Do-it-yourself landscape design of a summer cottage - fresh ideas and ready-made projects (photos). We create an original landscape design for a summer cottage: photo Design landscape for a summer cottage

Man and nature are an eternal theme of any type of art. Landscape design– this is not only a way of self-expression, but also part of direct communication with pristine nature. The area adjacent to a private home provides ample scope for imagination, opening up endless possibilities for designers around the world.
Regardless of the size of the dacha plot, you need to strive to create a unique atmosphere for privacy and contemplation of nature, for a family holiday with children and friends, for romantic dinners with the rustling of leaves and for quiet dinners while reading books by a small home pond. Nature provides all the tools to create the necessary mood. You just need to know how to use them.

Basics of modern landscape design

Landscape design of a summer cottage is A complex approach to landscaping a personal plot. This space is designed to harmonize with the owner’s inner world, to be a reflection of his tastes and interests.

In landscape design, as in any other type of space improvement, there are modern trends that most professionals follow.

The origins of the aesthetic design of the site go far back into time. Over numerous centuries, styles and trends in landscape design have undergone many qualitative changes. At the moment, among site improvement specialists there is a desire for naturalness and pristineness. Very fashionable is the alpine hill, a Russian folk garden mixed with notes of technological progress: the use of glass, metal, clear geometric shapes, straight lines.

Eclecticism prevails in modern landscape design. You need to have real talent to harmoniously combine such two incompatible directions. But the result can exceed all expectations.

Modern landscape design styles

Over the long history of the existence of the art of decorating a personal plot, many of its directions have emerged.

The main ones are:

  • Classic or regular style. Famous French parks are typical representatives of this trend. The idea of ​​such design is the idea of ​​the elevation of the human mind above nature, its subordination to the laws of geometry familiar to us.
  • Landscape style. Historically formed as the opposite of the regular direction. It is a “free”, most pristine landscape. Landscape style is designed to surprise people with beauty natural nature, skillfully thought out and created by designers.
  • Rural style (country). “Home” trend of landscape style, representatives of which are ordinary village gardens in different parts of the world. Any direction that does not require large investments and careful care of the site. The placement of decorations is arbitrary and depends on the historical folklore of the area.
  • Architectural style. Relegating natural beauty to the background, it focuses attention on the decorative buildings of the territory: terraces, arches, paved areas, architectural reliefs, steps, etc.
  • Japanese style. Design suburban area in oriental style is art. It is filled with symbolism. The landscape design of the site is ideal for creating a classic oriental atmosphere. The main components will be stones, boulders, a small pond, a place to contemplate the beauty of nature.

Layout of the area around the house

After selection suitable style, should be planning the design of the area near the house, determining constituent elements. Without the planning stage, it is impossible to competently build a site.

There are several standard layout types applicable to most spaces:

  • Rectangular layout. The most popular win-win option. The layout of a rectangular plot is easy to zone, conveniently divided into separate sections and is well suited for creating a successful geometric composition.
  • Round layout. This layout is artificially created from a rectangular version with the help of auxiliary elements: flower beds, lawns, green spaces, etc. Straight geometric shapes are masked by decor. Designing a landscape around the house in round motifs can be a non-trivial solution.
  • Diagonal layout. Based on the creation of diagonal parallels. Landscape design small plot with your own hands in a diagonal layout will help to visually expand the space and push its boundaries.
  • Free layout. The technique of free placement of design elements using the natural topography of the territory. It is important to correctly place accents in such a garden. Otherwise, the effect of neglect may appear and the area will lose its landscape attractiveness.

Zoning of the site

Dividing it into several functional zones will help make a spacious area more comfortable and visually enlarge a small garden space. Their number and size completely depend on the original area of ​​the area and its intended purpose.

The territory can be divided into:

  • Garden area;
  • Recreation area;
  • Economic zone;
  • Dining area;
  • Children's area;
  • Sports area.

All zones of the territory should form a single picture, without looking like separate islands on a personal plot. Zones should be united by a single idea and style.

One logical zone should smoothly transition into another. For this, it is best to use green spaces, arches and decor.

Whatever type of layout is used, it is better to place the largest zones along the edge of the area, while focusing small ones in the center.

Landscape design composition

Landscape design of a site is a combination of many functional and decorative elements. Below we will take a closer look at the main ones.


How a skilled builder lays on the floor of a house flooring This is how a skilled gardener covers his plot with lawn. If previously the lawn was the luxury of emperors, now modern world everyone can afford to decorate the area with a soft grass carpet.

The process of establishing a lawn is labor-intensive and requires full dedication, but upon completion it will bring the owners a well-deserved result in the form of an ideal foundation for the rest of the landscape. Besides decorative function, a grass lawn has a positive effect on soil structure and air purity, and muffles excess noise.

The choice of lawn must be approached with the utmost seriousness: it will last for more than one season. Exist:

  • Regular lawn. It is a coating of a single color of medium density.
  • Sports turf. It is a denser type of lawn that is not afraid of loads.
  • Decorative lawn. Beautiful perfect lawn, not intended for walking on it.

garden path

A garden path is a functional element of landscape design. It plays the role of connecting special zones of the territory, they are the “skeleton” of the entire layout of the area. Depending on the chosen stylist, the tracks can be different forms, sizes, made of different materials.

Although the classic direction of site design is geometric and straight lines, winding paths look more natural in landscape design. Attracting with their ease, they lead the guest through the garden, turn by turn.

The most important issue in garden paths is choice. suitable material. In landscape design, a variety of finishes is not welcome, but the use of only one material is not necessary. The main thing in this matter is harmony and uniformity.

The central paths should be larger and more solid. Decorating with mosaics of different colors will look good. The simultaneous combination of different figures and flower arrangements. Modern manufacturers offer custom path making services. You can emphasize the central avenue with the help of built-in spotlights.

Dirt paths, decoratively sprinkled with sand or crumbs, will add special charm to the nooks and crannies of the garden.

Standard materials for garden paths are:

  • paving stones;
  • gravel;
  • concrete tiles;
  • a natural stone;
  • brick covering;
  • decorative tiles;
  • natural pebbles.

When choosing a material, its compatibility with specific soil and climatic conditions, in addition to standard operating conditions, must be taken into account.

Flower garden and planting

It is difficult to imagine the landscape design of a summer cottage without plants. The composition of flower beds can become a real art and the main accent of the entire site. It is important to select plants wisely. The main selection criteria will be not only their appearance, but also compatibility with each other, necessary climatic conditions, survivability, etc.

There are the following methods for placing plantings on a site:

  • . The most popular flower garden, which is a planting of a certain geometric shape of decorative foliage plants.
  • Group planting. Dense planting of plants in separate groups of several species.
  • Discounts. A type of planting of decorative deciduous plants in rectangular strips to frame the borders of lawns, paths or other elements of landscape design.
  • Border. A type of flower garden in which plants are planted in layers.
  • Tapeworm. Single planting method.
  • Parterre flower garden. A geometrically correct complex flower garden located in front of the entrance to the personal plot. Usually consists of a combination of several plant species with architectural elements.
  • Mobile flower beds. Plants or flowers that are not adapted to certain terrain features (soil, some weather conditions, a certain season) are exhibited in the landscape of the site in decorative pots or vases, without transplanting into the ground.
  • Arenarius. An exotic solution would be a corner of the desert in the garden. Various types of succulents and the like are planted in an artificially filled arena with sand.


A pond can become the highlight of any landscape. But before you start creating it as quickly as possible, you should think about its purpose. In areas of different sizes it will be appropriate different types reservoirs.

Holders large plot, of course, can afford absolutely any size, shape and depth of a water body.

Reservoirs are very labor-intensive to maintain, so you should foresee in advance whether its maintenance will be feasible.

The pond must be in direct harmony with the overall style of the landscape project. With a regular style, the pool should have straight shapes, but for a landscape pool, asymmetrical streams made of natural materials are more suitable.

The landscape design of a summer cottage qualitatively transforms the creation of the now fashionable alpine hill.

The Alpine slide is an imitation of a wild mountain landscape with characteristic plant species. Despite the labor-intensive process of creation, such decoration can become the pride of any garden plot. country house.

Typically, an alpine slide is a unique type of rock garden: compositions ornamental plants with a stone. To create a rock garden, materials available in our area are used: limestone, granite, gerbils. Live composition combined from rock plants.

The main emphasis of the rock garden is given through the play of chiaroscuro. The corresponding effect can be achieved both by the initial selection of a place with beautifully falling rays of the sun, and by the creation of artificial lighting.

Relaxation area with barbecue or fireplace

Owning country house, you can not only usefully spend your time gardening work, but also to successfully relax in the company of friends by equipping your relaxation area with a barbecue or fireplace.

The corresponding area can be either open or closed. Although the first option is less labor-intensive, the design of a small canopy will not only make the place more comfortable, but also protect it from direct sunlight or rain. A suitable place to place a recreation area would be one that is spacious and hidden from prying eyes. It would be good if there was an area for children next to this place, and a picturesque landscape to admire nearby. Proximity to a body of water will give additional freshness on hot summer days.

The location of a barbecue, hearth or outdoor fireplace in a recreation area is not only part of its interior, but also an important functional element. In addition to its main purpose, it can be used for heating and creating an atmosphere of comfort on autumn evenings.

Setting up an outdoor dining room

Landscape design of a summer cottage with an open dining room is a luxury accessible to everyone. Eating at fresh air- not just a modern fashion trend, but also an extremely useful practice that improves metabolism and overall well-being.

To create a summer dining room, first of all, you need suitable free space. Great solution there will be a site around 10 square meters. For convenience, it is worth leading a stone path from the house to the location of the open table.

The outdoor dining room should not be too far from the main house, otherwise the process of carrying dishes and prepared food can become a rather long and labor-intensive process.

It is important to remember about possible weather surprises and climate changes: it is necessary to select furniture that is resistant to humidity and equip the dining room with a stationary or mobile canopy. As protection from the sun's rays, you can use the branches of a large tree, if there is one on the site.

The dining room can be decorated in quality, surrounded by hedges or left in the free space of the lawn - it all depends solely on the wishes of the owners.

Site lighting

The lighting system of any cottage or plot has two functions: practical and aesthetic.

The first involves illuminating areas for free movement in the dark, and the second is designed to create a special atmosphere and place accents in the landscape design.

With the help of a skillfully designed lighting system, you can achieve a radical transformation of the garden at night.

Landscape design lighting for a summer cottage can be:

  • Flooding. This is carried out through the use of floodlights on auxiliary parts of the perimeter.
  • General. The main part of the lighting consists of installing classic lamps along the main objects of the site.
  • Marking. Used to create visual effects for highlighting (marking) functional parts.
  • Decorative lighting of plants, ponds, architectural structures.

It’s not difficult to make your own landscape design for a summer cottage. By following a few rules, you can even turn an ordinary dacha into a wonderful garden with your own hands.

Where to start

More recently, some 15-20 years ago, a summer cottage was only a place for planting vegetables and berries. People came there to weed, water and collect a generous harvest, which was certainly preserved, salted or pickled. A rare piece of land was not planted with “useful” plants. There were few flowers and ornamental plants; they were planted only in front of the house or along the path; there was no talk of landscape design.

But not all summer residents wanted to collect only a large harvest. There have always been gardeners who designed original flower beds that involuntarily attracted the gaze of passers-by and aroused the admiration of their neighbors. Apparently, it was precisely these people who began to actively “introduce” new design ideas for landscaping a dacha into our consciousness. Gradually, a craving for beauty began to awaken in every summer resident.

Today, almost every plot owner wants to have at least a small recreation area in their garden, decorated with original plants, flowers, a picturesque pond or an alpine hill.

Looking at a photo of some landscape design, the average person will decide that it is unrealistic to do this himself. But if you follow the saying “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do,” then you can gradually decorate your plot quite decently.

Main stages of work:

  • think about what we want and where we will place it all
  • sow the lawn;
  • pick up plants.

You can arrange a gazebo, barbecue area, pond or alpine slide. In some areas there will be room for all this, while others will have to limit themselves to a couple of elements.

IMPORTANT! A lawn is an essential part of landscape design; simple weeds look sloppy and will disrupt the harmony of the entire display.

We make our own landscape design from coniferous trees

To improve our dacha, it is imperative need to take some evergreen trees. Thuja, yew, juniper and cypress have already become favorite companions (it is only suitable for warm climates). They don't grow too tall, so they won't create much shade, and they can be cut into any shape using scissors. By planting them around the perimeter, we will get an excellent hedge. These trees fit perfectly into any flower garden and decorate an alpine hill. If there is a wide path on the site, you can place thuja or juniper bushes along it.

Rules for planting and caring for coniferous plants:

  • Such trees can be planted in autumn or early spring.
  • The soil should consist of peat, sand and turf.
  • Seedlings need to be watered well.
  • When planting several trees, leave at least 1.5 m between them.
  • Young plants require feeding with mineral fertilizers.
  • Coniferous trees under 5 years old need to be covered for the winter.

It happens that the thuja begins to turn yellow after planting. This happens when the soil is poor, the roots are damaged, or watering is infrequent.

Making designs using waste materials

Figurines made from improvised means or unnecessary things look very cute at the dacha. Also looks original old furniture, decorated as a flower shelf.

What seems like trash at first glance can easily be turned into a wonderful interior detail by using a little imagination. It is difficult for a home-grown designer to immediately come up with something or implement his ideas. Then tips from experienced craftsmen and photos of their work can help.

What will we use?

We will need:

  • plastic bottles, large and small;
  • old dishes (kettles, pots);
  • boxes, etc.

For crafts, you need to stock up on multi-colored paint and glue. And, of course, you need to be patient!

We design flower beds

What is the secret of a beautiful flower bed? How to plant flowers correctly so that the appearance of the site is bright from spring to autumn?

Landscape designers came up with several ways to design flower beds:

  • discount;
  • border;
  • mixborder.

Rabatka called the stripe of flowers bordering the lawn. It is often planted in parks where there are large lawns. The ridge can be made in one, two or several colors, using flowers of different heights, forming a “ladder”.

Border- This is the usual planting of plants along the path. For this, annual or perennial flowers are taken. But creeping, densely growing varieties look best. When thinking about how to effectively arrange flowers in your dacha, it is better to choose plants of different shades for the border and the main composition.

Mixborder is a flower bed consisting of a wide variety of flowers planted in groups. The essence of its creation is to combine not only bright contrasting colors, but also plants that bloom at different times. Mixborder should always bloom!

This is not easy to achieve. To create such a miracle, you need to work for more than one season.

We arrange the flowers in seasonal bloom order. We divide the flowerbed into three main parts. Each of them should consist of plants that bloom in spring, summer and towards autumn.

Video about creating a flowerbed with your own hands

To create such a mixborder, you need to work hard! But then you can enjoy continuous flowering all season.

How to plant a lawn with your own hands

As we already said, the lawn is the basis from which we will build. There are several types of lawns. For beginners, it is better to make a universal one; it will not require serious care and is quite suitable for any purpose. And the main goal is beauty, neatness and convenience for relaxation.

If the ground where the lawn is planned is clean, it will need to be dug up, leveled, compacted, and then sown with seeds. They need to be covered with dry soil on top to prevent birds from pecking them.

Very often the desire to arrange a lawn appears even when the dacha has been built a long time ago, and you want to finally highlight and decorate a corner for relaxation. Usually there is a place where company constantly gathers, barbecue is grilled and there are sun loungers. The grass grows there in patches; no one has touched it for many years, and the earth is already heavily compacted.

This is a “difficult” case for a novice landscape designer.

First of all, we get rid of weeds once and for all!

Nowadays they use chemicals for this purpose, which they pour on weeds and then dig it up. The substance penetrates to the very roots and the plant dies. After this procedure, the soil should rest for at least 2 weeks.

Those who deny any gross interference in the affairs of nature can simply uproot the grass from the ground and wait until it begins to sprout again. After 3-4 weeks, we remove the sprouts that appear again and carefully dig them up. The soil should be loose, without lumps. Before digging, it is advisable to add mineral fertilizers. They will help the new young grass grow quickly and gain strength.

Then we sow the area lawn grass. We choose a universal lawn mixture. Why is it suitable for us?


  • unpretentious in care;
  • withstands shade and lack of moisture;
  • frost-resistant.

Note! It is unlikely that you will be able to get a good lawn right away. You'll have to work hard for a couple of seasons.

Until the cultivated grass has grown, it will be necessary to constantly remove weeds, otherwise they will “kill” the young growth. You may have to reseed areas where birds pecked at the seeds, or where for some reason the seed did not sprout.

But after going through all the difficulties, it will be possible to walk barefoot on a thick lawn every year.

Rules of care:

  • We mow in dry weather (wet grass is difficult to mow evenly).
  • We don’t let it grow too much (it will be difficult to even it out).
  • Water during drought (but don't overwater!).

How to arrange an entire garden plot

We know that there are many ways to transform a boring garden or empty plot. You can add a flower garden or alpine slide to free place in front of the house, or you can completely redraw the entire plan and arrange everything beautifully. Here the house and the bathhouse are in their places, there are beds, greenhouses, but I want something else. After all, we have seen how interesting and picturesque some craftsmen arrange their acres.

First, let's decide what we would like and what of it we can afford.

There is a place for a decorative pond - great! Is there a place for a barbecue? Better! Well, let’s not forget about decorating the area with plants; they will be a highlight throughout the season.

At a gardening store we purchase a container that will serve as an artificial reservoir. We dig a hole under it in the chosen place. Be sure to plant low-growing ground cover plants and flowers around the pond. You can put a toy frog, duck or swan in the water. You can make them yourself or buy them.

It would be nice to place a gazebo and a place for barbecue next to the pond. If you don’t want to make a stationary gazebo, you can pull up an awning, place a table and chairs under it, and place a barbecue nearby.

We sow all recreation areas and playgrounds with lawn grass.

We’ll be sure to decorate the path with a border of flowers and make room for a mixborder, even if it’s a small one. Next to it, as well as throughout the site, we will place coniferous trees of various shapes and sizes. They still add some special style to landscape design! Without them it seems incomplete.

Well, of course, you can’t plant trees and shrubs near the barbecue, they will turn yellow and dry out.

If there is a fence, it can be entwined with wild grapes or beans.

On the spacious site it is easy to find a place for the famous alpine slide, the blue dream of every summer resident.

Key Design Points:

  • lawn;
  • mixborder;
  • coniferous plants;
  • small architectural forms (decorative ponds, gazebos, various figures).

Design of plots of various sizes

Landscape design for 5 acres

Yes! Although he is small, he is his own! And on five hundred square meters you want comfort!

I would like to immediately point out what should not be done in small areas.

  • No need to put up a high fence
  • Refrain from planting pine or spruce
  • Don't try to squeeze in everything you like.

The area surrounded by a fence seems even smaller. It will look more like a cage.

Any hedge can be planted with climbing plants; they will smooth out the borders and serve as an additional decoration.

A pine or spruce will sooner or later grow and create more shade. And in general, it will take up a lot of valuable space.

Having only 5 acres of land, it is best to make a large lawn and plant small shrubs and islands of various flowers.

Landscape design for 10 acres

This area allows you to place more useful objects.

In addition to the house, bathhouse, parking space for a car, it will include a children's pool and a cozy gazebo. You can leave space for fruit trees and shrubs, and a greenhouse and beds will also fit here.

But even on such a site you will still have to set priorities and focus either on the vegetable garden or on the recreation area.

Having purchased a new plot, you should always think through in advance not only the development plan, but also the design. Determine where you will gather with friends, where you will organize the playground, and how much space the plantings will take up.

12 acres is not 10, and on the extra meters you can put a swing and even a trampoline. If there are no children, then a tennis table or a couple of alpine slides will not hurt.

Some people like free space, a clean lawn and beautiful bushes around the perimeter. You can put or plant something there at any time.

On the one hand, such a site is good because almost everything your heart desires can fit on it. But, on the other hand, it is very important to correctly distribute all functional areas so that there is no feeling of desolation or chaos.

Having acquired such a quantity of land, it is unlikely that we plan to plant it all with potatoes. Therefore, a clear arrangement plan is needed. We need to understand what we will do with each piece of free space.

The area allows you to separate and divide the area using hedges (thuja, juniper). You can plant fruit trees and shrubs along the fence.

In the middle of the site, you can equip a large stationary pool, and place everything else around it.

Any free space should have a well-groomed appearance. Let it be an ordinary lawn, but without trash and weeds.

Particular attention should be paid to the paths. They can be laid out with paving stones, stone or wood. Along it you can place small lamps that will glow effectively at night.

When creating the design of your site, consider your strengths. Let caring for your dacha bring only pleasure.

Landscape design today provides many opportunities to implement any bold ideas and original solutions. It includes the construction of all kinds of reservoirs - from pools with waterfalls to small ponds with streams, and the creation of beautiful flower arrangements, and the design of lawns. Fruit trees and vegetable beds also do not need to be excluded. At the right approach you can bring all the elements together, bringing to life a holistic and harmonious picture. This will be your summer cottage.

Creative abilities, a designer's eye, the availability of funds and time will help transform your territory, make it comfortable and attractive for work, relaxation, and receiving guests.


Landscape design of a summer cottage is a responsible and at the same time very exciting task. First you need to draw up a project and clearly define where and what zones you will have. Much depends on how much space the dacha allows to unfold.

The design of a personal plot involves the use modern trends. At the moment, the trend is naturalness interspersed with progress, which means that you should try to create a pristine corner of nature on your territory using elements of modern technology.

That is, you have to combine incompatible things and do it in such a way that your creation exudes harmony and does not represent chaos.


There are several directions for designing a garden plot:

  • If you took as a sample English style , keep a sense of proportion. In such a garden, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. And the most important nuance is the walking alleys. They include a large lawn or lawn, a front garden, a gazebo, a pond, and fruit trees. The zones are separated by hedges. There must be flower beds of the same shape; ridges and mixborders also serve as decoration.

Arranging an English garden requires a lot of space. If you have 12 acres at your disposal, you can safely begin work.

  • This also applies to regular style. But there are some tricks to putting it into practice. There must certainly be a center around which the rest of the objects are located. in a certain order. Strict geometry and symmetry - here character traits this style. In addition to flower beds and neatly trimmed lawns, sculptures and fountains are a must.

  • The complete opposite of this style is considered landscape. It's more free. Here the main elements are flowers, plants, trees. But all this is arranged by the skillful hand of the designer. Alpine slides and rock gardens will become the main decoration of this small corner of nature.

  • Many people loved the style "Provence", which also assumes different interesting solutions. To successfully create this beauty, you must have pink and of blue color, herbs, fruit trees, garden furniture. But the main element of this wonderful corner is considered to be lavender. The name of the architectural style speaks for itself. Various buildings come to the fore: bridges, terraces, arches, steps.

  • IN Japanese style, the main design element will be stones and a pond. Branches and all kinds of driftwood will do. But everything should show restraint and sophistication. No riot of colors.

  • And if you want to have Russian estate, it’s not difficult to create. First of all, organize an area with a house and a vegetable garden, flowers. There certainly must be simple gazebo, entwined with greenery, to welcome guests. A bathhouse will be a completely useful element. And even a pond with ducks will fit well into the overall landscape. Let everything be worthy, but without frills and pretentious compositions.


The simplest one is rectangular. It is easily divided into zones that can be arranged at your discretion. If you have 4 acres, then it is appropriate to place flower beds with different flowers near the house. Hydrangea paniculata is considered the queen of the garden. Its delicate flowers will decorate any garden; it blooms beautifully and is easy to form. Design the interior of a terrace or veranda based on your preferences.

You can place furniture for tea drinking, a cabinet with dishes, even hang photographs on the wall of the corresponding theme.

It is easy to make a circular layout based on a rectangular one. Components - flower beds, lawns, flower beds, greenery. Decorative elements are placed in the corners.

The main thing in the diagonal layout are diagonal parallels. With this layout you can visually enlarge a small area. The free layout allows you to fantasize in any direction, but accents still need to be placed, otherwise the garden will lose its attractiveness.


The number and size of zones depends on the volume of the site. All of them must be designed in the same style. Of course, every dacha needs a recreation area, as well as a utility and garden area. They are the most important, because at the dacha we work in the garden and vegetable garden, and, of course, we spend our free time usefully. Even for small courtyards, decoration in the form of flowers and decor is a must.

If space allows, then you can arrange an outdoor dining room, a children’s playground, and a sports room.

Your cozy patio will become even more pleasant to relax in if you plant grass for the lawn. In addition to beauty, it also brings many benefits. It has a good effect on the soil, makes the air cleaner, and can even save you from unnecessary noise.

Garden paths are also an important design component. They can be made from a variety of materials: gravel, paving stones, natural stone, concrete tiles, brick pavement, decorative tiles, pebbles. Along the paths you can make flower-shaped borders and plant decorative trees. Pine, spruce, and thuja trees will improve your area.

The main decoration of your territory can be a flower garden. The main thing is to choose the right plants so that the flowering time occurs at different times. Then bright colors will delight you all season long.

The arrangement of flowers may vary. These are flower beds, group plantings, ridges, mixborders. With the help of ridges, lawns and paths are often framed.

Sometimes flowers are not planted in the ground, but placed in vases, pots, flowerpots, adhering to the general design style.

An original solution would be to place an arena. We fill the area with sand, plant succulents and similar plants - and now we have a piece of the desert.

Compositions made of driftwood or stones would be appropriate next to it.

If your site is located on a slope, this needs to be taken into account when designing your landscape. They will look good on such an area alpine coaster, waterfalls, cascades. You just need to think carefully about how all this will look in reality.

On the territory of a country house, it is imperative to arrange a recreation area with a barbecue or even a fireplace. You can make a zone directly under open air. But it will be even more comfortable under a canopy, especially in the rain. And it’s nice to hide in the coolness from the sun’s rays. It would be great if there was a body of water nearby. A children's playground can also be located nearby.

You can make an outdoor dining area. Let a path lead from the house to it. It’s wonderful if there are spreading trees nearby. If not, you might want to think about an awning in case of rain. The dining room will also look good in the gazebo, which will become part of the interior.

Composition options

The best decorations for any site are ponds. First, consider the size of the area, and then decide which type of source will suit you best.

If you have a plot of more than 10 acres, you can build both a swimming pool and a fish pond.

It must be taken into account that any body of water must be in harmony with the overall design style.

When choosing regular style the pool must correspond to strict geometric shapes and be rectangular in shape. Landscape style implies something lighter, airier; casual streams using natural materials are suitable.

Having a well on your personal plot wouldn’t hurt at all. It will also have practical benefits. And if you decorate it with taste, it will become a decorative component. Construction of a well, of course, will require certain costs, the main thing is choose the right place for its location.

An alpine slide can improve your site. Its creation may be a labor-intensive process, but then you will fully enjoy the results of your labor. Stones and plants are its main components.

The most important decoration of the garden is flowers. And here the choice depends on you, climatic conditions and site design. Roses of all varieties always look luxurious in any garden. You can create compositions using other colors.

The rose's neighbors can be verbena, cosmos, and fragrant gillyflower. These plants love the sun. Lavender, speedwell, delphinium, and asters will be wonderful additions to roses.

Hydrangea blooms from early summer until late autumn. And she can also be given a place in the flowerbed next to the rose bushes.


It is impossible to imagine a dacha without plants and grass. It is the juicy, tender greenery that is so pleasing to the eye and gives us pleasure when, after a working week, we finally immerse ourselves in the world of nature. Therefore, pay due attention to landscaping.

Plants play a big role in decorating a country house. vertical gardening. With its help you can decorate a fence or wall, hide a bench or surround a gazebo. It is common to use grapes, sweet peas, and hops for these purposes. But now many have been conquered by clematis. A variety of shapes and shades allows you to experiment as you please. They look great either on their own or in combination with other plants.

With the help of greenery, you can decorate any border, which is indispensable for demarcating zones, framing lawns, lawns, flower beds, and beds.

When planting, do not forget to consider what kind of lighting the shrubs and plants need. Do they love sunlight or need shade. Give low-growing trees a place on the south side, and tall trees will do well on the north side.

Before you plant anything, decide color scheme area, choose three or four shades, and create compositions based on them. You yourself will soon get tired of too much diversity.

If you are a beginner gardener or have moved to a different climate, listen to your neighbors and seek advice. They will probably be willing to share their experience with you, and you will insure yourself against mistakes.


For many, the theme of lighting in their backyard ends with a lantern at the entrance and a lamp on the terrace. Organizing real lighting that can transform the entire area in the evening is not a job for the lazy. It requires creativity, investment and time. To get started you need a correctly developed scheme - in what places and what types you will install.

Modern garden decor is impossible without lanterns, light bulbs, lights and other luminous objects.

The main lighting is functional, which we cannot do without. These are lamps near the gate, entrance doors, on the veranda or terrace. We pay minimal attention to decorative lighting, and it’s completely in vain.

Paths where ornamental trees grow - pines, thujas, junipers - can be decorated with the help of built-in lamps. Special columns are produced that emit light, which will also become good decoration your garden in the evening.

Using decorative lighting, create spot accents, highlight a specific flower bed or a specific tree. To implement this solution, use ground-based mini-spotlights. They also provide multi-colored lighting thanks to special glass.

It should be taken into account that it is preferable to buy energy-saving lamps, and it is better to install the lighting so that technical and decorative lighting are switched on separately from each other.


Decorating a site with your own hands is not at all difficult. Any available materials will do for this purpose, you just need to find the right use for them. But any landscape requires basic arrangement. After all, fences and paths, decorated with taste, are also part of the overall idea.

Fences made of stone, brick and metal in dachas are becoming increasingly popular. To make them look less boring, you can liven them up with climbing plants or ornamental trees. But, indeed, fences made of wood can become part of the design. They can be decorated however you like. Such a fence will definitely attract people's attention; it will be difficult to pass by.

A corrugated fence is also easy to decorate with the help of paintings or stencils. Provided that you use high-quality paint for your work, the paintings will not lose their color and beauty for a long time.

But among the simplest and most win-win options is a hedge. By trimming the crown, you can make the shape you need. Choose trees and shrubs for such a fence taking into account the height you need.

Paths are another important touch in the design of a summer cottage. Without them, everything loses its meaning, the territory will not look well-groomed.

As with other decorative components, you need to choose the material that matches the overall concept. If there are sculptures, fountains, or clear forms in the garden, choose stone. IN country style Wooden paths will fit perfectly. Paths made of gravel or paving stones can perfectly delimit zones.

The choice of materials is very large, for every taste and budget. If you have a vegetable garden at your dacha, it also needs to be decorated. Just dug up beds are becoming a thing of the past. When arranging a vegetable garden, you can also show your abilities and use your imagination no less than when decorating flower beds or an alpine hill.

Imagine how fun triangular beds with carrots will look, and next to square ones with cabbage, if they have an appropriate fence, and next to beautiful paths and some cute animal figurines. You can plant flowers along the edges of the beds for beauty. Fences for beds can replace hedges. Thanks to this design, you can achieve an interesting effect.

In the garden, in addition to trees and flowers, it is advisable to place an alpine slide, rock garden, and pond. This will add zest to your site. A body of water does not have to be amazing, in the form of a waterfall or a raging river. Even a small stream or pond will fill your soul with harmony and lift your spirits when you decide to relax in the country and enjoy peace and quiet.

This photo gallery will tell you how to design the site, and maybe give you your own ideas.

There are a number of rules that are best followed so that the garden does not turn into a pile of ideas - incomprehensible and inharmonious.

If you have a small area, refuse massive structures that will not bring beauty, but will only clutter the space. Create light, airy compositions. Alternate miniature buildings with flower beds and shrubs.

High fences made of concrete and brick are also a bad option for a summer house. It will visually reduce the area and create a feeling of enclosed space. A picket fence or chain-link fence with climbing plants is the best option.

Tall trees are also not suitable for a small area. Their powerful root system and voluminous crown will reduce your ability to implement design ideas.

Small trees look no worse, especially if you approach their planting creatively, plant them in groups, and create compositions.

Drawing up a plan with all the details should be the first step towards registering the site. This can be done using special computer programs or reproduced on paper indicating all the buildings, flower beds, paths, pond, vegetable garden, recreation area, location of garden figures and figurines, if any.

You should also decide on the style. It depends on what trees and flowers you will plant and what materials you will use. A wide variety of trees and flowers may be unnecessary. It is better to decide on certain types and varieties, and successfully place the plants on the site.

The most optimal placement of flower beds is at the entrance, and it is better to use asymmetry.

Plants in containers are a great solution for small areas. In addition, you can grow flowers, vegetables, and even small trees in them.

The advantage of a small plot is that its arrangement requires less time, effort and investment, and you will get no less pleasure from relaxing at your dacha when you arrange everything according to the plan you have come up with.

Beautiful examples

Gazebos and pergolas in the garden are not only comfort and convenience, but also decoration. Plant flowers and climbing greens nearby. A small pond nearby will look very harmonious. Along the edges you can place stones of different sizes, plant shrubs and flowers that love moisture. Be sure to add some lighting here. And near the pond you can put a garden figure. Maybe it will be a heron by the stream, or maybe a frog will settle on a stone. In the evening, you can have tea in the gazebo, set the table for guests, listen to the murmur of the stream and enjoy the coolness of the evening.

Advantages of a small plot

For arranging a small recreation area, 5-6 square meters is enough. You can build two compact pergolas from timber and slats. You can place them so that they stand at an angle, or there is an option to place them parallel to each other. They can be connected to each other, and a bench can be placed in the middle. Climbing roses and wild grapes will successfully complement the composition. Flowers and climbing greenery will create a feeling of harmony. Just imagine what a magnificent relaxation area it will turn out to be. It seems to be nothing complicated or expensive, but it will give you so many pleasant moments.

Gardeners, as a rule, always have some outdated things that, if desired, can be given a second life. They make great crafts. Here are just a few options.

New life for old things

Have you ever thought that in old rubber boots you can create two small flower beds with bright colors. Looks interesting. As well as old kettle with cups that will hold small flowers.

The materials for flower beds are old chests of drawers, carts, tubs, and tires. With a new look at old things, everything can come into use and look very beautiful.

It has become a fashionable phenomenon that can often be found now to decorate old bicycles. It is enough to strengthen it well, paint it in desired color and place baskets of flowers or flowerpots on it. Looks very stylish.

For many, a dacha is not only a place where tomatoes and cucumbers grow, it is a living corner where people want to come not to work in the garden beds, but to relax in nature. Well, since we love spending time there, we must definitely develop a landscape design for our summer cottage and do everything ourselves.

Determining the purpose

If you decide to take this issue seriously and landscape design for you is not just a beautiful phrase, you must independently or with the help of specialists imagine the design of a personal plot. It doesn’t matter how many acres the dacha occupies - 20 or just 4, the first step in any case will be design.

The process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, you must carefully plan everything and create certain areas: for growing vegetables and fruit and berry trees, a place to relax, flower beds, a playground, maybe an artificial pond or a mini fountain, a bathhouse, a gazebo.

This is especially true for a small area, where you need to design everything so that you can compactly accommodate the most necessary objects for you. Let's say you can do without a pool, but decide that you simply need an outdoor shower. It is possible that you do not have enough space for a separate gazebo, but you will definitely want to allocate an area for a small orchard.

Therefore, it is better to immediately determine what should be in your dacha first and foremost, and what you can do without.

Choosing a style

Whatever direction you choose, you will be cozier and more comfortable at the dacha if you yourself took part in the arrangement of every corner of it, and before that you carefully thought through where and what will be located and in what style to combine it.

Regular style assumes the presence of one center, relative to which all other objects are placed in a clear order. A distinctive feature of this direction is strict geometry. Flower beds are placed symmetrically, lawns, trees and shrubs are neatly trimmed. The main elements are fountains and sculptures. All this requires not only considerable investment, but also space where all this can be harmoniously arranged, so this option is not suitable for everyone.

One of the natural, harmonious, pleasing to the eye styles can be called landscape. If you have chosen it, you have every chance to experiment and show your imagination. You can place alpine slides and rockeries on your site. A small stream will fit into the overall picture and will not require too much effort to create.

Among the plants, coniferous trees, perennial shrubs and flowers will look great.

It's easy to stick to a rustic style too. A wooden fence, wicker furniture, a haystack or a bundle of firewood are used as decoration. Despite the simplicity, there is also room for imagination to run wild. You can build a flower bed in the form of a cart with daisies or cornflowers and even place a figurine of a donkey or horse nearby. You can place baskets of flowers near the house.

If you want a more strict and restrained decor, choose Japanese and Mediterranean style, where the main material for creating compositions is stone. In both cases, you need to take care of a small body of water. It will be a natural addition to your yard.

Do you want to add bright colors and unusual elements, choose exotic or East style registration But in most cases, on a summer cottage there is no need to strictly adhere to a certain direction.

The main thing is that everything you build and create is useful, convenient and pleasing to the eye.

How to zone?

It's within your power to do cozy area. If you are the owner of ten acres, then this space is quite enough to organize everything wisely, build all the necessary buildings, make beds, plant trees and arrange a recreation area.

Draw schematically on a piece of paper where you will have a vegetable garden, what space you will allocate for fruit and berry trees and shrubs, and in what area you will place outbuildings, and where there will be a gazebo for tea drinking. But we shouldn’t forget about the design elements - beautiful flower beds and maybe even garden figurines that will add personality to your site.

When planning, take into account your interests - whether you are going to do more vegetable growing or whether you will use the dacha more often for recreation. Consider the composition of the soil, as well as where there is more shade and where there is more sunlight.

If you have children, do not forget to allocate space for games, as well as design a playground or a fairy-tale town.


Those who plan to be very active in home harvesting will allocate most of it to beds, greenhouses and shrubs. You need to make sure that there is enough light in that place; you also need to think about how you will ensure regular and timely watering of your future crop. It will be more convenient if the water source is located next to the beds. A plastic watering device will be very useful. In this case, the area for the recreation area will be reduced. But nevertheless, you can issue flower bed, a small gazebo and place a bench with a table nearby.

Or you can increase the recreation area by reducing the garden. You can plant a bed with strawberries, place several raspberry bushes and a small flower bed here. Plant some greenery in another place, and next to it a few more pieces of berries. Whatever you come up with, the main thing is that it is convenient for you, first of all.

Vertical gardening will bring beauty and benefit to your summer cottage. With its help, you can decorate a wall or fence, create shade in a gazebo, or surround a bench with coolness using greenery. Grapes, hops, and sweet peas are best suited for this purpose. But clematis is considered a favorite in this area. The variety of shades and shapes of this plant allows you to choose what suits you. It grows so well that its foliage can not only protect from sunlight, but also protect from rain. You can place other plants next to it, and they will look great.

Flower beds and flower beds

Flowers serve as the main decoration of the dacha. They delight us with their colors from early spring to late autumn. And what could be more pleasant and exciting than making a flowerbed with your own hands, choosing seeds, planting flowers. All this beauty is not so difficult to do with your own hands. If we settled on flower beds, we need to think about where they will be located, what shape and size they will be.

More often they plant in a flowerbed annual plants and less often perennial. At the dacha they rarely use regular flower beds, which need to be carefully worked on, planting certain types of flowers in a strict order so as not to disturb the pattern. An irregular club does not require such scrupulous preparation, but it is no less pleasing to the eye. Different types of flowers can coexist here, including those that bloom at different times.

Some people prefer to plant only roses in their yard, but of different varieties, which also looks very beautiful.

Flower beds can be decorated in different ways, depending on the area of ​​the site and your desires. If you want to delimit space or make some accents, you can create borders or mixborders.

Rabatka - flower garden in the shape of a ribbon, which can be run, for example, along a garden path. More often, several types of plants are selected and planted in strips or in the form geometric shapes.

A mixborder can simultaneously contain many different species in any order, blooming at different times.

Flower borders are also used. They can be used to fence any area, this will give a finished look to the composition.

Rockeries are becoming more and more popular. With the help of stones, small bushes and flowers you can create very beautiful compositions that will look natural and stylish. If possible, it would be nice to put it there small stream or even a waterfall.

It is not necessary to create a front garden or rose garden at your dacha. If there is not much space, it is quite possible to plant flowers in containers or place flower pots near the house. They won't take up much space, but they'll liven things up local area. Moreover, absolutely any things can be used as containers, as your imagination tells you.

Nowadays, many gardeners use perennials such as hostas in their gardens. This plant has large beautiful leaves which look very impressive. You just need to take into account that they love moisture and shade. You need to choose a place for them carefully, since the plant does not require replanting for twenty years. And if you choose the right place, no special care will be required. For many species, it is enough to receive sunlight for two hours a day.

There is only one caveat: the more variegated and brighter the hosta leaves, the more sun it needs.


Another decoration of the site will be the lawn. In order to properly equip it, you need to be well prepared. First, we calculate the area to determine how much seeds and fertilizers we need. And, of course, we will need a rake, a shovel, a seeder, a lawn mower, and a tamper with a wide base.

We dig up the area, fertilize it, level it well, and compact it. All this is done to ensure that the lawn is perfectly smooth. Next, distribute the seeds evenly over the area, preferably using a seeder. Upon completion of the work, the area must be covered with geofabric until the first shoots.

The lawn field needs to be watered and mowed as soon as the grass grows more than ten centimeters.


It’s good if there is room in the dacha for both fruit trees and decorative ones.

If we want to collect ripe, tasty fruits and get vitamins, we need to take into account all the nuances. You will decide which fruit trees to plant depending on your preferences, but when purchasing seedlings, be sure to check what kind of care an apricot or peach, an apple tree or a pear requires.

Coniferous trees will add a decorative component to the design of the site. This is the most best option. In addition to the fact that these species are beautiful, they will delight you with greenery in winter. You can use them to create a hedge that will give you the desired shade in the heat.

Their range is amazing, but many people’s favorites are pine, spruce, thuja, and juniper. If you are planning to create compositions from thuja, study this tree well, since there are many types of it, each differing from the other in both size and crown shape. The choice will depend on what effect you need.

Decorating with shrubs

Some people can’t imagine a dacha without cucumbers and apple trees, others strive to improve their dacha plot with the help of ornamental shrubs. And it is right. After all, nothing pleases us more in spring and summer than greenery and the aroma of their flowers.

Now the choice of shrubs is very large. Barberry surprises with its color range. Depending on the variety, it can be green, yellow, violet, purple. Many people like the mountain ash because the leaves change color depending on the month. At first, the pinkish tint turns into green, and by autumn it becomes golden. Lilac gives a charming aroma, and the variety of types allows you to choose the one you like best.

All gardeners, without exception, want flowering shrubs pleasing to the eye even in the cold season. Frost-resistant perennials include yew, turf, juniper, and viburnum.

Fruit bushes can not only bring benefits, but also become a decoration of the garden. A hedge made of gooseberries, raspberries, and currants will look good. Sea buckthorn and rose hips will look especially advantageous with their bright berries.

Since perennial plants will delight you for many years, you need to carefully choose the place where they will grow. Shade-loving animals should not be placed in sunny meadows, and those who need light should not be placed in the shade. Those for which wind is contraindicated should be protected by planting next to coniferous trees.

When creating compositions, take into account what month each shrub blooms, so that all plants do not bloom at the same time, but delight you in spring, summer and autumn, gaining color one after another.


Nowadays you can increasingly find tall metal or stone fences even at the dachas. Maybe they serve reliable protection, but it’s definitely impossible to say that they decorate the house. Meanwhile, there are many ways to fence your area in such a way that it fits into the overall style and becomes part of the design.

Build wooden fence everyone can do it who knows how to hold a hammer and a hacksaw in his hands. It is enough to show a little imagination, and your fence will become the highlight of your site. You can, for example, use bright paints and paint it in different colors.

If you choose a picket fence, you can sharpen the top parts and decorate them. Such a cheerful fence made of “colored pencils” will look original. Concrete blocks can be decorated using textured plaster, resulting in a feeling of stone or brickwork.

Nothing decorates a dacha plot like a hedge. When decorating it, trim the crown of shrubs and trees to get the desired shape. You can make a hedge from different trees and shrubs, depending on how tall you need. If more than one and a half meters, thuja, juniper, spruce, and cherry plum are suitable. For medium height, use honeysuckle or lilac. If the function of the hedge is only to delimit zones, you can plant currants, barberries, and boxwood.

A hedge decorated with climbing plants also looks very nice. This is easy to do; just plant any vines nearby.

Currently, fences are increasingly being made from corrugated sheets. By themselves they look a bit boring. But you can also decorate them, for example, using airbrushing or using stencils. If you have artistic abilities, you can draw pictures yourself. If you use special high-quality paints, the fence will last you a long time.


You will have to work hard to arrange any body of water in your dacha, be it a fountain, stream or pond. But if you study the theory well, it is possible to put your knowledge into practice.

But first we need to find a place where our structure will look harmonious. A good place is near the gazebo, terrace, in the depths of the garden, where you can relax and admire the fruits of your labor.

The design of the pond should be combined with the overall style. If you chose Japanese, then stones will decorate your pond different sizes and conifers.

On an open lawn next to flower beds, a round pond will look harmonious.

Choose a place for the pond so that it receives sunlight for five to six hours a day.

The size depends on the area of ​​your site and how much space your other buildings and plantings take up. If you plan to introduce fish into a pond, its depth should be at least one and a half meters. You can simplify your task and buy a ready-made tank designed specifically for this purpose.

You can also build a stream on your summer cottage, but for this you will need a pump. It is thanks to him that the artificial movement of water will be carried out. First you need to dig a ditch, compact the soil well, and then cover it with film or concrete. In addition, a groove is dug where the hose will be located. You can purchase special equipment that is designed for arranging reservoirs. This will simplify the task of building a pond or stream.

The final stage will be the design of the bottom and coastal zone. Larger stones and small pebbles need to be placed at the bottom. The shore can also be decorated with stones and plants that love moisture can be planted. Ferns, bergenia, juniper, and marsh iris are suitable.


No matter how much effort, time and money you invest in arranging your dacha, its design will not look complete without the design of garden paths. They make the area look well-groomed. In addition, they are needed for convenience, and it does not matter what the path is made of - simple squares of concrete or expensive paving slabs.

Paths made of natural stone look expensive and stylish. They will last a very long time. Warmth and homeliness emanate from the wooden paths. But in order for them to retain their appearance as long as possible, they need to be coated with varnish or special impregnation.

Brick paths will also look very harmonious, especially if you have a brick house. You need to use a sidewalk one, and not one that is intended for building a home.

Paving stones allow you to experiment, you can create patterns from it. Only you will have such a path. Gravel paths will look great in the depths of the garden, near ponds and flower beds.

It’s not difficult to make concrete paths by purchasing construction stores slabs made of this material.

Or you can make concrete tiles using shapes - these can be triangles, squares, or rhombuses.


The final touch of coziness, comfort and individuality of your site is lighting. Lanterns at the gate, at the entrance to the house and on the veranda are not only decoration, but functional lighting. By garden paths It’s more pleasant to walk if they are lit. A light near a pond will add some mystery to your garden at night. You can also experiment with lighting design, as with other design elements, and then you will be able to achieve the uniqueness of your little corner of paradise.

Festive lighting gives room for imagination. You can decorate trees, windows, figurines. These days it’s easy to turn the garden into a magical forest.

Decoration of the vegetable garden

You can decorate not only your garden, but also your vegetable garden in an original and tasteful way. In this case, of course, it is important to correctly distribute where and what will grow.

Arranging a vegetable garden can be just as exciting for you than garden landscape design. After all, you don’t have to dig up ordinary boring beds to grow vegetables. There are many possibilities to design them beautifully and originally.

Imagine the beds in the form of geometric shapes. Cabbage will be in the square, tomatoes will be in the triangles, and cucumbers will be in the diamonds. Even caring for vegetables will be easier and more enjoyable.

The garden will sparkle with new colors if you plant flowers around the perimeter of the vegetables - marigolds, nasturtiums, marigolds. You can decorate low hedges with a height of no more than thirty centimeters, the effect will be simply amazing.

Even just painting the boards that enclose the beds is not a difficult task. And the colors - orange, blue, green, yellow - will create your mood.

You can plant vegetables in containers. Such mini-vegetable gardens will decorate your site. You can put mint, parsley, rosemary, cumin, dill, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and small peppers in them. Guests will definitely appreciate your creative approach to garden design.
