How can you lay out the cards? How to learn to tell fortunes using regular cards

Every person has a desire to know his future or understand what he did wrong in the past. A simple magical ritual can help with this. Since ancient times, ordinary playing cards have been used for prediction. With their help, people learned about upcoming events in their lives.

Ordinary playing cards are actively used today to predict your fate.

Today, this method has not lost its relevance and is still one of the most popular and in demand throughout the world. Exist different ways fortune telling playing cards that even beginners can do.

Fortune telling rules

Fortune telling with playing cards is quite simple. Because performing magical rituals using them does not require special preparation. But you can get a completely correct answer to your question only if all the conventions and rules for using playing cards for fortune telling are followed.

The best time for fortune telling on cards is Friday and the 13th of each month.

You can make a card layout for one person only once a day. If the answer you receive is not satisfactory, you cannot guess again.

You can make a clarifying schedule. Be sure to give the cards a rest so that they can restore magical powers. Never pick them up if you are not in the mood, or perform rituals with them out of idleness. After such treatment, they may begin to lie.

Regardless of what methods of fortune telling with playing cards are used, you should use only a full deck of 36 cards. It should be used only for magical rituals, and belong to one person. Under no circumstances should it be passed on to friends, sisters or other third parties.

You can purchase a new deck specifically for this purpose. You need to guess on paper playing cards. According to experts, to obtain the most accurate result for each layout, you need to have your own fortune telling cards.

Whatever methods of fortune telling with playing cards are used, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Concentration. You need to collect your thoughts and concentrate on carrying out magical ritual. The questions asked must be clearly formulated. It is important not to be distracted by foreign objects and think only about what you are doing at the moment.
  2. Honesty. Under no circumstances should you lie. Because if you are not truthful, you will not be able to get an honest answer.

The meaning of the cards

You can look into the future using different layouts. But in order to read them correctly, you need to know the interpretation of the cards. Most often they are used for fortune telling general meaning, which we will describe below. Each suit carries its own meaning:

Six of Spades says - an unpleasant long trip awaits you

  1. Six. Unpleasant long trip.
  2. Seven. Depression, sadness, frustration and tears. Difficulties in personal relationships.
  3. Eight. Sadness, difficult conversation.
  4. Nine. Serious illness.
  5. Ten. Unrealized plans.
  6. Jack. Fraud and deception.
  7. Lady. Strong devilish power. Damage and generational curse.
  8. King. Troubles associated with a high-ranking person.
  9. Ace. A controversial card that can foreshadow a big disaster or a festive feast.
  1. Six. A business trip on which your future career depends.
  2. Seven. Complex business negotiations.
  3. Eight. Fateful meeting. New job.
  4. Nine. Changes in life.
  5. Ten. Financial windfalls are closer than you think.
  6. Jack. Big problems.
  7. Lady. Ill-wishers, betrayal of a husband, quarrel with a close relative.
  8. King. Old man, boss, loyal friend.
  9. Ace. Important meeting. News regarding finance.
  1. Six. Nice card. Portends a pleasant trip that can change your life for the better.
  2. Seven. Joyful chores lie ahead. A profitable financial transaction may take place. Help loved one in the implementation of plans.
  3. Eight. Minor worries and resolution of the situation without any additional effort.
  4. Nine. Prosperity, successful progress of business.
  5. Ten. Takeoff by career ladder. Betrayal of a loved one. An interesting proposal from management.
  6. Jack. Deception in financial matters.
  7. Lady. An unfaithful, frivolous young girl. You should beware of her, because there may be tricks on her part.
  8. King. A powerful person on whom the future depends. Meeting a guy and having a serious relationship.
  9. Ace. Great news. Favorable changes.
  1. Six. Date, uncertainty in relationship with lover.
  2. Seven. A secret admirer who will invite you on a date.
  3. Eight. Declaration of love.
  4. Nine. A pleasant conversation with your loved one.
  5. Ten. A long trip with a lover and conversations about a future together.
  6. Jack. Meeting with an unpleasant person.
  7. Lady. Good family relationships.
  8. King. Married man.
  9. Ace. Family hearth.

Ace of Hearts - family comfort and hearth

Gypsy fortune telling

Gypsy fortune telling regular maps used to find out their future. It is performed as follows. They take the deck, mentally ask a question, shuffle it and move its upper part towards themselves.

Then the cards are laid out in three rows of nine: from 1 to 3 you can find out the past, from 4 to 6 you can see the present, and from 7 to 9 you can understand what the future holds. Then they begin to decipher the decomposed erases using traditional meaning kart.

"Trident" layout

The great advantage of this layout is that it is done simultaneously for the near future and the past. Even a beginner can do this fortune telling using ordinary cards. It helps you learn a lot interesting information about yourself and your loved ones.

The deck is shuffled and three eras are drawn. Place the drawn cards in a row and under each of them you need to put three more pieces, and one in the center of the layout. In the end there should be ten of them. The first row will tell about the past, the second row - about the present, and the third row - about the future. Horizontal rows tell about temporary events. It is also necessary to analyze which suit is in the majority:

  1. If the layout is dominated by clubs, then the person is expected big trouble, mistakes and lack of money.
  2. Peaks report illness.
  3. Diamonds portend luck and fortune, pleasant events.
  4. Hearts foretell harmony, happiness and success to a fortuneteller.

Hearts in the “Trident” layout symbolize the achievement of harmony

Fortune telling for love

The theme of love worries every person of any generation. Therefore, magical rituals on this topic are the most popular among all others. With the help of love fortune telling, a person can find out whether his beloved loves him or not.

The deck is shuffled and a king or queen is chosen to represent a loved one.

The choice of suit depends on which person is being told fortune telling on playing cards. Older women are designated by the queen of clubs, and young girls by the queen of diamonds. The king of diamonds means a young guy who is free from any relationship, and the king of hearts means married man. For an adult man, choose the king of crosses, and the king of spades for a high-ranking man.

The deck is shuffled and at this time they think about their beloved. It is important that at this time all thoughts are directed only at him. Then they take out one card from the middle and place it face down on the table. The deck is shuffled again and this action is repeated six times. Each card should tell something new about the beloved: his feelings, dreams, thoughts, experiences, fears, events in his life. For interpretation, the general meaning of the cards is used.

Career fortune telling

People who are searching new job, or are wondering how their career will turn out, they will be able to find answers to their questions using a career chart. They will be able to see the reasons for failures in employment and career prospects.

The stirs are mixed and five pieces are laid out. The first card means the past, and the second - the present. The third will talk about the future, and the fourth will give advice of the day. By the fifth you can find out how it all ends. If spades fall, it means that you cannot trust everyone and you need to keep your thoughts and plans to yourself.

Clubs report success in any endeavor, and what has come best time to implement your plans. Worms speak of the need to concentrate and direct all your efforts to work. Diamonds foretell good news, success and changes for the better.

Diamonds in a career scenario - good news, success and changes for the better await you

Alignment for the past and future

Most often they use cards to tell fortunes about the future and the past. They are also used to get advice on what to do to correct the situation. It is important to carry out the ritual correctly, and then the answer will be accurate and correct.

Fortune telling with playing cards should be done after sunset, and best of all at midnight. At this time, magical powers intensify. The deck is shuffled, five cards are removed and laid out on the table. The action is repeated two more times. At the end, one card is placed separately. You should get five rows of three washes each:

  1. The first row will tell about the person and his personal qualities.
  2. The second one will show alarms.
  3. The third will indicate what is happening to people in close circles.
  4. The fourth will tell about the past, and the fifth about the future.
  5. A separate card will give advice and tell you how the planned business will end.

The layout is described using the general meaning of the cards.

The result of any magical ritual depends on how much a person believes in it. After you tell your fortune, you can understand how to proceed further. At correct use Based on the results of fortune telling using playing cards and different layouts, a person will be able to independently build his own successful life.

The foggy future has always attracted people with its uncertainty. That is why many people from time to time resort to the services of various fortune tellers and shamans. Everyone is interested in knowing what lies ahead and what they need to be prepared for. Fortune telling is difficult process, in which intuition is always involved. Not only experienced fortune tellers turn to cards for help. Many ordinary people I'm interested in learning how to tell fortunes on cards and decipher predictions.

In order to begin fortune telling, careful preparation is required. You need to buy a new deck, and also tune in to fortune telling, choosing a suitable day for this. There is an opinion that it is best to tell fortunes on Fridays and on the 13th of any month.

In the old days, fortune telling was often resorted to new year holidays and at Christmas.

Typically, this period lasted from January 7 to January 19 - during the transition from one year to another, when the portal between parallel worlds, and you can get answers to all your questions.

When you first try to join the process of fortune-telling, you should learn several main points, thanks to which you can correctly decipher meaning of the information received:

  • Before the ritual itself, you should hold the cards in your hands, shuffling them with your left hand, towards the heart. You need to establish an energetic connection with them, thinking at this moment about the issue of interest.
  • If fortune telling is happening for another person, then you should not give him the deck from your hands. Cards should only feel their owner, and no one else should hold the deck in their hands. The person for whom the fortune telling is taking place can only point his hand at the deck.
  • You cannot carry out fortune telling while in a bad mood. In addition, it is necessary to ask the permission of the person for whom the fortune telling will be performed. It is not recommended to guess against a person’s will.
  • Various methods of fortune telling should be used. But if one specific question haunts you, you should not ask it more often than once a day: the answer will be unreliable.
  • You should not ignore cards that accidentally fall out of the deck. If one or more of them inadvertently falls out of the deck during shuffling, you should figure out their meaning in parallel with the main layout. Perhaps they will be a hint and contribute their own sacred meaning into a general interpretation.

By following these simple rules, you can learn to guess correctly and quickly, deciphering even the most complex layouts, and the subconscious and intuition will come to the rescue in this difficult task.

Suit values

Before you learn how to tell fortunes on cards, you should know which suits are responsible for what. Things to keep in mind Firstly:

Knowing these values, it will be easier to navigate the flow of information provided by the layout.

Fortune telling methods

Many ways of layout have been known to people for a long time. This is fortune telling for love - for a loved one, for a king, for the future - gypsy fortune telling, as well as for fate, for desire, for a question and for wealth.

For a loved one

The method makes it possible to discover some of the character traits of the person being told fortunes, his emotions, intentions and feelings.

Take the deck in your hands, shuffle it, and then knock down the top part with your left hand. Then remove the first card from the top and open it. She will personify the thoughts of her beloved.

After shuffling the deck, remove the second one and place it with right side from yourself - it will symbolize feelings, emotions and experiences.

Same method remove the next 4:

  • the third will show the near future of your loved one;
  • fourth - his secret hopes and desires;
  • fifth - an unexpected adventure;
  • sixth - fate and further future for the long term.

Fortune telling will help you figure out how your loved one feels, what actions he will take, and what his thoughts are filled with.

On request

This simple method of alignment will help reveal the events of the near future and find out how high the probability of the wish coming true is. Learning to tell fortunes like professional fortune tellers do is not that difficult.

When starting action, you need to take the same deck, carefully shuffle it, while concentrating on your desire. Then take out any random card without looking at the deck. It will be the answer to the question posed.

If you come across a black suit, this state of affairs will indicate that the desire either will not come true, or that obstacles will arise on the way to its fulfillment. Accordingly, the red suit gives a greater probability that the wish will come true.

Gypsy fortune telling

This is a long-standing and effective fortune-telling that will lift the veil of future events and tell about the past and present.

You should pick up the deck and say mentally an exciting question, for example, “What awaits me in the future?”

After shuffling the deck, remove the top with your left hand, then lay out three cards in three rows face down. The first row symbolizes the person’s past, the second row shows the present, and the third row shows the future.

"What will happen?"

After acquiring the skills of fortune telling with playing cards, you can safely move on to more complex layouts. Here the relevant questions are: “What happened?”, “What will happen?”, “How will the heart calm down?”

You need to concentrate as much as possible, pick up the deck and shuffle it with your left hand in the direction of the heart.

Then remove a couple of cards from the top and place them at the very bottom of the deck.

After this, you should take turns taking three cards from the deck until you find “your own” - for example, the queen of hearts. It should be placed in the center of the table.

The first three will talk about what happened. Each of them will indicate an event that took place in the past, or a person who is nearby.

The rest of the deck should be shuffled again, concentrating on the question “What will happen?”

The deck should be divided into 2 approximately equal parts, take out one of the cards and, without looking at it, put it under “yours”. She will personify what is in a person’s heart. It is allowed to open it only at the very end of the fortune telling. After this action, the deck should not be shuffled, but should be divided into 4 equal parts on different sides of the main card. This procedure is performed with the right hand.

The time has come to reveal the 2 outer cards from below and above, and then to the right and left of the main one, in turn.

The same cards that remain should not be shuffled, but laid out in twos in the right corner - above and below your card, revealing the suit.

In a similar way, you need to place the cards on the left. Every fourth remaining card is placed “on the heart”.

After you have mastered the methods of fortune telling with playing cards, you can move on to more complex methods and learn how to tell fortunes with Tarot.

Tarot cards

Today, there is a lot of different literature telling about how to learn fortune telling with cards, including Tarot. In special manuals and on the Internet you can find an interpretation of the meanings. Moreover, there are many online layouts, which can predict the future no worse than a regular deck.

An important point for the fortuneteller is how he feels the cards, how much he is ready to believe them. When pulling out one of them, you need to enter into a single energy flow with it, and also feel all the emotions and states that it evokes.

The fact is that Tarot cards are specifically designed for fortune telling: they can know and tell more about a person than he knows about himself. During such a ritual, they seem to be talking to a person.

However, you should not try to make complex layouts right away.

It will be quite enough to choose one card a day and comprehend the feelings that it evokes. After some time, it will be easier to learn how to guess with them, since intuition will unmistakably tell you the correct meaning, and the deck itself will reveal all the secrets.

Almost anyone can master fortune telling, regardless of their age. You need to be able to listen to yourself and your subconscious. Establishing a close connection between the fortuneteller and his deck is the key to the successful implementation of such a ritual.

Today, the most popular option for making predictions is traditional fortune telling with a deck of playing cards. This method of obtaining answers to the most pressing questions is very simple and accessible to everyone, which is why it is in great demand among all generations. We will present the most common methods of fortune telling with playing cards, allowing you to find out your future or get an answer to a question about love.

The desire to lift the mysterious veil of your future, find out the attitude of your loved one and determine the prospects for a union is natural for every person. And for those who want to quickly and easily get answers to the most exciting questions, various methods of fortune telling have been invented using a regular deck of playing cards.

To use one of the methods of making a prophecy using playing cards, you should first become familiar with the features of such rituals. Although these types of fortune telling are very simple, for each of them there are special recommendations and general rules. They must be adhered to if the fortuneteller wants to receive the most open and reliable answer to his question.

Who can use these methods of fortune telling?

Anyone can guess with playing cards. However, a person needs for a long time master magical practice in order to be able to correctly interpret the mystical pictures that form a card layout. At the same time, for primitive fortune-telling, it is enough for the questioner to determine the main combinations of cards and their meaning.

Of course, in order to get the most detailed answer that provides reliable information about the fortuneteller (his immediate future, what the attitude of his loved one is, what love has in store), many turn to experienced fortune tellers. Each fortune teller has her own deck, through which she makes a prophecy for each specific person.

Which cards will tell the truth?

To try different methods of fortune telling with a deck of playing cards, a person needs to know which cards will tell the truth. As a rule, any ordinary playing deck can provide a very reliable layout. However, it must be new.

It is advisable to buy a new deck that has not previously been used in games before the fortune-telling ritual. Subsequently, with such cards you can tell fortunes about love or your future. However, as soon as the deck is used in the game, it is no longer suitable for fortune telling.

Basic rules of fortune telling

To get a true layout showing the future on playing cards, you need to adhere to other rules. Their implementation will provide the fortuneteller with an accurate answer, and magic will contribute to the fulfillment of what is shown.

Primary requirements:

  • Only the owner can use a deck of playing cards intended for fortune telling. Anyone who owns a new deck will be able to try out a variety of fortune telling methods on it. It is strictly not recommended to transfer it into the hands of another person. Otherwise, it will become unsuitable for prophecy;
  • Required the right approach and concentration. When starting to implement magical actions with a playing deck, you need the right attitude. Therefore, before the ritual, it is recommended to clear your mind and concentrate on the topic that interests you most (future, love, attitude of your loved one, etc.);
  • Correct formulation of the question is the key to a reliable and truthful answer. When forming a layout, it is necessary to ask the question as accurately as possible without being disingenuous. Deception regarding playing cards during fortune telling can generate counter deception by providing an untrue prophecy;
  • Faith in the result. When guessing on the cards of a regular playing deck, you must believe in the result and their prediction. With such an attitude towards magic, the fortuneteller will always be able to receive reliable predictions.

Types of predictions

There are quite a few ways to tell fortunes with a deck of playing cards. A correctly formed alignment and its careful interpretation is the key to unraveling the mysteries of the future in the area of ​​interest. However, the type of fortune telling chosen will also be important. If you want to get answers to burning questions, it is important to choose the right type of prophecy.

The main types of such fortune telling include:

  • A method of fortune telling for the future - layouts that reveal the secrets of the future fortuneteller can be “circular”. Their interpretation demonstrates how connected the past and decisions made with the future. By correctly interpreting the meaning of each card and card combinations, you can get a detailed picture of the events ahead of a person.
  • Fortune telling about love and the attitude of a lover. Thanks to such manipulations with a regular deck, you can get a decoding of the chain of phenomena and factors regarding the love area. In this case, the cards help you understand what you can expect from your loved one, how promising the relationship is, what feelings the questioner will experience in the near future, etc. Such card layouts and their interpretation help solve a lot of personal problems.
  • Fortune telling by wish. Usually this is the most simple ways receive a prophecy, since it provides only a definite answer (Yes/No). Usually, this arrangement allows a person to more clearly understand the circumstances and receive additional support from above.

Depending on what question interests a person, he can choose the most suitable option making a prophecy by using a deck of ordinary playing cards. We will tell you further how to use them and what to expect from such magical helpers.

The most common layouts

To have an idea of ​​what the options for fortune telling may be, we offer an example of the formation of a layout, each of which represents one of the most common types of making predictions.

Let's tell fortunes about the events of the upcoming future

To find out what fate has in store for the fortuneteller in the coming future and to find the relationship between actions committed in the past and their consequences, you can use this layout. Having purchased a new deck of playing cards, you can begin the ritual.

Having taken the entire deck in your hands, you should carefully shuffle it, while thinking about your future in a certain field of activity (work, relationships with partners, etc.). Next, use your left little finger to remove part of the deck from above and put it under the bottom. Then, one by one, from the first top card, begin to form the layout so that you get three vertical columns, each of which would have three cards. Their interpretation follows.

Decoding the layout begins with the left vertical column, which symbolizes the fortuneteller’s past. The next deciphered is the central column, which represents the present. The ritual ends with an interpretation of the last column, which demonstrates the possible development of future events. The key to fortune telling is the interpretation of the digital values ​​and suit of each card.

Key to fortune telling:

6 – meeting, date;

7 – good luck awaits you;

8 – troubles, problems;

9 – rival or envious person;

10 – making an important decision;

B – guy;

D - good friend, girlfriend;

K - buddy, comrade, friend;

T - mutual love;

Hearts - reciprocity;

Diamonds - good news;

Clubs – financial issues;

Peaks - problems, troubles.

Having received the key to this version of fortune telling, you can draw up a detailed chain of expected events in the future. Their likely fulfillment will depend in part on the present. By determining the sequence of actions and the relationship of events, you can protect yourself from some problems.

How to find out about your partner's feelings?

This version of fortune telling will allow you to tell fortunes on playing cards in order to find out the attitude of your loved one. Using this layout, the questioner can clarify the whole picture of a possible union and find out the prospects of the couple. To tell fortunes about your lover’s love and attitude in this way, you will need an ordinary deck of playing cards, as for fortune telling for the future.

Before you begin this option for making a prediction, you need to choose a card that best matches the appearance of your loved one:

  • clubs - a man with dark hair and/or brown eyes;
  • tambourines - a free young man (not married), a guy with blond hair and light shades of eyes;
  • worms - a young man, married, with blond hair (blond, brown-haired);
  • spades - a man, usually older, a soldier or official, with dark hair and/or dark eyes.

Having chosen a suitable card, place it in the center of the table and proceed to the next step. The next step is to shuffle the deck. After thoroughly shuffling all the cards, take out 8 cards in no particular order and arrange them in this order:

1 – to the right of the central map;

2 – under the central map;

3 – left;

4 – from above;

5 – in the upper left corner;

6 – in the lower left corner;

7 – in the lower right corner;

8 – in the upper right.

The key to fortune telling

Having formed such a layout, you can begin to interpret it. It’s worth noting right away that the attitude of your beloved guy can only be determined by the merits of the cards. Their suits do not play a role in this fortune telling.

So, if it comes up:

6 – a long road, a journey, a trip that will separate lovers for a short time;

7 – soon planned meeting, date;

8 – conflict or unpleasant conversation, which may end in a quarrel or break in relations;

9 – mutual love, which will end in legal marriage;

10 – the person has only friendly interest in you;

B – wasted effort, unnecessary worry;

D – gossip or rival (sometimes – betrayal);

K – friend, good buddy who will help at the right time;

T is a symbol of reciprocity and sincerity.

It’s so easy to understand what’s in a person’s soul and whether a relationship with him is promising. This arrangement is very accessible and simple, so girls often use it even at home.

Will your wish come true?

This layout is no less simple than the previous two. For this, it is worth stocking up on a new playing deck and patience, as well as correctly formulating the question in advance. To get the most accurate answer, you need to construct the question correctly in order to get an unambiguous answer - only “Yes” or “No”.

Focusing on your question (about love, work, upcoming events, etc.), you should carefully shuffle the entire deck. Then, with your right ring finger, slide part of the deck towards you, removing it and subsequently putting it underneath. After this, you must first remove the top card, then the bottom and the last one from the middle of the deck.

They are all laid out face down and the interpretation of fortune telling begins based on the suits. In this case, dignity does not play a role. So the values ​​could be as follows:

  • Hearts - a positive answer;
  • Spades are also a positive answer;
  • Tambourines – negative;
  • Clubs – negative.

The answer to the fortuneteller’s question will be obvious if all three cards of the same value fall out. If one means “No” and the other two mean “Yes” or vice versa, the situation will be twofold, which indicates possible complications.

That’s how simple it is, having only a deck of the simplest playing cards, you can tell fortunes about your future, love or desire. Such layouts are very popular even today, because they can easily and simply provide a person with answers to his questions.

Are you interested in how to tell fortunes with playing cards and always get reliable results during such fortune-telling? Below you will find the secrets of proper handling of cards, as well as the secrets of obtaining true predictions with their help.

In the article:

How to tell fortunes with playing cards?

Before you begin the rituals themselves, you need to buy a new deck and cast a spell on it; this can be done in several ways. This ritual is mandatory, since it is necessary to tune the attribute to your energy and make it clear that you are waiting for a truthful answer to all your questions.

You cannot give your personal deck to anyone. If you have an auxiliary one, you can use it in rituals that require a person to touch it (to transfer energy).

Otherwise, if another sorcerer reads your cards, he will be able to set them up so that they will obey only him, or you will be closely connected with that person on the energy plane.

Remember, you need to work with cards only if you feel well, are calm and are in good mood. In a fit of anger, you should not undertake the ritual, as some techniques for working with cards can be quite dangerous.

Prepare in advance a “house” in which the cards will be stored. They should not lie abandoned, first in one place, then in another. Remember that they are your helpers. They need to be given rest and recuperation.

Clean your cards regularly. This can be done most different ways. For example, salt. If too much negative energy accumulates on them, this will prevent them from receiving the correct answer.

Don't try to learn everything in one day. Fortune telling is a very exhausting process, and you need to have great energy potential in order to carry out long and difficult rituals.

Remember, playing with the deck on which you are telling fortunes is strictly prohibited.

Fortune telling lessons - what questions can you ask?

Among all the techniques that are actively used by fortune tellers, simple fortune telling is quite common, in which you can ask a certain question and, by pulling out a designated number of cards, get an answer.

But what should the question be so that the answer is clear and concise? There are a few rules to keep in mind when asking questions:

  • don't repeat yourself. Question asked will confuse the cards twice and they will begin to give out false information;

  • try to either guess about fate in general (global plans), or for a period of no more than 3 months.

You need to remember that there are 2 main types of information fortune telling:

  • on a specific topic;

  • council of higher powers.

They can also be divided into other groups:

  • accomplishment of the plan;

  • constructing the probability of an event;

  • working with the present and past;

  • working with the future;

  • eliminating negative flows;

  • diagnosis of any person.

Depending on what you want to find out and what method you use, such questions need to be asked.

Be sure to remember when working with cards that 98% correct results are obtained only by professionals. But even if you master the art perfectly, a person has a 2% chance of correcting everything.

It is very important for a fortuneteller to consider everything possible options events when a person approaches him with a question. If you don’t do this, then you will independently assign a program to the person (not necessarily a good one). Therefore, clearly realizing that fortune telling is nothing more than an analysis of future events, try to work through all the options for what could happen to a person.

Beyond this, it is very important to realize that you are simply a guide. Even if you are doing a spread on your friends, try to imagine that these are complete strangers. Otherwise, you will automatically interpret the combinations the way you want.

Remember, you cannot ask questions that are not necessary. If the answer is obvious, do not clarify it, otherwise you may anger higher powers.

Sorcerers are prohibited from using cards to obtain information that does not concern them. Global issues that involve serious topics are prohibited.

Try not to use your skill for personal gain.

Learning to guess with playing cards - what are “forbidden days”?

There are prohibited days in every month. These are dates when you can’t guess under any circumstances. It is on these days that there is a high probability of making a mistake or even ruining a person’s fate.

Unfavorable days:

  • January - 7 days: 1, 2, 4, 6,11,12, 20;

  • February - 3 days: 11,17,18;

  • March - 4 days: 1, 4,14, 24;

  • April - 3 days: 2,17,18;

  • May - 2 days: 7, 8;

  • June - 1 day: 17;

  • July - 2 days: 17, 21;

  • August - 2 days: 20, 21;

  • September - 2 days: 10, 18;

  • October - 1 day: 6;

  • November - 2 days: 6, 8;

  • December - 3 days: 6,11,18.

In addition, it is not recommended to start work on Mondays.

Remember, any handling of cards must be done with care. Do not mock their power and do not use ancient layouts for fun.

If you are sick, you are also not allowed to guess. When a person is ill, the energy protection, and it’s not worth spending your last energy on the alignment. Women should not work with cards during menstrual periods.

Methods of fortune telling with playing cards

When the deck gets used to you, it will feel you and understand what you need from it. If you have an urgent question and need to get an answer, then take the deck in your hands, bend over it and whisper your question three times.

Then take one card from the deck and reveal it. This will be the answer. In order to get a more detailed picture, take 2 more cards from the deck and, depending on their value (one by one and together), you can find out everything you need.

Learning fortune telling for an event

To find out what awaits you in the near future, use this layout. It is very simple and always gives the exact answer. With its help, you can not only find out what awaits you, but also determine the likelihood of any event or the success of the operation.

You need a deck of 36 cards, which need to be well shuffled and distributed into 4 equal piles. Then take one card from each and place it in front of you.

Interpretation of the result

All four cards of the diamond suit- victory in all endeavors, success, glory. Your work will finally be appreciated and you will be able to achieve what you have dreamed of for so long.

Four hearts- your loved one truly belongs to you with all his heart and soul. He is languishing in anticipation of the meeting. Also, this combination speaks of harmony in relationships, family comfort, and happiness in marriage.

Four clubs- Profit awaits you, a promotion is possible. You will receive an unexpected gift from an old friend.

Four spades cards- disappointment (in love, in friendship), financial losses, troubles. But do not despair, even the most difficult times will end, and all difficulties can be overcome.

Card combinations

Clubs+Queens of Spades- perhaps many problems await you in the future. Try not to argue with your enemies and be very zealous in proving your point of view. It won't do you any good.

Six of spades + club card(any) is a bad road. Don't plan any trips in the near future.

Six of spades + nine of diamonds(or ten) - a long journey, at the end of which you will have the opportunity to make a profit.

Queen of Hearts+Ten of Hearts- You will meet an old friend, or a relative whom you have not seen for a long time will visit you.

Ten of diamonds + nine of hearts- you will have a way to quickly and easily make a profit.

Seven of Hearts+King- You will be able to say goodbye to all your problems in the near future and complete the projects you have started.

Jack of hearts + nine of diamonds- avoid long journeys. They can end very badly.

Jack of clubs + seven of spades- Beware of gossip and intrigues of enemies.

You can learn to tell fortunes with playing cards, but to do this you need to persistently manipulate the selected deck every day. You must work both with her and on yourself. Only in this case will you be able to achieve the pinnacle of mastery.

The magical heritage reaches out to us from distant centuries, covered in the fog of time. Many practices have changed greatly since that time, but the essence remains the same. The same can be said regarding fortune telling with cards.

Many ways to create special combinations that convey the meaning of the event situation in various time layers have reached our time and are widely used among people who live surrounded by high-rise buildings and advanced technologies.

Playing cards can become a kind of guide to life

Maps can become a true guide in the labyrinth life path and suggest where to be careful and where to take a different path. The main thing is to correctly lay out the deck and interpret the combinations that result.

General principles

It is important to understand that a deck consisting of 36 cards, which is called a playing deck, must be completely new if a person decides to use it as a tool for predicting the future.

Cards that were used for entertainment purposes can never reveal the truth as it is, due to the fact that they received a different charge of energy. But a new thing does not yet have an energy charge, so information will be transmitted without distortion.

Fortune telling on cards, making a layout with 36 cards - this means dispelling the veil over your future and the future of another person, if the layout is made for another person. However, this is not at all a reason to let your fate take its course.

The result of each layout is just a warning, a picture possible development events that every person has the power to change as he needs for the most positive life. Never forget this when you guess every time.

When interpreting the layout, pay attention not only to each specific card, but also to their combinations. Try to listen to your inner voice in order to characterize the current picture as completely and accurately as possible.

A simple plan for the future

When a person decides to tell fortunes using ordinary cards, what exactly does he want to know? Of course, the first question will be about the future.

Each of us is worried about what awaits us around the next turn in life's path. Has fate prepared for us the laurels of a winner or an insidious trap? Fortune telling with 36 cards can answer this question. The proposed fortune telling is very simple, it does not require a lot of time, but this does not in any way affect the accuracy of its result.

By fortune telling on a deck of 36 cards, you can find out whether life is preparing a trap or a victory.

Take a deck consisting of thirty-six elements, mix it, silently asking the question that worries you most at the time of fortune telling. When the deck is well shuffled, take out one card. When interpreting, what matters is what suit the card drawn by the fortuneteller is.

  1. If the fortuneteller gets the suit of diamonds, he will have to make a lot of effort in order to achieve what he wants.
  2. Chervovaya says that what you want may not be what you need.
  3. The card of the suit of spades indicates that at the end of the path to what he wants, the fortuneteller will encounter an obstacle, but will soon realize that it was better this way.
  4. The club suit is the best sign. This suit suggests that the entire path to what you want will happen without serious obstacles. The fortuneteller will be able to get what he wants.

Russian fortune telling on ordinary cards

Not all card predictions are made as simply as the fortune telling suggested above. There are cases when the layouts are carried out in several stages.

This allows the fortuneteller not only to show the general picture of the past, present and future, but also to understand in more detail which events from the dropped set will have an impact on a person in the nearest time period, and which people or actions have already played their role in life and have passed away. past.

The Russian method of fortune telling with 36 cards is just such a multi-stage layout, revealing the situational and event picture in more detail.

How the layout is made

Before performing this fortune-telling on 36 cards for yourself, determine which part of the deck will represent the person to whom the reading is being made.

The age and marital status of a person matters here. That is, if the card layout is made for young people who are not bound by the bonds of Hymen, the suit of diamonds is chosen. Young man represents the king of this suit, the queen represents the girl, respectively. For family people, the suit of worms is chosen, but for older people, when doing fortune telling, the suit of clubs is symbolized.

In a reading, a married couple is represented by the suit of worms

We’ve decided on the fortuneteller’s card, also known as the blank. Now you can move on to the first stage of this fortune telling. Select three cards at a time, turning them over immediately. The two that will be surrounded by the form allow you to make an initial and fairly generalized forecast.

In order to show a more complete picture, the deck of fortune telling cards must be shuffled by the person whose fate is being predicted. While stirring, he should concentrate his thoughts on the question to which he wants to know the answer.

When the fortune-telling instrument is again in the hands of the one performing the reading, there is no need to shuffle the deck. The form must be placed in the central part of the table. After that, it is closed by placing a card face down on top.

The next step is to lay out part of the deck in a cross. This is done as follows. Cards in the amount of two are placed first below the form, in a different way, at the feet, then above, and then on the sides.

Once you have a card cross, you need to fill in the resulting gaps. They also fill out two cards each. As a result, on the table, the person making the layout should have sixteen images of both numbers and figures in front of him.

The next step in fortune telling is shuffling the deck. In order to sort through the deck, you need to remove three cards at a time and place the fourth on top of the form. This step must be repeated until there is not a single card left in the fortuneteller’s hands.

When the layout is ready, you can move on to explaining the picture shown. The order of interpretation in this case has its own meaning. The first to explain are those cards that are below the central one. They personify a layer of past time.

After the past has been told, move on to interpreting the layer of the present. This is the previously formed middle row. It is important to remember that the cards on the form are not included in this totality; they must be interpreted separately.

  1. Pay attention to the arrangement of the cards in relation to the form during fortune telling. If she “looks” at another figure that appears in the layout, then this person plays a large and significant role in the life of the person for whom the layouts were made. Also quite interesting is the situation when the form seems to turn away from unpleasant and bad events. This suggests that adversity will not greatly affect a person’s life.
  2. The predominance of the suit of spades indicates that in the life of the person being dealt with there are a lot of experiences, emotional and even difficult situations. The figures speak about those people who have or have had a place in the life of the questioner.
  3. The hearts suit, if dominant, is a sign of a light streak that has come into life. In this case, you can be sure that the adversities that happen will not have a strong impact.

Is the heart suit dominant? Expect a bright streak in your life!

But the fortune-telling is not over yet. This is just a classic representation of the primary picture. Now it's time to move on to more accurate forecasting. How to do it? Easy enough.

  1. Collect the deck and shuffle it well.
  2. Place a column of five fans of three cards on the table.
  3. Each three represents a specific aspect of the questioner's life.
  4. In order not to forget where which is which, the laying out is usually accompanied by pronouncing the following words:

    “For yourself, for home, for family, what was, what will be, how your heart will calm down.”

  5. At the base of the resulting column, place another card that will show what personal experiences the questioner has in relation to the events that take place in his life.

Remove cards that match in value from the resulting combination. During this stage of the prediction, do not get too carried away and do not remove the form, this is invalid error. Why do this? In order to sift out past events from present and future ones.

Cards that have left the table are the past, those events and people that no longer affect life in any way. The rest can be safely interpreted and explained by the current picture of the present and future.
