Which hair extension is better? Choose and change for the better! Hair extensions Best hair extensions

If you have no idea, then you are doing it in vain. Hair extensions provide such an opportunity to experiment with your appearance. And there is more than one technology for carrying out the hair lengthening procedure. But which is the safest, most inconspicuous and effective, it’s worth understanding in detail.

Background or how to prepare for the procedure

If you're determined to make your short hair long, there are a few more things you need to do before deciding which hair extension is best.

You must be aware that such a procedure gives a temporary effect. And after that, you will need to remove the false curls and restore your own, which will still be damaged to a greater or lesser extent.

To avoid disastrous consequences, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Choose a salon and specialist carefully and responsibly. When choosing a master, you will be helped by reviews from clients who have already been “in his hands.” Your appearance depends on your professional qualities.
  2. Be sure to visit the specialist who will perform it before the planned procedure. He will give you detailed recommendations after assessing the condition of your hair. And in general, it will answer the question - can you carry out extensions at the moment or should you wait a bit.
  3. If your hair is shorter than 10 cm, then the best thing is to wait a little for it to grow. It is unlikely that a specialist will undertake extensions of such length. It will be very difficult to secure false curls, and any extension technology will not give the desired effect.
  4. 2-3 weeks before the planned procedure, you need to carefully care for your native hair, using nourishing and oil masks. A specialist will also help you choose the right products.
  5. Immediately before extensions, you need to wash your hair with shampoo for oily hair, regardless of your type, and do not use any nourishing or emollient products. This way, the adhesion of artificial strands to your natural hair will be stronger, which will make it possible to injure it less while caring for a new hairstyle.

Only after this can you choose the best extension.

Extension methods, their advantages and disadvantages

Hair extensions can be done in different ways. The most important thing is to choose the one that least traumatizes your own, minimally affects their structure and does not “spoil” the follicle. “Your life after extensions” will depend on this.

There are several ways to carry out the procedure:

  • hot;
  • cold.

They are also divided into subspecies, which have their own characteristics. Based on the reviews of those who have already had hair extensions, you can choose a method for yourself:

  • Hot capsule technology is a method in which curls are attached to the base of your own hair using special tools that heat a capsule with cosmetic resin. Among the advantages are the possibility of extensions for short haircuts and the least noticeable “joints” that make your hairstyle natural. But as a disadvantage, let’s add severe trauma to the follicle and the need to find a super-professional. Only such a master will be able to do the procedure correctly and not deprive you of your natural hair.
  • Italian extensions are also a hot technology, but with a lower temperature regime used when attaching artificial curls. Reviews say that the procedure is less traumatic for the follicles, but the effect is almost the same as the previous one. Among the disadvantages are the sufficient length of your own hair (at least 15 cm), more noticeable capsules in the hair, especially dark ones. When combing over time, hair extensions may fall out of such a capsule.
  • Cold capsule extension is a technology that involves attaching extension strands to resin capsules, but without exposure to excessive heat. The special resin softens when exposed to oxygen and hardens in a few minutes. But with this hairstyle, you can’t go to the sauna, go to the beach without a hat, or use hair dryers too often. Absolutely not suitable for short hair!
  • Japanese (Korean) technology – extension using metal beads. The method is quite simple, but traumatic, since it puts extra stress on the natural hair, the metal oxidizes over time from exposure to water and detergents, and the beads themselves are quite noticeable in the hairstyle, especially after a certain time. Reviews about this extension are different - immediately after the procedure everything is fine, but after 2-3 weeks the hairstyle becomes inconvenient.
  • Tape technology is one of the simplest and most affordable in terms of price-quality ratio. And the appearance of the hairstyle is very impressive. The method involves attaching small (about 4 cm) strands of hair to special tape. The adhesive base is harmless to the scalp and hair. The advantages include the relative “speed” of the procedure, the absence of temperature effects, and the ease of correction. The downside is that as you grow your own hair, the joints become noticeable, which means correction is required more often. This technology is not suitable for short hair. When combing, artificial locks may fall out.
  • False locks are the simplest technology that you can choose even for home use. The strands are attached to special clips near the head, and the joints are masked with natural hair. This is an ideal option for a radical change of image “for one evening.” This hairstyle will hardly last longer. A significant plus is the almost complete absence of negative effects on the follicles and hair structure.
  • For fine hair, ultrasonic extensions are recommended. This is a capsule extension technology, similar to hot. But the keratin capsule is melted not by heat, but by ultrasonic influence, which minimizes the effect on the hair and its roots. The hairstyle becomes voluminous, fluffy and thicker. But your native fine hairs practically do not suffer. In addition, this method is recommended not only for those with thin hair, although it costs accordingly, which is a disadvantage.

There are a dozen hair extension technologies. But most often they use the hot capsule or cold tape method. Let's figure out how they differ and which extension is better.

Capsule hair extensions

Italian (capsule) extensions are the most popular way to increase hair length. In this technique, the strands are attached to the roots with keratin resin, which is heated with thermal tongs. A small transparent capsule is formed, almost invisible. The extension requires an average of 150 strands and the process takes about three hours.

The average cost of capsule extensions is 15 thousand rubles.

Advantages of capsule extensions:

  • You can wear capsule extensions for up to six months, then correction is required.
  • The fastening of the strands is almost invisible, which allows
  • Hair can be extended pointwise in the necessary places: on the bangs, parting, temples.
  • The hair on the capsules is easy to care for and is easy to wash and comb.

Disadvantages of capsule extensions:

  • At the moment the capsule is cauterized, natural hair suffers due to high temperature.
  • The strands on the capsules overload your own hair, causing it to thin and fall out.
  • The oilier the scalp, the faster the capsules will break down. You should also not apply masks or balms to them.
  • Capsules should be protected from high temperatures: carefully style your hair with a curling iron and iron, protect from the sun and wear a cap in the bathhouse and sauna.

Verdict: Capsule extensions are suitable for long-term wear. It is better to choose Slavic hair - it retains a well-groomed appearance for a long time.

Tape hair extensions

For cold tape extensions, strands up to four centimeters wide are used, along the edge of which adhesive tape is applied. Your own hair is laid between two strands and secured at the top and bottom with a sticky layer. The extension requires 60 strands, and the whole process takes no more than an hour.

The average cost of tape extensions is 10 thousand rubles.

Advantages of tape extensions:

  • The hair is not subjected to heat treatment during the process, so it suffers less.
  • The strands on the ribbons create an even load and do not cause your own hair to fall out.
  • The glue does not dissolve from heat and water: you can swim in the pool.
  • The extensions are quick to perform and easy to remove.

Disadvantages of tape extensions:

  • Correction is required after two months.
  • Ribbons can be noticeable, especially if you style your hair.
  • The wide attachment of the strands makes it difficult to wash and comb your hair.
  • Alcohol-containing products (for example, styling products) can dissolve the adhesive.

Verdict: Tape extensions are more suitable for short-term wear. For example, if you or for your birthday.

How to avoid the unpleasant consequences of hair extensions

Trichologists believe that there is no safe hair extension. Over time, any method leads to weakening, brittleness and loss of your own hair. Therefore, it is important to give your hair rest and...

  • When washing, you should not tilt your head forward - this will injure your hair and lead to the formation of tangles. Daily washing quickly wears out the capsules and tapes.
  • You need to comb your hair with a natural bristle brush without balls at the ends, so as not to damage the fasteners.
  • Protect your hair from tangling: before going to bed, be sure to dry it and braid it in a loose braid.
  • Do not touch the fastenings of the strands when styling with a hairdryer, iron or curling iron. Thermal protection and styling cannot be applied to capsules and tapes.

Which hair extensions to choose

Natural hair that has undergone special treatment is used for extensions. It is important to initially choose strands that are as similar in color and texture as your own, because otherwise they may be difficult to dye and style.

Slavic hair. The highest quality and most expensive. Delivered from Russia, Ukraine or Belarus. The hair is subjected to gentle treatment and an even cuticle is maintained. Such strands can be dyed, curled and straightened - they will not lose their presentable appearance. Suitable for constant wear, service life - at least a year.

European hair. They are of average quality, often of Indian and Latin American origin. The strands are treated with acid and silicone, partially or completely removing the top scaly layer. This kind of hair is coarse, difficult to style and often gets tangled. They retain their beautiful appearance for up to six months.

Asian hair. The cheapest, but of low quality. Delivered from China and Korea. During production, the top layer of hair is completely cleaned off, then sanded and coated with silicone. Such strands quickly lose their shine, become tangled, break, and cannot withstand painting and styling. Will last for several months.

Hair extensions are now at the peak of popularity. But naturalness is also in fashion, so extensions should be as unnoticeable as possible. Many famous personalities have long resorted to this method of creating a spectacular image. For example, Olga Buzova, Anastasia Reshetova, Nita Kuzmina and many, many others.

When thinking about the procedure, every girl experiences fear that her own hair will suffer from this. But in fact, in good studios, a competent hairdresser will only emphasize your natural beauty without harming the health of your hair. I will dispel the most popular myths. So, let's go!

1. It's long

Yes, in many studios and with many hairdressers, the extension procedure takes several hours, and sometimes the whole day. In our studio - on average 1 hour! Speed: 100 strands in half an hour. It's simple: extensive experience in this field allows you to speed up the process. More than 10 people can visit the HairWoman studio per day, and over eight years of work we have accumulated several thousand satisfied clients.

2. It hurts

It often happens that when the capsule is formed, keratin flows in and the capsule scratches the scalp. Our capsules are small and neat. No numb keratin.

Sometimes there is still severe tightness at the roots. We have even rows and capsules at some distance from the head.

3. Hair loss

Of course, an inexperienced hairdresser can cause the capsules to fall out along with their hair. Therefore, you need to carefully choose a master. Many of our clients have been doing extensions for years, and their hair is just growing. For example, Nita Kuzmina, who has been our regular client for seven years. She recently showed a photo on her Instagram without hair extensions, showing her gorgeous hair, onto which we attach as many as 250 strands!

4. Looks unnatural

It all depends on the artist, the hair and the correct volume. There are several types of hair, of which the best is exclusive children's hair. They are more expensive than others, but it is impossible to find better quality. Not every beauty salon has them, but we have a large selection and very low prices.

5. Capsules harm your hair

Contrary to popular belief, we confidently declare: hot capsule extensions are the safest method of all! When using tape extensions, hairs may break off along the edges of a wide tape. It also often happens that when removed, glue remains on the hair, which has to be combed off, which again can lead to damage.

Hollywood used to be called simply - afro extension. It is ideal for African American women with their coarse, curly hair. A tight braid is braided and a hair tress is sewn to it. You understand how uncomfortable the client feels during the first couple of weeks. And it’s very difficult to dry your hair in a braid after washing it. Now just imagine what happens after wearing it for several months!

With the cold capsule method, it is difficult to break and painlessly remove the adhesive capsule, while the keratin capsule, which turns into powder when removed, can be removed without difficulty. In addition, the harm from the touch of hot tongs is the same as from just straightening with an iron (not over all the hair, but only half a centimeter). As a result, there are no creases or any other damage left.

Benefits of HairWoman:

  • small capsules without stiffened keratin,
  • we monitor the quality of hair and give a guarantee,
  • large selection of “children’s Slavyanka”,
  • high speed of work,
  • low prices,
  • versatility (we can do coloring, various treatments, styling, eyelashes, eyebrows, makeup, manicure, pedicure, hair removal and massage),
  • discount or gift on every next visit.

And remember: the image begins with the hair!

An increasing number of women, dreaming of having long, chic curls, are turning to hair extensions. The modern beauty industry does not stand still, it is developing and every year offers an increasing number of techniques that contribute to the artificial lengthening of strands. Today there are more than a dozen such methods. A variety of reviews, expert advice, recommendations from friends - all this makes your head spin and makes the choice quite difficult. To figure out which hair extensions are best, you need to have information and know the strengths and weaknesses of the available methods. This will allow you to choose the best method.

The hot method of hair extensions can be said to be traumatic: your “native” curls have no chance of remaining unburnt

Hot hair extensions

A very popular method of hair extensions today is hot. It involves attaching artificial strands to natural ones using hot resin. There are two varieties of this technique, each of which can be chosen according to its pros and cons.

Italian technology

When hair extensions are made using Italian technology, resin and special clips are used, which are heated to high temperatures. At the place where the strands are attached, the hot clamps form small capsules.


  • capsules do not interfere with combing;
  • strands do not get tangled;
  • validity period - six months.


  • the high temperature applied to the attachment points burns natural hair, so that its condition worsens after any hot extension procedure;
  • You should not visit hot countries, baths and saunas, where the capsules can melt due to high temperatures, causing the extensions to fall out;
  • the use of thermal tools for hair styling is limited: hair dryer, straightening, curling iron, tongs - for the reason stated above.

This method is best chosen by those who want to provide their locks with the long-lasting effect of long hair and do not overuse going to the bathhouse or using a hairdryer.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

English technology

To attach artificial strands to natural ones, English hair extension technology uses resin and a glue gun. The connection usually occurs in the back of the head through a small ball.


  • this method is better than the Italian one in that the processing temperature of the strands is lower, which means that the procedure as a whole is more gentle;
  • in the area of ​​the back of the head, the attachment points are not visible at all, since they are covered by the main head of hair.


  • very often the strands fall out of the ball: the attachment points using English technology are quite unreliable;
  • exposure to high temperatures is still undesirable for the health of the scalp and the curls themselves;
  • saunas, baths, hot beaches are prohibited; hair dryers, straightening irons and curling irons - too;
  • A glue gun involves the use of glue - a synthetic compound: it is unknown what effect it will have on natural strands.

Which of the hot methods of hair extensions is better is up to you to decide. However, today hairdressers tend to avoid these technologies due to serious damage to natural hair under the influence of high temperatures. Most hairdressers will tell you that the best thing is to choose the cold extension method. At least the hair will remain intact.

Cold hair extensions are safer, but less durable

Cold hair extensions

When choosing which type of strand extension is best, pay especially close attention to the cold method. Its main advantage is that there is no harmful effect on the structure of natural hair (apart from additional heaviness, of course). There are also several technologies within cold extension.


The tape extension method involves the use of a special tape along which artificial strands are attached at an equal distance from each other. The tape is attached at the very roots of the hair with special glue.


  • quickly (the procedure will not take you much time: no more than an hour);
  • inexpensive;
  • the border between the extension and natural curls is completely invisible;
  • Natural strands are not damaged during extensions.


  • The glue on which the tape is attached can cause scalp allergies or damage the roots, since it is essentially a chemical compound developed in laboratory conditions and does not differ in natural composition.

A very convenient and not at all harmful hair extension method, which is much better than those that involve attaching artificial strands directly to natural ones. This is excess weight, which puts serious stress on the hair and roots. This is exactly what happens within the remaining cold extension techniques.


The strands are attached to each other using a special glue, which forms microcapsules at the junction.


  • the glue is light and does not weigh down the hair;
  • damage to natural strands is minimal.


  • the glue used in the Spanish technology of hair extensions is always light in color: accordingly, the capsules it forms on the strands are also light: this does not give brunettes and brown-haired women the opportunity to use this type of procedure;
  • Whatever glue is used to perform this procedure, it is always a chemical mixture, the effect of which on the scalp and the curls themselves is unpredictable.

Metal beads

This type of extension involves the use of metal capsules, which the master selects to match the client’s hair color.


  • natural strands do not come into contact with any chemicals and are not exposed to high temperatures, which means they are not damaged;
  • The capsules are ideally matched to the original pigment of natural hair and are therefore invisible.


  • the metal that is used in this method of hair lengthening, no matter how light it may be, weighs down the natural strands quite heavily. The result is that after using metal beads, hair often begins to fall out profusely.

Metal beads are not used as often as Spanish technology and tape extensions, since this requires sufficient skill and experience from the master.

If you have long dreamed of long hair and are determined to grow it, choose a method based on the current state of your hair.

We draw conclusions: which hair extension is better?

So, which of the modern hair extension techniques is the best? It all depends on your desires: what exactly do you expect from this procedure?

  1. Don't want your scalp and natural curls to be damaged by chemical glue? - Choose metal beads.
  2. Are you afraid of weight gain and, as a result, excessive loss of precious curls? - Spanish cold technology was created just for you.
  3. Are you dreaming of a quick and inexpensive procedure? - - your choice.
  4. Do you need hair, but are you afraid of burning your hair? - Refer to the English method.
  5. Are you focused on long-term results? - Ask for Italian extensions.

There cannot be a direct and unambiguous answer to the question of which hair extension is better. Much depends on the initial condition of the curls and the health of the client in general. For some strands, the tape method will be the best option, for others - the capsule method. Consult with a specialist: the best type of hair extension will be the one that will preserve its integrity as much as possible. Remember: in this matter, not only external efficiency is important, but above all, maintaining the health and integrity of the structure of natural curls.

Girls, having decided to grow their curls, ask: which hair extension is better? There are several techniques that are very popular. To understand which one is more suitable for you than the others, find out what the features of each of them are.

The best hair extensions - a review of the most effective techniques

It is impossible to answer the question unequivocally, which hair extension is the best. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. The best option is selected individually depending on your goals, the desired result, as well as the characteristics of your native curls.

The specialist must assess the condition of your hair and based on this, he will recommend a method that will suit you. If you want to make your own decision to choose the appropriate technique, familiarize yourself with the features of each of them.

Hot or cold equipment?

Many girls will confirm that the best hair extensions are carried out using hot technology. As a result of this procedure, it is possible to provide long-lasting results. The fastenings are strong, but at the same time elastic. There are several varieties of the hot method of lengthening curls. The most popular are English and Italian.

In the English method, resin capsules are used to attach donor strands to natural hair. This technique has a number of disadvantages. In particular, the procedure itself takes quite a long time. In addition, after attaching the strands, they may cause you discomfort for several days due to unusual sensations.

Italian technology is better. It was developed by Italian hairdressers in order to improve the English method. Therefore, this technology is devoid of the disadvantages that are characteristic of the classical English technique.
