How to ventilate an attic? Cold attic: ventilation device for the attic space. Is it possible to install ventilation in a cold attic?

In private homes, attics play a special role. As a rule, they are used for storing rarely used household equipment, seasonal clothes, family “antiques” that are difficult to get rid of for one reason or another, for storing canned or drying vegetables. Often the room under the roof is converted into a recreation room, mini-gym or workshop. In fact, there are quite a few ways to use additional square meters and each owner fills the space at his own discretion. But so that things do not deteriorate and become saturated with the smell of mold, but structural elements buildings did not feel the harmful effects of moisture, it will be necessary to competently organized ventilation in the attic. It will help create an optimal microclimate and ensure proper thermoregulation.

Truths and misconceptions about attic ventilation

Good ventilation of the room under the roof will eliminate the appearance of condensation, which will increase the service life truss structures, sheathing and ceilings of the upper floor. IN summer period the roof overheats, but thanks to ventilation, the heat evaporates without having time to penetrate into the living quarters. The roofing pie itself cools down under the influence of a draft, which has a beneficial effect on bitumen-containing materials.

In winter, snow melts on a ventilated roof more evenly, since the heat coming from the house has time to be distributed without creating concentrated pockets of condensation above the heated rooms. Air circulation eliminates ice on eaves overhangs, preventing excess moisture into ice growths. In addition, with proper organization of the ventilation system, snow will not stick to the roof surface.

Owners who do not know the issue make a number of mistakes when installing ventilation associated with common misconceptions. Many people believe that ventilating the attic winter period contributes to the formation of significant heat loss. But in fact, the fault is not ventilation, but poor-quality thermal insulation.

A ventilated attic, located between the roof and living spaces, is an air gap that smoothes out temperature differences.

Another misconception is the statement that the size of the ventilation openings can be made to any size. And this is not true. If the area of ​​the holes is insufficient, the ventilation effect will be reduced to zero, and a large number of them will lead to excessive heat loss. Experts recommend performing calculations based on the ratio of 1 sq.m of ventilation holes per 500 sq.m of roof, which is 0.2%.

Elements of an attic ventilation system

From the school physics course it is known that warm air rises up, and the cold one, meanwhile, occupies the vacated space. Attic ventilation is performed based on this fact. This means that supply openings should be provided in the lower part of the roof, and exit openings closer to the ridge should be provided for air outflow. Ventilation of the attic in this case occurs due to the temperature difference.

Depending on the design features roofs, to organize a ventilation system they use:

  • perforated soffits;
  • roof aerators;
  • ventilated skates.

To increase the speed of air flows, electric fans and inertial turbines are often installed on roofs. Laying loose sheathing or counter-lattice promotes additional air circulation above the attic. The same effect is obtained when corrugated or profiled sheets are used as roofing material.

Cold attic

The method of ventilating a cold attic depends on the shape of the roof. For gable structures on opposite gables, it will be enough to make dormer windows or vents with ventilation grilles. Ventilation, in this case, is carried out due to horizontal air flows. Additional air exchange occurs through eaves vents formed by the discharged sheathing. They help get rid of stagnant foci located under the dormer windows.

Ventilation hip roof provide gaps on eaves overhangs and holes located under the ridge, or special roofing elements installed at the top of the roof. When the roof slope is more than 45 degrees, ventilation attic space occurs due to temperature differences. If the angle of inclination is small, then the ventilation system is reinforced with inertial turbines or electric fans.

Warm attic

The roof above the attic has a different ventilation principle. In this case, the air gaps should run along the rafters between the thermal and waterproofing. Builders often encounter difficulties when constructing such roofs, since in order to comply with the dimensions of the required ventilation layers, the rafters have to be increased using counter-battens.

The warm attic itself can be ventilated using windows, like other rooms in the house. If there are no openings, then it should be provided forced ventilation with installation of equipment in external walls.

Supply ventilation openings should be located in a clean area. This applies to both outside home and internal space.

Under-eaves soffits can be made of plastic or aluminum, but they must be equipped with a screening mesh. Elements can be installed continuously or alternated with solid cladding.

Holes intended for air outflow must be placed as close to the ridge as possible.

Along with their main function, dormer windows often play a decorative role, giving the facade an individual look.

A balanced microclimate under the roof is a necessary condition long-term operation of the building. Roofing pie abounds wooden parts, for which residual moisture is especially destructive. High humidity, if not dealt with, can cause fungal infections on the roof sheathing, rotting and collapse of the rafter structure.

Properly equipped attic ventilation in a private house will help get rid of the accumulation of water in the under-roof space. To solve the problem construction market offers aeration devices for attic spaces that promote efficient air exchange.

During construction, roofers, as a rule, lay 50-60 mm of free gap under the deck when installing the roof. Optimal distance equal to the width of the sheathing slats. If roofing materials solid, such as corrugated sheeting or metal tiles, air can freely flow into the building and under the roof. Air flows cool the roof, which is important for bitumen compositions.

For soft roof Another effective method is to leave small gaps in the sheathing. Penetrating the entire roof, they serve as channels for the passage of air into the room. IN difficult parts Roofs are provided with spot ventilation or additional turbines are installed for aeration.

For a cold attic compartment

Equipping an attic requires considerable investment and labor, which is why most roofs with slopes have a cold attic type. The air temperature in it is significantly lower than in the residential parts of the building. Therefore, a spacious intermediate zone makes it easy to solve the issue of ventilation.

the roof in this case consists of the following elements:

  • Cover layer;
  • External walls (in case pitched roofs with pediments);
  • Insulation in the form of a ceiling between the walls and the attic space.

Ventilation of a cold attic is provided by openings in the eaves and ridge of the roof. There is an influx of air through the cornice, and an exhaust through the ridge. Dormer ventilation windows can be located on opposite slopes or stone gables of the roof. This way all areas are ventilated equally. Ventilation is controlled using built-in blinds.

Dormer windows come in the shape of quadrangles, triangular and semicircular. The bottom of the window is located at a height of no more than a meter from the ceiling on the floor of the compartment, and the top should not exceed 1.9 m.

A ventilation window in the attic prevents condensation from accumulating on roofing pie. It can also be used as access to the roof to inspect system elements and the chimney. A popular solution is to install perforated soffits on the eaves of the roof. Soffits perform two functions - they allow air to flow freely under the roof, while preventing insects from flying into the building.

For a warm attic

Traditionally, the attic is made cold, a warm one is installed if they plan to use it in the future, as residential attic. The main task is to remove vapors and excess humidity, leading to loss of properties of the internal insulation. The solution lies in the arrangement of a ventilated roof.

For solid roofs made of sheet metal, tiles and slate, a ventilated space is required.

A warm attic in a building design is usually designed for the entire top floor located above the living space. Unlike its cold counterpart, the room is sealed and has fences on the outside. Stagnant air from the building is drawn out into the street through channels on the roof ridge. Blowing fresh air it goes through the windows. For the winter they are insulated, protecting them from ice and icicles.

The warm attic appeared as an element of the ventilation system in the late 70s. The use of an attic has become relevant mainly for multi-storey buildings. A warm attic has the following advantages over a cold attic:

  • Provides the proper temperature level on the ceiling of the upper residential floor of the building. At the same time, the rafter space of the roof is also insulated;
  • Reduces aerodynamic drag when air is released from the ventilation system naturally;
  • Reduces heat loss and the risk of water leakage.

How to avoid mistakes when creating ventilation?

There are a number of misconceptions about attic space ventilation. It is usually believed that:

  1. It is necessary to ventilate the attic in summer, when it is hot, to avoid overheating of the roof. In fact, in winter ventilation system no less is needed, since water and snow cause the appearance of fungus and mold, and ice freezing.
  2. A drafty attic interferes with heat retention in the home. In fact, it doesn’t interfere, it all depends on the thermal insulation. At the same time, a high-quality ventilation system prevents cold and damp air from lingering in the attic.
  3. The dimensions of the vent holes in the attic can be chosen arbitrarily. On the contrary, dimensions are important, since the efficiency of the process depends entirely on maintaining the correct proportion. There should be one meter per 500 square meters of roof ventilation holes.

According to the recommendations of experts, the owner of the house chooses in advance what type attic space will be in the building - warm or cold. For construction, it is important to properly design the ventilation system in order to achieve effective ventilation of the room.


Of course, insulating the attic space is simply necessary to ensure that the building is cozy and comfortable in winter (more details: ""). No less important is attic ventilation in a private house, as in the photo. Good ventilation prevents the formation of mold and mildew and increases the life of the roof.

Ventilation allows you to regulate heat exchange. IN summer time The roof heats up to over 100 degrees, causing the house to become very hot. And in cool weather, condensation forms in the attic - many owners of private houses do not know what to do. Due to the accumulation of condensation on insulated floors, the wood begins to collapse. But in order to prevent it from forming, you just need to provide good ventilation at .

The ventilation system mixes the temperature of the roof and external environment, due to which ice and huge icicles do not form. This not only helps create a comfortable microclimate in the house, but also extends the life of the rafter system.

Myths about attic ventilation

There are widespread myths about attic ventilation. You need to know about them so as not to make mistakes when creating ventilation.

  1. In winter, warm air escapes through the ventilation. Many people believe that venting ventilation into the attic interferes with normal heating. In fact, what prevents you from keeping your house warm is not ventilation, but poor thermal insulation. If it was made poorly, cold and wet air, thanks to which they are created suitable conditions for the formation of condensation and rotting of ceilings.
  2. Ventilation is only needed in summer. It is generally accepted that the ventilation system is intended only for ventilation in hot weather. But if the attic is not ventilated in winter, the formation of icicles, fungus and mold cannot be avoided.
  3. It doesn't matter what size the attic vents are. If the ventilation area is too small, its efficiency will tend to zero. For every 500 square meters of area there should be 1 square meter ventilation holes. With this ratio, the room will be ventilated, but there will be no heat leaks in winter.

On gable roof ventilation ducts are placed in the gables. Good decision is loose fit lining wooden overhangs. If you distribute the narrow gaps evenly, the attic will be ventilated more efficiently. But if the gables are made of stone or the lining and fittings are tightly fitted, you need to make holes in the walls (read also: " "). They should be located on opposite walls. The total area of ​​ventilation ducts is calculated based on the fact that they should occupy 0.2% of the floor area.

You can make vents in the attic or more in an economical way– install standard ventilation grilles. One grille needs to be turned with the holes down, and the other should be made adjustable. To prevent insects from entering the attic, install a mosquito net.

For a hip roof, ventilation is created using a different technology. The entrance hole is made in the hem, at the bottom, and the exit at the ridge, at the top. If the overhang lining is made of wood, the beams can be placed loosely, maintaining an interval of several millimeters between them. If the lining is plastic, there must be holes - these panels are called soffits.

Many people are interested in how to make ventilation in the attic if it is tightly assembled. For such situations, grilles with a mesh with a diameter of 5 centimeters are available. They are usually placed at a distance of 80 centimeters from each other along the length of the wind overhang. To make the holes, you need a drill with a round bit. The topmost output is made outward.

A lot depends on the type of roof. For slate and euro slate, a classic ridge is installed, for flexible roofing– turtle (valve). For ceramic roof you need a special valve. The installation of a cold attic under a metal tile roof allows for ventilation using a regular ridge. It is not only an advantageous replacement for valves in financially. The ridge also allows you to create a ventilation system in a short time.

Sometimes they do auditory ventilation window in the attic (it can be glazed or grilles installed), but this method of creating ventilation is more complex, and good practical and theoretical preparation is required to implement the plan.

Ventilation of a warm attic

In modern heating systems Natural circulation is practically not used. Ventilation of the attic above the attic is simply necessary for a comfortable stay in the room. Thus, when converting an attic into an attic, you need to make the roof ventilated. For flexible tiles and sheet metal create a ventilated area - a counter batten is sewn onto the rafters. For metal roofs it is better to use windproof films. Counter rails for slate roofing are not necessary, since air must circulate freely from bottom to top.

As for why condensation accumulates in the attic, it is due to poor ventilation. This affects the microclimate of the house, and also causes mold and premature destruction of the roof.

  • pay attention to the holes on the roof ridge - they should be as close as possible to the ridge;
  • ventilation must be durable and able to withstand any climatic changes;
  • you can install continuous soffits under the eaves - they must have a thin screening mesh, and the holes must be plastic or aluminum to prevent corrosion;
  • in order to create effective ventilation, in which frost will not form in the attic, you need to install vents inside the room, between the rafters, and the openings must be arranged so that there is no clogging or blocking of air;
  • With outside roofs should be installed for air exhaust; it is advisable that the distance between it and the supply system be more than 8 meters;

    Creating effective ventilation in the attic is not an easy task, but without this you should not expect comfort in the house. Good ventilation of the room will protect against mold and prolong the life of the roof.

No one is surprised at the need for mandatory insulation of the attic space to create a comfortable microclimate in the home. Many people don’t even think about installing a proper ventilation system in this room. But high-quality attic ventilation helps maintain the microclimate there, prevents the occurrence of fungi, rot and increases the service life of the roofing structure. Properly calculated and thought out is no less important than competent vapor and heat insulation.

Attic ventilation ensures mixing and equalizing the temperatures of the roof structure and the external environment. It prevents the formation of ice during melting snow cover, avalanches and the appearance of large icicles. Setting up a high-quality air exchange system is actually extremely important.

Attic space: ventilation

The roof has rotted due to poor ventilation in the attic

There are different buildings different types attics: They have different purposes, and their arrangement is accordingly different. Based on their main characteristics, attics are divided into two main types - warm and cold. The last type is more traditional. In such a case, the system is not protected in any way, since only the ceiling is insulated. The other type has only one important goal - to properly protect engineering assets.

Cold attic: ventilation device

In a cold attic room there should be an adjustable one. To arrange it, they leave it uncovered and. A good alternative would be special lining with gaps, allowing air to circulate freely. If, as a roofing or are used, and there are no vapor and wind barrier films present, in this case o special device There is no need to worry about ventilation in the attic.

Ventilation device for under-roof space on the roof

Between the individual waves of the roof, air freely penetrates into the space under the roof and exits outside.

It is also capable of ventilating on its own, but it can cause condensation, so use in in this case insulating film is required.

The ventilation ducts are located in the gables. Loose lining of overhangs can be quite in an effective way solving the problem.

Narrow slots, evenly distributed, will facilitate high-quality ventilation of the entire attic space.

But if the lining fits too tightly, or if the gables are made of stone, holes will have to be made in the walls. It would be rational to place them on opposite sides, thereby eliminating pockets of stagnation. The total S (area) of ventilation channels should be 0.2% of the area of ​​the entire floor.

Ventilation grille for the roof of a house

There is another option that allows you to save money. It involves the installation of standard grilles, one of which is adjustable, the other with its holes directed downwards. mosquito net will protect them from insects.

If we are dealing with, then the ventilation device will be made differently. An inlet hole is made at the bottom, in the hem, and the exit is located at the top, at the ridge. In the case where the overhang lining is made of wood, the beams do not have to be placed tightly; there may be a gap of several millimeters between them. If the sewing was carried out using plastic, then there should be holes in all components. Such panels are called soffits.

It is possible that the filing is assembled quite tightly. What to do in this case? For this purpose, special grilles equipped with mesh are produced. They have a diameter of five centimeters: they are placed every 0.8 meters along the entire length of the wind overhang. To make holes, use a drill with a suitable (round) drill bit. The top output is made from above.

How does a ventilated ridge on the roof of a house work?

In general, the types of ventilation largely depend on the type of roof. For example, a classic ridge is suitable for Euro slate. For an elastic flexible roof, a ventilated ridge or turtle roof is successfully used. Also, a special valve is used for ceramic tiles.

Excellent ventilation with a standard ridge ridge. It must be said that the ridge is not just an economically beneficial replacement for the valve. This is also great way acquire a ventilation system in the shortest possible time.

Sometimes special hearing aids are used, with bars or glass, but their design is quite not an easy task, which requires theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Warm attic: ventilation

In modern heating systems, natural circulation is virtually not used. In other words, if you plan to turn the attic into a roof, the roof must be completely ventilated. For roofs made of flexible tiles or sheet material you will have to arrange a special ventilated area: a counter batten is sewn onto the rafters.

For roofs with metal coating It is advisable to use a windproof film. A slate roof can do without a counter-batten, since air must flow freely from bottom to top. An entrance is arranged in the filing, exit to the outside occurs through the ridge.

The attic should be ventilated in the same way as other rooms. The air enters through the windows (possibly the installation of VTK valves), and leaves the house through the ventilation holes. If they are absent in the walls, then fungi (aerators) are made at the place of the hood, on the roof.

Attic ventilation in a house: truth and fiction

Questions regarding high-quality ventilation attic space, overgrown with rumors and speculation. Which facts about proper ventilation are true and which are not?

Does heat escape through the attic of a private house?
  • Is it true that warm air escapes from the house through ventilation ducts in winter? There is an opinion that the operation of ventilation in the cold season only interferes with the heating of the home. In fact, it is unlikely that the holes are the cause. In the case when a home heats up for a long time and then quickly cools down, it is not the ventilation that is to blame, but the insulation. It must be said that not very high-quality insulation can allow moist air to pass into the attic. The consequence of this phenomenon is often the formation of condensate drops, which, in turn, cause damage and rotting of the wood.
  • Is it true that ventilation is only required during hot weather? There is a belief that ventilation is necessary only in the summer, when the temperature rises strongly. In reality this is not the case. If you do not carry out ventilation measures in winter, this is fraught with the formation of icicles, the development of fungi, etc.
  • Is it true that the size of the ventilation holes does not matter? This is also a misconception. You should not arrange channels “by eye”, since it is likely that the efficiency of such a system will tend to zero. Vents should have a ratio to ceilings as one to five hundred.

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the need to insulate the attic to ensure a comfortable atmosphere in the house in winter. But for some reason about ventilation in order to maintain consistency temperature regime many people forget. Meanwhile proper ventilation The attic not only maintains a constant microclimate, but also helps to increase the service life of the roof and prevents the appearance of mold and mildew. Proper ventilation is just as important as good thermal insulation.

Why is attic ventilation necessary?

Ventilation is an important design step that allows you to regulate heat transfer. In summer, the roof heats up to 160 degrees, and burning air enters the house. But this is not the only reason for concern. During the cool period, condensation accumulates on insulated floors, destroying the wood. Ventilation will help avoid premature wear of the rafters.

The ventilation system is aimed at mixing the temperature of the external environment and the roof and prevents the appearance of ice, huge icicles and an “avalanche” during snow melting. As you can see, the issue of arrangement reliable system air exchange is really important.

How to ventilate an attic?

The attic can be cold or warm. The first option is traditional. In this case rafter system is not protected in any way, since only the ceiling is insulated. The second is an echo of the Soviet period, pursuing the sole goal of protecting utility lines.

Cold attic ventilation

Ventilation in cold attics must be controlled. To do this, it is necessary not to cover the sheathing and rafters. An alternative may be lining with gaps to ensure unhindered air circulation. If ondulin or slate is laid on the roof (in the absence of wind and vapor barrier films), you don’t have to worry - the air freely penetrates between the waves of the roof inside the attic and goes out.

It is important!
Metal tiles are also ventilated, but can form condensation, which means covering the film becomes mandatory.

If the roof is gable, then the ventilation ducts are located in the gables. A fairly effective solution is loose fitting lining of wooden overhangs. Uniform distribution of narrow slots promotes effective ventilation of the entire attic.

However, if the junctions and lining are tightly fitted or the gables are made of stone, then it is necessary to make holes in the walls. They should be on opposite sides, which will help eliminate stagnant areas.

It is important!
The total area of ​​ventilation ducts is calculated based on 0.2% of the total floor area.

There are more economical option— installation of standard ventilation grilles. One grid should be adjustable, the other should be turned with the holes down. A mosquito net will protect you from insects.

For a hip roof, ventilation arrangements will follow a different scenario. The inlet hole is made from below (in the hem), and the outlet is made from above, at the ridge. If the overhang lining is made of wood, then the beams can be placed not quite tightly, with an interval of several millimeters. When sewing with plastic, individual components must have holes. Such panels are called soffits.

What to do if the binder is already assembled and tightly packed? There is also a way out of this situation - the production of gratings with a mesh with a diameter of 5 cm. They are usually located along the length of the wind overhang in increments of 80 cm. To make holes you will need a drill with a round drill. The top output is made from the top. Please note that a lot will depend on the type of roof.

For a flexible roof, install a valve (turtle) or a ventilated ridge. For slate and euroslate - a classic strong point. For ceramic tiles - a special valve. Metal tiles can be ventilated using a standard ridge. It is worth noting that a ridge is not only a financially beneficial replacement for a valve, but also an opportunity to equip a ventilation system in the shortest possible time.

Some practice editing dormer windows(you can glaze them, or you can put bars on them), but such a task is difficult to implement and requires theoretical and practical preparation.

Ventilation of a warm attic

Natural circulation is practically not used in heating systems today. This means that when planning to convert an attic into a living attic, the roof should be fully ventilated. For sheet metal and flexible tiles, it is necessary to arrange a ventilated area - sew a counter batten onto the rafters. For metal roofs Windproof films are preferred. For a slate roof, counter battens are not necessary, because air must flow freely from bottom to top. The entrance is made in the filing, and the exit is through the ridge.

The attic will be ventilated in the same way as other rooms. Air enters through windows (installation of VTK valves is allowed) and exits through ventilation holes. If there are none in the walls, then aerators (fungi) are installed on the roof (in place of the hood).

Attic ventilation in a house: myths and facts

The problem of attic space ventilation has given rise to many myths. So, what facts do you need to know to ensure proper ventilation?

Myth No. 1. Warm air escapes from the room in winter through ventilation ducts. It is a common belief that ventilation in winter interferes with heating. However, it is unlikely that the presence of holes is the issue here. If the house takes a long time to warm up and cools down quickly, then the problem is insulation, not ventilation. It is worth noting that poor-quality insulation always allows moist air into the attic, which creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of condensation and subsequent rotting of wooden floors.

Myth No. 2. Ventilation is necessary only in the hot season. Many are convinced that a ventilation system is only necessary to ensure ventilation of the building in the summer. Actually this is not true. Insufficient ventilation in winter - the cause of the growth of icicles, the appearance of mold and mildew.

Myth No. 3. The area of ​​the ventilation holes does not matter. And again a misconception. Of course, you shouldn’t rely on chance, placing channels by eye. The effectiveness of such ventilation will be zero. The vents are placed in a ratio of 1:500 (where for every 500 m2 there is 1 m2 of ventilation).

  • the ventilation system must be durable and withstand any weather conditions;
  • Particular attention should be paid to openings on the roof ridge. According to tradition, they should be as close to the ridge as possible;

  • Continuous soffits can be installed under the eaves. They must be equipped with a thin screening mesh. The holes must be made of plastic or aluminum, which prevents corrosion;
  • One of the conditions for effective ventilation is the installation of vents inside the attic (between the rafters). The openings must be arranged in such a way as to prevent air blockage or clogging;
  • choose a place for air handling unit thoroughly. This should be the cleanest area in the attic;
  • Place a fan on the outside of the roof to exhaust air. The distance between the supply system and the fan must be at least 8 meters;
  • do not forget about installing a recuperator designed to heat and cool air;
  • dormer windows not only provide practical benefits, but can also give a building a unique appearance;

Now you know not just how to arrange ventilation with your own hands, but how to do it correctly and avoid the most common mistakes. And this is the most important thing!

Ventilation of the under-roof space: video
