Which profile for plastic windows is better? Which plastic window profile is better to choose? Tips for choosing and rating manufacturers PVC windows are the best

Reading time: 7 min.

Today, it is rare to see old wooden windows; almost everywhere there are plastic windows. They have very long term service, excellent sound insulation, they are easy to clean, and with our continental climate - warm summers and cold winters, their thermal insulation is simply a saving anchor! So which companies produce the best plastic windows? To cope with this issue, we will be helped by the rating of the best plastic windows, based on reviews from users of the Irecommend and Otzovik resources. The rating is based on factors such as durability, level of service, price and popularity of the product.

A double-leaf window will cost you from 7,433 rubles. Panorama has been working in this field for more than two decades; it is one of the very first window manufacturers. Over all these years, this company from St. Petersburg has glazed more than one and a half million square meters. The only drawback of this company is weak advertising; services are provided so unobtrusively that it is only with great difficulty that you can find answers to your questions.

A window with two sashes will cost you 14 thousand rubles. SOK stands for “Samara Window Constructions”, the company dates back to 1999. Without having its own production, the company sells profiles that are cast at the Profine concern in Germany. The profiles of the German company Profine are considered one of the best in the world; they have a lot of positive ratings. They are distinguished by their strength and durability. The only negative is that the profile may turn yellow, possibly due to non-compliance with storage rules in warehouses.

The price of the simplest double-leaf window is RUB 9,490. The Deceuninck Group, from Belgium, is one of the top three manufacturers of PVC windows in the world. The Russian branch released new system profiles “Favorite Space”, which received the “Time of Innovation” award for its high level of energy efficiency. The windows are certified according to ISO standards. The disadvantages include the poor quality of budget options, compared to similar products from other companies.

The price for a double-leaf window starts from 8,503 rubles. Profiles are manufactured in the Moscow region using Austrian technologies, and raw materials are supplied from the United States and Europe. Proplex windows are considered a budget option, but they are so good that they can withstand even Siberian frost. These PVC windows are of very good quality - they do not crack or turn yellow even after a long time. The only negative is the fittings - users mostly speak negatively about them.

A double-leaf window will cost you at least 8,503 rubles. This company produces windows in full cycle– from the production of profiles to self-installation. Very convenient location The company's branches, Kaleva, are located in more than 80 cities of the Russian Federation. The disadvantage of the company is that you may or may not be lucky, depending on the specific city in which you order windows; the branches are very different from each other. At the same time, the central office is not responsible for them - you will have to deal with unscrupulous dealers yourself.

The cost of turnkey work starts from 8,750 rubles. This company has the largest plant for the production of PVC profiles in the Russian Federation, the work of which is monitored by specialists from Austria. The company started operating in 2001. The company independently developed and implemented many types of profiles, from the standard with three to the latest with five chambers. Today the company creates a profile for the client, taking into account any wishes and requirements. Disadvantages include yellowing of the profile and poor quality of fittings.

A standard double-leaf window will cost from RUB 21,650. The company produces its own products and works with components from Germany. Profiles of the highest quality are made according to individual orders, for example, no matter how absurd it may sound, with protection from falling meteorites (customers from Chelyabinsk would appreciate this). Traditional systems with a well-thought-out design, robust and durable - this is all that can be said about Salamander. This company is one of the best in the production of windows, in terms of quality. The only negative is the price is too high.

A double-leaf window will cost you 8,578 rubles. This is one of the most popular companies in the Russian Federation, which has been trusted for many years. The profiles of this company are liked by both users and experts in the field of profile design. The company’s specialists were developing GOST standards for windows in the late nineties, so KVE windows are the standard among PVC windows. Everyone who set up a profile for this company was satisfied with the result. This manufacturer is the best in terms of price to quality ratio. True, a lot depends on the supplier and installers.


A regular double-leaf window will cost you 6,660 rubles. REHAU is a company from Germany that has been operating since 1969. Over the years of its work, the company has developed many profiles - from classics (three chambers) to ultra-modern six-chamber profiles. Windows are really high quality and durable, but the supplier and installer are unpredictable factors. And besides, who wants to overpay for an advertised brand?


A double-leaf window will cost you 11,170 rubles. The VEKA company is considered one of the best; it has been operating on the market for more than 45 years. This brand has its branches not only in Europe, but also in the United States, the Asian region and is opening more and more new branches. 1999 was marked for Russia with the construction of the first VEKA plant on its territory. The company produces profiles only of the highest quality. Pleasant appearance, variety of profiles, high threshold of temperature resistance, quality - all these factors attract buyers. But, as always, a lot depends on the fittings and installers.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

The profile is the basis for manufacturing window frames and shutters. The appearance, durability and reliability of the entire window structure depend on its quality.

Classification by materials

For production modern windows Wood, aluminum, and PVC are used for these blocks. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages, features and limitations in use.


The best and most expensive types of wood for production window profiles– oak and larch, alder and pine are also used. Expensive wooden structures associated not only with the use natural wood, but also with the peculiarities of the technological process. The material for window profiles needs careful processing (drying, impregnation with antiseptics, painting, varnishing), and during the manufacture of the product high accuracy and skill is key.

Advantages wooden windows:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good heat-shielding properties;
  • maintaining natural air exchange between indoors and outdoors;
  • aesthetic natural appearance.


  • the possibility of warping and swelling if the production and installation technology is violated;
  • low fire resistance;
  • high price.


Since metal is not capable of retaining heat, aluminum profiles are mainly used for utility rooms when there is no possibility or need to install warm glazing.

Exist . A special thermal liner is placed in the profile, which provides high thermal insulation properties of such window structures.

The advantages of aluminum profiles include:

  • strength and durability;
  • ease;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire resistance.


  • low heat-protective properties of the “cold” profile;
  • high price of the “warm” option.

Polyvinyl chloride

Reinforcing U-shaped profile for structural rigidity

PVC profiles have become the most widespread for the production of modern windows, due to their low cost compared to wood and aluminum and excellent thermal insulation and performance properties. The main competitive advantages of PVC:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • ease of manufacturing and installation of finished products;
  • high resistance to influence atmospheric precipitation, chemical reagents;
  • the ability to produce products of various designs and shapes;
  • affordable price.

Main disadvantage– flammability, like all plastics. All other user complaints in most cases are related to the choice of low-quality products or installation errors.

Characteristics of PVC profile

The lion's share of all installed window units falls on plastic products. The market offers windows from the profiles of dozens of manufacturers, which at first glance look the same. Often, a low level of quality manifests itself only after some time of operation, when it becomes obvious that the profile cannot cope with its functions and does not provide the proper level of thermal protection. When choosing a product, it is useful to know the main significant characteristics of a PVC window profile.

Wall thickness

According to this indicator, 3 product groups are distinguished:

  • Class A. This includes products that have an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.5 mm. Such indicators are considered optimal for ensuring the best thermal insulation of a living space.
  • Class B. Products with an outer wall thickness of 2.5 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.0 mm. Such products provide less reliable protection against heat loss and are more susceptible to deformation during operation. The main purpose is installation in shops and public institutions.
  • Class C. Products with thinner walls than in previous classes. Windows made from it are intended for glazing non-residential, warehouse, and industrial premises.

Read also: Using tape to insulate windows

Profile width

The indicator determines which double-glazed window can be mounted in a given profile. A double-glazed window consists of several glasses connected by a frame around the perimeter. The spaces formed between the glasses are filled with ordinary air or inert gases (in premium segment products) to improve thermal insulation performance.

A single-chamber package consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. A two-chamber glass consists of 3 glasses, between which there are, respectively, 2 chambers, etc. The greater the number of glasses, the warmer the finished product.

Also, the width of the profile determines the installation dimensions for installing the window. As the width increases, the overall weight of the structure increases - this must be taken into account, for example, when glazing a balcony with weak base slabs.

Typically the standard value is 58-80 mm, some brands offer products up to 120 mm wide to produce products designed for use in harsh climatic conditions and characterized by improved sound and heat insulation characteristics.

Number of profile cameras

Not to be confused with the air chambers of a double-glazed window!

The plastic profile is hollow inside and separated by partitions. The thermal insulation properties of PVC profiles are due to the presence of hollow chambers between the lintels - the more of them, the lower the thermal conductivity of the window frame and sash.

Each cavity performs a specific function (moisture removal, fastening of fittings, ensuring strength), and their number (usually 3-8) and location are determined by technological calculations. The most in demand are 3-5-chamber types of plastic profiles.

Metal reinforcement

The plastic profile is additionally reinforced with a metal frame to impart rigidity to the structure. This significantly reduces the likelihood of warping and sagging window sash due to many opening-closing cycles, temperature changes and other influences during use.

The shape of the frame depends on the size of the window:

  • L-shaped– reinforcement is laid along 2 walls; sufficient for small windows;
  • U-shaped– strengthening of 3 walls of the profile; suitable for window sizes up to 1.9 m in height;
  • closed– the reinforcement is located along 4 planes and ensures the greatest rigidity of the product; For glazing large areas of loggias and panoramic balconies, it is recommended to choose this type of profile.

What to look for when choosing

It is difficult for the buyer to determine the quality of the profile on exhibition samples. In most cases, you have to rely on the integrity of the seller and the manufacturer of window structures. There are some features that will help you avoid buying a low-quality product:

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Plastic windows are confidently displacing wooden structures from the domestic market. And although in Europe the number of connoisseurs of natural materials is gradually growing, in Russia this fashion trend is not yet visible in sales volumes. Only rich people can afford window systems with traditional carved trim. The popularity of PVC products is explained by their durability, affordability, and good heat and sound insulation properties. In addition, plastic does not require special care. Today there is abundance in the Russian market window systems from PVC. But if previously these were mainly products of foreign brands, today the share of domestic manufacturers has increased significantly. At the same time, the choice of windows for consumers has also become difficult. In this matter, you cannot do without expert advice.

How to choose plastic windows

  1. One of the key points when selecting plastic windows is profile type. There are blind systems, swivel structures and tilt-and-turn options. Windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism look more advantageous, but they are more expensive. Consumers often order combined window units, where one sash opens and the second has a blind structure. This is explained by a reasonable desire to save money. In addition, fixed doors have better heat and sound insulation qualities.
  2. The heat and sound insulation properties of PVC windows depend on number of cameras. The more of them are built into the profile, the better the insulating qualities. But the price is also getting higher. For middle zone 2-3 chamber structures are enough. On an unheated loggia, you can limit yourself to one camera. But residents of the northern regions have to order window units with 4-6 cameras.
  3. Glass has also undergone serious modernization. Gaining popularity low emission products, which are saturated with silver atoms. They are characterized by high light transmittance and excellent thermal insulation properties. The flame of a match in such glass has a violet tint.
  4. You shouldn't skimp on this item. plastic window, How accessories. It is, in fact, a consumable material. This primarily concerns tilt-and-turn structures. High-quality handles, curtains and locks will last more than 10 years.
  5. Today, white window blocks no longer attract glamorous society. Some manufacturers, meeting them halfway, produce painted profiles. You can even find wood-look models in a wide range of colors. In this sense, the buyer will have to independently select a window to match the external or internal design of the house.
  6. At the same time as choosing window units for your apartment or house, you should also take care of their installation. Manufacturers often provide a warranty on their windows only if installation is carried out by official representatives. It is also important to read the terms of the warranty, where pitfalls may be hidden. At the same time, it’s worth asking about finishing the slopes; perhaps the company will give you a nice discount when purchasing and installing several windows.

Our review includes the best manufacturers of plastic windows. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

  1. product innovation;
  2. technical specifications;
  3. price policy;
  4. development of the trading network;
  5. expert opinion;
  6. consumer reviews.

Table of advantages and disadvantages of plastic and wooden windows

Window type




Excellent noise and heat insulation

Attractive appearance

Easy to maintain and use

No application required protective coatings



High dependence on installation quality

The difficulty of repairing defects with your own hands

Unique fittings are used

In cold weather, additional insulation is required


Environmental friendliness

High decorative properties

Opportunity self-repair

Any fittings can be used

Good heat and sound insulation

The need to apply and update impregnations and varnishes to protect against atmospheric influences

Requires periodic maintenance

Rating of the best manufacturers of plastic windows

Nomination place Name of product price
The best manufacturers of plastic windows in terms of price-quality ratio 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.7
5 4.6
The best manufacturers of plastic windows in the premium segment 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8
4 4.8
5 4.7
6 4.6
7 4.5
8 4.5
9 4.4

The best manufacturers of plastic windows in terms of price-quality ratio

The average domestic consumer selects plastic windows in the budget or mid-price range for their home. It is worth noting that thanks to the creation of joint production facilities in Russia, windows from leading foreign brands have become available. Experts highly rated the products of the following manufacturers.


Leadership in our ranking was ensured by German company VEKA has several advantages over its competitors. First of all, it is worth noting the dynamic increase in volumes on the Russian market. The company came to our country in 1999, but in such a short time it managed to bypass experienced manufacturers. It was possible to win back part of the domestic market through the use of high-tech equipment, strict control at all stages of production and cooperation with Russian partners.

The logical result was the receipt of the European RAL certificate, which confirms the high quality of the products. Now the company has focused on producing Class A window systems. The entire range is reliably protected from any weather conditions and is suitable for any climate.


    dynamic promotion;

    high-tech production;

    quality products;

    acceptable price.


  • not detected.


One of the most uncompromising competitors for the winner of the rating is the well-known company from Germany Rehau. A large manufacturer has its own laboratories in which new models are developed every day. But only a small part of the samples will be subsequently approved and put into mass production. Therefore, the search for ideal window system designs continues without stopping.

The Rehau company is famous for its well-established production cycle, where each stage is under the supervision of experienced controllers. The dictatorship of technology has made it possible to reduce the defect rate to a minimum. And this led to reduced costs for dismantling, warranty repairs and re-installation. However, maintaining high product quality without reducing prices is not enough to increase sales.


    development and testing of new models;

    strict production discipline;

    low defect rate.


  • high price.


Another German manufacturer KBE boasts the most affordable prices. The company focuses on the wallet of the average Russian buyer, maintaining good quality profiles. The range of window systems is also very diverse. The company offers windows both for buyers in the southern regions and for residents of the Far North. To reduce the final price of the window profile, KBE organized a full production cycle in Russia. Therefore, the low price applies not only to the profile, but also to the fittings.

Experts gave the manufacturer only third place in the rating for flaws in Russian-assembled windows. First of all, this concerns the quality of the plastic, which turns yellow over time.


    thoughtful pricing policy;

    wide range of windows;

    standard quality of products from Germany.


  • Low quality plastic for Russian windows.

Affordable prices and full adaptation to Russian climatic conditions are offered to the buyer by the Austrian manufacturer Proplex. Experts highly appreciate the quality of plastic, which is durable and reliable. Over time, the PVC profile does not turn yellow, its technical parameters also remain unchanged. Therefore, the manufacturer has many clients who install windows in apartments and private houses.

The company’s outdated appearance of window profiles did not allow it to reach the top three in the company’s rating. On the one hand, this allows you to keep the price low. But many potential buyers, having evaluated the design of the windows, prefer other manufacturers. In addition, Proplex does not have an international quality certificate, which prevents the promotion of products outside of Russia.



    plastic strength;

    PVC does not turn yellow over time.


    outdated design;

    There is no international quality certificate.

The oldest European manufacturer of plastic windows is the German company Trocal. The first PVC profiles were produced back in 1954. Since then, production facilities have been updated and improved more than once. Experts consider the advantages of windows from this company to be unique strength, rigidity and resistance to deformation. The design of the window units does not cause any complaints from users. The entire model range is distinguished by a certain sophistication, which is rare among budget systems. Overall, the company deservedly makes it into our rating.

In reviews, consumers point out a number of minor shortcomings. It was they who did not allow the manufacturer to rise higher. Ice formation is observed at -17°C, and hooks for mosquito nets are not reliable.


    deep historical roots;

    strength and reliability;

    exquisite design.


    unreliable fittings;

    poor window adjustment.

The best manufacturers of plastic windows in the premium segment

Premium plastic windows demonstrate the best indicators of reliability, durability, heat and sound insulation. Their purchase is justified not only for the construction and renovation of offices or administrative buildings, but also for the construction of private houses. The best manufacturers in this segment today are the following companies.

The Russian company MONTBLANC is a relatively young player in the domestic market. But over ten years of activity, the manufacturer managed to create 2 large modern enterprises and its own scientific base. Thanks to modern technology and the high quality of raw materials results in products whose durability reaches 60 years. MONTBLANC windows are distinguished by their elegant appearance, the profile and glazing beads have rounded corners. The Russian brand boasts a developed dealer network, which allows it to expand its customer base.

The consumer is offered 7 different profiles, each of them is designed for specific climatic conditions. Despite the lack of a quality certificate according to the international ISO standard, the company deservedly becomes the winner of the rating.


    modern production;

    own scientific base;

    recognizable appearance;

    affordable price.


  • no ISO quality certificate.

One of largest producers The Belgian concern Deceuninck is considered to be the leading manufacturer of plastic windows in the world. It was founded in 1937 and in terms of popularity, the European manufacturer compares favorably with Russian brands. Today the company is one of the TOP 3 in the global PVC window market. A joint production was created in Russia, which managed to receive a prestigious award for the development of a new double-glazed window "Favorite Space". One of the main advantages of Deceuninck window systems is the availability of quality certificates of international standards. But reverse side coins have become a high level of product prices, which significantly limits their use in Russia.

Experts gave the Belgian-Russian manufacturer second place for introducing a budget line of windows into its product range. But so far they are inferior to competitors, both in design and quality.


    high quality Belgian windows;

    development of new profiles;

    availability of an international certificate.


  • high price.

The Austrian company Plafen is also among the top three manufacturers of premium-level plastic windows. The quality of double-glazed windows from this company suits the most picky buyers. There are 5 categories in the catalog that have letter designation. But the main feature of the manufacturer was the decoration of profiles for various types of wood. This move made it possible to give the windows a more expensive look, and it became easier to choose the right color for the interior. The durability of Plafen products is at least 60 years; with high-quality installation, consumers do not report freezing or drafts.

Many buyers are put off by the high cost of window systems, so the Austrian manufacturer focuses on selling windows to Russian businesses.


    wide range of models;

    exclusive design;

    durability over 60 years.


    has to be adjusted periodically;

    high price.

Close to the top three in the ranking is the famous German brand Salamander. Window units from this manufacturer are among the best in the world. Neither experts nor consumers have any complaints about the quality of the products. The profile has a 5-year guarantee, and the durability of the windows is more than 40 years. The entire line features a snow-white glossy surface. It was the PVC recipe that became the manufacturer’s calling card. Over time, the plastic does not fade or turn yellow. Since there are no micropores on the surface, the windows are not afraid of dust or smoke.

The only drawback that did not allow the company to rise higher in the ranking was big number clones Counterfeit products are made in a homemade way, which is why the buyer has a high probability of installing a fake in his home.


    environmentally friendly materials;

    perfect whiteness and gloss;

    ease of care.


  • a large number of clone companies.

The emergence of the Samara Window Constructions company was facilitated by the German concern Profine. Joint production has been organized in Russia since 1999. SOK uses all the developments of the famous European concern, which has own production under the KBE brand. Samara windows have a good level of reliability; they can serve for a long time correct installation. Experts consider the company promising in terms of development, as the range of profiles and customer base is constantly growing. The company actively cooperates with other manufacturers of window systems.


    European profile developments;

    reliability and durability;

    acceptable price.


  • plastic turns yellow after several years of use.

WDS (Window Door Systems)

Not long ago, plastic windows under the WDS (Window Door Systems) brand appeared on the Russian market. A young Ukrainian company organized the production of PVC profiles in 2006, and now is persistently promoting its products in the vast expanses of the former Soviet Union. The company deliberately set out to develop the markets of its neighbors, knowing well the climate and financial capabilities of the people. The quality of the windows was highly appreciated by experts and consumers, calling them the most durable.

WDS offers a good range, which is represented on the domestic market in 6 series. Each of them has a unique design, while they are easy to install and operate. The low position in the ranking is due to the limited distribution network. So far, the coverage area does not extend beyond the Moscow region and its adjacent regions.


    strength and reliability;

    thoughtful pricing policy;

    wide model range.


    underdeveloped dealer network;

    the valves need to be adjusted.

The Panorama company has quite a long history of production and sales on the Russian market. The manufacturer from St. Petersburg has been offering consumers high-quality PVC profiles for 16 years. Experts note the optimal combination of rigidity, appearance, noise and heat insulation. 5- and 6-chamber windows provide special comfort in a house or apartment. At the same time, the manufacturer manages to offer customers reasonable prices. It should also be noted that the company works in accordance with the requirements of the concept of “Environmental friendliness and safety”.

So far, sales volume is limited by a passive marketing policy. The company's servicemen are not known for their efficiency, but to find out about technical specifications windows, consumers have to independently extract information from consultants.


    high quality profile;

    good noise and heat insulation;

    environmentally friendly materials.


    poor product promotion;

    lack of information about technical parameters.

The Russian company Kaleva stands out from its competitors with its full production cycle. Prompt production of windows allows us to reduce the time the client waits for his order. In addition, the manufacturer independently develops new designs for PVC windows. The number of representative offices of the company has exceeded 80, including the capital and regional centers. Experts note that employees are focused on comfortable service clients.

Despite the fact that the quality of plastic windows from the Russian company Krauss is quite high high level, the brand closes our rating. Experts note the manufacturer’s bias towards the southern regions of the country. Perhaps the specialization of PVC windows for warm climates is explained by the location of the production site (Krasnodar). Narrow specialization does not allow the company to demonstrate a variety of profiles. It is worth noting the use in production environmentally friendly materials, therefore the products meet the requirements of the international safety standard.

The thin seal somewhat spoils the overall impression of window systems. Users note that over time, dust accumulates and drafts form. The problem can be solved by replacing the sealing elements.



    windows are only suitable for warm climates;

    short-lived seal.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

No one will refute the truth that in our latitudes good windows in an apartment or house have important. Many buyers are misled by the apparent simplicity of the designs. It is believed that there is nothing particularly complicated about plastic windows - a regular frame, glass, a simple locking mechanism. There are differences between window designs and are often quite significant.

Available significant differences windows from different manufacturers. In the last 2 decades, PVC structures have become popular. Profiles made of polyvinyl chloride vary in material quality, uniformity, thickness, and width. There are a number of other parameters that the manufacturer of high-quality windows takes into account - we will discuss them in the further description. In this review we will look at the top manufacturers, best windows pvc in 2019-2020.

Which PVC windows are best to choose?

First of all, it should be noted that high-quality material for PVC profiles has a smooth structure without roughness or graininess, has a uniform color, no odor or irregularities. Polyvinyl chloride is resistant to moisture, chemicals (solvents, acids, oils), and temperature changes. High-quality PVC is harmless to environment and people. The best PVC profiles are resistant to the adverse effects of high and low temperatures, and are not subject to deformation or discoloration.

A high-quality profile does not change shape due to metal reinforcement. Such products provide reliable thermal insulation and have good sound insulation properties. In addition to heat conservation and sound insulation, plastic windows can perform other functions: protection from heat and bright sunlight, protection from burglary. In the first case, glass tinting is used during the manufacturing process; in the second option, tempering and reinforcement are used.

Due to the presence of many companies on the market, buyers often do not know which PVC windows are better. Experts recommend choosing designs not only by brand or cost, but also by personal preferences. It’s also not worth relying on the quality of products with a low price and from an unknown company.

Criterias of choice

When choosing plastic windows, you should pay attention to particularly significant indicators: the number of double-glazed windows and air chambers in the profile, the thickness and width of the profile, the quality of fittings and seals. On the question - which PVC window profiles are better. The normal profile width to ensure thermal insulation and silence is at least 50 millimeters. The best samples have a width from 58 to 70 millimeters. In northern and very noisy areas, wider

The thickness of the profile for residential premises must be at least 2.5 millimeters (internal walls) and 2.8 millimeters (external walls). Thinner walls have lower thermal insulation and noise insulation properties. The optimal number of air chambers in the profile is from three to eight units. The more cameras, the better.

Experts do not recommend choosing ordinary glass. Nowadays, double-glazed windows are produced with fire-resistant, laminated glass (virtually unbreakable). Samples are produced with a special coating for reflection sun rays. Reputable companies do not skimp on the quality of fittings. Good locking and locking devices - no less an important part in plastic windows. Silicone and rubber are used as good sealants. These materials do not deform and are durable. Rubber seals less durable and much cheaper.

The best manufacturers

There are many large companies and small firms. It is difficult for a buyer to choose a specific brand. The quality and cost of products vary greatly. The world's main manufacturers of quality windows:

  • Veka;
  • Kommerling;
  • Deceuninck;
  • Rehau;
  • Montblanc;
  • Salamander;
  • LG Chem;
  • Schuko;
  • Kaleva;

There are a lot of small, little-known companies. The quality of products is difficult to verify. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to focus on reputable brands.

The best plastic PVC windows

The review includes plastic windows taking into account functional features, demand and customer reviews. The list was compiled after analyzing the characteristics and properties of structures. The popularity of the brand, competitive qualities and cost of the products were also taken into account.

Profile of the popular brand Rehau

Average cost - 9500 rubles

In Russia, the German brand “Rehau” produces high-quality plastic windows with a high degree of wear resistance. "Rehau" is one of the leaders in sales in the world. The company's products are manufactured in many countries and have international certificates of quality, safety and compliance.

Many profile models are installed in children's and medical institutions. Defects in production are excluded due to absolute control on the part of the company’s management and specialists. The service life of Rehau window structures is 50-60 years.

Rehau profile production companies produce several types of multi-chamber and simple high-tech window structures. The profile material of German developers can be used for the production of non-standard windows. Company profiles differ in characteristics, dimensions and parameters.

Main types of profiles: Delight Design (70 millimeters, 5 chambers), Rehau Brillant Design (width 70-80 millimeters, 5-6 chambers), Geneo (width 86 millimeters, 6 chambers), Euro Design (60 millimeters, 3 chambers), Intelio (86 mm, 6 cameras), Blitz (60 mm, 3 cameras), Sib Design (70 mm, 3 cameras and a thermal block of 5 cameras).

  1. Brillant Design is a premium profile. The material has improved characteristics in terms of sound insulation and heat saving. Air impermeability and moisture protection are provided by 2 types of sealing. Locking mechanisms provide increased protection against burglary. The thickness of the glass unit is more than 40 millimeters.
  2. The budget version of the Blitz profile has good parameters for maintaining heat even in severe frosts. The design has locking mechanisms against burglary, 2 types of seals to ensure air tightness and protection from moisture.
  3. The Sib Design profile is suitable for the Russian climate zone. The structures provide excellent thermal protection (2 types of seals), the possibility of installing a glass unit thicker than standard option, waterproof, have locking mechanisms against burglary.
  4. The Geneo profile is a new development by German specialists. High heat-shielding properties are provided by composite fiber material. The product is lightweight due to the material used instead of heavy steel elements. The design provides excellent sound insulation - 50 decibels, has locking mechanisms against burglary, 2 types of seals, and a convection limiter.
  5. The budget version of the Euro Design profile provides reliable protection from cold, dampness, burglary. The design includes: 2 types of seals, locking mechanisms against burglary, and decorative wood-look film.


  • big choice structures;
  • all structures are burglar-resistant;
  • sealants against dampness;
  • availability of guarantee.


  • High price.

High quality Salamander profile

Average cost - 26,000 rubles

The profile from the German brand “Salamander” (company “Salamander GmbH Industrie-Produkte”) is produced in Germany. The subsidiaries produce windows under the name “Brugmann”. The company produces a wide range of profiles with different parameters and characteristics. Windows are available in colored and white versions.

There is a choice from single-chamber to six-chamber profiles. Types of profiles: Streamline (width 76 millimeters, 6 chambers), Design 3D (width 76 millimeters, 4-5 chambers), Design 2D (width 60 millimeters, 3-4 chambers), bluEvolution category A (width 92 millimeters, 3 seals, 5-6 cameras, glass unit 60 millimeters). Average noise insulation properties - up to 46 decibels. The durability of the products in conventional years is 45 years. Factory warranty - 5 years, for accessories - 10 years.

Guaranteed frost resistance - up to -55 degrees. Salamander designs include anti-burglary mechanisms (resistance RC2), high-quality seals with resistance to heavy rains of class 9A, resistance to wind loads of class B4-C4.


  • Internal and external quality of the material;
  • quality is controlled by company representatives;
  • Beautiful design;
  • long warranty period and post-warranty service;
  • different color solutions;
  • Excellent heat protection, waterproof, sound insulation.


  • Very expensive profile.

KBE profile

Average cost - 7800 rubles

The German quality of the KBE brand was highly appreciated by buyers from Russia. The products are competitive in terms of thermal insulation, protection from moisture, wind, sound insulation and cost. The products have ISO quality and compliance certificates.

The company produces the following products: KBE 88 (width 88 mm, 6 cameras), KBE Expert + (width 127 mm, 5 cameras), KBE Select (width 70 mm, 5 cameras), Engine (width 58 mm, 3 cameras), Etalon ( width 58 millimeters, 3 cameras), KBE Expert (width 70 millimeters, 5 cameras), KBE Energy (width 70 millimeters, 3 cameras), KBE Etalon(width 58 mm, 3 cameras), KBE Extra (width 127 mm, 5 cameras), KBE Balance (width 70 mm, 3 cameras), KBE Elita (width 70 mm, 5 cameras).

Guaranteed frost resistance - from -40 to -65 degrees. Average noise insulation properties - up to 48 decibels. KBE products are supplied from Germany and manufactured at Russian factories. The durability of products in conventional years is 50 years.


  • Long service life;
  • good quality/cost ratio;
  • excellent properties (moisture resistance, thermal insulation, noise protection);
  • a large assortment;
  • manufacturer's warranty.


  • No deficiencies found.

Montblanc profile

Average cost - 7900 rubles

The Extrusion STL company operates under the Montblanc brand and produces standard and premium profiles. In production, high-quality primary polyvinyl chloride made in Germany (Vinolit) is used, which is considered an environmentally friendly and fireproof material.

The concern has a large dealer network and several factories in Europe and in the former Soviet republics. The products are beautiful, easy to use, and thoughtfully designed. Glossy rounded profile shapes are easy to clean. There is a wide color range of products, quality and ISO compliance certificates.

The line of designs includes several basic models: Grand 80 (80 mm wide, 6 cameras), City 120 (120 mm wide, 5 cameras), Termo 60 (60 mm wide, 5 cameras), Nord 70 (70 mm wide, 5 chambers), Eco 60 (width 60 millimeters, 3 chambers, thermal protection class B2),

Quardo 70 (width 70 millimeters, 4 cameras), Logic (width 58 millimeters, 3 cameras). The average sound insulation properties of the profile are up to 49 decibels.


  • Good value quality and cost;
  • there are no sharp corners in the models;
  • quality of material and workmanship;
  • reliable fittings of European quality;
  • durability (60 years);
  • a wide range of;
  • reliable noise and heat insulation;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • possibility of use in different climatic zones;
  • fire safety.


  • No deficiencies found.

Veka profile

Average cost - 9600 rubles

The profile under the Veka brand is produced in Germany and Russia. The company has an extensive dealer network and a number of subsidiaries. The product quality is very high. The Veka profile is characterized by increased environmental safety, improved thermal insulation, noise insulation, burglary protection. The Veka profile has the RAL quality mark (Germany), international certificates of conformity and ISO quality. The durability of products in conventional years is more than 40 years.

In the production of window structures, energy-saving, soundproof and standard double-glazed windows are used. PVC does not turn yellow or fade. High-quality seals do not dry out in hot weather and do not freeze in freezing cold. The line of designs includes several basic models: Proline (width 70 millimeters, 4 chambers), Alphline (width 90 millimeters, 6 chambers), Softline (width 70 millimeters, 5 chambers), Euroline (width 58 millimeters, 3 chambers), Softline 82 (width 70 millimeters, 6-7 chambers), Swigline (width 82 millimeters, 5 chambers).


  • High quality material and workmanship;
  • a large assortment;
  • certificates of conformity, quality marks;
  • suitable for all climatic zones of Russia;
  • diversity color range;
  • environmentally friendly material.


  • A bit overpriced.

Profile Kaleva

Average cost - 10,000 rubles

Kaleva products are highly reliable and simple in appearance. The company produces balcony and sliding doors, plastic windows in the usual version(PVC) and combined, four, double-glazed windows. The company specializes in the production of high-quality structures for loggias and balconies. In the production of products, the company uses high-quality material of Austrian origin, which does not fade or deform under the influence of frost and heat.

The line of designs includes several basic models: Kaleva Deco (width 70 millimeters, 5-6 chambers), Kaleva Design (width 70 millimeters, 4 chambers), Kaleva Standard (width 70 millimeters, 4 chambers), Kaleva Design+ (width 70 millimeters , 4-5 chambers), Kaleva Vita (width 70 millimeters, 4 chambers). The product line includes classic and designer options.

The company independently produces a series of designs in different types: trapezoidal, polygonal, rectangular, triangular. The products are distinguished by a variety of devices: tilt-and-slide, rotary, tilt-and-turn, folding. Protection against deformation and tightness is ensured by gluing triplex into the double-glazed window. The average sound insulation properties of the profile are up to 38 decibels.


  • Attractive design;
  • good quality of material and workmanship;
  • variety of mechanisms and forms.


  • Slightly overpriced.

Profile Deceuninck

Average cost - 10,800 rubles

The Deceuninck Group company, under the Belgian brand Deceuninck, is one of the leaders in the production of high-quality PVC profiles. The concern's factories are open throughout Europe and Russia. The company's products can withstand very low temperatures - down to -60 degrees. No harmful substances are used in production. Elastic seals are resistant to the adverse effects of sunlight, moisture, and frost.

Deceuninck products have international ISO certificates of conformity and quality. The line of designs includes several basic models: Eforte (width 84 millimeters, 6 chambers), Forward (width 60 millimeters, 3 chambers), Favorite Space (width 76 millimeters, 6 chambers), Bautek (width 71 millimeters, 3 chambers), Favorite (width 71 millimeters, 5 chambers). The seals do not freeze in severe frosts and do not dry out in hot weather. The durability of products in conventional years is more than 40 years.


  • Value for money;
  • variety of innovative systems, mechanisms and forms;
  • high quality material;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • good thermal insulation at very low temperatures;
  • safety;
  • a large assortment;
  • functionality;
  • Beautiful design.


No deficiencies found.
