Emotions and their impact on human health. The influence of positive and negative emotions on human health

IN explanatory dictionary Russian language meaning of the word “abuse” according to S.I. Ozhegov - judgmental and hurtful words, swearing, , that is, an insult. And with every insult, the same chemicals are released into a person’s blood as during a beating. A stress reaction occurs. And in medical terms, stress is a group chemical substances- catecholamines and steroids. The most famous of them are adrenaline and norepinephrine. In response to the stressful situation associated with common name-calling, our body produces excess amounts of steroids that affect all functional systems. Accordingly, stress echoes in every organ and system.

When insulting and physically punishing children, you can really, in the full sense of the word, “drive” into the child’s head what they are saying. However, this also applies to adults, although children's memory is more durable. This practice of communication works like a stigma; a person begins to correspond to the chosen image. Particularly dangerous are insults received from the closest and dearest people, significant adults - parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, teachers. The so-called programming of fate occurs, of course, most often this is the parental program. And the harm that abuse and physical punishment causes to human health is evidenced by the numerous works of scientists studying the nature of psychosomatic diseases - I.G. Malkina-Pykh, Louise Hay, Yu.Yu. Eliseev and others.

In response to such rude interference, certain negative emotions arise - resentment, anger, anger, hatred, guilt. Criticism of oneself and others arises. Negative emotions experienced by a person begin to have a detrimental effect on all areas of life. If it seems that no matter how much you criticize and swear, everything is like water off a duck’s back, even in this case a negative impact occurs with all the ensuing consequences. Here is a vivid schematic example of the influence of experienced emotions on health, violations of which can arise due to reasons for resentment, inferiority, fears, decreased self-esteem, and humiliation. All this can be avoided by adequately forming relationships, especially in the family, between children and parents, husbands and wives, elderly relatives and grandchildren.

The life stories of my clients who have developed a lot of psychosomatic diseases, ranging from a common acute respiratory infection to bronchial asthma (controlling sobs) confirm these data. Alas, we very often hear such malicious expressions: “Idiot, mediocrity, lazy, nothing will come of you, loser.” What delusion do people fall into when they utter such words that not only hurt the soul painfully, but also play the most important role in a person’s life, determining his entire life? future fate and health in general!

And some women tend to “hurt” their beloved men with such selective abuse and criticism that it hurts the ears. It is strictly not recommended to talk badly about your husband, especially behind his back. People unconsciously feel how they are treated, so is it any wonder if, after talking with friends about their husband, a scandal occurs at home, and the husband leaves in an unknown direction? The man didn’t hear anything, but he felt it. It is enough to analyze your behavior and you can see clear signs of the correspondence of events.

Many women are in the habit of calling their spouse by his last name. It sounds somehow strange, dismissive, without a note of love in the voice. In my opinion, there is no need to call your husband that way, it is not only ugly, but also deprives a person of the opportunity to hear his own native name, because it is what is so pleasant for everyone. Since ancient times, the husband’s name was not used at all in front of strangers; it was a strict prohibition, a taboo. If they even talked about the spouse, they called him by his first name and patronymic, and his affairs were not discussed.

Calling names, criticizing and scolding

no one at all, even mentally,

including those who are unpleasant.

Known "parable of the nails" , it is very instructive.

The father had a son who constantly cursed and called him names. Then, however, he repented, apologized, and everything was repeated all over again. The father listened and listened, and suggested that his son hammer a nail into the board every time he scolds someone. The son, of course, hammered a lot of nails. Then my father ordered all the nails to be pulled out. The son did this too. And his father said to him: “Do you see how many ugly marks there are on the board? Also, in the souls of those whom you offended, these scars and potholes remain forever; nothing can fix them.”

I would like to give an example of a family I know where complete harmony reigns. The recipe for their happiness is quite simple: children are never criticized or scolded, parents spend a lot of free time with each other and with their children. Everyone constantly expresses pleasure, thanks and praises family members, showing every possible attention. Mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, everyone is always looking for a reason to express their admiration for an action, an outfit, a prepared dinner, appearance, any small or big achievement.

Probably, we need to be more tolerant of each other, communicate with love and respect, try to see, notice and cultivate only positive features. And if you clearly don’t see them and are sure that they don’t exist, then try to look with your soul. The fruits will not take long to arrive! Many will be satisfied and happy, especially you!

Your psychologist

Tatiana Zaitseva

Emotions affect people in many different ways. The same emotion has different effects on different people Moreover, it has different effects on the same person in different situations. Emotions can influence all systems of an individual, the subject as a whole.

Emotions and body.

Electrophysiological changes occur in the facial muscles during emotions. Changes occur in the electrical activity of the brain, circulatory and respiratory systems. With extreme anger or fear, the heart rate can increase by 40-60 beats per minute. Such drastic changes in somatic functions during strong emotions indicate that during emotional states all neurophysiological systems and subsystems of the body are activated to a greater or lesser extent. Such changes inevitably affect the subject's perceptions, thoughts and actions. These bodily changes can also be used to solve a number of issues, both purely medical and mental health problems. Emotion activates the autonomous nervous system, which changes the course of the endocrine and neurohumoral systems. The mind and body are in harmony to carry out action. If knowledge and actions corresponding to emotions are blocked, then psychosomatic symptoms may appear as a result.

Emotions and perception

It has long been known that emotions, like other motivational states, influence perception. A joyful subject tends to perceive the world through “ pink glasses" It is common for a person who is suffering or sad to interpret the comments of others as critical. A frightened subject tends to see only the frightening object (the effect of “narrowed vision”).

Emotions and cognitive processes

Emotions influence both somatic processes and the sphere of perception, as well as memory, thinking and imagination of a person. The effect of “narrowed vision” in perception has its analogue in the cognitive sphere. A frightened person has difficulty testing different alternatives. An angry person only has “angry thoughts.” In a state of heightened interest or excitement, the subject is so overwhelmed by curiosity that he is unable to learn or explore.

Emotions and actions

The emotions and complexes of emotions that a person experiences at a given time affect virtually everything that he does in the sphere of work, study, and play. When he is really interested in a subject, he is filled with a passionate desire to study it deeply. Feeling disgusted by any object, he strives to avoid it.

Emotions and Personality Development

Two types of factors are important when considering the relationship between emotion and personality development. The first is the genetic inclinations of the subject in the sphere of emotions. An individual's genetic makeup appears to play an important role in the acquisition of emotional traits (or thresholds) for various emotions. Second factor - personal experience the individual and learning related to the emotional sphere and, in particular, socialized ways of expressing emotions and emotion-driven behavior. Observations of children aged 6 months to 2 years, who grew up in the same social environment (raised in a preschool institution), showed significant individual differences in emotional thresholds and emotionally charged activities.

However, when a child has a low threshold for a particular emotion, when he often experiences and expresses it, this inevitably causes a special kind of reaction from other children and surrounding adults. Such forced interaction inevitably leads to the formation of special personal characteristics. Individual emotional traits are also significantly influenced by social experiences, especially during childhood and infancy. A child who is characterized by a quick temper, a fearful child, naturally faces different reactions from his peers and adults. The social consequence, and therefore the socialization process, will vary greatly depending on the emotions most frequently experienced and expressed by the child. Emotional responses influence not only personal characteristics and social development child, but also intellectual development. A child with difficult experiences is significantly less inclined to explore the environment than a child with a low threshold for interest and joy. Tomkins believes that the emotion of interest is as important for the intellectual development of any person as exercise is for physical development.

Recently, scientists have increasingly come to the conclusion that emotions and health people are inextricably linked. Experiments have shown that positive emotions contribute to the restoration of physiological processes in the body. Negative emotions worsen well-being and provoke the development of diseases. interconnected.

American doctors have come to a clear conclusion: the more violent emotions in our lives, the more problems with health we will experience.

How do emotions affect health?

Every day of our life brings us many emotions. All emotions can be divided into two groups: positive and negative.

Since childhood, we have been taught that negative emotions must be restrained and extinguished. But is it? What trace do negative emotions leave on a person’s physical body? How do negative emotions affect health?

Any emotion is energy. If negative emotions are allowed to remain in our body, over time such emotions, accumulating, turn into clots of negative energy, creating obstacles, “blocks” for the free flow of energy flows.

The energy of positive emotions can be compared to a river, while negative energy more like a swamp. In the body of a person who often experiences negative emotions, the energy flow is disrupted, the cells and tissues of the body receive an insufficient amount of energy and building material for full work.

Negative energy can accumulate in certain areas of the body, destroying the physical body and causing illness in that area.

Emotions such as despondency, sadness, grief, despair leave their negative energy clot in the chest and heart. This is where the Anahata energy chakra is located - or, in other words, the heart chakra.

Negative energy negative emotions, concentrating in the area of ​​the heart chakra, leads to disruption of cardio-vascular system, causing diseases of the heart and other organs located in the area of ​​this chakra.

Anger, malice, jealousy, envy, greed disrupt the functioning of the solar plexus chakra - Manipura, causing diseases gastrointestinal tract and neighboring organs.

On the contrary, positive emotions and health are also interconnected. Emotions of joy, gratitude, and love have a beneficial effect on our health, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and other body systems.

How to get rid of the influence of negative emotions?

Our health depends on what thoughts and emotions visit us. Therefore, it is very important to control your thoughts and emotions.

In addition, a person who knows how to control his thoughts and his emotions can always find the most optimal solution in any life situation.

How to prevent destructive influence negative emotions?

Negative emotions are created by negative thoughts. Therefore, if you feel the presence of a negative emotion in yourself, stop and ask yourself, what are you thinking about now?

And try to get rid of negative thoughts by replacing them with positive ones. Of course, when we are angry, angry at someone or something, it is not easy to change our attitude towards this person or situation.

But we can simply shift our attention to the good things in our lives, experiencing a feeling of appreciation and gratitude. Thus, negative emotions gradually disappear, giving way to calmness and balance.

By the way, the feeling of gratitude is one of the most creative emotions. By experiencing gratitude, we “attract” to ourselves the positive, creative energy of the Universe, which has a beneficial effect on our life and health.

Thus, by mastering the skills of “switching” emotions, you can significantly reduce the risk that the energy of negative emotions will penetrate the body.

Well, if a negative emotion with all the ensuing consequences has already taken place, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

This is why I exist various methods and techniques of emotional and mental cleansing.

This simple techniques, which anyone can easily use during the day if they experience negative emotions. Techniques instantly remove the energy of negative emotions from our internal energy space and protect the physical body from destruction.

It can and should be controlled.
