Forms of double-glazed windows. What types of plastic windows are there - let's break it all down. Round plastic windows

To understand the huge range of products offered plastic profiles and choose the best, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification into types plastic windows according to certain characteristics.

Modern plastic windows come in a huge variety of configurations and color options.

It is no longer possible to imagine new houses under construction without plastic profiles in various variations, because they have taken their stable place in the product market thanks to their qualities. This information will be useful both to people who do not know what windows are available today, and to owners who no longer meet the requirements of modern society.

So, if you decide to purchase a profile for your apartment, then you need to get acquainted with their varieties.

And it’s also worth deciding on your choice before calling the manager, who will help you with questions about the number of sashes, cameras and the parameters of the future purchase.

Profile classification

The most convenient to use version of the three-leaf one is the two outer doors that open.

There are the following types used in ordinary apartments:

  • with one leaf (single leaf);
  • with two doors (bivalve);
  • with three doors (tricuspid).

If the profile type is single-leaf, then it is usually made with an opening function. Double doors can be manufactured in two variations (depending on the customer’s wishes): one door opens or both doors open. In a tri-leaf, the following combinations are feasible: there is one opening leaf, usually located on the edge; the second and most convenient option to use is the two outer opening doors; Another option is possible when all three doors can be opened, but this is impractical. It should be remembered that the fewer doors that open, the cheaper the installation will be (and vice versa).

Opening method

There are the following types of plastic:

Plastic ones may have various ways openings: A) Rotary – the most common type. The door opens inward. B) Folding transoms - the sash folds inward. C) Tilt-and-turn window - this type is very convenient to use and allows you to open the sash in two planes, which provides greater variability in ventilation modes. D) Blind - this does not open and is used, as a rule, in blocks when an approach with outside.

  1. Deaf. This is not capable of opening and, as a rule, has one leaf. Due to its low cost and ease of design in manufacturing and installation, this type of profile has become widespread. Deaf ones are usually installed on the ground floor in multi-storey building, in the wall standing between the balcony and the room, and also when the opening is small and opening the sash is unimportant. The main disadvantage of this type is the inability to clean the outside while being in the room and ventilate the air.
  2. With rotary opening. This type is also simple. Its essence lies in the fact that one side is attached to hinges. To open a window, you just need to pull the handle, and it will open and rotate around a fixed axis. It opens towards itself, into the room. This principle is already familiar to you; it is used in all old wooden windows. Such species have advantages over deaf ones. In this case, you can get to the outside and clean it from dust, sediment and dirt. Another advantage of this profile is that you can freely ventilate the room.
  3. With transom opening method. Another name for this type is folding plastic. This principle works like a window, when the plane is rotated horizontally (this is the main difference from the previous type). The tilt-and-turn mechanism of the profile is difficult to manufacture, but it is the most convenient and in demand on the market of plastic profiles. The doors can be raised either up or down.
  4. Combined method. This method involves a combination of the possibility of rotary opening of the profile sash and a tilt-and-turn mechanism. Thus, depending on the desired result, you can open the window completely or use a transom. To implement this combination, the manufacturer installs the ability to turn the handle in different directions. This means that if you need to open it with a rotating vertical mechanism, then turn the handle to a horizontal position and pull it towards you. In order to fold back the window, the handle is turned up to a vertical position and slightly lowered towards itself.

These are very convenient when you need to ventilate the room. A window formed by a gap in folding mechanism, serves for admission fresh air V small quantity. This is convenient in winter or during the cold season, when opening the window wide is fraught with freezing, and a cool, fresh air flow is necessary. Similarly, in hot weather it is better to use rotating mechanism for ventilation.

Number of cameras

The simplest double-glazed windows are single-chamber. These fit well into the interior country house. In urban environments, where more serious protection from noise is needed, it is advisable to choose a plastic window with a double-glazed window, in which there are 2 - 3 cameras.

The number of chambers in a double-glazed window determines its thermal insulation and sound insulation properties. There are:

  • Single-chamber. The presence of two glasses separated by one gap.
  • Two-chamber. The presence of three glasses separated by two corresponding spaces.
  • Three-chamber, etc.

Most often, companies providing services for the selection and installation of plastic windows offer to limit themselves to two- or three-chamber windows. Although even a two-chamber one reliably protects from frost middle zone Russia. Of course, for colder climates, for example, for northern regions, you should install a profile with big amount cameras Accordingly, the more chambers, the stronger the thermal insulation effect.

Difference in Shape

Plastic is characterized by flexibility, so using special technology it can be given different shapes.

The choice of variety for this property depends on taste preferences and on the design features of the wall in which it is mounted. So, we can conditionally divide into windows:

  • rectangular profile shape. This is the most popular type, which is built into residential and office rooms buildings. They are also the cheapest option among their analogues;
  • trapezoidal profile shape;
  • triangular profile;
  • arched profile and others possible options more complex, made to order.

To increase safety, you can install a double-glazed window with impact-resistant glass. When broken, glass crumbles into many small rounded fragments that do not have sharp edges.

In addition to all the listed classifications, you can also choose windows in which the glass will not be ordinary, but shockproof. One of the features of this type of new generation is the energy-saving properties of plastic double-glazed windows. Their essence is that the profile glass, coated with a special film that reflects light in the infrared wavelength range, does not transmit thermal energy from the room to the outside.

In addition, it is worth considering the possibility of ordering not the standard white plastic, but some original types, because now there are wide choose dyes added to plastic, or films that imitate wood texture with veins and knots.

In general, among huge selection plastic windows, you can find your ideal and suitable window, guided by your wishes and the range of profile options offered.

The decision was made to install a plastic window. Types of windows - what are they? The best ones are those that suit your home.

First stage

First you need to choose the shape of how the window will be located, view the types of windows, and only then make a decision. They should be chosen in proportion to the room: there should be enough light in the room, but if the opening is too large, the feeling of comfort is lost. is necessary element, which is tightly connected to a brick or other wall. The doors in a product are a movable part that, depending on what fittings are used, can tilt or open different ways. There are doors that, when opened, rotate around their axis vertically or horizontally. The double-glazed windows are secured using glazing beads in them.

Plastic window: types of windows by frames and sashes

They can be single-, double- or triple-leaf, and they also differ in the number of chambers in the double-glazed window. In terms of functionality, such models are close to ordinary wooden windows. These options are ideal for those people who prefer to install inexpensive but quite practical products in their home. A traditional window will do here. These types of windows are ordinary rectangular structures that open inward. A small minus that is inherent in standard plastic double glazed windows with rotating doors, - ventilation in winter time quite problematic, since the cold air when open window comes in a fairly strong stream.

Fixed types of plastic windows are good for everyone: durable, reliable, and inexpensive. These are windows with fixed, locked sashes. In addition to these elements in the product, the frame itself can also hold the glass. The disadvantage of such window boxes is that they cannot be opened. It is recommended to install this model for decorative purposes: it will add space and light to the room. A solid design is quite acceptable in a space that is equipped with sufficient ventilation: in cafes, restaurants, gyms and other similar establishments.

And finally, tilt-and-turn windows - types of windows of this design are the most popular and in demand. IN summer heat The sash can easily be opened completely, and in cold weather it is enough to open the upper part of the window in a horizontal position for ventilation. It is very convenient to use this function in inclement weather, especially if the layout of the apartment contributes to the formation of drafts. The folding position eliminates the possibility of their occurrence and helps to avoid the risk of damage to the structure if the window suddenly slams shut.

Pivoting plastic windows can only be opened in one direction, which is not always convenient. Tilt-up products can only be opened from the top, so they are perfect for landings, basements and other areas where casement windows can pose a hazard as well as a nuisance. They rightfully received a leading position due to the fact that they can turn and recline.


Today manufacturers plastic products We offer a fairly extensive range of window PVC profiles, from which a plastic window will then be assembled. When choosing a profile to be used in manufacturing, you should focus on their functional purpose. When producing plastic windows, different types of profiles are also used.

Three-chamber PVC profiles, belonging to the economy class, and aluminum structures Perfect for glazing balconies and loggias. Four- and are used for glazing in regions with harsh cold climates and in houses located close to railway or a noisy highway.

Bottom line

Double-glazed windows perform their functions perfectly, being responsible for:

  • heat and sound insulation;
  • illumination

They are reliable and safe. Their characteristics directly depend on quality, so the choice of plastic windows should be given Special attention, then we can hope for their long-term operation.

It's good when a lot of daylight gets into the room, however big windows, which ensure its penetration, are to a certain extent a cooling factor when the outside temperature drops below room temperature. Heat loss through a double-glazed window occurs in two ways - direct heat transfer and through leakage of infrared radiation.

Obviously, windows do not have the same thermal insulation properties as walls. Even the highest quality double-glazed windows conduct heat 2-3 times better than the main enclosing structures. When determining the size of windows in a future living space, it is necessary to find a middle ground - a compromise between its area and the size of the windows.

IN living rooms where people will stay for a long time and often, the ratio of the total area of ​​windows to the area of ​​the room should be at least 1:8, i.e. in a room with an area of ​​24 m², the window area should be at least 3 m². If there is only one window, then it must be scheduled in the middle long wall. The height of the window, as well as its shape, also matters. Through a high window, more light will penetrate into the room. Accordingly, the elongated shapes of the windows contribute to better insolation. There should not be a large distance between the upper slope of the window and the ceiling.

Premises, so-called daytime areas should be well and evenly illuminated. These include, first of all, the living room and dining room. Such rooms do not require excessive insolation, but at the same time, a lack of light will greatly worsen their comfort. So, in a living room with an area of ​​27-30 m², it is necessary to install either two windows, each measuring 116 x 114 cm, or one large balcony-type window, measuring 146 x 230.

There is no need for a lot of light in the bedroom, so you can get by with one small window, for example, if its area is 17 m², then one window 116 x 114 will be enough.

In the kitchen, rectangular windows of an elongated shape should be installed (the horizontal side is longer than the vertical), the height of the window sill should be at the level of 100-120 cm from the floor. It will be great if kitchen furniture look in advance - this will give you the opportunity to choose the height of the window sill level with kitchen cabinets. In this case, the set will fit better into the interior of the kitchen.

As for the bathroom, it is desirable that there is a window there too. However, its lower slope needs to be positioned higher. This way, it won’t take up valuable wall space that could be used for the same mirror or shelf, and it won’t give you the opportunity to look into the bathroom from the outside. But not too high, otherwise such a window will be inconvenient to open and clean.

Don't forget about the natural lighting of the stairs. For this, not only windows, but also glass blocks can be used. On landing place the window appropriately non-standard shape, for example elongated arched or round.

Insolation factors

First of all, the intensity of insolation depends on where the window is oriented (meaning the side of the world). At sunrise straight Sun rays penetrate deep into the room, since their angle of inclination is small. At the same time, a room with windows facing east never overheats, since the rays at this angle slightly heat the surfaces.

South windows provide the longest insolation. Therefore, on the south side of the building they try to place a veranda, loggia or balcony, making maximum use of sunlight to insolate the room. On such windows, awnings and blinds are appropriate to regulate the intensity of insolation in order to avoid overheating of the room. Suitable for these purposes horizontal awnings, which will partially obscure the window in summer time, and in winter, when the sun does not rise high, they will have virtually no effect on the intensity of insolation.

When planning roof windows, it should be taken into account that even with a small area in the summer, direct sunlight will penetrate into the room for a long time, leading to overheating of the room. The light spot formed on the floor, for example, of an attic, will become very hot (sometimes up to 60° C) and work as heating radiator. Blinds, roller shutters and awnings in this case provide adjustment of lighting intensity. In systems " smart House"This adjustment occurs automatically.

Western orientation of windows can provide no less insolation than southern orientation. Rooms with windows facing west, as well as those with a single-layer western wall, tend to overheat in summer. It is better to make low windows in them so that the sun's rays do not penetrate deep into the room. To reduce insolation in this case, it is best to use perforated blinds or roller shutters.

Those facing north do not provide insolation, since direct sunlight never penetrates through them. For the same reason, rooms in the northern part of the building require more powerful facade insulation. Through the northern windows, only reflected light enters the room, but to compensate for the lack natural light by increasing the window area - it’s not worth it: large heat losses will be inevitable.

All hope is for the double glazed window

To ensure the best thermal insulation properties of double-glazed windows, their manufacturers use various tricks. Between the glass of the simplest and therefore inexpensive double-glazed windows there is simple air. He is considered quite good heat insulator, but not the best. In more expensive models, an inert gas (argon, krypton, xenon) is pumped in or a vacuum is created. There are also special heat-saving double-glazed windows, the glass of which has a special coating applied to it, reflecting most of the IR radiation back into the room. Helps reduce heat loss and double-glazed windows, which consist of three glasses. Technologies that increase the service life of a double-glazed window, all kinds of energy coatings and tinting cannot but affect the final cost of the window.

Large windows facing south or west should be equipped with special double-glazed windows that protect the room from overheating. In such double-glazed windows, two types of glass are used: reflective and absorbent.

  • Reflective glass has a metal coating that provides reflection of the sun's rays.
  • Absorbing glasses are made from tinted glass mass.

Double-glazed windows with reflective or absorptive properties become more expensive by 20%.

Since the conversation has already turned to the technology of double-glazed windows, it is worth touching on the topic of sound insulation and safety. If your windows face a busy street, then you should choose special sound-absorbing double-glazed windows, which can also perform energy-saving functions. The sound-absorbing properties of such double-glazed windows are given by a design of three glasses, between two of which there is a special film. Sound insulation will increase the cost of the window by another 15%.

If you want to install a double-glazed window with increased safety, the glass of which, upon impact, crumbles into small pieces with non-sharp corners, then it will cost you 30% more than usual. Such double-glazed windows are usually ordered when large sizes windows

There are glasses that make windows difficult to break into - these are triplexes. They consist of two tempered or laminated glasses, which are connected by a reinforcing film. Double-glazed windows with triplexes cost 50% more than regular ones.

Heat saving requirements

Thermal insulation of buildings requires that the window's R-value (R) matches the climate zone. For central Russia, this figure should not be less than 0.5 m² °C/W. Otherwise, heat loss will be significant. On the other hand, the higher the R value, the less you will need to spend on energy to heat your house.

Choosing windows from large manufacturers, which are assembled on branded equipment in a factory environment, you don’t have to worry about their compliance with domestic standards. For most of these windows, the R value is in the range of 0.6-0.8 m² °C/W, which fully meets the standards for thermal insulation of buildings.

Windows of non-standard shapes

If the design of your house requires the installation of windows of a non-standard shape, then you need to be prepared for additional expenses, since any shape other than rectangular will increase the cost of the window. In addition, such windows will be more difficult to order and you will have to wait longer for their production.

And yet, if desired, you can get a window of any shape, be it an arch (regular or Gothic), an oval, a circle, and even a “bull’s eye” - it is installed in lucarnes. Naturally not standard windows will cost more than usual, sometimes three times (bull's eye). The cheapest windows are trapezoidal or triangular in shape - only 45% more than usual.

What cannot be done from a PVC profile, most likely, will be possible to do from wood. Therefore, for purely technical reasons, you should not refuse non-standard windows. This choice depends more on the financial capabilities of the customer.

The main advantage of wooden windows is strength, reliability, high sound and heat insulation. Wooden windows differ in the way the sashes are opened and in their design.

Wooden window design

Window with a separate wooden part (Russian windows)

Such a window has one frame and two sashes that open sequentially, both with glass. The wooden part consists of solid pine, and not of laminated veneer lumber. Doors with a thickness of no more than 40 mm. The main disadvantage of such a wooden window is that due to high humidity and temperature changes, warping and deformation occur.

The narrow profile does not allow for multi-profile milling, which in turn excludes the possibility of installing several sealing contours. Therefore, the sashes in such a window do not have a tight connection to the window frame.

The absence of an aluminum profile on the frame, which covers the door of the frame and the doors, allows water to flow from the outside onto the window sill. These wooden windows are equipped with conventional non-adjustable hinges and handles. Such fittings make it impossible to adjust the doors and tilt them for ventilation.

Windows with double glazed windows - wooden euro windows (German windows)

The name Eurowindows comes from the fact that they are installed. It is installed around the entire perimeter of the wooden window sash, there is the possibility of adjustment and tilt-and-turn opening, and there are many locking mechanisms.

The design of a wooden Euro-window consists of window box and sashes. The sash has a double-glazed window, usually two-chamber, most suitable for the Russian climate. The window opens with one movement. Therefore, when washing windows, we only have two sides, outside the window and on the side of the room.

Video: Types and range of glass for windows

Manufacturers wooden windows Mostly timber with a thickness of 68 - 78 - 88 mm is used. The thickness of the timber allows for a multi-circuit seal, as well as grooves for fittings and a 44 mm wide double-glazed window. The design of a wooden euro-window has many advantages: warm, reliable, comfortable, durable.

Service life - more than 70 years. The long service life is due to the laminated veneer lumber, which is glued together from 3 lamellas. The lamellas are glued in such a way that the wood fibers are located in different directions. This glued construction does not allow it to dry out, warp or lose its geometric shape.

Wood window - aluminum

Let's take what was described above and line it on the outside with aluminum, and as a result we will get the so-called. That is, in essence it is a wooden euro-window, only best quality. The advantage of this window is that it practically does not require restoration of the external paintwork.

Aluminum - wooden window

The name is similar to the previous window, but in design they are completely different. In this window, the load-bearing part of the window is completely made of aluminum. In principle, this completely covers it from the inside of the room.

The wooden panel makes the window warmer and more beautiful. Being inside the room you will see a wooden window made of such valuable species trees like: oak, beech, ash. The design combines the lightness and durability of aluminum with the warmth and beauty of natural wood.

Aluminum-wood windows are rare on the Russian market due to their high cost aluminum profile, which is purchased in European countries.

Finnish window

The wooden window has a wide frame up to 180 mm and two sashes that open sequentially. The outer sash is equipped plain glass, and is inserted into the inner one. The outer sash can be wooden or aluminum.

They are connected to each other by a joint opening mechanism, which will allow them to be opened simultaneously or separately by opening the mechanism. The frame and sashes of a Finnish window are made of solid wood, and not of laminated veneer lumber.

Unlike Euro-windows, the cross-section of a Finnish window is only 40 x 40 mm, so although it looks more attractive and elegant, it does not have the advantages of laminated veneer lumber. The sashes in the Finnish window do not have a tight clamp around the perimeter due to their fittings, so they cannot be tilted or turned.

All these are structural differences between wooden windows, but they can also differ in the way the sashes are opened.

Solid wooden windows

The window has no moving parts and cannot be opened. The cost of such windows is cheaper due to the fact that they do not use fittings. A fixed window can have several double-glazed windows between which there is an impost. Before you decide to install a fixed window, you need to think about how you will wash it and ventilate the room.

Single-leaf swing and tilt-and-turn wooden windows

For a single-hung pivot window, the sash opens only in one direction—horizontally. Mostly they open indoors, there are also options with external opening. The hinged flap opens both horizontally and vertically - ventilation mode.

Double-leaf, fixed - tilt-and-turn window

They are made from laminated veneer lumber and have two doors. One is blind and one is a tilt-and-turn one, which opens and folds down on the lower suspension into ventilation mode. Such double-leaf wooden windows are very popular.

Double-hung, pivot and tilt-and-turn window with mullion

An impost is a wooden profile that connects several sashes into a single structure. used for the narthex of sashes and their hanging. A wooden window with an impost is the most convenient, reliable and durable option. Due to the window being equipped with tilt-and-turn fittings and an additional profile, the price of this window is higher than that of a fixed window.

Double-leaf swing and tilt-and-turn wooden windows

Such windows open according to the same principle as those described above. The window sashes are dependent and connected by a hinge. The first sash is equipped with tilt-and-turn fittings with a handle, the second without a handle.

The second leaf opens only if the first one is open. When the sash is open, the window opening will be completely free, since there is no impost, and the frame is attached directly to the sash and is not visible.

Now that you know at least a little about the types of wooden windows and their design differences, you can choose the right wooden window for your home or apartment.

Video: Installation of imposts, seals and fittings
