How to make a baby with mastic. DIY mastic cake: photo, master class. How to decorate a cake with fondant: for children, wedding

When buying a set of colored mastics to make a baby figurine, pay attention to the fact that among the colors there is one necessary for “gender designation”. A blue bow for a boy and a pink one for a girl is a necessary attribute. In addition, if it is difficult for a novice pastry chef to depict a full-fledged figurine of a child with arms and legs, if he does not know how to make a baby out of mastic, you can create a swaddled baby. In this case the bow a certain color will definitely be needed. At the same time, making a regular figurine can be quite easy for a beginner. First of all, you need to maintain proportions. In a baby, the head is approximately one-fifth of the entire figure. For greater similarity, pay attention to the pose. The arms and legs of a small child are bent.

Those who know how to make swans from mastic are sure that the board for rolling out and “cutting” mastic must be ceramic. Workpieces do not stick to it; moreover, ceramics are hygienic and easy to clean. Another advantage of a ceramic board is the ability to wipe it dry after washing. Wooden crafts in any case, they retain moisture, and water increases the stickiness of the mastic, which is not always convenient. To create a baby figurine in an “envelope”, a ceramic board is simply necessary - it is convenient to roll out the “blanket” blank evenly and accurately on it. Having mastered the simplest techniques and learned how to create simple figures from ready-made colored mastic, you can move on to more complex tasks. For example, figure out how to make colored mastic.

To make complex figures, a sharp knife is simply necessary, so you should purchase it at initial stage. Even when creating simple sculptures, it will make the work much easier. The cut out parts will have clear contours and precise shape, which means that the sculpture as a whole will become neat and elegant. Precise cutting sharp knife will help in creating attributes and decor; it can be used to cut out parts that cannot be molded using a template. Having a convenient knife, even a novice cook will not be stumped by a question such as how to make an orchid from mastic. The whole process will come down to cutting out blanks, bending them slightly with your hands to give them a more natural shape, and assembling the finished product.

Working with mastic great importance has the moisture content of the material. Mastic that is too dry does not mold well and is less flexible. Dried parts are difficult to fasten together. To avoid inconvenience, the mastic must be covered with cling film, removing only as much as is necessary for sculpting a specific part. If the mastic is still dry, you can gently spray it clean water and wait until the moisture is absorbed. Using water, the dried parts are also held together, wetting the joints. Excess water is undesirable. When answering the question of how to dry the mastic, experienced confectioners advise not to overdo it with moisture during the modeling process and not to create too large monolithic parts that can crack when dried.

In this article I will try to outline in detail some of the features of making jewelry from mastic with my own hands for beginners.


I am often asked about which mastic is best to sculpt figures from. For some time I worked with mastic bought in a store, made according to different recipes, so with sugar paste, but I always came back to my recipe because I know how to tailor it to my needs.

Here I will not describe the process of making complex figures, but will simply try to talk in detail about how to make figures from mastic with your own hands. We will be making a person with relatively realistic body proportions and simple clothing. I am confident that anyone who follows these instructions will eventually learn how to create excellent fondant figures for a children's cake, and that this knowledge will help in the future when moving on to more complex techniques work and making figurines with outstretched arms, as well as sculpting animals from mastic.

If you have any questions about how to sculpt figures from fondant, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. I will try to answer them as quickly as possible, but please remember that I busy man, so don't expect immediate answers from me.

Remember that all this is not the ultimate truth, but just my own experiences, and you may have a different view on how to make figures from mastic for a cake. So there are no hard and fast rules here other than maybe the placement of parts, so adapt these tips to your needs and preferences.

Required materials and tools

In my work, I try to avoid unnecessary expensive tools and often use what I already have at home. I'll stick with that idea throughout this tutorial and try to keep the amount of what you need to make your sugar gummies to a minimum.

To make a simple figurine from mastic, you will need:

  • Mastic different colors for the manufacture of the following parts: pants, boots, sweaters, leather, hair;
  • A few toothpicks. Note: Do not give fondant products containing toothpicks to young children and be sure to warn everyone else that they contain toothpicks. You can substitute solid pasta if you wish, but let everyone know anyway;
  • Salt shaker with powder or corn syrup, whichever you prefer. If you don't have a salt shaker, you can use a spoon instead;
  • Cutting board (as smooth as possible);
  • A sharp, non-corrugated knife;
  • Small or medium ball shaped mastic tool;
  • Small pastry brush;
  • Water in a small container;
  • Black food gel coloring;
  • A surface on which you will place the figures, such as a cake or, if you are making them in advance, a piece of foam;
  • Printed sketch of a person (see below).

Through trial and error, I realized that as I made figures from mastic, each subsequent detail turned out large sizes than the previous one and as a result I produced disproportionate crafts from mastic. It was also difficult for me to make several figures of the same size if I did it by eye. For this reason, I began to use sketches similar to the one shown above and the figures for the mastic cake began to turn out to be the right size. Just upload this sketch to any graphics editor (I use Irfanview), install the desired height future figurine and print out the sketch. This approach can also be used when decorating a cake to figure out how to arrange the figures and what size they should be.

The height of the figurine described in this article is 6.3 cm.
Usually, mastic is sticky, so to roll it out properly and avoid sticking to the board and your fingers, sprinkle work surface and hands with powdered sugar. Don't worry about getting powdered sugar all over the figure; you can easily clean it afterwards.

To glue pieces of mastic together, apply to one of them thin layer water with a brush and press them together. You may need to move them around a little to get them to stick, but usually just water is enough to do this. Some people like to use different kinds edible glue, store-bought or homemade, but I usually don't bother with that. Water glues perfectly in almost all cases.

If you are working in a dry area, you may need to soften your mastic to prevent cracking on the surface. To do this, just mix it into the dough a small amount of water and warm it in your hands. Try to do everything quickly so that the mastic does not have time to dry out and begin to crack. In conditions high humidity you may need to stir in additional powdered sugar into the fondant and increase the time between steps to ensure the pieces don't mix together.

We sculpt a person

Roll out the mastic of blue color a long snake. Make sure its thickness matches the leg thickness on the printed sketch. Don't worry about it being too long - you can always cut off the excess.

Using the blunt side of a knife, make a notch in the middle of the snake and bend the fondant along it.

Place the bent snake on the sketch so that the bent edge is near the hips. If necessary, trim the bottom of the pants.

Turn the pants over and place them next to the sketch. Using the blunt part of a knife, make indentations at the knees. They will help prevent wrinkles from forming when folded.

Gently rotate the knife several times to make the indentation wider. The back of the legs should look like this:

If you are decorating the cake now, you can wet the back of the legs with water and place them on the edge of the cake. I made the figure on foam plastic, so I’ll tell you further about the features of this case.

Place a handful of powdered sugar on the surface and, with your knees gently bent, place them on the edge of the foam.

To make the figure more stable, you can moisten the gap between the pants and carefully, so as not to damage the shape, press one leg to the other.

Make two even balls of black mastic, slightly larger than in the sketch (shoes require more mastic than feet without them, unless you are making thin slippers). To get identical balls, you can use these by cunning trick: Use fondant to make a thick sausage with flattened ends and cut it in half.

Shape the balls into droplets of water, but without the pointed end at the top, and then press them down lightly.

Break a toothpick in half and insert each one into the legs from the bottom. Leave an overhang long enough to hold the boot.

Wet the top and sides of the shoes with water (and the back if you're decorating the cake now) and place them over the raised portions of the toothpicks.

Insert a toothpick into the top of the legs so that it goes a little deep into the foam, but make sure there is enough length at the top to fit the body over it.

Make a block of mastic that is wider on one side. Its thickness may vary depending on the size of your figure. I find that 1.3 cm thickness is suitable for most cases.

Now put it on the sketch. The upper edge of the bar should reach the shoulders, and the lower edge should reach the legs. The block should be flat near the shoulders, but you can make a depression in the opposite part if you want the sweater to extend slightly over the pants.

After adding a little water, place the body on the toothpick and press it on top so that it sticks to the legs.

Press down on the sides of the block so that its edges are in line with your hips.

Roll out a long snake of the same color as the body from the mastic, place it on the sketch along the line of the arm and cut off the excess, without taking into account the length of the hand and fingers, which we will do next. From above, cut the snake along the vertical line of the body (at an acute angle).

If you need to make hands that would be in a horizontal position, then the angle needs to be made more obtuse. The sharp angle is needed so that the arms are close to the body and the figurine's palms are on the knees, because in this case there is no need to make any internal supports or wait for the mastic to harden.

Do the same with the other hand, making sure that they are the same length.

Mark the elbow bend with the blunt side of the knife.

Bend your arm along the line, and make elbows on the back side with your fingertips. Unlike the knees, the elbows should be slightly pointed. If after this the arm begins to wobble, add a little water to the elbow and press lightly to glue the edges of the indentation.

Using a ball-shaped tool, make small indentations at the base of the arms. They are needed to make the hands look like extensions of the arms, and not as if they were torn off from the body and then glued back on.

Wet the surface of the hand that will be adjacent to the body with water and press it against the torso and leg. While you do this, shape your shoulders as desired.

Don't place the bases of your hands close to each other unless you're going for folded hands. And this will most likely be difficult to do without bending them at an unnatural angle.

Then insert another toothpick into the top of the body, this will be the internal support for the head. Stick it deep enough so that it does not come out of the head on the other side.

Leave the hands to harden for a while before making the palms.

From mastic flesh-colored Roll out the ball into a drop shape and place it on the sketch. The ball should slightly cover the contours of the head in the sketch, but nothing more. In general, it is better to make the head a little smaller, since it can be enlarged later due to the hair.

It is usually difficult for beginners to make a bare neck well, so it is better to replace it with a sweater collar. To do this, make a small thick cylinder of mastic and put it on a toothpick.

Make a small indentation at the front.

Take the head made in the previous steps and place it on the toothpick at an angle. The chin should point forward, otherwise the head will look like a ball.

Using a ball-shaped tool, make small holes for the eyes.

Roll out a very small piece of mastic into a drop-shaped ball and press it with your fingers.

Then attach it to your head so that its sharp tip is level with your brow ridges.

Use a toothpick to make the nostrils, moving it slightly to the side to outline the shape of the nose.

The mouth can be made in two ways: draw it or cut it out. You can cut out the mouth with the tip of a sharp knife.

When you're done, lightly press the knife down on the bottom half of your mouth to highlight the bottom lip.

Use a toothpick to form the lower part of the lip and, pressing lightly, cover the figure’s mouth.

Use the pointed end of a toothpick to shape the middle of the upper lip, making a small indentation.

The easiest way to sculpt hands is to make them in the form of mittens. For those who want to make more realistic hand outlines, detailed instructions are given below.

Roll out a hand-sized piece of fondant onto the template and shape it into a teardrop shape, as you did in the previous steps for the head and nose.

Then decide which hand you are doing: right or left. Place your hand next to the piece of mastic to get an idea of ​​which way your thumb should be facing.

Make a V-shaped cut as shown in the photo below.

Draw a knife around to mark the thumb.

Cut another small piece to give the finger the desired shape.

Make cuts to form the remaining fingers.

Use your fingers to gently smooth out any sharp corners.

Use a ball tool to form light indentations in the palms of your hands.

By turning your hand and pressing it lightly with your fingers, make a round wrist.

After adding a little water to your leg and sleeve, insert your wrist there. Nails can be marked with the tip of a toothpick.

Do the above method on the other hand.

One of the most simple ways make hair - mold it in the form of a cap or a pot. Take a piece of mastic and shape it like in the picture below. It should have a flat surface at the bottom and a slightly convex top.

Press the mastic with your thumb and forefinger and twist it.

When shaping your hair, always check how it will look on your head to choose right size. When you get right size, press the hair at the edges so that it becomes thin and does not look like a helmet.

Moisten inner surface hair with water and carefully attach it to your head.

To create curls, run a sharp knife along the edge of your hair a couple of times.

Long hair can be easily achieved by simply pressing the mastic on one side more than on the other.

If you decide to make ears for the figurine, make small cutouts in the hair, as shown below.

Tear off a small piece of mastic and give it the shape as in the photo.

Use the sharp end of a toothpick to make two holes in the piece.

Connect these pits with a groove, while pressing to the side to form the edge of the ear. Make a hole in the bottom of the ear.

Keep improving the form until you are happy with the result.

Apply a wet brush to the ear in the center with outside, which will be adjacent to the head, and attach it in place.

Look at the figurine from several sides to make sure the ears are not sticking out.

Use black gel dye to draw eyebrows and eyes.

The figurine is ready!

I hope that now you don’t have a question about how to make a figurine from mastic for a cake and surprise your family and friends with your masterpiece.

What is the main dish at any holiday? What is the one thing no birthday can do without? And what dessert are all guests looking forward to with pleasure? Of course it's a cake!

Today, probably the most popular are cakes made with mastic. They are beautiful, hold their shape perfectly, and the incomparable decorations made from this product can be safely eaten. Mastic cake for children is very popular, because parents can please their child by giving him a dessert decorated with figurines of their favorite cartoon characters.

But our article is intended for those who want to learn how to create delicious beauty themselves! A DIY mastic cake is not a dream, it is a completely doable task! And our master class will help you with this.

The preparation of dessert takes place in several stages. The first is to determine the type of mastic from which you are going to make the cake.

What kind of mastic is there and where to buy it?

Before you start telling, how to decorate a cake mastic, it is necessary to clarify: what is it anyway? This is a viscous, plastic substance, very similar to plasticine. Thanks to these properties, confectioners began to do more than just make delicious desserts. In their ingenious hands real works of art are born! Often such cakes are not only eaten, it’s a shame to cut them!

Mastic happens different types, the most common of them:

  • For modeling. The name itself suggests its purpose. It is very suitable for creating jewelry and figurines. It has a consistency that is soft on the inside but hard on the outside. This quality is great, for example, for creating jewelry using silicone molds. You will find out what it is a little later.
  • Floral. This mastic is ideal for creating delicate and complex decorations, such as small flowers. It contains more thickener, so it dries faster, but it rolls out thinner, is very plastic and holds its shape well. Decorating cakes with floral fondant is a very easy and enjoyable task.
  • Sugar. This is what is mainly used to cover cakes (this process is also called covering).

Mastic also comes in marzipan, milk and honey.

You must understand that it is not at all necessary to have all three types of the most popular mastic in your arsenal; you can get by with regular sugar mastic. Its other types are used, rather, by professional kitchen masters for greater convenience and to save their time. Ordinary housewives who want to please their loved ones with their own sweet masterpiece can only get by with sugar mastic.

Buying it is not so easy; it is sold only in specialized confectionery stores. If there is one near your home, then you are incredibly lucky. The best option is to order delicious “plasticine” in the online store in your city. If you don’t find one, don’t despair, you can make mastic yourself. How? Read on!

How to make homemade mastic from marshmallows?

It turns out that you can make mastic yourself. And it will cost you at least 2 times less. And this is not the only plus. Many confectionery masters claim that homemade cake mastic tastes much nicer than store-bought ones.

To prepare it (about 400-500 grams) you will need:

  • marshmallow soufflé - 100 grams;
  • soft butter- 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • powdered sugar - 250-350 grams.

What is it - marshmallow? Not many people have heard such a mysterious name, but everyone has seen this soufflé! These are the same white and pink Bon Paris sweets in the form of delicious pillows or braids.

There are other manufacturing companies, but this one is perhaps the most popular in Russia. Many mothers deliberately prepare a children's mastic cake exclusively from marshmallows, since they have no doubt about the harmlessness of the composition of the finished product.

How to cook?

  1. Place the soufflé in a bowl (not a metal one).
  2. Microwave it for 5-10 seconds. The mass should then become soft.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. soft butter room temperature and 1 tbsp. l. natural lemon juice.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly. The mass should become soft and homogeneous.
  5. After this, add 1 tbsp to it. l. powdered sugar until the mixture reaches the consistency of a batter.
  6. Place the future mastic on the table and knead like dough, adding powdered sugar again and again until the mass becomes viscous and plastic, but elastic and does not stick to your hands, similar to plasticine.

Please note: marshmallow soufflé has various colors. Candies can be white-pink or yellow-white-pink. If you want to get mastic of a certain color, for example pink, then you can safely melt whole white and pink pads. If you need white mastic, then the soufflé will need to be cut and only the white part melted. But marshmallows won't turn out clean. white. It's always a little grayish. Keep this in mind if you want to make a pure white fondant wedding cake. In this case, it is better to purchase a finished product.

Shokomastika: recipe

Except marshmallow mastic There is another type that can be prepared at home. This is shockomastic. It also turns out to be viscous and plastic, its taste is unique. The only drawback- it dries longer, and it will also take a little longer to prepare.

So, you will need:

  • white or dark chocolate - 100 grams;
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid honey.

Cooking instructions

  1. The chocolate must be cut into small pieces or grated.
  2. The product must be melted in a water bath, but please note that the water should not boil under any circumstances. Then the chocolate will overheat, change its structure, and the mastic will not work.
  3. After the mass becomes liquid, add 2 tablespoons of honey, slightly warmed but not hot. Mix everything with a spoon. The mass will immediately begin to thicken.
  4. The resulting product must be kneaded well, like dough, for 20-30 minutes. During the process, cocoa butter will be released, do not be afraid of this, place some plate and let it calmly flow there.

Decorating cakes with chocolate fondant is less popular due to its slow drying, but is also possible. It is good for tight fitting. Shokomastic can be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic.

Coloring mastic. What do you need to know?

Before you plan to make a mastic cake, you need to clearly imagine what exactly you want to see in the end result. What color will the dessert be, how will you decorate it, will there be inscriptions on it and much more.

After you decide on the type of mastic (it doesn’t matter whether it’s purchased or homemade), it’s time to think about the color.

There are several options for coloring mastic:

  1. If you make it yourself, you can color it during the cooking process. Dye (dry or gel) is added at the stage of mixing the still liquid marshmallow or white chocolate. This method is only good if the entire mastic cake is the same color - both the coating and the decorations.
  2. You buy or make white mastic, and add a few drops of dye to the finished one, kneading the mass until it acquires a uniform, even color. Dye is added using a toothpick. It is dipped into colored gel and lines are applied to the finished mastic. Knead. Evaluate the resulting color and, if necessary, repeat the procedure. This option is good because you can paint the mastic in different colors and do it with exactly the volume that you need.
  3. The disadvantage of the first two options is that the color of the mastic will not be very bright. It will always be more pastel than flashy. The third option is suitable for those who want a rich, eye-catching color. It is necessary to dilute the gel dye with a few drops of vodka, apply it to a sponge and use it to quickly blot the already covered mastic cake. The color is even and bright.

So, your mastic is already ready. You decided on a color and painted it. It's time to think about the filling: what will you hide under the mastic?

What dough and filling is best to prepare for mastic?

Probably one of the most exciting questions for novice cooks is: “What kind of cake should I bake with mastic?” The most common version of the tight test is, of course, a sponge cake. It is delicate but holds its shape well. It can be cut into cakes and made into delicious dips and fillings.

The most suitable and delicious biscuit recipe for a cake decorated with fondant is:

  1. Beat 200 grams of soft butter at room temperature with 200 grams of powdered sugar.
  2. Add four eggs to the mixture and beat everything until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Add flour (300 grams) premium, sifted through a sieve and mix everything well.
  4. Bake until done.

Ideal and sand cake under mastic, and honey.

But not everything is as simple as we would like. Sugar mastic is afraid of moisture. That is why biscuits intended to be covered with it should not be too generously soaked in syrups. The cream for layering the cakes should also not be very soft.

Mastic is a fairly heavy product, and such delicate cakes, such as “Bird's Milk” or “Broken Glass” with an airy and delicate soufflé inside, are not suitable for covering.

You should know that under no circumstances should mastic be placed on top of whipped cream, yogurt cream, or the like. In this case, it will simply melt and “flow”.

But don’t despair, you can still make your favorite layers from almost any cream inside the cake. Culinary experts have come up with a solution. In this case, the outside of your cake just needs to be coated with a special cream that is suitable for covering with mastic. That is, you will have 2 creams. Internal, to your taste (the most important thing is that the structure of the cake itself is strong and stable), and external, on which the mastic will be placed.

Thus, there can be a lot of taste variations. This means that your own mastic cake, made with your own hands, will undoubtedly become one and only.

Cake leveling cream recipes

What kind of magic creams are these? You probably already have this question. There are only two most popular types of leveling creams.

“Cream from boiled condensed milk with butter”

It is perhaps the most common, as it does not require much skill or time. It is necessary to mix well 200 grams of soft butter at room temperature and 150 grams of boiled condensed milk. The cream is ready!

"Chocolate ganache"

To prepare it you need:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 100 grams of chocolate;
  • 110 ml cream (30-35% fat).

Let's start cooking:

  1. Chop the chocolate and place in a bowl.
  2. In a saucepan, thoroughly mix the cream with sugar, bring the mixture almost to a boil and turn off (do not boil!).
  3. Pour the hot mixture into the chocolate, wait a few minutes and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add butter and stir the mixture again. Ready!

And now, using any of these creams, the cake must be prepared for covering with mastic. It's not enough to just coat the cake. Its surface must be perfectly flat!

That’s why these creams are called leveling creams. With their help, the future mastic cake will turn out perfectly smooth and beautiful, because with any convexity of the cream, defects will be visible. To make the dessert look neat, we recommend leveling its surface in three stages.

  1. Spread a thin layer of cream over the top and sides of the cake; it will smooth out all the major irregularities. Cool in the refrigerator until the first layer of cream hardens.
  2. Cover the cake with a second, thicker layer of cream. Try to give the surface as even a finish as possible. Chill again in the refrigerator until firm.
  3. Heat the knife on the stove fire (not hot water, it must be dry). Using a hot knife, smooth the cream to an ideal, beautiful and even surface. Place the cake back in the refrigerator.

So, a huge, important stage has been passed! We already have a beautiful, leveled cake! The mastic for a birthday (or other holiday) is also ready, all that remains is to cover our gorgeous, delicious dessert.

What tools are needed to cover a fondant cake?

For subsequent work with mastic you will need the following:

  • rolling pin. It can be regular (wooden) or silicone. Professional confectioners choose silicone models with a rotating handle. This is the most convenient way to roll out the mastic.
  • Silicone mat. But you can do without it if the table surface is smooth and without flaws.

  • Pastry iron. This is a device with which the mastic on the cake is leveled. This is an extremely convenient thing. After all, you will never be able to press the mastic onto the cake with your fingers so smoothly.
  • Regular knife or round(for pizza). The latter is more convenient to work with and is necessary for cutting mastic.

  • Powdered sugar. Needed for rolling out mastic to prevent it from sticking to the table.

The wrapping process. Step by step photos

How to properly cover a mastic cake? Our master class will show you this in great detail! So:

How to decorate a cake with fondant? You will find out about this very soon!

What equipment do you need to have to decorate cakes with fondant?

You can decorate the cake with fondant without having anything at all except scissors and a knife. Or you can buy a couple of silicone molds - and then the process of creating flowers and various figures will be simplified to a minimum! What is a mold? This is a silicone mold for making various jewelry. How to use it? Nothing could be simpler. You need to put a piece of mastic into the hole of the mold and press it tightly so that you are completely sure that it has filled every millimeter of it. The form can be placed in the freezer for a couple of minutes, then carefully remove the resulting figure or flower.

For beginners, working with mastic is easy perfect option. Using molds you can decorate dessert not only quickly, but also very beautifully.

You can learn to sculpt flowers and figures from mastic with your own hands. There are a large number of video lessons of this kind. After practicing a couple of times, you will surely be able to create something beautiful.

Well, another option is possible: buy in specialized stores already ready-made decorations on the cake.

Now you know the basic principles and nuances of making a cake covered with mastic. These main stages remain unshakable for a cake of any shape and design.

Children's cakes made from mastic. Photo

For boys, the most desirable thing, of course, is a cake in the shape of a car. Making it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. All stages of preparing sponge cake and cream remain the same. It's all just a matter of your imagination. The cake will only need to be shaped like a car body. After covering the entire dessert with mastic, you need to cut out the machine parts for decoration; this can be done with a knife or ordinary scissors, and glue them with ordinary water. Since the mastic is sugar, water acts on it like glue.

A mastic cake for a girl is undoubtedly best designed in the form of a doll.
It's much easier to make it than a machine. The cake needs to be shaped into a dome. This will be the doll's skirt. And all you need to do is stick the doll’s legs into this dome. Specialized stores sell a special top part of the doll for cakes like this. But it doesn't come cheap. Why spend money if there is practically no difference, and the doll can be washed later? After fixing, the cake can be covered with mastic in any way your heart desires. You can make folds, a train, glue bows and flowers. The upper part of the doll can also be decorated with individual pieces of mastic.

If your child is crazy about a popular cartoon character, you can make a figurine of him from mastic. Dare, create, try! And your children will say with pride and love: “Our mother is the best!”

Wedding cakes made from mastic. Photo. Nuances in preparation

These mastic cakes are especially popular. They are very beautiful, and there are a lot of ideas for their design. But it’s not at all necessary to come up with grandiose bouquets of flowers. A simple design that even a beginner can handle is by no means the worst thing.

Perhaps the easiest, but no less beautiful design wedding cake can be ordinary mastic balls or confectionery sprinkles.

Bows can also serve as a simple but elegant solution. various sizes. You can play with colors, because no one said that wedding colors must be white.

The most ordinary stripes on a cake can add real zest and elegance to a sweet dessert. A wedding cake made from mastic is actually not so much difficult to decorate as it is to “assemble”. The main difficulty in cooking is attaching its tiers if there are several of them. If there are two tiers, then usually the second is simply placed on the first. But in this case, the sponge cake should not be too soft or with a delicate filling, otherwise the lower tier threatens to be crushed under the weight of the first.

Everything becomes much more complicated when there are three or more tiers. Then a substrate of the required diameter is purchased for each of them, and each layer of the cake is placed on it. In addition, each tier is strengthened with special wooden sticks. They are used to pierce all layers (except for the very top) in several places and cut them so that their height exactly matches the height of the tier itself. Thus, the upper tier on the base will lie not just on the lower ones, but also on wooden sticks that will not bend and will firmly hold the weight of the entire cake, preventing the dessert from deforming.

Now you know how to make a mastic cake with your own hands. The master class revealed in detail all the stages of preparing this delicious dessert. And if before reading our article the task seemed impossible for you, now you are probably excited about this idea and will delight your loved ones with a wonderful, incomparable cake! We believe in you! Everything will definitely work out!
