What is remote work from home? Remote work, how it works

I am convinced that remote work is the future of our planet. Not in isolated manifestations, as is happening now, but on the scale of the entire population of the Earth. Today, technology is developing at a breakneck speed, and sometimes it seems to all of us that we are the heroes of some futuristic book.

Technological progress is stunning, amazing, inspiring and frightening at the same time. But one thing can be said with absolute certainty: never before has a person had so many opportunities in any life sphere. This is especially true for work, the main component of a person’s life. In this article I want to take a closer look A mind-altering phenomenon of the 21st century is the possibility of remote work.

What is remote work

It would seem that everyone understands that remote work is when an employee is not tied to his workplace and performs his professional function “remotely.” The opportunity to work remotely appeared with the development of the Internet, when participants in the intellectual labor market realized that they could transfer work results and receive new tasks using a computer and global network, without having to sit at a specific desk in a specific office.

The concept of remote work was developed by the American Jack Nilles. In 1972, he expressed the idea that it is not necessary to keep workers in the office, since modern means communications allow you to maintain contact between employees at a distance. The authorities showed interest in developing the idea of ​​remote work, seeing it as a solution to transportation problems that were acute in cities. New organization labor could solve these issues, and at the same time provide work for the population of remote rural areas.

However, in many cases, people working remotely are still looked at with narrowed eyes, identifying them with anything but dishonest work. Most people do not understand the phrase “remote work” at all, despite the fact that this same majority uses all the benefits of the Internet every day.

Believe me, I know this firsthand. Every other day they ask us: “How do you work remotely? Do you have your own business? What do you do? How exactly do you make money? People seem to have the impression that remote work is for a select few. This is wrong! Remote work is not a business, not a hack job, and not a scam. People are simply divided into two types: those for whom the Internet is entertainment and sometimes a time killer, and those for whom the Internet is a sea of ​​opportunities and a tool for making money.

Remote work is a regular job with an employment contract, schedule, weekends, paid leave, bosses and subordinates, workdays, stress and deadlines. Everything is like a classic office job, only outside the office.

How is remote work different from freelancing?

I noticed that many people confuse remote work and freelancing. Nikita is often called a freelancer, although he is not one. In fact, remote work and freelancing have only one thing in common - the Internet as a method of communication. All.

The word "freelancer" is literally translated from English freelancer, as a “free worker”. This means that a freelancer is not associated with any company, he works for different companies, different clients, and looks for them on his own. Perhaps the freelancer is registered as individual entrepreneur, he has his own website where he describes his services, or his fame spreads across the Internet, and clients find him themselves. Perhaps he is an active participant in such specialized sites as fl.ru or freelance.ru, where customers and performers of any service find each other.

Freelancer is in free flight, he has no schedule, no boss, no team, and most often no permanent job. Eat various projects- one-five-twenty a month - which bring him income. This already depends on the specialization and authority of the specialist. A remote worker has a permanent contract with one company, fixed working hours and fixed monthly salary. He is not free to choose projects and tasks; he does what his manager tells him. Perhaps he himself is in charge of someone. After all, today there are entire “distributed” teams, where all employees work from different cities and even countries.

Why remote work and making money on the Internet are different things

There is another big confusion in concepts. And I really want to dot all the i's. You already understand what remote work is. Now let's figure out what making money on the Internet is.

Working on the Internet means performing certain actions that bring profit, but the the work process and the results of work do not go beyond virtuality. I won't consider everything possible ways making money on the Internet, I will give only examples. There are special sites where any Internet user can complete tasks and receive money for them: like, leave comments, subscribe to public pages; in addition, there are sensational binary options and other financial transactions, understanding which you can get money; There are all kinds of information products - courses, lectures, e-books, the authors of which also earn money.

What is the difference between remote work and freelancing? In such work, the Internet is not just a communication tool, but directly a material for earning money. Roughly speaking, remote work and freelancing are possible without the Internet- specialists perform the task at home (for example, make cadastral calculations or accounting reports) and personally bring them to the office on a flash drive or send documents by mail. No internet needed. Namely, “making money on the Internet” is not possible without the Internet.

Myths about remote work

Myth 1. Remote work is very difficult to find.

Reality: Finding a remote job is just as difficult as finding a regular job. It all depends on your knowledge, experience, personal qualities, goals, etc. For remote positions you also need to pass interviews, tests, and show a portfolio.

Myth 2. Remote work is not for everyone.

Reality: The remote labor market is developing every day. I am sure that in a couple of years, even typically “applied” professions such as doctors, teachers and even cleaners will find themselves in remote work. The range of remote vacancies is much wider than we used to think.

Myth 3. Remote workers earn less than office workers.

Reality: Perhaps at the dawn of remote work as a phenomenon, such discrimination took place. This is not the case now.

Myth 4. A remote worker cannot build a career.

Reality: If you understand main thesis this article, then this myth is no longer relevant for you. A remote worker is a regular worker, and if he is worthy of a promotion, he will be promoted.

Pros and cons of remote work for an employee

pros Minuses
Freedom of movement: a remote employee can work at home, in a park, in a cafe, on the beach, or travel around the world.Constant search good internet: any fabulous place for work can be hell for a remote employee if there is poor internet.
A comfortable workplace: a warm bed with hot cocoa, a hammock between palm trees, the sound of the surf - anything for your inspiration. You can work naked, in pajamas, without makeup or hair.Water costs, toilet paper, electricity and the Internet are your concern, the company does not pay for it. You also provide yourself with the necessary equipment for work.
Saving time on travel and fees: no need to get to the office with traffic jams or by subway. Plus, no morning stress. The time saved can be spent on family, self-education and relaxation.There will be no more fun drunk corporate parties with colleagues. Although, for some this is a plus.
There are no unnecessary distractions from the work process: the colleague at the next table will not pester you with jokes, and you no longer need to devote your lunch break to discussion New Year's gift to the boss.You will not have New Year's or any other gifts. But being in a noisy cafe can also interfere with your productivity.
If you are an introvert, it is impossible to imagine a more ideal job for you.If you are an extrovert, then you will miss socializing over a cup of tea, group jokes and the opportunity to make new friends. Although you can also make friends remotely.

Pros and cons of remote work for employers

pros Minuses
A remote employee is more motivated: he does not have to sit in the office for eight hours. He completes his tasks, the faster he completes them, the more personal time he will have. As practice shows, more often remote employees work even more than eight hours, because... they are passionate about the task and want to complete it.Setting up competent work of a “distributed” team is not so easy. It is necessary to carefully consider the system of reports, communications, online planning meetings, and so on.
The choice of an applicant is not limited to one city: you can choose the most talented specialist in the industry to join your team, even if he lives in another country.The HR department must be prepared for the procedure official registration remote employees. This entails additional operations, for example, sending a contract, processing money transfers, etc.
Saving costs on renting a workplace and wear and tear of equipment, as well as other accompanying expenses: a remote employee bears the costs, for example, of a computer breakdown.If the employer does not provide the employee necessary equipment, he has no right to demand certain things. For example, in the event of force majeure: a computer breakdown, a power outage or an earthquake in the place where the employee works, work will be temporarily suspended, and this must always be kept in mind.

Rating of demand for remote professions

I studied several of the largest Russian and international sites where new remote vacancies are regularly published, and I also analyzed popular pages with current job offers on social networks. Based on this research, I compiled a ranking of the most in-demand remote professions today.

  1. Information Technology: programmers, all kinds of developers, HTML coders, SEO specialists and others.
  2. Financial sector: banking specialists, accountants, expert estimators, financial project managers and others.
  3. Sales: sales managers, call center operators and others.
  4. Education: all kinds of tutors, trainers, authors of student papers and others.
  5. Administrative area: assistants, collection administrators, transcriptionists, database operators and others.
  6. Media, marketing, advertising: PR specialists, SMM specialists, copywriters, journalists, internet marketers, website editors and others.
  7. HR: recruiters, HR managers and others.
  8. Design, photo, video: graphic designers, web designers, illustrators, photo and video shooting, video editing, video creation and so on.
  9. Consulting: project managers, consultants and others.
  10. Other: translators, tourism managers, insurance agents and others.

Ways to find remote work

For most people, finding a remote job is an unknown mystical ritual, seasoned with wild dancing and joining a sect of the elite. Many people told me that remote work is only available to residents of megacities, although the idea of ​​remote work breaks any connection to geolocation. Let's look at the three main ways to find remote work.

  1. Talk to your boss. He may want to transfer you to a remote position with office visits once a week, and then no participation in weekly planning meetings at all. Personally, we had such experience, it works in practice. Even if your company doesn't have a single remote employee yet, you can be a pioneer.
  2. Browse numerous job search sites. Even on the same HH.ru, more than 12 thousand remote vacancies are available today. There are specialized sites for finding remote work. I will write about them in a separate article, because... I have accumulated a good database of cool resources.
  3. Contact relevant specialists who professionally prepare people for remote work, help retrain if necessary, advise, train and help with employment. Today there are many free consultants on remote work, as well as webinars, books, articles in which experts share secrets on finding remote work.
If you are really interested in remote work, but have absolutely no idea where to start, I advise you to pay attention to. RD2 is one of the most dynamically developing companies in the field of online training for remote work. The company was founded in 2012, and today it is an international organization that teaches remote work to Russian-speaking people from more than 30 countries on five continents. The company's team consists of 65 people, and all employees work remotely from different parts of the world.

The company conducts unique trainings that help people find them strengths and use it to earn money in a new field. Company motto: “There is remote work for everyone”, which I completely agree with.


Remote work allows you to manage your life, gives you more freedom, more opportunities, and this is exactly what the average middle manager in any country dreams of. Large international corporations have long been practicing a partially remote schedule for employees, and young, effective startups rarely consider standard offices as a space for work.

In Russia, remote work as a phenomenon is just beginning its journey. In big cities, more and more companies are opening remote positions, and people are increasingly striving for such work. But such a strange approach to work still doesn’t fit into our mentality. As evidenced by numerous misunderstandings, myths and stereotypes regarding remote work.

Unfortunately, I did not find any surveys or specific statistics on this matter. Only by personal experience I can say that among young people around the world, remote work is not easy fashion trend, but the most acceptable lifestyle in which work, family, travel, leisure and hobbies are combined in a balanced manner.

I spent a long time collecting information and my thoughts on this matter, so the article turned out to be long. I hope you will take it as a basis for reflection and your own conclusions, and not as the ultimate truth. Share in the comments what you think about remote work? Do you have similar experience? What would you add to my theses?

Next article

Most of us are used to working “for our uncle.” We live according to the scheme “home-work-home” or, more precisely, “home-traffic-traffic-traffic-traffic-home”. Sometimes on weekends you manage to meet with friends or go out “out” with the whole family. Vacation is on a schedule; being sick and doing personal business at a convenient, usually working, time is not recommended at all.

Pros and cons of remote work

Not everyone is ready to put up with these shortcomings and limitations. Therefore, recently such a form of work as, or remote work from home.

It should be noted that the concept of remote work was invented by the American Jack Nilles back in 1972. Even then, existing means of communication allowed employers to maintain contact with employees at a distance. 7 years later, the term “flexiplace” was coined - “flexible workplace”.

Now, thanks to the development of the Internet, a huge number of people around the world work and earn money without leaving home. These are men and women, pensioners and students, mothers with babies in their arms and professionals tired of daily long commutes to work. There are many types of remote work from home. And everyone, whether a highly qualified specialist or a person with little work experience, can choose the right option for themselves.

Modern businessmen willingly hire remote employees into their teams. This is very profitable: you don’t have to rent premises, buy furniture and office equipment, or hire service personnel. All the work is done by people living in different parts globe. If the work of remote employees is organized correctly, then the company’s clients will not even understand that the staff does not work in a single office, but at home in comfortable conditions and according to an individual schedule.

Pros of remote work

  • No need to waste time and money traveling to work and back.
  • Free work schedule.
  • You can live wherever you want (and there is Internet).
  • You are your own boss: you can freely manage your working hours, prices for services and work with customers of your own choosing.
  • There is no need to be afraid that the employer will refuse because of age, gender, appearance or having small children.
  • Can people work with disabilities and poor health.
  • It is possible to choose a job where communication with people will be kept to a minimum (for some this is very important).

Disadvantages of remote work

  • It is necessary to maintain self-discipline and high responsibility.
  • Prospects are not always clear career growth.
  • Problems with excess weight and health in general due to low mobility, heavy eye strain, lack of motivation to look good.
  • Some areas may have expensive and/or slow internet service.
  • Limitation of “live” communication with colleagues (although the “minus” is dubious).
  • You need to spend your own money and time on setting up a remote workplace.
  • There is a certain risk of running into scammers.

By the way, Since 2013, Russia has provided for legal regulation of remote work. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, remote work is officially called remote work. A employment contract agreement on remote work can now be concluded not in paper form, but signed using an electronic signature. This allows you to find official work from home and reduce the risk of fraud from employers.

If you are attracted by the “advantages” of remote work from home via the Internet and are not bothered by the “cons,” then you may well find a remote job to your liking and in accordance with your abilities, including as a part-time job.

Next time we will talk about the most popular Internet professions on the market and what parameters you can use to earn part-time work at home in order to...

Remember the words of Confucius: “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

To better understand what remote work is, watch a short video about people who successfully work via the Internet. They share their feelings about new form work, talk about what has changed in their lives for the better.

Based on materials from the book “24 Internet professions, or how to work without leaving home.”

Greetings, friends! Today we’ll talk about the main topic of my blog and find out simple examples, what is remote work, is it real or a hoax. Why is working from home becoming more and more popular and now is the time to learn new activities that allow you to earn money via the Internet.

Remote work is a method of employment in which a person (performer) performs assigned tasks remotely, contacting the employer via the Internet.

That is, any work that can be done at a distance, without necessarily being in the office, can be called remote.

I would also like to highlight a separate format for remote work - . Freelancing is when you work remotely, but you do not have a permanent employer and you are always looking for orders.

Let me explain with examples what the principle of such activities is and who will pay you for what.

What needs to be done and who will pay?

Remember, in I talked about the circulation of money and where it comes from. Nowadays, everyone who sells various goods or services does it using the Internet. Because people spend a lot of time here, communicating, viewing the necessary information, looking for answers to their questions, and so on.

To do this, we use different sites, services, programs and applications. Have you ever wondered who creates them? Behind all this are millions of people, some of whom work remotely.

Take, for example, my blog, where you are now reading this article. On initial stage To make it come into being, I paid people to create it. Moreover, I never saw these people; our communication was only in text correspondence.

The first person is the designer. He drew the design of the blog - what you now see on the screen of your device. The designer spent a total of about 2 weeks on this work, and I paid him 25,000 rubles.

The second person is the layout designer. From a picture made by a designer, he assembled a functioning website using software code. I paid him 18,000 rubles for 3 days of work.

They all perform simple, understandable tasks for which they receive money.

There are dozens of different ones, the knowledge and skills of which can be used for remote work.

Who can work remotely?

I used to think that only programmers could make money like this. But when I started looking for something to do, I realized that there was a lot of work here, for every taste and color. Whether for a student or a pensioner. For a long time I couldn’t choose a direction in such a huge variety.

From scratch with no experience, I mastered several professions and achieved a stable monthly income that exceeded my offline salary. It took me six months.

Of course, it will be more difficult for older people who do not have basic computer skills. But I think you understand that neither age, nor gender, nor social status, nor geographical position or anything else has no effect on whether you can or not.

I can give dozens of examples of guys who had a situation many times worse than yours now.

In addition, many people do not need to change their specialty and learn something new. Most common professions are suitable for remote work, for example, accountant, sales manager, marketer, journalist, and so on.

What are the prospects?

Compared to regular work, a lot can be revealed. But today I want to tell you about the prospects that I saw in my time.

I first encountered remote work somewhere in 2011, but then I didn’t realize at all that you could make a stable income from it. I was in college and had an internship with a private entrepreneur. Engaged in installation of video surveillance and security systems.

He had his own company selling and installing security equipment, which, like everyone else, needed clients. Realizing that from social network You can get clients on VKontakte, he offered me 1,000 rubles a month (at that time it was good money for a student) to invite people to his group.

This group (https://vk.com/club16076182) still exists.

So for about five months I invited participants in the evenings in my free time. A task that any student can handle.

It’s a pity that it didn’t dawn on me then that there could be a lot of work like this. The more unique the services you can provide (make websites, write texts, do design, manage projects, lead a team, and so on), the more you can earn.

Technologies are developing, many companies no longer have offices, their employees work remotely and are located all over the world. It is not profitable to maintain workspaces, knowing that it is possible to hire a person who will do the same from home.

When traveling, I often meet Russian-speaking guys from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan who work via the Internet for Russian and foreign companies.

If you know English, then the world of remote work is even wider for you. It is more profitable to receive your salary not in rubles, but in dollars or euros.

Technologies are replacing people in production and therefore there is a reduction. Some professions are beginning to die out because they are no longer relevant in the 21st century.

At the end of 2014 I realized this. I realized that I needed to develop, learn new skills, keep up with the times, so as not to spend my whole life twisting wires for 20,000 rubles and not walking up to my ears in dust working as an electrician.

Where to begin?

It's great that thanks to the Internet we get unlimited access to knowledge from all over the world. To master skills that will bring you 40,000 - 50,000 thousand rubles a month, you don’t need to study for 5 years at a university and spend hundreds of thousands of rubles on training.

According to statistics, guys who start studying at ours make the transition in 3 to 6 months on average, with maximum impact.

The most difficult thing is to decide on the direction you want to pursue. It often happens that a person rushes back and forth and, as a result, marks time, starting all over again each time.

Give some unique advice choosing a profession is difficult, since everyone different level development and range of interests, an individual approach is needed. The easiest way is to go to school, take on assignments to find out what works and what is generally difficult and incomprehensible for you.

For beginners, everything will seem complicated. Just as it once seemed difficult for me to make a website, a banner in Photoshop, or write an article. Now, having certain knowledge, it will not be difficult to do this.

Also, dozens of new vacancies are published on exchanges every day. Jobs, like tasks, can be found with different levels of employment, complexity and payment methods. In the first project I worked on, I had a flexible schedule and piecework pay. When working remotely, the employer is primarily interested in the result.


I hope you now correctly understand what it means to work remotely and what the prospects are here. Study, learn to study, master new knowledge and skills, switch to remote work and travel. Having the Internet, you can do this without investment.

If you need help and support, then come to our express course “Start in remote work and freelancing”.

In the comments to this article, you can ask your questions and leave feedback about your experience of remote work. I will be happy to answer them and share advice.

Currently, for more than 5 years, I have been working as a full-time employee remotely. In this article I will talk about how I came to this kind of work, what the pros and cons are, and what I plan to do about it all.

I started my career in IT by working for a 1C franchisee, where I received average money for my small town, then I was drawn to something more “difficult”, I began to learn Python/Java. This allowed me to create several projects that to this day bring me an average salary for my city, but it didn’t work out great. I didn’t have the eggs or money to open something more serious and risky, so I started looking for another job. As it turned out, there was nothing in the city (and even now there is nothing), so I began to consider options for moving to another city, and at the same time read various books. So in the famous book “Remote. An office is not required,” I learned about the opportunity to work remotely, after which I began my search. After 2 months, sending 30 applications every day to different companies, I found a job as a remote tester, then moved up to QA-Automation, and then moved to the development department, where I am currently.

Organization of remote work

1) I am fully registered as a full-time employee. In fact, my workplace is listed as the city of Moscow. I send documents by mail, and once a year at a general meeting in Moscow I sign all minor papers.
  • The only disadvantage of this scheme is the fear of banks. Like, why do you want to take out a loan here if you work in Moscow. Where you worked, that’s where you get it. But as my colleagues say, my case is an exception.
2) Workplace, all equipment, IDEA, etc. - at my expense. I guarantee the employer that I independently ensure the operability of the equipment. The maximum period of absence for technical reasons is 2 hours. In general, everyone forgets about this, but when construction was going on next door and often fell no, I had to keep cables from two providers at home at once.

3) There is no “handjob” with screenshots, webcams, etc. I just have to write off 7 hours a day for tasks. Once a week, the team lead checks the adequacy of your write-offs. There have been no particular conflicts regarding this in 5 years.

4) Standard meetings, calls via zoom, slack for corporate communication, Jira delivery tools and others. The general feeling is that this turns out to be much easier than walking around the office and looking for the person you need. I wrote, called - he answered, fumbled the screen, showed the code, and everything was fine.

5) Salary is deposited on the card, insurance is sent by mail, vacation certificates, etc. - through accountants and managers. A couple of times a year he goes on a corporate retreat (actually a paid vacation for a week).

6) Bonuses, goodies, corporate English and so on - everything is like people, reporting on checks in the accounting department.

As a conclusion: in terms of productivity and work organization, there is no difference at all whether you sit at home or go to the office.

Plus remote work for the company

Practice shows that developers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk are quite expensive, but at the same time quite mobile. Those. If you hire a person today for an adequate salary, in 6-12 months, the person may leave for quite adequate reasons:
  • Higher salary
  • Closer to home
  • More comfortable office
  • Having friends in this company
  • And so on
This all adds to the turnover, which has a rather negative impact on development time. Plus you have to spend a lot on everything related to HR.

Moreover, if we take cities by type: Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Crimea, Krasnodar, Saratov, Belgorod, etc., then we can find enough big number competent developers who will be happy to work with Moscow salary minus 10-20%. This will be many times more than they receive locally, and a little cheaper for the company.

Plus the mentality of people. If the developer is enough high level did not leave to “conquer Moscow or the Valley,” then it is likely that he does not particularly like change, he is satisfied with a calm, measured life. Therefore, offering a good salary and no hassle, such a person stays with us. So, almost 2/3 of our team has been working for more than 5 years, and all HR responsibilities are done by one girl.

Question of income level

At my current position, I receive approximately 3 salaries, which would be offered to me in the regional center. Here we add the income from my own projects, and it turns out that I live quite well by local standards.

Considering that this is not freelancing, I have no problems with taxes, health care, etc. This is enough good condition, if you have a flexible psyche and are very worried when there are no orders, the customer throws money and so on.

Working from home, I save approximately 20% of my salary, which I would spend on traveling to work, dining at work, some spontaneous purchases on the way home, clothes, gasoline, etc. Those. for example, my jeans and sneakers are 4 years old, and they feel quite good. They just don't wear out. True, sometimes a situation arises when you need to go somewhere in a more or less businesslike manner, but I don’t have that.

What has gotten worse is that utility bills have increased, plus I change my computer chair + mouse and keyboard once a year.

Question of professional growth

When it comes to personal growth, modern technologies allow you to organize a “council of experienced colleagues” remotely. There are no problems here, as long as there is own wish to ask questions.

As for career growth, it’s more complicated. Growth in one company has a limit, but remote work with real cool projects - very rare. Most often, cool team leadership positions are located in Moscow, and they are already recruiting people for the office there. Those. For now, remote work is more for ordinary developers.

The question of the emotional component

1) Relationships and girls. It is advisable to go remote when you already have a partner, or a good option. Firstly, sitting at home alone can drive you crazy. Secondly, when you go to the office, you are always ready to go somewhere, go out for a walk, tell some stories, etc., but when you work from home, the desire disappears, there are no decent clothes at the ready, and in general you become more withdrawn.

2) Cats and other pets. I have a cat and cats at home who help me cope with stress. I play with them from time to time, and secondly, often when programming I explain to them how my code works. Surprisingly, it helps to quickly understand the essence of the task. My remote colleagues also have pets.

3) Comfort of working from home. Some of my colleagues make themselves a “nest” on the balcony so that their wife and children do not tug at them too much. Someone rents some space for themselves. Some go to work with their neighbors, others work for their parents. There are many options, all have their drawbacks. One thing is for sure, you won’t be able to get rid of interference 100%. You need to be prepared for this.

4) Feeling of “eternal work”. When you work from home, it feels like your home is your work. It can be stressful. In my case, it was not me who began to freak out, but my wife, who began to complain that the computer in our house was buzzing all the time. I resolved the issue by moving the workplace to the kitchen, plus purchasing a quiet computer. But still, from time to time there are small quarrels, especially if you have to work at night.

5) Not for the lively. There were people on the team who liked to chat on various topics, “make jokes in the smoking room,” flirt with girls from other departments, and so on. They couldn’t work remotely, it was just that at some point their productivity dropped, some kind of depression appeared and people left.

6) Additional stabilizer. When communicating with colleagues, it became clear that many cannot work all the time, so some walk around New York using Google Maps, some play at promotions, others watch streams of games or TV series. This doesn’t interfere with productivity, but it does relax you.

As a conclusion

Remote work is good way get a good salary if you don’t want to go to conquer Moscow or the valley. It has many disadvantages, most of all emotionally, but it provides fairly comfortable working conditions.

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What does remote work mean?

Remote work - what is it?? In fact, the remote relationship determines specific legal relationships, the features of which are related to the nature of the work function.

To conclude remote employment contract is possible only with a citizen who performs his work duties outside his location, as well as outside the control (direct or indirect) of the employer. Similar work function is called remote work.

For interaction between the parties labor relations on issues directly related to the performance of work, and for its direct implementation, general information and telecommunication networks should be used. Often, remote work is carried out via data transmission over the Internet. Recently, such relationships have become widespread.

Remote work in a commercial company: how to conclude an employment contract correctly? Sample

As follows from the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract with a remote worker can be concluded through the exchange of documents in electronic form. The employer pays 3 calendar days from the time the agreement is concluded, he must send the employee a remote employment contract in paper form, drawn up according to the usual rules. Upon signing electronic agreements remote workers and their employers use enhanced qualified electronic signatures(Paragraph 4 of Article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When is an employment contract concluded? remote worker, the employee submits to the employer all the documents specified in the law. They can be sent in electronic format. If the employer is not satisfied with this, he demands to provide paper copies, then the employee sends him notarized copies of these documents. Sending is carried out by mail using a registered letter with notification (paragraph 3 of Article 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Remote workers transfer directly to the employer or send by mail by registered mail with notification (paragraph 7 of Article 312.2 of the Labor Code).

Familiarization of an employee who has entered into a remote employment contract with the work rules, as well as local regulations, directly related to its function, is allowed through interchange electronic documents. Similar procedure is provided for familiarization with adopted local acts, instructions (orders) of the employer, requirements, notifications and other documents of this kind. In turn, the employer must issue an order on remote work.

In other words, the employment contract for remote work fully complies with the requirements Labor Code, and, therefore, the remote worker receives all state guarantees provided by law.

Remote work: terms of the employment agreement

Very important provisions to be included in a remote employment contract are the conditions governing:

  • nature of the work function (remote work);
  • the time period during which each party to the legal relationship undertakes to send confirmation of receipt of the document in electronic format from the other party;
  • the obligation of an employee who has entered into a remote employment contract to use the equipment provided (recommended) by the employer, information security tools, software and hardware or other means. In this case, remote workers become familiar with the labor protection provisions for working with such means (equipment) at the initiative of the employer. Instead, the employer may allow the use of equipment, software, hardware and other means (personal or rented) at the discretion of the employee (paragraph 8 of Article 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • terms and procedure for providing support to an employee who has signed a remote employment contract, necessary means or the terms of payment of compensation for the use of personal (rented) funds;
  • terms and procedure for submitting reports on the work done to the employer who has entered into an employment contract with a remote worker (paragraph 1 of Article 312.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • work schedule and rest schedule. When such conditions are absent, remote workers have the right to independently set their own schedule (