Characteristics of Peter and Evelina from Korolenko's story. Describe Petrus (Peter) from the story The Blind Musician (or Evelina)

The story “The Blind Musician” by Korolenko was first published in 1886. In the story the author reveals themes of meaning human life, art, love, education. Korolenko wrote to friends that in “The Blind Musician” his task was “not only to reproduce the psychology of the blind, but also to reflect the universal human dream for the ideal, the longing for the fullness of human existence.”

Main characters

Peter Popelsky- a musician born blind, the central character of the work.

Uncle Maxim (Yatsenko Maxim)- Uncle Peter, brother of Anna Mikhailovna; was raising his nephew.

Evelina Yaskulskaya- beloved Peter.

Other heroes

Anna Mikhailovna Popelskaya- Peter's mother.

Joachim- Popelsky's groom, who played Petra on the pipe.

Fedor Kandyba, Kuzma- the blind men with whom Peter went to Pochaev.

Egory- blind bell ringer.

Brothers Stavruchenko- students who stayed with the Popelskys.

Chapter first

“A child was born into a wealthy family in the Southwestern region, in the dead of midnight.” At first, no one noticed that the boy was born blind. Only a few weeks after the examination, the doctor confirmed the mother’s fears that the child could not see anything.

Peter's family consisted of his mother, father and "Uncle Maxim". The child's father "was like a thousand other village landowners." Uncle Maxim was known as “the most dangerous bully,” he managed to visit Austria, “join” Garibaldi, and after being seriously wounded he returned to his homeland, but without right leg and with a badly damaged left arm.

Uncle Maxim became interested in his blind nephew and advised his sister to show less “stupid solicitude.” The woman listened to his words and soon the boy began to confidently crawl around the house. It was clear that his blindness was compensated by good hearing and touch.

One spring, his mother and uncle Maxim took Petya to the river. The new sensations, smells, and sounds greatly impressed the boy, and from excitement he fell into a “deep faint.”

Chapter two

When the boy was five years old, he already knew his way around the house well. From the outside, one might think that this is just a “strangely focused child.”

The boy became interested in playing the flute of the groom Joachim. Soon Petya began to come to Joachim’s stable and tried to play the pipe himself. Jealous of her son's groom, Anna bought a piano. However, Petya was not impressed by the complex play played by the woman. Over time, listening to Jochim's playing, Anna began to express through music own feelings. Petya began to master playing the piano with interest.

Chapter Three

Thanks to Uncle Maxim's upbringing, in his sixth year Petya was able to clean his room himself and even learned to ride a horse under Joachim's guidance. However, he had no friends - the village boys were wary of the blind “panic”.

Soon old man Jaskulski and his wife Agnieszka settled on a neighboring estate. They had a daughter, almost the same age as Petya - Evelina. The girl spent most of her time on her own, and it seemed as if she was a “tiny adult woman» .

Once, when Petya was playing by the river, Evelina noticed him and tried to talk, but the boy drove her away. The next time the girl appeared only a few days later. They started talking. Evelina did not immediately realize that Petya was blind. When the boy, out of habit, began to feel the girl’s face, studying her, she recoiled in fear and burst into tears, but then she understood everything. The next day the girl herself came to visit Petya. From that day they began to be friends.

Chapter Four

Petya felt inner dissatisfaction, he wanted to see objects, light, distinguish colors, a desire appeared in him to “give shape to the forces dormant in the depths of his soul, which could not find an outcome.”

Chapter Five

Uncle Maxim invited his old comrade Stavruchenko, who was visiting young people: Stavruchenko’s sons, students of the philological faculty and conservatory, and a young cadet. The young people who arrived heatedly discussed various issues, but during the conversations they did not turn to Petya.

During one of the conversations, Petya quietly stood up and left. Evelina immediately hurried after him and found him at an abandoned mill. He shared with the girl that he felt like he was “completely superfluous in the world.” Touched by Evelina, she said that Petya should marry her, and the young man at first agreed, but then came to his senses: after all, he is blind. Evelina replied that it didn’t mean anything, because they loved each other. When they returned to the guests, the young man sat down at the piano and began to play. All the guests were fascinated by Peter's playing, which was mixed with folk music motifs. The eldest of the Stavruchenko brothers said that Peter has a “surprisingly unique manner” and he “needs a serious school.”

Chapter Six

In the fall, the Popelskys went to the Stavruchenki. The young people visited the grave of the robber Ignat Kary and the blind bandura player who accompanied the ataman on campaigns.

While visiting the monastery, they met the blind novice bell-ringer Yegory. Everyone noted the striking external resemblance between Peter and the novice. Peter was left alone with the blind bell ringer. Yegory said that he was also born blind, but they have a novice, Roman, who became blind at the age of seven. Yegory envied Roman because he managed to see the world and his mother. The bell ringer gave the impression of an embittered, angry man.

Telling Maxim about what happened in the monastery, Evelina shares her suspicion: it seems to her that Peter now believes that all those born blind are evil.

Winter came. “Peter’s soul was also cold and gloomy.” He asked questions: “Why live in the world?” and “why should a blind person live?” . After meeting the bell ringer, Peter really believed that he was born evil by nature and could only torment the people around him.

During one of the conversations, Maxim began to explain to Peter the connection between the symbolism of sound and color. The blind man greedily caught every word and immediately tried to convey it through playing the piano. Peter expressed his annoyance that he could not see and would be glad to exchange with the last beggar - so he would be less unhappy, because he would only think about survival.

Not far from the Popelski estate there was a miraculous Catholic icon. On the day of her feast day, Maxim, Peter and Joachim came to the icon. Blind beggars sat at the exit and took turns singing a sad song. Peter seemed frightened by what he heard and wanted to leave quickly. Maxim noted that these were the same “lucky ones” whom he had recently envied, and forced his nephew to give alms.

It was decided that in the summer Peter and Maxim would go to Kyiv, so that in the fall the young man would begin to study with the famous pianist. One July night two blind men were walking along the road. They were called to the chaise. Soon there were three blind people: an old man with gray hair, Kandyba, a tall fellow, Kuzma, and a very young man in new peasant clothes. They were heading towards Pochaev. Maxim left for Kyiv himself and hid from his relatives that Peter had left with the blind.

With each new step of the journey with the beggars, “new sounds of the unknown, wide, immense world flowed towards Peter.” “The sightless eyes widened, the chest expanded, and the hearing became even more acute.” Soon he learned the song of the blind. Late autumn Peter returned home. “They said that he went to Pochaev on a vow to beg the Pochaev Mother of God for healing.” Although he remained blind, his “soul was undoubtedly healed.”

Chapter Seven

Evelina told her parents about her desire to marry Peter, they got married. From time to time the musician went to visit Fyodor Kandyba and talked with him for a long time. The news that Peter would soon become a father frightened him. Contrary to Peter's fears, the child was born sighted.


Three years have passed. Peter performed at the “Contracts” fair in Kyiv and played the piano. “The crowd was captivated by the deep sincerity of the expression,” the folk melody, “which flowed from the hands of the blind musician.” Listening to the music, Maxim clearly recognized the familiar tune of the blind men's song. Maxim thought that Peter “had received his sight and would be able to remind the happy of the unfortunate” that “he [Maxim] did his job, and it was not for nothing that he lived in the world.”

“This is how a blind musician made his debut.”


In the story “The Blind Musician,” Korolenko depicts the formation and maturation of the main character, blind Peter. The author masterfully describes the boy's gradual comprehension of the world, his difficulties and experiences along the way, awareness and acquisition of true values. Despite his physical handicap, Peter was able to realize himself as a talented musician and find personal happiness. In 1960, based on the story, the film “The Blind Musician” was created (directed by Tatyana Lukashevich).

A brief retelling of “The Blind Musician” will allow you to quickly become familiar with the plot of the work and will be of interest to anyone interested in the work of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko.

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A blind boy was born into a wealthy family in the southwestern region. At first no one notices his blindness, but after a few weeks it already seems strange that the baby does not follow the sun's ray. The mother is the first to notice the unusual expression on her face, motionless and not childishly serious. The boy is looking for something with his hands, looking in one direction. The doctor confirms Mrs. Popelskaya’s terrible guess.

The Popelsky family is small: the father of the blind Petrus, his mother and her brother Maxim. The father is a good-natured village landowner, all in his favorite business, building mills. His simple existence has little effect on his son’s mental makeup. Mother Anna Mikhailovna suffered from a feeling of guilt in front of her son and tried to prevent his every step, until Uncle Maxim, having decided to take up the upbringing of his nephew, warned her against excessive solicitude, which could deprive the boy of his chances for a better life. full life. Maxim was previously known as a dangerous bully, he fought with Garibaldi and miraculously survived, but became disabled: he injured left hand and lost his right leg. The crippled man thought that life was a struggle and there was no place in it for a disabled person.

But before his eyes, the one for whom fate has prepared the fate of being born disabled is growing up. The strange similarity of destinies interested Maxim. He decides to intervene and tells his sister that there is every chance of developing the boy’s remaining abilities to such an extent as to compensate for his blindness. Maxim decides to raise his nephew to be a wrestler. They stop running to Petrus at the first call, he independently moves around the room and gets acquainted with the world around him. Blindness leaves its mark: the boy hides in secluded corners and listens to something for hours. But the rich nervous organization takes its toll, the fullness of perception is achieved with the help of hearing and touch. Hearing plays a big role; the boy even explores rooms by sounds.

Petrus is three years old. Maxim and his mother take him for a spring walk. From the abundance of new, incomprehensible sensations, the boy becomes ill, he faints, and is delirious for several days. Then they decide to introduce the boy to unfamiliar sensations gradually: they open the windows, take Petrus out onto the porch, into the garden, and lead him around the rooms. His mother explains sounds to him, his uncle gives him an idea of ​​sizes. Uncle Maxim subscribes to books on physiology, psychology and pedagogy, realizing that you can fight not only with a saber, but with any available weapon. He affirms the conviction that Peter's blindness is a manifestation of his “mysterious destiny.”

When a boy gets acquainted with new phenomena of the world, he is delighted, but often his face reflects his suffering efforts. In his fifth year, he confidently runs around the rooms; to outsiders it seems that the boy is simply strangely focused, and not blind. He still walks around the yard with difficulty, tapping with a stick. Without a stick, he moves by crawling, examining various objects along the way. One quiet summer evening, a boy hears the sounds of a pipe from the stable. The music captivates him so much that one night Peter sneaks into Joachim’s stable and since then comes to listen to him play every evening. These evening hours become the happiest time for Petrus, but his mother is jealous of him and orders a Viennese piano from the city in order to attract her son’s attention. The boy is frightened by a loud instrument. Joachim's immediate musical sense prevails over Anna Mikhailovna's refined technique.

But, accepting her son’s blindness as her own illness, she sees the rivalry with Joachim as a source of suffering. Soon Petrusya's mother feels the same lively sense of melody in herself and begins to play quiet Ukrainian songs. Now Joachim and Petrus come to listen to music under her window. Anna Mikhailovna won, Jochim taught her how to attract a child. Petrus gets acquainted with the sounds by touching the keys. Maxim is tolerant of musical experiments, but he has a feeling of disappointment: music - great power, but the song speaks to more than one ear, it “awakens thought in the head and courage in the heart.” Maxim invites Joachim to sing a historical song and calms down, seeing that his nephew’s deep nature responds to the images of the song.

Thanks to the regime established by Maxim, the boy does not grow up helpless, he puts his things in order, he has special gymnastics, and in his sixth year his uncle gives him a horse. The mother considers this idea pure madness, but after two or three months Petrus rides in the saddle next to Joachim, who helps him on turns. Blindness does not interfere with the right physical development boy, its influence on the child’s moral makeup is weakened. Hearing takes on special significance in Petrus's life. He learns to play the pipe himself, he also fell in love with the piano, but he cannot be taken with him into the field. From the song Petrus comes to the study of history and literature. Uncle Maxim gets acquainted with special techniques for teaching the blind and gives the eight-year-old boy his first lessons. It seemed that Petrus did not realize his blindness, but a childish sadness appeared in his character. Maxim attributes this to a lack of communication with children, but the children invited to the estate avoid the “panic”.

The tenant of the neighboring estate changes. The old Yaskulskys and their daughter Evelina, the same age as Peter, become neighbors of the Popelskys. The girl is not shy of strangers, but prefers her own company, and is distinguished by her prudence, thoughtfulness and solidity.

One day Petrus sits alone on a hill and plays the pipe. Having finished playing, he hears someone's steps. This is the girl next door. The boy does not like it when his privacy is violated, and when Evelina asks who played so well, he answers unkindly. But the girl doesn’t leave, and Petrus drives her away: “Why don’t you leave? I don't like it when people come to me. Go away! Go away! The girl calls her neighbor a nasty boy, but then Petrus leaves, he was called to tea. The next day, Petrus is no longer annoyed - he wants Evelina to come again. He remembers her pleasant, calm voice. The children I knew always screamed and laughed loudly, but no one spoke so pleasantly. The boy regrets that he offended her: what if she never returns?

The girl appears only on the fourth day. Petrik calls out to her, they play together, then he decides to feel her face and scares her with this. The girl cries and leaves. Petrus feels the first humiliation of a cripple and sobs bitterly. Evelina returns, calms him down and asks him not to scare him. Petrus confesses to her that he is blind. The girl hugs him and also cries bitterly. After a while the children calm down.

Evelina learns that Petrus does not know the sun, but can even read French. He doesn’t want to go home, but Evelina promises to come to him tomorrow.

She comes, and Petrus hears her steps at the gate from the room. The boy's mother greets the girl with joy. Things get tight between neighbors a good relationship, Evelina is allowed to study with Petrik. This turns out to be beneficial for both. This friendship is perceived by the boy's family as a gift of fate. Petrus is no longer looking for solitude - he has found communication that the love of adults could not give him. Evelina turns out to be the person for whom caring for others is an organic need. Petrusya’s mother and uncle think that now the boy’s mental development will proceed at a quiet and even pace. But they are wrong.

Maxim understands that he is not the only one influencing the boy; Petrus has unexpected glimpses, which Maxim is frightened by: his nephew says that he had a dream, and tries to see color through music. The uncle thinks that this is unnecessary, the boy needs to get used to blindness.

But nature itself protests unconsciously. The boy begins to have some vague premonitions and impulses. No matter how hard his uncle tries to eliminate external factors, the boy feels an internal unsatisfied need to see. The boy's natural liveliness gradually disappears, and a tendency towards solitude appears.

He is only looking for Evelina's company. Peter is approaching the critical age between adolescence and youth.

Several years pass. Nothing changes in the estate: Peter still remains the center of the family’s life, growing like a hothouse flower. His mother sees that his soul is still half asleep, his father is used to everything being done by itself in the house, Maxim can hardly bear it, but believes that the pupil’s soul needs to get stronger.

Peter himself is in sensitive anticipation of something dormant in his soul. Life is bustling behind the walls of the estate. Maxim decides that Peter needs a drink fresh air, and invites guests to the estate - his old comrade Stavruchenka and his two sons with a cadet friend. Stavruchenko is a strong old man, similar to Gogol’s Bulba, the landowner talks with young people about right life. Young people discuss plans for the future. This wave of disputes, hopes and expectations comes over Peter, and he realizes that he is superfluous in the world. Conversations take place without his participation, Anna Mikhailovna suffers, Evelina is indignant, but Uncle Maxim invites guests to come again. He deliberately makes a hole in the wall surrounding the blind man to give him a living impression. Two weeks later, the youth again pays a visit to the Popelskis. Evelina feels that she is beckoned by a world that she, like Peter, does not know about. Peter feels this and leaves the guests. Evelina follows him.

Walking through the garden, she witnesses Maxim's conversation with his sister. He tells Anna Mikhailovna that he cannot interfere with Evelina’s freedom, spoil her life and deprive her of choice, she must decide everything herself.

When the girl finds Peter, she is outraged by Maxim's actions, but then concludes that she and Peter will get married and have the same life, and what the young people are talking about is not for everyone. Peter is amazed. They understand that they cannot live without each other. The grief in Peter’s soul subsides, and he feels in Vela not only his childhood friend.

The guests and hosts are sitting in a small living room, Peter comes and sits down at the piano. He tries to express his condition with music. The listeners are captivated. When Peter finishes playing, those young people whom he envied rush to him and shake his hand, predicting wide fame for him. One of the young Stavruchenkos, a conservatory student, admires Peter’s performance style. For the first time, Petrus becomes the center of a lively conversation; in his soul there is a proud awareness of his own strengths: he, too, can do something in life.

The estate becomes brighter and more joyful, Anna Mikhailovna seems to be getting younger, Maxim jokes more often, Peter is full of desire to receive his serious musical education. Peter willingly makes a return visit to the Stavruchenki; now he feels freer in society, as an equal participates in the conversation. Everyone goes to the monastery not far from the Stavruchenkov estate. They turn to the grave of Ignatius Kary, who died in the battle with the Tatars. His blind bandura player Yurko, who accompanied Kary on campaigns and battles, is also buried there. Maxim says that the young people will have the same struggle, and where - everyone will find for themselves. In the monastery they meet the blind bell ringer Yegor, very similar to Peter in gestures and eyebrow movements. Peter talks to him. The bell ringer is also blind from birth and embittered, but the other one, Roman, became blind later and saw the light, remembers his mother, he is kind. Evelina listens to their conversation in hiding. Afterwards, Peter retires to the garden and comes into the house only at night. He becomes gloomy, and an expression of bitterness appears on his face. He now believes that all those born blind are evil. Maxim, not knowing about the visit to the bell tower, asks Evelina everything, and a decision is brewing in his head.

Evelina and her parents go to visit, Peter misses her. The difficult dreams of his childhood return to him. The mental crisis is getting worse. “Why should a blind man live” - that’s what worries him. He tries to understand color, Maxim tries to explain everything to him, including the fact that he is selfishly rushing around with his grief.

Peter objects: “I would trade with the last beggar, because he is happier than me. And the blind do not need to be surrounded with care at all: this is a big mistake... The blind should be taken out onto the road and left there - let them beg.” He admits that he envies the bell ringer Yegor and thinks that he would suffer less from deprivation than from participation.

On religious holiday Maxim and his nephew go to bow miraculous icon and meet blind beggars. In their voices one can hear a complaint of physical suffering and complete helplessness.

Peter gets scared and wants to leave, but his uncle forces him to give to the blind and speaks of his “well-fed envy of other people’s hunger,” invites one of the blind men, Fyodor Kandyba, to come to them. The next day, Peter develops a fever, but his young body copes with the illness. Peter thanks his uncle for the lesson.

Maxim and Peter leave together for Kyiv, supposedly to study with a famous pianist. Instead of lessons, Peter goes with Fyodor Kandyba and other blind men to venerate Our Lady of Pochaev. He returns home with two blind men, in beggar's clothes. Maxim arrives from Kyiv, where he wrote from, to mislead his sister. Peter made a pilgrimage to pray for healing. His eyes could not see, but his soul began to see. The trip to Kyiv is postponed for a year.

In the fall, Evelina announces to her parents her decision to marry Peter. “Young quiet happiness” begins; Peter is informed about the opportunity to become a father. Sometimes he goes to Kandyba in new house and talks about his plans. A child is born. Peter is afraid that he is blind, but the boy sees. This lights up a light like lightning for Peter and for a moment, it seems to him, he sees his mother, wife and Maxim, and then loses consciousness.

Three years pass. A blind musician makes his debut in Kiev. Rumors swirl around him, each more unusual than the other. Peter is accompanied by his wife and Maxim. In music, Uncle Peter no longer hears only sorrowful groans, not just blind suffering, but a feeling happy life. In it, through the bright melody, the song of the blind breaks through more and more insistently: “Give to the sticky for Christ’s sake...”.

Maxim understands that he has done his job and has not lived in the world in vain: “He has received his sight... In place of... selfish suffering, he carries in his soul a feeling of life, he feels both human grief and human joy, he has received his sight and will be able to remind the happy of the unfortunate.”

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  • blind musician summary
  • summary of a blind musician
  • Korolenko the blind musician summary

In the South-West of Ukraine, into the family of rich village landowners Popelsky, a blind boy is born. At first, no one notices his blindness, only his mother guesses about it from the strange expression on little Petrus’s face. Doctors confirm a terrible guess.

Peter's father is a good-natured man, but rather indifferent to everything except housekeeping. My uncle, Maxim Yatsenko, has a fighting character. In his youth, he was known everywhere as a “dangerous bully” and lived up to this description: he left for Italy, where he joined Garibaldi’s detachment. In the battle with the Austrians, Maxim lost his leg, received many wounds and was forced to return home to live out his life in inactivity. Uncle decides to start raising Petrus. He has to fight blind maternal love: he explains to his sister Anna Mikhailovna, Petrus’s mother, that excessive care can harm the boy’s development. Uncle Maxim hopes to raise a new “fighter for the cause of life.”

Spring is coming. The child is alarmed by the noise of awakening nature. Mother and uncle take Petrus for a walk to the river bank. Adults do not notice the excitement of a boy who cannot cope with the abundance of impressions. Petrus loses consciousness. After this incident, Maxim’s mother and uncle try to help the boy comprehend sounds and sensations.

Petrus loves to listen to the groom Joachim play the pipe. The groom made his wonderful instrument himself; Unhappy love disposes Joachim to sad melodies. He plays every evening, and on one of these evenings a blind panic comes to his stable. Petrus learns to play the pipe from Joachim. The mother, overcome with jealousy, orders a piano from the city. But when she starts playing, the boy almost faints again: this complex music seems rough and noisy to him. Joachim is of the same opinion. Then Anna Mikhailovna understands that in the groom’s simple game there is much more living feeling. She secretly listens to Joachim's pipe and learns from him. In the end, her art conquers both Petrus and the groom. Meanwhile, the boy begins to play the piano. And Uncle Maxim asks Joachim to sing folk songs to the blind panic.

Petrus has no friends. The village boys are afraid of him. And on the neighboring estate of the elderly Yaskulskys, their daughter Evelina, the same age as Petrus, is growing up. This beautiful girl calm and reasonable. Evelina accidentally meets Peter while out for a walk. At first she does not realize that the boy is blind. When Petrus tries to feel her face, Evelina gets scared, and when she learns about his blindness, she cries bitterly with pity. Peter and Evelina become friends. They take lessons together from Uncle Maxim. Children grow up, and their friendship becomes stronger.

Uncle Maxim invites his old friend Stavruchenko to visit with his student sons, folk lovers and folklore collectors. Their cadet friend comes with them. Young people bring liveliness to the quiet life of the estate. Uncle Maxim wants Peter and Evelina to feel that a bright and interesting life. Evelina understands that this is a test for her feelings for Peter. She firmly decides to marry Peter and tells him about it.

A blind young man plays the piano in front of the guests. Everyone is shocked and predicts he will become famous. For the first time, Peter realizes that he, too, is capable of doing something in life.

The Popelskys pay a return visit to the Stavruchenkov estate. The hosts and guests go to the N-sky monastery. On the way, they stop near the gravestone under which the Cossack ataman Ignat Kary is buried, and next to him is the blind bandura player Yurko, who accompanied the ataman on campaigns. Everyone sighs about the glorious past. And Uncle Maxim says that the eternal struggle continues, although in other forms.

In the monastery, everyone is escorted to the bell tower by the blind bell ringer, novice Yegoriy. He is young and has a very similar face to Peter. Yegory is embittered at the whole world. He rudely scolds the village children who are trying to get into the bell tower. After everyone goes downstairs, Peter remains to talk with the bell ringer. It turns out that Yegoriy is also born blind. There is another bell-ringer in the monastery, Roman, who has been blind since the age of seven. Yegory is jealous of Roman, who has seen the light, seen his mother, remembers her... When Peter and Yegory finish their conversation, Roman arrives. He is kind and affectionate with a bunch of kids.

This meeting makes Peter understand the depth of his misfortune. He seems to become different, as embittered as Yegoriy. In his conviction that all those born blind are evil, Peter tortures his loved ones. He asks to explain the difference in colors that is incomprehensible to him. Peter reacts painfully to touch sun rays to his face. He even envies the blind beggars, whose hardships make them temporarily forget about blindness.

Uncle Maxim and Peter go to the N miraculous icon. Nearby, blind men beg for alms. Uncle invites Peter to experience the lot of the poor. Peter wants to leave quickly so as not to hear the songs of the blind. But Uncle Maxim forces him to give everyone a piece of soap.

Peter becomes seriously ill. After recovery, he announces to his family that he will go with Uncle Maxim to Kyiv, where he will take lessons from a famous musician.

Uncle Maxim really goes to Kyiv and from there writes soothing letters home. Meanwhile, Peter, secretly from his mother, along with blind beggars, among whom Uncle Maxim’s acquaintance Fyodor Kandyba, goes to Pochaev. On this journey, Peter recognizes the world in its diversity and, empathizing with the grief of others, forgets about his own suffering.

Peter returns to the estate as a completely different person, his soul is healed. His mother is angry with him for deceiving him, but soon forgives him. Peter talks a lot about his travels. Uncle Maxim also comes from Kyiv. The trip to Kyiv has been canceled for a year.

That same fall, Peter marries Evelina. But in his happiness he does not forget about his fellow travelers. Now on the edge of the village there is a new hut of Fyodor Kandyba, and Peter often comes to see him.

Peter's son is born. The father is afraid that the boy will be blind. And when the doctor reports that the child is undoubtedly sighted, Peter is overcome with such joy that for a few moments it seems to him as if he sees everything himself: the sky, the earth, his loved ones.

Three years pass. Peter becomes known for his musical talent. In Kyiv, during the “Contracts” fair, a large audience gathers to listen to a blind musician, whose fate is already the subject of legends.

Uncle Maxim is among the audience. He listens to the musician’s improvisations, into which motifs of folk songs are woven. Suddenly, the song of the blind beggars bursts into the lively melody. Maxim understands that Peter was able to feel life in its fullness, to remind people of the suffering of others. Realizing his own merit in this, Maxim is convinced that he did not live his life in vain.

BLIND MUSICIAN Etude (1886) Popelsky Peter (Petya, Potrus, Petrik) - the main character. With the subtitle - “study” - the author obviously wanted to express the experimental nature of his work, associated not only with purely literary, but also with natural science and medical problems. “The main psychological motive of the sketch is an instinctive, organic attraction to light,” the author wrote in the preface to the sixth edition of his story. He discussed in more detail in one of his letters: “I was often told and they still say now that a person can only yearn for what he has experienced. The one born blind has not known the light and cannot yearn for it. I derive this feeling from the pressure of an internal need that by chance does not find an application. The terminal apparatus is damaged - but the entire internal apparatus, which reacted to light in countless ancestors, remains and requires its share of light.” P. Born into a wealthy landowner family in the South-Western region. The mother, having established his blindness, tried to surround the baby with excessive care and began to pamper him, but her brother Maxim, who lost a leg in the war, demanded that his nephew not be shown “stupid care, which eliminates the need for effort from him.” And in the future, Uncle Maxim remained a strict and kind friend of P., not allowing him to feel his inferiority, ultimately instilling in him confidence in the possibility of spiritual insight, which happens in the final scene of the story: P., having already experienced the happiness of family life, father the sighted son, having become a pianist, captivates a huge hall with his playing. The story, rare in its power of optimism, providing a convincing example of an unbroken fate, poetic and truthful in detail, has more than once caused purely professional disputes, reducing its content to the problem of the convincingness or unconvincingness of the description of the medical history. These include the speech of the blind professor of psychology A. M. Shcherbina (1916). Korolenko responded to criticism like this: “Shcherbina is a positivist to the core. He or fate did for him what my Maxim wanted to do. He broke the problem into a mass of details, successive stages, solved them one by one... and this closed the tantalizing secret of the unattainable luminous world from him. And he calmed down... in consciousness. And he assures that he is content and happy without the fullness of existence. Satisfied - yes. Happy - probably not.”

I never thought about the meaning of life. To find the answer to this question, I turned to the work of V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”. For every person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and the world. The world around is huge, there are many different roads in it, and a person’s future, his happiness depends on the right choice your life path. But what about someone who doesn’t know this huge world - a blind person? Korolenko's hero, the born blind Peter, has to go through many obstacles on the path to happiness. Since childhood, he knew only one world, calm and reliable. He knew the warmth of the family and Evelina’s kind, friendly concern. The inability to see the light and the beauty of the surrounding nature upset him, but he imagined this world thanks to his sensitive perception of its sounds. However, Petrusya’s first meeting with the real world, the first shock, is the meeting with the Stavruchenkov family. He learns about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. At first, the blind man listened to these conversations and disputes “with an expression of enthusiastic amazement, but soon he could not help but notice that this living wave was rolling past him, that it did not care about him.” He feels like a stranger. This meeting sharply aggravated his suffering and instilled doubts in his soul. Petrusya’s attitude to life changes very much after meeting the blind bell ringers during a visit to the monastery. One of them - Roman - was kind, but he went blind when he was seven years old, the other - Yegoriy - was evil, hated children, he hated this world, this fate, which deprived him so cruelly. Peter felt his similarity with Yegory, now he believed that all those born blind were evil, he envied the blind beggars who, in caring for food and warmth, forget about their grief. But a meeting with a real blind beggar shocks him. And Uncle Maxim, as hard as steel, invites Peter to give up all the advantages of a rich life and truly experience all the hardships, the fate of the unfortunate. “You only know how to blaspheme with your well-fed envy of other people’s hunger!” - Maxim says to his nephew. And Peter eventually joins the wandering blind musicians. After wandering with the blind and pilgrimage to the miraculous icon, the bitterness passes: Peter was indeed cured, but not from a physical illness, but from a mental illness. Anger is replaced by a feeling of compassion for people and a desire to help them. A blind man finds strength in music. Through music he can influence people, tell them the most important things about life that he himself found so difficult to understand. His girlfriend Evelina played an equally important role in Peter’s life. She was a bright spot, the very hope that helped Peter overcome his grief and find happiness. They had been together since childhood; the girl’s company and caring attention helped and supported the blind man. Their friendship gave a lot to Evelina; like Peter, she had almost no idea about life outside the estate. The meeting with the Stavruchenko brothers was also for her a meeting with an unfamiliar and big world, who was ready to accept her. Young people try to captivate her with dreams and expectations, dreams intoxicate her, but in that life there is no place for Peter. She understands Peter’s suffering and doubts and performs a “quiet feat of love”: she is the first to speak about her feelings to Peter. For his sake, she immediately and forever closes the path so temptingly outlined by the students. And the writer was able to convince us that this was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love. I believe that Petrusya found his happiness, he overcame the obstacles and difficulties that came his way. He overcame that anger, that selfishness with which, as he believed, all those born blind live. The blind musician had a difficult path to happiness. But this is life, this is happiness. You need to live, no matter what, overcoming difficulties, moving towards your goal. After all, life consists of constant striving, achieving and new striving. Need to win dark sides your life, so “you have to lean on the oars” and go towards the light, the sun, and happiness!

Korolenko V.G. story "The Blind Musician"

Characteristics of Evelina:

Evelina is almost the same age as Petrus, a very sociable girl, with a long brown braid and large, blue eyes. Surprisingly reasonable and calm, she becomes Peter's first and only friend. A bright soul, sensitivity and insight, compassion for other people's pain, make her a reliable life partner Peter, his support and consolation. Growing up, they become close spiritually, Evelina’s wisdom and patience help Peter make his choice in life, challenge fate. Evelina is an image of love, real, strong and healing. Selflessness, loyalty and support, fearlessness before any difficulties, tirelessness are Evelina’s character traits. She helped the healing of Peter’s soul, his insight into life, found family happiness and made her loved one happy. Strong and courageous, Evelina was not afraid to admit her feelings, offering to get married, she dispelled Peter’s doubts and insecurities She also made her choice, not in favor of the tempting offers of the students, but did not sacrifice herself, but proudly walked through life next to the person dear to her. The blond woman led the blind musician by the arm, to his triumph and success.

Characteristics of Peter:

“True blindness is not a physical injury, but an inability to notice the beautiful things that life sends.” V. Korolenko “THE PATH TO INSIGHT” Petrus was born blind, into a wealthy landowner family, in the west of (modern) Ukraine.” the child was born blind...” Tragedy families, a blind baby, grief and guilt of the mother, who is trying to protect the child from the outside world and difficulties with excessive care, excessive attention and pampering. The baby is protected from the outside world, greenhouse conditions created by the mother. The baby’s uncle, Maxim, retired, intervenes in the upbringing process a military man who lost his leg and looked with interest at his nephew: how a little cripple can fight for a place in life, overcome difficulties, win a place in the sun that he will never see. Pertus awakens an interest in life in his crippled uncle, Maxim demands that his household not show to the baby “stupid care, eliminating the need for effort.” By making efforts, the boy begins to explore the world, distinguishing sounds, voices, exploring objects by touch. Thanks to his uncle, Petrus moves independently, he develops persistence in understanding the world around him. Ukraine is nature, the music of the earth and the singing of the soul. Petrus discovers the world through the sound of nature, the voices and stories of people, through folk music and songs. The love of music helps to develop in life, Joachim helped Peter understand and love folk music, discovering the boy’s musicality. Meeting Evelina - this is another gift of fate for Peter, a close friend appears nearby and pushes the human soul. Peter tries to look for a place in life, but for a start he does not accept his blindness. Possessing a strong character, Peter has become bitter, he cannot accept that he is not like that, like everyone else. He withdraws into himself, loses the meaning in life, but Uncle Maxim helps, giving him a choice - to give up or challenge fate. Peter has made his choice, he goes on a journey, learning the real pain, suffering and happiness of the blind and the sighted, kind and embittered. Having gone through the test, Peter finds harmony in himself, the path to moral rebirth begins. From a gloomy, withdrawn youth, he becomes a confident young man, he begins to love life, is not afraid of being a burden, and becomes a talented musician who loves a husband and a happy father. The news that his son saw made Peter a completely free man, seeing with his heart the meaning of life, appreciating every moment of happiness that fate gave him. He received his sight spiritually, making happy his loved ones who had been waiting for this for so long. His talent will bring him recognition, Pyotr Popelsky will achieve success as a composer and pianist, the love of the audience will make the “blind musician” a celebrity.
