How to understand what shoe size. Women's shoe sizes. How to determine shoe size for adults

When buying shoes online, we cannot try on and choose the appropriate size. This is where correspondence tables come to our aid, helping us to accurately determine our shoe size. To use these tables you need to know foot length.

How to measure foot length

Foot length is measured equally for men, women and children. To do this we need a blank sheet of paper (preferably A4), a pen or pencil.

  1. Put on a sock and stand with one foot on an A4 sheet.
  2. Trace around your leg with a pencil.
  3. Remove your foot from the piece of paper and measure the length and width of your foot. Length: from edge thumb to the edge of the heel. Width: from the base of the thumb to the base of the little finger.
  4. For convenience, it is recommended to add 3 to 5 mm to the “length” size. This is done so that the purchased shoes do not fit tightly and do not put pressure on the toes.
  5. Important! If your foot width exceeds 9.5 centimeters, you need to choose one shoe size larger.

Every person's feet are slightly different. To determine your foot size as accurately as possible, it is better to measure both feet. Select the value in centimeters that is larger.

This leg measurement method can be used by men, women and children. This knowledge will also help you make purchases on Aliexpress and other online stores.

Video. How to determine your child's foot size:

What is shoe fullness?

Fullness is the circumference of the foot at the widest point of the toe (where the big toe bone is located). How to measure completeness is described in point 4.

How to take measurements and determine shoe size?

Exactly following the instructions for taking measurements will allow you to determine your foot size as correctly as possible.

It is advisable to take measurements in the evening - at this time the volume of the foot is greater than in the morning.

1. Place your heel on the vertical flat wall, as shown in Figure 1, while standing so that the body weight presses on the entire foot. *

3. To determine the length of the foot, measure the distance between the most distant points of the drawing along the length as in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Figure 5

4. In order to measure the circumference of the foot (fullness), take a measuring tape, loosely wrap the tape around the foot at the widest point (from the big toe to the little toe) and fix the tape (Fig. 5 - A). Record the size to mm.

When measuring your feet, stand straight so that your body weight does not shift to one of your feet. **

5. In order to measure the height of the instep of the foot, you need to take a tape and grab the foot as shown in the fig. 5 B.

6. Find the result you received in the size correspondence table in the line “Metric system” and you will receive the numbers of the sizes that suit you in other measurement systems (Figure 7)

* Please note: the wall must be flat, i.e. the presence of skirting boards or other protrusions may lead to incorrect measurement results. Instead of a wall, you can use a box or a vertically placed book.

**To get the most accurate results, do not take the measurement yourself, ask someone to help you.

To order sandals, men's, women's lace-up shoes - 3 sizes sufficient:

Foot length,

Foot circumference (fullness),

Instep circumference (height).

When ordering more closed shoes (low boots, boots, over the knee boots), you must measure (Fig. 6):

1. Foot length

2. Foot circumference (small)

3. Lifting height (large girth)

4. Oblique passage (girth)

5. Calf circumference (the widest part of the lower leg)

6. Calf height (perpendicular from heel to calf)

7. Ankle circumference (the narrowest part of the lower leg)

8. Height to the ankle (perpendicular from the heel to the middle of the ankle).

If you measure yourself, in addition to the measurements and the order itself, you need to send it to info@site

photo of yourstop on top, standing on the floor.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

You don't have time to go shopping, you order shoes online or ask to make a purchase loved one? Are you sure the shoes will fit? Make sure you know how to determine your foot size without leaving home.

Just the facts:

1. No two pairs of legs are the same.

2. The left and right limbs differ in size or width.

3. Your legs swell and increase in volume during the working day. If new shoes fit you just right in the morning, it’s not a fact that they will fit in the evening.

4. On average, a person walks from 7,900 to 10,000 steps daily; the distance traveled per year is approximately 2,400 km.

5. The human leg consists of 107 connecting ligaments, 33 joints, 26 bones and 19 different muscles.

6. Throughout life, a person’s legs change gradually and little by little.

7. Finding work shoes perfect fit- a complex thing and completely independent of the popularity of the brand or how good the shoe seller is.

It is impossible to guarantee a successful purchase online if you have not taken measurements of your feet in length and width and thereby specified the parameters at the moment. How to find out You will get the most accurate result by following simple instructions:

1. Place a piece of clean paper on a hard, level floor.

2. Stand on it with one foot, but not barefoot, but wearing a sock of medium thickness.

3. Trace the foot with a pencil, holding it vertically.

4. Make marks at the end at your heel and another at the “crown” of your big toe.

5. Make a couple more marks: at the base of the big toe (the protruding bone) and just below the little toe, that is, in places indicating the width of the foot.

6. Measure the length of the two cross sections using the marks left.

7. To the segment characterizing the length of your foot, add 3-5 mm for a loose fit.

8. And one last tip on how to determine your foot size. Please note that if the width of the foot exceeds nine and a half centimeters, your standard size determined by the length of the foot, you need to add at least another half.

Check the result with the table below:

Foot length

Shoe sizes (in cm) of Russian manufacturers

  1. Evening - best time for trying on shoes when your feet are at their maximum natural size.
  2. The name of a well-known shoe brand alone can become a kind of guarantee of quality. And even though branded shoes are more expensive, they will pay for themselves. You will wear them noticeably longer.
  3. When trying on shoes, wear the same socks or tights that you are going to wear with this pair. Perfect option- also be in appropriate clothing so that the image is complete.
  4. High-quality shoes can be easily identified by natural material, smooth and precise seams, stable soles, and reinforced toes and heels.
  5. The sole of leather products needs preventive maintenance. At the same time, change the heel so that the heel is not lower than the sole in height.
  6. First exit in new shoes must be done in dry weather. The pair will last longer.
  7. Along with purchasing shoes, purchase suitable care products.

Now you have valuable information about how to identify and choose the right pair of shoes. May your shopping only make you happy!

How to determine your foot size if you suddenly come across a pair of boots that you have long dreamed of buying for your daughter at an incredibly competitive price? Or if you want to make a surprise and give your girlfriend fashionable stilettos as a gift, but you don’t know exactly what size she is – 37 or 38? Perhaps you often make purchases for your relatives and friends on business trips abroad in the USA or Europe - in this case, a table by which you can quickly and accurately find out the shoe number if you only have leg length in centimeters will not hurt.

What types of tables are there?

Shoe labeling tables exist for all occasions: men's, women's, children's, Russian, European and American. In case you didn't know, women's size 42 is smaller than the corresponding men's size. And boots made in China will be smaller than boots with the same size markings from a Russian or US manufacturer. Therefore, all the data must be carefully compared so that the new thing makes you happy and not sad, and does not end up on the mezzanine in a box, used only a couple of times. For convenience, the table can be printed on a small sheet of paper, which is placed in a notebook, wallet or handbag, so that you can always have it at hand if necessary.

Sizing by centimeters

If you want to know exactly what size you are, 42 or 43, for example, or your child, the easiest and most reliable way to do this is this:

  • take a landscape sheet of paper or cardboard;
  • circle the foot - you need to stand, leaning on your leg with all your weight and straightening your toes;
  • Measure the length with a centimeter or tape measure.

It's faster, of course, to simply measure your foot from the heel to the tip of the big toe. But in this case, inaccuracy can be allowed, since every half centimeter plays a role.

Below are tables of the ratio of measurements in centimeters and standard shoe sizes for our country.

For men's shoes

40 26
41 26,5
42 27
43 27,5
44 28
45 29
46 29,5

For women's shoes

35 22,5
36 23
37 23,5
38 24
39 24,5
40 25
41 25,5
42 26
43 26,5

Table for children's shoes in Russia

Children's shoes are produced in the Russian Federation up to size 35, after which the child switches to non-adult models.

Remember that one Russian shoe size is only half a centimeter. It is very easy to make a mistake when purchasing, and changing a pair of sandals or boots is not always possible.

Comparison of Russian and American sizes

In America, shoe length is measured in inches. To avoid mistakes when purchasing things on English-language websites or on a tourist trip, you should use a special table. To translate American markings into Russian, use the following scheme:

  1. first convert the insole size in inches to centimeters;
  2. then check the table, remembering to leave a small margin for the insole.

If you place an order in the USA through online stores, they usually provide tables that help you quickly navigate the unfamiliar numbering system.

European sizes

In Europe, shoe labeling is also not the same as ours. In France, the system of stiches is used. What is a shtikh and how many centimeters is it? The length of the insole is measured in units, one unit is 2/3 cm. Here is a table of conformity with Russian standards.

Russia France
34 35
35 36
36 37
37 38
38 39
39 40
40 41
41 42
42 43
43 44
44 45
45 46

That is, if you don’t want to get confused with the numbers, just add 1 more to the usual number, for example, for children’s shoes of sizes 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 or 28 in France, buy boots or shoes marked 23, 24, 25 , 26, 27, 28 or 29, and for men's moccasins size 43 - marked, respectively, 44.

But in Great Britain the inch system is adopted. One inch equals 2.54 cm. 4 inches is size zero, that is, the foot of a newborn baby. Further markings go in 1/3 inch increments, maximum size- that's 13 inches. In America the measurement system is the same. Here is the exact correspondence table.

Russia England
34 2,5
35 3,5
36 4
37 5
38 6-6,5
39 7
40 7,5
41 8
42 9
43 9,5
44 10
45 11

The United States has a similar system, but men's and women's sizing lines are different.

Russia USA

Men's Women's

34 3 4
35 4 5
36 4,5 5,5
37 5,5 6,5
38 6 7
39 7 8
40 7,5 8,5
41 8,5 9,5
42 9,5 10,5
43 10 11
Foot length in cm Europe USA
8,3 16 0,5
8,9 16 1
9,2 17 1,5
9,5 17 2
10,2 18 2,5
10,5 18 3
10,8 19 3,5
11,4 19 4
11,7 20 4,5
12,1 20 5
12,7 21 5,5
13 22 6
13, 3 22 6,5
14 23 7
14,3 23 7,5
14,6 24 8
15,2 25 8,5
15,6 25 9
15,9 26 9,5
16,5 27 10
16,8 27 10,5
17,1 28 11
17,8 28 11,5
18,1 29 12
18,4 30 12,5
19,1 31 13
19,4 31 13,5
19,7 32 14
20,3 33 14,5
20,6 33 15
21 34 15,5
21,6 34 16
21,9 35 16,5
22,2 36 17
22,9 36 17,5

Girth and fullness

Previously, according to the standards, the fullness of the shoes was always indicated. To do this, the circumference of the foot was measured at the widest point and a value such as half-fullness was calculated. If in the Russian Federation the maximum completeness is 12, then in Europe and America there are 17 various sizes. In addition, another letter index is added, starting with “A”.

Why is it important? Because people with full feet or high arches need to add another step or one and a half to the usual size 37, 38 or 39 if they buy shoes with a small half-fullness. And on the other hand, a man with a narrow foot of size 43 with a large half-fullness will fit a pair of size 42.

What else do you need to know when buying shoes?

It is not always possible to accurately rely on the data in the table - the fullness of the legs varies from person to person. It is especially important to take into account the circumference of the foot when purchasing closed shoes with a zipper - while laces or Velcro can be used to adjust the volume of a shoe or boot, in this case this will not be possible.

Always buy shoes with a small margin. Although doctors do not recommend taking shoes “to grow,” putting an insole into slightly too big sneakers or lifting the toe is easier than stretching out small and tight ones. In addition, narrow, uncomfortable shoes deform the feet and contribute to the formation of bunions and calluses on the feet.

The right and left feet are usually different lengths. You need to buy shoes based on the size of your larger foot. If you don’t have a chart with you and the store or market doesn’t offer it, you can determine the size for Russia using a simple formula.

  1. Measure the length of the foot in centimeters and divide in half - for example, if the length is 26 or 24 cm, then half will be 13 or 12 cm, respectively.
  2. Now you need to add the resulting value to the length of the foot in centimeters: 26+13= 39 or 24+12= 36-37.

How much you get is your shoe size. But this method is only suitable for extreme cases, as it can give an error of 05-1.5 numbers.

Children's boots for the winter should always be purchased with a margin of 1.5 cm, so that the sock fits and the child's foot is not squashed. For summer shoes, a margin of 0.5-1 cm is enough.

We have more or less figured it out, then how to determine the fullness of the foot and is it necessary to take this indicator into account at all? - Few people think about it. Meanwhile, this is also an extremely important characteristic, ignoring which can lead to very serious consequences, both in children and adults. The vast majority of people have a standard, average foot size, but when choosing shoes they also need to check this parameter so as not to accidentally buy a size for a narrow or wide foot. By the way, if the fullness of the shoes is not indicated in the product description, then it is standard.

Why determine the fullness of the foot?

Speaking in simple language, the fullness of the shoes (aka width) is a parameter that determines how comfortably the selected pair will fit on your foot. Won't boots, shoes, sneakers put pressure? Or, on the contrary, will they wobble to such an extent that you will have to literally hold the shoes with your fingers.

Neither one nor the other option can be considered healthy (we won’t even talk about discomfort, calluses and pain when walking). Especially if we're talking about about children's shoes. Ignoring fullness can lead to disturbances in the development of the foot, which in turn will form an incorrect gait and affect physical development child.

In the case of adults, the fullness of the foot is an equally important parameter. Standard full-length shoes will put pressure on a wide foot, which impairs blood circulation, makes you get tired faster, and contributes to the development of cramps and vascular disorders.

Often, knowing that shoes of “their” size are tight, people buy a pair a size or even two larger. And this is again bad: such shoes rub, cause the formation of calluses, and even deform the foot, eventually leading to the formation of protruding bones.

About the fact that in too narrow or too wide shoes you can simply fall, twist or even break your leg - it’s probably not worth going on about, this is already understandable. It’s probably best not to know what months in a cast and crutches are for those who haven’t experienced it yet.

As you can see, regardless of the options, the result of ignoring the width is disastrous. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and clearly understand what kind of fullness of shoes is right for you. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. It is enough to measure your foot once, check the results obtained and take them, as they say, “for use.”

How to measure foot fullness

Fullness of the foot- this is the circumference of the foot at its widest part. As a rule, the widest part of the foot is near the toe, in the area of ​​the bones near the big toe and little toe.

If you don’t have a special device at hand, then it doesn’t matter - to determine the fullness of your foot, you will need a centimeter (flexible tailor’s tape) and a calculator. To avoid mistakes in measurements, consider the following recommendations.

  1. It is necessary to measure the fullness of the foot in the evening - during an active day the foot “spreads”.
  2. Both legs need to be measured. As a rule, the feet are asymmetrical, and the larger of the two numbers obtained is taken as the result.
  3. If you are buying shoes that will need to be worn over socks or tights, take measurements directly into them.

Now let's proceed directly to the measurements.

Place your foot (and then the other) on a piece of paper, transfer your weight to your foot. Bend over and use a tailor's tape to measure two parameters:

  • the width of the foot at its widest point;
  • foot length.

As mentioned above, we take into account the largest numbers obtained when measuring two legs.

These measurements are only an intermediate stage. Shoe manufacturers, depending on the region of location, indicate the fullness of the foot according to own rules. So, in Russia, in accordance with GOST 3927-88, the width of shoes is marked with numbers from 1 to 12 with an interval of 4 mm. In Europe there is a similar marking - but with an interval of 5 mm. Accepted in the UK and USA letter designations- A, B, C, D, E, F every 5 mm. In addition, doublings and triplings are accepted in letter systems ( AA, AAA, FF, FFF) letters that indicate a slightly increased completeness value compared to standard values.

Fullness of the foot Russian system calculated using the following formula:

W= 0.25*B - 0.15*C - A, where:

W- fullness of the foot (our desired parameter);

IN- foot circumference, measured with a tailor's tape, mm;

WITH- foot length, mm;

A- a constant coefficient, which is equal to 16 for men and 17 for women.

Let's give a simple example of calculation.

Suppose you are a man and you have measured that: your foot circumference (B) is 23 cm, and your length (C) is 25 cm.

In this case: W = 0.25*230 - 0.15*250 - 16 = 4

Thus, the fullness of the foot in the Russian coordinate system is 4 .

For information: a fullness index of 6 is considered normal fullness of feet. Indicators 2-5 characterize feet that are already average. 7 and above – wider than average, wide, full, very wide.

To make it easier determine the fullness of the foot, we have prepared a table for you.

Size Fullness (lift), mm
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
35 197 202 207 212 217 222 227 232 237
36 201 206 211 216 221 226 231 236 241
37 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245
38 209 214 219 224 229 234 239 244 249
39 213 218 223 228 233 238 243 248 253
40 217 222 227 232 237 242 247 252 257
41 221 226 231 236 241 246 251 256 261
42 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265
43 229 234 239 244 249 254 259 264 269
44 233 238 243 248 253 258 263 268 273
45 237 242 247 252 257 262 267 272 277
46 241 246 251 256 261 266 271 276 281
47 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285
48 249 254 259 264 269 274 279 284 289

Well, to convert the resulting leg fullness to another measurement system - European or American - use this shoe fullness correspondence table.

Concerning children's shoes, then the fullness of a child’s foot in European and American online stores is often indicated as follows:

1 = Narrow(narrow) = N

2 = Medium(average) = M

3 = Wide(wide) = W

4 = X-Wide(very wide) = XW

5 = XX-Wide(very very wide) = XXW

You can clearly see how to measure the fullness of your feet in this video.
