Yellow honey melon. Melon in your own garden: growing and care. Use in cooking

Growing a melon on your own plot is a tempting goal for an inquisitive summer resident. However, this idea is fraught with doubts. How will traditionally southern culture feel in the conditions of the Central region? Will it be able to form ovaries and will it have time to ripen? In fact, the technology for growing melons in the Middle Zone has long been used in practice. There are only two components to success: competent selection of varieties and correct agricultural technology. In the article we will tell you about the best varieties of melon for the Moscow region, give their characteristics and a detailed description.

Three mistakes when growing melons in the Moscow region

  1. Seeds from market melon. Taking a seed out of a fruit that catches your eye and sticking it into the ground is an almost unconditional reflex of every farmer. Unfortunately, with melon such experiments are fraught with failure. Firstly, for industrial cultivation, melon growers use highly productive hybrids, the seeds of which do not retain the advantages of the mother plant. Secondly, even varietal southern melon will behave unpredictably in a different climate. It is necessary to use seeds of only zoned varieties.
  2. Overwatering. Knowing that melon is a pumpkin crop, novice melon growers try to create “tropical” humidity around it, like for cucumbers. Sometimes this happens involuntarily - for example, when growing in film greenhouses. However, waterlogging is strictly contraindicated for melon. Better conditions for her - a lot of warmth, light and dry air. Relative humidity should not exceed 70%.
  3. The pursuit of large fruit. Growing a larger melon is a natural desire, but it is not always advisable. Such large-fruited beauties as Torpedo or Bukharka simply will not be able to realize their biological potential in the climate Middle zone. When choosing a variety for the Moscow region, it is more logical to pay attention to the timing of ripening, and not to the size of the fruit.

Varieties of small “portioned” melons are more suitable for growing in the Moscow region

Features of growing melon in the Moscow region

The traditional region of melon growing on the territory of present-day Russia is the Astrakhan region. It is there that the melon receives from nature everything it needs, in the correct proportions. Comparing the climatic features of the Astrakhan region and the Moscow region will allow us to identify the main parameters, based on which we can select the appropriate variety.

Parameter Moscow region Astrakhan region
Average duration of climatic summer 90 days 150 days
Average daily temperature in June 17⁰С 23.1⁰С
Average daily temperature in July 19.2⁰С 25.6⁰С
Average daily temperature in August 17⁰С 24⁰С
Precipitation rate in summer (per month) 85-90 mm 20-25 mm
Average monthly number of clear days in summer 7-10 21-24
Relative humidity in summer 78% 60%

Based on these data, we can conclude that melon varieties for the Moscow region must meet the following requirements:

  • duration of growing season – up to 90 days;
  • high shade tolerance;
  • resistance to cold weather;
  • resistance to fungal infections.

Tip #1. Melons with a growing season of more than 90 days in the Moscow region must be grown in seedlings. To plant plants in the ground at the beginning of June, you should sow at the end of April.

Melon does not tolerate transplantation well. When planting in the ground, you must try to disturb the integrity of the earthen coma as little as possible.

Melon varieties for open ground

In Russia, several agricultural firms are engaged in melon breeding. The most famous are “SeDeK” and “Search”. The melon breeding station of the Poisk company is located on the territory Volgograd region. But the SeDeCa melon plant is right in the Moscow region. It is logical to assume that the seed material from this particular manufacturer will be better adapted to the necessary conditions.

SeDeKa has a good selection in its assortment early varieties. Comparative characteristics The most interesting ones are presented in the table:

Variety Growing season Pumpkin mass Climate resistance Disease resistance
Alina 65-70 days 1 kg High Comprehensive
Pineapple 65-70 days 1.8-2 kg Relative Anthracnose, powdery mildew
Princess Elizabeth F1 60-70 days 1.4-1.6 kg High Anthracnose, powdery mildew
Princess Diana F1 60-70 days 1.2-2 kg High Anthracnose, powdery mildew
Canary honey 60-70 days 1.5-2 kg Relative Anthracnose, fusarium

Melons of the “Princess” series demonstrate high adaptability to the Moscow region climate. Already in early August, the bushes have up to five full-fledged ripening pumpkins weighing 600 grams each. By this time, the leaf apparatus of plants retains “combat readiness”.

But there are also disadvantages. Monitoring reviews of these varieties showed that, for all their attractiveness, melons from the “Princess” series are inferior in taste and aroma to Canary Honey. This variety requires a lot of effort, but the quality of its pulp is much higher. Select varieties for cultivation open air need to be especially careful. Even adapted plants will require shelter if the temperature drops below +15⁰C.

The ripening crop must be protected from birds and rodents. You can use ultrasonic repellers or simply wrap each pumpkin in agrospan.

Melon varieties for greenhouses

For normal development, melon needs a daytime temperature of about 25⁰C, and a night temperature not lower than 17⁰C. The temperature when growing seedlings must be adjusted according to the following scheme:

  • before germination +25⁰С;
  • after emergence of seedlings, reduce to +17⁰С for four days;
  • subsequently, during the day, maintain at +22-25⁰С.

The requirements for the ripening time of varieties for a greenhouse are not as stringent as for open ground. However, if you want to enjoy melons already in July, it is better to take early ripening ones.

An analysis of the proposals showed that the hybrid “Zlato Scythians” from the company “Gavrish” is very popular in the melon fields near Moscow. This is a medium-sized melon, specially designed for growing in greenhouses. Reviews about its taste and aroma are very good. Also often grown in the Moscow region:

Variety Growing season Pumpkin mass Disease resistance
Assol F1 80-90 days 1 kg Stem ascochyta blight
Amal F1 60-65 days Up to 3 kg High
Lada 75-90 days 1.5-2.0 kg Relative
Early 133 60-70 days 1.5-2.0 kg good
Bykovskaya 735 60-63 days 1.0-1.4 kg good

Melon Kolkhoznitsa is a universal variety that produces yields both in the greenhouse and in open ground.

Melon varieties for storage

Of the late-ripening plants, you can try to grow the following varieties in the Moscow region:

  • Wintering;
  • Honey giant;
  • Sugar pouring.

In this trio, the leader, perhaps, can be called the Honey Giant. According to tasters, large oval pumpkins of this variety when ripe have a bright taste and aroma. It should be noted that melting pulp and a strong aroma are rare for late-ripening varieties. The specific melon smell is the result of anaerobic fermentation in the fruit, which is characteristic of plants early dates maturation.

You can increase your chances of success when growing melons by using a trick - grafting onto lagenaria. This method makes it possible to achieve earlier ripening and resistance to unfavorable conditions from the grafted crop.

Grafting is performed using a sterile razor using the “split”, “tube”, ablactation, etc. methods.

Means for increasing melon yields in the Moscow region

A strong plant that receives enough nutrition can, in turn, “feed” large quantity fruits To increase the yield of melon, it makes sense to master a technique such as fertigation.

Fertigation is a method of fertilizing through a drip irrigation system. Fertilizers are dissolved in water and dosed to the roots of plants. It is estimated that this method increases the efficiency of fertilizers by 90%. For feeding melons and others pumpkin crops The complex fertilizer “Crystalon cucumber” was developed using the fertigation method. There are many positive reviews about this drug.

  • Good results are achieved by using Agricola, which is familiar to many vegetable growers. The drug is balanced according to chemical composition, can be used for foliar feeding and increases the yield by 30%. For melon you need to take Agricola-5.
  • Supporters organic farming I can recommend an innovation from Scientific and Production Enterprise “Bio-Technology” - the liquid stimulant “Bio Fish”. It is produced from fish waste using microbiological technologies. All trace elements in it are in the form of chelates, so they are easily absorbed by plants and do not contaminate the soil. An additional bonus in the composition is beneficial soil microflora.
  • Speaking about beneficial flora and its effect on melon productivity, we cannot ignore another biological product - “Aidar”. It contains a whole biocenosis, plus humates and stimulants. According to the manufacturers, this drug can reduce the ripening time by 10 days. Feedback on the application is also good.
  • Vermicompost “TUT Good Harvest” performs well when used on melon fields.

Working solution for root and foliar feeding prepared in different ways:

  • for watering at the root – 50 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • for leaf spraying – 200 ml per 10 l.

Tip #2. After three treatments, the melon shows a good increase in vegetative mass and intensively sets fruit.

Melon is capable of intensively accumulating nitrates.

Questions from gardeners and gardeners

Question No. 1. The melon pulls a long vine with solid male flowers. How to make her bloom female?

Question No. 2. There were a lot of melons growing on the bush, but they began to deteriorate and fall off. What to feed?

It's not a matter of feeding. Melon fruiting needs to be regulated. If there are a lot of ovaries, you need to wait until they grow to the size of a tennis ball and discard the extra ones. How many pumpkins a plant can “feed” depends on the variety, but usually no more than four of the most developed fruits are left on the bush. After this procedure, the fertile vines are pinched, forcing the plant to direct nutrition to the filling fruits.

Question No. 3. The melons are ripe, but taste bland. Is there a way to influence their sugar content?

When growing in the Moscow region and other regions of the Middle Zone, you can often encounter this problem. The sugar content of melon depends on many factors. In particular, on the quantity sunlight. It is in the sun that active formation of sugars occurs in plant cells. If there are few clear days during the season, even the most best variety may produce unpalatable fruit. The situation can be partly corrected by adding magnesium sulfate (20 g per 10 liters of water). Fertilizing should be done in the summer, during the ripening period.

Question No. 4. I have a heated winter greenhouse. Is it possible to grow melon in it in winter?

Possibly if there is additional lighting. Melon is not afraid of short daylight hours, but requires high light intensity. She needs at least 5000 lux. For growing in winter greenhouse a specialized hybrid Gerimus F1 is suitable. The plant is early ripening, the taste is very high (tasting score - 4.5). The pumpkins of this hybrid are small, but capable of producing 6.8 kg per square meter.

Amateur fruit growing is developing as quickly as professional fruit growing. Every year, gardeners are mastering new agricultural techniques and technologies for growing plants that are the most unusual for Russian soil. Melon still remains exotic in Russian gardens. But correct selection varieties and A complex approach to the cultivation of this crop may in the near future make melon as familiar garden plant like a pumpkin.

Many varieties of melon have been bred. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Amber. Medium early variety. Brings harvest in 70-85 days from germination. The lashes are long and of medium power. The fruits are bright yellow, smooth, elongated oval in shape. The weight of a ripe melon is 1-2.4 kg. The pulp is juicy, white, sweet.

Millennium. The variety is early ripening. Hybrid. Suitable for open ground. The lashes are short. The fruits are smooth, reticulated, oval-round in shape. The pulp is sweet, white.

Honey melon. Medium early variety. The fruits are yellow-greenish, smooth, elongated, roundish-oval in shape. The pulp is sweet, yellow, green, yellow-red.

Moon. Medium early variety. Gives a harvest in 75-80 days from germination. The fruits are yellow, smooth, reticulated, oval in shape. The weight of the ripe fruit is 1 kg. The pulp is not too juicy, sweet, creamy in color.

Collective farmer. The variety is mid-season. The harvest takes place in 75-90 days from the date of germination. The fruits are orange-yellow, smooth, spherical. The weight of a ripe melon is up to 0.5 kg. The pulp is sweet, viscous, white.

Altai. The variety is early ripening. The harvest is produced 65-70 days after germination. The lashes are long. The fruits are oval-shaped, weighing 0.6-1.2 kg. The pulp is sweet, juicy, aromatic. The variety is suitable for growing in cold Siberian conditions.

Planting melons and caring for them

Sowing melon seedlings

Having chosen the desired variety, you can begin sowing melon seedlings. The best time to do this is April 1-10. The seeds need to be soaked and germinated. The soil should be neutral in acidity, not very fatty, and fertile.

Sow two seeds per plastic cups with good drainage. After sowing, place the cups in a warm place, covering them with polyethylene. Optimal temperature 25-26°C.

After germination of the seedlings, the polyethylene must be removed and the container with the seedlings must be moved to a bright place. The seedlings are ready for planting when four to five true leaves appear.

Planting melon seedlings

At the end of May, the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. It is better to choose a place where legumes, cabbage, and potatoes previously grew. Melon grows well in windless, sunny areas.

First you need to dig holes at a distance of 0.5 m, add humus to them (two kg each), and water generously. Melon seedlings should be planted in the porridge formed in the hole, sprinkled with dry soil. Melon seedlings cannot be buried.

Top dressing

Make the first fertilizing nitrogen fertilizers(mullein, chicken droppings, saltpeter) 10-15 days after planting in the ground. The second and subsequent ones - every 10-12 days from the first feeding, but the fertilizers should be complex mineral fertilizers (chicken manure with the addition of ash).

Pinching melons

After the appearance of the fifth or sixth leaf on the melon seedlings, the top must be pinched, after which side shoots will appear. You need to select two strong shoots, the rest must be removed, and the plant itself must be hilled. Leave 3-5 ovaries on one bush, the rest must be removed.

Watering and loosening

For melon, moderate watering once every 4-5 days is sufficient, since it grows in melon fields almost without water. If the weather is cloudy, then one watering per week is enough. It is necessary to water at the root or between the rows, avoiding moisture getting on the leaves.

If there was heavy dew in the morning, then there is no need to water. If the soil is too dry, do not overwater the plant, otherwise the fruits may burst. In general, after the ovaries appear, it is better to reduce watering to a minimum.

You need to loosen between the rows so as not to injure the roots. Weed as needed to prevent weeds from sucking moisture from the soil.

Harvesting and storage

Melon fruits are harvested depending on their ripeness. If you had to collect not quite ripe melons to save your crop from frost, they will ripen perfectly at home. To store melons, it is better to place them in boxes, the bottom of which is covered with straw or sawdust. The shelf life will increase if you put the melons in a cool, dark place.

If desired, melon can be grown in any region of Russia. You just need to choose the right variety.

In open ground, you need to protect melons from frost and, if necessary, cover them with film.

When growing in a greenhouse, you do not need to allow waterlogging, regularly ventilating the planting site. It is advisable to spray the melon with sugar syrup to attract insects for pollination.

Try, select varieties, and at the end of summer you will be enjoying fragrant melons from your own garden.

How much does honey melon cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Honey melon is a fairly well-known and widespread variety of plant that belongs to the Pumpkin family. At its core, melon is an important melon crop, which, according to scientific classification, belongs to the cucumber genus. Researchers believe that the homeland of melon can be considered the region of Asia Minor, as well as Central Asia, where you can find the plant growing wild to this day.

It is worth noting that in modern agriculture There is not a single variety of melon. Moreover, all varieties of melon differ from each other primarily in taste, and then appearance. Although all melon fruits, which by the way are called pumpkin, are characterized by a round or oblong oval shape. The color of the melon also differs depending on the plant variety.

However, most often the melon has a yellow, green or brown color; white fruits are also found. Depending on the melon variety, the fruit can weigh up to 10 kg. True, the average weight of a melon is 1.5 - 2 kg. It is worth noting that the melon received its original name precisely because of its “inflated” shape. People began to eat melon fruits back in ancient times.

A plant such as melon is mentioned in the Bible. It is noteworthy that melon was cultivated thousands of years ago in Northern India, from where the plant spread throughout Central Asia. Melon was grown by the Egyptians and was actively used in cooking. This variety of plant, such as honey melon, is most common in Morocco, where the fruits have been cultivated and eaten for centuries.

Honey melon differs both in appearance and in taste, as well as consumer characteristics. It is worth emphasizing that in addition to Morocco, honey melon is especially popular and is grown in Mediterranean countries. Experts classify honey melon as a so-called “smooth” plant variety.

the state of affairs is explained by the appearance of the honey melon, which has a round-oval elongated shape, as well as a smooth skin without any grooves. The color scheme of honey melon is also different. As a rule, honeydew melon fruits stand out for their greenish-ocher color. In addition, the honeydew melon pulp also stands out for its color combination.

The pulp of honey melon is characterized by a combination of two colors - closer to the crust the fruit has green color, and in the middle yellow tint. Some subspecies of the honey melon variety are distinguished by their bright yellow-red color of the pulp. However, the main characteristic feature Honey melon can be considered the sweet taste and pronounced strong aroma of the plant's fruits.

Calorie content of honey melon 33 kcal

Energy value of honey melon (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Melon - useful product, which is loved by adults and children. But when consuming this fruit, you should remember about food compatibility. After all, many products cannot be combined. Can you eat melon with honey? This is discussed in the article.

Product Compatibility Information

There is a table containing information about It indicates what can be eaten at one time and what is preferable to be divided. Each product requires a different composition of gastric juice. Therefore, foods were grouped into groups based on acidity and breakdown. If you follow the rules, food will be easily digested and your stomach will not be overloaded.

If you eat foods together that require different gastric juices, mutual neutralization occurs. Digestion will occur slowly. At the same time, the person feels heaviness and malaise. It is because of this that the compatibility of all products must be taken into account.


What should be included in a person's diet? The diet must consist of:

  • proteins;
  • acidic plant products;
  • slightly acidic;
  • starchy foods.

The second course, which includes meat with porridge or potatoes, is difficult to digest, and a combination of proteins with cabbage will be suitable. With improper food intake, poor absorption occurs, and many nutritional components go to waste.

Melon and honey are incompatible. Vegetables should be consumed between meals. Fresh milk is also incompatible with other products. It is classified as a protein product, and in an acidic environment it coagulates into a mass that is difficult to digest. You can’t eat melon with honey precisely because of incompatibility.

Benefits of melon

Melon is classified as a relative of cucumber and pumpkin. The taste of the product has been appreciated by people since ancient times. Now the fruits are common in many countries. In addition to their sweet taste and aroma, they have a healing effect. This is due to the useful composition:

  • organic acids - citric, malic, folic;
  • vitamins - C, PP, A, B;
  • minerals - potassium, iron, silicon.

The fruit contains up to 20% sugar, and the calorie content is 30-38 kcal per 100 g. Due to the presence of pectin and fiber, the pulp has a laxative effect. Melon therapy has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, calms the nerves, relieves stress, and improves sleep.

The fruit has choleretic and diuretic effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for kidney and liver diseases. The presence of iron allows you to increase hemoglobin. Silicon improves brain activity. The product improves immunity.

How to use melon?

This dessert should not be eaten on an empty stomach. After all, there may be problems with the intestines. Painful symptoms include nausea, bloating, and diarrhea. Melon should not be washed down with water. It should not be combined with dairy products without cooking. If you do simple tips, then the vegetable can be eaten without fear.

To avoid complications, it is advisable to eat melon as a separate dish. It is better to eat it between meals. Then it will not cause any inconvenience.

The benefits of honey

This product is valued for its beneficial features. Honey has a bactericidal, antimicrobial, antifungal effect, making it indispensable for colds and infections. It also eliminates inflammation, softens breathing, and restores defenses.

The benefits of honey come from the presence of rich vitamins and minerals. It reduces the acidity of the stomach, heals ulcers faster, and improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys. TO valuable properties include positive action on the skin. Honey helps cope with withering, rashes and wounds. The use of this product reduces fatigue, increases performance, and reduces the negative effects of stress.

Although these products are healthy, you should not combine melon with honey. But individually, they have a beneficial effect on the body. You can prepare a variety of products from different dishes that appeal to both adults and children.

Why can't you combine melon and honey?

What happens if you eat melon with honey? Because of this, negative reactions to the stomach may occur. It has been known since ancient times that you should not combine melon with honey. This used to be called volvulus. Because of this, patency is impaired and the person feels severe discomfort. But some people don't suffer from this.

Doctors believe that even a healthy person can have negative reactions to melon with honey. The consequences may be different. People who have undergone abdominal surgery are at risk of developing intestinal obstruction. Therefore, you should not take risks so as not to harm the body.

Melon jam

You can prepare different dishes from melon. Jam is one of them. The pulp must be cut into cubes. Then they are blanched in boiling water for 7 minutes. The product is placed in a colander to remove excess water. You need to prepare syrup from sugar (1 glass) and water. The pulp is poured over it and left for 5 hours. Then the jam needs to be brought to a boil and cooked for 5 minutes. The product must be removed from the heat and left for 7 hours.

Then the jam should be brought to a boil, add a pinch of vanillin and lemon juice (2 tbsp.). When hot, the product is poured into jars. This jam will be an excellent source of vitamins and a substitute for sugar in winter. In addition to preparations for the winter, many different dishes are prepared from the vegetable.

Baking in the oven

Baked melon with honey is not recommended. This can lead to negative reactions in the stomach. But you can cook baked melon. The fruit must be peeled and cut into slices about 1 cm thick. Place the melon in a baking dish and process lemon juice, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

Then a layer of slices is laid out again, and lemon juice, cinnamon and sugar are placed on top. At the end, an orange is placed in slices, but better - cut into rings. The baking sheet must be placed in the oven. Baking is carried out for 1-1.5 hours. The darkening of the oranges indicates readiness.

Thus, melon will be useful if it is consumed separately from other products. Then she will be able to saturate a person with her valuable substances. The fruit can be consumed not only fresh, but also in the form of various dishes. Compliance with compatibility rules helps prevent Negative consequences for the stomach.

Honey melon contains a large amount of vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision and is involved in the synthesis of many enzymes. The fruits also contain ascorbic acid, which increases and strengthens the immune system and protective functions of the body. This melon also contains potassium, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, helping to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Honey melon also contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it removes toxins and waste products from the body.

The properties of honey melon are also used for cosmetic purposes. Masks made from pulp are used to cleanse the face, as well as to reduce the appearance of freckles and age spots. It is also worth considering that fruits are low-calorie foods, which allows them to be used during weight loss, as well as during obesity.

The Honey Giant variety lives up to its name; it is a giant among melon varieties. Early ripening time from germination to fruit ripening is 90 - 110 days. The fruits are elongated-oval, yellow, weighing 3.5 - 5 kg. The pulp is thick, white, sweet, melting in the mouth.

The variety is resistant to unfavorable weather conditions. In areas of unsustainable agriculture, it is recommended to grow under film cover.

Honey melon is used fresh as a separate dessert. In addition, you can make candied fruits from it, make jam and make various desserts.
