Wooden house with fireplace and sauna. Projects of houses with a fireplace

Small Vacation home ik is a place where we don’t spend much time. But when you come to your dacha, you want to get maximum comfort and relax in a pleasant atmosphere. You can simply make your country house more cozy by installing a fireplace.

But if your dacha is not very large, then certain difficulties arise, because one of the main criteria for choosing a fireplace is its size. The fireplace should not be very large, but at the same time, extremely functional. Fortunately for summer residents, there are as many such mini-fireplaces as there are large-sized models. About what types of compact fireplaces are on the market and how to choose suitable option for your house, you will learn from this article.


First of all, the fireplace should look good in your environment. country interior. A properly selected fireplace will create a cozy atmosphere.


The most common option is a U-shaped fireplace. The classic design is complemented by a built-in portal and an open firebox. On the one hand, this is good, because it allows you to create a romantic mood. By sharing a cup of tea between two and watching the fire play in the fireplace, you will completely relax and unwind.

But there is another way to look at fireplaces with an open firebox. When burning, hot gas enters the air, so a house with a fireplace of this type must be regularly ventilated. Therefore, more and more often such fireplaces are supplemented with a small door or valve. This also helps keep the room warm.

If we talk about decoration, classic fireplaces are usually decorated with marble or ceramic tiles. It can be complemented by a wooden or cast iron mantelpiece.

Country style

In the interior country house A fireplace made in a rustic or country style also looks good. It can be recognized by its D-shape. Such a fireplace is located either in a corner or under a wall. These are the kind of fireplaces that are good for small country houses, since they themselves are compact in size. At the bottom of a rustic fireplace, there is usually a special niche in which firewood is stored.


If your country house is designed in modern style, it makes sense to choose an appropriate fireplace. A high-tech fireplace looks stylish and minimalistic. Due to its compact size, such a fireplace often becomes a favorite of many owners of a small country house.

A modern style fireplace can be recognized by the use of dark metal or steel as the main material. Such a fireplace can even be mounted into a wall, which also saves space.

Models and sizes

A small fireplace can be the most different models, from classic wood-burning to modern electric.


For summer cottage A wood-burning fireplace is ideal. It creates that very cozy atmosphere and makes even a small country house a real family nest.

A wood-burning fireplace consists of a firebox, a portal and a chimney. The portal can be either massive or more compact.


A gas fireplace heats the room through combustion gas burner, not firewood. This option is relatively inexpensive and much easier to install. But to install it you will need permission from government services.


Fireplaces can also be divided according to where they are installed.

Wall mounted


Fireplaces of this type are also good for small rooms. Together with the chimney, they are fixed to the wall. Such a fireplace in its appearance resembles a small painting.


Another good option is built-in fireplaces. It is better to install such fireplaces if you are building a house from scratch. This way, you won't have to tear down the wall later. Fireplace in in this case almost completely hidden in a niche. Only the portal remains in sight.


The fireplace can be located in any type of country house. But, depending on the characteristics of your summer cottage, you should choose a certain type of fireplace. So, in hunting lodge it would be nice to put a fireplace with hob. In this case, no additional stoves will be needed, because the fireplace itself will already serve as a small stove.

IN garden house a fireplace can be purely decorative. Therefore in country house It is quite possible to install an electric fireplace of this type.

Regarding the layout, it is also worth noting that if you want a fireplace to heat the room, then it must occupy at least one fiftieth of its total area.

Installation Features

Whatever fireplace you choose, it is important that it is installed according to the requirements fire safety. When installing, lay the fireproof base first. This applies not only to the floor, but also to the wall. It is also advisable to complement your fireplace with a special screen that reflects heat.

Own home is the most expensive property of every person. Regardless of whether it is bought or not own project, over time new ideas appear, things are done major renovation. It happens that a renovation project also includes the installation of a fireplace.

A house with a fireplace gives a more comfortable perception of life, since a living flame has been identified by man with prosperity since the Stone Age. Certainly, it is easier to fold the portal during the implementation of a house project from scratch. In this case, the portal project can be implemented with an optimal layout of rooms, taking into account its location.

Fireplace design

Regardless of what stage the portal is being built, it the project has common features:

  • The portal should rely only on own foundation, that is, on the ground, and not on the floor, especially a wooden one.
  • The area of ​​the fireplace insert window should be 0.02 of the area of ​​the room for which the portal will be built.
  • The ratio of the height to the width of the fireplace insert window, as well as the depth of the fireplace insert to the height of the window, should be 0.67;
  • Check the remaining dimensions with the table:

How and in which house to install

If a brick or wooden house is just being built, and it is possible to include a portal in its design, you should choose a layout so that the fireplace pipe is installed in the wall between the rooms.


  • It is better to make the back wall of the firebox in such a fireplace from cast iron. This will allow you to get more heat from the fireplace.
  • Between brickwork pipes and wooden structures home needs to be installed steel sheets thickness 2 – 3 mm.
  • It is necessary to leave a gap of 20-25 mm between the steel sheet and the brick of the pipe.

If the portal is installed in an already built brick house, it is best to dismantle a part of the wall adjacent to the rooms and make a fireplace pipe in it as described above.

If the wall cannot be disassembled, it is best to place the fireplace near the northern wall of the room. Wherein necessary:

  • At a distance of half a brick from the edge of the contour, drive steel pins inside it at intervals into the brick along the entire contour.
  • Lay the fireplace so that the masonry brick rests on the pin against the wall.

Read also: Cladding the stove and fireplace with fireclay tiles

If the portal is installed in an already built wooden house, it is also best to place it near the northern wall of the room.

Wherein necessary:

  • In accordance with the fireplace design, draw the outlines of the portal and chimney on the wall.
  • At a distance of half a brick from the edge of the contour inside it from the floor to the ceiling for the chimney and for the portal along the height of the portal, attach rectangular pipes with a side of 20 - 25 mm to the wall of the room with strong screws. You will need two pipes for the chimney and four pipes for the portal.
  • Two pipes are located inside the contour at a distance of half a brick from the edge of the contour, two are located outside the contour, each at a distance of one meter from the inner pipe relative to the pipe contour, respectively.
  • TO rectangular pipes The pins must be pre-welded.
  • On the pipes threaded connection steel sheets with a thickness of 2 - 3 mm are attached. The gap between the sheet and the wall must be filled with thermal insulation.
  • It is necessary to lay the portal in such a way that the masonry brick rests on the pin against the wall.

What to make from

To make a fireplace you will need:

  • Lumber- timber, board. Lumber is necessary for the manufacture of auxiliary structures during the work.
  • Fireplace accessories– grate, valve, doors.
  • Knitting wire. Used as an auxiliary fastener.
  • Fasteners- screws, nails.
  • Steel sheet. Used as part of thermal insulation.
  • Steel rectangular pipe.
  • Steel corner. Used in brick laying.
  • Mineral wool. Used in the composition

Thanks to the invention of new building materials and work methods, house projects with a fireplace have found a new lease of life. Heating systems for private houses have been improving every year for a long time. Today one of the most optimal solutions, aimed at fully heating the building, is the use of centralized gas supply. At the same time, outdated heating structures are used only as auxiliary elements.

Project and layout of a private house with a fireplace

One such device that was used to heat human homes in the past is the fireplace. However, even despite their relatively low efficiency, similar devices are now quite often used in the construction of their own housing.

The use of fireplace heating has long faded into the background, and today such designs are used only to impart a certain style to the room. In addition, the presence of an open flame in it provides certain conditions of comfort. Each of us loves to watch the tongues of fire, which sway monotonously depending on the air currents. This process allows you to isolate yourself from everyday worries and relax, rest mentally and emotionally.

Project and interior design of a cottage with a fireplace

That is why in modern construction Similar systems are becoming increasingly common, the purpose of which is not to heat the home, but to provide it with a more comfortable and soft atmosphere. At the same time, installing a fireplace in houses equipped gas heating, has the following advantages:

  • special comfort and coziness of the room is achieved;
  • the atmosphere in the house becomes more aesthetic;
  • the efficiency of the main heating system increases due to the presence additional source heating;
  • the selected interior becomes more detailed and homely.

The above factors once again emphasize the fact that the use of a fireplace in a private home is still relevant and carries many advantages. However, those equipped with fireplace systems require much more careful and detailed study, since the creation of similar buildings is a rather responsible process.

House layout with fireplace and two-car garage

It is no secret that the source of open fire that is present in the fireplace requires special care and some additional operations, aimed at preventing it from penetrating deep into the living room. Based on fire safety requirements, the layout of country houses with a fireplace is carried out with special care in such a way as to avoid the slightest possibility of flame spreading into the building.

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Layout and design of a house with 4 bedrooms

Fireplace systems

Creating a fireplace in own home is a rather complex and time-consuming process, since, in addition to fire safety, such devices and their construction have a number of features that need to be paid attention to.

Diagram of a house heating system with a fireplace

In general, the construction of similar devices and all associated communications that support them full-time job, is based on the following principles:

The construction of a fireplace system is a rather labor-intensive and long-term process, containing a lot of nuances and features. The use of such structures, which are only decorative, is an unreasonable luxury that only wealthy segments of the population can afford.

Stove heating in wooden houses

Which are based on the use of fireplace structures or stoves, require a much more in-depth analysis and elaboration of all the details than objects built using other materials. Similar features of the system are due to the fact that wood is a highly flammable material. Based on this, we can conclude that not only the functionality of the system and its practicality, but most importantly its safety, depend on the elaboration of all the nuances. At the same time, almost every criterion that determines the full operation of the structure is subject to changes.

Houses made of timber are equipped with a special foundation, laid out of brick or poured with concrete, which can fully support the weight of the fireplace system.

In some cases, it is possible to enhance only load-bearing beams, however, such a solution is hardly optimal.

Project of a wooden house with a fireplace

To ensure protection wooden surface from high temperatures formed inside the oven, special films and primers are used, which completely cover all problem areas.

Today, projects of houses made of timber, equipped with a stove or fireplace, are quite rare due to the fact that such buildings, even despite more careful elaboration, still represent a significant fire danger. Another factor that plays an important role when creating a stove in a house made of timber is its placement.

In order to more accurately understand the principle of installation of a similar device, it is necessary to first consider all possible options arrangement of products that exist in modern construction. Today, the most practical and functional are the following variations of such designs:

  • frontal;
  • corner;
  • free-standing.

Moreover, in wooden houses with a stove, its location is selected based on several criteria, the dominant role among which is the availability of free space and the possibility of additional processing of wooden surfaces.

Designing a private house with a bathhouse

A striking example wooden building, equipped with a stove, is. As a rule, this particular object must meet all the necessary criteria, including last place takes into account the quality of the device's reliability and its safety. Homes, in most cases, have two main heating systems. One of them is the main one and heats the entire living space Houses. In turn, the second provides heating only to the bathhouse room, which is where its work is directed.

As a rule, in projects of houses with a sauna, a frontal or corner method of placing the heating element is used. Moreover, it is located on the wall that is in direct contact with the street and is exposed to temperature external environment. This arrangement ensures uniform heating of the entire room in as soon as possible.

One of the most important design features, inherent in similar buildings, is ventilation, since without its proper design it is unlikely to be able to achieve the very atmosphere that is necessary in houses with a sauna. Constant access of oxygen is a necessary factor underlying the combustion process. At correct location all inlet and outlet openings, achieve maximum conditions in a house with a sauna will not be a big problem.

A house with a fireplace has a special atmosphere. The most striking symbol of the home, the fireplace creates a special mood around itself and attracts. A fireplace in the house is associated with the warmth of family comfort, safety, leisurely conversations on winter evenings and a wonderful feeling of spiritual closeness, characteristic of close-knit families.

When choosing a house project with a fireplace, people often dream of a place where they can happily return from work or long trips to warm up by the fire.

Advantages of a house with a fireplace

Houses where fireplaces are installed significantly benefit from those where there is no such hearth.

  • Thanks to the presence of a large firebox and a direct chimney, the fireplace allows large air flows, preventing the appearance of dampness and unpleasant odors in room.
  • A fireplace produces a lot of heat when burning wood or other fuel.
  • In the interior, the fireplace becomes the central figure around which the rest of the surroundings are usually formed. The design of the portal (front part) can be anything, which helps you choose a model for rooms decorated in any style. A fireplace mantel is usually installed at the top of the portal.
  • Near a fireplace with a live fire, most people feel relaxed and have the opportunity to forget about problems.
  • Contemplation of a fluctuating flame induces peace and philosophical reflection, helps to escape from everyday worries and relax.

Types of fireplaces for a country house

In modern country houses you can find all the options for fireplaces that the market offers.

  • Classics of the genre - structures made of brick or stone. They are installed on a strong base and equipped with an insulated chimney. Such models require quite a lot of space and installation on the ground floor of the house. It is necessary to plan the installation of such a fireplace during the development of construction documentation. Classic stone or brick fireplaces They are usually placed in the living room. They can be placed in a corner near the wall or form an island in the center of the room, acting as a hearth. Fireplace stoves made of metal - cast iron or steel. The effectiveness of such solutions is higher than traditional stone or brick ones. They are quite capable of acting as the main sources of heating small houses. These models can be installed not only on the first, but also on the second floor.
  • A type of metal fireplace is a hanging hearth. It is suspended from the ceiling, and its selection and installation require the participation of qualified specialists.
  • A gas fireplace imitates the effect of a classic one: it runs on natural gas and does not require a massive chimney. Can be connected to a heating boiler and serve as a heating device.
  • Biofireplaces produce flames due to the combustion of a special flammable liquid. Their main advantage is environmental friendliness, which allows these models to be used in any room.
  • Electric fireplaces do not create a live fire, but simply imitate its image. Models of such fireplace heaters are produced.
  • By design, fireplaces with live fires can be open (without walls), semi-open (attached to the wall or recessed into it) or closed (built into the wall and separated from the room by a damper made of metal or heat-resistant glass).

When choosing a fireplace for a cottage, experts recommend focusing on the characteristics of the materials, the area of ​​the room and, most importantly, what effect you want to get from the installation. Stone brick and steel fireplaces are considered the best options for country houses where you plan to live throughout the year. They allow you to create a real home.

What could be cozier than a country house with a fireplace? The fireplace creates a unique atmosphere home comfort and tranquility, makes the interior of the house refined and original. In addition, the fireplace will become additional element heat supply. Just imagine how joyful it is to sit in front of a bright warm fireplace in the evening in the company of your closest people! Or how nice it is to retire with a book or a cup of tea after a hard day.

Designing a house with a fireplace

In the “MariSrub” catalog you will find wide choose wooden houses with fireplace. Available ready-made standard projects with two and one floors, with an attic, with a different number of rooms and premises. By the way, the fireplace can be placed not only inside the house, but also on attached terrace or veranda. In this case, you can equip a summer kitchen.

Liked ready-made option the architect will make the necessary changes or create individual design at the request of the customer! When creating a project, construction and fire safety standards, further communications, planning requirements, appearance And functional purpose premises.

During construction, keep in mind that the fireplace cannot fully replace heating system, however, it will become an additional heating device in the house. Choose wood types, not electric. Only they can create the right atmosphere and give extra heat. A wood-burning fireplace will warm you up and lift your spirits on a cold winter or rainy autumn evening.

Construction of a fireplace requires certain knowledge and skills, since it is important to lay out the chimney correctly. Otherwise, the equipment will not be able to work fully, and smoke will escape into the room. To avoid this, contact professionals! “MariSrub” craftsmen will not only design a house with a fireplace. They will install the frame, carry out the finishing and properly lay out the fireplace.

Advantages of wooden houses

Experts recommend building houses from wooden materials, since they are distinguished by 100% environmental friendliness and naturalness. They retain heat for a long time, are easy to fit and adjust. Lumber is characterized by strength, reliability and durability. IN wooden house fresh and warm, there is always a comfortable atmosphere and a cozy atmosphere.

Light wood does not provide heavy loads and does not require a heavy, expensive foundation. You can also save on finishing, because wooden walls They look very aesthetically pleasing and attractive, so they do not require additional painting or decoration.

The MariSrub company chooses the following materials for construction:

  • The rounded log continues traditional Russian construction and will allow you to build a luxurious cottage. It looks neat and can be installed quickly due to its even, smooth sides;
  • Chopped logs preserve as much as possible natural properties wood, since during processing very thin upper layer. Material is being processed manual chopping, so it looks elegant and expensive. From such a log you can build a spacious cottage in the best Russian traditions;
  • Dry profiled timber has a low price and quick installation. The log house turns out to be neat, practical and functional in the traditions of the European style;
  • A double beam consists of two beams between which insulation is already laid. It's practical and rational option for those who want to save on home decoration.

When making each log or block, MariSrub craftsmen use only safe technologies, which allows maintaining the environmental friendliness of the materials. From the company you can order a house on a turnkey basis and for shrinkage. We offer a full range of services, including design and construction according to the project, installation of the foundation and roof, waterproofing, insulation and protective treatment of the log house, utility networks and finishing.
