How to prepare burdock roots for hair treatment. Burdock for hair: application, recipe, reviews. Burdock decoction for rubbing for oily hair

I believe in great power nature, so I’m constantly looking for various plants, which have a very positive effect on hair. In addition to nettle, horsetail, birch, special attention burdock deserves, namely its root.

Burdock root(burdock) contains polysaccharides (inulin), essential oil, phytosterol, organic acids, mineral salts (sulfides and phosphates), proteins, tannins, resins, vitamin C and valuable microelements (in large quantities zinc and copper, and slightly less cobalt, manganese and iron).

Burdock root, thanks to its contents and many valuable components, perfectly strengthens hair follicles and is ideal for hair and scalp care. It also has antibacterial activity, thus reducing itching and soothing irritation of the scalp. Burdock root helps eliminate dandruff and prevents its formation. This is an ideal natural cosmetic product for the care and regeneration of the scalp and hair, which after regular use become soft, shiny and fluffy.

Dry burdock root is sold in any pharmacy.

First of all, treatment with burdock is recommended for:

  • toxic and seborrheic hair loss;
  • alopecia;
  • for hair regeneration after perm or aggressive coloring;
  • acne and eczema;
  • ringworm;
  • dandruff;
  • dry skin;
  • irritation and itching of the scalp.


Like many other herbs, burdock can be used in several ways:

- In the form of oil

It stimulates hair follicles and accelerates their growth, stopping hair loss. In oil form, it perfectly softens the scalp and nourishes the hair.

Burdock (otherwise known as burdock) oil can be purchased in pharmacies or specialty stores, often with various additives, for example, red pepper and horsetail.


Pour oil over the dried burdock roots until they are completely covered and leave for 15 days. Rub the resulting liquid into your scalp to fight dandruff and speed up hair growth.

— In the form of tincture

There are various ready-made scalp tinctures on the market, in which you can also find burdock. You can also make your own burdock tincture using alcohol.


Mix half a glass of burdock root with 1.5 glasses of alcohol. Pour the mixture into an airtight glass container and leave for a week. dark place. Then strain the finished tincture and rub it into your scalp at least twice a week.

And if you want to enrich your tincture to further strengthen your hair, add horsetail herb, hop cones and nettle leaves - all in equal quantities.

- In the form of a decoction

Hair rinse recipe:

Pour 2 tablespoons of burdock root into 2 glasses warm water and heat slowly, covered, until boiling. Strain the infusion and dilute with water (temperature 37-39 ° C) to the original volume. Use burdock infusion to rinse your hair after washing your hair. Don't wash it off.

The decoction makes the hair very soft and fluffy.

Recipe for hair loss:

You can prepare an effective burdock preparation yourself at home.

You can buy burdock root at a herbal store; the root costs a pretty penny, but is very effective in regenerating hair after frequent coloring. In case of excessive hair loss, pour 2 teaspoons of dry burdock root with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then strain and rub the liquid into the bald areas, you can also add a birch leaf to the tincture.

— Fresh root

You can also use fresh burdock roots for hair care; you can dig them up in the summer. Grate the roots. Strain the juice from the mixture thus obtained and rub it into the scalp. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

— Burdock ointment

An effective means of enhancing hair growth: burdock juice or burdock root ointment.


To prepare the ointment, boil 20 grams of burdock roots in 1 cup of boiling water for 20 minutes until the liquid is reduced by 50 percent.Then the broth is mixed with warm melted pork fat and poured into the pan.Closes tightly.Place the mixture in the oven for 1.5 hours.Pour into a glass container after cooling. Rub burdock ointment into your head before washing, then wrap it in cellophane. Leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Burdock or burdock is a large perennial herbaceous plant with large leaves. It grows most often near human habitation, near roads, under fences, in landfills, in fields and meadows. The height of one of the largest species of the genus, large burdock, can reach 2 meters. Burdock flowers are purple, collected in small inflorescences; after the seeds ripen, they easily cling to clothing or animal fur and are thus transported over long distances.

Beneficial properties of burdock (burdock)

All parts of the plant have some beneficial properties, Burdock root is especially valued. The rhizome contains essential and fatty oils, tannins, pectin and bitter substances, glycosides, alkaloids, resins, mucus, protein, starch, sugar, minerals, vitamins C, groups B, E, D, carotene and many other useful components.

Thanks to such a rich composition, burdock-based preparations have excellent cleansing, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Fresh leaves are used as an antipyretic, for rheumatism, mastopathy and for wound healing. Infusions of leaves are used for kidney and gall bladder diseases, joint pain, intestinal disorders (constipation), and diabetes.

Preparations from the roots of burdock have wound-healing, diuretic and diaphoretic properties, normalize metabolism and completely cleanse the body of toxins, improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys and pancreas. Decoctions and infusions of burdock root accelerate hair growth and help fight dandruff and scalp sensitivity.

Burdock oil is used externally to treat skin diseases and strengthen hair in case of baldness. It is obtained from burdock roots by infusing them with olive, almond, peanut, sesame or other fatty vegetable oil.

Harvesting burdock

Burdock root is a thick tap root, up to 60 cm long and about as thick as a person’s arm. When going for burdocks, you definitely need to take a shovel; you won’t be able to just pull out the root. You should not take roots from landfills and garbage dumps, and you should not dig up burdocks near roadways. It is better to take a walk around the neighborhood and find a clean place, not polluted by runoff and waste, somewhere in a meadow or field.

The roots are best from first year plants and are harvested in the fall. You can take it in the spring of the second year, but it is better to do this at the very beginning of the appearance of leaves. Roots dug out of the ground are thoroughly cleaned of soil and small roots, washed in running water, after which they are either immediately used to prepare juice and decoction, or finely crushed and air-dried for further use. The raw materials are dried under a canopy, or in a slightly heated oven or stove. The shelf life of harvested raw materials is 2-3 years.

If it is not possible to prepare the roots yourself, then it does not matter - you can always buy them in a pharmacy in dried form.

What are the benefits of burdock for hair?

Burdock has been known since ancient times as effective remedy to strengthen and stimulate hair growth. Our grandmothers collected burdock roots, mixed them with birch leaves and hop cones and used them to rinse their hair.

Burdock can be used fresh by rubbing its juice into the hair roots. Can be used as a decoction or infusion of dry root. It is also used as part of various masks, ointments and creams based on it.

With regular use of burdock root, weak and damaged hair regains its natural shine and elasticity, hair growth accelerates and hair loss stops. Burdock can be used for any hair type.

Recipes for using burdock (burdock) for beauty

Here are the simplest and most popular folk recipes for using burdock for hair:

Burdock root juice

Clean the dug up burdock roots from the soil, rinse with cold running water and chop. They can be grated or cut into pieces and then pureed in a blender. Squeeze out the resulting mass. Dilute the squeezed juice halfway with water and rub into the hair roots and scalp after washing. For severe hair loss, it is advisable to do this at least 2 times a week for a month.

Burdock root decoction for hair

Excellent for hair loss, accelerates growth, and adds shine. To prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of dry crushed burdock roots with a glass of boiling water, put on low heat and cook for 10 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour and strain. Rub the resulting decoction into the hair roots 2-3 times a week or rinse your hair with it after washing.

Burdock root mask for weak and damaged hair

This mask is recommended for dry and damaged hair; it perfectly nourishes and restores hair, making it shiny and silky. Place 2-3 tablespoons of crushed and dried burdock roots in a small container and pour 100 ml of boiling water over them. Place over low heat and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, then let the broth cool to a temperature that is pleasant for the head, strain, add 5 tablespoons sea ​​buckthorn oil and mix thoroughly. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots, put a plastic bag or shower cap on top of your head and insulate it with a terry towel. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Mask to accelerate hair growth

This product perfectly stimulates hair growth, makes it strong and shiny. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped burdock roots into a glass of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Grind one medium-sized onion on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Cool the broth a little and strain. Add the resulting onion juice to it and mix everything well. Cool the mixture to a temperature that is pleasant for the skin and apply the mask, rubbing it into the roots and scalp. Distribute the remainder evenly throughout the hair. Cover the top plastic bag or a shower cap and wrap with a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Hair strengthening mask

An excellent remedy for weak, dry and brittle hair. Strengthens the roots, gives hair silkiness and elasticity. Pour 3 tablespoons of crushed dry burdock roots into a glass of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Next, strain the mixture hot and pour 3 tablespoons into it. olive oil. To stir thoroughly. Allow to cool and rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots.

Anti-dandruff mask

Dandruff often requires treatment by special means. But with general improvement of the scalp and normalization of metabolic processes, this problem disappears thanks to protective forces the body itself. To prepare the decoction, take burdock root, heather grass, grass, and hop fruits in equal quantities (usually 1 tablespoon each). Pour the mixture with 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes. Use to rinse your hair after washing. After such rinsing, do not immediately dry your hair with a hairdryer, but wrap it in a terry towel and keep it warm for 20-30 minutes.

Another useful composition against dandruff - burdock root, hop fruits, calamus rhizome. All this can be bought at the pharmacy. Prepare in the same way as the previous decoction.

Natural remedies never lose their relevance and are always in fashion. Women, even thousands of years ago, even today, pay increased attention to their beauty and especially their hair.

Yes, we increasingly prefer short haircuts. And there are many good reasons for this. But we easily change our style and views, so one fine day we decide to improve our health and grow a long braid with the help of nature’s gifts. Burdock, chamomile, and nettle are the first herbs that come to mind that help with the realization of these goals.

Let's continue our story about the healing qualities and benefits of burdock for women's hair.

girl with thick hair

Burdock, or burdock, is a weed plant that is found everywhere in our latitudes outside the city, in fields, forests, in dachas, and at grandparents’ houses.

Much has been written about its healing power both in the ancient works of herbalists and in modern ones.

Burdock juices were used to disinfect, stimulate wound healing and treat diseases of internal organs.

Burdock is unique in its composition of substances beneficial to human hair:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E, which support life and healthy shine of hair
  • tanning compounds providing a bonding effect
  • inulin is a unique polysaccharide that is responsible for the smooth and shiny ability of hair
  • fatty acids cope with moisturizing even excessively dry hair that has been permed and long-term dyeing, protect it from ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes external environment, form protective film on the hair and scalp, reducing the need for private washing
  • bitterness disinfects and reduces skin itching, which is important for dandruff, seborrhea, alopecia
  • essential oils that reduce the urge to scratch your head
  • protein is the basis of hair, there is also a lot of it in burdock
  • stigmasterol fills the hair vital energy, treats split ends and brittle hairs

If you prefer to make your own plant preparations for yourself, remember that burdock root has good potency in early spring and late autumn.

Our ancestors used both the roots and leaves of burdock for medicinal purposes.

How to strengthen your hair with burdock?

burdock in nature and its roots

To restore weak, lifeless hair, exhausted by chemical dyes, to health and strengthen its position, it is important to regularly use burdock of your choice:

  • in the form of fresh root juice, which should be rubbed into the roots
  • decoction and/or infusion, diluting them with water for rinsing after washing
  • add to masks, prepare shampoos with it - then the process of regeneration of the scalp, hair follicles and scales will accelerate
  • in cream for better impregnation skin, roots and hair length

In order to stop the process of hair loss and effectively strengthen it, rub burdock into the scalp with gentle massaging movements, apply masks and cream.

It is optimal to prepare burdock root yourself, then you know for sure that it is filled with the maximum amount of useful substances. But the pharmacy version is also good for preparing masks, decoctions, tinctures for healing and restoring strength to hair.

IN folk recipes to strengthen female beauty, you will see that our ancestors especially revered burdock and nettle. In this combination, the effect is better and more noticeable.

What types of masks with burdock are there for hair?

girl's hair mask

The range of beneficial effects of burdock on our hair is wide. That’s why there are different masks with it:

  • to increase hair thickness
  • stop excessive loss
  • scalp treatments, such as dandruff
  • elimination increased work sebaceous glands at the base of hair growth and for oily hair type
  • stimulating growth
  • restoration of dull, lifeless, brittle, naturally dry hair or as a result of exposure to chemical dyes and perms

The main active ingredients in such masks are dried crushed burdock roots.

How to use burdock for hair?

The girl has long and strong hair
  • A valuable part of burdock in terms of benefits for hair are its roots. So go in early spring or in late autumn to take them to the dacha or to visit relatives in the village
  • Wash the collected material thoroughly from the soil, dry and chop. Then leave to dry in a well-ventilated place, but not in the open sun.
  • Store prepared roots in paper or glass containers, periodically sorting them out to avoid mold.
  • On average, the duration of a treatment course with burdock is 12 sessions.
  • Depending on your hair type, it can be used up to 3 times a week
  • On average, one application will require 1 tbsp of crushed burdock root
  • The dry product is good for preparing decoctions, tinctures, and masks. But it is impossible to get fresh juice from it. Therefore, if you want to get the maximum benefit in order to improve the health of your hair, then rinse it and/or rub fresh juice diluted with water into the roots
  • To extract it, you will need about 10 burdock roots, passed through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. It should be mixed with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio

Hair masks with burdock root, benefits

girl washing off the mask from her hair

We talked about the benefits of burdock roots for our hair above, having considered the unique chemical composition its juice and beneficial effects on the scalp and hair.

It should be noted that a common way to treat hair is to create masks with burdock. For this, fresh juice, infusions, decoctions, crushed dry roots, and oil of this plant are used.

Depending on the concentration of the original ingredient, it is added in different quantities to the masks, for example:

  • 3-5 drops of oil
  • 5-10 ml fresh juice
  • 2-4 tbsp decoction
  • 10-15 ml infusion
  • up to 4 tbsp dry

To enhance a specific effect, burdock is mixed with other herbs, for example, calendula, chamomile, nettle, or other components:

  • vegetable oils and clay
  • food
  • alcoholic drinks

Let's take a closer look at these recipes.

Mask with nettle and burdock for hair

crushed nettle in a bowl

Do you want to strengthen and accelerate the growth of your hair? Then prepare this mask for yourself:

  • you need 0.5 measuring unit of oil or fresh burdock juice and 3 measuring spoons of nettle minced through a meat grinder
  • if you additionally want to moisturize dry hair, add 1 scoop of honey
  • mix everything
  • rub the mask well into the base of hair growth
  • wait at least an hour and then wash off

Mask with aloe and burdock for hair

To strengthen, nourish with moisture and stop hair loss, treat it with this mask:

  • mix burdock oil, aloe juice and honey in an amount of 1 measuring unit each
  • distribute over the entire scalp
  • after a couple of hours, wash off with shampoo
  • repeat the mask twice a week for 1.5-2 months

Mask with yolk and burdock for hair

girl combing wet hair

This mask can strengthen hair follicles and help accelerate hair growth:

  • homemade yolk chicken egg combine with 2 scoops burdock oil and mix well
  • Apply to the head in the hair growth area
  • warm your hair with a mask for 1.5-2 hours
  • rinse with warm water and shampoo

Mask with kefir and burdock for hair

Kefir is rich in substances that soften hair, treat dandruff, nourish hair follicles and prevent hair loss. Paired with burdock, they will do an excellent job of keeping your hair healthy and healthy.

  • Combine the finished decoction of burdock roots with warm or slightly warmed kefir in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Soak the hair roots with the mask. If it remains, then distribute it along their entire length.
  • Create a warm microclimate on your head for efficient work masks
  • After two hours, rinse your hair well with shampoo.
  • Repeat 1-2 times a week for 2 months

Mask with cognac and burdock for hair

long hair girls against the background of burdock leaf

The following mask can significantly accelerate the growth of your hair:

  • mix burdock oil and cognac in an amount of 1 measuring unit each and apply to dry hair roots
  • leave the mask for 2 hours under a plastic bag and towel
  • rinse with shampoo, you may need to soap your hair twice to get rid of the cognac smell

Mask with olive oil and burdock for hair

A mask with olive oil will speed up the growth of your hair:

  • prepare a decoction of 3 measuring units of dry crushed burdock roots and half a liter of boiling water, which you then simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes
  • add 3 measuring units of olive oil, allow and send the container to “ripen” in the oven for a couple of hours
  • drain off the excess water and use it to rinse your hair after the main wash, after diluting it with warm water in a 1:1 ratio
  • apply the remaining paste to the hair growth area for two hours
  • be sure to wear a shower cap and cover your head with a towel for two hours
  • wash off the mask with shampoo and rinse your hair with the water that you drained earlier to enhance the therapeutic effect

Mask with honey and burdock root for hair

girl with moisturized soft hair

A mask with honey will help you nourish your hair with vitality and stop its excessive loss:

  • prepare a decoction or infusion of burdock roots
  • take 3 measuring units of it or 2 measuring units of pharmaceutical burdock oil and combine with 2 measuring units of honey
  • melt them and mix well in a water bath for 10-15 minutes
  • let the mask cool to room temperature
  • rub into hair roots and wrap for a couple of hours
  • wash off the mask with shampoo

Mask with clay and burdock for hair

Clay perfectly dries the scalp, eliminates dandruff, and fills the hair follicles with the necessary substances for strengthening and growth.

A mask with clay and burdock is suitable for those with oily roots or hair.

  • Mix 1 measuring unit of white or blue clay with burdock oil. You can also add lemon juice, mustard powder, egg yolk, honey of your choice, or all together 1 measuring unit to enrich the mask with the amount of nutritional healing ingredients
  • If you added honey, then slightly heat the mask in a water bath.
  • Rub into the roots of your hair, cover your head with a polyethylene cap and towel for 1-3 hours
  • Wash off the mask with shampoo

How to prepare burdock decoction?

burdock leaf in dew

There are several ways to prepare a decoction of burdock roots:

  • boiling it in a water bath for a quarter of an hour
  • simmer in the oven for several hours

In both cases, you will need 2-3 measuring units of dry burdock roots, which should be combined with a glass or two of boiling water. Then either keep it in a water bath or put it in the oven to ripen.

It should be noted that fresh burdock root is a valuable tool for preparing a decoction. Therefore, in the case when your hair requires restoration in the spring after winter hats or in late autumn after constant exposure to a hot hair dryer, curling iron and styling products, feel free to dig up burdock and prepare decoctions.

How to use burdock decoction to rinse hair?

girl rinses her hair

To improve the health of weak, lifeless hair, which also remains in large quantities between the teeth of the comb, use a decoction of burdock to rinse it after the main wash.

Due to the high concentration of tannins, bitterness and specific substances, be sure to dilute the burdock decoction in clean water before rinsing, so as not to harm the hair and scalp.
Try to prepare the amount of decoction that you can use within 3 days. It can be stored in a closed glass containers in a refrigerator.

If you used to wash your hair often because high speed its contamination, then after regular use of burdock decoction the frequency of washing will decrease:

  • burdock treats skin diseases, including dandruff
  • has a positive effect on the normalization of blood circulation to the hair follicles
  • saturates hair with vitality and nourishes it

How to use burdock for baldness

girl combing her hair

Baldness, or in other words excessive hair loss, is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon for any person. But women experience this more acutely, because with every hair that falls out, they lose their beauty and attractiveness. Therefore, it is extremely important to start treatment procedures on time to strengthen your hair and return it to a healthy appearance.

Pay attention to freshly squeezed juice from burdock roots and some masks with it:

  • rinse fresh burdock roots cold water, dry lightly and grate on a fine grater or grind through a meat grinder
  • fold into gauze and squeeze out. There will be a little juice, but it must be mixed either with alcohol and water, or only with water in equal proportions
  • Rub the prepared solution once a week, leaving it in your hair for at least 2 hours

Place the finished broth in a water bath and simmer until all the water has evaporated.
Add oil, for example, jojoba or sea buckthorn in the amount of 2 tbsp to the resulting gruel.
Rub into scalp once a week. Insulate your mask to make it work more efficiently. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

Remember that fresh burdock juice can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass container for a month. And the gruel of their decoction lasts no longer than a week.

How to cure hair with masks with burdock: tips and reviews

burdock and a girl with long hair
  • If possible, prepare burdock root yourself to delight your hair with beneficial natural substances in cold and hot seasons.
  • Apply masks at least an hour before washing your hair so that the burdock juice presses onto the scalp and hair.
  • After applying the masks, cover your head with a shower cap and warm it with a towel.
  • Store decoctions and infusions in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. So they contain substances necessary for hair
  • If your hair is very sick, weakened, frayed, split and broken, increase the intensity of burdock treatment to daily application in the form of masks or rinses with shampoo, which also contains burdock extract.
  • Combine different medicinal herbs, oils, food products with burdock and its extract for creating masks. This will help you see the effect you want for your hair.
  • The minimum treatment course for hair restoration with burdock is 1.5 months with an intensity of up to 3 times a week. Then take a break for 1-2 months. Continue the practice of preventive procedures for burdock hair once a week

IN folk medicine burdock or burdock leaves are widely used for hair treatment. This is due to the special qualities of the plant.

Useful qualities of the plant

The plant contains the following components:

  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • vitamins A, B, C, D and E.

Thanks to this, burdock effectively restores damaged hair shafts, strengthens hair follicles, stimulates hair growth and provides a silky shine.

How to use burdock leaves for hair?

For hair growth and strengthening, you can use a decoction of burdock leaves.

Decoction recipe


  • dry raw materials – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - a glass.

Preparation and use

The raw materials are steamed with boiling water and continued to be heated for 10 minutes over low heat. After this, you need to keep the broth for another half hour so that it is thoroughly infused. It is recommended to use the decoction after washing. In case of seborrhea, you can rub it into the roots 2-3 times a week.

Juice squeezed from burdock leaves and roots is no less effective for hair. The raw materials are rubbed through a fine grater and squeezed thoroughly. The resulting fresh juice is diluted with ordinary water in a ratio of 1:2. By rubbing the solution into the roots of your hair, you can quickly improve the health of your strands and make them silky.

It is not necessary to use burdock exclusively for hair. It goes well with other ingredients. For example, you can prepare a hair mask from burdock leaves and onion juice.

Mask recipe

Burdock, or burdock - amazing plant. It grows in vacant lots, in abandoned places, sometimes like a weed in the garden, and does not decorate the landscape at all. But at the same time, it has a lot of substances and properties that are useful to humans, thanks to which it is used both in medicine and in cosmetology.

Chemistry and healing properties

Why is burdock so useful to people? The leaves and roots of burdock contain vitamins A, groups B, C, D, E, essential oils, protein and starch.

The root of the plant contains the polysaccharide inulin, protein, fatty oil, stearic and palmic acids, stigmasterol, sitosterol, bitter and tannin substances.

Burdock seeds are also useful - they contain glycosides that break down into glucose and arctigelin.

Preparations from the roots of burdock leaves and seeds are used as a choleretic, bactericidal, and antidiabetic agent. They stimulate tissue restoration, improve the blood formula, activate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and normalize metabolism.

Burdock roots can be used as a diuretic for swelling and stones in the bladder, as a diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds, as an analgesic for rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids, sciatica, radiculitis.

According to some reports, preparations from burdock give positive results in the treatment of malignant tumors - the lignan aglycone arctigenin, a substance contained in the roots and leaves of the plant, has antitumor activity.

Externally, burdock preparations can be used to treat wounds, burns, boils and some skin diseases.

In folk and official medicine, burdock oil is produced from burdock roots, useful for rheumatism and gout, as well as decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures, which are used to treat internal diseases.

Fresh juice from burdock leaves can remove warts and be used to heal wounds due to scabies.

Wash your hair with a decoction of burdock root to strengthen hair roots and enhance their growth.

Burdock oil, obtained from burdock roots, is rubbed into the hair roots, lubricated with it on the scalp, and used to lubricate acne, boils and eczema. The oil can be used alone or in mixtures with other essential oils.

We prepare raw materials

It is better to collect medicinal raw materials in places located away from busy highways, industrial and agricultural enterprises, and large populated areas.

The greatest amount of useful substances is contained in the roots of plants older than three years; they are collected from late summer to late autumn. The leaves can be collected in early or mid-summer before flowering, and the seeds during or at the end of flowering.

The leaves and roots are collected in the morning, washed, the roots are cut into small pieces and dried under a canopy or in an oven at 50 degrees.

Dried raw materials are stored in a dry, warm place, shelf life is 1-2 years.

To prepare infusions, tinctures and decoctions at home, you can buy raw materials in herbal pharmacies; they are not expensive, and their quality is tested in laboratories.


We offer you several recipes for making preparations from burdock for the treatment of internal and external diseases, as well as for preparing hair care products.

Recipe 1.

A remedy for baldness and dandruff, to enhance hair growth. First make a mixture of 0.5 tsp. basil, lavender and rosemary oils.

Take 1 tbsp. burdock oil and 1 tbsp. aloe vera gel, mix them, add 5 drops of a mixture of rosemary, basil and lavender - mix the ingredients again. Rub the mixture into the scalp, coat the entire length of the hair, wrap the head with film and a towel, leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse. This hair mask will strengthen the hair roots, give them shine and volume, nourish them with vitamins and minerals, and help get rid of dandruff.

Recipe 2.

Hair strengthening mask. Mix burdock oil and red pepper powder in a ratio of 10x1, rub into the hair roots, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with shampoo and warm water. To rinse your hair, you can make a decoction of burdock leaves.

Recipe 3.

Mask for brittle hair. Take 3 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 tsp. natural cocoa, 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp. oils with vitamins A and E. Make a homogeneous mass, apply it to your head and hair, wrap with film and a towel, rinse after two hours. To enhance the effect, make a rinse from the roots or leaves of burdock - after 2-3 months of such treatment, lush hair may appear in place of the pathetic vegetation. But, you need to remember that internal diseases and the general condition of the body also affect the condition of the hair, so if there are serious problems with the hairstyle, look for the cause inside.

Recipe 4.

Burdock root decoction for hair. 2 tbsp. dry pieces of burdock roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, let brew for 3 hours, strain. Use the decoction to rinse after washing. The procedure for treating hair and getting rid of dandruff should be carried out 2 times a week.

Recipe 5.

Burdock decoction for hair. Take 2-3 fresh leaves or 5 tbsp. dry raw materials and add 1.5 liters of water. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 1 hour. Then strain and use as a post-wash rinse. In hair treatment, a decoction of burdock leaves can be used in combination with masks made from burdock oil and other essential oils suitable for these purposes.

Recipe 6.

Infusion of burdock leaves. It is not necessary to boil the hair rinse; it is enough to make an infusion. Take the raw materials in the quantity specified in the previous recipe and fill it with 2 liters hot water. Leave for 5 hours, then strain and use as directed.

Recipe 7.

Burdock juice for hair. The juice is squeezed from fresh leaves and roots, diluted with water in a ratio of 1x2 and rubbed into the scalp 2 times a week after washing. There is no need to rinse off the juice.

Recipe 8.

Burdock root cream for thin, dry and damaged hair. Pass the burdock root through a meat grinder, take 3 tablespoons, add a glass of water, and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat, cool, strain, add 5 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Rub the mixture into the roots of your hair, wrap your head with film and a towel, rinse after 15 minutes with regular shampoo. Treatment should be carried out 2 times a week.

Recipe 9.

Hair Mask. Take 2 tbsp. pieces or powder from burdock roots, brew with a glass of hot water, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, cool and strain. Grate 1 onion, squeeze out the juice, add to the broth. Add 1 tsp. alcohol or vodka, mix, apply to hair, rub into scalp. Wash off with shampoo after 30 minutes.

Recipe 10.

A decoction of tartar and burdock leaves against dandruff and for washing boils and purulent wounds. 1 tbsp. leaves of each plant need to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes, then cooled, strained, and used for its intended purpose.

Recipe 11.

Radiculitis is treated with fresh burdock leaves, scalded with boiling water. They are applied to sore spots warm, making a layer of 5-6 leaves. The top is wrapped in compress paper or film and wrapped in a warm, preferably woolen, cloth.

Recipe 12.

Mask for weak, thinning hair. Make a mixture of 1 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 raw yolk, 2 tsp. onion juice, 2 tsp. liquid soap, 1 tsp. honey Rub the mixture into the hair roots, wrap with film and a towel. Wash off after 1.5-2 hours with shampoo.

Recipe 13.

Massage with burdock juice for hair growth. Squeeze juice from fresh burdock root or fresh leaves, mix it with castor, burdock, almond or jojoba oil. Wet your fingertips with oil and massage your scalp. The procedure will strengthen the hair roots, improve blood circulation in the scalp, and also eliminate dandruff.

Recipe 14.

Mask with lard. Take 3 tbsp. pieces of burdock root, pour 100 ml of water, place on low heat. Cook until the liquid has evaporated by half. Remove from heat, strain, add 5 tbsp. lard and heat in a water bath for 2 hours. Then cool and use the mixture to rub into the scalp.


As for contraindications to the use of burdock preparations for hair, there are not so many of them. It is believed that burdock should not be used for allergies and individual intolerances, as well as for the treatment of oily hair. However, preparations from burdock can normalize the fat metabolism of the scalp and the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. For oily hair, cosmetologists recommend making decoctions from the roots or leaves of burdock and calendula flowers. Raw materials are taken in a 1x2 ratio (1 part burdock, 2 parts calendula), and the decoction is made in the same way as other decoctions.

Even if you notice that burdock is not suitable for your hair, great harm 1-2 procedures will not bring benefits, but it is never too late to abandon them and find a more suitable remedy for yourself.
