horoscope - Capricorn

Tomorrow you can slightly moderate your activity; mental work will suit Capricorns more than physical work, and it won’t hurt to be calmer. It is better to cancel sports training, injuries are possible, and also be careful with household electrical appliances. But a walk in the park will benefit Capricorns; sitting in the office all day is not at all necessary.


Mercury will remind you how healthy it is to eat apples. Do you know that, according to the latest discoveries of scientists, apples help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood? Moreover, they are calorie-free and contain fiber and vitamins, including vitamin C. Perhaps humanity, which has spent its entire history blaming the poor apple for all sorts of troubles - from the Fall to the death of Snow White - should reconsider its myths and fairy tales about it.

Mobile horoscope - Capricorn

You have a fairly clear idea of ​​your future and have absolutely no desire to justify your plans to your friends. You do not understand their criticality, because close people should support and encourage you. You will get so deep into these thoughts that you will even wonder if this is envy. Meanwhile, today you have a lot of work to do, and you really want to make progress. The less you react to such situations, the calmer your life will be.

Beauty Horoscope – Capricorn

It's time to try something new in life - at least that's what all your friends think. Call up some of your best friends and go to some new place, or just try something you've never done before.

September 2017 will bring many pleasant and cheerful moments for those born under the Capricorn zodiac sign. However, in order to achieve good results and by the end of the month you will reap the fruits of your labor, you will have to fight a little for a place in the sun, since the competition is growing every day. Capricorns need to gather all their will into a fist, focus on what they want and prove to the whole world, including themselves, that you are worth a lot, that you have the spirit and assertiveness to independently cope with all issues and tasks and get stunning results.

In the first ten days of September 2017, your plans are so grandiose that they may seem absurd to some people, but this should not worry you. On the contrary, it should be an excellent motivation to work hard, move forward, overcome all obstacles and grow as a person. Many of your colleagues and family will try to assume the right to make decisions on your behalf. Under no circumstances agree to this provocation, no matter how beautifully it is presented to you. Each person must make decisions independently, for which he will then bear full responsibility. It’s one thing when they simply try to help you sort out your affairs without your participation in order to make your fate easier, and another thing when they simply don’t take your opinion into account. Be attentive to those around you. And try not to be too frank when revealing your plans to strangers. Some of the people closest to you will try to help you, do not refuse, this offer will be sincere and disinterested, but you should not relax too much, hoping that now there will be much less to do. At the beginning of September, try to rely only on yourself, it’s much more reliable.

In the second ten days of September 2017, luck will turn your face, so do not be afraid of responsibility and serious matters. Everything will work out for you as well as possible. The main thing is to believe in yourself and persevere until the end. Don't be discouraged if you can't see results right away. Day by day it will become more noticeable and tangible. Don't waste time, energy and patience to prove something to someone. The result will be zero. Prove your importance in practice so that there are indisputable facts that you are right. And this method will ennoble your dignity, and not humiliate it. IN professional activity During this period, it is better for Capricorns to give preference to single projects, since work in a team can be dispersed and be less productive and of less quality. Working independently on something, you can easily manage the process itself, be responsible for its efficiency and quality, which you cannot do in conjunction with one of your colleagues. Try to avoid industrial conflicts and not provoke them. Let everyone remain to their own opinion. And refrain from advertising your point of view and plans or ideas. Be discreet, tactful, friendly. Only in this way will you be able to improve strained relationships with some colleagues. Do something selfless, or simply invite you to lunch at a cafe, this will help restore old contacts and raise you in the eyes of others. In general, Capricorns can expect positive and positive points, as well as several excellent opportunities to strengthen your authority and demonstrate your level of professionalism. If your boss suddenly offers you a trip to a neighboring city for a business event, don’t refuse. This is a great chance to unwind, change the environment and meet useful people, which in the future can help you in your own business. And useful connections are always wonderful.

The location of Venus in the third ten days of September 2017 suggests that Capricorns, with their tenacity and refined taste, will completely defeat the object of their adoration, for which they will be rewarded with reciprocal feelings. Many Capricorns will want to legalize relations with their soulmate during this period and will apply for marriage. And those who have been legally together with their loved one for a long time should think about adding to the family. Now is the best time to continue your kind. Capricorns, among those who already have a sufficient number of children, should pay more attention to their development and upbringing. Review your children's routine. Perhaps something needs to be removed from the list additional classes, and spend the free time together? Be more attentive to the mood of your household. Don't insist and get into your soul. Just hug and sit next to each other in silence. They themselves will share with you what worries them. It's time for Capricorns to increase own self-esteem, and for this you need to play a game with yourself. You set a small goal and achieve it, then the goal will be a little larger and so on. Write down your small and big achievements in a notebook, ask your family and friends about good qualities that they think you have. Make a list. Believe me, it motivates. And work on your shortcomings, which you also learn about from your loved ones.
