Physiotherapy. Healing Fitness. Series of lectures “Timeless Culture” (Lectures by Leonid Tugutov)

Name: Medical Physical Culture.
Epifanov V.A.
The year of publishing: 2006
Size: 12.62 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian

Textbook by V.A. Epifanova "Therapeutic physical culture" covers such issues of rehabilitation and therapeutic physical education as the organization of medical and social rehabilitation, examines the basics of therapeutic physical education, presents the basics of manual therapy and the basics of massage, characterizes the rehabilitation of patients with diseases and injuries of organ systems, describes therapeutic physical training in obstetrics and gynecology.

Name: Introduction to pediatric sports medicine.
Avdeeva T.G., Vinogradova L.V.
The year of publishing: 2009
Size: 1.33 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The presented guide "Introduction to Pediatric Sports Medicine" examines current issues, which include psychophysiological and social features adolescents, quality of life and characteristics... Download the book for free

Name: Cardiac rehabilitation
Niebauer J., Pozdnyakov Yu.M.
The year of publishing: 2012
Size: 41.35 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Practical guide“Cardiorehabilitation,” edited by J. Niebauer, examines methods of rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular pathology. The manual contains principles of rehabilitation for congenital... Download the book for free

Name: History of massage
Eremushkin M.A.
The year of publishing: 2007
Size: 11.17 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book “History of Massage,” edited by Eremushkina M.A., examines the historical milestones in the development of medical massage and its varieties. The main historical periods of the formation of massage are described. Presentation... Download the book for free

Name: Basics of manual massage techniques
Yoremushkin M.A.
The year of publishing: 2004
Size: 2.31 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book “Fundamentals of manual massage techniques”, edited by M.A. Eremushkin, examines the principles and manual techniques of massage, its use in medical treatment and rehabilitation programs. The mea... Download the book for free

Name: Medical massage. Basic course: classical massage technique
Eremushkin M.A.
The year of publishing: 2014
Size: 10.59 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Medical massage. Basic course: classical massage technique" edited by Eremushkina M.A., examines the principles of classical massage technique, its use in medical treatment programs... Download the book for free

Name: Massotherapy. 4th edition.
Kunichev L.A.
The year of publishing: 1990
Size: 13.48 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: This book "Therapeutic massage" by L.A. Kunicheva considers such issues as the history of the development of this procedure, describes the essence and mechanism of the physiological effect of massage on the body, characterizes... Download the book for free

Name: Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders. Volume 2
Belova A.N., Shchepetova O.N.
The year of publishing: 1998
Size: 3.67 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook “Guide to the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders,” edited by A.N. Belova, et al., consists of 2 volumes. The second volume contains a set of rehabilitation techniques for... Download the book for free

Name: Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders. Volume 1
Belova A.N., Shchepetova O.N.
The year of publishing: 1998
Size: 47.11 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book “Guide to the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders,” edited by Belova A.N., et al., consists of 2 volumes. The first contains organizational issues of organizing medical rehabilitation...

The textbook presents the basic means and methods of using exercise therapy in accordance with modern approaches. The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard teacher education. It is primarily aimed at children (school age), with special emphasis placed on widespread childhood diseases and health disorders (in particular, colds and cold-infectious diseases) and those that are, to a certain extent, provoked by learning itself (myopia). At the same time, the possibilities of using physical exercise not only in therapy, but also in the prevention of relevant diseases and health disorders. A section is highlighted concerning the peculiarities of the organization, content and work of a special medical group in educational institutions.

For students pedagogical universities. It can be recommended for use by physical education teachers at various levels of education, exercise therapy specialists, and doctors.

On our website you can download the book “Therapeutic Physical Culture” by E. N. Weiner for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.


Healing Fitness

Genre: Educational literature
V.I Dubrovsky
Publisher: M.: Guma-nit. ed. VLADOS center
Country Russia
Year of manufacture: 2001
Number of pages: 608
Description: The textbook is written in accordance with the new program for the study of physical therapy and massage in higher education. educational institutions. Much attention is paid to the systematization of physical education means used for preventive and therapeutic purposes, as well as issues of hydrokinesitherapy, occupational therapy, various types massage, physiotherapy, manual therapy and many other methods of restorative medicine. For the first time, issues of comprehensive rehabilitation for many diseases and syndromes are covered.
The textbook is intended for students of physical education departments of universities and institutes of physical education, as well as students of medical universities, physical therapy methodologists, rehabilitation therapists, physiotherapists, exercise therapy doctors and other specialists.

Format: Plain text


Therapeutic physical culture (Epifanov Vitaly)

Author: Epifanov Vitaly
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: medicine

Performer: Valentina Krasnyanskaya
Duration: 20:51:31
Description: B textbook tasks and content covered medical rehabilitation taking into account modern achievements, the role and place of therapeutic physical culture in rehabilitation treatment. The main means and forms of therapeutic physical culture, the possibilities of its use for the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of various organs and systems at the stages of rehabilitation are described in a systematic manner...


Medicinal cooking with onions and garlic. Healing recipes for the healthy and the sick (Nikolai Danikov)

ISBN: 5-480-00016-0

Author: Nikolay Danikov
Year of manufacture: 2005
Genre: Popular and alternative medicine
Publisher: Eterna
Series: Herbalist recommends
Russian language
Number of pages: 288
Description: Onions and garlic - these plants not only give a unique taste to food, but also have unique healing properties. The book contains recipes for dishes that use onions and garlic. The role of these vegetables in traditional nutrition population different countries from ancient times to the present. Data on the content of vitamins are provided...


Agricultural culture of the Udmurts (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries) (Volkova L.A.)

ISBN: 978-5-7691-1462-2
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Volkova L.A.
Year of manufacture: 2003
Genre: monograph, ethnography
Izhevsk: Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian language
Number of pages: 398
Description: The monograph presents a diverse set of sources covering the agricultural culture of the second Udmurts half of the 19th century- beginning of the 20th century. Special attention devoted to the concepts of agricultural culture, environment, adaptation, contributing to the disclosure of the characteristics of the life of Udmurt farmers. The research is based on the arch...


Culture of administrative activities (VP ​​USSR)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: VP USSR
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Management
Publisher: KK MOO "Sober Kuban"
Performer: Evgeniy Filonenko
Duration: 11:42:49
Description: Non-discussed issues of administrative activity and management using the example of organizing enterprise management for a full function or Introduction to “microeconomics”. ContentsPreface Part 1. Society, state, macroeconomics 1.1. About system-forming misconceptions 1.2. Axiomatics of economic science today 1.3. Political economy of industrial civilization 1.4. About the credit and financial system and its inter...


Hellenistic-Roman culture (Baumgarten Fritz)

Year of publication: 1914
Author: Baumgarten Fritz
Translator: E.E. Maller Genre or subject: Ancient Greece and Rome; Hellenism
Publisher: Brockhaus-Efron
Language: Russian (pre-reform)
Format: PDF

Number of pages: 777
Description: A monumental reference publication on all aspects of the cultural life of Hellenistic and Roman civilizations. The culture of the ancient Hellenes and Romans underlies the entire European and partly human civilization, and therefore arouses interest among all generations of readers. In the monumental work of F. Baumgarten, F. Poland...


“Timeless culture” (Leonid Tugutov; expanded)

Genre: Audio lecture
Lecturer: Leonid Tugutov (Lakshmi Narayana Das)
Year of manufacture: 1999 - 2001
Description: I. Timeless culture (1999) II. Science of Family Relationships (2001) III. Anthology of world deceptions IV. Vedic Club (2001) V. Five Jewels of the Universe (1999) Timeless culture = more details...Eternal wisdom of the Vedas * The most ancient texts of the world * 3 language categories * 4 eras of the existence of the Universe * Unity and difference of philosophies and religions * Vedic predictions * 3 levels of the Himalayas * Different levels consciousness * System of Porfiry Ivanov * Why do we need...


Sobriety and culture No. 08 (August)

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Year of manufacture: 1988
Genre: Social and political magazine
Publisher: Profizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 68
Scan author: crazy-slim
Description: Social and political popular science magazine. Organ of the All-Union Voluntary Society for the Fight for Sobriety.


Culture, Internet and the future (Oleg Borisovich Antonov)

Format: PDF
Quality: eBook (originally computer)
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Journalism
Publisher: Samizdat
Number of pages: 11
Scan author: Antonov Oleg Borisovich
Description: The essay “Culture, the Internet and the Future” contains short review what has happened to Russian-speaking culture over the past 30 years, how the Internet has changed the media and invites the reader to think about what future awaits us in the 21st century. The reader can use a questionnaire that will allow him to determine his Image of the future, which may differ from the image that is “promoted” by modern...


Volga Bulgaria: spiritual culture (Davletshin G.M.)

Year of publication: 1990
Author: Davletshin G.M. Genre or subject: monograph, archeology, history
Kazan: Tatar Book Publishing House
Russian language
Format: DjVu
Quality: Photographed pages
Number of pages: 177
Description: The book, based on numerous facts from source studies and archaeological research, studies and summarizes materials on issues of folk and professional culture of Volga Bulgaria and its population. Example pages Contents Folk culture Calendar and time keeping. Metrology and counting system. Cosmogonic views. Beliefs. Paganism...


Mexico. Politics, economics, culture

Year of publication: 1968
Publisher: Nauka
Genre: history
Russian language
Format: PDF/DjVu
Quality: Scanned pages + recognized text layer
Number of pages: 361
Description: Mexico is one of the largest and most developed countries Latin America. This book will introduce you to the history, economy, politics and culture of the country, talk about the problems of development and strengthening national economy, the population of the country. The book reveals the sources and character of the unique Mexican monumental painting, represented by the work of such outstanding artists as Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros. Ots...


Byzantium. Life, religion, culture (Tamara Talbot Rice)

Year of publication: 2006
Author: Tamara Talbot Rice
Translator: Dmitrieva O.O. Genre or theme: history
Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf ISBN: 5-9524-2061-3
Russian language
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Number of pages: 255
Description: The book is dedicated to Byzantium, which existed for more than a thousand years and played a vital role in the formation of European culture. You will learn about the rise of Christianity, magnificent and solemn church services, grandiose military battles, beautiful mosaics and exquisite jewelry, created by local craftsmen, and about what they dressed in, how they built...


History and culture of Ancient Greece (I.E. Surikov (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-9551-0355-6
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: I.E. Surikov (ed.)
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Encyclopedic Dictionary
Publisher: Languages ​​of Slavic Cultures
Russian language
Number of pages: 792
Description: The book is the first encyclopedic dictionary in Russian, entirely dedicated to ancient Greek civilization and covering all its components, paths and specifics of development. Ancient Greek civilization occupies a special, unique place in the history of mankind: it largely became the foundation on which all subsequent European civilizations were subsequently formed...


Sharp story on Radio Culture ]

Format: audio play, MP3, 128-192kbps
Year of manufacture: 2006-2007
Genre: detective
Publisher: Radio Culture
Duration: 45:58:34
Description: A collection of brilliant musical detective audio performances performed in the popular radio program “Acute Plot” in 2006-2008. Attention! The distribution is carried out by adding new episodes. Attention! The distribution is carried out by adding new episodes; Each time you add a new torrent will be created. To start resuming a new series, users need to do the following: (1) stop downloading, (2) delete the old torrent from their client (old...


Mass culture: Myths and reality (Syrov Vasily)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Syrov Vasily
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: cultural studies
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Ivan Kalinin
Duration: 11:50:58
Description: The book is devoted to the study of mass culture, which, as the author believes, contrary to established opinion, should be considered not an original product of industrial civilization, but a revival, thanks to a modern technological basis, of very archaic forms of worldview. The work analyzes the history of the emergence of the most common concepts of mass culture, undertakes a reconstruction...


Series of lectures “Timeless Culture” (Lectures by Leonid Tugutov)

Author: Leonid Tugutov
Playing time: 07h. 5 minutes.
Description: Lecture series “Timeless Culture” Consists of three lectures: No. 1 Eternal wisdom of the Vedas
Contents: * The most ancient texts of the world * 3 language categories * 4 eras of the existence of the Universe * Unity and difference of philosophies and religions * Vedic predictions * Different levels of consciousness * Porfiry Ivanov's system * Why do we need independence? * Willpower * Knowledge of the nature of fear and fearlessness * The art of living and the art of dying * The law of cause and effect * Gift of H. P. Blavatsky No. 2 The law of karma and reincarnation
Contents: * Vedas - knowledge about the laws of...
