How is cervical erosion treated? Folk remedies for the treatment of cervical erosion: are they effective and what are the risks when using them. Symptoms and course of cervical erosion

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Cervical erosion is a defect of the mucous membrane. You can diagnose cervical erosion at an appointment with a gynecologist using mirrors. Despite the generally accepted opinion that this disease cannot be treated, this is not true. Treatment of cervical erosion must be carried out, otherwise over time, the cells affected by the infection may develop into a malignant stage. There are a great variety of methods for treating cervical erosion, from which you can choose surgical, medicinal or folk.



A surgical intervention in which the damaged area is exposed to ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen. Thanks to this procedure, the diseased area of ​​the cervix is ​​“frozen” into healthy flesh. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is about 150 degrees, and the efficiency of the method reaches 97%.

Among the advantages of the method are:

  • does not leave scars;
  • can be used in nulliparous women and those planning pregnancy;
  • new healthy epithelium grows in place of destroyed diseased tissues;
  • the recovery period is short;
  • the procedure is painless and bloodless;
  • The duration of the procedure is less than that of other methods.

The operation is performed within a few minutes, after which the patient returns home. After the procedure, swelling is observed on the cervix. The discharge after the intervention is profuse and lasts about two weeks. Tissue healing occurs within a month.

The disadvantage of cryodestruction is that there is a risk of contraction of the uterus or its shortening, so this procedure is not one of the most popular. For deep lesions of the mucous membrane, the method is ineffective.

Laser coagulation

The method is based on cauterization of erosion using a laser. The most widely used method of treating erosion by doctors at this time. The advantages of laser cauterization include:

  • the laser eliminates erosion and at the same time stops bleeding in the damaged area;
  • a scar after the procedure rarely occurs;
  • low risk of complications;
  • the treatment is non-contact, therefore the risk of infection from medicinal instruments is minimal;
  • suitable for nulliparous women;
  • the procedure is completely painless;
  • During the procedure, visual control is carried out using a colposcope;
  • The rehabilitation process after the procedure lasts less than with other methods.

The procedure is prescribed immediately after the menstrual cycle. The length of the laser beam is set, which evaporates the damaged cells of the erosive area. Complete healing of the cervical epithelium occurs after 3 to 4 weeks.

Rehabilitation after the procedure is going well, in some cases there may be some bleeding, which is normal. You should abstain from sexual intercourse until the uterine epithelium has completely healed.

During the recovery period, the doctor prescribes suppositories to the patient to avoid infection. You can plan a pregnancy no earlier than three months after the procedure. After 1.5 months, the patient must undergo a follow-up examination and assessment of the positive effects of the laser.

The most outdated and traumatic method is cauterization of erosion using current. Due to the high efficiency of the method, it has not yet been abandoned.

This method is used less and less for the treatment of erosion, since there is a high risk of narrowing of the uterine pharynx after the procedure, which can lead to problems with the next pregnancy and childbirth.

The procedure is carried out without anesthesia for 20 - 30 minutes in the second period of the menstrual cycle. After the procedure, the patient is monitored in the ward and if all is well, she is sent home.

Disadvantages of this treatment method:

  • pain during the procedure, which intensifies if the erosion is large;
  • high likelihood of scarring;
  • long-term recovery up to 2.5 - 3 months;
  • high probability of bleeding and infection in the wound;
  • another procedure may be required due to crust formation during the cauterization process;
  • not suitable for those who plan to have children in the near future, as the scar complicates the birth process.

When treating cervical erosion with radio waves, a special device “Surgitron” is used. The operation of the device is aimed at converting radio wave radiation into energy, which is concentrated as much as possible at the end of the element.

The main advantages of this method of treating cervical erosion:

  • low trauma to surrounding soft tissues;
  • There is no deformation of the organ after the procedure;
  • the method is practically bloodless and painless;
  • suitable for nulliparous women, without leaving adhesions or scars;
  • relapses do not occur after the procedure;
  • the recovery period is short.

Before the procedure, a biopsy and cytology of soft tissues are taken to exclude malignant tumors. The simplicity of the method allows the procedure to be performed under local anesthesia.

Cauterization is carried out once, after which women must follow the following instructions:

  • do not have sexual intercourse for a month;
  • do not swim in pools and ponds;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • do not take a hot bath.

For the first few days after the procedure, you may experience uterine spasms and spotting, which should not be alarmed.

The procedure is contraindicated for people with heart failure or diseases of the reproductive system during an exacerbation period.

Chemical coagulation method

This method involves applying chemicals directly to the center of erosion. For cauterization, a mixture of acids “Solkovagin” and “Vagotil” is used. Before cauterization, a smear is taken from the patient to exclude infection in the cervix.

The procedure is carried out under the supervision of a colposcope so that the medicine is applied most accurately to the center of the tissue damage. Chemicals promote the rejection of the surface layers of cells, after which new ones form in their place.

The advantages of the method are that it does not require the use of anesthesia, after which scars and deformation of the canal do not occur. The procedure is quick and well tolerated by patients.

Disadvantages that can be highlighted:

  • The procedure is effective only for small areas of erosion;
  • the least effective method of all;
  • high probability of relapse;
  • This method should be avoided by nulliparous women;
  • there is a high probability that the drug will touch healthy tissues on which a scar may form.

For rehabilitation to be successful, a woman must refrain from overheating the body and sexual intercourse for a month.


Douching is one of the best methods for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases. Douching can be compared to washing, the purpose of which is to provide the vagina and uterus with the necessary disinfection and relieve the inflammatory process.

Douching can be done in one of several ways:

  1. Using an enema filled with rinsing liquid. This method can be traumatic if you do it yourself at home. It is better to carry out this type of douching in a hospital.
  2. Using a special syringe. Fill the syringe with the required solution. The procedure can be conveniently carried out in the bathroom, with the woman lying on the bottom of the bathtub with her legs thrown over the edges. You should relax and insert the tip of the syringe into the vagina, slowly pour the solution into it so that it enters the cervical canal.
  3. It is also possible to use a syringe while standing over the toilet, tilting your torso forward and slightly bending your knees.

The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the walls of the bladder. Douching is contraindicated for pregnant women. It is not recommended to do the procedure for longer than two weeks in a row, as it can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

Solutions that can be used for douching at home:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile into a liter of boiling water in a saucepan. Place the pan with a lid in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, leave the solution for 40 minutes, then cool to room temperature.
  • Pour 15 grams of chopped celandine roots with a glass of boiling water and heat for 20 minutes under a lid in a water bath. Leave for an hour, strain. Douche with ½ cup of infusion per day.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed bergenia root into 200 milliliters of boiling water and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Cool the broth to room temperature, strain and use.
  • Pour 4 tablespoons of calendula flowers into two glasses of boiling water. Leave for an hour, strain.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves into 500 milliliters of boiling water, leave until the solution reaches room temperature. Strain and use as directed.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed calamus root (dried) into half a liter of boiling water. Let the mixture boil and cook for 5 minutes. Prepare the solution in the morning so that it infuses until evening. If a burning sensation occurs during douching, you must endure it.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of boron uterus into 500 milliliters of boiling water. Bring to a boil, cool and strain. To achieve a therapeutic effect, use the decoction only within 24 hours after preparation, once at night. The course of procedures is a week.

Remember that the douching solution must be carefully filtered through several folded layers of gauze.


The use of tampons in the treatment of cervical erosion is a folk method that can be easily done at home. This treatment is not accompanied by adverse reactions, with the exception of allergies to the selected therapeutic component.


Before deciding on surgical treatment of erosion, you can try to cure the pathology using conservative methods, namely the use of suppositories or tablets. Also, the use of medications must be carried out before surgery if there is inflammation at the site of erosion.

Available in the form of a solution that has an antiseptic, local trichomonacid and bactericidal effect. It has local vasoconstrictor and hemostatic properties.

The active substance is polycresulene.

Indications: erosion of the cervix and vagina, vaginal itching, local treatment of wounds that are difficult to heal, vaginitis, bleeding after biopsy or electrocoagulation of the cervix.

Contraindications: breastfeeding and pregnancy, menstrual cycle, hypersensitivity to the components of the product, sexual activity in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Mode of application:

  • for douching, you need to dilute 10 - 15 milliliters of solution in a liter of warm water;
  • carry out hygienic procedures, then insert a tampon soaked in the solution into the vagina for 1 - 3 minutes. Remove the swab and wipe off the remaining drug with a dry swab;
  • The procedure must be carried out 2-3 times a week, no more than 10 courses.

Adverse reactions:

  • redness;
  • swelling of the vulva and vagina;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the vagina;
  • burning;
  • rash;
  • local irritation;
  • anaphylaxis.

The release form of the product is vaginal suppositories. A drug that has antiseptic properties against bacteria and infections, it is often prescribed before and after surgery. The drug does not disrupt the normal vaginal microflora and is approved for use by pregnant women.

The active ingredient is chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Indications: prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, prevention of complications after surgery, prevention of inflammatory and infectious complications in gynecology and obstetrics, treatment of vaginitis, endo- and exocervisitis, treatment of cervical erosion.

Contraindications: allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Mode of application:

  • the product is intended for insertion into the vagina, before it must be removed from the package;
  • for prevention purposes, after unprotected sexual intercourse, administer a suppository no later than two hours later;
  • for treatment, insert a suppository into the vagina 1 - 2 times a day;
  • Duration of treatment - 7 - 10 days, maximum 20 days according to doctor's indications.

Adverse reactions: itching in the genital area, which disappears after discontinuation of the drug.

The product is available in the form of a solution. Used for local treatment of benign pathologies of the cervix. The mucous membrane that is not damaged by pathology does not react to the penetration of the drug and remains intact.

Active acids included in the composition: acetic, nitric, zinc nitrate hexahydrate, oxalic acid dihydrate.

Indications: benign lesions of the cervical tissue, namely the transformation zone, cervical ectopia, polyps of the cervical canal, postoperative granulomas, Nabothian cysts.

Contraindications: pregnancy, cellular dysplasia, allergic reactions to drug components, malignant changes in cervical cells.

Mode of application:

  • when using the solution, you should avoid contact with the vaginal epithelium and the skin of the external genitalia;
  • the contents of one bottle are dosed for two procedures;
  • before using the product, you should remove vaginal mucus with a cotton swab;
  • so that the boundaries of the cervical lesion are more clearly visible, it should be treated with a 3% solution of acetic acid;
  • using a cotton swab wound on a rod, treat the pathology site with the drug;
  • repeat treatment with the drug after 2 minutes;
  • after the procedure, the doctor conducts follow-up examinations on the 10th, 24th and 38th days;
  • If the result is unsatisfactory, carry out the procedure again.

Adverse reactions: apart from possible individual allergic reactions, no side effects were observed.

The release form of the drug is tablets. "Terzhinan" is a complex product that has antifungal and antibacterial effects. The drug relieves inflammation, guarantees the constancy of the vaginal pH and the integrity of its membrane.

The active component of the product is ternidazole, nystatin, prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate, neomycin sulfate.

Indications: vaginitis, including bacterial and fungal, prevention of infections after operations to remove cervical erosion, vaginal trichomoniasis, mixed vaginitis, prevention of complications before gynecological operations.

Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Mode of application:

  • the tablet must be inserted deeply into the vagina before going to bed in a lying position;
  • before administering the tablet, it should be kept in warm water for 20 - 30 seconds;
  • after administering the tablet, you need to lie down for 15 minutes;
  • As a preventive measure, take the drug for 6 days, for treatment - 10 days;
  • If mycosis is confirmed, you can take the product for 20 days.

Adverse reactions: at the beginning of therapy, burning and itching in the vagina may be observed.

Herbal preparation, the release form of which is a solution. The product contains various medicinal plants, as well as mumiyo and glycerin. The drug is widely used to sanitize the external genitalia and vagina and effectively relieves inflammation.

Indications: used as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antipruritic agent for pathologies of the vagina and cervix, skin sanitation, burns, wounds, frostbite.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Mode of application:

  • Dilute 10 milliliters of the drug in a glass of warm water;
  • the prepared solution can be used to wet tampons and insert them into the vagina for 2 - 5 hours;
  • you can use the solution for douching and toileting the genitals;
  • duration of treatment 5 - 10 procedures;
  • You can add Malavit to the bathroom as a hygiene product at the rate of 10 milliliters per 200 liters of water.

Adverse reactions: development of allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching and burning in isolated individual cases.


Cervical erosion is found in more than half of Russian women, many of them under 25 years of age. This is a very insidious disease: it can be asymptomatic for a long time, but one day the result of lack of treatment may be the development of cervical cancer. And cervical cancer is one of the most common causes of female mortality.

However, despite the possibility of such serious consequences, gynecologists do not always prescribe treatment. Why? Is it possible to avoid erosion? And how to treat it? Answered these and other questions for us Olga Viktorovna Veselova, gynecologist-endocrinologist at Diagnoz MC.

— What is erosion?

— Many people believe that erosion is an ordinary wound, an ulcer. In fact, this is not the case, therefore, it is under no circumstances possible to treat it like an ordinary wound. Cervical erosion is a pathological process in which damage and subsequent desquamation of the epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix occurs. The affected area of ​​the cervix becomes a “gateway” for chlamydia, gonococci, and herpes simplex virus. In the acidic environment of the vagina, cervical erosion cannot exist for long - the process of “self-healing” begins. However, this process does not always go well. Healing erosion is a favorite place for the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus. Therefore, when cervical erosion is detected, it is necessary to perform a biopsy of the pathological area in order to recognize the nature of the inflammatory process and diagnose cancer in a timely manner.

What symptoms are characteristic of this disease?

— Most often, a woman does not feel anything special, and the gynecologist discovers erosion at an appointment during an extended colposcopy. Sometimes symptoms of erosion include bleeding after sexual intercourse. And if inflammation is added to the erosion, leucorrhoea appears.

What are the causes of erosion?

— There are many reasons: hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, decreased immunity, vaginal dysbiosis, inflammatory processes of the female organs, early onset of sexual activity, promiscuity, vaginal trauma. The latter can occur during childbirth, abortion, improper use of certain types of contraceptives (chemical and barrier), and improper douching.

— As far as I know, erosion is not treated in young nulliparous women. Is it so?

— buy Cialis Until recently, this was exactly the case. Firstly, in young girls, erosion is usually uncomplicated, so it does not require treatment, but you still shouldn’t forget about it. The best tactic in this case is observation. If the erosion is complicated, treatment is necessary, but before starting it, it is necessary to cure concomitant diseases: inflammation, irregular cycles - sometimes after such treatment the erosion decreases in size.

Secondly, cauterization, which previously was the only radical treatment method, leaves a scar on the cervix. The cervix becomes less elastic, and this can have negative consequences during childbirth. But conservative methods - douching with herbal decoctions and tampons with sea buckthorn oil - do not have any effect.

I note that now there are methods for treating erosion that are not only effective, but also do not leave a scar, which means they can be used even for young girls.

What methods of treating cervical erosion are used now?

— The main methods are:

  • Diathermoelectrocoagulation,
  • Cryotherapy,
  • Laser treatment,
  • Radio wave surgery,
  • Argon plasma coagulation.

— Tell us in more detail about each of them.

— Let me clarify right away that the last two are more modern. However, both cryotherapy and diathermoelectrocoagulation are still used to treat erosion. Doctors have different opinions regarding laser treatment of erosion.

a) Diathermoelectrocoagulation (DEC)

This method is essentially thermal cauterization (even doctors call it cauterization among themselves), but using electric current. Deep burning of damaged tissue occurs using current. In antenatal clinics, DEK is still one of the most popular methods of treating erosion.

Pros: The method is effective and easy to implement.

Minuses: The method is painful, after it a scar remains on the cervix, so usually DEC is not done for nulliparous women, it can cause menstrual irregularities, the cervix takes more than a month to heal, and complications can arise.

b) Cryotherapy

This is a method of influencing erosion with low temperature using a cryoprobe. Its essence is that the damaged area is frozen to healthy tissue.

pros: A more gentle method than DEC, when used only pathological cells die, and healthy ones remain intact, the method is practically painless, bloodless, leaves almost no scars, so the cervix remains elastic after it.

Minuses: The method is not used for deep injuries, the healing time is 1-2 months, it does not allow a biopsy, and with extensive erosions the method is difficult to perform.

c) Laser treatment

Using a laser, the pathological area of ​​tissue is evaporated. Experts have different opinions regarding this method: some consider it perfect, others - on the contrary.

pros: Does not leave a scar, painless method.

Minuses: Does not make it possible to perform a biopsy; manipulations with a laser require greater precision from the doctor than with other treatment methods; there is always a risk of damaging healthy tissue.

The safety of this method remains controversial. Laser coagulation is not used in Penza.

d) Radio wave surgery

A modern method that uses the so-called radio knife is an alternative to a surgical scalpel. With the help of radio waves, the affected area is cut off, as they say, “like clockwork.” It just sounds scary, but in fact it is practically a jewelry work that uses electrodes thinner than a human hair.

pros: The method is bloodless, atraumatic, there is no pain after the procedure, healing occurs quickly, a very careful procedure in which there is no deep intervention - the thinnest layer of pathological tissue is removed. The damaged tissue is not burned out, but cut off, so the method is ideal for performing a biopsy. Can be used in nulliparous women, as there is no scar left.

Minuses: Rapid healing occurs only in the absence of genital infections, so a preliminary examination is necessary.

e) Argon plasma coagulation

I note that this modern method in Penza began to be used relatively recently, but is gradually becoming more and more popular. This method is unique: when used, argon gas is sprayed onto the damaged areas. The damaged tissue is heated and “evaporated”, in place of which a dry crust forms, and healing occurs underneath it.

pros: The method has no age-related contraindications and can be used in nulliparous girls and women in menopause. The APC method is non-contact, healthy cervical tissue is not damaged, the procedure is absolutely painless, does not cause discomfort, and takes little time. In addition, when performing APC, the specialist clearly sees the area of ​​influence, which eliminates the possibility of medical error. Healing occurs much faster than after cryotherapy and diathermoelectrocoagulation; no scars remain.

Minuses: Inability to perform a biopsy.

— In what cases can erosion not be treated?

— Erosion cannot be treated during pregnancy and in the presence of inflammatory processes. With a genital tract infection, healing takes a very long time or even does not occur at all.

What parameters are used to select one or another treatment method?

— Before prescribing any treatment method, it is necessary to undergo a full examination to identify the nature of the erosion and the causes of its occurrence. It is advisable to undergo the following examinations:

  • Bacteriological examination - a smear to identify the inflammatory process, infections;
  • Cytological examination - study of the structural features of cervical cells;
  • Test for STIs;
  • Sanitation - removal of an infectious agent from the genital tract;
  • Biopsy - to determine the nature of the pathology;
  • Blood for RW, HIV, hepatitis-B and -C;
  • Colposcopy - to determine the nature and extent of damage to the cervix.

At the Diagnosis MC, video colposcopy is widely used, which allows the doctor not only to see the pathological changes in the epithelial tissue of the cervix, but also to show them to the patient. Erosion cannot be treated without colposcopy, since only this examination method allows us to identify most changes and find out how dangerous they are.

— Is it possible to somehow avoid the occurrence of cervical erosion?

— By and large, no. This is such a multifactorial process that it is more than difficult to prevent it. After all, even newborn girls are sometimes diagnosed with this disease. To reduce the risk of erosion, you need to follow general recommendations: maintain hygiene, regularly visit a gynecologist for preventive examinations, do not be promiscuous, take care of your health and strengthen your immune system. Another piece of advice: use protection if you are not planning a pregnancy, because any abortion injures the cervix, which means it increases the risk of developing erosion. In addition, even if erosion already exists, “unpleasant consequences” can be avoided. To do this, you need to be observed by a gynecologist and undergo treatment. There is no need to be afraid, modern methods have moved far from the ancient ones, they are more gentle, less painful, and some don’t even leave a scar. So even after treating erosion, a woman may not be afraid of pregnancy and childbirth.

Nadezhda Fedorova


Erosion refers to damage to the structure of normal epithelial tissue of the cervix, characterized by the process of replacing healthy squamous epithelium with columnar cells of the cervical canal. Thanks to modern treatment methods, it is possible to get rid of erosion in one procedure. But not in all cases it means the development of pathology. In some situations, erosion is caused by individual structural features of the reproductive organs and does not always require the use of radical treatment methods.

Cervical erosion is detected in representatives of the reproductive group and is quite rare in women during menopause. When pathology occurs, a spot appears near the external os of the cervix, which differs in color from the healthy mucosa.

Cervical erosion requires timely identification and application of treatment methods adequate to the pathology. Modern methods of treating cervical erosion are differentiated depending on the type of defect.

Gynecologists distinguish three main types of cervical erosion:

  • True. This pathology has the appearance of an ulcer that can bleed upon contact with the vaginal speculum. The true form is associated with damage to the epithelial tissue of the cervical region by various infectious agents. The acute form has a short course: after two weeks, if left untreated, true erosion turns into ectopia.
  • Congenital pseudo-erosion. As a rule, there is no need to treat this defect due to its possible regression. The appearance of a congenital red spot with clear boundaries is associated with intrauterine displacement of the transformation zone. Diagnosis of the congenital form of erosion is possible after the onset of sexual activity. In some cases, the defect may be accompanied by inflammation when an infection is attached, however, the risk of transformation into cancer is minimal.
    The transformation zone is a junction between squamous and columnar epithelium, characterized by increased susceptibility to damaging factors.

  • Pseudo-erosion. This type is also called ectopia. The pathological process develops as a result of disruption of hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle, tissue trauma and as an outcome of true erosion. As a result, the affected area of ​​squamous epithelium is covered with columnar cells. The gynecologist diagnoses a red spot, which can be characterized by growth, bleeding, the presence of benign formations and pathological discharge.

The most common diagnosed variety is pseudoerosion. This defect is often accompanied by gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature. In the presence of HPV, the risk of transformation of the formation into a malignant tumor increases significantly.

Forms of cervical erosion affect to choose modern treatment methods.

Etiology of erosion

To prescribe the optimal method of treating the disease, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of its occurrence and progression. Among the causes of cervical erosion, both external and internal are distinguished.

Cervical erosion can occur due to:

  • sexual intercourse at a young age;
  • late onset of intimate relationships;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • ignoring the condom as a method of barrier contraception;
  • excessive use of chemical spermicides;
  • infections of a specific and nonspecific nature and the lack of treatment for them;
  • concomitant gynecological pathologies;
  • regular surgical interventions that cause trauma to the cervical epithelium;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • immune and endocrine disorders.
  • intrauterine features of the development of the genital organs.

Often, when choosing a modern treatment method, the doctor takes into account a combination of several factors, which can lead to the formation of cervical erosion.

Clinical picture

The danger of the pathology lies in its asymptomatic course, which distinguishes most cases of erosion. Often, symptoms appear with concomitant sexually transmitted infections.

Among the manifestations of cervical erosion, doctors identify:

  • contact discharge accompanying intimacy and examination with a vaginal speculum. The discharge contains blood;
  • pathological discharge of mucous and purulent consistency;
  • discomfort, pain during sexual intercourse.

Visual manifestations of erosion are associated with its type. With a congenital defect, a red spot of regular round shape without signs of inflammation is determined on the cervix. True erosion resembles an ulcer with severe hyperemia and signs of bleeding. As ectopia progresses over many months, chronic inflammation typically results in cervical deformation and growth.

Intense coloration of the defect and mucous discharge during erosion are caused by an abundance of cylindrical cells.

Diagnostic methods

Modern diagnostic methods are essential for choosing effective treatment methods. The defect is detected during a gynecological examination. The mirrors visualize the cervix with characteristic signs of damage.

Erosion is often accompanied by other pathologies that affect its progression. Therefore, the doctor prescribes additional examination methods to identify the causes of the disease.

Diagnostic methods for cervical erosion include:

  • smear to determine flora;
  • cytological examination;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • simple colposcopy;
  • extended colposcopy;
  • biopsy;
  • blood tests for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • detection of sexually transmitted infections using PCR.

Diagnostic methods for identifying gynecological pathology are determined by the doctor, guided by the patient’s medical history and the characteristics of the clinical picture.

Modern treatment

The pathology can be eliminated using modern methods in the treatment of the cervix. Erosion can be treated with surgical and conservative methods. The choice of treatment methods depends on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • implementation of reproductive function;
  • size and type of defect;
  • the presence of concomitant gynecological pathologies.

Drug or conservative treatment methods are indicated for young, nulliparous girls. Treatment with medication is also recommended during the preoperative and recovery period.

Conservative methods of treating cervical erosion include:

  • taking antiviral, antifungal drugs and antibiotics depending on the causative agent of the infection;
  • local treatment with antiseptics;
  • the use of suppositories with a healing effect;
  • physiotherapy;
  • use of complex vitamins.

Conservative methods in treatment often lead to relapses of cervical erosion.

Therefore, many doctors advise treating the disease with surgical methods.

Modern methods of surgical treatment for cervical erosion.

1. Cryodestruction. The method involves treatment with liquid nitrogen, which freezes the pathological area.

The method has a number of advantages:

  • short recovery period;
  • painless and bloodless.

The disadvantages of this treatment method include:

  • copious mucous discharge after the procedure;
  • risk of shortening of the cervical canal;
  • Only small formations can be treated;
  • lack of ability to control the depth of impact.

2. Laser vaporization. The formation can be treated using a dosed laser beam. This is the most modern method of treating cervical erosion surgically.

Advantages of the laser treatment method:

  • removal of erosion while stopping bleeding;
  • absence of scars;
  • low risk of complications;
  • contactless and painless method;
  • the ability to treat erosion in nulliparous women;
  • control of the depth of impact;
  • short recovery period.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • high cost of cauterization;
  • lack of opportunity to treat with laser in most medical institutions.

3. Diathermocoagulation. Among modern treatment methods, diathermocoagulation for cervical erosion is considered the most traumatic method. The method involves exposing the pathological area to electric current.

Among the positive aspects of the method, doctors highlight:

  • accessibility and low cost of the method;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency.

Disadvantages of electrocution include:

  • pain during the procedure;
  • scar formation;
  • risk of infection and bleeding;
  • contraindication for nulliparous women.

4. Radio wave method. The modern method means using the Surgitron device for non-contact exposure.

The method has many advantages:

  • absence of scars and deformations of the cervix in the future;
  • bloodlessness, as well as painlessness;
  • the ability to treat nulliparous women;
  • low risk of relapse;
  • disinfection of the remote pathological area.

The radio wave method has the following disadvantages:

  • bleeding during the recovery period;
  • pelvic pain after the procedure.

5. Chemical coagulation method. Treatment in this way can be done using chemicals that are applied to the cervix.

Doctors highlight the following advantages of the method:

  • simplicity and speed of the method;
  • no risk of scar tissue formation;
  • the possibility of using a colposcope for precise application of the solution.

Disadvantages of the chemical coagulation method:

  • This method can only be used to treat relatively small formations in women who have given birth;
  • low efficiency;
  • possibility of relapse;
  • the need to carry out a series of procedures.

Before treating erosion with surgical methods, it is necessary conduct an examination and eliminate the inflammatory process. Treatment is not carried out on critical days and when a malignant tumor is detected.

After surgical treatment, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations, including:

  • sexual rest;
  • restriction of physical activity;
  • performing hygiene procedures using a shower.

At the end of the recovery period, the woman must visit a doctor to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. The patient is also recommended to undergo a general smear and colposcopy.

Every second woman hears the diagnosis of ESM when examined by a doctor. And then follows a series of contradictory recommendations: “It is urgent to cauterize, otherwise cervical cancer is possible!”, “You cannot cauterize before birth, as this will damage the cervix, and it will not open during childbirth!”, “It is imperative to cauterize before childbirth, otherwise it will not open.” you can get pregnant!”, and so on.

In order to move on to a review of modern treatments, I will briefly talk about what is behind the diagnosis of ESM. You can read in detail.

Let me start with the fact that Russian doctors make this diagnosis by eye when they see that a woman’s cervix is ​​not very beautiful.

Accordingly, after such an “eye diagnosis” it is necessary to undergo procedures to clarify the diagnosis:

  • General smear.
  • If you suspect a sexually transmitted infection, additional tests are required.
  • Cytological examination by Papanicalau.
  • Colposcopy.

After these clarifying studies, the diagnosis of ESM should already sound something like this:

  • ectopia (ectropion),
  • cervicitis,
  • dysplasia (atypia).

I will briefly indicate the reasons for these conditions:

  • Infections of the genital tract, dysbacteriosis of the vaginal microflora.
  • Onset of sexual activity before age 20
  • Damage to the cervix: childbirth, abortion, medical procedures, mechanical damage.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.

Now let's move on to the treatment options for ESM that medicine offers today.

  1. Waiting tactics.
  2. Cauterization with chemicals: Solkovagin, Vagotil.
  3. Surgical treatment: diathermocoagulation, cryodestruction, laser treatment, radio wave treatment.

Let's consider surgical treatment methods in more detail.

Diathermocoagulation - cauterization of the cervix.

Cauterization is performed with an electrode in the form of a loop - using a low voltage current. As a result, the damaged area of ​​the cervix is ​​excised. When using this method, it is impossible to regulate the depth of tissue coagulation. Frequent complications of this method are cicatricial changes in the cervix. Cervical endometriosis is common.

Cryodestruction (treatment with liquid nitrogen).

As a result of interaction with liquid nitrogen, freezing and subsequent rejection of frozen tissue occurs. Just as with diathermocoagulation, it is impossible to regulate the depth of tissue freezing. After this procedure, the woman retains liquid discharge for a long time. An allergic reaction to cold and even anaphylactic shock is possible.

Laser treatment Recently it has become increasingly widespread. The method is quite accurate, the doctor controls the depth of penetration and affects only the damaged areas of the cervix.

Treatment with radio waves. The principle is the same, damaged areas of the BL are exposed to radio waves. This is a fairly new treatment method, and There is not yet a sufficient basis on its effectiveness and side effects. The method does not require anesthesia and does not leave scar tissue - this is a plus.

The main problem is not how ESM is treated, but that they treat something that is not a pathology.

There is no need to treat cervical ectopia; it is not a disease, but a variant of the norm. Cervicitis is an inflammation and cannot be treated by cauterization. Dysplasia must be treated comprehensively, and not just surgically.

The most favorite method of treatment among doctors is surgery.

I will list the main complications after the “treatment”:

  • Damage to the cervix: stenosis, decreased production of cervical mucus, functional inferiority of the cervix (ceases to be a gateway that prevents infection from entering the uterus and tubes). As a result, it is difficult for a woman to become pregnant.
  • The cervix does not open well during childbirth due to scarring.
  • Possible menstrual dysfunction.
  • Premature birth, especially after diathermocoagulation and cryodestruction.

When we save a person’s life, the price for this may be damage to the cervix, infertility and complications during childbirth later.

But it is wrong to treat something that does not need to be treated, and as a result have serious complications.

