How to create an Egyptian style in the interior: design tips and traditional features. Landscape design styles (19 photos): the most famous trends Modern style in the interior

Egypt in the interior

Egypt ... Charming and sometimes repulsive, studied and still not fully known. Egypt attracts tourists from all over the world, and the history of Egypt leaves no one indifferent. Many of those who are fond of the history and culture of Egypt or are simply fascinated by this beautiful country are trying to bring a piece of this African state into the interior of their home. And someone just loves the exotic and therefore draws up his own. Do you also want to create an interior in the spirit of Egyptian traditions? Then our article about Egyptian style and Egyptian motifs in the interior will be of interest to you.

A lot of gold color, which is combined with dark brown, chocolate, black, as well as blue, green. in Egyptian interiors, as well as in Moroccan-style rooms, it is often used for ceiling decoration.

In Egypt, there are many houses with completely white walls inside, because White color- cooling and refreshing, which is important for the hot Egyptian climate.

Egyptian Style Interior Design: Finishing

The choice of finish, of course, should depend on the chosen direction: it can be historical egyptian style , Luxurious Egyptian style with a modern twist or ethnocountry egyptian style . Accordingly, in the first case, it is required to bring the interior as close as possible to the authentic, which means using expensive materials. In the second case, any modern solutions to create styling. Well, ethnocountry is quite simple - less luxury, more textiles and simple household trifles. You can even not buy new furniture, but simply update the old one.

Luxurious interior in Egyptian style: historical and modern. There must be columns with a capital or half-columns - even if they are polyurethane. Columns rarely remain in their original color - white or ivory. As a rule, they are painted in dark or bright light color and painted with floral or geometric patterns. In modern styling, you can do without real columns, and use false columns created by the artist's hand on the walls.

Floral ornaments can dominate the luxurious Egyptian interior - they decorate not only the columns, but also the walls and even the ceiling. Most often, the ornament is made up of images of lotus flowers. It can be, however, grape leaves, and laurel wreaths, and palm branches, etc.

The walls in authentic luxurious Egyptian interiors are made of stone. Creating an interior with Egyptian motifs, you can use artificial large format or porcelain tiles for wall decoration.

However, the walls in an expensive Egyptian interior can be covered with decorative plaster, on top of which a painting can also be applied: floral ornament, Egyptian pyramids, hieroglyphs, etc. Frescoes will decorate the interior and bring luxury features to it. As for Moroccan style in the interior, luxurious Egyptian interiors are characterized by mosaic lining of walls and floors.

Door and window openings in Egyptian interiors (luxurious or simple) should be arched or lancet. Some partitions in Egyptian-style houses are ornately carved lattices of wood. In the bedroom, you can put the same patterned screens.

Walls under the ceiling, as well as openings, can be decorated with paintings and borders with geometric ornaments in the Egyptian style. Both columns and openings can be painted in stripes.

For anyone Egyptian style interior the presence of arched and lancet wall niches is characteristic. Niches can be illuminated and figurines placed in them.

Expensive Egyptian-style interiors have a lot of stucco. Polyurethane home decor is also suitable, these can be moldings, cornices, corners, etc. A stucco rosette in the shape of a lotus flower adorns the ceiling. Instead, you can hang a lotus-shaped chandelier in the center - it will be very good decision. The joints of the ceiling and walls, the ceilings and the top of the walls are decorated with other stucco elements with floral motifs. At the same time, stucco molding (or polyurethane home decor) is often not white, but painted - for example, in the color of bronze.

Quite in the spirit of the Egyptian style, the ceiling imitating the night starry sky is especially suitable for a bedroom, a nursery, a living room.

Ethnic country interior in Egyptian style. By creating such , you can just paint the walls and in one of suitable colors. Instead of painting, you can use straw wallpaper or wallpaper that imitates papyrus.

The presence of niches in the walls is very desirable. Some partitions can be made rack. The ceiling can also be wooden rack.

A minimum of decor, the absence of columns and stucco. A little wall or ceiling painting will make the interior brighter and less ascetic. The simplicity of finishing is leveled by a large number of textile rugs and bedspreads.

Photo: Ekaterina/Lori Photobank

Floors in both luxurious and simple Egyptian interiors preferably tiled - it is worth giving preference to tiles under the stone.

Egyptian style kitchen. Designer: Oksana Khmelevskaya

Egyptian style in the interior: furniture

The furniture is massive and heavy. In the bedroom a large bed, which, as a rule, has a canopy with two to four columns or a wooden cornice.

The legs of tables and chairs can be in the shape of animal paws. Cushioned furniture and some other furniture (chest of drawers, tables, etc.), typical of Egyptian interiors, is covered with leather.

Wicker, rack and patterned carved furniture will be appropriate. You can put one or more chests in the bedroom.

Egyptian style interior:

textiles, decor, accessories

The main fabrics are linen, cotton, fine wool. Lots of fabrics embroidered with gold thread. Bedspreads and curtains can be with an ornamental print in the Egyptian style. You can give preference to textiles in a wide strip.

Accessories can be made in the Egyptian theme - a table clock in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid, a planter with Egyptian ornaments, an ashtray in the shape of a scarab beetle, etc. By the way, other interior items can also be made in the form of an Egyptian pyramid - for example, a table, a fireplace, a bed canopy, etc. Suitable decor items: souvenirs from Egypt wall panels under the papyrus, figurines of the head of the sphinx, scarab, pharaohs.

Egyptian style in interior design it is, first of all, pharaohs and high priests, this is a feeling of prosperity and luxury of an ancient civilization.

The civilization of Ancient Egypt is one of the most famous, but still not fully solved, not revealing all its secrets. Ancient Egypt created a unique culture, which even today, after millennia, makes one freeze in admiration before the power of the human mind, the power of talent and skill.

Distinctive features of the Egyptian style in interior design

In ancient Egyptian temples, the walls were evenly filled with ornaments and hieroglyphs, however, for living quarters, a laconic border under the ceiling of flowers and leaves of lotus, papyrus, reeds, palm trees, arrows, stylized as Sun rays.

Arches and false columns with a capital in the shape of a palm tree or papyrus, a blue ceiling with golden stars will create the illusion of the temple of Amun-Ra (the god of the sun), as contemporaries of the pyramids saw it.

The use of hieroglyphs is another significant feature style. It is interesting that Egyptian sculpture is often very realistic, and painting is conditional, because it does not know the laws of perspective.

Primary colors

The most preferred colors in this style are: light yellow, ivory, ocher, beige, as Egypt is a country of sun and sand.

To decorate objects and decor, a few bright colors: red, yellow, green, blue, black. The color range of the ancient Egyptians was limited, as they used paints of natural origin, which did not mix with each other, but were applied in a “pure” form. Gold is widely used in the interior, giving the impression of the luxury of pharaoh's palaces.

Egyptian style decor in interior design

Colored sculptures, bas-reliefs, paintings and mosaics, carvings and inlaid furniture - all using Egyptian symbols will recreate the spirit of an ancient era in a modern interior. The wall paintings and textiles contain a characteristic Egyptian ornament, in which the strict geometric stripes and zigzags coexist with graceful lotus silhouettes and vine-like curves. The highlight is decorations in the form of the head of a sphinx, a ureus snake, a scarab beetle, a hawk with outstretched wings. Large lamps and stalks of papyrus and reeds in floor lamps complete the look. ceramic vases. The symbolism of Ancient Egypt is numerous and varied, you can take from it those images that best suit your worldview and the nature of the interior. Stylized dishes and utensils, paintings on papyrus, animal figurines, floor vases will also serve as elements of creating an Egyptian-style interior.


Egyptian style furniture is caskets and caskets of ebony, inlaid ivory, green and blue malachite, turquoise and lapis lazuli, stools with animal hoof legs carved from whole elephant tusks

Furniture color - dark, material - ebony, yew, cedar. In the decoration of furniture, the Egyptians often used bright, clean colors, characteristic of that era.

Floor, ceiling and walls

As floor covering the rich ancient Egyptians used marble, stone and even gold and silver slabs. Modern materials allow without special costs imitate ancient luxury. Are appropriate on the floor and carpets with Egyptian ornaments, and reed mats. The walls can be made in a solid beige color and decorated under the ceiling with a border with pictographic elements or drawings depicting people in a characteristic pose - the head and lower body in profile, and the torso and arms in front. Characteristic signs of the Egyptian interior are massive columns, the capitals of which look like a bud or a palm tree trunk, niches, smoothed corners. The design of the ceiling continues the theme of the walls, under the ceiling it is used with borders with symbolic ornaments in the form of lotus leaves, palm trees or sunbeams.

Windows and doors

Arches of a peculiar shape, decorated with carvings or paintings, instead of doorways or massive inlaid cedar doors, carved cornices, window textile with Egyptian ornament or hieroglyphs will complement characteristic signs style.

The interior in the Egyptian style attracts those who appreciate the monumentality and conciseness of geometric forms in ancient Egyptian art, and those who wish to create in their interior a semblance of the luxurious chambers of Cleopatra, distinguished, according to epic sources, by wealth, special solemnity and majesty.

The interior of Egyptian style houses is rich and colorful. Luxurious columns support the ceiling, frescoes adorn the walls, carpets and curtains complete the interior decoration premises. Egyptian style, calm symmetry and strict geometry, furniture made of natural wood simple open designs, chest-shop, veneered with cedar or ebony, inlaid with stones and mother-of-pearl. A reed mat on the floor, a figurine of a cat and a bust of Nefertiti, hookahs. Artistic images, despite the sacred attitude towards them, are highly stylized and symbolic. Legs of furniture in the form of animal paws.

In the IV millennium BC. as an independent state, Ancient Egypt was founded. Its development is closely connected with the valley of the Nile River, covered with fertile silt favorable for agriculture. In the valleys of the Nile grew small groves of plane trees, walnut, date palm, fig, tamarix, poplar, resinous tree. But this was not enough for full comfort. It was necessary to create gardens that brought coolness and shade. "He is poor, he has no shadow" - so say the ancient texts. The absence of a shadow is one of the gravest calamities of the poor in this country. The arrangement of gardens in a hot climate required artificial irrigation. Figs, mulberries, almonds, date palms, grapes were grown along a regular, rectangular network of canals that dictated the creation of rectangular, symmetrically laid out gardens.

A characteristic feature of Egyptian gardens was that vegetables and flowers occupied almost all the free space between the trees. Egyptian gardeners were engaged not only in cultivation, but also forcing lilies of the valley, gillyflowers and roses. Mignonette, poppies, cornflowers, daisies, lilies, chrysanthemums grew in Egyptian gardens. The lily flower was a symbol of hope and the brevity of life, fragrant oil was extracted from it. Flowers are widely used for decoration festivities, wreaths and garlands were woven from them. And during the reign of Queen Cleopatra (69-30 BC) Special attention devoted to growing a variety of roses.

The mortuary temples of Mentuhotep (2160-2000 BC) and Queen Hatshepsut (1520-1500 BC) were the first temple and park complexes of Ancient Egypt known to us. It was they who provided him with a firm place in the history of world culture.

Temple terraces were decorated with gardens, in which ponds were often the center of composition. The porticos of the temples were covered with reliefs, from which it is clear that, in addition to a large number of treasures, trees in tubs, outlandish fruits and other rarities were brought from distant wanderings. During the heyday of Thebes - the ancient capital of Egypt, garden building reached a significant level. In Thebes, luxurious villas were built with gardens and ponds, surrounded by walls. The center of the composition was a rectangular pool, sometimes quite impressive in size (60X120 m). Aquatic plants grew in ponds, birds swam. The main building has always been placed on the central compositional axis. All elements of the garden - alleys, ponds, flower beds, vineyards, open pavilions - were linked into a single compositional ensemble. This suggests that the gardens were created according to a predetermined plan. The builders of Egyptian gardens took into account the relationship not only between separate elements garden, but also between the width of the alley and the height of the trees. City streets were straight, narrow, densely built up. Palm trees and other plants were often planted on rooftops. But there were also streets for religious processions in the capitals of Egypt, from 40 to 60 m wide (the street of the Great Priest in Akhetaton). These streets leading to the temple were always lined with palm alleys to hide the chaotic development. Along the main streets of Akhetaten there were dug rectangular pits, by which we can judge the presence of palm alleys. Since the city lay on sandy hills, the pits were filled with fertile soil brought from the banks of the Nile before planting trees. Among other things, wells were built for watering trees and shrubs in Akhetaton.

There were two main types of Egyptian gardens: at temples and at residential buildings. The glorification of the unlimited power of the pharaohs was the ideological goal of garden and temple construction. The composition is based on the regularity and straightforwardness of the layout, due to the irrigation system. In the garden and park construction of Ancient Egypt, a large number of overseas plants and flowers were used, which indicates high development agricultural technology.

The history of the interior began in ancient Egypt. Character traits Egyptian style - simple shapes and rich finishes. The desire for colossality, proportionality between the individual parts and the harmony of all forms and lines. In conditions of unusual severity of forms, almost everything turned into a symbol.

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In the photo: Showcase model from the Santo Passaia factory, designed by Bruno Luigi.

Time and place. The history of interior design began in the 4th millennium BC. Ancient Egypt became the ancestor of the history of the interior. The Egyptian style in the interior is the forerunner of all European interior styles. In 1798, when Napoleon began his campaign in Egypt, forgotten Egyptian forms again attracted everyone's attention. Throughout Europe, the use of Egyptian motifs has become fashionable.

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Architecture. The Egyptians were the first in the world to create monumental stone architecture. It was distinguished by the geometric forms and the canonization of the simplest methods of depiction on a plane. The most significant architectural buildings are the Egyptian necropolises and temples. The main elements are arches, columns or pylons. To give the columns original look, motifs were borrowed from local vegetation.

Egyptian style interior. The first page of the history of interior design was bright. The Egyptians preferred rich colors: red, yellow, black, brown, blue, green and white. Moreover, the paints were not mixed, but used in pure form.

In rich houses and temples, luxury reigned - a promising start to the history of the interior. The ceilings were supported by massive columns with bud-like capitals. The floors were finished with marble and even gold or silver slabs, the doors were made of cedar wood - inlaid with gold and ivory. Walls, plinths, ceilings, doors, window frames and the cornices were covered with hieroglyphs. The frescoes on the walls for strength and brightness were fixed with heated liquid glass. And under the ceiling they let out a border of flowers and lotus leaves, papyrus, reeds, arrows, stylized as the sun's rays. The statues were inlaid and painted.

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Main motivesEgyptian style in the interior:

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Thanks to cheap air tickets, people travel more, get to know new countries, bring a little bit of exotic culture from their travels, admire local motives, try to create a replacement for them in their own homes. Ethno-style with exotic elements will find a place in the home of the traveling enthusiast - this is a hot design trend in the autumn-winter season!

Ethno-style mixes exotic motifs from different countries. Quite often, designers are inspired by the exotic country of Egypt. How to decorate the Egyptian style in the interior of a bathroom, living room, what wallpaper, tiles, decorations to choose - this will be discussed in this article.

Egyptian style in interior design

Exotic Egyptian style in the modern interior of the apartment impresses with its expression and drama. Spectacular arrangements add antiquity, luxurious elegance. Egypt abounds:

  • rich colors,
  • classic black, gold accents,
  • egyptian figurines,
  • mysterious hieroglyphs,
  • unique patterns.

Furnishings and décor offer to introduce a bit of the old world into modern interiors, giving the atmosphere an exotic flavor. Exotic jewelry looks unusual, luxurious:

  • beautiful columns,
  • statues,
  • frescoes,
  • reliefs.

Pleasant light, dark browns with black, gold, yellow contrasts add drama to a modern North African-inspired interior.

Color selection

Decorating rooms with the atmosphere of Egypt requires a choice certain colors. Most Popular following colors:

  • Golden, yellow. Decoration in golden tones symbolizes the service to the idols of ancient Egypt. Ideal for interiors - shades of yellow, from desert sand to golden yellow tones.
  • White, beige. wall decorations, for example, hieroglyphs, paintings, canopies in light colors, shades of beige, white bring exotic charm, luxury. Natural decorative fabrics in light colors are ideal for creating a solemn, elegant, comfortable interior.
  • Blue, black. Often found in arrangements in the spirit of Egypt.

Egyptian style jewelry

Some ladies want to be a bit like a queen in own house. Interior design in the style of the queen, the pharaohs of Egypt will help create a royal atmosphere, get closer to antiquity. Gold, jewels, splendor in the rooms, powerful figurines today look a little different in modern houses. Any small addition will give the room the right character. Great idea For coffee table in the living room there is a table imitating a pyramid.

Gold is the dominant color. You can find many interesting gold additions to the living room, bedroom.

Egypt, the times of the pharaohs symbolize:

  • beautiful hieroglyphs,
  • decorated walls,
  • pyramids,
  • huge statues,
  • columns.

These additions can be combined with modern design bringing the bedroom, living room closer to the times of the great kings.

The head of the Egyptian queen - the basis of the lamp? Such accessories can be found on the market. It is important not to overdo this type of supplement, which can lead to kitsch.

The carved frame, decorated with Egyptian hieroglyphs, represents the atmosphere of the Middle East. The first violin is played by the spectacular "golden chariot" - an impressive bicycle in golden decor!

When visiting Egypt, you can buy a lot of jewelry, artifacts, souvenirs, even furniture, but the real art of creating a climate will be the choice and creation of additives that can reflect the atmosphere of beauty from the time of the pharaohs. Stylish accessories will decorate the interior:

  • chair - mask,
  • bottles in oriental style,
  • carpet self made with geometric patterns
  • pictures of sphinxes
  • pyramids can be represented on almost every object.

It is difficult to list all the gadgets that an Egyptian can buy.

  • candles decorated with Egyptian motifs,
  • candlesticks,
  • incense sticks in the form of Egyptian sculptures,
  • fragrant fireplaces.

Egyptian motifs often decorate dishes. You can put your own photo from a trip to the pyramids in an Egyptian frame or album. One example is the frame in the shape of Tutankhamun's head, where the photograph is placed under the pharaoh's face. Jewelry looks great in a box shaped like a pyramid, an open pharaoh's throne.


Furniture is important in the Egyptian interior. Chairs, beds in ancient Egypt were adapted to the proportions of a person, the chairs are decorated with curved backs, concave seats. The Egyptians produced a variety of types of furniture.

Ornamental elements decorating furniture have a symbolic meaning, for example:

  • winged solar shield,
  • scarab,
  • snake,
  • vulture,
  • lotus,
  • palm,
  • papyrus.

Fine finishing decorating soft material with different patterns, will this piece of furniture fit into our interiors? See how beautiful Egyptian furniture looks in modern apartments.

The Louis XV style marble chairs in the photo below are an illusion. Actually the chairs are covered with silk fabric imitating stone, soft, warm, comfortable.

An interesting modern option is rattan furniture with curved shapes, decorated with satin cushions. The rattan armchair, curved like a floral ornament, introduces harmony, symmetry. If you are lucky enough to find an interesting chair with a high openwork back, it can become a real throne of Tutankhamun in an ordinary city apartment.

Bedroom decoration

The interior of the bedroom is full of stylish additions:

  • beautiful high candlesticks,
  • egyptian statues,
  • carpet,
  • bed with carved heads of cats.

Difficulty choosing furniture characteristic design. You can bet on wooden furniture in oriental style, create a special atmosphere in the bedroom with the help of accessories, wall decoration. Effectively decorate the interior will help:

  • murals depicting scenes from the life of Egypt,
  • figurines,
  • other souvenirs.

A bit of Egyptian atmosphere in the kitchen

Notes of exotic mood can be introduced into the kitchen. This will help decorative tiles, furniture, murals on the wall with Egyptian motifs, interesting decor, figurines.

The ideal decoration of the kitchen wall - they threw it over the countertop with pharaohs, pyramids, a caravan of camels. Photo wallpapers adapted to the required size are placed under the glass.

The bedroom is decorated in neutral shades, restrained paintings are placed on the walls. The room shown in the photo below is filled with smooth corners, recesses, floral motifs. The furniture is dominated by smooth lines.

Egyptian style in the bathroom

An exotic bathroom will remind you of interesting trips and will not let you forget about your planned ones. The climate of sun-filled Egypt in the interior of the bathroom works great.

The secret of Cleopatra's unearthly beauty was hidden in long baths in milk. The Egyptian queen allegedly spent long hours in a huge bathroom. Such images influence the imagination not only of spa fans, but also of interior designers. The beautiful queen was taking a bath in an Egyptian style bathroom? You can create a similar stylized bathing salon in the interior own house.

Arab countries invariably inspire us, the dynamics of the aesthetics of the East attracts. We dream of long journeys, amazing adventures, interesting meetings. Orient enjoys a riot of colors, contrasting colors, unusual, rich patterns. Ideas borrowed from an exotic country captured the Empire and Art Deco styles. Motifs from the Nile Valley are making a comeback as a trend in interior design.

An exotic Egyptian-style bathroom is associated with monumental pyramids, desert sands, and a demanding climate. In the interior, raw, simple materials. Walls and floors are made of stone - a bathroom and a sink, always in geometric shapes. The stone will make the interior design timeless. Be sure to choose stylized taps, faucets, especially artificially aged, with a hint of antiquity.

Egyptian style tiles

In the Egyptian bathroom, colors are key - we focus on muted, fuzzy colors that are soothing and relaxing. Shades of antique marble, desert paths, Bengal steppes work here. Popular creamy, brown tones, evoking memories of a warm stone, sand. Ceramic tiles can resemble marble, sand-colored natural stone.

The richly decorated bathroom interior contains golden finishing elements, a beautiful marble floor that makes you feel like you are in a palace. Here you can see the typical style of Egyptian passion for stone. Tiles with a thin outline of stone in warm colors beige create an elegant spa atmosphere.

Manufacturers offer ceramic tiles can be found various decors with the theme of the pharaohs, scenes from the life of ancient Egypt. Some samples can be ordered from catalogs. Some collections plausibly resemble beauty natural stone, even aged pieces of tiles with cracks for decoration.

Egyptian style wallpaper

Wall mural with the motives of the life of the inhabitants of Egypt is an ideal decoration for the interior. You can select images under right size. Decorations in shades of beige with orange accessories will give character to the interior. A popular solution is the image of pyramids, masks of the mummy of the pharaoh. This is the perfect decoration for decorating:

  • spectacular living room
  • bedrooms,
  • travel agency office.

Wall mural can be placed on one of the walls, or on its section. The rest of the walls are desirable to decorate in pastel, white colors.


Ancient Egypt fascinates, stimulates the imagination, inspires. Gone are the days when knowledge of ancient Egypt was reserved for a small group of insiders. Now every amateur enthusiast can learn about the secrets of hieroglyphs, the history of a fascinating civilization, admire the magnificent buildings, tombs of the country on the Nile.

Modern "Egyptian" can decorate the apartment in the appropriate style. Most realize their dreams of Egypt by buying gadgets decorated with Egyptian motifs. wave of interest in ancient civilization created a powerful market for products ranging from Tutankhamen's head-decorated teaspoons to hieroglyphic bathroom tiles. The walls are decorated with modern Egyptian wallpaper, gypsum boards brought from Egypt imitating Egyptian reliefs. The apartment can be equipped with various "Egyptian" trinkets depicting the culture of a distant country.
