Sun-loving shrub plants. Sun-loving perennials for the garden

At the dacha you can do without some frills, but without a bright, sunny, creating positive mood flower beds country life will lose its main flavor. When creating sunny flower beds, you need to ensure that each of the plants receives its share of light. It is very important to combine plants correctly, selecting them according to their height. Then tall specimens will effectively rise above low-growing crops, creating an advantageous background for them.

Bright, light, equipped with unique silk petals, similar to the clothes of eastern sultans, Turkish poppy (Papaver orientale) will perfectly complement any sunny flowerbed. Its surroundings can be designed not only in scarlet or purple tones; poppies go well with flowers that are white or yellow in color. Exotic beauty makes poppy very popular plant for decorating flower beds. But she's not the only one. This is the most unpretentious plant. If poppy gets enough sunlight, then it can grow for years without replanting and on any soil.

Turkish poppy is a perennial, its straight bristly stem can reach a height of 80-100 cm. The basal leaves of the poppy are large, pinnately dissected, up to 30 cm in length, the stem leaves are smaller. Single flowers up to 18 cm in diameter have a fiery red color and black spot at the base

Poppies can be not only scarlet, there are garden forms with orange, pink and even white petals. There is a special double variety of plants of this species that have bright red drooping flowers. This plant blooms in late May and early June, after which it is better to remove its yellowing leaves. Holes in the flowerbed should be covered with asters that bloom in autumn. And at this time the poppy forms a small rosette of leaves that will have to spend the winter. Maca can be accompanied by yarrow and oregano.

The unique aroma of blooming lavender

An excellent frame for a bright sunny flower bed will be created by lavender (Lavandula) - not only an ornamental, but also a medicinal aromatic plant. Those who managed to see lavender at the peak of its flowering will never be able to refuse its attractive fresh aroma and delicate purple flowers. Lavender blooming is a stunning sight, especially if its plantings occupy large territory. This perennial small size always ready to lay ridges and borders. Evergreen lavender is a bush with narrow leaves that have a delicate silvery tint. Its inflorescence has the shape of a spike.

Butterflies and bees really love the aroma emitted by lavender honey plant. The plant is unpretentious, it is drought-resistant and growing it in regions with warm and long summers is not particularly difficult.

Lavender flowers can be not only lilac (from soft lilac to deep purple), but also pink, blue and even white. The purple variety of lavender is often combined with bright “sun lovers” of positive yellow or orange coloring. If the frame of the composition is lavender, for example, purple coneflower looks wonderful in it. The flowering time depends on the type of lavender. Some varieties bloom from May to July. At the end of summer they may begin their second flowering phase. Usually the plant does not live longer than ten years, so a replacement should be prepared in advance.

The Latin word "lava" means "to wash." The plant got its name for its antiseptic and hygienic properties. Even in ancient Rome, lavender was used during laundry, cleaning and bathing.

Unforgettable thin-leaved peony

In the 60s, this plant could be seen in many city flower beds. And now, after so many years, the thin-leaved peony (Paeonia tenuifolia) is again at the peak of popularity. Voronets, which is what this plant is called in Russia, most often blooms in early May. Usually to May holidays it already pleases everyone with its blood-red inflorescences. Its delicate fragrance is pleasantly woven into the spring breeze and spreads far throughout the area. Once in nature, these flowers could be found in entire blooming meadows, but today they are included in the Red Book.

However, as garden plant thin-leaved peony is found quite often. In its adult state, the crowberry bush grows 30-50 cm. It is usually abundantly decorated with flowering shoots. The flowers bloom very amicably, so during the flowering period it is very beautiful and fragrant. Unfortunately, this period is not that long. It will be completed already in June, especially in hot weather. But the graceful greenery will remain with us until autumn. Often thin-leaved peonies are planted together with Carpathian bells, monardas, kniphofia, helenium, dove carnation, rudbeckia and bright coreopsis.

Material about other peony varieties and methods of growing them will also be useful:

You can, of course, stick to the usual terry forms, they are also interesting in their own way, but this type of peony is especially attractive for its greenery. It is good both with a flower and as a general background for plants that will be shorter than the peony.

Purslane - a colorful rug for your dacha

The name purslane (Portulaca olerácea) comes from the Latin word "portula", meaning "gate". Where is the gate in this plant? It turns out that its seed pod swings open as if a small gate is opening, opening the way for future rugs. After all, that’s what people call purslane – rugs. Today in some European countries it reproduces by self-sowing and grows as a field weed. Purslane captivated our gardeners with its tenderness and naive, unpretentious beauty. He is a welcome guest in every flowerbed. It is loved for its long and abundant flowering from June to August.

In the Middle Ages, it was grown by the Arabs, calling purslane a “blessed plant.” It was believed that he could cure all diseases. Purslane was also in demand during the time of Hippocrates. Severe wounds and snake bites were treated with purslane leaves and flowers

Most often, purslane is used as a border plant and on alpine roller coaster. It has small cylindrical fleshy leaves of green or slightly reddish color. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm have a variety of colors: yellow, red, purple, pink, orange, etc. Plants with double (“Double Mix”), white (“White-flowered”), and purple (“Splendence”) flowers attract the attention of specialists. There are even those whose corollas are painted in two colors.

Colorful and graceful chamomile

You can grow many exotic plants, but if there is no common chamomile (Leucanthemum vulgare Lam) in your garden, then who will smile so uniquely joyfully at the sun in the morning? And who will answer our main question about love and not love? No, you can’t do without chamomile. Especially in the presence of Turkish poppy and blue cornflower, chamomile creates a field color that will pleasantly refresh the area, making it dear to the heart and pleasing to the eye. Wood mallow, chamomile aster, scabiosa, yarrow, bellflower and meadow sage go well with common cornflower (chamomile).

This plant is often used in folk medicine. However, using it haphazardly, like any other medicines, not worth it

In fact, a white chamomile flower will always find a pleasant neighborhood. Chamomile is a perennial that can be 15 or 80 cm in height. Its stem can be branched or simple single. The chamomile inflorescence has the shape of a basket. The plant blooms in June-September. This plant reproduces not only by seeds, which each specimen produces in quantities of 2-5 thousand, but also by vegetative means. Chamomile can overwinter in the form of a rosette, and on next year it is already forming flowering stems.

Shaggy and fragrant monarda

If you know a lot about good drinks, then try adding just one leaf of Monarda to a cup of any tea, and you will suddenly feel the exquisite taste of Earl Gray. Experts say that this plant can invigorate a space with its presence alone. Monarda is a “hooligan” among “intelligent” flowers with neat hairstyles. Her tousled hair, however, is always appropriate. She herself will not get lost against the background of other plants, but she will not allow herself to drown out anyone.

Monarda flowers can be double or simple. All types of this plant have an exceptional aroma, which is emitted not only by flowers and leaves, but also by stems and even rhizomes. “Shaggy” flowers of lilac, crimson, pink, red and even white appear in July. Abundant flowering does not stop until the very end of summer.

Monarda reaches a height of 120 cm. There is also dwarf form, not growing more than 20-30 cm. The leaves of the plant can be smooth or rough, depending on the variety

Sun-multiplying helenium

When Helenium autumnale blooms, it seems that the autumn sun has multiplied and turned towards you with many inflorescences. I really want to bend over to these flowers to smell them. The plant is represented very diversely. There are many different varieties of helenium, which differ not only in the variety of colors, but also in the height and diameter of the inflorescence basket. The average flower diameter is 4 cm. As for color, helenium can be yellow, bright red, yellow-orange, red or bronze with a contrasting dark flower core.

This plant goes very well with others, so choosing a company for Helenium is not a problem. It looks especially good with rudbeckia and echinacea. Often it is its flowers that replace traditional asters and gladioli in bouquets given to teachers on Knowledge Day

Helenium blooms in August-September. It pleases with its bright flowering right up to the frost. In the fall, when the helenium stem dies, its root dies along with it. But why then is this plant considered a perennial? It turns out that by the end of the growing season, a bud forms at the very base of the stem, from which a small new rosette with roots and leaves develops. It will give rise to a new flowering stem in the spring. What seemed to us to be a single flower turned out to be a whole colony of independent plants.

Exotic African Kniphofia

To see exotic plants and enjoy their blooms, today there is no need to go somewhere far away. Kniphofia is another sun lover, born in Africa, who has taken root with us. This herbaceous perennial is incredibly attractive during its flowering period. From the very center of the leafy rosette suddenly emerges a tall stem, devoid of leaves, decorated with a spike-shaped inflorescence. The buds begin to bloom gradually, either from top to bottom or from bottom to top. And soon the entire inflorescence turns into a large two-colored cone.

When planting kniphofia, be patient. There will be no flowering in the first year: the plant produces its first flowers in the second or even third year. But your wait will be worth it

However, even without flowers this plant looks very exotic. It will become an undoubted decoration of any flower bed or an excellent background for shorter sun lovers. Its flowering continues from mid-summer until October. Kniphofia can become the center of your flowerbed, because it reaches a height of 120 cm. The plant can easily “make friends” with echinacea, sedum, yarrow and others.

Material about other varieties of tall flowers for garden decoration will also be useful:

Lush balls of garden chrysanthemums

Have you heard something about autumn depression and really want to feel what it is? Then expel garden chrysanthemums from your site! After all, they will not let you get bored even on a rainy October day. Beautiful garden chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum) are a true classic summer cottages. The generic name of chrysanthemums consists of two Greek words. The first "chrysos" means gold and the second "anthos" means flower. It’s hard to argue, these are truly golden flowers.

There are 650 different varieties garden chrysanthemums, which are divided into 13 groups according to the type of inflorescence. Among the bushes there are feathery, bristly, blanket, semi-double, anemone-shaped, spoon-shaped and fantasy chrysanthemums with elongated petals

It is impossible not to feel a quiet peace in your soul when this plant smiles with its lush heads at the cooling autumn sun. Their company will be happily shared by sedum or bush asters. Together they will delight you with the rich colors of autumn. And you will say goodbye to your blooming garden until the new summer season, enjoying the tart, slightly bitter and cold aroma of chrysanthemums.

Those who want to decorate their plot with chrysanthemums need to know that flowers with the same name are very different in the shape of the bushes, in height, size of flowers, type of inflorescences, degree of terry, color and even in the time of their flowering. If the height of some of them does not exceed 35-40 cm, then others can grow up to 1.5 meters. very diverse in color: white, pink, yellow, red, burgundy, sunny red and even green. Moreover, shades of the same color are presented very widely.

A flower born from a star

Once upon a time, the Greeks decided that asters (Aster) appeared from a speck of dust that fell from a star. That's why they named this flower in honor of its mother, the star. Indeed, asters, with their shape and radiant petals that diverge in all directions, resemble stars. It is impossible not to mention this sun-loving queen of the garden.

Perennial varietal asters can surprise abundant flowering and variety in colors. Among the asters there are lilac, lilac, violet, crimson, blue, blue, pink and, of course, white specimens. Every flower lover will find those that suit his taste. Tall goldenrod will receive an advantageous frame in the form of lilac or blue perennial asters. Together they will look very impressive. And with a padding of pink colchicums, you will get a flowerbed that will delight you with freshness and beauty until the first snow.

The beauty of the aster is revealed precisely when the gardening season comes to an end. It is then that cold-resistant asters bloom in all the splendor of their unearthly beauty

Thanks to their diversity, asters are very easy to combine. For example, pink varieties look great next to Japanese spirea. White asters will successfully complement purple sedums “Purple Emperor” or “Madonna”

The sunny flowerbed that you end up with will be first created by your imagination, and then by your own hands. While forming it, we hope you will not forget about the plants to which we dedicated this article. Let it not contain specific recommendations for planting and care. Our goal is to show you these plants, and you will select them for your garden and learn more about them yourself.

Dry summer - a big problem for most plants. They do not always survive the sun successfully, so you have to either save them by providing shade, or replace them with drought-resistant flowers. Flower beds consisting of such varieties can easily tolerate even the most high temperatures, pleasing lush flowering Location on.

Sun-loving flowers

Drought-tolerant plants have gained the most popularity because many of them are perennial ground covers of flowers, herbs and shrubs. By the way, they are used not only for personal plot - unpretentious plants suitable for maintaining a neat appearance of cemetery plots. Flowerbeds on sunny areas Many perennials will decorate them due to their unpretentiousness to conditions. Drought-tolerant flowers are abundant, so all that remains is to arrange them and enjoy the blooms.

Peony - despite the fact that it blooms at the end of spring, it will decorate the garden with neat green foliage throughout the summer. Moreover, he is a record holder for longevity and rarely needs a transplant. Khosta - ornamental plant, whose flowers look like bells. The richness of colors and expressive leaves will decorate any flower bed.

Echinacea, with its large, fleshy stems and flowers, will easily take root in any soil with any light. Echinacea blooms in summer and autumn and is tall. Echinacea's drought-resistant stems will add beauty to your garden, even outside of flowering season.

Garden chamomile will not create any problems during growth, but will delight you with large white flowers. Keep in mind that by autumn it will begin to multiply, so if you don’t want chamomile to dominate, take care of the rhizome of the flower. For sunny places Perennial ground cover flowers are suitable. They form beautiful pillow on earth, delighting not only beautiful flowers, but also juicy leaves.

Sedum is the king of flower carpets. Ground cover flowers are, in principle, characterized by abundant growth, but Sedum is the leader in terms of the area it occupies. There are no places where it would not take root. It blooms with an abundance of pink, yellow, and white flowers that last all summer. It can be planted in a cemetery to form a beautiful cushion.

Heuchera - also forms rosettes of leaves, and they have different colors: there are green, gray, even red shades. Heuchera reaches a height of 30 cm, and during flowering up to 60 cm.

Video “Sun-loving hosts”

Informational video about sun-loving, drought-resistant plants. Description the best varieties solar host.

Drought-tolerant grasses

There are quite a few grasses that meet the requirements of dry areas. Drought-resistant groundcover grasses will decorate not only flower beds, but also dinner table, which increases their value. In addition, you can sow the cemetery with herbs, creating a neat and well-groomed appearance.

Thyme - in addition to its strong aroma, it has beautiful lilac flowers. But when planting it in the garden, be careful - all the surrounding bumblebees and bees will gather to taste its pollen. Cypress spurge is a short herb with sharp needle-like leaves. It blooms twice - at the end of spring and summer. There are so many flowers that each bush turns into a fluffy ball.

Gray fescue attracts attention with its sharp, bluish-green leaves. It is often compared to a sea urchin due to its obvious similarities. Plant it in the front rows and renew it every 4 years for a long-lasting carpet. The advantage of Fescue is that it does not grow and continues to grow even in winter. Fescue ground cover bushes will give cemetery plots a neat appearance.

Decorative trees and shrubs

Drought-resistant shrubs are a real salvation for places where there is no shade, but there is a lot of scorching sunlight. Ground cover shrubs are less common than grasses or flowers. But on the other hand, they create lush hedges (which can be used to limit a plot in a cemetery).

Gaillardia - comes from the Asteraceae family. This bush with wide branches up to 70 cm in height, blooms large bright flowers. Alpine aster is a shrub that blooms with small, colorful flowers in June. Hydrangea is a shrub that blooms in mid-summer until late autumn. It is readily planted in cemeteries because it is evergreen and has beautiful flowers.

Forsythia - trees and shrubs that bloom in early spring bright yellow flowers. Jasmine, mock orange - a spreading bush with large white flowers that spread a thick aroma. It is unpretentious in terms of growing places, but requires good watering.

Yarrow is another representative of the Astrov family. It grows in bushes up to 70 cm in height, blooms with flat flowers of white, yellow or red. Garden juniper - tree shrub with needle-like or scaly leaves, bluish-gray fruits. After rain, it spreads a thick aroma, so if you want to achieve a variety of smells in the garden, water the juniper from time to time or bring wet branches into the house.

Ground cover shrubs include horizontal cotoneaster. This evergreen shrub spreads along the ground, grows quickly and rarely grows above 50 cm. Mountain pine is a tree or shrub with brown-gray bark, dark green needles and small, beautiful gray-brown cones. Whether it's a flowerbed or a graveyard, plants that can handle the heat will add freshness to any area, even if you don't have a designer's eye.

Video “Planting and caring for hosts”

Video review about perennial drought-resistant flowers, features of planting and growing hostas.

Flower garden of sun-loving perennials:

Under the sun's rays, perennials bloom with special splendor and beauty. The choice of their species and varieties is large enough so that every gardener can find plants of the color, shape and flowering period that suit him.

The most successful places for many abundantly flowering garden perennials- open to the sun.

Here, such noble long-flowered flowers as lilies, peonies and phlox can show themselves in all their glory. They tolerate short-term daytime shade quite calmly, but longer shading and even openwork shade from trees and shrubs seriously affect their prosperity.

Large, lushly flowering breeding varieties of sun-loving perennials are especially sensitive in this regard. For them, the most optimal are ridges with fertile and sufficiently moist soils.

The design of sunny areas depends entirely on your taste and, of course, on the actual capabilities of your garden. Small flower beds in the front garden can be designed no less impressively than a ridge stretched along a garden path, a “ribbon” of perennials along the border of the garden, or a flower island in the center of the lawn.

In any case, it is very important to skillfully combine plants according to their growth. Such tall and lush-flowering crops as rosemary, mallow and lupine are most advantageous in the “far” section of the flowerbed. Their flower stalks will rise above the shorter crops in the foreground, which in turn will cover the bases of their shoots.

We are offering to you approximate diagram flower beds with perennials:

1. Miscanthus - Miscanthus sinensis.

2. Annual three-cut malope, or hole - Malope trifida.

3. Hybrid variety yarrow - Achillea "Schwefelbluete".

4. Campanula lactiflora.

5. Perovskia wormwood - Perovskia abrotanoides.

6. Annual hybrid of verbena - Verbena.

7. Sedum-squeaky, or hare cabbage - Sedum telephium (before flowering).

9. Foxtail featherweed - Pennisetum alopecuroides (before the appearance of flower stalks).

10. Louis's wormwood - Artemisia ludoviciana.

11. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Lachsschoenheit".

12. Hybrid shrub aster - Aster dumosus (before flowering).

13. Hybrid coreopsis - Coreopsis.

14. Fassen's catnip - Nepeta fassenii "Six Hills Giant".

15. Himalayan geranium - Geranium himalayense.

16. Annual fragrant tobacco - Nicotiana.

17. Santolina chamaecyparissus.

Of course, you can replace some flowers with your favorite ones, because this is an approximate option... and extend the flowering season by sunny flowerbed possible with the help of such attractive autumn-flowering crops as sedum, garden chrysanthemums or autumn asters.

Most perennials will bloom again in the fall if they are pruned in a timely manner after the main flowering period. Such plants include delphinium, stenactis, catnip And scabious.

The choice of spring sun-loving perennials is somewhat smaller. They bloom in April rezukha, meadow lumbago And Adonis. They are joined in May day-lily, catnip And peony.

You can enrich your spring palette with such bulbous plants as narcissus,tulip And grouse. Since bulbous crops become unattractive after flowering, they should not be planted in the foreground of garden beds.

An easier-to-maintain option for a large flower garden is a sunny lawn. Wild perennials - cornflower, yarrow,meadow sage- thrive here in motley company with herbaceous plants. Such lawns are sown with a special seed mixture or individual crops are planted on an existing lawn.

Examples of compositions from sun-loving perennials:

Cascades of flowers

Thanks to a well thought out fit geranium, sedum and mantle receive the same amount of sunlight as tall mallow(Malva sylvestris) in the background.

Warm colors of autumn

Delicate and soft palette echinacea purpurea(Echinacea purpurea), helenium hybrids(Helenium) and chamomile asters(Aster amellus) is simply amazing!

Beautiful sun-loving perennials

Delphinium- large-flowered perennial with long candle-shaped inflorescences; supports are desirable; re-blooming after pruning. The erect peduncles of spurs, densely strewn with bells, are spectacular in any corner of the garden.

Phlox paniculata- long-lasting large-flowered perennial with dense pin-shaped peduncles; re-blooming after pruning. A pleasant aroma and lush floral appearance make phlox one of the most popular garden crops.

Rudbeckia- an unpretentious large-flowered perennial with basket-shaped inflorescences; produces root suckers; pruning increases the flowering period. If you provide rudbeckia with enough space, it will gradually form dense flower thickets.

Bush aster- an abundance of star-shaped inflorescences above dense dark green foliage; good ground cover plant. The warm lights of the autumn bush aster (Aster dumosus) glow in the garden until October.

Catnip- long, arched shoots with numerous small two-lipped flowers; loose bushy growth. It is not difficult for him to find company. Regular pruning maintains a compact bush shape.

Oriental poppy (Turkish)- large cup-shaped flowers of luminous color; short flowering time; spreads by self-seeding. It is loved for the freshness of its bright flowers and the expressiveness of its seed pods.

Heliopsis- A hardy, large-flowered perennial with sunflower-like inflorescences on long, straight stems and long-lasting flowers.

Lavender- compact long-lived perennial with evergreen pubescent foliage and fragrant flowers. Thanks to its woody stems, lavender is classified as a subshrub. She is very good in borders.

Day-lily- large-flowered perennial with star-shaped or bell-shaped flowers; grows to the size of a large bush.

Gaillardia- attractive multi-colored ray-shaped inflorescences on strong stems; Protection from cold weather is recommended.

Sources: vk.api;



Not every plant is able to fully develop and grow without sufficient moisture. They can react to its deficiency in different ways: some are stunted in growth, others lose leaf turgor, and others dry out completely. But what if in hot, dry weather it is not possible to water the flower garden often? In this case great solution The problem will be the selection of drought-resistant plants for decorating a flower garden, which, even with insufficient moisture, do not lose their attractiveness, delighting others with lush flowering and a wonderful aroma.

When designing flowerbeds of drought-resistant plants, you can adhere to standard planting schemes, in which the foreground is filled with low-growing flowers, and tall, handsome flowers are planted as a background in the background.

Decorative flower beds are capable of performing spectacular decoration plot and serve as a source of aesthetic pleasure for its owners

When creating a flower garden that will decorate the site for many years, it is necessary to take into account a number of points:

  • Place of arrangement. Drought-resistant flowers feel comfortable in depleted soils. But they do not tolerate marshy soils where there is no sufficient outflow of moisture. On waterlogged soils they simply rot and die. Reliable soil drainage – required condition when arranging flower beds. When laying out flower beds, the factor of illumination of the area is also important, because some drought-resistant flowers love sunny areas, while others love shady places.
  • Combination of plants. When selecting compositions, it is important to take into account the conditions for growing a particular species. Plants with different moisture needs may feel uncomfortable in close proximity. And with such a combination of plants, the gardener may have difficulties with watering.
  • Creating conditions for growth. To ensure reliable drainage, a sufficient amount of gravel and sand must be added to the soil. It is advisable to water only in the morning, thereby reducing moisture loss during the day.

Plants must be planted at a sufficient distance from each other, leaving room for free growth of their above-ground parts.

Since most drought-resistant plants in nature grow on depleted soils and soils lacking vitamins, when preparing a flower garden it is better to limit the amount of organic fertilizers.

The opinion that drought-resistant plants look inconspicuous compared to their sun- and moisture-loving counterparts is wrong. Among the drought-resistant plant species you can find many bright and spectacular decorative flowers. Beautifully flowering, drought-resistant perennials are unpretentious in nature and can grow even on depleted soils.

Many gardeners love drought-resistant plants not only for their unpretentiousness and beauty. A pleasant aroma always hovers around flower beds with these plants, attracting insects that pollinate the flowers.

But even among the variety of beautiful drought-resistant plants, there are clear favorites that, even with insufficient care, can delight with lush, unique flowering throughout the season.

Using tall and low-growing drought-resistant grasses when designing compositions, you can even create real masterpieces of landscape art

Unpretentious plants can feel comfortable in both sunny and slightly shaded areas. Periwinkle, wormwood, milkweed, arabis, sedum and yarrow grow well between rocks. They are indispensable when decorating dry slopes, as well as for arranging and.

Among ground cover and low-growing drought-resistant flowers, the most decorative ones are: awl-shaped phlox, gaillardia, alyssum, saxifrage

Lilac lavender bushes planted along garden paths and exuding a magical aroma in the area, can literally transform the territory of the site

Irises, beloved by many gardeners, are also not particularly demanding to care for. Most of them bloom for 3-5 weeks in the spring, but some varieties bloom again in autumn.

Irises – amazing plants, numbering in tens of thousands of varieties, amaze the imagination with their exquisite flower shape and variety of colors

Echinacea is also great for decorating dry areas. A native of warm countries, it is interesting for its bright inflorescences of pink, yellow, burgundy and purple.

In addition to their decorative appeal, miniature “suns” can also have a healing effect: they help improve immunity, as well as cure colds and flu

Byzantine clearing will help give the garden an original texture. The plant, popularly referred to as “lamb’s ears,” is interesting due to its silvery foliage with a velvety texture.

Byzantine chistets is a herbaceous perennial 30-40 cm high. As it grows, it creates elegant soft “pillows” with a silvery tint

Crocosmia – unusual beautiful plant, numbering about 50 species, is of South African origin. The aroma of its flowers is somewhat reminiscent of saffron, widely used in cooking.

Crocosmia, decorated with spikelets with star-shaped funnel-shaped flowers, is famous for its abundant and long flowering, which can last from mid-summer to late autumn

This looks great drought-resistant plant in open flower beds.

Among the tall, drought-resistant beauties are mallow, miscanthus, and decorative onions. Reaching a height of two meters, they are able to create elegant screens that will act as a bright decoration of the site throughout the season until the first frost.

The graceful stems of hollyhock roses can be decorated with about a dozen semi-double or double flowers of various shades, from snow-white, rich yellow to dark purple and burgundy.

These showy plants are ideal for a low-maintenance garden. It is enough just to sow the seeds in the ground at a distance of 50 cm from each other on fertile and well-drained soil - and within a year or two you will be able to enjoy the stunning flowering of mallow from June to late autumn.

Allium or decorative onion deserves special attention. Throwing out flower-bearing arrows 80-170 cm high in the spring (depending on the variety), it dresses up in spherical inflorescences of stunning beauty.

Large balls of allium inflorescences, smoothly swinging on thin arrows, are strewn with star-shaped flowers in white, pink and light purple shades

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, thanks to its specific “onion” smell, allium is able to protect not only itself, but also its flowerbed neighbors from harmful insects.

Drought-tolerant grasses

When designing a flower garden, a special place should be given to drought-resistant herbs. The most attractive among them are gray fescue, two-tasseled fescue and elimus.

Compact bushes of gray fescue, the height of which does not exceed 20-25 cm, look like sea ​​urchin with bluish needles

Such “bumps” look impressive against the backdrop of ponds and rocky gardens. Gray fescue grows best in sunny areas with fertile, well-drained substrate.

Two-bottle grass is a rapidly growing ornamental grass that forms tall “cushions” collected from white-green variegated grass

The decorative grass elymus is also attractive with its pointed bluish-gray leaves.

Since elymus grows quickly and behaves somewhat aggressively towards neighboring plants, it is better to plant it in a flower garden, limiting the roots using a container without a bottom

Decorative trees and shrubs

The beautiful barberry shrub is a clear favorite due to its unpretentiousness and drought resistance. Its thorn-strewn stems, growing up to 1 meter high, are decorated with elegant yellow, pink-brown and bright red leaves.

Among the variety of barberry varieties, the most decorative ones are Golden Ring with small red leaves in a yellow border and Rose Glow with pink-brown leaves with a fancy pattern in the form of white strokes and droplets

Branched barberry shrubs love the sun, but can also grow in slightly shaded areas. Some varieties of barberry also delight you with edible bright red fruits in the fall.

Euonymus - bright and unusual beautiful bush attractive with a beautiful openwork crown and small elegant foliage.

A plant whose foliage has a saturated color during the summer months. dark green color, with the onset of September it is engulfed in an “autumn fire”, turning into orange, purple and violet shades

The pinkish fruits that cover the stems of the euonymus open as they ripen, revealing bright red-orange seeds. Amazing sight! But it is worth remembering that ripe fruits, like all parts of the plant, are poisonous.

The silver oleagin shrub is no less decorative. It feels most comfortable on very depleted soils, enriching and improving them with nitrogen.

The branches of the shrub, decorated with silvery foliage, are strewn with miniature flowers during flowering, spreading a pleasant aroma, thanks to which they are widely used in the perfume industry

In place of the flowers, fruits are later set, which by autumn grow into yellowish berries with astringent, sweetish pulp.

The flexible branches of an evergreen shrub are decorated with tiny needles and scaly needles, spreading a pleasant resinous aroma around them.

Amazingly beautiful forest dweller standing unfavourable conditions, in his own person is able to transform any place on the site. It will be an effective addition to a rocky garden, a multi-level flower garden, a mixborder, or a frame for a garden path.

Drought-resistant plants are ideal for garden and flower garden decoration. They take root well and serve worthy decoration plot.
