Major repairs of metal roofing. Repairing a Sheet Iron Roof How to Repair a Metal Roof

Roof repair with sheet metal

Roofing iron is another type of rigid roofing, widely used in construction. country houses. This type of roofing has the most venerable age - it has been used for more than one century. But, of course, modern roofing iron is decidedly different from the material originally used. Moreover, every decade more and more advanced varieties appear on the construction market. It is recommended to cover the roof with roofing iron only when the slope slope is 15–30°.

Currently, the most popular materials of this type are galvanized sheet steel and corrugated sheets (multilayer material based on steel with a polymer coating). IN dacha construction Sheet iron is usually used. This material is very reliable and relatively inexpensive. The cost of a roof made of sheet iron is less than that of metal tiles. At the same time, it cannot be said that such a roof looks worse. And in terms of durability, with good care, an iron roof is in no way inferior to a metal tile roof.

Complete replacement Sheet iron roofing may not be required until several decades after installation. Repair usually comes down to eliminating local damage. Let's consider both types of repairs, since the owners country house With a roof made of roofing felt or slate, over time there may be a desire to replace the previous roof with an iron one.

Local repair and prevention of iron roofing

During Taken measures Preventative care for sheet iron roofing will help extend its durability and delay the need for repairs. The main point of prevention is to protect the roof surface from corrosion, which inevitably occurs under the influence of precipitation. For this purpose, the roof is painted with a special anti-corrosion paint. However, you should know that not every paint is suitable for galvanized metal.

The fact is that the properties of galvanized metal differ from ordinary ones. If you paint it with plain oil or alkyd paint, it will react with zinc, which will lead to its rapid peeling. A coating of this paint will last no longer than one season. Therefore, it is necessary to choose paints that have greater adhesion and elasticity.

Such paints include, for example, acrylic primer-enamel or other paints with similar characteristics. They cost more regular paints, but fully pay for themselves. It is better to spend money once on expensive high-quality paint than to repaint the roof or patch new holes in it every year.

When you paint no longer new roof, you first need to assess its condition and repair any existing damage. If there is rust on the surface, it must be washed off with kerosene and then the residue must be cleaned with sandpaper.

It is possible that during the operation of the roof, gaps have formed between the sheets at the points of their connection. In this case, the joints are cleaned of rust in the same way, then wiped with a solution of zinc chloride using ordinary paint brush. After this, the joints are sealed with a powerful soldering iron. Excess cooled solder is removed with a file.

If cracks and holes appear in the old roof, they are repaired using patches. The patches are cut from a new sheet of galvanized steel using roofing shears. The size of the patch should be 10–15 cm larger on each side than the size of the damaged area of ​​the roof. The patch is secured by soldering or using some kind of glue or sealant. You should consult a hardware store about which adhesive is best to use for galvanized metal.

If for some reason you do not have a spare sheet of roofing iron on hand for patches, it can be successfully replaced by fiberglass or high-quality roofing felt - such patches are also secured with sealant and serve no worse than metal ones.

After all defects have been eliminated, painting begins. The entire roof surface is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and old paint using a brush with iron bristles or special liquid products. Then the roof is washed with water, allowed to dry and covered with protective paint in 2-3 layers. It is most convenient to apply the paint with a spray gun, but if you don’t have one, you can use a roller or a large brush.

Installation of sheet iron roofing

It should be noted that this process is quite labor-intensive compared to laying any other roofing material. If you do not have the skills to work with sheet metal, it is better to entrust this work to professionals. If you feel confident in your abilities, use a few recommendations.

Roofing iron does not weigh too much, therefore, as in the case of metal tiles, sparse wooden sheathing in increments of 20–30 cm. A waterproofing layer of roofing felt, roofing felt or some other material is laid on the sheathing insulating material.

When using sheet iron, it is advisable to minimize the number of joints on the roof, since the joints represent a potential area for leaks and damage. Guided by this rule, the size of the sheets is selected. If the length of the slope is short, it is advisable to use sheets of the same length. At long length slope sheets are chosen in such a way that the number of horizontal rows is minimal (the same as in the case of metal tiles).

There are two ways to lay sheet metal. The first, most simple, is overlapping. The sheets begin to be laid from the eaves. They are attached to the sheathing using roofing screws having a rubber gasket under the cap. Each subsequent sheet is laid overlapping the previous one, the width of the overlap is 5-10 cm. To ensure the reliability of the joint, the overlap area is coated with sealant and laid with a thin rubber tape.

More in a complicated way Roofing iron decking is laid with folding. This method ensures the highest roof tightness. Folding is the process of fastening adjacent sheets together using specially curved edges. There are 4 types of rebates: single lying, single standing, double lying and double standing.

Lying folds are made at the joint of sheets horizontally (parallel to the cornice), and standing folds are made at the joint vertically (along the slope). Double folds are more reliable.

Let's look at folding technology using the example of a single standing fold. The edge of one sheet is bent upward at a right angle by 3 cm. The edge of the second is similar, but by 7 cm. The sheets are connected and the larger edge is folded onto the smaller one. This operation is performed with all the sheets while still on the ground. Then the sheets are unhooked and lifted onto the roof. There they are fastened with self-tapping screws to the sheathing and interlocked with a prepared fold. Then the fold is compacted using a mallet and hammer. Seaming requires some experience, so when laying roofing iron with your own hands, you usually choose the first method.

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Installation of metal roofing is very popular in modern construction: this material is environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, it is convenient to install, and at the end of its operation it can be disposed of by recycling. Installation metal roofing consists of several stages: selection of the type of material, delivery and installation itself.

Types of jobs Unit Price, rubles
gable roof hip roof complex roof copper/titanium-zinc roofing
Installation of metal tiles - Montterrey profile sq.m. 400 450 500 -
Installation of metal tiles - profile "Spanish DUNE" sq.m. 450 500 600 -
Installation ceramic tiles sq.m. 700 800 900 -
Installation of connections to a wall/pipe linear meters 280 336 392 448
Installation of skates, hips linear meters 250 300,8 350,6 358,4
Valley device linear meters 450 500 600 650
Installation end strips linear meters 350 400 450 500
Installation cornice strips linear meters 350 400 450 500

Prices for all types of roofing installation work are presented on the page "".

Choosing a roof type

There are two types of metal roofing: flat and profiled. The first includes a seam roof made of steel sheets, as well as roofs made of corrugated sheets, and the second includes metal tiles. Each has its own characteristics, pros and cons, and you should choose based on the requirements for the characteristics of the roof and financial capabilities.

The technology for installing a metal roof may differ depending on what material you choose.

Choosing corrugated sheets or steel sheets, remember that this type is good for equipping a wide variety of buildings, from residential to industrial. It is distinguished by its lightness and reliability, but it is not so convenient to install, and appearance may not be too stylish, and if you are interested beautiful roof, then it is better to choose metal tiles. It is relatively inexpensive, it is easier, although slower, to install, and the resulting roof can fit into any style.

Installation work

After choosing materials, it’s time to install the roof. In Moscow, you can order roofing materials and installation services from one company, or you can purchase the material in one place and contact another contractor for the installation of a metal roof. Choose a company that will install a roof on your cottage or country house, it is necessary to take into account a number of features.

  • The company has a license to operate. In Moscow, you can often stumble upon companies that do not have all the necessary permits, and you should not contact them.
  • Examples already finished works. A self-respecting company provides a portfolio with photographs of houses where its specialists have already installed roofs.
  • The cost for the work should not be too low or too high. The first option is a sign that the company may be saving on consumables or provides unqualified services, the second is a sign that prices are unreasonably inflated.
  • The company’s specialists can talk in detail about all the features of metal roof installation technology, justifying the need and aspects of each step.

Many people, when choosing a company that offers installation services, think about whether it is possible to install a metal roof with their own hands. Of course, this can be done, but you should remember that laying materials, waterproofing and sound insulation equipment, correct attachment of elements and their processing is a very difficult task. complex processes, and it is not recommended to take on them without the appropriate skills and experience in construction.

Errors during the installation process can lead to improper heat circulation in the house, violations of sound insulation, leakage of the roof during rain, as well as its not very aesthetic appearance. Therefore, instead of installing a metal roof with your own hands, you should turn to professionals who have been working in this field for a long time and are familiar with all the intricacies of laying materials and creating a truly high-quality roof.

Repair work

Since any roof will eventually wear out or suffer varying degrees of damage, it will need repairs. Metal roofing requires this only in emergency cases or in the form of scheduled repairs very rarely. If heavy objects fall on the roof, such a roof will not suffer serious damage, but it may bend and the appearance will be ruined. Then you will need to order a service such as metal roof repair: in this case, the roofs are subject to replacement of damaged areas.

In our company you can order services not only for installation, but also for roof repair. The cost of repairing a metal roof depends on the extent of the damage, the type of materials, and the size of the roof. In order not to overpay for this service, choose a company that makes repairs inexpensively, but without sacrificing quality.

By contacting us, you will receive high-quality, professional services, the price of which will be very acceptable and justified. Our activities are licensed, and our specialists have many years of experience, and the results of the repair will be ideal, not requiring modification or alteration.

Clients who contact us never regret their decision, because they only encounter professionalism, high-quality service and excellent result. Metal Roof Repair: Make Your Roof Look Like New!

This procedure includes initial measurements of the object, delivery of materials from our warehouse to the site, replacement or repair of a roof of any complexity from any material chosen by you. When carrying out installation work, you can count on an additional discount. At the same time, you receive a written guarantee for both installation and roofing materials.

Selection of roofing materials

Our company website provides the most wide choose steel roofing materials from the best manufacturers for complete or partial replacement of the roofing covering: metal seam roofs, roofs made of metal profile sheets, metal tiles with various types protective and decorative coatings.

Prices from the manufacturer

Our company FS-Group is an official dealer of the companies producing roofing materials presented on our website, which guarantees the best prices for you.

Warranty for roofing material and its installation

When concluding a turnkey roofing installation agreement with us, you simultaneously receive guarantee for both roofing materials and installation work in one contract.

Calculation and selection of materials

Currently, the range of roofing materials made of metal and protective coatings quite wide, making it difficult to do right choice. Call our qualified managers and they will help you choose exactly the material you need for the metal roof of your home.

Field manager

If you need to accurately determine the cost of roofing repairs, order the service of a manager visiting the site. He will not only give advice on choosing roofing material, but also calculate the required quantity, as well as the required amount of additional materials, show samples of materials, and calculate the cost of installation work.

All types of payments and credit

We accept all types of payments: cash, bank transfer, payment by bank card in our office and online. All transactions for payment for goods are carried out on the principles of confidentiality and security of payment. It is possible to pay for goods on credit; for more details, please contact our managers.

Although metal roofs are considered very durable, during their operation they will periodically require routine repairs to replace damaged areas of the coating. During this, patches are installed, cracks are eliminated, and painting is carried out.

Types of iron roofing

Metal roofing can be made from galvanized iron, titanium-zinc, aluminum or copper. To protect metal sheets from corrosion, paint, metal oxides or special polymers are applied to them.

How to Prepare a Metal Roof for Repair

Repairing a metal roof is preceded by preparing its surface. The first step is to remove dust, rust and other contaminants: a broom and brush are used for these purposes. Cleaning of rusty areas is carried out with metal brushes, with the obligatory removal of the resulting dust. The surface is also inspected for cracks and holes: usually this is the result of careless handling of a shovel while removing snow from the roof.

It is inconvenient to conduct an inspection alone: ​​it is advisable to enlist the support of at least one assistant. One person is placed in the attic, given a long stick, the second is on top of the roof, carrying chalk. It is much more convenient to detect holes from the inside, which is indicated by an assistant with a stick by knocking on a metal sheet. Sunny days are most suitable for such a procedure, which will make it possible to notice even the smallest holes. The partner on the roof immediately marks the location of the defect with chalk. Upon completion of the inspection of the entire roof area, you can proceed to eliminating the detected flaws.

Methods for repairing an old roof from leaking

Local repair of metal roofing from leaks is carried out using two types of patches: along the width of the picture and intermediate ones. The first method eliminates defects on the plane, the second - in the ridges or near them. As a patch, sheets with the required margin for the size of the wear area are used (allowances are needed for connection). The damaged area is exposed and equipped with a patch, connecting it to the old coating. If flat slopes are being repaired, the connecting sections can be soldered.

Before installation, the patches are coated with drying oil, and after installation they are painted with a weather-resistant composition. In the same way, it is necessary to treat the connecting areas to avoid rusting. If the hole size does not exceed 200 mm, tarpaulin, burlap or thick fabric is used to make a patch. To seal a small hole up to 30 mm, use hot bitumen, red lead putty or special mastic. It is necessary to clean an area of ​​30-40 mm around the defect, followed by double-sided coating.

Patches made of fabric and burlap are soaked in liquid oil paint, which contains natural drying oil with crushed lead or iron lead. The fabric must be well dried before impregnation. Impregnation time – 10-15 minutes. Next, the patch is wrung out and laid over the hole: smoothing and fixing is carried out with a stiff brush. Close attention is paid to the edges of the patch. The patches usually take about a week to dry, after which the entire roof surface can be painted. Repairs to gutters, overhangs, gutters and eaves are carried out much more frequently due to the greater vulnerability of these areas during snow and ice removal.

If defects account for most of the entire roof area, then it must be completely replaced. This procedure has the same algorithm of actions as laying new material. With the dismantled sheets, you can decorate the southern side of the slopes, after first cleaning, cutting and covering them with paint or drying oil. To decorate a valley, eaves overhang or other critical area of ​​the roof, it is recommended to use only new metal sheets. Before crimping, all folds are treated with red lead putty.

Use for repair of rolled materials

A cheaper option for repairing a metal roof is to use roll materials.

In this case, observe the following procedure:

  1. Sheathing repair.
  2. Restoration of drainage elements, gutters and slopes.
  3. Fixing swollen and torn fragments with nails.
  4. Cleaning the roof with a wire brush.
  5. Laying rolled material in the longitudinal and transverse direction to the standing folds.
  6. Padding on both sides of triangular slats of the same height with folds.
  7. Laying hot bitumen and gluing roofing felt.

The procedure is carried out from the cornice to the ridge: each next row should have an overlap of 8 cm on the previous one. To make it easier to lay the transverse strips, the standing seams are folded toward the roof plane.

Using "Polykrov"

Major repairs of an iron roof can be carried out using polymer coating: old finishing in this case it is not necessary to remove it.

“Polykrova” contains polymer and bulk components:

  • Reinforced fiberglass fabric on a roll basis "Polikrov - AR".
  • Mastic “Polikrov – M”, for fixing the material to the base.
  • Self-leveling coating “Polikrov-L”, laid in several layers.

The rolled base is quite easy to lay and glue, and the self-leveling base contributes to the appearance of a monolithic film. “Polykrov” is offered for sale in a rich variety of colors. The most popular color is silver: its reflective characteristics ensure that the coating remains clean and new for a long time after installation. During operation, the lower rolled base of “Polikrova” is reliably protected by a top layer, which can be updated if necessary.

TO strengths the following can be attributed:

  • Possibility of laying on the previous coating.
  • After repair, the parameters of the updated roof increase noticeably.
  • Laying does not lead to significant weighting of the roof.
  • An almost waste-free method (the residues are used to insulate the abutments and joints).

Algorithm for laying the polymer roll composition “Polykrov”:

  1. Bending folds.
  2. Cleaning the base from debris.
  3. Applying mastic for gluing fiberglass or burlap. The width of the stripes is 15-20 cm.
  4. Installation of insulating material and "Polykrov".
  5. To finish the ridge, use strips “Polikrov-AR-130” or “Polikrov-AR-150”.
  6. The roof surface is varnished with “Polikrov-L-1”.

If the roof can be covered with one strip (20-22 m), a continuous installation from the ridge to the overhang is chosen for the covering. Old roof repair large area start from the bottom.

  • Operating temperature range – from -60 to +140 degrees.
  • The rolls contain 20 m2 of material, with a width of 90 cm and a thickness of 2 mm.
  • Mastic is packaged in barrels or cans of 20-200 liters.
  • Service life – 25 years.

The most vulnerable areas of a metal roof are the joints. If there are violations of the temperature and humidity conditions, then these can also include the gaps between the sheathing bars, along the attic side. This is explained by the fact that non-galvanized steel nails, bolts and other fasteners at the points of connection with galvanized sheets form a destructive electrical couple. To prevent such phenomena, it is recommended to use roofing felt pads.

How to Paint a Metal Roof

Painting is the final stage of repairing an iron roof. The paint layer is damaged by water, hydrogen sulfide, air, carbon dioxide, sand, dust and smoke. To minimize their influence as much as possible, painting must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. When applying, it is important to achieve evenness and smoothness of the layers, which will prevent the accumulation of various contaminants.

If the application is uneven, cracks usually appear: water flowing into them will begin to quickly destroy roofing material. For reliability, it is recommended to apply the paint in 2-3 layers. Of particular importance is proper preparation base, which must be completely clean and dry. Concerning temperature regime, then most roof paints are designed to work at above-zero temperatures.

If done correctly, a repaired metal roof can last a long time. If the slightest defect is detected, it is advisable to eliminate it immediately, otherwise the problem will worsen over time.

Repairing metal roofs from leaks, repairing old iron roofs

Repairing metal roofs from leaks, repairing old iron roofs

How to properly repair a metal roof: what is needed for this

The operation of a metal roof, despite its durability, cannot be done without routine maintenance, which consists of replacing it in areas whose area is no more than 10% of the entire roof. Maintenance metal roofing includes installing patches, repairing cracks, painting the roof, and replacing damaged areas.

What is a metal roof: types of coatings

Protection against corrosion and rust of metal sheets is carried out by covering them with paint, oxides of the metals themselves or special polymer compounds.

Preparing a metal surface for repair work

Before repairs, the roof must be prepared. First you need to clean it from dust, rust and other dirt, using first a hard, then a soft broom and brush. To clean rusty areas, you will need metal brushes. After eliminating the rust, the dust from it is immediately swept away and the area is painted. Then they do visual inspection roofs to identify cracks and holes formed when clearing snow and ice with shovels.

At least two people must participate in the inspection. One conducts it in the attic, armed with a long stick, the other on the roof, taking with him a piece of chalk. When a hole is discovered from the attic, a person knocks on the roof with a stick, and his partner from above marks this place with chalk. After identifying all defects, you can begin to eliminate them immediately.

It is important! It is advisable to inspect the roof on a clear sunny day with good visibility, in which case even the smallest crack or hole will not be hidden from your gaze.

Partial repair or complete replacement of roofing materials

To repair a metal roof, patches are used, which come in two types: along the width of the picture for defects on the plane of the sheet, and intermediate ones, which are used to repair damage in or near the ridges. To patch, take a sheet with the necessary allowances for the amount of worn areas. Allowances are required for connections. The area with the defect is uncovered and a patch is placed on it, connecting it to the old coating. On gentle slopes, soldering of seams is used to connect patches to sheets.

Before installing the patch, drying oil is applied, and after the connection, weather-resistant painting compounds are applied, simultaneously painting the joints to avoid corrosion. Patches for small holes ranging in size from 30 to 200 mm are made from tarpaulin, burlap or thick fabric. Small holes up to 30 mm are not patched; they are covered with hot bitumen, red lead putty or special mastic. Roofing sheet 30-40 mm around the hole is cleaned and coated on both sides - from the attic and from the roof.

For patches made of fabric and burlap, impregnation with liquid oil paint on natural drying oil made from grated lead or red lead is required. The patches are dipped into the paint completely dry and left for 10–15 minutes. Then they are wrung out and placed on the hole, carefully smoothing and pressing with your hand or a hard brush. The edges must be smoothed especially carefully. After 5–7 days, when the patches are completely dry, you can begin painting. This is done in dry weather. Before painting, the dust collected during this time must be removed with a brush.

Gutters, gutters, downpipes, and eaves overhangs are repaired more often, since these are the roofing elements that are most vulnerable when clearing snow and ice.

If the defects make up 50% of the area, then the metal sheets are replaced over the entire surface. A complete metal roof replacement is done in the same way as installing a new one. The removed sheets can be reused on the southern slope. They are cleaned, trimmed, coated with drying oil and paint. They are not suitable for the most critical places. For valleys, eaves overhangs and other vulnerable elements, only new steel sheets are used. Before crimping, all folds are covered with red lead putty.

Repair of metal roofing with rolled materials

To reduce the cost of repairing a metal roof with a lot of wear and tear, you can use rolled materials. Repair work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • defects in the sheathing are eliminated;
  • drainage devices, gutters and slopes are repaired;
  • swollen and torn areas are secured with nails;
  • the surface is cleaned using metal brushes;
  • then the rolled materials are laid along and across the standing seams;
  • slats are nailed on both sides, having a triangular cross-section and the same height as the rebate;
  • The surface is covered with hot bitumen, and roofing felt is glued onto it.

The work is carried out from the eaves to the ridge with an overlap of each subsequent row of 8 cm. When laying transverse strips, the standing seams can be bent towards the plane of the roof.

Repair using “Polykrov” – a polymer roll-on-self-fill composition

During overhaul roofs also use a polymer composition without removing the outdated coating. “Polykrov” is a combination of polymer and bulk materials in one composition. Comprises:

  • reinforced fiberglass, roll base"Polikrov-AR";
  • “Polikrova-M” mastic, which glues the material to the base;
  • self-leveling coating “Polikrova-L”, which is applied in several layers.

The roll base is easy to lay and quickly glued, and the self-leveling layers form a seamless film. Polykrov polymer composition is available in a wide range color scheme. Silver color, according to many, is the best, since its reflective ability creates a feeling of cleanliness and newness of the roof for a long time after repair.

It is important to know! When operating a building with such a coating, only upper layer, the rolled base does not age, so during subsequent repairs only the self-leveling layer is renewed.

Advantages of using "Polykrov":

  • no need to remove old coating;
  • the parameters of a roof made of a polymer composition are superior to those of the old metal one;
  • slight increase in roof weight;
  • there is no waste left, since the trimmings are used to insulate abutments and joints.

Technology of application of the polymer roll composition “Polykrov”:

  • folds of the old metal coating bend tightly to the slope;
  • all debris is removed from the surface;
  • mastic is applied to glue strips of fiberglass or burlap 15–20 cm wide;
  • the insulating coating and “Polykrov” are being laid;
  • the strip “Polikrov-AR-130” or “Polikrov-AR-150” is glued to the roof ridge;
  • The roof surface is coated with “Polikrov-L-1” varnish.

When the length of the slope does not exceed the length of the roll, which is 20–22 m, the covering is made as a continuous sheet from the ridge to the eaves overhang. On large areas Rolled material must be glued from bottom to top.

  • withstands temperatures from -60 to +140 °C;
  • Available in rolls of 20 m2, width 90 cm, material thickness 2 mm;
  • mastic is sold in barrels or cans of 200 and 20 liters, respectively;
  • service life up to 25 years.

This is important to know! The most vulnerable places in a metal-coated roof are at the joints, as well as between the sheathing bars on the attic side when the temperature and humidity conditions are violated. Since nails, wire, bolts and other fasteners are made of non-galvanized steel, when connected to galvanized steel, electrical steam is generated that destroys the galvanized steel. In this case, a one- or two-layer roofing material will help.

Painting a metal roof: technological requirements

The paint film is destroyed by exposure to water, hydrogen sulfide, air, carbon dioxide, sand, dust and smoke. In order for their impact to be minimal, when dyeing it is necessary to comply with the technological requirements for dyeing. The painting should be even and smooth so that dust and sand do not linger on it. An uneven thickness of paint layer promotes the formation of cracks in which water will accumulate and destroy the roof. Durable coloring is achieved by applying 2-3 layers to a previously prepared base.

The metal roof itself is reliable and durable. Its functionality and service life depend on how high-quality and technologically the repair is performed. Therefore, it is very important to have metal roof repair work performed by professionals.

Metal roof repair - sequence and methods of work

To repair metal roofs, roll materials and the polymer roll-and-fill composition “Polykrov” are often used. Stages of repair work.

Call a specialist
to carry out work

Despite the strength of a metal roof, its operation involves performing repair work, which consists of installing new material on areas of the roof that make up more than 10% of the total area. Even if the installation of a metal roof is done well, at some point something will need to be corrected. Mandatory repair of a metal roof involves installing patches on the roof, eliminating defects in the form of cracks, holes, covering the roof coloring composition, replacement of individual sections.

Preparation for repair of pitched metal roofing for the implementation of repair activities. The preceding operation for repairing a pitched roof is considered to be preparatory work, including the removal of dust, rust, and any other dirt that may interfere with the organization of repair work. Corrosion damage cleaned with a wire brush. Having carefully examined each section of the roof from the attic, you can see holes, the presence of which must be reported to your partner by tapping with a stick. To facilitate repairs, the defective area is marked with chalk.

Same day metal roof leak repair

Metal roof repairs in Moscow and the Moscow region can be ordered from several organizations. It is important to check the company's reputation and read reviews from previous clients. Metal roof leak repairs should be performed by experienced professionals with practical construction skills. If you need to paint the surface of a metal roof, you should study the basic rules that directly affect the durability of the paint coating. The paint layer can be destroyed under the influence atmospheric precipitation. You can eliminate the harmful effects of rain and snow by painting the surface of a metal roof evenly and efficiently. Precipitation particles will not linger in uneven areas, freely rolling off the roof.

A metal roof is considered one of the most durable roofing coverings a-priory. When repairing the roof of an apartment building, repair work will not be required soon. Metal roof repairs can be done inexpensively by large organizations.
