How to tidy up your apartment. Prompt apartment cleaning – we get it clean quickly! Step-by-step general cleaning of bathrooms

Hello, readers of the Family and Children blog! Today's article is about how to quickly clean an apartment or house? Let's consider how to learn how to clean correctly, well, and most importantly cleanly and efficiently? Where should you start cleaning your home? You will also find out the big disadvantage that we found in the system or method of cleaning according to the famous Fly Lady, so popular today among many women.

Scientists have calculated that cleaning can save a woman 50,000 kcal/year. Perhaps knowing this fact will be an additional incentive for someone to clean. Although some people drag it out until the very end, and then complain that they don’t have time to do anything.

Even those who small apartment, knows how difficult it is to keep it constantly clean every day. After all, smaller spaces only seem to accumulate more unwanted clutter, dirt, and dust than expected. And for many women, the very thought of cleaning already deprives them of their mood and is like death.

Suppose you were expecting guests, but remembered them shortly before their arrival. Women understand how stressful this situation is. Therefore, when there is little time left to tidy up before the guests arrive, the first thing you need to do is stop worrying. There are several proven methods quick cleaning, before a group of guests arrives at your home.

First impressions.
Put yourself in the shoes of your guests. Try to see what is the first thing that catches your eye when you cross the threshold of the apartment? Dirty entrance, scattered shoes, unwashed floors? Focus on what guests will immediately see, then clear those areas. This will immediately set the tone for the entire home. It will look clean even if you haven’t had time to vacuum the carpets everywhere.

Advice: neatly fold your shoes in the hallway closet, and also make room there for shoes and outerwear guests. If you don't have enough space, you can temporarily put your family's clothes in another closet or back room.

Think about where you will be with your guests.
This would probably be your living room, so that might be the second area you want to focus on. Remove unnecessary items from the coffee table, leaving only a few magazines. Think about what will be interesting for your guests to see: a family album, a video, so prepare them in advance. Place them on a shelf or dressing table so that you can easily and quickly get them out.

Advice: if there are a lot of things scattered around the room, and you simply don’t have time to put everything away, then put all the excess in a bag, which you hide in the closet out of sight. After the guests leave, you will already understand its contents.

Cleaning the bathroom.
The bathroom is the next room that your guests are sure to use. Therefore, you need to quickly wipe the sink and toilet (you can use disinfectant wipes for this purpose). Close the shower/tub curtains, wipe down the mirror, and get fresh towels. Also prepare hand soap. It is advisable to remove the remnants by putting in new soap. Spray air freshener.

Think about fresh air.
In winter it is better to take advantage of good ventilation. Frosty air will be better than any air freshener, and in hot weather, ventilation + air freshener. For example, it is better to use natural aromatic oils, where a few drops sprinkled around the rooms give a pleasant smell. By the way, you can open the windows at the very beginning of cleaning, if you are not afraid of drafts, this will ventilate the room faster.

You don't want to be out of breath when guests arrive. Therefore, when cleaning, focus on cleaning without wasting your energy on many things. This will help you clean up faster to give yourself more time to relax. After cleaning, turn on some pleasant music while waiting for your guests to arrive. When a breathless owner catches your eye, you want to know the reason for his condition, so guests pay closer attention to the cleanliness of the house. And if they are greeted by a hospitable hostess, they will not notice some disorder.

Where to start cleaning your apartment

Start with the dirtiest place. The first thing that catches your eye when you enter the apartment is the hallway. Then, go to the kitchen, and then move on to the bedrooms. The final cleaning is in the bathroom. (I have a slightly different order, since we have a house and I change the water in the yard, so I have to constantly go through the hallway). So first I start cleaning the kitchen, then the bedrooms, the living room, the office, the bathroom, and then the hallway.

How to clean your apartment properly

If cleaning takes a long time, then you are doing something wrong. Maybe even create more work for yourself. So let's look at a few organizational rules for effective cleaning.

  • Vertical cleaning.
    First, remove dust and cobwebs from the ceiling, chandeliers and top shelves of cabinets, gradually going lower and lower. Wipe off the dust household appliances, furniture. Pure water should always be at hand, so you will save time. Change the water after each room.
  • Cleaning upholstered furniture/curtains
    Use vacuum cleaners to help clean furniture and take care of curtains, so you'll have to wash them less often.
  • Doors, switches, windows.
    Wipe off dust from doors and window sills, then wash door and window handles with a cleaning product. Using a semi-dry, well-wrung out sponge and cloth, wipe the surfaces of switches and sockets. (Care must be taken here to ensure that moisture does not get inside sockets or switches)
  • Washing floors.
    Vacuum and wet clean the floors. Then, be sure to wipe thoroughly damp cloth baseboards, since dust on them immediately catches the eye, which makes the room untidy.

Big minus of cleaning by Fly Lady

Today the Fly Lady system is so popular that we became interested in finding out what its operating principles are and why it is better and more convenient than our traditional cleaning. Having investigated this issue, we came to own opinion that this is not practical. Let's give a few reasons.

  1. Cleaning according to this system comes down to the fact that housing needs to be divided into zones, where each zone is cleaned for a week for 15 minutes a day. If my house consists of 9 zones, then wet cleaning in each of them will be done once every few months. Imagine how much dust/debris will accumulate in each area in 2 months, especially if it countryside or a family with small children. With such a cleaning system, what will the house turn into in a few years? Can we then consider that cleaning an apartment using this system is really practical, adhering to which it will always be clean?
  2. Clean for 15 minutes every day. Okay, I’m a housewife, but what can we say about working women who have a full-time schedule? Imagine, she came tired, exhausted from work, and what could she do efficiently in 15 minutes? Almost nothing. Is it possible to thoroughly wash the floors in 15 minutes, and even under the furniture, and also wipe the baseboards? Once he can’t, twice, as a result, he will only worsen his emotional, physical state due to constant disappointment. Can this then be called practical?
  3. Work according to a timer and list. They say Fly Lady is convenient because you can see how much time remains before a well-deserved rest. Supposedly it gives strength, helps you work faster and accomplish more. Perhaps this really gives someone strength, and the lady manages to do more. But if a woman comes home from work tired, then working on a timer can be akin to sprinting for her, and this happens every day. How long will she really last? How long does she want to be a flying, fluttering lady?

This is purely our opinion. We do not intend to discourage anyone from practicing with this system. It doesn't suit us. Others may have found some sense and rationality for themselves. (By the way, we recommend reading ours)


If you use these simple rules, then cleaning the apartment will no longer deprive you of your mood. We hope you found this article helpful. Write what rules/methods you follow when cleaning. We are confident that your work is also effective and will be useful to our readers.

Sincerely, Andronik Anna, Elena

Watch the video: tips, life hacks about cleaning your apartment or house.

As practice shows, very few people are able to derive true pleasure from putting their home in order. Much more often, cleaning an apartment turns into a routine and unpleasant necessity. If you approach cleaning haphazardly, it can turn into a chaotic and exhausting undertaking that takes up a lot of time but does not bring any visible results.

But if, before you go to clean your apartment, you develop a small action plan, which you will strictly adhere to in the future, you will be amazed at the result.

Cleaning should be a positive experience!

The whole secret of successful, fast and tireless cleaning is in the even alternation of simple and complex actions. When you just start cleaning, you still have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. So spend this time with maximum benefit: in the room where various household dirt accumulates the most. We're talking about the kitchen.

Cleaning up the kitchen

With proper distribution of effort and proper dexterity, the process of cleaning the kitchen will not take more than 12-15 minutes. First of all, free everything as much as possible kitchen surfaces from unnecessary items. Remove everything unnecessary from the premises. Place dirty dishes in the sink, and place partially used food and jars of spices in the refrigerator or on the kitchen shelves designated for them.

The fewer things left on dining table and countertops, the cleaner the kitchen itself begins to seem. Usually, establishing such a “general” order takes about two minutes. Do the dishes. Loading and starting the dishwasher will take a maximum of a minute of your time, after which you can move on to other things with a clear conscience.

But if a “dishwasher” remains a luxury inaccessible to you, you will have to “use your hands.” It's good if you get good habit wash plates and spoons immediately after eating: this will significantly save you time in the future.

But what to do if right now there is a mountain of dirty dishes, and the cleaning needs to be completed urgently, since, for example, you are expecting unexpected guests? Use a little trick. Having estimated the number of visitors, calculate how many clean cutlery you will need and spend a couple of minutes washing required quantity dishes (and not a plate more!).

Dirty bowls can be hidden away in one of the kitchen cabinets for the time being, so that you can take a closer look at them after the guests have left.

Wipe down kitchen surfaces. A special microfiber cloth is very convenient for brushing crumbs and other debris off the countertop. You shouldn’t be particularly “careful” or be afraid of dropping a few specks directly on the floor during the cleaning process: sharp sweeping movements save time, and washing the floors should still be done as a last resort.

Dust off kitchen appliances. Use a regular rag slightly moistened with water: this will prevent dust particles from rising into the air and re-settling on newly washed surfaces.

It seems much cleaner when everything is in its place

Now the time has come for the most important part of cleaning - washing the floor. To avoid making a mess, first take the time to sweep away all the clutter from the kitchen. To do this, you can use the most ordinary broom. Start from the far corners of the room, where most of the dust usually accumulates, and then gradually move towards the exit from the kitchen.

When all the rubbish has been collected, all that remains is to wipe the floors. It is most convenient to use a special mop equipped with a microfiber sponge for these purposes. You should wash the floor exactly according to the same principle as sweeping it: starting from the corners, gradually moving towards the center of the room and further, until the exit.

Kitchen cleaning is almost complete. All that remains is to take a critical look at the room: is there anything visible somewhere on the countertop or hob surface of the stove that is difficult to wipe off and at the same time very resistant? If we're talking about about emergency cleaning before the unexpected arrival of guests, you are unlikely to have time to organize a full-fledged session of combating unwanted dirt using all the cleaning products available in your arsenal.

In your case, it would be more advisable to try to remove the stain by using force. Take a plastic card (for example, a bank card) and try to scrape off the dirt with its corner. More often than not, this works.

You can also use special metal sponges for these purposes, but, unlike plastic, they often leave scratches and other marks on unprotected surfaces. As soon as the stain has succumbed, take a rubberized sponge slightly moistened with water and wipe the affected area: this way you can avoid.

Learn more about how to quickly clean your apartment in the video:

Cleaning the bedroom

Cleaning products make the process much easier

As a rule, it is not customary to invite guests (with the possible exception of those closest to you) into the master bedroom. Therefore, cleaning this room will be quick (no more than 10 minutes) and purely symbolic:

To make the bedroom seem tidy and clean at first glance, it is usually enough to get rid of the feeling of clutter in the space. For this purpose, all unnecessary dust collectors (whether they are figurines on bedside table or a huge collection of household cosmetics on the dressing table next to the mirror) are hidden behind the closed doors of the nearest cabinets (or in drawers).

It is also necessary to remove from the sight of prospective guests any things that clearly need cleaning or washing, for example, stale bed linen or stained curtains. Just hide them in the linen closet. In this case, it is worth spending precious time on making the bed again or, even more so, on “wars” with the window cornice, only in truly special cases.

It doesn't matter whether you've changed the linens or not, the bed in the master bedroom should be made (at a minimum, covered with a blanket thrown over top). To make the bed look more aesthetically pleasing, tuck the protruding edges of the sheet, blanket and bedspread under the mattress.

You can, of course, try to stuff everything “extra” into the space between the mattress and the end of the bed, but this requires a huge amount of time and effort (which could be used for something more useful). In addition, from such treatment, the bedding becomes very wrinkled and quickly loses its decent appearance.

Get rid of dust. Wipe down all the furniture in the room using a dry cloth or microfiber cloth to avoid leaving streaks on the surfaces. First of all, you should brush off the dust from objects standing in the far corner of the room; Gradually move clockwise until you reach the exit. Surfaces should be wiped with sweeping movements towards you, shaking off dust and other micro debris directly onto the floor to save time.

Now all that's left is a quick vacuuming. Moving from the corner of the room to the entrance (back to front), make sweeping, wide movements with the vacuum cleaner brush, without passing it over the same area of ​​the floor more than twice and without wasting precious minutes.

Remember: your goal is not sterile cleanliness, but just a decent appearance of the room, achieved in the shortest possible time.

Bathroom and toilet

Cleaning the kitchen always takes a lot of time

Because cleaning the bedroom usually doesn't require much effort, you'll have plenty of time to gather your strength before the next big step: cleaning the bathroom. If in normal times you already try to keep order in the bathroom, bringing the room into decent shape will not take you more than 9-10 minutes:

First of all, treat all the plumbing fixtures in the room with a special cleaning agent: toilet, sink, bathtub and (or) shower stall. While you are processing the next surface, it will have time to cope with the contaminants on all previous ones, dissolving them.

In most homes, the bathtub and shower stall are closed with a curtain. Therefore, you should not spend too much time trying to achieve perfect cleanliness of your plumbing. Just quickly wipe down all visible surfaces of the bathroom or stall with a sponge, then close the curtain. It would hardly occur to a polite guest to look behind her.

Special attention should be given to cleaning the bathroom mirror. Don't skimp on glass cleaner. Spray it evenly over the entire surface of the mirror, then wipe it with light circular movements from top to bottom. Instead of a regular sponge or rag, it is better to use a special one for glass (this can be purchased at any store in the household goods department).

The inner surface of the toilet can be easily cleaned using a standard toilet brush and a special dry product (in the absence of the latter, you can use regular baking soda).

After completing the necessary procedures, flush the water several times. The outer surfaces of the toilet can be treated with a universal one, then wiped dry with a microfiber cloth.

The sink drain hole, as a rule, does not look very aesthetically pleasing due to the dirt that accumulates in it. An old, unnecessary toothbrush will help you remove everything unnecessary from the hole, as well as thoroughly clean the drain itself.

As always, wipe the floor in the room last (from the corners to the exit). To avoid streaks on tiles, use a microfiber mop.

Tidying up the living room

For quality cleaning you need inspiration!

Finally, you have to tidy up the living room. This procedure will take no more than 15 minutes of your time:

  • On a quick fix restore general order in the room, putting in its place all the little things that were lying around haphazardly and straightening the moved furniture. At the same time, notice the most problematic ones that appear in moments (stains from mugs on coffee table, large pieces of dust, etc.) to return to them a little later.
  • Wash all the mirrors in the living room using a special product (ordinary window cleaner will do) and a soft cloth. Do the same with all glass surfaces in the room.
  • Wipe the dust on everyone visible surfaces. We already wrote about how to do this correctly in order to spend a minimum of time when we talked about cleaning the bedroom. Vacuum the living room floor in the same way.
  • Critically evaluate the situation, remember what details you didn’t like earlier. If some stains on the visible surfaces of the furniture are not wiped off on their own during the dusting process, a plastic card is at your service.

As you can see, having organized cleaning of the apartment according to the plan proposed above, you will spend not more than an hour. Of course, this algorithm of actions is not suitable for general cleaning. But it is indispensable if you urgently need to prepare your home for the unexpected arrival of important guests.

In contact with

Before picking up a mop and rag, assess the scale of the “tragedy” and stock up on everything that will make your work easier. Change the dust collection bag in, buy detergents if you are not sure that the old supplies will be enough. Forget about what has happened all your life effective way newspapers were used to wash the windows. Any supermarket has a lot of miraculous microfiber cloths that will make glass and mirrors clean in just a couple of minutes.

Classic spring cleaning

You need to create perfect cleanliness wisely. You should start by looking for help. Call all residents of the apartment for help. Firstly, it will significantly reduce cleaning time, and secondly, it will be great family entertainment. There is one more secret: things that seem extremely necessary to you are just garbage for other family members (from the outside you know better). Their hearts won’t bleed when they throw them away, which have been lying in the closet for 10 years.

You will need assistants at the very first and most important stage - getting rid of trash. Take a couple of large garbage bags and place them in the middle of the room. Start going through everything you can reach. Cracked plates and cups with broken handles, mismatched socks, empty boxes and bags with a torn handle or torn lining - put all this in the main garbage bag without regret. Collect clothes that still look good, but are out of fashion or have become too small, into a second bag. In the third package, send unnecessary books and children's toys. Take the first bag to the trash container, and the second and third to the nearest church, shelter or charity.

The second stage is the cleaning itself. Children are great at getting rid of junk. Otherwise, they are fierce enemies of order. While you scrub the floors in one room, they may stain the carpet with paint in another. And they will constantly distract you. Therefore, it is recommended to send the children for a walk in the yard, and leave the assistants alone. Your cleaning companion will be responsible for screwing shelves, rearranging furniture (temporarily) and similar tasks that require physical strength.

Cleaning should begin with the room with a balcony. It is on the balcony that, as a rule, there is the most debris and dust. Then comes the turn of the bedrooms and children's room. Lastly, the bathroom and kitchen are cleaned. However, the housewife may prefer a different cleaning procedure. It all depends on the degree of dirtiness of the room and personal habits.

General cleaning includes many stages. Try to combine activities. While the refrigerator is in, you can put things in order (don’t forget to wipe the shelves in kitchen cabinets). If you have already put the curtains in the machine and started the wash, immediately start washing the windows and window sills.

Don’t forget to take a 5-minute break every hour, otherwise you’ll get tired quickly and never finish general cleaning to end.

General cleaning using the Lady Fly system

Recently, many housewives have begun to use the Lady Fly system, which allows them to keep their home clean without spending a lot of time on it. To prevent cleaning from becoming a tedious and physically exhausting task, divide the entire apartment into zones. For example, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, bedrooms, living room ( common room), balcony and corridors. Give yourself a whole week to clean one area, but you should work on cleanliness for 15-30 minutes a day. In just 5 weeks there will be no junk left in your house, it will shine with cleanliness. And most importantly, you will never again have to spend the entire weekend on general cleaning, because you will get used to spending only 15 minutes every day on maintaining order.

Related article

You always want to live in a cozy, clean home, so periodically you need to carry out a general cleaning cleaning. Modern industry provides a lot of assistants for this, both in the form of all kinds of machines and devices, and household chemicals. However, the main thing remains the owner himself, and no one will do this job better.


Free up windows and places in the house where there are curtains and drapes. Gather everything you need for washing: curtains, bed linen, etc. Empty the closets with things and clothes, wipe all the shelves with a damp cloth, carefully put them back in place and hang the clothes on hangers.

Load the prepared items into, you may end up with several laundry loads that will need to be monitored during the cleaning process. Start washing with window curtains. Prepare a large garbage bag in which to put the old items selected from closets, collected in the bedroom, nursery, etc.

Take a special brush for cleaning and other dirt on the ceiling, corners, behind cabinets, etc. Go through all the rooms with it, look in all corners, remove dust. If you don’t have such a brush, you can use an ordinary broom, mop, etc.

Clean upholstered furniture and carpets with a vacuum cleaner. If there is contamination, remove using household chemicals. Roll up carpets. Carefully vacuum the walls to remove accumulated dust.

Go through all the rooms and rub the furniture with special prepared cleaning products. Wash all windows, mirrors, chandeliers, sconces, etc. Wash the floors in finished rooms. Unroll the carpets.

Iron and hang the curtains if they have finished washing by this time. Place clean bedding on the sleeping areas.

Open all the cabinets, refrigerator, remove all unnecessary contents into a garbage bag, and after cleaning and washing, put the rest in its place. Wash cabinets and all outside items using household chemicals that wash away grease, dirt, and remove odors. Wash the floor.

Cleaning only seems from the outside simple process. You can avoid routine and increase work efficiency only by acting a certain order and following cleaning rules.

You will need

  • - rags;
  • - pelvis;
  • - bucket;
  • - mop;
  • - broom;
  • - scoop;
  • - various devices to facilitate cleaning;
  • - detergents and cleaning products.


Make a clear action plan. Indicate the main works in it, indicate their sequence.

Prepare necessary tool and detergents.

Wear gloves to avoid damaging the skin of your hands. You can start cleaning.

Video on the topic


Before you start cleaning, turn off the TV and other household appliances. This will protect you from defeat electric shock in case of water contact with exposed wires, connectors, cables.

Change the water more often, otherwise stains will form on glossy surfaces. Use only those cleaning products that match the type of material of furniture, surfaces, and interior items.

Dry cleaning always precedes wet cleaning. This approach reduces the amount of dust in the air and prevents it from settling on wet surfaces.

Helpful advice

Preliminary drawing up of a work plan will help to avoid fuss, streamline operations, which, in turn, will make the cleaning process more efficient and faster.

It’s better to start cleaning with washing interior doors, windows, heating radiators, lampshades lighting fixtures, ventilation grilles, mirrors. Next, it is advisable to clean the cabinets, shelves, bedside tables, mezzanines, and then carefully arrange all the things here. The next item on your cleaning plan should be the corners between the walls and ceiling. They should be thoroughly swept with a damp broom or brushed with a vacuum cleaner.

When general cleaning of an apartment, the work plan includes cleaning the toilet, bathroom and hallway. Here you need to throw out old things, and unnecessary items put in closets. In addition, special attention should be paid to putting order in the kitchen - from the refrigerator and gas stove to tables and shelves.

Wet cleaning of the floor, washing of baseboards, and cleaning of carpets is carried out last.

This sequence of work will allow you to restore complete order in the house, reduce the labor intensity of the process, and increase its effectiveness.


  • Tips for women on cleaning premises

Compilation graphic arts cleaning is no longer uncommon in modern offices and companies. Sometimes employees have to keep their offices clean due to a shortage of cleaners. The question arises of how to do this so as not to offend anyone and distribute responsibilities fairly.


Choose which one to agree to schedule cleaning and constantly renew it. It can be calculated a month in advance. Everything depends on the decision of the team and the degree of pollution. If the schedule is drawn up, then two or three people can do the cleaning, which will greatly simplify the work and distribution. This approach will save a lot of personal time and will not bother anyone.

Schedule cleaning always plan ahead and adjust according to every requirement. This is necessary to avoid quarrels. If the conflict is already ripe, then try to figure it out real reasons and find a path to reconciliation.

Consider each employee's capabilities and show respect. Not everyone can clean only on Mondays or, for example, only on a certain day of the month. In this case, the schedule is drawn up individually; if this is excluded, then they will solve this problem in a working manner, exchanging duty with each other by personal agreement.

Arrange everything correctly and hang it in the most visible place. In graphics cleaning It is imperative to indicate the place and date of compilation, last names, first names, patronymics of those responsible for cleaning and those supervising cleaning, names of places cleaning. Must stand necessary stamps, confirmed by the administration of the organization.


  • house cleaning schedule

Tip 5: How to quickly and efficiently clean up your apartment

Cleaning the house often falls by the wayside and there is not enough time for it. Fatigue after work, children who scatter toys and ensure a constant state of chaos, a husband whose socks always lie in the same wrong place - all this interferes with stable cleanliness and order. How to restore order in the house quickly and efficiently, spending a minimum of effort?

Planning the cleaning First, you need to develop a plan for cleaning the apartment. As in any other type of activity, planning organizes a person and reduces time expenditure to a minimum. There are several main types of apartment cleaning. Let's look at each of them. 1. General cleaning. For her you will have to sacrifice an entire day of your life. Buy the necessary cleaning products, sponges and brushes. Start by washing the windows and cleaning the furniture. Then you can wipe off the dust and polish . The last stage of general cleaning is washing the floors. It is advisable to add powder to the water to eliminate unpleasant odors It is better to clean the floor surface. You can involve members of the whole family in general cleaning. As an incentive, you can invite everyone to go to a cafe or cinema after cleaning. This will be a good occasion finish cleaning. 2. Step-by-step cleaning. Suitable for people who return late from work and have minimal free time. This type of cleaning takes an average of 15-30 minutes a day, and the results will not be long in coming. When cleaning in stages, you need to restore order in each room one by one, or devote time to a certain type of activity, for example, washing the floors or putting things in the closet. How to keep order? It seems like just yesterday we were cleaning the room, but today it again looks like it was after a monkey attack. What to do? How " disorder" transform into "linear order"? First of all, try not to litter. This simple tip will help you avoid clutter. If you see that an item is not in its place, do not be lazy to take it to where it should be. Don't wait for spring cleaning. This will make it easier to maintain cleanliness throughout the day. Teach children to put their toys back and clean up after themselves after eating. You will soon notice how convenient and comfortable it is. Try to organize your life in such a way that the need for frequent cleaning disappears by itself.

Cleaning may not be the best enjoyable activity for the owners of the house. However, if you ignore it day after day, then over time you will need a general cleaning of the entire house. Housekeeping experts advise owners to devote time to cleaning the premises once every day, or at most every two days, and spend a minimum of time on this process. Eat little secrets for high-quality, efficient and quick house cleaning.


Clean your home in a good mood. Think about the fact that at such a moment you are purifying not only the room, but also your soul. You can cheer yourself up by turning on good energetic music.

First, start laying out things, putting them in the place where they should lie or stand. This applies not only to clothes, shoes and household appliances, but also to utensils in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, wash dishes in the sink, wipe dirty areas with a damp microfiber cloth (refrigerator, kitchen table, countertop, stove, etc.). In the bathroom, take care of the condition of the toilet, bathtub or shower stall, tiles on the walls, washing machine.

In the rooms, wipe off the dust with a damp cloth wherever it may lie, don’t forget about the window sills. Clean the varnish surface of the furniture with polishes and a dry cloth. Treat upholstered furniture with household chemicals if you are not allergic to them, or you can simply vacuum it.

Check to see if your windows are dirty? If so, wipe them with a cloth and a special glass cleaner that resists streaks on glass. Clean the computer and keyboard with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.

Vacuum all carpeted areas in the house. Instead of using a broom, you can use it to walk around floor covering so that when wet mopping you have less debris under your feet.

Next The final stage cleaning the apartment - washing the floors. Fill a mop bucket with warm water and add some floor detergent. You can also add a few drops to freshen the air in the rooms. essential oil(orange, lavender, jasmine, rose, lemon). Wet the mop in the solution as often as possible and wipe all the floors in the house with it. If the water becomes significantly dirty during the cleaning process, pour it out and add fresh water.

Video on the topic


Nowadays, it is not at all necessary for the housewife to stand on all fours and wipe the floors with a rag. Or remove it, wring it out and screw it back onto the wooden mop. Now, for washing floors, there are modern mops of all kinds - with a sponge and a convenient mechanism for squeezing it, microfiber-based and a compartment for squeezing the mop, and so on.

Helpful advice

If you are allergic to chemicals To clean the house, use methods for removing stains, wiping dust, washing floors using homemade products that do not have allergenic properties. Always wear rubber gloves before cleaning your apartment to protect your hand skin from exposure. chemical substances.

Daily and general cleaning of the house are one of the main responsibilities of a good housewife. The frequency of their implementation is selected individually by each housewife. However, there are general points in the cleaning plan.

Daily cleaning

Keeping your kitchen tidy is an essential part of your daily cleaning schedule. This is one of the most visited in the house. Due to the fact that the kitchen is a place where food is repeatedly prepared and eaten, cleaning will be required several times a day.

Do not leave dirty dishes after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Be sure to wash it and put it in a special cabinet. You should also remove everything unnecessary. This way you can avoid flies getting on your food and dishes. Before eating, wipe the table again with a damp cloth.

Keep your kitchen sink clean. This is one of the conditions for the prevention of eating disorders. Also, keep the bathroom and toilet clean.

After cooking, clean up the stove. It’s better to wash it right away than to scrub away dried stains later. To prevent food from falling onto the stove, carefully monitor the intensity gas burner or heating an electric burner.

Sweep or mop the kitchen floor in a timely manner. This will help you avoid crumbs spreading all over. In addition, this way you can prevent the appearance of cockroaches.

Train your family members to be orderly. Both adults and children should know a place for every thing. It is unacceptable to throw away clothes and personal hygiene items. By setting simple rules for everyone, you will ease your worries. In addition, this way you can set a personal example for your children.

The place at the doorstep of the house is one of the most frequently polluted. Wipe it with a damp cloth as needed. When entering the house, dry your feet thoroughly. Wash outdoor shoes promptly. Include these items in your daily cleaning plan.

If you have small children, then daily cleaning is complemented by tidying up the floor. You will need to vacuum and mop almost every day.


General cleaning can be done every week. It is better to do it on weekends, when you can allocate more time. It is better to involve all family members in carrying out large-scale cleaning. This way you can finish the process faster, and the children will develop useful skills.

Even if your child is small, give him assignments according to his abilities. For example, he himself can put things in order in his cabinet or shelf.

If you have the opportunity, beat out the carpets. If this is not possible, use a vacuum cleaner. In this case, it is better to finish cleaning the floor by wiping it with a mop. This way you will remove the maximum amount of dust and small debris.

Blankets and blankets also need to be shaken. After this, leave them on the rope for a while for better ventilation. At this time, you can vacuum the furniture. To do this, use a special attachment for the vacuum cleaner.

Wipe off any dust on the furniture with a damp cloth. Treat polished surfaces with a special aerosol. Also wipe the mirrors with a cleaning product using microfiber. This will prevent unwanted streaks from leaving on the surface of the glass.

Go through your things, separate dirty clothes. Do a big wash. This will save you time during the work week. Iron the dried one immediately. Prepare the necessary clothing for yourself and your children.

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To prevent cleaning your apartment from taking too much effort and time, do it according to plan. Daily, weekly or general cleaning - any cleaning requires a clearly defined procedure. Having mastered them, you will do the work automatically, without wasting time on unnecessary fuss.


You can make a cleaning plan in your head, but at first it is better to write it down on a piece of paper. This will make it easier for you to control the order of actions. Once the work is completed, changes can be made to the plan, gradually bringing it to perfection.

Change bedding and make beds. If possible, shake out blankets and turn mattresses over to the other side. Blow dust and cobwebs from eaves and corners.

Clean the kitchen. First, you should wash the dishes and remove everything unnecessary from the tables, then apply the cleaning gel to the dirty surfaces. After a few minutes, wipe them with a damp sponge and polish until shiny.

The next step is dusting. Wipe it off with a damp cloth, fan figurines, books and paintings with a feather duster. Glass and porcelain figurines need to be washed from time to time. Add this item to your schedule. You can wash one figurine each time you clean, or schedule a deep cleaning of your entire collection every two to three months.

Rub the surface of tables, chests of drawers and cabinets with a polishing compound and make the furniture shine. Modern means not only care for the wood, but give it antistatic properties that prevent the accumulation of dust.

Vacuum carpets and rugs, as well as upholstered furniture. Pay special attention to places where pets like to hang out. Accumulated hair can be easily removed with a special roller brush or simply with a damp brush. Spread the capes and beat sofa cushions.

Tidy up the bathroom. Clean the bathtub, sink and toilet, change towels, add soap to the dispenser. Carefully arrange all bottles and throw away empty packages. Empty the trash can.

The final stage is washing the floors. Before doing this, it is advisable to collect large debris. You can add a special solution to the floor washing water that does not require rinsing. A decoction of herbs or a few drops of essential oil will also provide a pleasant atmosphere in the house.

Cleanliness in the house is the key to the health and good mood of all family members. Therefore, cleaning must be done regularly. Where exactly to start this process, each housewife decides for herself, but, nevertheless, it is best if you start with difficult places such as the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.

To ensure that cleaning your house does not become a pain, follow a few basic rules:

1. Good attitude. Turn on your favorite music and generally think about how nice it is to be in a clean apartment or house.

2. Decide how much time you are willing to spend on cleaning. It's better to do it over a few hours rather than stretch it out over the whole day.

3. Set a clear sequence of actions for yourself: vacuum, remove dust from furniture and equipment, clean the sink, kitchen stove etc.

4. Ventilate the house after cleaning.


The best place to start cleaning your house is from the kitchen. Wash all the dishes, thoroughly clean the sink, wipe down the tables, stove, and cabinet doors. Be sure to put clean dishes back in their place, then the kitchen will become much freer. Now all that remains is to wash the floor and that’s it - the room is perfectly clean.

Bathroom and toilet

After the kitchen, start cleaning the bathroom and toilet. Treat with special detergent bath, sink, toilet and leave the product to act for 5-10 minutes. Then wash it all off clean water and wipe the surfaces with a dry cloth or sponge. Don't forget to clean your bathroom mirror and cabinet doors (if you have them) with glass cleaner. In addition, be sure to wipe all the shelves, wash the soap dish and put a new bar of soap in it, since soap remnants significantly spoil the appearance of the room.

Living room and bedroom

These rooms are a kind of face of your home, so they should always be in perfect condition. You need to start cleaning in the living room or bedroom (decide for yourself) with things - if they are lying around, collect them and put them in their places: on shelves, in a closet, etc. Then using special device or a regular soft sponge, remove dust from furniture and equipment. If there are rugs or carpets, vacuum them and open areas Wipe the floor with a damp cloth or mop.

Cleaning will become much easier if you use, for example, a bucket with a rag wringing function, mechanical mops, brushes, special cleaning wipes, sponges with a hard layer that help remove various stains, as well as special furniture care products. You should not skimp on the quality of such products, then cleaning will become much easier and simpler. And most importantly, this process will not be as tedious for you as before.

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Tip 10: Planning house cleaning is the key to family harmony

A woman by nature is called upon to restore and maintain order in the house. But she sometimes needs to rethink her approach to housekeeping so as not to feel like Hercules and not take it out on her loved ones about this. By changing the tactics of putting things in order, you can learn to do everything without sacrificing your personal time and with pleasure.

Household management can be done easily and economically if it is planned and the plan is deliberately implemented. Everyone knows that the word "" is successful management household. IN modern world people rely on intuition and experience, to a lesser extent on any patterns.

The household is huge and vast, like all of life. A house is a reflection of its owners; it requires constant attention. To prevent problems from consuming you, you must learn to break down household chores into parts and conduct them with joy and ease. Much depends on the mood, on rationality. A woman cannot be a workhorse who, trying not to hear criticism of herself, simply gets exhausted while putting things in order in the house. Then hatred for the household will set in, and running it will be a burden, and there will certainly be a drain of negativity on your neighbors.

When does this appear and how to avoid negativity? Creating the appearance of a good housewife, a woman constantly scrubs and vacuums, cleanses to the detriment of her interests, all this leads to housekeeping neurosis, destroying the psyche and life balance. You need to take care of your home not for show, but for yourself; you need to find new ways to maintain order.

It is useful to divide the territory into parts and deal with only one each week, and not all at once. Things should have their own places, and unnecessary and old ones should be disposed of. When there is minimal clutter in your home, keeping it clean is very easy. Housing is not a museum, people living in it leave traces of disorder, we must learn to take this calmly. The most reasonable thing is to devote about 15 minutes to cleanliness and order every day; there is no need to stretch this pleasure out for longer than an hour. Fatigue will only cause irritation and hatred.

You can time your activities using a timer, moving through the shelf or department in the closet. The rest will come next time. Planning, cleaning in small portions will be beneficial and will cause good mood, and most importantly, they will preserve the nervous system.

In the kitchen, bath and toilet, leave these places clean after your stay; you won’t need to return to them again. Most often in the kitchen you need to wash the stove; when it is not dirty, you can simply wipe it with a napkin. The refrigerator also requires attention. Everyone in the family should have their own responsibilities; if they are fulfilled, then there are no problems with cleaning the house. And the main thing that everyone wants is coziness and psychological comfort.

Marie Kondo, a cleaning expert from Japan and one of the most influential people in the world according to Time magazine, is sure that by tidying up, we surround ourselves with pleasant things, and this leads us to self-knowledge - we understand who we are there actually is.

But cleaning, according to Marie Kondo, is not the purpose of life. Therefore, it is important to develop your own cleaning principle in order to spend a minimum of time on it. Then you can use your enthusiasm for those activities that bring joy. What principles will help you avoid general cleaning?

Reduce the number of things in your home

Dust in our house comes from particles of dead human skin, pet hair, and fibers from things stored in this house. Reducing the number of things in the apartment also reduces the amount of dust. This means that cosmetic cleaning can be done less often, and general cleaning can even be done “on holidays.”

Teach your family to put things back in their “rightful” places

Don't let things spill around the house. Each thing should have only one “legal” place - explain this to your family. Things that regularly do not find their place either do not have such a place, or it is inconvenient for household members to remove and get them out of there. Think about a place for every item, and the feeling of clutter in the house will disappear, which means there will be no need for urgent general cleaning.


In every apartment there are places where garbage quickly accumulates and things that end up out of place: the hallway, computer desk, chairs by the bed, etc. If you put things in order every evening, it won’t take much time, and the appearance of the apartment will immediately change. These simple daily actions will allow you not to remember about spring cleaning for a long time.

Anything that has no place goes in the trash!

Take the box and go through the rooms. Put everything in a drawer that doesn’t belong in your home. Why do you need empty plastic bottles in the kitchen? Let's put them in the box! Who might need old magazines on coffee table? Let's put them there! Having collected such items, think: where will they be stored? If there is no space in any room, mercilessly throw everything in the trash. Less trash - fewer places accumulation of dust and debris - less often general cleaning.

Get rid of open places storage

Open horizontal surfaces are the dust collectors that create the feeling of clutter and litter. home space. Change open shelves and racks on closed cabinets and glass shelves.

Make it a rule to spend 15-20 minutes cleaning every day

Every day for 15 minutes - and you won’t need general cleaning. After all, in 15 minutes you can put things in order on the windowsill, wash the shelves in the refrigerator or sort out your clothes closet. If you do one small thing every day, then by the time of general cleaning there will be nothing left to “generalize”.

Of course, when starting a spring cleaning, it is foolish to hope for a quick completion. First of all, send your family to the beach, for a walk, skiing or to visit your mother-in-law, in general, look at the situation, they are unlikely to provide much help, but give it a try - they will distract the heat.
Then look around, sort through old things, books, magazines and souvenirs. And those that are no longer in demand, throw them away, donate them, exchange them for more useful ones, or sell them. You shouldn’t feel sorry for cute trinkets, firstly, dust accumulates on them, and secondly, it’s quite possible that someone needs them more. Unnecessary clothes and shoes can be taken to a shelter or orphanage.
The best place to start cleaning is in the kitchen. If there are curtains, we immediately remove them and send them to washing machine. If the refrigerator has not been defrosted for a long time, put it on defrost, wipe the ceilings and walls from dust and cobwebs, not forgetting about the chandeliers and lamps. Now let's move on to the kitchen cabinets. They need to review all cereals and groceries, throw away products that have expired, and check the rest for the presence of bugs and midges. When the products are sorted, you can start washing the cabinets themselves, not forgetting the doors and handles.

We clean the stove and oven using special products. Now it’s the turn of the dishes: we wash pots and pans with a greasy coating using a grease remover. Ceramic and porcelain dishes You can boil it in a bucket or large pan with soda.
Usually by this time the refrigerator has already thawed, we wash the unit and put all the food back into it, be sure to wipe the door and sides.

If you have a microwave, multicooker and other devices in your kitchen, don’t forget to wipe them down too. Lastly, wash the windows and floors.

Next we move to the bedroom. Here, too, you will have to work hard, go through all the closets, move seasonal items and shoes closer, and put temporarily unnecessary ones on distant shelves. When going through your clothes, don’t forget to wipe down the shelves and cabinet doors.
We inspect the ceiling and walls for dust and cobwebs, knock out carpets and curtains, or, if necessary, replace them with another set.

Then we remove the bed linen, leave it for washing, beat out the mattresses and pillows, shake out the blankets and bedspreads. We vacuum carpets, baseboards and exposed floor areas. Once every six months you need to do it with a special disinfectant. You can also go over the carpet with a damp cloth and upholstery cleaner.

If there are children in the house, ask them to put away their toys and books in advance, this will make the task much easier. Well, then, in fact, all the same manipulations as in the bedroom.

We clean the living room as follows: knock out and vacuum upholstered furniture, clean carpets and curtains, and then do wet cleaning.
Let's go to the bathroom. We remove all jars, bottles and shampoos from the shelves, wipe the containers themselves and the shelves on which they stood. We wipe the ceilings, this can be done with a special mop, and then remove soap stains from the tiles; window cleaner does an excellent job of this task. Then I wash the bathtub and toilet and move on to washing the floor.
Next, we clean the hallway, remove dust from all surfaces, hide unnecessary shoes and clothes for long-term storage. We shake out the door mat outside or thoroughly vacuum it. We complete the cleaning by washing the floors.
Of course, such a large-scale cleaning is difficult to do in one day, so you can divide it into several, planning a specific room for the day.

General cleaning of an apartment becomes a real test for many housewives, which they begin with great reluctance. The desire to live in cleanliness still overpowers, but cleaning still takes a lot of time, and if the apartment is large, then the event can last for half a day, sometimes even more. That's why housewives are increasingly interested in the question of how to clean the apartment quickly so that there is nothing left. free time for personal matters. In fact, fast and high-quality apartment cleaning is not a myth, and you can significantly speed up the process of cleaning your home by reading a few useful recommendations given in the manual.

What is the secret to quick cleaning?

How to quickly clean an apartment with only one pair of hands? There is no need for any devices or tricks. Just one piece of advice - clean according to a clear plan with a time limit for each item. This is the only way you can systematically move from one room to another, spending a minimum amount of time and without being distracted by thoughts about what to wash now, as well as by extraneous factors such as calls, favorite TV shows and other factors. How to properly clean the house according to plan? Divide the apartment into several zones (according to the rooms and their purposes), and then start cleaning without hesitation!

Quick kitchen cleaning

Don’t know how to effectively clean your apartment kitchen in just 15 minutes? Just follow the following plan, which will allow you to get your kitchen sparkling in no time:

  • Tidy up your kitchen in general terms. Remove utensils and dishes from tables to their places - the less loaded tables and other surfaces are, the cleaner it is visually.
  • Do the washing up. Eat Dishwasher? Great - load it with all your dishes and start the wash cycle. If there is no machine, you will have to wash the dishes by hand - spend as little time on this as possible to meet the allotted time (15 minutes maximum).
  • Clean kitchen surfaces. Take a microfiber cloth, lightly dampen it with water, then wipe all surfaces from the far corner towards you.
  • Clear kitchen appliances. How to clean an apartment with many pieces of equipment in the kitchen? Take a cloth lightly dampened with warm water and go over the microwave, stovetop, and other surfaces to clean them.
  • Sweep and mop the floor. This step should only be performed after all surfaces have been cleaned to avoid having to do the job twice. Sweeping the floor in the kitchen should be done from the farthest corner, gradually moving towards the exit from the room. After sweeping the floor, use a mop with a cloth made of microfiber. Wash should also be done from the far corner towards the exit from the kitchen.
  • Carry out control cleaning. If, after performing the above steps, you come across old stains, scrape them off with a plastic card, and then wipe the areas treated in this way with a sponge slightly moistened with water.

This concludes the tips on how to properly clean the kitchen. Clean in the order specified to avoid doing the same job twice and to speed up the cleaning process as much as possible. Now you can move on to the next part of the guide on how to clean your apartment to understand how to clean your bedroom.

How to properly clean your bedroom?

How to properly clean the apartment when the kitchen has already been chosen? The next step is prompt cleaning of the bedroom, which, when the right approach can be done in 10 minutes. Follow the procedure below, which is designed to maximum speed and quality:

  • Remove everything unnecessary. This applies to linen, clothes, and various items that are out of place. This action alone can significantly improve the appearance of the room and visually relieve it, which will facilitate the subsequent cleaning process.
  • Make your bed correctly. Many people spend an unforgivable amount of time stuffing a sheet between the mattress and the end of the bed, and very often the result is not at all pleasing to the eye. If you are interested in how to clean your apartment well, lift the mattress off the bed with one hand and tuck the edges of the sheet under the mattress with the other hand. You will spend much less time on this action, check it out!
  • Remove any accumulated dust. To remove dust as quickly and efficiently as possible, you need to use not ordinary rags, but products that are made of microfiber. Cleaning begins with wiping down the furniture, which is located in the farthest corner. As you clean, you should move from the ends of the rooms to the exit. How to properly clean your bedroom? Just don’t rub the furniture in the same place - try not to touch the same object with a rag twice so as not to spend a lot of time cleaning.
  • We vacuum the floors in the room. When all the dust has been removed and swept onto the floor, all that remains is to put it in order. This is done using a vacuum cleaner. As always, treatment should begin from the farthest corner of the room, and upon completion of cleaning, you should go to the exit. You should go over the same section of the floor no more than once - do not stomp on one place, otherwise you will waste a lot of time, which should not be allowed.

So, the question of how to clean an apartment at home in the bedroom has been resolved. However, there are other rooms in the apartment, which should never be forgotten about cleaning. Continue with the plan!

Bathroom and toilet - learn to clean correctly!

Perhaps you yourself know well how to properly clean an apartment, and this is commendable. But do you know how you can clean your bathroom and toilet in just 10 minutes of free time? It is very simple if you act not chaotically, but in accordance with the plan below:

  • Apply cleaning agent. It is known that the cleaning agent does not begin to act immediately, and in order not to waste time waiting for it to activate, you should apply the product to the toilet, shower stall, sink and other surfaces immediately before cleaning the bathtub and toilet, and then proceed to perform other cleaning tasks. cleaning.
  • Wipe down the bathtub and shower stall. To do this, it is enough to use a sponge soaked in water, which, together with a cleaning agent, will give a good effect. After cleaning, you can rinse the bathtub or shower stall with a stream of warm water (do not get carried away).
  • Wash the mirror. Cleaning the mirror is done using a special detergent for cleaning glass surfaces. Apply a little liquid to the mirrors, then wipe it with gentle circular movements from top to bottom. That's all!
  • Clean the toilet. Like in a toilet, so that the toilet is always clean and does not spoil the impression with its appearance? Sprinkle it with baking soda, then thoroughly clean it with a toilet brush from the inside, and use an all-purpose spray and a microfiber sponge from the outside. The entire operation will take no more than 3 minutes.
  • Clean the sink. Interested in the question of how to clean an apartment if the sink is very dirty? You probably applied the product to it in advance, so it is enough to carefully treat the surface of the sink with a toothbrush you are not using.
  • Wash the floor. As with all other tips on how to clean your apartment, washing the floors is always a priority. last place. Wash the bathroom and toilet floors with a mop, starting from the far corner and moving straight towards the exit as you clean.

So it became clear how best to clean the apartment if you need to clean the bathroom and toilet. The final part is coming, which reveals the question of how to properly clean an apartment quickly if you have a large living room. So what should you do?

We are finishing cleaning the apartment in the living room

If you are interested in the topic of how to quickly clean your apartment in an hour, you will have to spend no more than 15 minutes cleaning the living room to meet the allotted time. Here's the plan:

  • We create order. Before you start cleaning the apartment (living room), put all the items in their places, put away books, newspapers, toys and everything else. You will see that the room has become noticeably more spacious and more pleasant to be in.
  • We remove the dust. Follow the same steps as for the bedroom (listed above).
  • We wipe the mirrors. Apply to glass and mirror surfaces a little glass cleaner, then wipe them with a rag from top to bottom.
  • Vacuuming. As always, start cleaning the floor from the far corner towards the exit of the living room.

If you use these tips on how to clean your apartment correctly and quickly, you will spend only 50 minutes cleaning, that is, an hour, gaining an additional 10 minutes. Now you know how to make cleaning as fast and productive as possible. Use it!

Cleanliness in the home is the key to health and good mood, but there is not always enough time to put everything in order.

Many people consider cleaning an apartment in an hour to be something from the world of fantasy, but it is really real. The main thing is to plan everything correctly and strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

It is necessary regularly, this is especially true when there is a small child in it. Any dirt or dust can cause a lot of troubles, after which it will be very difficult to recover.

Necessary equipment

How to quickly clean your apartment? To begin the fight for purity, you need to be fully armed. What is needed to carry out the process more efficiently? The list of required inventory is as follows:

  • At a hardware store they buy a mop, a bucket, several brushes of different hardness, microfiber cloths for dry and wet cleaning, window cleaning screed, double-sided sponges.
  • A trip to the household chemicals store ends with the purchase of special products for the home. The list is quite extensive, it includes all kinds of cleaning and detergents, glass cleaning sprays, furniture polish, dust remover with antistatic effect, and cleaning powder are required.
  • It is useful to have vinegar, soda and salt in your household. These substances will help get rid of many stains both on clothes and on various surfaces in the house.

Advice! Don't skimp on money and buy the cheapest ones. As a rule, for normal cleaning you will need several times more of them than usual.

How to clean an apartment correctly and quickly

The upcoming cleaning of the home for every housewife almost instantly reduces even the best mood to zero, but this is wrong. You should clean your house according to the following rules:

  1. It’s better to start by drawing up a plan for the upcoming work. It is advisable to write down everything that needs to be done, establish a sequence, and designate a time period. Make a plan quickly and indicate only the most necessary items.
  2. How to clean your apartment faster? The mood will play an important role; the procedure should be started only in high spirits. Cheer yourself up beforehand kind words, set certain limits, promise yourself some kind of reward.
  3. It is advisable to carry out the process itself with rhythmic music, so the process will move faster and the mood will remain at the proper level.
  4. Don’t spend the whole day cleaning; it’s better to dedicate 1-2 hours to this task every day.

If there is an opportunity to involve your loved ones in a useful activity, do not miss this opportunity. Every little detail will help you complete the task many times faster.

How to properly clean an apartment: stages of cleaning

The process has started, what are the first steps? How to properly clean residential premises so that you are pleased with the results as quickly as possible?

The cleaning starts from the kitchen

The first step is to soak dirty dishes in the sink with detergent.

While the plates are soaking, take the product and a clean sponge and wipe off grease and other contaminants from the cabinet doors. hob, countertops.

At the same time, we hide extra pots, bowls, pans, thus getting rid of clutter.

Don’t forget to wipe down the refrigerator; we’ll wash its insides next time.

We sweep the kitchen floor, the final touch will be mopping the floors. But let’s wait a little with him.

Cleaning up the bathroom and toilet

We turn it on in the bathroom hot water, close the doors tightly, and go to the toilet.

Here we fill the toilet with detergent and leave it.

We return to the bathroom, the steam has softened many of the stains, now cleaning or tidying up this room will be much easier.

An ordinary sponge will be enough, just wipe all surfaces; the bathroom itself and the sink can be treated with a special disinfectant.

Use a rubber window squeegee to run over mirrors, shower doors and other glass surfaces to effectively clean them without streaks.

Hide extra bottles and vials in cabinets, leaving only the essentials.

Place a new piece of soap in the soap dish; it is advisable to match it to the color of the towel, this will make the whole room look more impressive.

We wipe the lid and cabinets from dust with a sponge, sweep, and remove cobwebs if necessary. The finishing touch There will be a drop of air freshener, it will completely transform the picture.

How to properly clean an apartment after using the bathroom?

The path leads to the rooms, you should start from the bedrooms. How to effectively clean your apartment if things are scattered everywhere?

You can spend time sorting out the rubble, but if time is limited, then clothes and other items are collected in a basket or large bag.

We will put what we have collected in its places as far as possible. Next, a vacuum cleaner will be used; its use during cleaning is mandatory.

You shouldn’t clean the house without a vacuum cleaner; washing the floors will turn into real torture, and small hard particles may remain on the floor.

The dust is wiped with a slightly damp cloth, taking care of napkins, vases and other decorative items as you go.

Pay special attention to the panels of household appliances; dust accumulation there is inevitable due to static voltage.

You can freshen the air by simultaneously removing dust from indoor plants, a regular spray bottle will help with this.

Before you start wet cleaning, make sure glass and mirror surfaces are clean.

If there is no shine on them, then cleaning has failed. So, as we quickly found out, let's move on.

How to learn how to clean quickly and efficiently? The main rule will be the final stage, this includes cleaning the corridor. Everything unnecessary is first discarded and taken out here, and then thrown away.

The cleaning is completed by washing the floors; it can be done with plain water, but it is advisable to add products suitable for the floor covering.

Frequency of apartment cleaning

How to properly clean an apartment? How often should events be held?

Everything here is purely individual; of course, daily monitoring is desirable, especially if there is a child in the house.

There are different ways to clean the house; for some, doing one thing every day will bring a lot of pleasure and not allow you to feel tired.

Others prefer to restore order everywhere in one day.

We found out how to learn to clean quickly. To carry out the procedure efficiently, you need to know some subtleties:

  • If there are animals in the house, it is best to sew or buy easily removable covers for upholstered furniture or place napkins in areas where pets frequent.
  • How to clean your apartment if there is wool everywhere? Lightly moisten the vacuum cleaner brush in glycerin, this will help it better collect small hairs.
  • Next to the sofa, place a beautiful basket designed specifically for remote controls and other items, so they will always be in one place.
  • To avoid spending a lot of time on cleaning, train yourself to leave the kitchen completely tidy in the evenings; for your bed, buy a beautiful bedspread that will encourage you to make the bed every morning.
  • After each shower, wipe the stall doors dry and tidy up the sink.

Applying these simple tips in fact, you will never ask the question of how to quickly clean your apartment.

We found out how to properly clean residential premises; it turns out the process is not complicated and does not take much time.

The main thing is to plan correctly and strictly adhere to the established steps.
