II. Initial prayers. Prayers Glory to you, Lord King of Heaven


1 A layman, starting a prayer, makes the sign of the cross with the words:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Instead of the initial exclamation, the priest says:

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.

The same exclamation replaces all priestly exclamations. Everything said during the service by the priest and deacon is omitted.

2 The names of prayers and explanations (written in a different font) are not read aloud.

3 Instead of this prayer, from Easter to Ascension, the troparion of Easter is read three times"Christ is Risen:", from the Ascension to the day of Holy Pentecost, after the initial exclamation, the Trisagion is immediately read.

4 This prayer is usually read with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist. Follow up prayers before"Our Father" inclusive are read in full where it is indicated in the liturgical books“hereinafter the Trisagion” or “hereinafter the Trisagion, according to “Our Father”.

5 Where it is printed in liturgical books: Glory: should be read in full:"Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Where is it printed: And now: read: "And now, and always, and unto ages of ages. Amen." Where is it printed: Glory, and now: - the entire doxology is read in full. Sign " : " indicates that only the first words of a text (usually well-known and frequently repeated) are given.

Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.
Three times with bows .)

Lord have mercy. ( Three times ).
Glory, and now:

Lord have mercy. ( 12 times ).
Glory, and now:

Come, let us worship our King God. ( Bow. )
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. ( Bow. )
Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. ( Bow. )

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my iniquity and bear away my sin before me. I have sinned against You alone, and I have done evil before You, so that You may be justified in Your words and overcome, never judge You. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. You have loved the truth; you have revealed to me the unknown and secret wisdom of Yours. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Give joy and gladness to my hearing; humble bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me. Reward me with the joy of Your salvation, and strengthen me with the Master’s Spirit. I will teach the wicked Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation; My tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. As if you had wanted sacrifices, you would have given burnt offerings, but you would not have been pleased. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit, a contrite and humble heart, God will not despise. Bless Zion, O Lord, with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; Then they will place the bullock on Your altar.

Psalm 69

God, come to my help, Lord, strive for my help. Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and put to shame, let those who wish me evil turn back and be ashamed. May the abies return, ashamed, and say to us: better, better. Let all who seek You, O God, rejoice and be glad in You; and let them say, May the Lord be magnified, who love Your salvation. But I am poor and needy, God, help me: You are my Helper and my Savior, O Lord, do not become stubborn.

Psalm 142

Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness: and do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, for every living person will not be justified before You. As if the enemy drove my soul, he humbled my belly to eat, he planted me to eat in dark, like dead centuries. And my spirit is depressed within me, my heart is troubled within me. I have remembered the days of old, I have learned in all Your works, I have learned Your hand in all creation. I lift up my hands to You: my soul, like a waterless land, to You. Hear me soon, Lord, my spirit has disappeared, do not turn Your face away from me, and I will become like those who go down into the pit. I hear Thy mercy upon me in the morning, for I trust in Thee. Tell me, Lord, I will go the other way, because I have taken my soul to You. Take me away from my enemy, Lord, I have come to You. Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God: Thy Good Spirit will guide me to rightness on earth. For Thy name's sake, O Lord, live me, by Thy righteousness remove my soul from sorrow. And by Thy mercy consume my enemies and destroy all my cold souls, for I am Thy servant.

Daily Doxology

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee ( bow), we bow to Ti xia, we praise Ti ( bow), we thank You, great One, for Your glory ( bow.). Lord, Heavenly King, God, Father Almighty, Lord Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and Holy Soul: Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us; take away the sins of the world, accept our prayer: sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For You are the only Holy One, You are the only Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father, amen. Every night I will bless You and praise You your name forever and ever. Lord, you have been our refuge throughout all generations. Az said: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul for those who have sinned against You. Lord, I have come to You, teach me to do Your will, for You are my God: for with You is the source of life, in Your light we will see light. Show Your mercy to those who lead You. Grant, Lord, that we may be preserved without sin this night. Blessed are you, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever, amen. May Thy mercy be upon us, O Lord, as we trust in Thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord, teach me by thy justification. Blessed art thou, O Lord, enlighten me with thy justification. Blessed are You, Holy One, enlighten me with Your justifications. Lord, Your mercy endures forever, do not despise the work of Your hand. Praise is due to You, singing is due to You, glory is due to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Symbol of faith

I believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the One Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born of the Father before all ages. Light from Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became human. She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. And ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century. Amen.

Blessed Virgin Mary, voice 6
Song 1

Irmos: As Israel walked across the abyss on dry ground, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh drowned, we sing a victorious song to God, crying out to God.

Chorus:Most Holy Theotokos, save us.(Bow. )
You have infinite grace, as Divine, Mother of the Blessed, do not despise those who come running to You, always saving from troubles and sorrows.

This is the time of my despondency, arise, Most Pure Lady, and give me your hand of help: for you have filled the world with Divine joy.
Glory: Your sovereign protection, Mother of God, as the Intercessor of existence, grant me soon to be overcome by misfortunes, and save me from them harmless.
And now: Death is coming to my soul, but the temptations of those who hate, like asps, are trying to destroy me: but save me, Mother of God, yourself.

Song 3

Irmos:My mouth expanded against my enemies, because my heart was strengthened in the Lord.

My soul, mortified by my sins, my life as it gave birth, O Mother of God, revive.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Keep those who come running to You from every temptation, O Mother of God, our hope.
Glory: Bitterly save me from the misfortunes that rise upon me, Most Immaculate Mother of my Lord.
And now: Even though you give salvation to the world through Your Divine Nativity, change me from troubles.

Song 4

Irmos:The prophet heard Your coming, O Lord, and feared, because you wanted to be born of a virgin and appear as a man, and said: I heard Your hearing and feared, glory to Your power, Lord.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The strength of my soul is weakened by poverty, O Mother of God, and a fierce darkness has attacked me, from sins it finds its way: look, like a luminous cloud of God, and enlighten me, I pray.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Convert the storms of my evils and the embarrassment of my sins into the silence of salvation, as the All-Immaculate One is a refuge: they roaringly seek me, like a lion, devour them, deliver me from those destructions, I pray.
Glory: In the night and in the days, on earth and in the sea, and in every place, salvation firmly exists, invincible protection of the Mother of God, save me: according to God, for Christians truly trust in You.
And now: You always save me from great and various sins and misfortunes: in the same way, as the Lord who gave birth to You, I pray, and I resort to You, invincible help to those who mourn: deliver me from troubles with Your prayers.

Song 5

Irmos:Shine a light on the world, O Christ, enlighten my heart, calling to You from the night, and save me.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We glorify Your protection of salvation, The words of Mother, All-Immaculate, slander without fear of men.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Having Thee is an insurmountable wall, but we are freed from the temptations and sorrows of rebellion, O Most Pure One.
Glory: Take me away from the evil people of the tongue, pure: like a razor sharpened, destroy my soul bitterly.
And now: I fall down diligently, praying: as the Mother of my Creator, free the troubles that beset me.

Song 6

Irmos:Devoured by a sinful whale, I cry to You, Christ: as a prophet, free me from corruption.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Sorrow is the taste of reception, Divine sweets are alienated, Most Pure One. I also cry out to You: grant me help.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
The passions of the slave of the aphid have darkened me: also, O Thou who gave birth to the Light, free me, O Lady.
Glory: According to You, I confess faithfully, Most Pure One, and I will devour Your sacrifice, By You I will be delivered from sorrow.
And now: Having opened the mouth of untruth against me, O Lady: also me, as the Intercessor, soon free these.

Lord have mercy. ( Three times. )
Glory to this day: Kontakion, tone 6:

The intercession of Christians is shameless, the intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but advance, as the Good One, to the aid of us who faithfully call Thee: hasten to prayer and strive to supplicate, ever interceding, the Mother of God, those who honor Thee.

Song 7

Irmos:The angel made the venerable cave into a venerable youth, and the Chaldeans exhorted the scorching command of God to the tormentor to cry out: Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The temptations of my soul, which are now common among the fat youths, O Most Holy Virgin, set me free.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Protecting those who are in trouble and in sorrow, joy, Mother of God, always give.
Glory: I am completely overcome by the despair of deeds and sadness, protect me, O Virgin, like an indestructible cover for all.
And now: Through Your intercession we are delivered from troubles and sorrows and we gain great wealth inexhaustibly.

Song 8

Irmos:From the flames of the saints you poured out dew and burned the righteous sacrifice with water: for you did everything, O Christ, only as you willed, we exalt you to all ages.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I am consumed by human bitterness and I pray, Mother of God, deliver me from their vain advice.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
I have overcome my sorrows and temptations and I pray, Lady, save me from these unharmed.
Glory: Save me, Pure One, from the flattering man, and the tongue, and the lips, and torment, and all kinds of need.
And now: Even though we are seduced by our disposition, without an answer, I call to the Mother of God: deliver me from all kinds of evils.

Song 9

Irmos:Hedgehog, Rejoice, who received from an Angel and gave birth to Her Creator, O Virgin, save Thee who magnify.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
(Bow. )
Be merciful to us in the sorrows of life, O Mother of God, and save from troubles those who now come running to You.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Truly alone, on earth and in the sea, You appeared, Pure, the blood of an indestructible one, to those who came running to You with an undoubted soul.
Glory: I have enslaved myself without my mind to all sorts of cruel falls, with Your prayers grant me freedom, O All-Singing One.
And now: Having firmly acquired Your hope and intercession, Pure, magnifying You like the Mother of God, I end the song with faith.

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. ( Three times with bows .)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.
Lord have mercy. ( Three times ).
Glory, and now:
Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Sunday Kontakion, tone 6

Through the life-giving hand of those who died from dark pleasures, the Giver of Life, having resurrected everyone, Christ God, gave resurrection to the human race: there is a Savior of all, a Resurrection and Life, and a God of all.

Lord have mercy. ( 40 times. ) Prayer to St. Basil the Great

Who at all times, and at every hour, is worshiped and glorified in Heaven and on earth, Christ God, long-suffering, abundantly merciful, abundantly gracious, Who loves the righteous and has mercy on sinners, Who calls everyone to salvation with promises for the sake of future blessings, Himself, the Lord, accept ours at this hour of this prayer, and correct our belly to Thy commandments, sanctify our souls, cleanse our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our thoughts, and deliver us from all sorrow, evil and illness, protect us with Your holy Angels, and by their army we observe and being instructed, we will reach into the union of faith and into the mind of Your unapproachable glory, for blessed are You forever and ever, Amen.
Lord have mercy. ( Three times. )
Glory to this day:
We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption. ( Bow. )
Bless in the name of the Lord, father.
Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos,
Paul, monk of the monastery of Evergetis,
that is, Benefactors

The undefiled, unblasphemous, incorruptible, the Most Pure, Pure Virgin, the Bride of God, the Lady, who has united the God of the Word with man by Thy glorious Nativity, and united the rejected nature of our race with the heavenly one, even the unreliable, there is one hope and help for those who struggle, a ready intercession for those who flow to You, and a refuge for all Christians. Do not disdain me, a sinner, foul, with foul thoughts, words, and deeds, having done everything indecent to yourself, and with the mind of laziness, the sweets of life of a former slave; but as the Mother of the philanthropic God, the humane-loving Mother, have mercy on me, a sinner and a prodigal, and accept my prayer brought to You from profane lips, and Your Son and our Lord and Lord, using Your Motherly boldness, pray that He will open His philanthropic womb to me too goodness, and despising my countless sins, will turn me to repentance, and skillfully show me His commandments. And appear to me ever as the Merciful, and the Merciful, and the Benevolent, in the present wretched life, a warm intercessor and helper, driving away the resistant invasions, and instructing me to salvation; and during my exodus they guarded my accursed soul, and drove away the dark visions of evil demons far from it; on the terrible day of judgment, eternal torment delivers me, and the ineffable glory of Your Son and God our heir shows me. May I also please you, my Lady, Most Holy Theotokos, through Your intercession and intercession through the grace and love for mankind of Your Only Begotten Son, Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ; To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, and the Most Holy, and Good, and His Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Antiochus, monk Pandect

And grant us, O Master, peace of body and soul as we go to sleep, and save us from the dark sleep of sin, and from all dark and nightly voluptuousness; tame the aspirations of the passions, extinguish the kindled arrows of the evil one, even flatteringly driven towards us; quench the rebellion of our flesh, and put to rest all our earthly and material wisdom. And grant us, God, a cheerful mind, a chaste thought, a sober heart, an easy sleep and all satanic dreams changed. Rise us up during prayer to be confirmed in Your commandments, and the memory of Your judgments is firmly within us; Grant us the all-night praise, to sing and bless and glorify Your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Glorious Ever-Virgin, Mother of Christ God, bring our prayer to Your Son and our God, may You save our souls. My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my protection is the Holy Spirit: Holy Trinity, glory to Thee. END OF COMPINE

Glory even now: Lord, have mercy. ( Three times.) Lord bless.
Risen from the dead, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. Amen.


Weaken, forgive, forgive, O God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word, even in deed, even in knowledge and in ignorance, even in days and in nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us everything, as Good and Lover of Humanity.

Final prayer

Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord Lover of Mankind. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives the same petitions for salvation and eternal life. Visit those who are infirm and grant healing. Manage the sea as well. For travelers, travel. Grant forgiveness of sins to those who serve and forgive us. Have mercy on those who have commanded us unworthy to pray for them according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, our father and brothers who have fallen before us, and give me rest, where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and give them petitions for salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us, humble and sinful and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints: for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

Lord have mercy. ( Three times.)

II. Initial prayers

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything. Treasure of good things and life to the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed One, our souls. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal; have mercy on us ( three times).

Note. During the period from Holy Easter to Pentecost, the prayer to the Holy Spirit - “Heavenly King” is not read. On the week of St. For Easter the entire trisagion is not read, but is replaced by the troparion “Christ is Risen...” three times. Also, before the celebration of Easter, instead of “It is worthy to eat, as in truth,” the following is read or sung: “Shine, shine, new Jerusalem: for the glory of the Lord has risen upon You; rejoice now and rejoice in Zion, you are the Pure One, adorn yourself to the Mother of God, about the rise of Your Nativity.”

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us: Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy ( three times).

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and throughout the age of ages. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

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Due to the weakness of our flesh, inattention to spiritual life, as well as many temptations of this world, lying in evil, " We all sin a lot"(Jacob 5:2). Sins, like rubbish, accumulate in the human soul, burden the conscience and remove a person from God. Therefore, the soul must be cleansed by repentance. Ap. John the Theologian says this about the power of repentance: " If we confess our sins, then He (Christ), being faithful and righteous, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we represent Him as a liar, and His word is not in us."(1 John 1:9-10). During confession, a repentant person, in the presence of a priest, tells God about his sins, and the priest, in the name of God, absolves his sins.

The sacrament of repentance has a powerful regenerating power. The Lord himself promised the apostles and their successors: " The sins of whom you forgive will be forgiven, and the sins of whom you retain will remain."(John 20:23). In this case, it is assumed that the person repents sincerely, with pain in his soul, with a firm intention to fight temptations and live piously.

When preparing for confession, a person must remember his sins and pray to God to forgive him and help him correct himself. In confession, all sins are named, without self-justification or concealment. The list of sins attached here can help a Christian prepare for confession.

Mental and sensory sins. I have sinned before You, Lord, by ingratitude to You for Your mercies, by forgetting Your commandments and by indifference to You. I sinned by lack of faith, doubt in matters of faith and freethinking. I sinned through superstition, indifference to the truth and interest in non-Orthodox faiths. I sinned with blasphemous and nasty thoughts, suspicion and suspiciousness. I sinned by attachment to money and luxury items, passions, jealousy and envy. Forgive and have mercy on me, Lord.

I sinned by enjoying sinful thoughts, thirsting for pleasure, and spiritual relaxation. I sinned with daydreaming, vanity and false shame. I sinned with pride, contempt for people and arrogance. I sinned with despondency, worldly sadness, despair and murmuring. I sinned with irritability, rancor and gloating. Forgive and have mercy on me, Lord.

Sins in words. I sinned with idle talk, unnecessary laughter and ridicule. I sinned by talking in church, by using the name of God in vain, and by judging my neighbors. I sinned with harshness in words, grumpiness, and sarcastic remarks. I sinned by being picky, insulting my neighbors and bragging. Forgive and have mercy on me, Lord.

I sinned with indecent jokes, stories and sinful conversations. I sinned by murmuring, breaking my promises and lying. I sinned by using swear words, insulting my neighbors and cursing. I sinned by spreading defamatory rumors, slander and denunciations.

Sins by deed. I sinned by laziness, wasting time and not attending divine services. I sinned by frequent lateness to services, careless and absent-minded prayer and lack of spiritual fervor. He sinned by neglecting the needs of his family, neglecting the upbringing of his children and failure to fulfill his duties. Forgive and have mercy on me, Lord.

He sinned through gluttony, overeating and breaking fasts. I sinned by smoking, drinking alcohol and using stimulants. I sinned by being excessively concerned about my appearance, looking with lust, looking at obscene paintings and photographs. I sinned by listening to violent music, listening to sinful conversations and indecent stories. He sinned through seductive behavior, masturbation and fornication. He sinned with various sexual perversions and adultery. I sinned with the love of money, the passion for gambling and the desire to get rich. I sinned with passion for my career and success, self-interest and extravagance. I sinned by refusing to help those in need, by greed and stinginess. I sinned through cruelty, callousness, dryness and lack of love. He sinned by deception, theft and bribery. He sinned by visiting fortune-tellers, invoking evil spirits and performing superstitious customs. Forgive and have mercy on me, Lord.

He sinned with outbursts of anger, malice and rude treatment of his neighbors. He sinned through intransigence, revenge, arrogance and insolence. The sinner was capricious, wayward and whimsical. I sinned through disobedience, stubbornness and hypocrisy. He sinned by careless handling of sacred objects, sacrilege and blasphemy. Forgive and have mercy on me, Lord.

There is no sin greater than God's mercy. The Lord only wants a person to turn away from sin with all his soul and to hate it. So the Lord calls us through the prophet: " Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, remove your evil deeds from before My eyes." And to a person who sincerely repents, the Lord promises: " “Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; if they are red, they will be as white as wool.”(Isaiah 1:16-18).

Every Orthodox Christian is obliged to pray daily, morning and evening, before and after eating food, before starting and at the end of any task. In the morning we pray to thank God for preserving us last night, to ask for His Fatherly blessing and help for the day that has begun. In the evening, before going to bed, we also thank the Lord for a successful day and ask him to keep us during the night. In order for the work to be done successfully and safely, we must also first of all ask God for blessings and help for the upcoming work, and at the end thank God. To express our feelings towards God and His saints, the Church has given us various prayers.

Your first prayers

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Symbol of faith

I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century. Amen.

Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Worthy to eat

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

Sunday hymn for reading the Gospel

Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. We worship Your Cross, O Christ, and we sing and glorify Your holy Resurrection: for You are our God, do we know no other to You, we call Your name. Come, all you faithful, let us worship the Holy Resurrection of Christ: behold, through the Cross joy has come to the whole world. Always blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection: having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Chorus: Most honorable Cherub and most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, the real Mother of God, we magnify You.
As you look upon the humility of Your servant, behold, from now on all your kindred will please Me.
For the Mighty One has done greatness to Me, and holy is His name, and His mercy throughout all generations of those who fear Him.
Create power with Your arm, scatter the proud thoughts of their hearts.
Destroy the mighty from their thrones and lift up the humble; Fill those who hunger with good things, and those who are rich let go of their vanity.
Israel will receive His servant, remembering His mercies, as He spoke to our fathers, Abraham and his seed, even unto eternity.

Prayer of Righteous Simeon the God-Receiver

Now release Thy servant, O Master, according to Thy word in peace; For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all people, a light for the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Your people Israel.

Psalm 50, repentance

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take away my sin before me. To You alone have I sinned and done evil before You; for you may be justified in all of Your words, and you will always triumph over Your judgment. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. Behold, you have loved the truth; You have revealed to me the unknown and secret wisdom of Yours. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. My hearing brings joy and joy; humble bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me. Reward me with the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the Lord’s Spirit. I will teach the wicked Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation; my tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. As if you had desired sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God will not despise a broken and humble heart. Bless Zion, O Lord, with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; Then they will place the bullock on Your altar.

The shortest prayer to the Mother of God

Most Holy Theotokos, save us!
In this prayer, we ask the Mother of God to save us sinners with Her holy prayers before Her Son and our God.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross

Save, Lord, your people and bless your inheritance; giving victory to the Orthodox Christian against the resistance, and preserving Your residence by Your Cross.
In this prayer we ask God to save us, His people, and bless the Orthodox country - our fatherland - with great mercies; He gave victories to Orthodox Christians over their enemies and, in general, preserved us by the power of His Cross.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

To the Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me by God from heaven, I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.
At baptism, God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person from all evil. Therefore, we must ask the angel every day to preserve and have mercy on us.
Prayer to the saint Pray to God for me, saint [holy] (name), as I diligently resort to you, the quick helper and prayer book [quick helper and prayer book] for my soul.
In addition to praying to the Guardian Angel, we must also pray to that saint by whose name we are called, because he also always prays to God for us. Every Christian, as soon as he is born into the light of God, at holy baptism is given a saint as a helper and patron by the Holy Church. He takes care of the newborn like the very loving mother, and saves him from all the troubles and misfortunes that occur to man on earth. You need to know the day of remembrance in the year of your saint (your name day), know the life (description of life) of this saint. On his name day, we must glorify him with prayer in church and take holy communion, and if for some reason we cannot be in church on this day, then we must pray fervently at home.

Prayer for the living

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (his name), my parents (their names), relatives, mentors and benefactors and all Orthodox Christians.
We must think not only about ourselves, but also about other people, love them and pray to God for them, because we are all children of one Heavenly Father. Such prayers are useful not only for those for whom we pray, but also for ourselves, since we thereby show love for them. And the Lord told us that without love no one can be children of God. We must pray for our Fatherland - Russia, for the country in which we live, for our spiritual father, parents, relatives, benefactors, Orthodox Christians and all people, both for the living and for the dead, because with God everyone is alive (Luke. 20, 38).

Prayer for the dead

Rest, O Lord, the souls of your departed servants (names) and all my departed relatives and benefactors, and forgive them all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prayer before eating food

The eyes of all trust in Thee, O Lord, and Thou givest them food in good season: Thou openest Thy generous hand and fulfilleth every kind of animal pleasure (Psalm 144, 15 and 16 vv.).
In this prayer we express confidence that God will send us food in due time, since He provides not only people, but also all living creatures with everything they need for life. Instead of this prayer, before eating food, you can read the Lord's Prayer("Our Father").

Prayer after eating food

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your heavenly Kingdom.
In this prayer, we thank God that He fed us with food, and we ask Him not to deprive us of eternal bliss after our death, which we should always remember when receiving earthly blessings.

Morning prayer

To You, Master who loves mankind, having risen from sleep, I come running, and I strive for Your works with Your mercy, and I pray to You: help me at all times in every thing, and deliver me from all worldly evil things and the devil’s haste, and save me, and bring us into Your eternal kingdom. For You are my Creator and the Provider and Giver of every good thing, and all my hope is in You, and I send up glory to You now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Evening prayer

Lord our God, who have sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, as he is good and a lover of mankind, forgive me; grant me peaceful sleep and serenity; Send Thy guardian angel to cover and keep me from all evil; for You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and to You we send glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
