Federal party project "parks of small towns". Selskaya nov - Volgograd region. Dubovsky district Party project parks of small towns

During the 2016 election campaign, one of the main requests from residents was the request for the development of social and cultural space, especially in small towns. Parks in cities occupy a unique place in the life of an urban community. At the same time, existing parks in small towns did not receive the necessary funding for a long time; the approach to park improvement did not involve the involvement of the local community in decision-making on the development of park space. Currently, there is a serious demand from residents for the modern development of public recreation areas. That's why United Russia Party initiated the allocation of funds from the budget for the improvement of these facilities and offered the public a mechanism for joint work on the project.

Objective of the project:

Formation of a comfortable urban environment in small towns, improvement of existing parks based on the initiative and suggestions of residents so that they become more comfortable, modern and visited places of public recreation.

Project implementation timeline:

2017 - 2019

Resource support for project implementation:

Federal budget funds - 500 million rubles. per year for the period 2017-2019, co-financing from regional and local budgets.

    In 2017, work was completed on the construction of a walking area

    On October 16, 2017 at 17:00 Moscow time, the acceptance of proposals for the name of the park to be improved within the framework of the federal party project “Parks of Small Towns” ended.

    October 13, 2017 at 11:00 am a meeting of the interdepartmental commission was held to implement measures to improve places of mass recreation for the population in the city of Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region

    On September 22, 2017, a regular meeting of the commission was held to implement measures to improve places of mass recreation for the population in the city of Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region.

    On September 11, 2017, electronic auctions were held to carry out work on the improvement of Victory Park, located in the area of ​​the municipal budgetary institution "Focus Center in Sergach NO".

    Currently, work on the preparation of working documentation and estimate documentation has been completed, and a positive conclusion has been received issued by the State Budgetary Institution NO “Nizhegorodsmet”.

    On June 29, 2017, in the assembly hall of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sergach Agro-Industrial College” a public discussion was held on the preliminary design for the improvement of Victory Park, located in the area of ​​the municipal budgetary institution “Focus in Sergach NO”.

    We invite you to take part in a public discussion of the preliminary design for the improvement of Victory Park

    The park area to be improved and the filling of the park with infrastructure facilities were determined by city residents based on the results of a public discussion of measures for the improvement of public recreation areas in the city of Sergach, which took place on April 26, 2017.

    To date, as part of the implementation of the federal party project “Parks of Small Towns”, 27 meetings with the population in different districts have been held by deputies of the City Duma of the city of Sergach and 3,460 questionnaires have been collected

    Public discussions of measures for the improvement of places of mass recreation for the population in the city of Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region, were appointed by a resolution of the city administration of the city of Sergach, Sergach municipal district, Nizhny Novgorod region dated March 24, 2017. No. 09-p “On the appointment of a public discussion of measures for the improvement of places of mass recreation for the population in the territory of the city of Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region.”

    From April 4 to April 25, 2017 (17:00 Moscow time), voting on the choice of a park in the city of Sergach is open on the official portal of the Sergach municipal district, within the framework of the federal party project “Parks of small towns”, with the aim of further improvement

    Public discussions on improvement activities are scheduled for April 26, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

    On April 19, 2017 at 15-00 in the office of the head of local government of the city of Sergach, within the framework of the federal party project “Parks of small towns”, a meeting of the commission was held

    On April 11 and 12, 2017, City Duma deputy Sergei Nikolaevich Kuchumov held a meeting with the population of his constituency No. 16

    On April 18, 2017 at 14.00 in the center of Gavan, a meeting of City Duma deputy Boris Alekseevich Kurasov with the population of electoral district No. 1 took place.

    On April 18, 2017 at 17.30, a meeting of the population was held on the territory of the children's playground, located at the address: Kommuny street, building 5 "a".

    On April 12, 2017, a meeting was held between the labor collective of the MBU “FOC in the city of Sergach NO” and the deputy of the City Duma Nikolai Alexandrovich Eramasov

    On April 12 and 13, 2017, meetings between City Duma deputy Alexander Nikolaevich Dentsov and the population of electoral district No. 2 took place.

    April 12, 2017 at 18:00 (Moscow time) with the participation of acting. Head of the city administration of the city of Sergach, Sergach municipal district, Alexey Anatolyevich Efremov, held a meeting with residents of apartment buildings (Yubileiny village, no. 17, no. 22, Sverdlova st., no. 4)

    In order to study public opinion on the use of park areas, within the framework of the federal party project “Small Town Parks”, subject to further improvement, and to determine the infrastructure facilities that should appear in the park

    On April 10 and 11, 2017, a meeting was held between City Duma deputy Olga Viktorovna Polaznova and the population on the issue of public discussion of measures to improve public recreation areas in the city of Sergach within the framework of the federal party project “Parks of small towns.”

    On April 10, 11 and 12, 2017, Deputy of the City Duma Natalya Yuryevna Voronova held a meeting with the population on the issue of public discussion of measures for the improvement of places of mass recreation for the population in the city of Sergach within the framework of the federal party project “Parks of small towns”.

10.10.2017 13:14:05

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, coordinator of the party project “Parks of Small Towns” Vladimir Panov on Tuesday, October 10, spoke at the public hearing “Comfortable urban environment as one of the budget priorities for 2018-2020.”

Public hearings are devoted to the issues of improvement of courtyard areas and the creation of comfortable public areas in cities and rural settlements, improvement of parks in small towns within the framework of the federal projects of the UNITED RUSSIA party “Urban Environment” and “Parks of Small Towns”, the priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”. The discussion includes representatives of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, State Duma deputies, regional representatives - city mayors, chairmen of legislative assemblies, ministers of construction complexes, regional coordinators of party projects, as well as social activists and representatives of the construction business and housing and communal services sector.

The hearing participants discussed the implementation of federal party projects “Small Town Parks” and “Urban Environment” in the first half of 2017, best practices for implementing federal party projects, innovations in the Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of state and municipal formation programs modern urban environment, as well as improvement of courtyard areas of cities and rural settlements, creation of comfortable public areas of cities and rural settlements, improvement of parks in small towns.

Speaking about the Small Town Parks project, its federal coordinator recalled a number of project objectives. Firstly, this is the creation of “beautiful, modern park projects that for many years could become certain assembly points of the urban community, that is, a place where everyone is comfortable, where people want to go.” Task number two is joint implementation of the project with residents: “It is unacceptable to improve parks and implement a project in isolation from residents. This should be common work, common goals.”

Task number three is for the park to be made with high quality, and task four is to fill the park with life, “because no one needs a lifeless park, no matter how beautiful it is.”

Meanwhile, the implementation of the project in the pilot year of 2017 revealed a number of problems, Panov noted. “The Small Town Parks project costs 500 million rubles for the whole country. 317 small towns and 83 regions took part in it. But as of October 10, 2017, in only 42 parks out of 317, the work that was planned for this year has been completed,” he stated and emphasized that “the failure to complete work today is not due to inefficiency or some delay in deadlines.” According to the deputy, such an outcome could have been assumed “immediately as soon as we had Rules for the provision of subsidies.”

“We had to sign an agreement with the subject on the provision of federal subsidies before March 1, then public discussions on the choice of events had to take place before May 1, approval of the design project - before July 1, and then we have 44-FZ. Accordingly, the auction took place around August. All improvement work began during this period. And depending on the scale, few people actually succeeded, despite all the efforts. Therefore, the task for 2018 is Andrei Vladimirovich (Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Andrei Chibis), this is an appeal to you so that amendments to the Rules are adopted. So that this entire calendar map begins to be implemented in the regions as early as possible. Because every time we will cut the ribbons, holding a shovel with snow in one hand, frozen children will stand on the other hand,” Panov said.

The next point is communication with residents. The party project coordinator said that information about all stages of the implementation of activities was constantly under the control of the federal leadership. And as a result of such monitoring, it becomes clear: “good workers, efficient communications are not enough.” According to Panov, approximately 173 thousand people attended the events held during the discussion of the project. “If we proceed from the approximate population of the city of 25 thousand people, we find that only 1.3% actually learned about or were involved in this project. The communication channel is very weak,” the parliamentarian pointed out.

The same disappointing results were obtained in terms of rating based on the implementation of project activities to create standard APM for feedback from residents, conduct public hearings, and so on. “Unfortunately, there are regions that scored zero points. Therefore, communication with residents is one of the bottlenecks in the implementation of the party project,” said Panov.

In addition, the federal coordinator also has complaints about the quality of the design decisions made. “Take the basic benches that are now seen in every park that needs renovation, and take the variations of benches that might exist. Unfortunately, sometimes the solutions are so boring that the goal we talked about - to create high-quality, modern, comfortable projects that will delight residents for many years - will lead to the opposite results: we will spend money, but this will not add joy to anyone, It will just be a “tick”,” Panov noted.

Meanwhile, the deputy drew attention to positive examples, a significant number of which are shown by cities. Thus, in Sevastopol, thanks to the active support of the coordinator, interaction with citizens during the implementation of the project was very high, Panov said. “In the City of Knyaginino, Nizhny Novgorod Region, it’s the same - coordination and interaction with residents is very high, and in fact, the park became a place where the administration went out almost every day, checked, and residents were aware of what was happening. And they made a flawless fountain. A very beautiful public garden was built in the city of Uvarovo. Essentuki is also a very beautiful park,” Panov listed.

In his opinion, therefore, “if we talk about the emotional component of the project, it is wonderful.” “We all know human nature: we easily unite against something. But it is always very difficult to unite for something. So the Party in cities, especially in small towns, is exactly what we can unite around. And each coordinator has the opportunity to unite the city community and truly create a beautiful, positive example of how to work with society, how to make people perceive the park as a gift and pride of the city,” concluded Panov.

The public hearings organized by the UNITED RUSSIA faction became the next in a series of factional events to discuss priority sections of the budget. Previously, discussions took place in the same format on issues of supporting rural areas and developing the social sphere. In particular, the issues of maintaining funding for the agro-industrial complex at a level not lower than last year and supporting sectoral agricultural universities were raised at public hearings. As well as significant social issues - indexation of pensions, construction and reconstruction of nursing homes and many others. The day before, a round table “Healthcare in the draft budget for 2018–2020” was held in the State Duma. – optimization or development?

Earlier, on September 27, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to add federal budget funds to finance the urban improvement program. According to him, we are talking about creating a modern urban environment, arranging public parks, museums, recreational areas, as well as additional support for such projects in small and historical cities,” which is important for the restoration and preservation of “national memory.”

Let us remind you that “UNITED RUSSIA” is actively implementing party projects “Urban environment”, “House manager”, “School for a literate consumer”, “Parks of small towns”, etc., which are aimed at improving and improving the standard of living of citizens. In particular, 41.5 billion rubles were allocated for the “Urban Environment” party project, including 16 billion in regional co-financing. The implementation of the project takes place with the direct participation of residents at all stages - from the selection of an improvement project and the design of work to the direct implementation of the corresponding project, public control over the progress of work and its results.

In 2017, the implementation of one of the new party projects of the UNITED RUSSIA party - “Parks of small towns” began. The idea of ​​creating this project appeared during the election campaign and its authors are the voters themselves. The Small Town Parks project gave people the opportunity to feel involved in this great cause, not only within the framework of the Year of Ecology, but also because it made it possible to create more comfortable living conditions for the residents themselves, including the multinational Malmyzh district.

Back in January 2017, the Malmyzh district local branch of the UNITED RUSSIA party, the district and city administration, and the editorial office of the Selskaya Pravda newspaper announced a competition for the best project for the improvement and design of a park area in the center of the city of Malmyzh. It is very gratifying that there were interested, proactive people who really wanted our parks to be modern, beautiful and attractive. The contestants defended their projects with dignity. The expert commission recognized the National Village project as the best. This is not accidental, because on the territory of the multinational Malmyzh district, cultural workers organize a large number of various cultural and sports events. The most significant are “Sabantuy” and “Kazanskaya Fair”. During these holidays, Russians, Tatars, Mari, Udmurts set up their national farmsteads, where they introduce the residents of the area and guests to customs, rituals, way of life, morals and their folklore.

The idea of ​​the project manager, head of the department of culture, youth policy and sports of the district administration Oksana Mansurovna Aleshkina, was to equip four permanent national farmsteads, which would represent a kind of cultural complex.

Our project was supported by the competition commission and the regional project coordinator Valery Vasilyevich Krepostnov, who knows the Malmy residents well. After all, no matter what they undertake, they do everything with good quality and know how to work for results.

After a careful selection, eight municipalities in the region were selected, which won the competition and received subsidies for the implementation of the project. Malmyzhsky district was among the lucky ones. There are several parks in Malmyzh that need improvement and therefore, according to many townspeople, this work was decided to be carried out in stages, starting with the main city park. The administration of the district and the city made a rational decision - at the first stage of the implementation of the party project “Parks of small towns”, taking into account the funds allocated for this, work will begin with the improvement of the park area. The primary task before the start of the project was to hold a cleanup day to clear the park of garbage. It was organized by a city settlement under the leadership of the former head, Fatima Gabdullovna Ashrapova. The park came to life and was transformed. After this, the phased implementation of the project by the contractor began. A pedestrian walking area through the park with an asphalt surface was developed, the flower bed was fenced with curb stones, electric lighting was installed, benches were installed for citizens to rest, and existing trees and shrubs were rehabilitated. There are additional trash cans for collecting garbage. We managed to implement the first part of the project. Since this project is designed for several years, Malmy residents hope that this good deed will be continued.

The long-awaited moment of opening the park has arrived after the implementation of the party project “Parks of Small Towns”, which took place on November 3, 2017. Here, long before the official opening, you could see children with their parents on swings, slides, and residents simply walking around the park, enjoying the delights of the autumn weather.

I would like to express words of appreciation and gratitude to the regional coordinator of the “Small Town Parks” project Valery Vasilyevich Krepostnov and the regional chairman of the public council of the party project Alexey Vladimirovich Malkov, who provided active assistance and all kinds of methodological support throughout the implementation of the project. Malmyzhans believe that they will continue to become an example of effective participation in the Kirov region in the implementation of the Small Town Parks project and will make their contribution to this good cause. After all, this will give the younger generation the opportunity to see the fruits of our nobility. As a result, we see the results of our common work, which was started by deputies of the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, and deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov Region.

Our fellow countrymen, especially schoolchildren and young people, creating with their own hands, will, of course, take care of the results of their work and become comrades-in-arms in other matters.

Project "Small Town Parks"


Event plan on carrying out outreach work and media coverage of the implementation of the project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" "Parks of small towns" in the territory of the Rtishchevsky municipal district p / / /

Residents of the city of Rtishchevo continue to discuss ideas for improving the city park as part of the priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment. To discuss and develop the project, public hearings, meetings with residents, and a population survey were held. The local newspaper “Crossroads of Russia” announced a competition for the best design of park areas.

April 22 The next public discussion on the improvement of urban culture and recreation took place in the children's library building.

During the discussion, proposals were made to re-equip the dance floor, set up points of sale of soft drinks and sweet pastries, etc.

All suggestions and comments will be taken into account when implementing the improvement project.

On May 12, a meeting of the public commission was held to implement measures for the improvement of a place of public recreation for the population (city park) within the framework of the priority project “Formation of a comfortable environment” in the city park of culture and recreation of the municipal institution “City Cultural Center” on the issue of approval design project for the improvement of the city park.

Scheme of the city park of culture and recreation

A- Fountain zone;
Asphalting pedestrian paths, installing park benches, trash cans, lamps, dry closets;

B- Amusement area;
Installation of 2 carousels, a game labyrinth, water attractions, bungee jumping, park benches, trash cans, lamps;

B - Sports and games area;
Installation of a children's sports and playground, installation of park benches, trash cans, lamps;

Asphalting of pedestrian paths with a total area of ​​1340 m2

Scheme of the city park of culture and recreation with areas that are planned to be paved

Scheme of the city park of culture and recreation with alleys where it is planned to install new lamps

in the park of culture and recreation of the city of Rtishchevo

The park of culture and recreation was opened after the end of the Great Patriotic War (photo archive of 1947). Then the territory near the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers named after. IN AND. Lenin and the Lokomotiv stadium began to be improved: the first trees were planted, flower beds were laid out, and alleys were formed according to plan. The summer stage was built in the park in the mid-50s.
During the Great Patriotic War in 1941-42, the Poltava Military Evacuation Hospital No. 387 was located in the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen, where the wounded evacuated from all fronts were received. In 1953, Dorprofsozh South Eastern Railway allocated funds for the construction of a summer green cinema at the Rtishchevsky Palace of Culture named after V. I. Lenin. Construction of a cinema with 350 seats in the center of the city park of culture and recreation was completed in August 1959. On March 9, 1960, the summer cinema was transferred free of charge to the city cultural park. In the early 2000s, the metal frame was used to build the summer children's cafe "Solnyshko". In the mid-1960s, the Rtishchevsky district hospital was built next to the park, and in 1969, the Dolphin swimming pool.
In 1975, an Obelisk with the Eternal Flame was erected on the square adjacent to the park and the Palace of Culture. Later it became the Memorial of Glory of the Rtishchevsky municipal district. On September 5, 1984, in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Slovak Uprising and in order to strengthen friendship between the sister cities of Rtischevo and Levice of the West Slovak region, Parkovsky Lane, adjacent to the recreation park, was renamed Levice Street.
Today, the park of culture and recreation is a central place for holding festive events and mass festivities. In summer, the park is in demand for recreation for residents and guests of the city. This is where children's summer playgrounds spend their leisure time.

Let's improve the park together

Eleven cities of the Saratov region were included in the list of settlements on whose territory the federal project of the United Russia party “Parks of small towns” will be implemented this year. As part of the implementation of this project, federal funding will be allocated for the improvement of recreation areas. The head of the Rtishchevsky municipal district, A.P., was appointed regional coordinator. Saninsky.

The city park in our city has always been a favorite vacation spot for more than one generation of Rtishchevo residents. We have already written more than once in our newspaper that this year it is planned to carry out large-scale landscaping work here. The residents of Rtishchev enthusiastically responded to the call of the administration of the RMR and “Crossroads of Russia” and sent their proposals about what our park should be like and what needs to be done to make it cozy and comfortable for leisure. “It is very important that the allocated funds are used effectively. Therefore, we involve city residents, deputies, and social activists in the process of participation; they are the ones who decide what needs to be done to create a convenient and comfortable urban environment,” says S.V., secretary of the local branch of the United Russia WFP. Makogon.

In our city, public discussion of the project for the improvement of the city park of culture and recreation continues. According to the “road map”, until May 1, proposals are being accepted from Rtishchevo residents on what they want to see as one of their favorite recreation areas.

Today's guest of our editorial office is Deputy Head of the RMR Administration for Industry, Transport, Housing and Communal Services and Agriculture D.A. Biserov.

- Good afternoon, Dmitry Alexandrovich! Please tell our readers about what you plan to do as part of the Small Town Parks project in our city.

This year will be special for our city, because from this year grandiose changes are planned in the appearance of Rtishchev, in particular, changes will take place in the city park. The Small Town Parks project, implemented under the auspices of the United Russia party, was created to maintain the image of provincial towns throughout the country. The blessed time has come when we can finally pay attention to such problems. The townspeople have been waiting for this for a long time. On the initiative of A.P. Saninsky, work was carried out annually, and the appearance of the park changed: only last year, work was carried out to reconstruct the lighting, the central alley was paved, and new park benches were installed. But such large-scale improvement work has not been carried out for a very long time.

Let's together make our park the best in the Saratov region - we made this appeal to the residents of our city and district, inviting Rtishchevo residents to take part in the discussion of what needs to be done to make the city park more cozy and comfortable for leisure. In total, the newspaper's editorial office received more than 40 proposals.

I am very pleased with such an active position of the townspeople: they dream of seeing their city blooming, fragrant, clean, with happy smiles on the faces of passers-by. Mostly young people - the most caring enthusiasts of our city - shared their opinions and wishes. This category usually devotes more time to leisure than people of older age categories. Young people have more developed creative thinking and a fantasy perception of life. That’s why they poured out bright proposals on this matter.

There were many wishes, but some of them can be called sky-high dreams? Adult residents understand that it is unrealistic to install, for example, huge roller coasters or water rides in the park due to a number of problems associated with the acquisition and installation of such attractions, in general, with legal and financial issues. That’s why these childhood fantasies remain unfulfilled. What ideas of the townspeople will still be brought to life?

Since the program is designed for five years, it should be understood that not everything from the list of acceptable wishes of citizens included in this program will be done in one year. Already in 2017, we are planning to repair asphalt pedestrian paths, install park benches, new trash cans and lighting. First, we take care of children and young mothers, who should be comfortable walking with strollers along park sidewalks and sitting on benches to rest. We are planning to install a children's carousel and it is absolutely certain that the temporary building of the shooting range will be dismantled, and a children's “labyrinth” and “bungee” will also be installed. A sports and playground will be installed in the area of ​​the Solnyshko cafe. The landscaping work will also include the fountain. Asphalt will be laid around it, and new park benches and trash cans will be installed. In the near future, it is planned to plant young trees in the park.

- What will be done in the coming years?

In 2018, it is planned to improve the green zone of the park - the arboretum. This involves cutting down old trees and planting new ones. Flower beds will appear everywhere. Asphalt paving work will continue. In 2019, all attention will be paid to the “lovers zone”. Again, taking into account the suggestions of young people, we decided to create a special corner that will be dedicated to one of the important feelings in a person’s life. I can’t say yet exactly what it will look like. Perhaps in the form of a “bench of reconciliation,” perhaps in the form of a special stele, where lovers can leave memorial signs confirming the strength and purity of their feelings. In 2020, the improvement of the park will continue. It is planned to install a carousel and a small attraction. And in 2021, the program will end with the installation of a park fence.

- Wonderful ideas! The project is truly grandiose, and now Rtishchevo residents will look forward to changes and updates in the life of the city. What would you, Dmitry Alexandrovich, finally like to say to our readers?

I would like to wish them patience. As they say, Moscow was not built in a day. But we all hope that nothing can interfere with the implementation of the project, and the work will be completed as soon as possible. I also believe that the park will become much cleaner, because such changes will still force its visitors to observe a culture of behavior. Friends, do not forget that by acting together, you and I will achieve excellent results in the future!

- There is nothing to add to these words, and we can only thank Dmitry Alexandrovich for the interview. Thank you very much, good luck in your work and implementation of the project!

Based on materials from the newspaper "Crossroads of Russia"

Students of the fine arts department of the children's art school named after. V.V. Tolkunova, in her creative works, conveyed a vision of the city park in the future.
The exhibition features 20 works.
All of them are made using different techniques, using non-traditional materials.

June 19, 2017
Work continues on the improvement of the city park of culture and recreation.
Preparatory work for the installation of a children's playground and carousel has been completed. Work is underway to lay curbstones and asphalt pedestrian paths. Work has begun on the reconstruction of park lighting. Work is underway on sawing old and dry trees, as well as planning flower beds and lawns.

Last week, the head of the city of Uryupinsk, secretary of the Uryupinsk city local branch of the United Russia party, Ella Gediminovna CHERMASHENTSEVA, regional curator of the United Russia project “Parks of small towns” met with activists of the city of Dubovka.

In one of the recent issues of Selskaya Novi, we talked about this project and the need for all residents of our city to participate as actively as possible in all its events. The meeting of E.G. was also dedicated to this. Chermashentseva with the Dubovites.

We all see and rejoice at how our city park has recently been transformed. 10 million rubles from the regional budget for its reconstruction were allocated to our district, as well as to many other districts of the region, as part of a regional project for the improvement of venues for public events (squares, parks and public gardens) in rural municipal areas.

But in Dubovka, as in other settlements in the region, there are other parks that are in demand by residents and also need improvement. That is why the project for further improvement of the territories “Parks of Small Towns” appeared. As part of this, additional funds may also be attracted to the Dubovsky district.

At a meeting with Dubov activist E.G. Chermashentseva spoke about how the Small Town Parks project works, in particular, in Uryupinsk, Zhirnovsk, Pallasovka, Serafimovich, and asked what had been done in this regard in Dubovka.

Chairman of the Dubovsky District Duma, secretary of the local branch of the United Russia party I.I. Degtyareva reported that, following the example of the region, a public council has been created in our area for the effective implementation of the Small Town Parks project, coordinating actions and making operational decisions in the interests of area residents, an action plan for the project has been developed and approved, and these activities are already being carried out. This is, for example, the drawing competition “Park of my dreams”, held by the Center for Youth and Sports “Aktiv” of the city. Dubovka, the “Come to the Park to Play” holiday on International Children’s Day, the “History of My Park” campaign announced by “Aktiv” and the museum to collect photographs about the park from the family archives of Dubovka residents.

Head of the urban settlement of Dubovka V.V. Novichenko, who was present at the meeting, shared plans for the improvement of Komsomolsky Park, which, with luck, following the example of the central park, can also be revived within the framework of the “Parks of Small Cities” project.

That is, Dubovka has every chance of receiving a subsidy from the federal budget for the improvement of parks. It's just a matter of small things - all of us, residents of the city, must actively support all the initiatives and activities of this project. According to the plan of its organizers, and this was emphasized at the meeting with Dubovites by E.G. Chermashentsev, the project can be translated into reality only if residents are maximally involved in the creative process. This will increase civic engagement and reduce material risks. Caring for property and nurturing architectural taste among the population could be a positive bonus for everyone involved in the implementation of such a bold project.

In order for people to understand what will happen in the future, design decisions for the reconstruction of the park should be submitted for wide public discussion. Only after studying public opinion can we begin to reconstruct places of public recreation. The Small Town Parks project should become a platform for generating promising and creative ideas.

We all want to live better, in particular, to relax in clean and beautiful parks. Therefore, there is no need to stay away from what is happening in the life of our region and city. Follow our publications, actively participate in all announced events of the Small Town Parks project, and make your suggestions. Remember: NO ONE CAN transform our lives and make it better. EXCEPT US.
