How to make jewelry from resin and flowers. Interesting and creative DIY epoxy resin crafts are available to everyone. Description of jewelry resin

List of everything you need:

  • Epoxy resin, two-component
  • Two syringes without a needle (sold at any pharmacy)
  • Container for mixing resin and hardener (plastic cup)
  • Stick for this mixing (wooden)
  • Ceramic tiles or cardboard (in general, any flat, hard surface, preferably on a flat table)
  • Scotch tape (wide, single-sided)
  • Accessories for jewelry (connectors, earrings, connecting rings, bases)
  • Mini drill (sold in almost any construction store, take the cheapest one, I personally use DREMEL 300)
  • A set of attachments for it (a small drill and an emery head for turning)
  • Good mood for yourself;) Well, gloves with a respirator would be nice

Advice: Before you shop, make sure you have a suitable workspace. If you live in a one-room apartment with your grandmother and mother, you will have to wait a little while making jewelry from resin. At a minimum, you need a separate room where you can inhale harmful resin vapors (if you don’t take care of ventilation) in splendid isolation.

This work is dirty, noisy and generally not conducive to health, but a few simple manipulations will help reduce negative influences creativity to a minimum.

Safety precautions when working with epoxy resin:

  • if you are not a substance abuser, at least open the window
  • always keep a cloth at hand - believe me, it is much easier to wipe off the resin than to then chip it off the linoleum
  • you do not want thrills? Then remove all carpets within sight
  • Have pity on your neighbors in your living space, don’t grind your jewelry while they’re at home. Wear a respirator during this activity.

Speaking of leaves

Leaves (petals, flowers) must be well dried. This is not a quick task (4 weeks), so prepare them in advance. I place fresh petals in folded white paper, then in a book (this is to prevent the letters from imprinting on the flowers). The thicker the book, the better (old Soviet textbooks work great). Magnetic photo albums can be used to store dried leaves.

If you decide to work with buds (for pouring into balls), you will need a dark, dry space, such as a closet. Thread the thread into the needle, tighten a thicker knot at the end of the thread and pass the needle through the stems of the buds (it is for this operation that these very stems should be left). We tie the resulting garland to two hangers and hide it in the closet. Four weeks and the material is ready.

It is worth keeping in mind that many petals visually change during work, and completely cease to resemble what you picked in the garden. Some shrink to something awkward, some turn black or completely discolored. And if you don’t feel sorry for a stupid daisy at all, then ruined expensive hydrangea flowers will definitely make you sad.


The lion's share of the pleasure of working with jewelry is the choice of accessories. It's simple: the more expensive it is, the better the quality. You can save money in the entire process of creating jewelry, but not on accessories; this is exactly the case when the stingy pays twice. Not only do fasteners made in China regularly break, but they also look downright pathetic and, most likely, you won’t be able to stick something like that on your painstakingly nurtured leaf.

Resin preparation

Well, all preparations are completed, we can begin. First, read the instructions for your resin - mixing proportions vary from brand to brand. Personally, I use Crystal resin, 4 ml of resin per 1.2 ml of diluent.

We take both the resin and the hardener with syringes without needles, naturally different ones. It’s better to throw them away after using them; they cost pennies. It is better to carefully lower the hardener along the wall of the cup so that it does not splash.

After this we begin mixing. There’s nothing phenomenal here: you can stir it with your finger for 3-4 minutes. Don't be embarrassed by the abundance of bubbles in the resin, let it sit and they will go away.

Stir the resin periodically. The ready-to-use mixture should have a consistency similar to honey. It is difficult to explain with your fingers exactly how much to mix; it naturally depends on the number of prepared petals, their size and, notably, the thickness of the resin. Fresh ones instantly spread and it turns out that you have tarred the tray itself more than the petals. So it’s important to seize the moment here.

While the resin is settling, prepare workplace. Clear the table, take out the tray and flowers. It is advisable to do wet cleaning, because there is nothing more offensive than potentially beautiful decoration, covered in dust.

Preparing the tray

You need a flat table that you don’t mind getting dirty, and a tray. The key point here is the choice of coating, which should have a number of properties, such as:

  • cheap
  • affordable
  • should not stick to the resin
  • should be glossy (a matte surface makes the cured resin matte)

The store one immediately comes to mind. plastic bag, but unfortunately it does not satisfy point 3 and sticks tightly. At one time I used food bags for baking, but they also periodically failed and ruined entire trays of decorations.

Advice: Cover the tray with tape and forget about the problem of decorations sticking forever.


So, the resin has thickened, the petals are laid out on a surface covered with tape, and we begin to create. We take our fighting stick, dip the tip in resin and apply a drop to the petal.

In principle, you can smear it over it, holding the leaf with your finger (with latex gloves so that there are no greasy marks left), but it spreads quite well on its own. Here you will check how level your table is. Having covered all the prepared petals with the first layer of resin, cover our miracle tray with a lid and leave it all for 24 hours. Then we apply another layer of resin (for now both layers are on the front part).

After a day, turn the petals over and apply last layer, but already on the back sides of our products.


Now these shapeless epoxy blots with petals inside need to be processed.

It's time to uncover our mini drill. Attach an emery attachment to it and sharpen the jewelry (with a shudder I remember how I sharpened them by hand with a nail file). Keep the edge of the product perpendicular to the drill. After turning, you can coat the edges of the products with varnish or do another fill.

If you are satisfied with the resulting decoration, make holes for attaching rings. We make holes with the same drill, but with a drill (diameter 0.5 mm).

In general, the most difficult work We're done, now all that's left is to attach the fittings. We thread a ring into the drilled hole and a wire into it. Our earrings made from real flower petals are ready!

Rules for storing and caring for flower decorations

  1. Products coated with jewelry resin should not be wiped with alcohol or any other solvent, as this may damage the glossy surface. Epoxy is generally not friendly with chemistry, so keep it away from detergents, air fresheners, etc.
  2. Wear jewelry after applying decorative cosmetics, perfumes, and deodorants. Do not expose the glossy surface to acetone. It is better to wash off nail polish without rings, since acetone is a volatile substance, and it is not so far from the nail to the ring with a leaf.
  3. Don't wear jewelry while playing sports or go to bed with it on.
  4. Pin brooches to your clothing before putting it on (this will ensure that the pin is securely fastened).
  5. Cured epoxy resin itself is very strong, but with the right amount of diligence, anything can be broken, and in this case it is no exception; store products in boxes.
  6. You should not leave them in the open sun for a long time.

Some jewelry lovers have at least once wondered how and from what they produce such beautiful and original products. The secret of their production is quite simple and accessible to many, because to reproduce such masterpieces it is enough to purchase epoxy resin and some auxiliary products.

And options for your future creations can easily be suggested by numerous photos of crafts from epoxy resin posted on websites or in magazines.

If you are a creative person, then you can make unique amazing earrings, bracelets or pendants with various internal fillings with your own hands.

The process of making crafts

The process of making crafts from epoxy resin is quite simple; the main thing is to combine two components in the correct proportions: resin and hardener. You can read the proportions in the annotation attached to them.

You can come up with ideas for creating crafts yourself or look them up on the Internet, but during production you must follow certain instructions.

To start implementing your idea, you need to prepare the following devices: a container for mixing the main components, a wooden stick and pouring molds.

To make the product bright and original, you need to place it inside the mold. decorative elements in the form of sparkles, particles of dried vegetation, beads, seed beads, etc., you can tint the background using special dye.

To harden the craft you need temperature regime 25-60 degrees of heat, in which it should remain for 24 hours.

DIY crafts

Anyone can make crafts from epoxy, the main thing is to have the desire and necessary materials. And how to properly make crafts with your own hands, appropriate master classes can help you.

For example, you can make unique earrings from epoxy resin and small parts clock mechanisms. To do this, you need to choose a form the right size made of silicone in the form of an oval, pour a resin solution into it, then place the prepared watch parts in the intended location using a toothpick or tweezers, add dye.

A gray-golden background can be obtained if a mixture of graphite and silver is used as a dye. The hardening of the resin can be accelerated if you place the product in the oven, but not hot; at a temperature of +50 degrees it will harden perfectly quickly and without the formation of bubbles.

After this, the products need to be removed from the cabinet, and then from the mold and sanded using coarse (at the beginning) and fine (at the end) sandpaper.

Finally, you should drill a hole for the fastener, cover everything with varnish and fix the fastener. The product is ready for use, wear it for health.

Decoration of crafts with dried plants

For crafts using epoxy resin, dried elements of plants or inflorescences can be used as decorative filling.

But in this case, you will need a certain sized form and pre-prepared decor from dry plants. The principle of making such crafts is similar to the previous one, but it is worth considering some important nuances:

  • It is strictly not recommended to place raw plants or inflorescences inside the composition, since the product will not be durable, since the natural process of decay will soon begin and the composition will be damaged. Therefore, all decor must be well dried in advance.
  • The hardening process should take place in a warm place to avoid bubbles. Mix the resin and hardener for 5 minutes with constant stirring.

Insect decor

Unusual and interesting idea registration decorative composition Inside the craft is the use of various insects: beetles, scorpions, dragonflies and other inhabitants. At the same time, insects retain their unique natural appearance.

However, to get this effect you need to dry them properly, i.e. separately in parts (wings, legs, body), which during the work process are glued with resin to the necessary places. But such work is very painstaking and requires a lot of diligence and patience.

The preparation stage can be called the most significant. A regular tennis ball, which is pre-cut into two halves, is suitable as the shape of the product. If the insect is dried in a beautiful, straightened form initially, then you can simply place it inside the resin; if in parts, then they will have to be glued together during the work, which is not at all easy to do.

It is better to lubricate the inside of the mold with oil to make the hardened epoxy ball easier to remove. Epoxy is poured into two halves, the insect is in one of them. Then the halves are tightly connected, and the joining seam is covered with tape to make it invisible.

After hardening, the mold is removed, the product is ground, polished and varnished. Beautiful craft made of epoxy resin is ready.

In addition, you can make other crafts with your own hands using various elements and materials for internal decorative filling.

Photos of crafts made from epoxy resin

Both epoxy and jewelry wire, in the sense of jewelry, special. Regular wire is uncoated and darkens over time. This can, of course, be used as an advantage, but it is not a fact that oxides will not damage the product in the process. More or less suitable aluminum wire can be found in flower shops. But again, most likely without coverage.

We take a wire that is soft enough, but not too thin. I have aluminum 1.5 mm coated. We turn the ring. It is advisable to use some known even shape.

Use side cutters to cut off the long end of the wire. Keep in mind that in this case one tip (here it will be on the right) will be sharp, and the second will be perpendicular to the wire, which is what we need.

In the same way, we cut the tail very, very close (or better even with a tiny margin) to the first cut.

Connect the ends of the ring. The closer they fit to each other, the better.

Now we glue our ring onto wide tape, which it is advisable to first fix on a flat surface (I have ceramic tiles or glass) with the sticky side up.

Since it is better to dilute epoxy in at least 10 ml, then several blanks should be made at once, unless of course you want to throw away excess diluted epoxy. It is very important to check the tightness of the ring to the surface.

Next, I fill the frames with artistic waste - inlays. In general, they advise pouring the bottom layer first, and then pouring in the garbage, but since the time from mixing until the epoxy hardens is limited, I do it in a different order.

So, the blanks are laid out, the tightness is checked, and you can breed them.

I use Ice Resin (odorless, liquid and almost no bubbles - the latter is very important). I measure out the same amount of resin and hardener...

It is very important to measure the exact amount of liquids. Epoxy is an insidious thing: a little more hardener and it will start to “goat” (that is, reach for the tool with such horns) too quickly; any less and you'll be waiting forever for the lenses to harden. :) Once again: special epoxy, jewelry Ice Resin or Crystal Resin. It differs from the industrial one in the absence of odor, greater transparency and less bubbles. I ordered it here: - here it is:

Once upon a time I tried to make fillings with epoxy glue - the quality is much worse, it is more difficult to work with and in general it is not intended for jewelry purposes.

I knead. At first, the resin becomes cloudy and opalescent stains appear in it - this is normal. Continue stirring for another minute and a half... Until the mixture becomes transparent. Large bubbles will come out on their own, small ones gradually too. However, in the product they will need to be helped to “hatch”. From the start of mixing until the epoxy begins to “rise”, it takes us about 30-40 minutes.

Fill in the lenses. I use a rubber stick for oil (it will be further in the frame), and I also use it to push out bubbles.

The initial filling, as can be seen in the photo, does not completely cover the “garbage”. This is fine. At this stage we only need to create the “bottom” and secure the drawing. You can even pour less - I overdid it in the frames in the lower right corner. :) We have half an hour to do everything: fill it, push out the bubbles with a needle or a glass, make sure that the lenses are filled more or less evenly.
Now we exhale for 8-10 hours and hide our signs with fills on a distant, dust-free shelf and cover it with a lid, leaving a small gap for air between it and the shelf.

Stage two. After 8-10 hours, the lenses are ready for secondary filling. Mix the epoxy again and carefully apply the second layer. It should cover all protruding parts.

Epoxy does not contain solvents, so it does not shrink when cured. In addition, it is viscous, so if you pour it “heaped”, it will flow to the edge and stop there. But here it is important not to overdo it.

After another 8-10 hours, we remove our lenses from the tape. On
At this stage they look scary. Now we take the solvent and wash off the remaining adhesive tape. Alcohol, gasoline, white-spirit, acetone or nail polish remover will do.

Pour the third layer from the inside out and dry for another 8-10 hours. Voila. :) You can drill, insert into a frame, braid with wire and anything else your heart desires.

And more epoxy work

My favorite is heather. :)

Bracelet with heather

The poppies are plastic, but the lemon balm petals and blades of grass are natural (that’s where the herbarium came in handy).

Bracelet " Fresh water". Freshwater pearls, mother-of-pearl and other garbage. :)

Jasper chips, aventurine glass, fluorite sand and mother-of-pearl chips in jewelry epoxy and gilded wire. Tie pendant

Lapis lazuli chips, mother of pearl, dried heather, fluorite sand in epoxy and gilded wire. Bracelet.

Bracelet and medallion.

Today, there are many materials from which you can create aesthetic and practical furniture, and epoxy has recently been one of them. Using wood and this glue, quite interesting designer tables and shelves are made. Next we will tell you everything about the technical process.

Until recently, this two-component adhesive was widely used mainly for reliable connections. various materials, then they began to use it as a component for self-leveling floors. At the same time, such properties as low surface abrasion, high strength, and durability were noted. Further, separate transparent stamps began to be used for very interesting dioramas, where epoxy resin with dyes imitated water. Moreover, the creators made entire tables depicting various landscapes. Perhaps it was precisely such experiments that prompted the creation designer furniture made of wood and epoxy glue.

Epoxy resin can be molded into any shape

The main thing that can be noted as an advantage of the above-mentioned polymer resin is the ability to give it any shape due to its fluidity in liquid state and plasticity at the hardening stage. In addition, the hardened glue is quite easy to process, in particular: it is ground and polished, if necessary, it can be drilled and grooves made in it. There are brands that are absolutely transparent after hardening, and those that have a red, brown, yellowish or whitish color throughout their entire depth. At the same time, in a liquid consistency it is possible to add various components that improve or simply change the properties of the composition. Main positive attribute glue - no shrinkage due to the fact that the composition hardens solely due to chemical reaction, and, as a consequence, remains flat plane surfaces.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages. The fact that cured epoxy resin can be easily processed is sometimes also a disadvantage, since scratches easily appear on the surface. The rest is wear resistance of this material very high. Another factor preventing the widespread use of glue for furniture production is its price, which is quite impressive and allows you to create only single designer products. Brands that are absolutely transparent after hardening are considered especially expensive. And, of course, we should not forget about the toxicity of polymer resin fumes, work with which should be carried out in well-ventilated areas and always wearing a respirator.

Today there are many brands of domestic and foreign production. In fact, any type of furniture is suitable for making furniture, if you don’t have special requirements to the result, but if you want to combine wood with epoxy resin, you definitely need transparent compounds. Otherwise, you will not be able to show the beauty of the wood fibers in the depth of the pour. As a rule, among imported options it is worth paying attention to the brand YD-128 characterized by a high degree of transparency. Has also proven itself to be excellent MG-Epox-Strong, used for filling and obtaining transparent optical products. If you need color coating, please use MG Epox White– This type has a milky white color.

To fill, you need glue with a liquid consistency

All of the above options are two-component glue with a liquid consistency, which you, in fact, need for filling, since a paste-like one is not suitable for this purpose. It should be noted that different brands can be quite successfully combined with each other; in this case, milky inclusions of one type of glue can be enclosed in the thickness of a transparent fill. This will look especially impressive when adding dyes and in combination with wood inclusions. The main thing is not to mix too large portions, since in this case the reaction with the hardener heats the composition, which is why it polymerizes faster.

There are 5 states of glue. If it has a liquid base, its consistency after mixing with the hardener will be appropriate, such an epoxy resin should have good fluidity. It is recommended to fill it with it when making a furniture panel, be it a shelf shelf or the future wall of a chest of drawers. A thicker version, similar to honey or molasses, is suitable for gluing and for applying fill in layers. Thickened to the point where there is almost no fluidity and the individual parts are difficult to separate, it is sometimes suitable as a putty. Next, the glue begins to resemble rubber or plasticine, although it remains very sticky, which does not prevent you from giving it any shape with a stick or wire. And finally, the last state is completely hardened.

As mentioned above, 2 types of glue are used to make furniture - transparent and matte, and each of them can be colored. Now we will look at both options in more detail. For various combinations with wood or other inclusions, it is best to use transparent mixtures, especially those used for optical castings. In this case, even through a thick layer of glue, every detail of the inclusion will be clearly visible, be it fibers from wood trim or metal elements(such as old icons or gears). When adding a special dye, the transparency decreases somewhat, but not completely, but the fill gets a rich color.

From colored epoxy you can create interesting items interior

If you want to get a high-quality colored mixture, add a color from the same manufacturer that made the adhesive mass.

Colored mixtures are initially somewhat cloudy, they can be called rather translucent, and they are unsuitable as the main fill covering wood. The reason is simple - any inclusions simply will not be visible. But you can do the opposite and fill all kinds of cavities in the cut of wood, voids from knots, and woodworm passages that open on the cut. A luminescent dye combined with glue will look especially impressive. Then the slightest illumination will be enough for the furniture panel or tabletop to begin to glow.

This combination of epoxy and wood has proven itself well for the simple reason that it produces a perfectly smooth surface, and at the same time the filling consumption is relatively small. The main volume is occupied by wood, which is covered on all sides thin layer polymer resin. However, be prepared for the fact that the expense will still be noticeable. It is easy to calculate that 10 square centimeters of fill with a thickness of 1 centimeter will require 100 grams of glue. Accordingly, at 1 square meter You will need 10 liters of the composition, and for a tabletop 1x2 meters - 20 liters. And this is only for the top layer, but if you make a thicker layer of epoxy in order to immerse wooden scraps or boards into it, you will need at least 2 times more mixture.

There are quite a few subtleties of using glue. In particular, an interesting effect can be achieved by adding a little water to the composition. Milky-white stains similar to a nebula form in this place. That is, with small drops of water you can get beautiful inclusions in painted epoxy. You can make a multi-color coating by pouring portions of different colors in portions or separating them with small thin plastic barriers. But such fills should be quite thin, no more than 0.5 centimeters, and another, transparent layer will be needed on top. The composition can be colored with ordinary dry gouache, as well as with ink for writing (including paste from rods ballpoint pens), oil and nitro paints.

Epoxy has very strong adhesion to almost all materials, in other words, if you choose the wrong formwork, the glue will stick tightly to it. The only thing that epoxy resin does not stick to is plexiglass, the main thing is that there are no scratches or chips on it. Also, some craftsmen recommend using strips and sheets of polished aluminum. If you want to finish the table only on top, epoxy resin is poured into the formwork, fixed along the side edges of the panel. Accordingly, the ends of the tabletop will not be covered with glue.

If you need to cover only the surface of the tabletop with resin, you should make formwork

It’s a completely different matter if you need a thickness of transparent polymer, inside of which, like an insect in amber, a cut of wood or its individual fragments will be enclosed. In this case, the inclusions should be fixed using ordinary starch paste on the base, which will serve as large leaf plexiglass. If you want the wood to be in the middle of the epoxy thickness, secure the inclusion to the sides of the formwork. The walls of the mold must be attached to the base sheet only from the outside so that they can be easily detached after the mixture has completely hardened.

Mix and pour epoxy - make a transparent or colored panel

It is noteworthy that the reaction after mixing the main component of the glue with the hardener is accompanied by heating of the composition. And the larger the portion volume, the stronger the heating, the faster the epoxy sets. Therefore, it is recommended to use only small containers. Some experts advise adding acetone to the main component, about 10% of the total volume, and only before mixing with the hardener. This will reduce heat and prolong the hardening process of the composition. You can also influence the hardening process by slowing it down somewhat by cooling the dishes. With sudden cooling, solidification will then proceed very slowly, over several days.

There are two types of furniture made from transparent epoxy resin - massive cast or assembled from pre-fabricated panels. In the first case, the stools look like pedestals, the tables look more like thick slabs, while the second option is closer to classic furniture designs. But, whichever type you choose, before the wood and the mixed epoxy resin are joined, the base must be perfectly leveled using a level; this is not difficult to do with your own hands. Otherwise, the mixture will flow to the lower edge. To set the horizontal line, you can place wedges under the edges and strips of different thicknesses under the middle so that the plexiglass sheet does not sag. A table made of wood also needs to be leveled by placing thin liners under the legs.

Now we prepare the filling. To do this, you will need a small container, approximately 0.5 liters, maximum 1 liter, as well as a kneading stick. The measurements should be included in the kit; if they are not, prepare cups with divisions marked on them. We take the main component, measure out a certain amount of it, sufficient to obtain a thin layer. If the epoxy resin table will have large area, prepare several containers at once for mixing an amount that will create a layer approximately 0.5 centimeters thick. Open all windows to allow fresh air into the room.

Be sure to wear special clothes from which threads will not fall, tuck your hair under a cap or scarf, and put gloves on your hands. It is extremely undesirable for hairs, eyelashes, and villi to get into the composition. To ensure that products made of wood and transparent epoxy resin are free of bubbles, if you find any excess inclusions after emptying the container with the composition into the formwork, lightly warm up such an area with a hairdryer, the air should escape out. Hardening takes several days, especially if the filling forms several layers. Next, to smooth the countertop, we carefully grind and polish the surface of the thinnest sandpaper and felt with special pastes.

Epoxy can be used to make various items; it is actively used in industry and construction. Unusual jewelry is made from this material, they are poured into prepared molds, and after a day the material hardens thanks to a hardener.

Benefits of epoxy resin

Epoxy items have a number of advantages, first of all, they have good resistance to acidic environments, and chemical compositions. After curing, the workpiece does not emit toxic substances and does not shrink. The items are durable and have a low level of moisture absorption. Resin has long term operation, that is, increased wear resistance.
It takes time to harden; adding a larger portion of hardener does not make the process faster. In order for the resin to quickly harden, the material is heated, increasing the temperature by 10 degrees of the required value.
Some material may harden without heating. The speed of hardening is affected by temperature and the type of material with which you have to work.

Using epoxy to fill various items?

In order for the composition to harden, it is necessary to perform work at a certain temperature -5, +190 degrees. That is, resins can be of two types, cold and hot curing. When doing work with your own hands, you usually use cold-set material, this makes it possible to make products if heating cannot be done for some reason.
In order for manufactured items to be resistant to aggressive substances, it is necessary to perform the work by heating.
Epoxy resin is used in different directions; it is used to impregnate fiberglass, which is used in mechanical engineering or radioelectrics. The material can serve as an excellent waterproofing material, thus the resin can provide reliable protection basements, swimming pools or flooring. Various room decorations are made from resin to add originality to the interior.

Proper preparation of the composition

To make resin products, it is necessary to prepare materials, that is, epoxy resin and hardener. When working, be aware that when a lot of resin is heated, a large amount of heat can be generated.
There are several types of resin that can cure instantly or after mixing with a hardener. When working with such material, you must comply the right technology, otherwise the resin may boil and deteriorate. Therefore, when choosing a material, you need to consult with the seller about the method of preparing the resin. After hardening, you should get a transparent, uniform piece.
To make large or bulky items, a plasticizer is added to the composition and the temperature is increased, heating the material, the viscosity of the epoxy becomes less. Heat the resin in a water bath, then lower the material into a bowl of water and cool to 50 degrees. This heating method can increase the curing of the resin. If the composition boils, foam will appear on top and the liquid will become cloudy. This mixture is not used; it is necessary to reduce the viscosity of the material; for this, a solvent is added, but this will affect the quality of the product.

Water should not get into the resin or hardener, otherwise the composition will begin to become cloudy. A plasticizer is added to the resin, gradually heating the material. To thoroughly mix all the ingredients, use a special electric mixer or drill with an attachment. Plasticizer is added in amounts up to 10 percent.
Then the hardener is poured, the resin is cooled to 30 degrees in advance. In this case, the ratio of substance and resin is 1 to 10. All components must be well mixed to obtain a high quality product. The hardener is poured in gradually to avoid boiling of the resin.

Self-filling of objects

When performing work, it is necessary to act consistently, adhering to a certain technology. The manufactured item must be of high quality, transparent, and free of air bubbles. It is necessary to achieve uniform hardening of the resin from the inside, and outside.
The resin is poured into prepared molds, which are lubricated with Vaseline so that the workpiece can be easily removed. To give the workpiece specific color, use various dyes in powder form. Three hours after pouring the mold, the resin begins to harden. Complete hardening of the product occurs within a week.
Then they begin cutting and sanding the product. When using dyes, the powder in the composition must be thoroughly mixed so that the coloring is uniform. Coloring elements must be different high quality, otherwise the resin may become cloudy.

Safety rules when working with resin

When working, you must remember that the resin releases toxic substances when heated, so you should use all protective equipment.

  1. When performing work, you cannot use food utensils, which will later be used for products. Such containers are considered unsuitable for food purposes.
  2. Hands must be protected with long gloves to avoid burns or allergic reactions. Goggles are worn to protect the eyes, and a respirator will ensure respiratory safety.
  3. The resin can be stored for about a year, and then is considered unsuitable for making products, so the material must be used within this period.
  4. If the resin gets on the skin, wash it off with plenty of soapy water. This must be done immediately to avoid burns.
  5. If the composition is prepared indoors, it should be well ventilated.
  6. All components must be on hand for quick execution. necessary work. Forms can be made independently or purchased in stores.

How to make jewelry from resin?

To make earrings you will need resin and dried flowers of forest grass. First, prepare the epoxy composition using the instructions, mix all the ingredients, then leave the material until the required viscosity appears, this takes about 2 hours. After this time, air bubbles will disappear from the mixture.

  1. Stencils of any arbitrary shape are drawn on paper; they can be round, oval or unusual.
  2. Then you need to prepare the surface; it is covered with oilcloth. There should be no grains or dust particles on the surface. And its structure should be smooth without differences or flaws.
  3. Stencils are laid on the film, and regular files are placed on top. Resin is poured onto the file and distributed over the entire stencil, the edges are formed using a toothpick. The filling is made up to 3 centimeters high, and the top is covered with an oilcloth dome to prevent dust from getting onto the surface of the product.
  4. Then the molds are left for a day to harden. After this, the blanks are removed from the film and shaped using a nail file or sandpaper. Thus, the edges of the product are processed.
  5. Now you need to prepare a new portion of the composition and arrange the dried flowers. To do this, apply a little resin to the product and glue dry blades of grass onto it, leave it to dry, and cover it again with epoxy resin. Give the product its final shape using sandpaper.
  6. A hole is drilled at the tip of the product into which the eyelet is threaded. After this, the product is considered ready.

To make a bracelet out of resin, you need to use a special mold, a mold. In this case, the pouring is performed slowly; the more accurately the work is done, the less sanding needs to be done. Twigs and leaves of dried flowers are placed in a circle and straightened with a toothpick. To remove air from the product, place the mold in the oven for 15 minutes, and the temperature should not exceed 80 degrees. Then the mold is taken out and the product is left to harden.

When the bracelet has completely hardened, it is removed from the mold and all uneven areas are sanded with sandpaper. To add shine to the surface of the product, it is coated with acrylic-based varnish. Countertops are also made from epoxy resin; for this you need to prepare old surface, build formwork around the edges, and pour the composition evenly. Dried flowers, coins or other decorative elements can be placed inside the resin. Using resin, they make an original bathroom floor with shells, starfish or other unusual jewelry. For beautiful picture use printed drawings. You can also make unusual decorative ornaments for rooms that will highlight the interior.
