Names of short-acting and long-acting insulins. Short-acting insulins. Short-acting insulin drugs

Insulin for type 1 diabetics, and rarely type 2, is a vital drug. It replaces the hormone insulin, which the pancreas must produce in a certain amount.

Quite often, patients are prescribed only short and ultra-short insulin, injections of which are made after meals. But it also happens that long-acting insulin is required, which has certain requirements for the injection time.

Below we will consider the trade names of long-acting insulins, their pharmaceutical properties and cases when their injections are necessary, as well as taking into account reviews from diabetics about the use of long-acting insulin.

Long acting insulin

For type 1 diabetics, long-acting insulins are prescribed as basal insulin, and for type 2 diabetics, as monotherapy. The concept of basal insulin refers to insulin, which must be produced in the body throughout the day, regardless of meals. But with type 1 diabetes, not all patients have a pancreas that can produce this hormone even in minimal doses.

Treatment of type 1 is in any case supplemented with short or ultra-short insulin injections. Long-acting insulin injections are given in the morning on an empty stomach, once a day, less often twice. The drug begins to act after one to three hours, is active from 12 to 24 hours.

Cases when long-acting insulin is necessary:

  • suppression of the dawn phenomenon;
  • stabilization of blood sugar levels in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • treatment of type 2 diabetes to prevent its transition to type 1;
  • in type 1 diabetes, avoiding ketoacidosis and partial preservation of beta cells.

Ultra-long-acting insulins were previously limited in choice; patients were prescribed NPH insulin called Protophan. It has a cloudy color, and the bottle had to be shaken before injection. At the moment, the community of endocrinologists has reliably identified the fact that Protophan provides Negative influence on the immune system, stimulating it to produce antibodies to insulin.

All this leads to a reaction in which insulin antibodies enter, which makes it inactive. Also, bound insulin can suddenly become active when it is no longer necessary. This reaction is rather mild in nature and entails a small jump in sugar, in the range of 2-3 mmol/l.

This is not particularly felt by the patient, but, in general, the clinical picture becomes negative. More recently, other drugs have been developed that do not have such an effect on the patient’s body. Analogues of Protafan:

  1. Lantus;
  2. Levemir.

They are transparent in color and do not require shaking before injection. A long-acting insulin analogue can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

The average price of Lantus in the Russian Federation ranges from 3335 - 3650 rubles, and Protophan - 890-970 rubles. Reviews from diabetics indicate that Lantus has a uniform effect on blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Before prescribing long-acting insulin, the endocrinologist is required to request from the patient records of blood sugar monitoring, which were made daily for one to three weeks. This will show a complete picture of surges in blood glucose and the need or cancellation of this type of insulin.

If the doctor prescribes a medicine without taking into account the clinical picture of blood sugar levels, then it is better to contact another endocrinologist.

Mechanism of action of long-acting insulin

Sugar level

Long-acting medications combine medium- and long-acting insulin preparations. Moreover, the former begin to act in the body within one to two hours, reaching their peak at 4 to 11 hours, with a total duration of 9 to 12 hours.

Medium-duration drugs are absorbed more slowly and have a pronounced prolonged effect. This is achieved thanks to a special prolongator - protamine or zinc. NPH insulin includes protamine, obtained from fish milk, in a stoichiometric ratio.

On the pharmacological market for diabetics, the following medium-duration insulin preparations are available:

  • Genetically engineered insulin, trade names Protafan XM, Humulin NPH, Biosulin, Gansulin.
  • Human semi-synthetic insulin – Humador, Biogulin.
  • Porcine monocomponent insulin – Protafan MS;
  • Composite insulin suspension – Monotard MS.

The long-acting medicine begins its activity within 1.5 hours after the injection, the total duration is 20 – 28 hours. Moreover, such drugs distribute insulin evenly in the patient’s body, which improves the clinical picture and does not provoke frequent changes in the volume of injection of short-term and ultra-short insulin.

Long-acting medications include insulin glargine, which is similar to human insulin. It does not have a pronounced peak activity, as it is released into the blood at a fairly constant rate. Glargine has an acidic pH balance. This excludes its combined administration with short- and ultra-short-acting insulins, since these drugs have a neutral pH balance.

These insulin medications are often available in suspension form and are administered either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Trade names:

  1. Insulin glargine Lantus.
  2. Insulin detemir Levemir.

There are such contraindications to injections of insulin glargine and detemir - diabetic coma, pre-comatose state.

Below is detailed instructions on the use of Lantus insulin.

Instructions for use of the medicine

Lantus Solostar 1 ml contains insulin glargine in the amount of 3.63 mg, which is equivalent to 100 IU of the human hormone insulin.

Also includes excipients: glycerol, zinc chloride, sodium hydroxide, water for injection.

In appearance it is a clear, colorless liquid for subcutaneous injection into adipose tissue patient. The drug has several forms of release:

  • OpticClick system, which includes 3 ml cartridges. There are five cartridges in one package.
  • OptiSet syringe pens, volume 3 ml. When the insulin runs out, you just need to buy a new cartridge and install it in the syringe pen. One cardboard package contains five syringe pens.
  • Lantus Solotar, 3 ml cartridges. They are hermetically inserted into a syringe pen for one-time use, the cartridges are not replaceable. One cardboard package contains five syringe pens, without injection needles.

Lantus is a drug belonging to the pharmacotherapeutic group of antidiabetic drugs. The active substance of Lantus, insulin glargine, is an analogue of human insulin with basal action. Dissolves completely in the human bloodstream. comes quickly.

The drug has the following effect on the patient’s body:

  1. Reduces blood glucose levels.
  2. Increases the uptake and utilization of glucose by skeletal muscles and adipose tissue.
  3. Stimulates the biotransformation of glucose into glycogen in the liver.
  4. In muscle tissue increases protein production.
  5. Increases lipid production.

It is recommended to inject once a day; the dose is prescribed only by an endocrinologist, taking into account the severity of the disease. For patients with the same blood sugar levels, doses may be different due to different actions on the body of patients and their physiological predispositions.

Lantus is prescribed only for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, adults and children over six years of age. The effectiveness of the medicine has not been tested in children under six years of age.

They mainly appear when the wrong dosage is prescribed. The main ones:

  • Hypoglycemia.
  • Neuroglycopenia.
  • Adrenergic counter regulation.

Allergic reactions may also occur in the form of itching, burning and hives at the injection site. The local symptom usually lasts up to seven days and goes away on its own.

Special instructions: the medicine should not be mixed with other types of insulin, because Lantus has an acidic pH environment. Injections should be given at the same time of day, regardless of meals. The video in this article will tell you who is prescribed insulin.

Insulin therapy is the use of insulin preparations for medicinal purposes. This method is widely used not only in the treatment of diabetes, but also in psychiatric practice, for liver pathology, exhaustion, furunculosis and diseases thyroid gland. There are a huge number of synthetic drugs that are divided into groups depending on the time of onset of the effect and its duration.

Short-acting insulin is one of the “participants” of the treatment regimen. It is quite popular in use because it allows you to quickly reduce blood glucose levels. Modern means have maximum therapeutic effect with minimal side effects. The following is a discussion of the best short-acting insulin and its features.

Drug differences

Based on the onset of action, the speed of onset of the “peak” and the duration of the effect, the following types of medications are distinguished:

  • Short acting insulin– also called food. It is able to stop peaks and have an effect from 10 to half an hour after injection. This group includes ultra-short and short-acting medications.
  • Long-acting insulins– the second name is “basal”. This includes medium-duration and long-acting drugs. The purpose of their administration is based on maintaining a normal amount of insulin in the blood throughout the day. Their effect can develop from 1 to 4 hours.

Meals and the administration of short-acting insulin are interrelated elements of the treatment of diabetes mellitus

In addition to the speed of reaction, there are other differences between groups of medications. For example, short insulin is injected into the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall so that absorption processes occur faster. Long-acting insulins are best injected into the thigh.

Ultra-short and short-acting drugs are constantly tied to the time of food entering the body. They are administered before meals to reduce glucose levels immediately after eating foods containing carbohydrates. Long-acting medications are used strictly on schedule in the morning and evening. They have no connection with meals.

Important! The above rules cannot be violated, as this can lead to an acute complication of the disease. The insulin therapy regimen is selected individually by the treating specialist.

Short insulins

Each drug has certain characteristics of its composition and effect on the human body, which should be considered in more detail.

The instructions for use of the medication indicate that this drug is an analogue of human insulin. Its structure has the reverse sequence of some amino acid residues in the molecule. Of all the short-acting insulins, this one has the fastest onset and offset of effect. A decrease in blood glucose levels occurs within 15 minutes after injection and lasts up to 3 hours.

Indications for prescribing Humalog:

  • insulin-dependent type of diabetes;
  • individual intolerance to other hormone-based drugs;
  • hyperglycemia that occurs after eating, which is not corrected by other means;
  • insulin-independent type with resistance to tableted hypoglycemic drugs;
  • non-insulin-dependent form of diabetes in combination with surgery or concomitant diseases that increase the manifestations of the “sweet disease”.

The dose of short-acting insulin is selected individually. Humalog in vials can be administered not only subcutaneously, but also into a muscle or into a vein. In cartridges - exclusively subcutaneously. The drug is administered before food enters the body (up to 6 times a day), in combination with long-acting insulins.

Humalog is a “short” drug, produced in cartridges and vials

Side effects of use may be a mild decrease in blood sugar, in the form of precoma, coma, visual pathologies, allergic reactions, lipodystrophy (reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer at the site of frequent injection).

Important! Humalog is stored in the refrigerator, but not frozen, since in this case the product loses its effectiveness.

The name of the drug (NM) indicates that its active substance is biosynthetic human insulin. Actrapid NM reduces glucose levels in half an hour, duration – up to 8 hours. The drug is prescribed for the insulin-dependent type of “sweet disease”, as well as for type 2 disease in combination with the following conditions:

  • loss of sensitivity to glucose-lowering tablets;
  • the presence of intercurrent diseases (those that worsen the course of the underlying disease);
  • surgical interventions;
  • period of bearing a child.

Actrapid NM is indicated for hyperglycemic conditions (ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar coma), hypersensitivity to drugs of animal origin, against the background of transplantation of cells of the islets of Langerhans-Sobolev.

Administration of short-term insulin is possible from 3 to 6 times a day. If the patient is transferred to this drug from another human insulin, the dosage is not changed. In case of transfer from drugs of animal origin, the dose should be reduced by 10%.

Actrapid NM is a product that has a quick effect, but retains it for quite a long time

Important! Actrapid NM is not prescribed for low blood glucose levels and in the presence of a hormone-secreting tumor of the pancreas (insulinoma).

Insuman Rapid

The composition includes a hormone that is similar in molecular structure to human insulin. A strain of Escherichia coli is involved in its synthesis. The effect of short-acting insulin occurs within half an hour and lasts up to 7 hours. Insuman Rapid is available in bottles and cartridges for syringe pens.

Indications for prescribing the drug are similar to Actrapid NM. It is administered subcutaneously 20 minutes before food enters the body, changing the injection site each time. Insuman Rapid can be combined with long-acting insulins containing protamines as a depot-forming substance.

Homorup 40

Another representative of short-acting insulin, the effect of which appears within half an hour and can reach 8 hours. The duration of action depends on the following factors:

  • drug dose;
  • method of administration;
  • injection site;
  • individual characteristics of the patient's body.

The drug effectively relieves symptoms of emergency conditions (diabetic coma, precoma) and is prescribed during surgical interventions. Homorap 40 is indicated for patients in childhood and adolescence, during the period of bearing a child.

Injections of the drug are made up to 3 times a day, selecting the dosage individually. Can be administered using insulin pumps or in the same syringe with a range of long-acting insulins.

Important! With “combined” injections, first short-acting insulin is drawn into the syringe, and then a long-acting agent.

In the case of the use of glucocorticosteroids, beta-blockers, antidepressants and combined oral contraceptives, a dose adjustment of the hormonal drug is required.

It is based on recombinant human insulin. Available in cartridges and bottles. Subcutaneous (shoulder, thigh, anterior abdominal wall), intramuscular and intravenous administration is provided. The injection site should be constantly changed so that the same area does not repeat more than once in 30 days.

Humulin Regular is one of the drugs that can be prescribed from birth

Adverse reactions:

  • decreased blood sugar;
  • local allergic manifestations (redness, swelling and itching at the injection site);
  • systemic allergy;
  • lipodystrophy.

Humulin Regular can be taken from birth. In this case, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on the patient’s body weight.

Berlinsulin HU-40

Available in several forms. The table of insulins and their features are discussed below.

Names of insulin Compound Number of phases in the drug Amount of active substance in 1 ml Duration of action
H normal U-40InsulinOne40 unitsUp to 8 hours (starts in 15 minutes)
H basal U-40Insulin and protamineOne40 unitsUp to 20 hours (starts in 40 minutes)
H 10/90 U-40Insulin and protamineTwo4 unitsUp to 18 hours (starts in 45 minutes)
H 20/80 U-40Insulin and protamineTwo8 unitsUp to 16 hours (starts in 40 minutes)
H 30/70 U-40Insulin and protamineTwo12 unitsUp to 15 hours (starts in 40 minutes)
H 40/60 U-40Insulin and protamineTwo16 unitsD 15 hours (starts in 45 minutes)

Correction of the dosage of insulin therapy with the described drugs is necessary for diseases of infectious origin, surgical interventions, during pregnancy, pathology of the thyroid gland, renal and adrenal insufficiency, “sweet disease” in the elderly.

Important! Any form of Berlinsulin cannot be mixed with other insulin-based products. These forms can only be mixed with each other.

The following groups of medications can enhance the hypoglycemic effect of drugs, which should be taken into account when choosing a treatment regimen:

  • antidepressants;
  • beta blockers;
  • sulfonamides;
  • combined oral contraceptives;
  • testosterone-based medications;
  • antibiotics (tetracycline group);
  • products based on ethyl alcohol;
  • heparin;
  • diuretics;
  • lithium preparations;
  • medications based on thyroid hormones.

Short-acting drugs in bodybuilding

IN modern world the use of short-acting insulins is widely used in the field of bodybuilding, since the effect of the medications is similar to the effect of anabolic steroids. The bottom line is that the hormone transfers glucose to muscle tissue, resulting in its increase in volume.

Building up muscle mass short-term insulin - a method that should only occur after a full examination and consultation with a doctor

It has been proven that such use should be done “wisely,” since the functions of insulin include the transfer of monosaccharides not only to muscles, but also to adipose tissue. Ineffective training can lead not to building muscle mass, but to simple obesity. Therefore, the dosage of drugs for athletes, as well as for sick people, is selected individually. It is advisable to take a break of 4 months after 2 months of injections.

You should pay attention to the rules for storing insulin and its analogues. They are the same for all types:

  • Vials and cartridges should be stored in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!). It is advisable to place them on the doors.
  • Drugs must be kept exclusively in closed form.
  • Once the drug is opened, it can be used for 30 days.
  • The product must be transported so that there is no direct contact with sun rays. This destroys the hormone molecules and reduces its effectiveness.

Before using the medicine, be sure to check the absence of turbidity, sediment or flakes in the solution, expiration date, and storage conditions.

Compliance with expert advice is the key High Quality life of patients and the ability to prevent the development of complications of the underlying disease.

Last updated: April 18, 2018

Insulin therapy drugs vary in duration of action: short, medium, long and combined. Long-acting insulin is designed to uniformly maintain basic level This hormone is normally produced by the pancreas. It is used for diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, as well as for conditions where control of blood sugar levels is required.

Mechanism of action

Long-acting insulin is a long-acting agent necessary to maintain physiological glucose levels for a long time. It imitates the production of basal insulin by the pancreas and prevents the development of the process of gluconeogenesis.

Activation of the prolonged hormone is observed approximately 4 hours after injection. The peak content is weak or absent, a stable concentration of the drug is observed within 8–20 hours. Approximately 28 hours after administration (depending on the type of drug), its activity is reduced to zero.

Long-acting insulin is not intended to stabilize sudden sugar spikes that occur after meals. It mimics the physiological level of hormone secretion.

Types of drugs

Currently, two groups of long-acting drugs are used - medium and ultra-long duration. Intermediate-acting insulins have a peak period, although not as pronounced as short-acting insulins. Ultra-long-acting insulins are peakless. These features are taken into account when selecting the dose of basal hormone.


The use of long-acting insulin is recommended for the following indications:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • unresponsiveness to oral medications to lower blood glucose concentrations;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • gestational diabetes.

Mode of application

Long-acting insulin is available in the form of suspensions or solutions for injection. When inserted subcutaneous method the drug remains in the adipose tissue for some time, where it is slowly and gradually absorbed into the blood.

The amount of hormone is determined by the doctor individually for each patient. Then the patient can independently calculate the dose based on his recommendations. When switching from animal insulin to human insulin, the dose must be adjusted again. When replacing one type of drug with another, medical supervision and more frequent checks of blood sugar levels are necessary. If during the transition the administered dose exceeds 100 units, the patient is sent to the hospital.

Long-acting insulin preparations should not be mixed or diluted.

The injection is performed subcutaneously, each time in a different place. Insulin injections can be given in the triceps muscle, in the area near the navel, in the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle, or in the upper anterolateral thigh. Insulin preparations should not be mixed or diluted. The syringe must not be shaken before injection. You need to roll it between your palms so that the composition becomes more homogeneous and warms up a little. After the injection, the needle is left under the skin for a few seconds to fully administer the drug, and then removed.

Dose calculation

A healthy person with normal pancreatic function produces 24–26 units of insulin per day, or approximately 1 unit per hour. This determines the level of basal, or extended, insulin that needs to be administered. If surgery, hunger, or psychophysical stress are expected during the day, the dose should be increased.

To calculate the dosage of basal insulin, a fasting test is performed. You should stop eating 4-5 hours before the test. It is recommended to start selecting the dose of long-acting insulin at night. To make the calculation results more accurate, you need to have dinner early or skip the evening meal.

Your blood sugar is measured every hour using a glucometer. During the test period there should be no rise or fall in glucose by 1.5 mmol. If your sugar level has changed significantly, your basal insulin needs to be adjusted.


Excessive amounts of medication may lead to hypoglycemia. Without medical care it leads to serious complications. Convulsions, nervous disorders occur, hypoglycemic coma is not excluded, in difficult cases the condition can lead to death.

In case of hypoglycemia, it is urgent to take fast carbohydrates, which will increase blood glucose levels. In the future, you will need medical supervision, nutritional correction and insulin doses administered.


Extended-release insulin is not approved for all patient groups. It should not be used in case of hypoglycemia and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. It is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.

The drug can be used on the recommendation of a specialist if the expected benefit outweighs the risk possible complications. The dosage should always be calculated by a doctor.

Side effects

When using long-acting insulin, it should be taken into account that exceeding the dose can cause hypoglycemia, precoma and coma. Allergic reactions, redness and itching at the injection site are possible.

Long-acting insulin is only for glucose control and does not help with ketoacidosis. Short-acting insulin is used to remove ketone bodies from the body.

In type 1 diabetes mellitus, long-acting insulin is combined with short-acting drugs and acts basic element therapy. To ensure that the concentration of the drug remains the same, the injection site is changed each time. The transition from medium to long insulin should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and subject to regular measurement of blood glucose levels. If the dose does not meet the needs, it will have to be adjusted with other drugs.

To avoid night and morning hypoglycemia, it is recommended to reduce the concentration of long-acting insulin and increase the dose of short-acting insulin. The doctor calculates the volume of drugs.

After the injection a lump formed Why

There is a reason for absolutely all troubles. Likewise, a lump from an injection on the buttock does not just appear. If the technique for placing an intramuscular injection is violated, an inflammatory process can start, leading to compaction at the injection site, redness, pain and swelling of this area. Let us list the main, most common reasons for the appearance of “bumps”:

1. Accelerated administration of the drug. In this case, the drug simply does not have time to distribute evenly in the muscle tissue and remains in one place, forming a compaction from the injection, which can become inflamed over time.

2. Insufficient needle length. Some people who give injections at home on their own or with the help of loved ones mistakenly believe that it is best to use the thinnest possible needles and use insulin syringes for injections into the buttock. In this case, the needle is not long enough to reach the muscle, and the medicinal substance is injected into the subcutaneous fat layer. The same effect will occur if a syringe with an adequate needle length is taken, but during the procedure the needle entered less than halfway.

3. Muscle tension. Since childhood, we all remember the nurse’s phrase before giving an injection, “relax your butt.” In a tense muscle, the medicine will not be able to quickly dissolve and an infiltrate may form after the injection, in simple terms - a “bump”. Also, the main and rather serious danger of injecting into a tense, hard muscle is that the needle may break, and then the fragment will have to be removed surgically. Therefore, during the injection, relax and do not agree to give the injection while standing.

4. Some medications have an oily texture. They must be injected into the muscle more slowly than others, and it is advisable to warm them to body temperature before insertion.

5. Allergic reactions to medications are rare. Allergic infiltration from an injection has its own characteristics: rapidity of occurrence, swelling and redness of the injection site, and sometimes itching. In such cases, you should immediately notify your doctor so that he can take necessary measures for therapy correction.

Lump after injection How to cure

Sugar level

At home, you can successfully remove bumps from injections on your butt. However, if you experience symptoms such as a local increase in temperature at the injection site, severe swelling, redness and soreness in this area, do not self-medicate under any circumstances, immediately consult a surgeon. In such cases, there is a risk of developing an abscess, which can only be treated surgically. To prevent this from happening, the lump after the injection must be treated in a timely manner.

How to treat needle bumps:

1. Gently massage the injection site to improve local blood circulation and speed up the resorption of the infiltrate.

2. The simplest and most well-known remedy is an iodine grid. Draw the mesh with a cotton swab dipped in iodine solution. It is necessary to do this procedure 2-3 times a day.

3. The next most popular remedy is to apply a juicy cabbage leaf or aloe leaf at night (you need to cut the leaf and apply the juicy side). This method is known from our grandmothers, it is really effective, and many doctors recommend it for the treatment of inflammatory post-injection infiltrates.

4. Compress with “Dimexide” diluted with vodka in a ratio of 1:4. It is advisable to lubricate the skin with anti-inflammatory cream first.

Despite its unpleasant specific odor, “dimexide” is very effective means and, moreover, it is inexpensive, which is also important

5. Local use of troxerutin preparations or heparin ointment. It will relieve inflammation and numb the area with the lump. Effective and easy-to-use gels are also available, also based on heparin.

6. The homeopathic herbal ointment “Traumel S” has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of inflammatory processes, such as “bumps” from injections. Thanks to its unique composition, this ointment is as soon as possible can eliminate bumps after injections on the buttocks. Others have similar effects homeopathic ointments based on arnica.

Listed above people's councils And medicines with timely initiation of treatment, they will help get rid of “bumps” from injections and avoid unpleasant complications.

And finally, I would like to say, please trust the recommendations of qualified doctors and use time-tested remedies. You should not search the Internet and test on yourself dubious advice to apply a piece of lard or a compress of urine to the “bump”. If only as a joke! Be healthy!

Do you still think that diabetes cannot be cured?

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against high level blood sugar is not on your side yet...

Have you already thought about inpatient treatment? This is understandable, because diabetes is a very dangerous disease that, if not treated promptly, can be fatal. Constant thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

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Folk remedies against bumps caused by injections

Alternative treatment for this problem is very effective and can quickly eliminate bumps caused by injections.

  • An effective remedy for getting rid of bumps after injections is propolis tincture, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. For treatment, the skin area around the bump is generously lubricated with baby cream and a cotton pad soaked in tincture is placed on the seal. Fix it with adhesive tape. One procedure is done per day, lasting 3 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Cabbage leaves and honey are a great remedy even for old cones. To carry out therapy, you need to take 1 cabbage leaf and beat it well with a hammer. After this, place 1 teaspoon of honey on the surface of the sheet and lightly spread it. The honey side of the leaf is applied to the cone and fixed with a plaster. Leave the cabbage overnight. This treatment continues, depending on the speed of resorption of the lump, from 7 to 14 days.
  • Aloe is a very effective medicine against bumps. In order to use a plant for treatment, you need to pick 1 leaf from it and put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After this, you need to prepare a paste from the leaf. It is placed in place of the cone, covered with polyethylene on top and, fixed with adhesive tape, insulated. woolen fabric. This compress is left on for the whole night. Treatment is carried out until the lump resolves, but no more than 15 days. If during this time the tumor does not disappear, you should seek medical help.
  • Pickled cucumbers are an excellent remedy for seals formed due to injections. In order to use them as medicine, you need to take 1 cucumber, cut it into thin circles and apply them in several layers to the seal. The top of the cucumber is covered with polyethylene and secured with adhesive tape. The compress lasts throughout the night. In most cases, the patient feels a noticeable improvement in the morning. The entire treatment takes from 5 to 7 days.
  • Banana peels are also an excellent remedy for bumps left by injections. To treat the peel, cut off a piece, the size of which will allow you to completely close the seal, and apply it to the sore spot. inside. After fixing the peel with a band-aid, it is left overnight. This treatment is continued for 10–14 days. In most cases, the lump begins to decrease in size after 3 days of therapy.
  • A cranberry compress is also very effective for hardening caused by an injection. To carry it out, 1 tablespoon of cranberry berries is crushed and placed on gauze folded twice. Then the product is applied to the affected area, covered with polyethylene, fixed with a band-aid and left for 12 hours. Make this compress in the evening. The duration of treatment directly depends on the speed of recovery.
  • Lilac leaves also quickly eliminate cones. For treatment, simply apply a crushed leaf of the plant to the affected area and replace it every 3 hours. At night, the leaves are placed in 3-4 layers. Recovery usually occurs within a week.

Home Remedies

Practical, effective, convenient means for treating lumps after injections are always in the arsenal of any housewife. Popular traditional methods will help get rid of unpleasant consequences insulin therapy. These recipes are tested by patients diabetes mellitus. They provide effective, proven results.

Pure honey and honey cake

The sore spot can be lubricated with natural honey.

A natural medicine will come to the rescue in the fight against insulin lumps. Honey can be smeared on compacted areas, leaving for two hours. They also make a healing cake from it. To do this, take an egg, a tablespoon of honey and butter. Flour is poured onto the eye. Knead a non-liquid, but also loose cake. It is stored in the refrigerator. Each time they pinch off a piece of it and make a circle. Its diameter should correspond to the size of the seal, and its thickness should be up to a centimeter. The circle is applied to the seal and secured with a bandage or bandage. It is left overnight or kept for an hour.

How to use potatoes for seals?

Potatoes are used raw to treat insulin lumps. To do this, a well-washed raw potato is cut in half lengthwise. After this, each half is applied to the subcutaneous seals. Potato juice will have a beneficial effect, softening and reducing the bumps. A paste is prepared from the peeled tuber by grating it on a fine grater. Place it on a bandage and make a compress.

Cucumber in the treatment of cones

Pickled cucumber helps to cope with lumps at the injection site. It is thinly cut into circles. Rings of the appropriate size are applied to the cones and secured with adhesive tape. This compress is kept for a long time, done at night. By morning, the lumps disappear or significantly decrease in size. If necessary, the procedure is carried out the next night.

Other home helpers

Cabbage leaves fight such formations well.

Cabbage leaves are an excellent remedy for the treatment of insulin infiltrates. Fresh leaves are slightly cut and beaten with a hammer so that they release the juice. They are applied to the cones up to 3 times a day. You can add honey if you are not allergic to its components. The only disadvantage of cabbage is the inconvenience of movement. Therefore, it is good to apply it in the evening before bed, or during a planned rest. An effective, proven recipe - aloe leaves. Needed for treatment lower leaves plants. They are cut and left in the refrigerator for a day. Then they wash it, remove the sharp edges, and beat it with a meat hammer until a healing paste is obtained. It is applied to a bandage and fixed to the area of ​​the cones.

Drug treatment for lumps

For drug treatment cones use multi-component ointments. They have a resolving, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Injection bumps on the arm, outer thigh or buttocks can be treated using proven and trusted ointments:

How to apply ointments:

Vishnevsky ointment or balsamic liniment is applied as a compress for 3 hours, once a day. For treatment, you need to do the procedures for one or two weeks.

Massage is performed with heparin ointment and troxevasin. It is necessary to massage with ointment strictly in the direction of the muscle.

Magnesium sulfate compress

Magnesium sulfate is an inorganic substance widely used in medicine. You can buy it at the pharmacy already ready solution magnesium sulfate or a mixture to prepare it.

To treat bumps, make a compress at night: moisten a bandage or cotton swab in a solution of magnesium sulfate and place it on the bump. Cover the compress with cling film on top and secure well with a gauze bandage.

Iodine mesh

The most accessible, simple and common way to treat and prevent bumps from injections. Take a cotton swab, soak it well in food and apply an iodine mesh to the injection site. This procedure must be done three times a day.

For treatment, the iodine network is used in combination with other methods, for best result. During a course of intramuscular injections, an iodine grid is recommended to prevent the occurrence of bumps.

How to remove lumps after insulin

The main rule for patients with diabetes is not to inject insulin into the same place for a long time. It is recommended to alternate injection areas, for example, replace the abdominal or thigh area with the buttocks and shoulder blades. If you can’t inject yourself into new places, it’s better to seek help. To resolve compacted infiltrates, it is enough to leave their location without injections for a month, and also follow the rules of personal hygiene. At the same time, use disposable syringes as intended, without extending their service life. To treat seals, use pharmacological absorbable drugs, physiotherapy, herbal and natural remedies.

Why do lumps appear from insulin injections?

The patient needs the glucose-lowering hormone several times a day, so the patient does not have the opportunity to frequently change the injection site, which leads to the appearance of painful tubercles. Lipodystrophic bumps represent compaction of adipose tissue, and look like elevations that rise above the skin. There are also lipoatrophies - small compacted depressions at the injection sites. The main reason for the appearance of lumps is repeated use of insulin needles. Patients save syringes and make injections with the same needle for more than a week. With prolonged use, the end becomes dull and injures the epidermis. Inflammation occurs in the subcutaneous layer.

Why did a lump appear after the injection?

With a correctly administered injection, the medicine prescribed by the doctor enters the muscle layer, quickly dissolves there and passes through the tissues of the body, providing a therapeutic effect. If a lump appears at the injection site and does not dissolve for a long time, this indicates that errors were made during the injection procedure.

Why a lump may form on the buttock from injections:

The nurse administered the medication too quickly.
The syringe has the wrong needle size. This means the needle is shorter than it should be. In this case, the medicine does not enter the muscle, but into the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue, where it is very difficult for it to be absorbed - hence the compaction.
Unprofessional execution of the procedure. In which the needle is also not inserted deep enough and does not enter the muscle. This happens when a family member gives the injection, feels sorry for the patient and is afraid of causing pain.
Muscle strain

It is important to relax your muscles during the injection. But now in the treatment room they usually do not ask patients to lie down, which is correct, but give injections while standing

Once in the tense muscle, the medicine is not distributed evenly, resulting in a painful hematoma.
Oil injections. Before the procedure oil solution must be warmed and administered very slowly. If these rules are not followed, a complication occurs in the form of painful seals.
Prick with cotton. The use of cotton is believed to reduce the pain from injections. In this case, the needle is inserted at a right angle, quickly and sharply. And, as a result, the medicine is also administered too quickly, and the drug does not have time to be distributed evenly.
A blood vessel is damaged. In which a certain amount of blood flows out. Swelling, redness and compaction appear in this area.
Allergy to the administered drug. In this case, in addition to the appearance of a lump, you will be bothered by itching, redness, and possible fever.
Hitting the nerve endings. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, you can hit the sciatic nerve. IN in this case you may feel numbness in the buttocks and legs.
Infection. A non-sterile instrument or contact of the needle with any surfaces before insertion leads to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissue. The result is inflammation and sepsis. Symptoms of sepsis, in addition to the lump, are burning, redness, strong pain, purulent discharge, high temperature.
Increased muscle sensitivity. This is a fairly rare occurrence, but in this case the muscles react sharply to any intervention. As a result, connective tissue is formed at the injection site, which looks like a scar and seal.

Modern pharmacology offers patients with diabetes mellitus huge selection insulin drugs. And today we will talk about what types of insulin there are.

Insulin: types

All available insulin drugs are divided into three types (depending on the time of action and the onset of the therapeutic effect):

  • "short";
  • "average";
  • "long".

"Short" insulins

It is short-acting insulin preparations that are most often prescribed to patients with problems with blood sugar.

After the product enters the human body, it begins to work within thirty minutes. This places it in the category of highly effective drugs used in the treatment of diabetes. Often this type insulin is prescribed simultaneously with long-acting insulins.

To make your choice, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • general condition of the patient;
  • injection site;
  • dosage.

The most popular are insulin preparations that begin to act within the first 15 minutes after administration. These are Apidra, Humagol and Novorapid.


Among the fast-acting human insulins, it is worth highlighting the drugs "Homorap" and "Insumad Rapid". There is practically no difference between them. The only difference is in the number of amino acid residues present in its composition.

“Fast” insulins of animal origin also include the drugs “Insulrap SPP”, “Iletin II Regular” and others. They are most often prescribed for type II diabetes. Products from this category contain proteins with a different structure, and therefore are not suitable for all patients. For example, “fast” insulins of animal origin cannot be prescribed to people whose bodies are not able to process animal lipids.

Reception, dosage, storage of "short" insulins

Take the drug immediately before meals. In this case, it is food that accelerates the absorption of insulin, the effect occurs almost immediately.

"Rapid" insulins can be taken orally, after diluting them to a liquid state.

If subcutaneous administration of the drug is practiced, the injection should be given approximately 30 minutes before the planned meal.

The dosage for each person with diabetes is selected individually. For adults, the dose will be 8-24 units per day, and for children - no more than 8 units.

Store drugs at a temperature of +2-+8 degrees. A shelf in the refrigerator door is suitable for this.

"Medium" insulins

Diabetics are forced to take medications that support But each type of diabetes needs a certain type of insulin. So, a drug with an average duration is used when glucose needs to be gradually broken down. It can also be used if it is not possible to use “short” insulin at the moment.

Features of “average” insulins

The drugs have several features:

  • they begin to act within 10 minutes after administration;
  • The product takes quite a long time to completely break down.
  • among human insulins - Protafan, Humulin, Monotard and Homolong;
  • among animal products - medications "Berlinsulin", "Monotard HM" and "Iletin II".

"Long" insulins

It is the timely administered drug that allows diabetics to enjoy life without experiencing discomfort caused by high levels of insulin. How this type of insulin preparation differs from others and what types of long-acting insulin exist - we’ll talk about this.

The main difference between insulin in this case is that the effect of the drug sometimes lasts more than 24 hours.

In addition, all types of extended-release insulin contain chemical catalysts that provide long work drug. They also delay the absorption of sugars. The therapeutic effect occurs after approximately 4-6 hours, and the duration of action can be up to 36 hours.

Long-acting insulins: what types exist?

The most commonly prescribed medications are Determite and Glargine. Their main difference is a uniform decrease in blood sugar levels.

Insulins with a long period of action are also the drugs “Ultratard”, “Ultralente-iletin-1”, “Huminsulin”, “Ultralong”, etc.

Medicines are prescribed by the attending physician, which later helps to avoid various troubles in the form of side effects.

Use and storage of the drug

This type of insulin can only be administered by injection. Only after entering the body in this way does it begin to work. The injection is placed in the forearm, buttock or thigh.

Before use, the bottle must be shaken so that the mixture inside it acquires a uniform consistency. After this it is ready for use.

The drug is stored under the same conditions as short-acting insulins. Like temperature regime prevents the formation of flakes and granulation of the mixture, as well as oxidation of the drug.

They inject insulin once, sometimes twice during the day.

Origin of insulin

The differences between insulins are not only in the time of action, but also in origin. There are animal preparations and insulins identical to human ones.

To obtain drugs from the first category, pigs are used, and the biological structure of insulins obtained from pig organs is most suitable for people. The difference in this case is completely insignificant - just one amino acid.

But the best drugs are, of course, human insulins, which are used most often. possible in two ways:

  1. The first method is to replace one inappropriate amino acid. In this case, semi-synthetic insulin is obtained.
  2. The second method of producing the drug involves E. coli, which is capable of synthesizing protein. This will already be a biosynthetic product.

Drugs similar to human insulin have a number of advantages:

  • to obtain the required therapeutic effect, smaller doses are required;
  • the development of lipodystrophy is relatively uncommon;
  • Allergy to drugs is practically not observed.

Degree of purification

Depending on the degree of purification, preparations are divided into:

  • traditional;
  • monopeak;
  • monocomponent.

Traditional insulins are among the very first insulin preparations. They contained a huge variety of protein impurities, which became the cause of frequent allergic reactions. Currently, the production of such drugs has been significantly reduced.

Monopeak insulin products have very few impurities (within acceptable standards). But monocomponent insulins are almost perfectly pure, since the volume of unnecessary impurities is even less than the lower limit.

The main differences between “short” and “long” insulins

"Long" insulin"Short" insulin
Injection site The injection is placed in the thigh, since in this case the drug is absorbed very slowlyThe injection is placed in the skin of the abdomen, since in this case insulin begins to work almost immediately
Time reference It is administered at the same time (morning and evening). Simultaneously with the morning dose, an injection of “short” insulin is givenTake the drug 20 - 30 minutes before meals
Link to food intake "Long" insulin is not associated with food intakeAfter the administration of short-acting insulin, food must be taken. If this is not done, there is a risk of developing hypoglycemia.

As you can see, the types of insulin (the table clearly shows this) differ in basic indicators. And these features must be taken into account.

We looked at all available types of insulin and their effect on the human body. We hope that the information was useful. Be healthy!
