Other reviews about Tinkoff Bank. Tinkoff Bank is calling, what to do? Why are they calling from Tinkoff Bank?

Greetings, my dear reader. Today in this article I want to discuss with you a situation that occurs in most of my clients. Tinkoff issues a lot of loans everywhere, so situations very often arise that there is nothing to pay off the loan, and the bank begins to actively call and write to the borrower.

What should be done in such a situation, how to react, how to communicate with bank employees, we will discuss in this article.

Features of Tinkoff Bank

This the only bank in Russia, which has been operating without offices for many years. The name of the bank fully corresponds to its owner. He founded it in 2006, modeled after one of the American banks. The main direction of this credit institution is credit cards. They were one of the first banks to release a mobile application. Until 2017, they did not have their own ATMs, but are now starting to develop this area.

I owe money to Tinkoff - what will happen now?

It doesn’t matter which bank you owe money to, the way banks work is the same everywhere. At first, the bank actively calls you, some come. Then they disappear for six months or a year, some for two. At this time, fines and penalties increase. Then the bank goes to court for a court order. If you cancel it, then after a while it will come out with a statement of claim. A court decision is made. Next, the bailiffs initiate enforcement proceedings and begin withholding your official income (if you have any).

Of course, sometimes the script can go the other way, but in rare cases.

How to get rid of bank calls?

You can get rid of bank calls different ways, you can read about them. You can also install it on your mobile phone Blocker application - Stop Collector. It allows you to block unnecessary numbers. The best way is to change your number.

Do Tinkoff Bank employees come home?

Tinkoff mainly works over the phone with debtors. On the headhunter’s website there are a lot of vacancies from this bank specifically for remote work. So if there is a need for work, you can try yourself.

Find out ways to write off debts

Collection agency employees may come to agency agreement, but this is in rare cases. In any case, there is no need to be afraid of the arrival of collectors. Communicate calmly, take the position that you are very sorry that you are in debt. You will try to pay for it. But only through the court.

What to pay attention to when you owe money to Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff really likes to go into the shadows for a long time: for a year and a half, wait until the fines and penalties increase significantly. And then he goes for a court order. This cannot be missed and must be canceled immediately. You can read how to do this

P.S. Dear friend, I hope this article was useful to you and that is why you will share it on social networks with your friends.

Best regards, Alexander Izotov. Service Veles.

Tinkoff Bank is a modern bank that does not have branches - customer service is provided via the Internet, by phone hotline and personal visit of bank couriers. Using the hotline, you can contact a bank representative at any time of the day and solve any financial or technical question associated with its services.

In 2019, the bank became more popular in Russia due to favorable offers on: (with bonuses, cashback and connected savings programs), and profitable. The flow of funds on bank cards, making payments and transfers can be done remotely via. But, still, in some questions, it is better to consult with bank specialists by calling the bank’s hotline.

Tinkoff Bank hotline (toll-free)

For solutions general issues valid number: 8 800 555-77-78 (for calls within the Russian Federation). After the operator finds out the topic of your question, he will switch to the appropriate specialist.

Telephone numbers for solving thematic issues

Loans and credit cards:

  • Credit card: 8 800 755-10-10 , 8 800 555-10-10 (for free);
  • Apply for a credit card: 8 800 555-777-8 (for free);
  • For calls from other countries: +7 495 648-11-11 ;
  • Cash loan: 8 800 555-09-11 (for free);
  • Mortgage: 8 800 555-777-5 (for free).

Email: [email protected]

Debit cards, deposits:

  • Questions: 8 800 755-25-50 , 8 800 555-25-50 (for free);
  • Open a deposit or register debit card: 8 800 555-22-77 (for free);
  • For calls from other countries: +7 495 645-59-19 .

Email: [email protected]


  • (for calls within the Russian Federation).

All Tinkoff Bank hotline numbers are on the official website page in the “Contacts” section.

Tinkoff Business – servicing corporate clients

Tinkoff Bank provides legal entities with a telephone number. From another country you can call the call center operator at +7 499 605 11 10 . In addition, you can use e-mail and send your letter to: [email protected].

Hello, I am a bank client, I use debit and credit cards, until the last moment I was happy with everything!!! but the other day a very unpleasant situation repeated itself due to the actions of bank employees. On February 1, 2018 (this is the first time) they called my colleague (88005551534 at 14:52) and on my behalf they began to offer her various banking products, while informing her, that I recommended her as a conscientious client . In turn, I listened to all her dissatisfaction from my colleague!!! I immediately wrote to the bank employees in the Tinkoff Bank application (there is correspondence and screenshots of it), described the whole situation, that I did not leave her number, they took me a long time to transfer from specialist to specialist, a girl named Violetta wrote: “Olga Vitalievna, Our bank employees could actually call. But it has nothing to do with you . The numbers you provided do not appear in your profile and therefore colleagues cannot know that you know each other.

If you receive a second call and it will be unpleasant for your friend, then let her say that she does not want to communicate with them and the conversation will be terminated." - this is a copied message from the correspondence.

I immediately have a question... how can one of your employees call and say that it’s from me (naming my first and last name), and the second one says that this has nothing to do with me?!

As a result of communication with bank employees, a specialist named Artem made a claim, which should have been considered according to internal instructions bank and the result of the review will be sent to me via SMS... due to several delays, the answer came to me on February 8, 2018 (I could be wrong, because I deleted the messages) and the answer said that there was nothing in the employee’s actions incorrect... I didn’t talk about the employee’s correctness, but the question was that they were calling on my behalf, I listened to complaints against me and was forced to justify myself and say that I didn’t do it... They sent me an answer and I expected that This is where it all ends... but the situation repeated itself!!!

On Tuesday, 02/27/2018, from the number 8-800-755-75-36 at 15:04 they called my aunt in the city of Kursk and also began offering banking products on my behalf!!! I had to listen to a bunch of complaints again!!! All these points greatly spoil my attitude towards the bank as a whole; in the near future I am thinking of ending cooperation and terminating the contract. And regarding contacts... I have a guess that you you steal phone numbers from my phone book, because... V mobile application"Tinkoff" I was allowed access to contacts... I gave you consent to process MY personal data, not my contacts!!! And these are only those cases when I know that there were calls on my behalf... and how many other people were called on my behalf?!

I want to understand this situation and get answers to my questions, of which I have many.

Ekaterinburg residents were attacked by Tinkoff Bank operators. Several people immediately told the site that they received a call from this financial institution and a cheerful voice announced: “We have good news for you - you can get a credit card!” Moreover, none of those who received the call had previously had any relationship with this bank, so the operator cannot have his data. In theory. In fact, the operator calls the person by name and patronymic, which means that the bank still has his personal data.

When asked where Tinkoff Bank got this phone number and full name, employees most often answer that they got other people’s personal data as part of the “Bring a Friend” campaign, and clarify that “they carry out their activities in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.”

How do banks get your data?

The campaign to lure clients' friends periodically takes place in all banks: in some places it is on an ongoing basis, in others it is temporary. If a client of a credit institution persuades his friend to use the bank’s services, he is entitled to certain bonuses.

There are several forms of “bringing a friend”. Banks may request phone number and full name potential client, email, a link to a page on a social network, or they can generate a personal link that their client should send to a friend. The last option for “friends” is the most convenient, since the link can be ignored, and the bank will not take possession of your data and will not bother you with calls.

The option in which a friend leaves your name and number to the bank is the most unpleasant. Since you find yourself in the database of a financial institution and from that moment on you are doomed to periodic conversations with operators about credit cards, deposits and mortgages. At the same time, you will not be able to find out who exactly leaked your data to the bank: the company does not disclose such information.

What is personal data?

As the head of commercial and contractual practice in law firm"Yusta Aura" Alexander Nikulin, according to the law, personal data is any information related directly or indirectly to to an individual. Because of this vague wording, different interpretations arise, in which the so-called Tinkoff Bank believes that a full name and phone number are not enough to identify a person (which means there is no talk of any personal data and additional consent to the processing of such information is not required) required); and the potential user of his services thinks the opposite.

How to get rid of annoying calls?

First of all, you need to contact the bank directly and ask to remove your data from their database. However, the likelihood that your request will be granted is not one hundred percent. It is quite possible that after some time the calls will start again.

If this happens, you should contact Roskomnadzor. The agency will conduct an inspection and require the bank to delete your personal data. If the calls continue after this, Roskomnadzor will hold the organization accountable for failure to comply with the legal requirement of the authorized body.

Is it possible to punish the bank?

According to Alexander Nikulin, in a situation where a bank client gives a credit institution the phone number and full name of his friend, both violate the law. Formally, the friend should have received written (precisely written, no oral agreements!) consent to the distribution and processing of your personal data. The bank should have demanded a copy of this document. So cases when banks play it safe and put a tick in their questionnaires in the spirit of “I warned my friend that I was passing on his data” also do not exempt them from liability.

Theoretically, the victim (that is, the one who receives calls from representatives of banks unknown to him) can sue the credit institution. According to the lawyer, in this case the defendant faces a fine of 15–75 thousand rubles. according to Art. 13.11 Code of Administrative Offenses (clause No. 2: “Processing of personal data without written consent”).

In practice, in court it may not even be possible to prove that persistent calls came from this particular bank. If the phone number is not registered to a credit institution, the defendant may claim that the calls were made by someone else, posing as an employee of their company.

Another obstacle on the path to justice is the same interpretation of the concept of “personal data”. The court may side with the bank, deciding that your phone number and full name do not say anything about you.

According to Alexander Nikulin, a mass appeal to Roskomnadzor will be effective. If a supervisory agency simultaneously receives a large number of complaints against a particular organization suspected of illegally processing personal data, officials will organize a large-scale inspection. Additionally, you can write to the prosecutor's office and the Bank of Russia.

Why won't you succeed?

Roskomnadzor explained to the website that it would be problematic to punish a bank for processing other people’s personal data. According to the law, if a person transfers your data to someone, the operator (the one who received this data) does not have an obligation to ask you for permission to process it. It is understood that the person who transferred your data has already asked your permission - so the claims must be presented to him.

At this time, the credit institution can use your data at its discretion. But exactly until you ask him to stop: from that moment on, all calls will be illegal.

Note that banks are far from the only organizations that use the calling method. strangers in order to attract new clients. Promotions like “Refer a Friend” are organized by food delivery services, insurance companies, mobile operators, etc. So anyone can become a victim of constant and unpunished calls from all organizations in the country.

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How to understand that you are being scammed over the phone

Even if the fraudster knows the card number and expiration date, it is not easy to steal money from it.

Most cards are protected by 3-D Secure - a system that requires confirmation major operations code from SMS. To find out the treasured code, attackers use: sending letters, spamming on social networks, faking bank websites and making phone calls on their behalf.

Maxim Matyushchenko

experienced buyer

Imagine: Saturday evening, cups of tea, a TV series crackling on the laptop. Suddenly a call: “Hello, this is about your card.” If the dialogue follows one of the scenarios below, end the conversation and report to the bank.

Sign 1

The call comes from a hidden number

The bank always calls from the official numbers listed on the website. It may be federal, it may be mobile, but it will not be hidden.

Sign 2

An SMS supposedly from the bank arrives in a new correspondence

SMS from the bank also comes from one or two numbers that are already familiar to you. In any case, do not rush to click on the links in the message.

Sign 3

The interlocutor cannot answer simple questions


Hello, someone from the bank is bothering you. We see a suspicious transaction on your card.

On what card?

According to your main

Give the number


Hello, someone from the bank is bothering you. We see a suspicious transaction on your card, the last digits are 1234. Cash withdrawal in another city, the amount is 8,000 rubles.

Oh, I filmed this, thanks!

The call center operator sees on the screen everything that the bank knows about you. If the interlocutor is not ready to answer a simple question, for example, tell the card balance, this is a scammer.

Sign 4

Alarming message or call subject

To scare the victim and force them to quickly take the desired action, scammers come up with frightening scenarios. They say that the bank has blocked the account, assessed a fine for the loan, or that a suspicious transaction was carried out.

In such a situation, do not rush, two minutes will not solve anything. Call the bank and find out. Call only the phone number indicated on the website or on the map.

Sign 5

The interlocutor asks for card details or SMS code


To cancel a suspicious transaction, tell me your card number and the code on the back.

1234 5678 9012 3456, code 789.

Great, you will now receive an SMS, tell me, what are the numbers?


We blocked the card and ordered a reissue. The courier will call you to arrange a meeting. We have temporarily blocked funds for the suspicious transaction, and the security service is studying the situation.

An SMS code is the same as a password. Bank employees will never ask him, and they already know the card number.

If you received a call supposedly from a bank and you want to make sure the interlocutor is reliable, ask his name. After this, call the official bank number - the one indicated on the card and on the website - and ask to be switched to the person who called you.

Sign 6

They promise you benefits without effort

To lure the victim, scammers promise a solid income quickly and effortlessly: super profitable work, win-win competitions, courses that will make everyone rich. But there is no free cheese, even in a mousetrap: you won’t get money, you’ll only lose it. For example, scammers will take an advance payment for training and disappear. Or they will promise a prize and lure you out of your card details, supposedly to transfer your winnings.

Sign 7

The interlocutor is rushing you or trying to convince you

The bank employee will never insist or rush. He's at work.

Sign 8

Errors in message

The bank has vigilant editors, but scammers write with errors. Don't let the illiterate criminal fool you.

Sign 9

The sender's name is misspelled

Fraudsters register addresses similar to bank names. What works here is the property of the brain, which reads the meaning of words if the letters in them are written. When such an SMS arrives, you should also be alerted by the fact that the message was in a new correspondence.


  1. If you are not sure about the interlocutor, ask him to tell you the card number or account balance.
  2. Don't panic if they write to you about blocking your account. Call the bank using the number on the website or on the card.
  3. Don't be fooled by promises of easy money or benefits without effort.
  4. If the other person is rushing you or asking for an SMS code, you are talking to a scammer.
  5. Read messages from the bank carefully. Fraudsters use sender names similar to bank names and make mistakes in the text.