How can you say the name Victor in different ways? The meaning of the name Victor, origin, character and fate of the name Victor

Meaning of the name

Victor is a strong, decisive, energetic, ambitious and impulsive man who cannot always control his emotions. This is an adventurer and romantic who cannot stand loneliness and boredom. He is confident in himself and always clearly knows what he wants from life; for him there are no insurmountable obstacles on the way to achieving his goal. In general, this is a fair person who is condescending towards the weaknesses of others, although he is quite self-critical of himself. Victor belongs to the category of people who know how to learn from the mistakes of others, which helps him avoid many troubles. But still, the character of the owner of this name depends to some extent on the time of year in which he was born.

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Characteristics of the name Victor

Winter Victor stern, principled and capricious. He loves orderliness and consistency in everything, believing that they help him cope with any problems with minimal physical and emotional costs. life situations. This man resembles a rock, which is not afraid of either storms or squalls. At the same time, few people realize that he dreams of great love and all-consuming passion. Winter Victor is a monogamous man, so it is not surprising that he chooses his chosen one for a long time and carefully. His woman must have patience and even sacrifice, because Victor in family life may act like a spoiled child.

Spring Victor creative person prone to frequent mood swings. He is assertive and stubborn, hardworking and ambitious, but failures leave a deep mark on his vulnerable and sensitive soul. This man values ​​in people, first of all, sincerity and responsiveness, kindness and openness. The chosen one of spring Victor should be calm, good-natured and gentle; only with such a woman will this romantic be happy, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his muse, to whom he will dedicate his achievements, with whom he will share defeats.

Summer Victor - a modest and reserved man. At the same time, he will not keep a low profile in society; he simply allows only a select few into his small world of harmony. Those around him are afraid of his tough character and tough disposition, not even suspecting that in fact he is a vulnerable man who dreams of a quiet family haven, where his beautiful wife and beloved children will always be waiting for him on the pier. Summer Victor is extremely selective in choosing a life partner, so he starts a family at a fairly mature age. His chosen one will be a strong, wise and energetic woman who will be able to surround him with tenderness and care.

Autumn Victor is a self-confident and vain intellectual who is ready to prove his point of view and challenge someone else’s all day long. He is obstinate and assertive, he is attracted by difficulties and vicissitudes of fate, which he will gladly overcome. One cannot envy the chosen one of this sexually jealous man: firstly, he is always surrounded by female attention, and secondly, he treats his woman like a real owner, locking her in a golden cage. A woman who knows how and is ready to forgive and sacrifice herself for the sake of her lover, for the sake of family well-being, can build a harmonious family with the autumn Victor.

Stone - talisman

Selenite and carnelian are Victor’s talisman stones.


This stone clears the mind and calms the nervous system, helps to concentrate on the main thing, strengthens the will and gives strength. At the same time, selenite endows its owner with such qualities as romanticism, tenderness and sentimentality. At the same time, daydreaming will be balanced by prudence.

Selenite is considered a benevolent stone that will bring peace, warmth and comfort into life, strengthen family relationships, will smooth out controversial situations. This one is amazingly beautiful stone will do everyone without exception, but selenite is especially favorable to creative individuals.

Our ancestors believed that selenite helps to find your soulmate, to find true love.


This mineral is rightfully considered a love talisman and family amulet. It brings warmth, tenderness, family happiness, and fidelity to the lives of spouses. At the same time, it is carnelian that is able to protect a spouse from someone else’s love spell.

Red carnelian is a symbol of passion, sexuality and temperament. Moreover, this stone is reliable protection from ill will, scandals, quarrels and accidents.

Carnelian helps preserve and increase vitality, develops intuition and insight.

This stone helps to accept correct solution and establish communication will attract material well-being.

But! You should beware of stones with dark or white inclusions, as they have negative energy.


Green, blue and dark blue are favorable colors for Victor (you can read about their influence in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).



Uranus and Mercury are the planets that patronize Victor (you can read about the essence of such patronage in the article).


Air is the element of those named Victor (you can read about the impact of this element on a person’s life and character in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Animal - symbol

The horse and the cricket are Victor's totem animals.

Horse (horse)

Horse (horse) symbolizes strength, power, glory, grace and harmony. This is the personification of freedom, independence and fearlessness, but at the same time loyalty, wisdom and agility.

The horse is a symbol of unbroken spirit and courage, thanks to which any obstacles can be overcome. Also, at all times, this animal has been identified with fertility.

In the Christian tradition, the horse symbolizes victory, ascension, nobility and generosity. According to the Bible, the horse is the embodiment of God's perfect creation. At the same time, one cannot fail to mention the four horses of the Apocalypse, where the white horse represents plague, the red one represents war, the black one represents hunger, and the pale one represents death.

Ancient people believed that horses knew the secrets of the afterlife, for this reason they were involved in funeral rites as guides to the afterlife.


Since ancient times, it was believed that the cricket brings happiness and peace to the house. But if the cricket left the house, then trouble should be expected.

In general, it is a symbol of courage and rebirth, the personification of home and family well-being.

In China, a cricket was an integral attribute of any home, because it was believed that its chirping brings longevity, happiness, prosperity and good luck to the house.


Birch, white carnation and thistle are symbolic plants of Victor.


This tree symbolizes fertility and light, rebirth and hope.

Birch is a magical tree that protects from evil spirits and any negative influence, connecting earth and sky, the world of the living with the world of the dead. This is an ambivalent symbol that can represent both good and evil, both light and darkness.

In addition, birch is a symbol of girlhood, femininity, tenderness, purity and innocence. It is this tree that announces that spring has come.

White carnation

Carnation is a symbol of devoted love and marital fidelity, although among Slavic peoples this flower is often identified with cemetery symbols.

According to Christian tradition, the carnation bloomed for the first time on the birthday of Christ. It was the carnations that grew from tears Holy Mother of God which she shed when Christ went to execution. Therefore, the carnation is revered as a flower of immeasurable maternal love.

The white carnation symbolizes spiritual unity, innocent love, untainted by passions and broken promises. Also, a white carnation is considered a wish for good luck and success.


This plant symbolizes defiance, defiance, loneliness and vindictiveness. In many world traditions, thistle represents sin, sorrow and alienation.

It was through thistle that Adam was punished by expelling him from paradise. In addition, the thorns of this plant in Christian symbolism are identified with the torment of Jesus, with earthly malice, which is irreconcilable with virtue. Thus, for Christians, the thistle is a symbol of martyrdom.

Thistle in China symbolizes courage, perseverance and longevity. It is believed that this plant protects the house from evil spirits and protects against the evil eye and damage.


Victor's metal is considered to be mercury - a symbol of impermanence and coldness, elusiveness and intangibility. This metal brings ambiguity, energy and mobility to life, but such transformations are not always beneficial. In addition, mercury has long been revered by magicians and alchemists, who endowed this metal with protective properties.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Victor

Name translation

The name Victor translates as "winner".

History of the name

The name Victor comes from the Roman family names Victor, Victorinus and Victorianus.

This name came to the territory of Rus' with the spread of Christianity. It must be said that initially the name Victor was baptized exclusively for the sons of clergy, and only a few centuries later this name began to be used first among the nobility, and then among ordinary people.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Victor are: Vitya, Vityusha, Mitya, Mityai, Vitasya, Vitasik, Vik, Vitakha, Vityushka, Vityakha, Vityasha, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityusya, Vityukha, Vityusha, Viktorka, Tora, Vitek, Vitasik, Vik.

The mystery of the name Victor

Patrons of the name

  • Martyr Victor of Rome.
  • Martyr Victor of Mesukeviy (Georgian).
  • Martyr Victor of Corinth.
  • Martyr Victor.
  • Martyr Victor of Nicomedia.
  • Bishop and confessor Viktor Ostrovidov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Victor Morigerovsky.
  • Hieromartyr and Archpriest Viktor Kiranov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Usov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Victor Evropeytsev.
  • Martyr Victor of Thracia.
  • Hegumen Victor.
  • Martyr Victor of Chalcedon.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Victor.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Karakulin.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Nikiforov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Victor of Ellan.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Basov.
  • Martyr Viktor Frolov.
  • Martyr Viktor Krasnov.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Klimov.
  • Martyr Victor of Damascus.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Ilyinsky.
  • Hieromartyr and priest Viktor Voronov.
  • Hieromartyr and Archpriest Viktor Smirnov.
  • Martyr Viktor Matveev.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 21st and 30th.

February: 13th and 23rd.

March: 3rd, 7th, 23rd and 30th.

April: 2nd and 28th.

May: 1st and 2nd.

June: 1st and 20th.

July: 1st and 19th.

August: 1st number.

September: 2nd, 8th, 15th, 24th and 29th.

October: 10th, 21st and 29th.

November: 11th, 19th, 22nd, 24th, 27th and 29th.

December: 8th and 31st.

The legend of the name Victor

There is a well-known legend about Victor of Damascus, originally from Italy, who lived during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, famous for his persecution of Christians. Victor of Damascus served in Damascus under the command of the military leader Sebastian. Victor did not hide his faith and openly professed Christian teaching.

Marcus Aurelius ordered his soldiers to prove their loyalty to the gods of Rome and the emperor by performing sacrifices. Those who evaded the order were subjected to severe torture. Victor was among those who refused to make a sacrifice to the Roman gods, citing the fact that he was not a warrior of the earthly king, but worshiped only the Lord. Then Sebastian ordered Victor to be tortured, but the disobedient man did not change his faith.

However, the military leader did not give up and called the sorcerer for help, ordering him to poison Victor, but this plan did not work either. Victor, having prayed before the meal, tasted the poisoned meat and remained alive. More than once the sorcerer tried to poison a Christian, but Victor miraculously avoided death. Seeing all this, the sorcerer himself believed in the Lord.

And Sebastian continued to torture Victor, inventing new sophisticated tortures. But nothing could break the spirit of a Christian. As a result, the tormenting warriors were punished: they became blind, and only the prayer of their victim helped restore their sight. Then the soldiers appealed to Sebastian for mercy towards Victor, but such a request only angered the military leader, who ordered the skin to be torn off from the martyr.

The young Christian Stefanida, who was the wife of one of the warriors, also stood up for Saint Victor. Sebastian wanted to persuade Stefanida to sacrifice to idols, but she refused, for which she was brutally executed. Along with her, the martyr Victor of Damascus was beheaded.

Famous people

Famous writers named Victor:

  • Victor Hugo;
  • Victor Dragunsky;
  • Victor Nekrasov;
  • Victor Erofeev;
  • Victor Konetsky;
  • Victor Pelevin;
  • Victor Astafiev;
  • Victor Shestrem.

Famous actors and artists named Victor:

  • Victor Sukhorukov;
  • Victor Tsoi;
  • Victor Avilov.

Famous athletes named Victor:

  • Viktor Maygurov - biathlete, Olympic champion;
  • Viktor Korchnoi - chess player and international grandmaster;
  • Viktor Onopko is a football player.

Famous scientists named Victor:

  • Victor Goldshmidt – chemist and geologist;
  • Victor Hess – Austro-American physicist and laureate Nobel Prize;
  • Victorin Deryabin – physiologist and psychiatrist;
  • Viktor Vinogradov is a linguist and literary critic.

Famous politicians named Victor:

  • Viktor Chernomyrdin – Russian statesman;
  • Victor Emmanuel - the last Italian king;
  • Victor Jacqulard - leader of the Paris Commune;
  • Victor Cousin is a French philosopher and politician.

Famous painters named Victor:

  • Victor Vasnetsov;
  • Victor Borisov-Musatov.

Victor Gusev - Russian sports commentator.

Victor Fleming - American film director and author of the famous film "Gone with the Wind".

The meaning of the name Victor

For a child

Little Vitya is an active, restless and mischievous child with an irrepressible imagination and a desire for adventure. However, curiosity and a developed imagination can serve him badly, so it is better for parents to control their child’s games and direct the boy’s energy in a calmer direction (for example, send him to a design club).

Sometimes impulsiveness and inconsistency are visible in Vitya’s actions and thoughts; he grabs onto everything at once, which prevents him from bringing what he started to its logical conclusion. Such lack of composure causes the boy to study rather mediocrely: he lacks patience and perseverance. Especially it concerns humanities, which require a lot of reading and analysis to master. At the same time, Victor is very responsible and efficient; his willpower and strength of character can be envied.

It is impossible not to note the gullibility and vulnerability of Vitya, who experiences betrayal and deception hard, but at the same time his heart does not harden and knows how to forgive. Victor's responsiveness and good nature attract his peers to him, who see him as a reliable friend and a strong shoulder.

For a teenager

Young Victor is characterized by such character traits as daydreaming and impulsiveness. He does not measure seven times before cutting, which is why he himself suffers. This is a true fighter for justice and defender of the weak. People come to him for friendly advice and help in the most difficult situations. It is interesting that he is much better at giving competent advice to others than at putting things in order in his life, which, however, does not particularly burden Victor.

The optimist Victor is often compared to the Phoenix bird, which rises from the ashes. And such a comparison is quite justified, because no blows of fate can break Victor. He quickly regains his strength and goes into battle again, enjoying every new day, no matter how difficult and unpredictable it may be. Difficulties only strengthen this purposeful young man.

He tries to live in harmony not only with himself, but also with the people around him, so he has many friends and acquaintances, and his life is full of adventures, new discoveries and achievements. But Victor cannot avoid disappointment, and all for the reason that he blindly trusts people, turning a blind eye to their shortcomings and mistakes. Over the years, he will become more selective in terms of choosing friends, and will learn to hide his thoughts and feelings from those who are not trustworthy.

For a man

With age, Victor is still impetuous and impulsive, he is driven by emotions, and he cannot do anything about it. He immediately puts his ideas into execution, helped by such qualities as hard work and perseverance. But, unfortunately, due to thoughtlessness and haste, the result is not always what Victor expects.

This man gives the impression of an open, witty and interesting conversationalist, but his excessive narcissism can negatively affect his relationships with others. However, this behavior, which many perceive as narcissism, is the result of the fact that in his youth he was often deceived and betrayed. Only truly close people know that Victor is actually a trusting and vulnerable man who will give his last shirt to anyone who needs it.

Assertive and ambitious, Victor becomes irritable if things don't go according to plan. At such moments, nothing remains of his cheerfulness, and optimism is replaced by causticity. In fairness, we note that in general he is a patient, tolerant, unforgiving and non-vindictive person who knows how to forgive and forget insults.

Description of the name Victor


Despite the fact that Victor is a sympathetic and fair person, in order to achieve his goal he can neglect the principles of morality.


One of Victor's problems is gluttony, which causes excess weight. In addition, stress and excessive emotionality can lead this man to nervous breakdowns and disruption of the heart. The owner of this name must also treat alcohol with caution, to which he may develop an addiction.


Women like Victor because he is sociable, generous and witty. He knows how to beautifully look after and surprise, it’s not for nothing that he is called the ultimate romantic and ladies’ man. But he also seeks attention, care and courtship from his chosen one. She should not only be beautiful and smart, but also mysterious. Ideally, he is looking for a woman who can sacrifice her interests for his sake. But he is absolutely not interested in frivolous young ladies who believe that reading books and self-development is a waste of time.

In general, it is not easy with Victor, since he is not only demanding of his beloved, but also jealous, which can poison the lives of both partners and destroy family life.


Victor rarely marries once and for all. His first marriage is often hasty and therefore short-lived. For the second time, this man approaches the formation of a family more carefully, not only carefully choosing a companion, but also rethinking his views on family life.

As his wife, he chooses an active, sociable, but at the same time attentive and caring woman with a calm disposition. It is very important that his chosen one puts the interests of the family above her own. In addition, it is important to always maintain the fire of love and passion in Victor, otherwise he will seek warmth from another fire. But even in this case, he will not leave the family, since a sense of duty is above all for him.

Family relationships

Victor is a good family man who values ​​family values ​​and traditions. He is kind to his wife and loves his children, although he can be strict with them. In his house, everything is subject to a strict routine, which children may not like. It should also be remembered that excessive severity can subsequently lead to the fact that, as they grow up, children will move away from their father.

It is not difficult for him to help his wife with the housework, so domestic quarrels rarely happen in his family. What really bothers Victor's other half is his impulsiveness and jealousy. But the patience, wisdom and forbearance of his wife will certainly help not only to save the marriage, but to make it truly happy and strong, especially since Victor is always ready to compromise, especially when it comes to his family. This man does not claim leadership in the family, although he will not tolerate obvious dominance by his wife either.


Victor is temperamental and sexy, he welcomes experiments and novelty in his intimate life, so he is not attracted to shy women. But experienced partners, ready not only to accept the love potion, but also to give it back a hundredfold, attract him and feed his wildest fantasies.

But you shouldn’t expect Italian passions from your relationship with Victor. On the contrary, he is gentle and romantic, attentive and gallant, which captivates women, since it is this attitude that allows them to feel fragile and sensual.

Mind (intelligence)

Victor has a synthetic mindset; he will not pay attention to details, giving this opportunity to others. He is always interested only in the essence.


Victor is a responsible, purposeful, hardworking and efficient person, so he can cope well with any job. But not only material, but also moral satisfaction will be brought to him by professions in which he will be surrounded by attention, where the outcome of the entire enterprise will depend on his decisions.

In addition, it is very important that the work is not monotonous, although Victor has enough patience for any routine work. This man will not feel entirely comfortable choosing a creative profession, unless it is original and allows him to make a lasting impression on others.

By career ladder Victor walks with a fast and confident step, because he is not going to be content with submission. He wants and will lead.


Victor is great at organizing the work process. He focuses all his strength and attention on the essence of the issue, while leaving his subordinates the right to solve minor pressing problems and understand the details. His business can become quite successful if Victor learns to control his emotions and be guided when making any decisions solely by the voice of reason.


Victor is a gambling person, he is attracted by extreme sports and everything connected with it. With rare exceptions, he will prefer passive relaxation on the river bank to an active and interesting pastime.


Victor belongs to that category of people who crave universal recognition and attention. It is very important to him what others think of him, so he works hard on his image. This is a person of mood, whose actions can be dictated by a momentary impulse. This is a strong-willed and courageous man who is afraid of loneliness and indifference.

Taking everything to heart, Victor uses up his reserve of optimism and faith in people early, so sometimes he just needs to be alone in order to regain a charge of energy and love of life.


Victor has good intuition, which he often listens to.

Horoscope named after Victor

Victor – Aries

This is a bright and assertive man who has out-of-the-box thinking and determination. Victor-Aries knows no peace; ideas are constantly ripening in his head, which he will definitely bring to life sooner or later. At the same time, this person always looks calm and even cold.

Few people know that Victor-Aries is actually touchy and vulnerable, and sometimes unyielding and selfish. It is extremely important for him what others think of him, although he rarely listens to their advice. This man enjoys increased attention from women, he is passionate and generous, but he is in no hurry to tie the knot.

Victor – Taurus

Restraint, equanimity, scrupulousness and caution are the main features of Victor-Taurus, who is used to planning everything. He is practical and hardworking; he moves towards his goal slowly, but persistently and confidently. However, his persistence often develops into stubbornness and unwillingness to take other people’s opinions into account. As a family man, Victor-Taurus is loyal, honest and fair. He values ​​family and makes every effort to ensure that prosperity, peace and comfort reign in his home. He will create a family with an economic and domestic woman, for whom the priority is family, not career.

Victor – Gemini

Energetic, cheerful and charming, Victor-Gemini never loses heart and is always optimistic about the future. But behind such openness and an easy attitude to life there may be superficiality in judgment and inconstancy. Daily routine, stability and constancy are not his path. On the contrary, Victor often changes friends, places of work and women in anticipation of new emotions and impressions. His feelings flare up quickly, but fade away just as quickly. He has practically no real friends, because many consider him two-faced. Victor-Gemini has several marriages, and his chosen one cannot guarantee that tomorrow her husband will not find another passion.

Victor – Cancer

Attentive, good-natured and responsive, Victor-Cancer is always ready to listen and help, but he himself most often refuses help, even if he really needs it. And all for the reason that he fears betrayal and deception (let’s be honest, he doesn’t trust people at all). Moreover, in the role of an adviser, he realizes himself as a decisive and strong-willed person, whereas in real life Victor-Cancer is afraid to take responsibility on himself, trying to shift it onto the shoulders of another. He marries once and for all, but not every woman can tolerate his melancholy, vulnerability and suspiciousness.

Victor – Leo

Erudite, observant and energetic, Victor-Lev knows how to impress others. It seems that he positive attitude and faith in the future are transmitted through airborne droplets. In fact, this man struggles with his laziness every day, and he does not always manage to emerge victorious from this struggle. Victor-Lev is a leader and a perfectionist by nature, so if he takes on a task, he always brings it to the end. He likes comfortable life And beautiful women, but, having tied the knot, he will be devoted to his family and his woman. The authority in the family of this owner and jealous person is indisputable.

Victor – Virgo

Diligence, responsibility and workaholism distinguish Victor-Virgo, who is also endowed with a clear mind, logical thinking and the gift of persuasion, which helps him build a dizzying career. At the same time, he is calm, reasonable and unhurried: passions are not included in his plans for life, he gravitates towards stability. Friends appreciate and love Victor for his reliability, ability to support in difficult times and a wonderful sense of humor. Victor-Virgo attracts women with his thoroughness, care and attention. But such qualities of this man as pickiness, irritability and self-centeredness can become an obstacle to building a family life.

Victor – Libra

Polite, courteous, reserved and taciturn Victor-Libra is proud and filled with feeling self-esteem. It is extremely important for him to live in harmony with himself and others. When this does not happen, he becomes irritable and nervous. In addition, Victor-Libra is vulnerable and subject to frequent mood swings; he rarely expresses a categorical opinion, because he does not want to come into conflict with public opinion. This is a diplomat who does not strive for leadership either at work or in family life. He needs an easy-going, cheerful, active and cheerful companion who can take on the role of head of the family.

Victor – Scorpio

Victor-Scorpio's arrogance, inability to forgive, selfishness and secrecy push people away from him. However, his coldness and external calm deceptive. In fact, this man has a hard time experiencing his loneliness, therefore, in order not to get bored, he creates problems for himself, which he subsequently heroically overcomes. He is vindictive and vindictive, categorical and demanding of others, although he does not make high demands on himself. For all his shortcomings and characteristics, Victor-Scorpio is a reliable and devoted husband, a loving but strict father. He always puts family first.

Victor – Sagittarius

Romantic, dreamy and sincere, Victor-Sagittarius is never a hypocrite and always speaks the truth to his face, for which many consider him arrogant and tactless. In fact, he is an open and responsive person who tries to make the world cleaner and brighter. This man never judges people, but tries to accept them as they are. Life for Victor the Sagittarius is a big gamble, full of adventures. His chosen one must share his views on the world, be able to enjoy life and accept it in all its manifestations. But one should take into account the fact that this man is not constancy on the love front, and neither starting a family nor having children will change the situation.

Victor – Capricorn

This is a timid, shy and secretive man, hiding a vulnerable and soft heart. He is afraid of deception and betrayal, so he prefers loneliness. He builds an impregnable wall around himself, although in his soul he longs to find many true friends. Victor-Capricorn may seem rude and harsh, but it is precisely behind these manifestations of his character that he hides his self-doubt. This man is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his family. When choosing a life partner, he pays attention primarily to the woman’s docile and gentle character, and not to her external data. He treats his wife with care and tenderness.

Victor – Aquarius

The friendly and sociable rebel and adventurer Victor-Aquarius does not know how and does not want to live by the rules. He believes that a person must learn everything in this life, the whims and trials of which must be treated with humor (which is what Victor does). However, such a life position leads to the fact that his interests and goals are fleeting, while knowledge and judgment are superficial. This independent man with women becomes shy and lacks initiative. Victor-Aquarius is rarely a faithful husband, because he is unable to part with his love of freedom, even when married. But he will not limit the freedom of his chosen one.

Victor - Pisces

This is a kind and fair person, an intellectual interlocutor and a loyal friend, who does not need much to be happy: bread, circuses and the opportunity to dream. Victor-Pisces is endowed with a vivid imagination, so sometimes it is quite difficult for him to come to terms with the surrounding reality and the imperfections of the world in which he lives. Relationships with women for this man are not always easy, since he does not like to talk a lot, and women, as you know, love with their ears. In addition, Victor-Pisces is an idealist who is looking for a woman who is ideal in all respects. Overall, he is a great family man who cares about his family and the favorable weather in his home.

Compatibility of the name Victor with female names

Victor and Olga

This is a surprisingly tender and romantic relationship in which Olga ceases to be strong and tough, but becomes soft and flexible, sensual and caring. And this is the merit of the attentive and sensitive Victor, who is ready to do anything for the sake of his family.

Victor and Anna

In this interesting creative union, both partners are looking for self-realization and recognition. Victor and Anna are doing everything possible and impossible to diversify not only their lives, but also the lives of those around them.

It is important not to forget that the interests of the family should always come first.

Victor and Elena

Victor and Vera

Charming, fragile, but at the same time hidden Vera is in no hurry to fully open her soul to Victor, which worries him very much. He wants to protect his chosen one from all the troubles in the world, but the strong-willed and independent Vera is not ready to completely surrender to the power of her man, which is why serious disagreements can arise in the couple.

Victor and Yana

From the first meeting, the witty and cheerful Yana charms the practical and thorough Victor, but over time both realize that their views regarding the family differ. A man wants stability and peace, while a woman is not ready to give up her independence.

Victor and Daria

The basis of this union is love. Victor and Dasha live with each other and for each other. They cherish their feelings, which neither material difficulties, nor everyday problems, nor rare quarrels can overshadow.

Victor and Alena

The relationship of this couple is interesting and creative. Victor and Alena understand each other without further ado. These are philosophers and adventurers who create their own world of harmony, trust and peace, into which they rarely let even the closest people in, they feel so good together.

Victor and Veronica

The family life of Victor and Veronica is prosperous and stable. Partners have similar characters and temperaments, which helps them solve any problems with ease. At the same time, the love of freedom of both does not prevent them from building strong relationships.

Victor and Valeria

The impulsive and eccentric Valeria will not let the calm Victor get bored, which will generally have a positive effect on the relationship. But Lera’s excessive activity may over time become an obstacle to building the family model that Victor dreams of. Only the desire and ability to compromise will save this relationship.

Victor and Larisa

Larisa is used to being the center of attention. She devotes a lot of time to her self-development, because she should be admired. But Victor is a workaholic and a pragmatist who wants to see at home not a brilliant star, but a gentle and caring woman preparing a delicious dinner. If Larisa is ready for such transformations, then everything will work out.

Victor and Angelica

In this union, partners strive for the same goals. For them, family is the basis of life, so they direct all their efforts to its development. But ideal relationship Victor and Angelica cannot be named, the fault of which is the woman’s ambition and the man’s love of freedom.

Victor and Evgeniya

This is a rather complicated union, since Evgenia puts her career first, not her family, which does not suit Victor, who dreams of cozy home, full of children. Frequent conflicts on this basis will sooner or later lead to the couple breaking up.

The male name Victor means “winner” in Latin. In Roman mythology, this was the name of the supreme god Jupiter and the god of war Mars.

Victor's name day

The name Victor is revered in Orthodoxy. History knows several martyrs and saints who suffered at different times for the true faith - Victor of Damascus, Victor of Thracia, Victor of Nicomedia, Victor of Corinth.

The name day of the young man or man Victor falls on the following dates: February 13, May 1, September 2 and November 24. The one that is closest to the real birthday will be the day of Victor’s guardian angel.

Various forms of name

A short version of the name Victor is Vitya. In addition, a man is called Viktya, Vika, Vitek, Vitasya or Vityunya.

The affectionate nicknames Vitenka, Vityunchik, Vityusha, Viteka, Viktunya, Vityanyushka, Viktunchik are suitable for a child. Foreign forms of the name Victor, used in European countries, can be used as diminutives.

English Victor, Vic
German Vic, Vico, Vicco
French Victor
Portuguese Vitor, Vitoriu
Italian Vittorio, Vittore
Romanian Vika
Greek Victoras
Ukrainian Victor, Vityus, Vitko
Belorussian Viktar, Viktus
Polish Viktusch, Vitusch, Victoriusz
Czech Viktorek
Bulgarian Victor, Vico, Vicky
Finnish Vihtori, Vihtoori

From the name Victor the patronymics Viktorovich and Viktorovna are formed. The female equivalent of the name is Victoria or Quiz.

Famous namesakes

Among the famous holders of the name Victor there are people of various professions. Our list includes the most talented and famous.

  1. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926) – Russian folklore artist.
  2. Victor (Velimir) Vladimirovich Khlebnikov (1885-1922) - Russian poet, representative of avant-garde art.
  3. Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi (1931-2016) – Soviet and Swiss grandmaster.
  4. Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2001) is an outstanding Soviet and Russian writer.
  5. Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (1938-2010) - Soviet and Russian statesman.
  6. Viktor Vasilyevich Tikhonov (1930-2014) - an outstanding Soviet hockey player and hockey coach.
  7. Viktor Ivanovich Merezhko (born 1937) – Soviet and Russian playwright, director, screenwriter.
  8. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913-1972) - Russian Soviet children's writer.
  9. Viktor Fedorovich Stepanov (1947-2005) - Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian theater and film actor.
  10. Viktor Robertovich Tsoi (1962-1990) - Soviet rock musician, founder of the Kino group.

Many famous artists bear the name Victor - Korshunov, Pavlov, Baikov, Sukhorukov, Avilov, Andrienko, Rakov, Krivonos and others.

Character and destiny

The owner of this name is a strong-willed and courageous man.

He craves universal recognition, so he will always do things that will allow him to stand out from the crowd. The secret of the name Victor lies in good nature and the ability to empathize with the grief of others, as well as in unparalleled selflessness: Vitya is able to give his last to help those in need.


Vityusha is a mischievous, restless and cheerful child. He adores active games and enjoys kicking the ball with other boys. He is very inquisitive and literally absorbs various information received from adults or read in books.

At school, Vityusha studies well, he is especially attracted to mathematics and other exact disciplines, and the boy solves problems involving intelligence and logic literally in a matter of minutes.

Vitya is talented, he draws well, writes poetry and even tries himself in amateur theater, and he can not only perform roles, but also be a screenwriter and director.

The boy has many friends who are attracted by Vityusha’s prudence: he always knows how to listen and give necessary advice. In addition, the boy has an innate sense of justice and without hesitation takes the side of the “humiliated and insulted,” trying to help and protect.


The owner of the name Victor can connect his life with art, becoming an artist, musician or painter. A passion for writing and an indefatigable imagination will make him a good journalist, writer or screenwriter.

Analytical mind and logical thinking will help you master the professions of an economist, engineer, auditor or accountant. The eloquence that our hero fully possesses will come in handy if he chooses a teaching career.

Purposefulness, hard work, responsibility, discipline - these are the main qualities thanks to which a man will always be in demand as an employee. And his leadership abilities, ability to organize and rally people will allow him to take the chair of a leader in a short period of time.

For our hero, it is important not only the high material reward that he receives for his work, but also the moral side - recognition of him as the most the best specialist, attention and respect of others. All of Victor's character traits contribute to the discovery own business, which will undoubtedly be prosperous and bring success.

The owner of the name Victor is a bit of a poser; for the sake of praise and recognition, he is able to perform actions “in public” and look forward to “applause.” If they don’t follow, the man gets upset and withdraws into himself.

Love and family

In the fate of our hero, not only work, but also family plays an important role. Understanding this, Vitya very carefully approaches the choice of a life partner. He needs a caring, calm and good-natured woman who will not pretend to be the head of the family. In addition, she should not only be imbued with all the affairs of her husband, but also express her admiration for his intelligence, insight, hard work and other virtues.

If such a lady is found, then Vitya will become a wonderful family man, loving husband and a caring father. He will never allow himself to go “to the left” and will carry out everything free time together with the household.

Our hero skillful hands, so he does a lot of things for his home himself. Vitya happily helps his wife with housework, goes shopping, repairs equipment, etc.

The man loves children very much, but does not spoil them and raises them strictly. He himself draws up a daily routine for them and monitors its implementation. Vitya tries to ensure that his kids get the most better education, therefore, always assigns them to prestigious educational institutions.

Name compatibility

The owner of this name is a temperamental and sensual man and assigns a significant role to intimate relationships in family life. It is very important for him that sexual preferences the spouses coincided with his own, otherwise the marriage may not last. To prevent this, our hero will turn to name compatibility tables.

With the woman he loves, Victor will always be gentle, gallant and generous. He knows how to guess her wishes and always fulfills them.

Health and hobbies

Victor is used to devoting himself entirely to what he loves, so he often spends weekends and holidays at work.. This pace of life cannot but affect his health - heart problems appear, nervous system, vessels.

In addition, in his youth a man does not adhere to healthy eating, for which he pays with liver and stomach diseases. The owner of this name definitely needs to reconsider his lifestyle and make adjustments to it.

Our hero prefers leisure. Therefore, he goes on vacation with friends to the mountains or goes boating down the river. Having become a family man, Vitya involves his wife and children in his hobbies.

Basic character traits

By nature, Victor is an optimist and almost never loses his presence of mind. Even failures cannot incapacitate him for long; he quickly recovers his strength and rushes to conquer a new peak. The remaining qualities of our hero can be found in the table.

The given characteristics allow us to conclude that the man named Victor is an example lucky man. Whatever business he undertakes, success will invariably await him. And how could it be otherwise? After all, he is Victor, which means he is a winner!

Meaning of the name Victor: The boy's name means "winner." This affects Victor's character and fate.

Origin of the name Victor: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Vitya, Vika, Vitenka, Vitek, Vitasha, Vitasik, Vityusha.

What does the name Victor mean? The name comes from Lat. "victor". The name Victor translates as “victory”. Another meaning of the name Victor is “winner.” Vitya cannot be called too active, but he cannot be called passive either. Rather, he occupies his rightful niche, arranging life with his family, to whom he is very attached and cannot imagine life without her. He is punctual and diligent, hardworking. A military career suits him.

Patronymic name Victor: Viktorovich, Viktorovna.

Day Angel: the name Victor celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • February 13 (January 31) - The holy martyr Victor the warrior, among others, suffered for the faith of Christ under the emperor Detius in 251 in Corinth.
  • November 24 (11) - St. The martyr, after much torture for Christ, was beheaded in the 2nd century. Seeing his suffering, St. believed in Christ and suffered for him. Martyr Stefanida.

Signs: If on Victor's Day, February 13, the day is foggy, the flax will be long and fibrous: the yarn will be good.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Uranus
  • Green color
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Treasured plant - white carnation
  • Patron name - horse
  • Talisman stone - selenite

Characteristics of the name Victor

Positive features: He seems to be born into the world already knowing exactly what he needs. A guy with this name cannot be called a quick calculator, but this is because he certainly must look at a problem from all sides before accepting it as his own and fighting for it in every possible way. A man named Vitya is fair, patient and punctual; he is a typical workaholic.

Negative features: The guy shows ardor in words and actions. A man with this name experiences his failures greatly and becomes irritable. However, he is able to start the business again, even after the strongest blows of fate. A deeply hidden sense of superiority helps him in this.

Character of the name Victor: What character traits does the meaning of the name Victor determine? As a rule, his workmates cleverly take advantage of this and sit on his neck.

The interests of the family are sacred to the name Vitya. An intelligent, strong-character woman can twist ropes out of him, but with an unloved wife, the name Victor does not miss a single skirt.

Like any other person, Viti can experience “metal fatigue.” In this state he is especially unbearable. However, his straightforwardness, decency and all-crushing charm involuntarily force him to forgive everything.

In childhood, the name Vitya is a trusting and kind boy, inventive in pranks. There are many ideas and fantasies in his head. It is necessary to help him build them in accordance with logical laws, otherwise with age he will become an eccentric person with many ideas, none of which will ever come true.

An adult man also focuses on his ideas, but is afraid of the difficulties of implementing them. A guy with this name is capable of becoming serious and attentive, but he quickly relaxes and can do something stupid.

The name's intelligence is high, it is witty, ironic, but without malice. He is quite elegant and loves to use his charm. Flirting is of particular importance to him. A favorite of women, he rarely misses an opportunity for an affair. Vitya easily neglects strict moral rules. In his imagination he creates perfect image women, disappointed, again inspired, looks for another and soon finds.

Victor and his personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Victor promise happiness in love? The meaning of the name Victor depends on the time of birth. He is passionate, impulsive, persistent and fickle in love. Vitya, born in winter, dreams of great love, burning passions, values ​​understanding, spiritual and intellectual closeness, and similar interests in a woman; those born in summer are modest and withdrawn into themselves. prefers an older woman with sexual experience. He is jealous, on this basis he can divorce his wife and then marry very soon.

He has a highly developed sense of duty to his family and children. A man with this name is very demanding of children. Attaches great importance household, calmly gives way to his wife as the head of the family. Alcohol brings trouble to the family.

The name may have more than one marriage, but he loves his children and does not forget about them, having another family.

He has a penchant for drinking. Living married to him is not at all easy, although he cares about the material well-being of the family, is not stingy, loves his wife and is tolerant of her dissatisfaction or commanding tone.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Vitya chooses only a profession that is prestigious, from his point of view. He is very active, develops vigorous activity, and is enough for several things at once. He likes to do concrete, tangible work that does not require much thought.

Business and career: For Victor, the main thing is to find his own business, preferably one that is unpopular and rare. Vitya becomes a great specialist in it. He can be an official, a book editor, a mathematician, an electrician, or teach at a university. He is Victor, stubborn, persistent, sometimes even pushy, and often goes ahead towards his goal. Victor is simply unsinkable: he recovers his strength even after the most crushing blows of fate and moves forward again.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Victor: Vitya was very trusting as a child and was upset when he learned about the deception. He is not vindictive and, having become an adult, does not lose trust in people.

Victor is a sanguine person, with a stable psyche and a satisfactory reaction speed, a strong will, but weak intuition. Short-sighted. He Victor values ​​comfort and material wealth and achieves this easily. Thorough, patient, willing to do hard work, cares about the well-being of the family. He is Victor - a fighter for justice, stinginess is not characteristic of him.

Victor's fate in history

What does the name Victor mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Victor Frankini (1820-1892) - lieutenant general, graduate of the artillery school. Participated in military operations in the Crimea and the Caucasus; was a military agent in Constantinople; headed the military mountain administration in the Caucasus; later he was the first Russian governor of the newly annexed Kars region. Author of an extensive work " Eastern policy Emperor Nicholas I".
  2. Viktor Sakharov (1848-1905) - lieutenant general, adjutant general; He received his education at a military school and at the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff. During the war, being in the vanguard of I. Viktor Gurko, Sakharov took part in the movement for the Balkans and in the defense of the Shipka Pass. In 1898 he was appointed chief of the General Staff. When Adjutant General Kuropatkin was put in charge of the Manchurian Army, Sakharov was appointed Minister of War. On June 21, 1905, he was dismissed from this position. On November 22 of the same year, Sakharov was killed in Saratov, during a business trip to stop agrarian unrest in the Saratov and Penza provinces.
  3. Viktor Vasnetsov (1848-1926) - artist of Russian antiquity, creator of works based on Russian epics and fairy tales. Everyone knows his tender barefoot “Alyonushka”, saddened on the shore of a forest lake, “Ivan the Tsarevich”, racing astride a shaggy wolf through the forest thicket with the beautiful Elena clinging to his chest, “Flying Carpet”, “Kashchei the Immortal” and many others fairy tales.
  4. Victor Fleming is an American film director, author of the film Gone with the Wind.
  5. Viktor Sukhorukov is a theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
  6. Viktor Konetsky - Soviet Russian writer, screenwriter, sea captain.
  7. Victor Deryabin - (1875 - 1955) physiologist and psychiatrist, student and successor of I.P. Pavlov; published a number of works devoted to the psychophysiological problem.
  8. Viktor Avilov is a theater and film actor.
  9. Viktor Skornyakov is the first organizer of watch production in Penza.
  10. Viktor Chernomyrdin is a Soviet and Russian statesman.
  11. Viktor Borisov-Musatov is a Russian painter.
  12. Victor Pelevin is a Russian writer.
  13. Viktor Astafiev is a Soviet and Russian writer.

Victor in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Victor, in Spanish: Victor, Victorio (Victorio), in German: Victor (Victor), in Polish: Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Viktoriusz), in Ukrainian: Victor.

The meaning of the name Victor comes from the Latin “Victor” (Winner). The first Christians called boys by this name, signifying Christ's victory over sin and death. Pairs female name- Victoria. Subsequently, these names were included in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars. The peak of the name's popularity occurred in the 20-50s of the 20th century. Especially many Victors appeared after Patriotic War. Today the name is losing its popularity, however, approximately 20 babies out of a thousand receive this name.

Orthodox name days

In January: January 21, 30, February 13, in March 4 days: 3, 7, 23, 30; in April: 2, 28; May 1, 2, June 1, in September 5 days: 2, 8, 15, 24, 29; in October: 10, 21; in November 5 days: 11, 22, 24, 27, 29; in December: 8, 31

Catholic name days

February 25, 26, March 6, April 12, April 8, 21, July 28, October 17. The patron planet of the name is Uranus. Luck stone – Selenite. The element of the name is air. Plants that bring good luck: birch, white carnation


When giving a child the name Victor, parents should take into account that little Vitya knows exactly the meaning of the name Victor from childhood. It seems that this child is moving towards his goal from the cradle. However, this desire is not reckless; Vitya carefully thinks through and calculates every step. The child is an extrovert, open and perceives the outside world well. Despite this, he definitely needs family support. Only in a strong, friendly family does Victor feel safe. Victor's state of being protected in his shell remains for the rest of his life. Those born at different times of the year reveal the secret of the name Victor in different ways. Vitya, born in winter, is an artist, a bright, assertive, active personality. “Autumn” Victor is curious, has the makings of a researcher and tracker. Such people are intended to work as an investigator or journalist. Born in the summer, Victor is a weak-willed person, subject to the influence of others. Such people need constant care and supervision. “Spring” Victors are changeable, like the weather in spring. These frivolous and unobligatory individuals, however, are perfect for leadership positions. Thus, the meaning of the name Victor cannot be neglected. They know how to charge others with their optimism and faith in success.

Study, career, hobbies

Victor takes his studies well, believes his teachers and everything that adults tell him. With his peers, Vitya is sociable, unforgiving, and gets along with people well and quickly. Adventures and dangers attract Victor. As a child, Victor was easily captivated by technology and sports. He will like such hobbies more than playing music or drawing. The boy has been acting as a leader since childhood.

Victor chooses a profession related to a specific case. They make good engineers, athletes, scientists, and managers. Victor is able to do painstaking, monotonous work without getting tired. Adult Victor is a workaholic. Work is the whole meaning of his life. If we add to this a strong family, then Victor will be quite happy. Victor will make an attentive husband, a caring father. He perfectly performs the duties of the owner of the house and loves to demonstrate this in front of guests. However, we should not forget what the name Victor means. He is successful with women and this sometimes leads to family breakdown.


Since childhood, Victor has had a weak immune system, so he often gets sick infectious diseases. You should pay attention to the boy's nutrition. The child is prone to being overweight, but will categorically refuse all kinds of diets. Victor needs to be taught to eat properly and rationally from childhood. Adult Victor does not take care of his health, immersing himself in work. Susceptible to osteochondrosis.

Raising Victor requires attention and gentleness. Vitya cannot tolerate any pressure, so he does not perceive any pressure. Remembering that the name Victor means “Winner,” Vita should be treated as a leader. The child will accept detailed explanations faster than a strict prohibition. Reacts painfully to lies. Any uncovered deception causes depression.


Victor of Damascus - early Christian saint of the 2nd century, Victor Hugo - French writer, Victor Vasnetsov - painter, Victor Goldshmidt - founder of crystal chemistry, Victor Deryabin - psychiatrist and physiologist, Victor Korchnoi - grandmaster, Victor Tsoi - rock musician, Victor Pelevin - writer, Victor Sukhorukov is an actor.

Little Vitya quickly learns about the world. He likes to touch everything, taste it, check for various properties. He tends to invent something, tinker with details and equipment. If a boy's father knows a lot, he can safely pass on his knowledge and skills to his heir - as Victor ages, he increasingly uses what he learned in childhood.

The child is usually active and easily finds mutual language with peers. He may grow up to be a bully, but he will never be angry or callous. More often, the boy puts justice at the forefront, has a hard time with the troubles that happen to other people, and tries in every possible way to help. He is easily offended and upset - but his peace of mind returns quickly.

A child with this name needs the approval of adults, their love and care. Until a certain time, he does not have his own clearly expressed opinion, so it is important that there are people nearby who set a positive and adequate example.

Vitya's character will change as he grows up, but he will remain responsible and disciplined. He will always strive to develop and improve himself.

The growing Vitya likes to have his head in the clouds; he has many plans, but they often remain at the level of dreams. And it’s not a matter of laziness or sluggishness: the young man is not confident in his abilities, even though he has natural talents. This requires good support from the environment, which will literally push him out of his comfort zone.

The period of growing up is also associated with disappointment in people - Victor only in adolescence begins to understand that not every person can be trusted, and one’s innermost secrets should be hidden securely.

In his youth, he is a sociable guy, capable of unbridled fun and fruitful work. There is enough energy for everything - all that remains is to direct it in the right direction.

Adult Victor is responsible, reliable person who always keeps his word. People around him can rely on him. He handles it with ease various jobs, but often takes on extra responsibility, allowing others to sit on their necks. This is due to the fact that it is extremely important for such a person to be needed, in demand, he gets pleasure if it is impossible to cope without him in some area. He is sociable, open to new acquaintances, but due to the fact that he is not picky about people, he is often betrayed and deceived. However, this fact does not drive Victor into depression, but also does not teach him anything.

Closer to 50 years, the character of a person with this name can become complex and quarrelsome. Here everything greatly depends on the environment - if at the first changes there are soft, calm people, without aggravating the situation, Victor will very quickly calm down and his life will return to its usual rut.
