Horoscope for September October Taurus. Horoscope for October for men under the Taurus sign. Finance and work

Taurus will feel confident in October 2017, and at this stage it is unlikely that a situation will arise that they cannot cope with. It is important to note that now your main patron will be the Moon, which even in its usual position helps your sign with all its might. It's about about the creative period of your life, now any conflicts and problems will fade into the background, you yourself will intuitively focus on issues that will be of fundamental importance. Both at work and in the sphere of personal relationships, fundamentally new opportunities will arise before you, and you will need to decide which path to move forward. Positive point is that no one will rush you, now time is on your side (you must admit, this is rarely seen in forecasts). However, the choice will be entirely left to you, which means that the responsibility also falls entirely on you. This is a progressive time that “respects” non-standard solutions, strong-willed moves focused on surprise, flexibility and multitasking. However, on the heavenly ribbon you will also have ill-wishers. Venus's position is now in serious doubt, which means that we should not focus solely on diplomatic issues. There is a time when conflicts need to be resolved with words, but this is not that time; in the midst of autumn, such a strategy will be a losing one.

In the work direction in October 2017, Taurus will receive guidance for confident progress already at the dawn of the first decade. Probably the most unpredictable development of circumstances, which, however, will not shake your position at all. Act according to a pre-planned plan. If you have your own business and you planned some transformations for this month, then let it be so. You just have to slightly adjust the vector along which you planned to move. Some decisions will need to be made quickly and clearly, but such situations will become exceptions rather than the rule. If you don’t have your own business, then you will have to focus most of your time and energy on solving peripheral problems. That is, you will be engaged in your immediate responsibilities much less than you planned. But this will be more of an advantage than a disadvantage. Just don’t forget that Venus is against you now. Do not turn your back on your competitors under any circumstances. Don’t focus on the sidelines; duplicity is not your path. Follow a different path, otherwise you will not like the ending of this story.

The “love front” in October 2017 for Taurus will become the direction of his life on which the key goals, desires, and most importantly - the capabilities of the representatives of this will naturally focus zodiac sign. In the first ten days of the month, a family vacation would be an ideal option. It's about enough non-standard solution, but the benefits here will be many times greater than you can imagine. If this is not possible, then at least try to spend as much time as possible with your family. In the second decade, fundamentally different trends will become key, but not for you. Relatives and acquaintances will focus on their own problems and they will not be able to cooperate. You should not try to change any fundamental aspects of this period, but if you have the opportunity to help someone from your environment, do it without hesitation! Single Taurus will have a good chance to change the current state of affairs. Just don’t give too much free rein to your desires, because, as already noted, Venus’s position is extremely unfavorable. Look at yourself from the outside more often - are you too harsh? Self-analysis will help you avoid unnecessary problems, and without an objective view, potential conflicts may become apparent.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2017 for the zodiac sign Taurus, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Taurus sign: Personal horoscopes for the Taurus sign:

In October 2017, Taurus should direct their energies to those areas of their lives that do not require precision in calculations and are not associated with signing long-term contracts or loans. This month, engage in home economics, self-development, creative projects. October will give you a lot of new opportunities, thanks to which you can achieve a lot; the main thing in this matter is to calculate everything so as not to miss a single detail. Your plans must be clear, specific and consistent. Unforeseen circumstances are also possible in your planned life, which will lead to the fact that you will have to adjust your plans or make some amendments and additions. But this circumstance will only benefit you; spontaneity and unpredictability will make your life even brighter and richer.

The first ten days of October 2017 will be stable in all respects, you can relax and mind your own business. All your labor investments will be generously rewarded, so don’t be lazy, but put your whole soul into what you do. Many of Taurus are very deep people; it will be important for them to find something through which they can unlock their potential, improve their skills and increase their knowledge. These are people who like to learn and experience something new. Many of you will spend this time searching for your calling, which will be crowned with success. New hobbies will make Taurus successful and self-sufficient individuals. Taurus are stubborn people. They firmly believe that nothing is impossible, if only there is a desire. And often this expression is their life slogan. It is under it that Taurus will live throughout the month.

In the second ten days of October 2017, Taurus will have more than enough inspiration, desires and plans no less. Taurus know exactly what they want, although they are often inconsistent in their aspirations. Now it is important for you to plan everything well and not turn off on your path to success. This period will be especially favorable for representatives of creative professions. Creativity and originality will help you reach the heights you have long dreamed of. But do not forget that first impressions are often deceiving. Don't force things. Give yourself time to think. Don’t set the bar too high for yourself and the people around you, so as not to be disappointed later. If you decide to change your style and image, go ahead! Taurus will experience a real creative breakthrough in mid-October 2017, under the influence of aspects of Saturn and Jupiter. They will truly enjoy every task assigned to them by their superiors. The process of work itself will be so exciting that most representatives of your zodiac sign will immerse themselves in it. So much so that sometimes even at home all thoughts will be occupied with solving business issues, and they themselves will live in anticipation of a new working day. You can easily and naturally deal with all your accumulated tasks, complete your monthly plan and even more. Such hard work and diligence will certainly be noticed by management. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your superiors will entrust you with more serious matters that require a creative approach.

In the third ten days of October 2017 excellent results waiting for Taurus business negotiations with potential investors. Attracting new clients and patrons will be worthy of reward. In the final period of the month, you can wait for an order to transfer to a higher position or increase your salary. You don't expect any problems with finances. But try not to spend too much money during this period. Better start saving and treat yourself to a significant acquisition closer to the new year. Try to stay away from any discussions, quarrels and conflicts. They are of no use to you now. Focus all your energy on achieving your goals and becoming more professional. Don't forget about business etiquette. You have a great sense of humor, but it’s better to tell all your most exclusive jokes to your friends, not at a meeting. In the sphere of love, Taurus will have much more luck than other zodiac signs. And all because Taurus are so realistic that they do not harbor any illusions and do not embellish their potential partners. They have a good understanding of people, so the relationships that begin during this period will be very promising. Family representatives of your zodiac sign can expect pleasant changes at home associated with a change of interior and pleasant surprises from a loved one. You, in turn, need to be more patient and not be afraid to go beyond the boundaries you have set. Add variety to your well-established life path.

Look at yourself and the reality around you from an outside perspective, like in a movie. No matter what clouds gather over your head, no matter how difficult it is, do not despair.

October 2017 Tips for Taurus

Color: burgundy
Talisman: pomegranate
Lucky: 3, 4, 12, 26
Dangerous: 6, 19, 23
Motto: “No matter what happens, everything is for the better!”

Taurus mood in October 2017

Many things in October will not seem to you what they really are. And yet it is within your power to cope with this with dignity and take the right path.

May get worse at the beginning of the month chronic diseases. Special risk area – gastrointestinal tract. Hormonal problems are also possible. Lead healthy image life, at the slightest discomfort, consult a doctor. Starving and losing weight is contraindicated!

For supporting Have a good mood don't be lazy to follow appearance. Moreover, this will not require large amounts of time and money. You just need to slightly emphasize your strengths, and the shortcomings will disappear on their own.

Taurus work in October 2017

No fundamental changes are expected in work affairs. Do not panic under any circumstances. Ill-considered and impulsive actions in everything related to work can have unpleasant financial consequences. Exorbitant activity and the desire to lead at any cost will not bring the desired result.

Approximately the same picture emerges in money matters. You will have to constantly solve some financial problems, patch budget holes, pay old and new bills. Lenders and people in your financial care become more active. Therefore, take your spending seriously.

Taurus love in October 2017

U family Taurus a second wind will open in the relationship. Your courtesy and attentiveness, frankness and generosity will be appreciated. There is also a chance that things will improve for your significant other, and this will further add harmony to the relationship.

By October, free people are guaranteed close attention from influential people of the opposite sex. Changes are coming in your personal life that you didn’t even think about yesterday. The stars say that in the last days of the month a person will appear in your immediate circle who completely shares your views on many things. There are prerequisites for the fact that first he will become a reliable friend and ally, and then a faithful life partner. The new relationship promises to be beautiful and romantic.

October will be held in the atmosphere of the symbol of the Chinese Book of Changes Offensive. Now it would be good to withdraw into yourself, retire and think about yourself, about your situation. Be emphatically polite, discreetly friendly. It will be beneficial if in some way you show your respect to your leader. An unexpected event that is about to happen will bring you great joy. The time is not quite right for love affairs. Women, be careful when choosing new acquaintances! Try not to make big demands on your life right now.

Major Arcana Card Hanged recommends pausing to reconsider your life goals and priorities. Don't be upset if you feel like you're living in slow motion. You are given time to rethink your attitude towards material world and restoration of the system of spiritual values ​​in life. Perhaps you need to let go of something or make a sacrifice to achieve your goal. This is a kind of lesson that needs to be firmly grasped. Only after abandoning the old will a unique perspective open up before you; something new can come into your life.

Behavior style: serene and mystical.

Personal qualities: humility, sacrifice, selflessness.

Mascot people: confessors, recluses, hospital patients.

Mudra of the month for Taurus for October 2017

Master mudra Cow and practice it daily for a month. It will help you stay in good health, and in case of rheumatic pain, radiculitis and inflammation of the joints, it will alleviate the condition.

At the same time, connect the tips of the fingers of both hands to each other in the following order: little fingers with ring fingers, middle fingers with index fingers. Thumbs arrange.

Only two planets will persistently “invade” the life of Taurus in mid-autumn 2017, but their influence on the fate of representatives of this zodiac sign will be surprisingly strong. It's time to find out which of the planets will try to protect your peace of mind, and which, on the contrary, will try to do everything in their power so that your “star journey” is temporarily suspended.

So, your main and, indeed, only patron among the planets in mid-autumn will be the Moon. The night star has often illuminated your life path, and in October this planet will feel especially warm towards you. The moon will protect you from life's troubles and endow your character with amazing resilience. Moreover, “ lunar influence"you will feel in each of life spheres, even in those where the Moon usually does not penetrate (we are talking about professional affairs and career).

The moon will certainly bring peace and order into your life. However, Venus (another planet responsible for the sensory-emotional aspect) in October 2017 will do everything to ensure that you instantly lose the “gifts” received from the night star. Of course, Venus will begin its negative invasion into your life from the personal front. It will kindle in your soul a persistent dissatisfaction with what is happening to your love relationships, and by succumbing to this dissatisfaction, you risk making a fatal mistake. Fortunately, you will stop your emotional outburst in time, but it will cost you quite a dear price. You will lose a lot of time and effort to eliminate the confusion within yourself, and therefore you will not have time to do anything grandiose in October 2017.


The horoscope for October brings wonderful prospects to the representative of the Earth Element. Taurus man - perfect option to build a strong marriage based on trust and carefreeness. Life with a Taurus is safe, thanks to his confident outlook on the future. But does everything suit the man himself? The stars will tell you about it.


As the horoscope says, Taurus’s full attention in October is occupied by the question of finding a soul mate. And not just women, but spouses. This man is not in the mood for fleeting affairs and seeks stability in everything.

The love horoscope predicts unprecedented feelings for single men of the Taurus sign. You will experience them as soon as October comes into its own. Falling in love will overwhelm you and your state of inspiration will last for a week. Taurus A down-to-earth sign by nature, this is a very long period for him. After the first wave, a convulsive desire to impress the object of passion will arise, and you will begin active courtship.

The main traits that attract the opposite sex in Taurus are:

  • reliability and safety;
  • inner strength;
  • sincerity;
  • compassion.

In October, women will simply cling to the strong nature of lonely Taurus. It will not be difficult to charm him, but a woman should know that if there is no seriousness of intentions, there is no point in fooling him. Taurus is initially aimed at a practical, stable and friendly marriage. If you're not going to build with it serious relationship, better not to interfere or confuse.

At the end of October there is a possibility of making hasty conclusions. In the hope of finding a spouse, you can make a lot of wrong steps and let yourself be fooled.

In October, Taurus family men maintain warm relationships in the family with enviable consistency. However, at times your spouse feels that you are not interested enough in a union with her. The horoscope recommends having a romantic evening and making it clear that she is mistaken.


The Taurus man’s financial horoscope recommends taking on more complex tasks, which provide more opportunities to earn money. In October, you should not bet on small transactions that are easy to complete, but the amount of proceeds from them is minimal.

IN different periods Over time, it will seem that things are moving very slowly, or even standing still. There will be a constant lack of money. During this period, it is important to have someone nearby who can provide support. Do not despair, clarity will be brought to life in mid-October.

By the end of the year, complete debt relief is expected. The situation will change in your favor, and the financial flow will suddenly flow. Do not rejoice ahead of time, in order to next year Strengthening your financial position will require a lot of work at the end of the year.

An accurate horoscope predicts a good investment period, which falls in November. If you have a desire to create passive income, then in October you need to try to gain knowledge. Find a good coach on the stock exchange; the stars recommend that Taurus men start taking risks in the autumn.


The horoscope predicts ups and downs for Taurus's career. But not since the beginning of the year. Best of luck they will achieve it at the end of the year. From the beginning of October, among the few other signs, the Taurus man will try his luck. The work he undertakes this month is completed very quickly and efficiently. The horoscope advises you to demonstrate your leadership qualities more often; this will help you to recognize a valuable leader in you.

The Taurus man will become very loyal towards his colleagues. Some will want to take advantage of the situation and shift some of the responsibilities to him. The horoscope recommends giving advice to colleagues if asked, but there is no need to take on the task yourself.

The career horoscope promises an increase in the material standard of living in October. According to the horoscope, Taurus men are a stable and very executive sign. Those around them see them the same way. It is likely that there will be a decent job that will not require much time. Feel free to agree. Taurus is a responsible sign, but it also knows how to count strength. Armed with your own sanity and confidence, you will reach a new social level at the end of the year.

Taurus men who are not connected by love ties will experience... new project. It will take a lot of time, but can truly become “the work of life.” You shouldn’t expect much income from it for now, but in the future you will realize that this is a great step into the future. If everything goes well, you will have many prospects for tomorrow.


The year involves close relationships with elderly relatives throughout the year. There is a possibility of receiving an inheritance or a long showdown with the insurance company. Taurus is promised plenty of obstacles. Be patient and boldly go towards your goal. Judging by the horoscope, it will not do without legally competent persons.

October 2017 promises richness for the Taurus man. If you take care of your physical health and prefer a morning jog to bed, then it is possible that you will meet a pretty girl or woman. It is both good for health and promises a passionate romance in the future.

Under the influence of the Moon, Taurus men will have many connections. The horoscope says that you can easily find romance with a woman you haven’t thought about in a romantic way. It could probably be a colleague.

“The horoscope insists on taking a closer look at the woman of the Capricorn sign. You have a lot in common, but they can complement each other perfectly. Plus, practicality and stability provide a solid foundation for long-term relationships. Earth signs do not waste time on trifles, so in October the horoscope especially recommends this acquaintance.”


Learning something new or going on a trip are the desires of a Taurus man this October. The horoscope for 2018 states that you may well realize yourself in the autumn period. Even an ordinary hobby can make you achieve new heights. The main thing is not to be afraid to take a step forward.

It is better to devote October 2018 to the topic of your own health. Over the summer, you have saturated your body with vitamins, now all that remains is to change your diet and add physical activity. If Taurus men are tormented by kidney problems, they should immediately undergo a medical examination. In some cases, delay has consequences.

The horoscope warns representatives of the sign - you can expect serious love relationship. But not all Taurus will be able to see the prospect of a long life. Be careful, according to your horoscope there is a high probability of choosing the wrong passion.

You shouldn’t hesitate, but you shouldn’t drag your feet either. If you see opportunities for yourself, take action. Long thoughts do not lead you to success, this is worth learning a long time ago.


Unfree Taurus this year has a continuous series of misunderstandings on the part of the other half. The horoscope for October predicts the climax of the plot. Women will “tear and throw,” complaining about indifference on the part of Taurus. Taurus will also have no desire to convince them. There will most likely be a lot of broken families and hearts.

The horoscope for 2019 advises making every effort in October to realize your dreams. To keep your goal from slipping away, set yourself up every morning. Sign up for self-motivation courses and do your best to maintain fertile ground.

October 2019 is generous to creative people. Many people can take a step forward if they start dedicating at least 1 hour a day to a hobby or favorite hobby. In October, under the influence of the planets, many acquaintances are planned. Someone will like what you do, and you will be given hope and confidence in the future. Those with a Taurus Goat horoscope will be very lucky in this regard. The creative potential of the individual will go off scale in September - October.

Horoscope for October Taurus man says that single representatives will have more success on the career front. The year does not exclude pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex, but it is better to focus on personal growth. You know how to work and know how to produce effective results. If a Taurus man is not ready to achieve his plans alone, it is worth considering the option of a good partnership.
