Church wedding ceremony. Church wedding: rules

A century ago, the wedding ceremony was mandatory; today, men and women enter into church marriage solely at will. Have you also decided to get married in a church in Moscow or the region? This is a serious step for which you should carefully prepare - I will tell you everything you need.

Favorable days for a wedding, Krasnaya Gorka

Unlike ordinary weddings, the wedding ceremony is held on certain days and times of day. Most favorable days for weddings - Sundays; church marriages are also celebrated on odd days (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). And, on the contrary, it is impossible to get married on even days.

In 2018, there is a special date for a wedding in a church in Moscow - the Red Hill holiday, which falls on April 15. Since ancient times, this day has been considered the best day for a wedding; a marriage concluded on this holiday will be long, strong and happy.

The ceremony is carried out in the middle of the day, it takes at least two hours, which must be taken into account when preparing.

However, there are not only favorable days for a wedding, but also “forbidden” dates:

  • Christmastide (from the evening of January 6 to January 19, 2018);
  • On the eve of the Presentation of the Lord (February 14);
  • On Cheese Week (seven days before the start of Lent, better known as Maslenitsa, in 2018 from February 12 to 18);
  • On the eve of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God(April 6);
  • IN Lent(seven weeks before Easter, in 2018 from February 19 to April 7);
  • IN Easter week(in 2018 - from April 9 to 15);
  • On the eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39th day after Easter, in 2018 - May 16);
  • On the eve and day of the Holy Trinity (49th and 50th days after Easter, in 2018 - May 26 and 27);
  • During Peter's Fast (starts on the second Monday after Trinity, in 2018 from June 4 to July 11);
  • During the Assumption Fast (from August 14 to August 27);
  • On the eve and day of the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 10 and 11);
  • On the eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 20);
  • On the eve and day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 26 and 27);
  • On the eve of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (October 13);
  • During the Nativity (or Filippov) fast (from November 28 to January 6).

If you decide to make a match made in heaven, then we recommend choosing a date now, otherwise you simply will not be able to realize your plans.

How much does a wedding cost, preparation for the ceremony?

The sacrament should be approached thoughtfully and seriously. It is recommended to visit the church to speak with the clergyman. You will agree on a date in advance and receive all the necessary instructions. And, of course, you will find out how much a wedding in a church costs - yes, even a church marriage does not happen for free!

You should know what you need for a wedding and prepare in advance. The list is quite wide:

  • The newlyweds and witnesses must be baptized Orthodox;
  • Availability of a marriage certificate;
  • Compliance with church traditions. Before the ceremony, the newlyweds must confess, take communion and talk with their confessor, and fast for a while. And during the day intimate relationships are prohibited;
  • Need to purchase wedding items - wedding rings together with a towel (a special white towel), the horses of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, wedding candles;
  • Blessing from a clergyman for photos and videos. By the way, it is not necessary to choose a man and a woman as witnesses - it can be two men. Let us remember that a wedding in a church in Moscow takes several hours, during which witnesses hold the crowns over the bride and groom - usually men are easier to cope with this task than women.

The Church not only regulates the preparation and holding of a wedding, but also sets prohibitions:

Prohibitions for weddings

  • It is forbidden for unbaptized people or people of other faiths to get married;
  • The ceremony is impossible without first visiting the registry office;
  • It is forbidden for blood relatives up to the 4th generation to get married;
  • It is prohibited for people with too large an age difference to get married, as well as if they have not reached the legal age;
  • It is prohibited for people with mental illness. Finally, among the prohibitions for weddings is marriage without the blessing of the parents.

Newlyweds' outfits for weddings

The church is quite loyal to the clothing and appearance of the newlyweds, but there are a few simple requirements.

It is better for the bride to come in a modest white dress of a modest cut; a veil or scarf is required. Makeup is not prohibited, but it should not be modest. For the groom, everything is simpler - he must come in a smart suit.

Therefore, when deciding what you need for a wedding, think about appropriate outfits.

Wedding organization

When thinking about a wedding, you need to take care of many little things; they can easily be overlooked, which will spoil the impression of the sacrament. The services of a wedding planner will help solve this problem. I will do everything necessary for quality training wedding - your union will be made in heaven, and the ceremony will leave only the best memories!

“A man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife; and the [two] shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). These words textbook reflect the entire essence of the relationship between a man and a woman for all times. By performing the wedding ceremony of the spouses, the priest testifies to God the seriousness of their intentions and the desire to be together with each other not only on earth, but also in Eternity.

People who are deeply rooted in faith, have no canonical obstacles, and are aware of the important step they are taking in their lives can enter into a church marriage. It is preferable to marry fellow believers. The Western Church allows mixed marriages. The Russian Orthodox Church allows marriage with Catholics, Protestants, and believers in the Triune God.

It is impossible for people to enter into a church marriage if they have not entered into a marriage registered with state authorities. Such a union cannot in any way be blessed by the church. It is also impossible to have a church marriage between a Christian and an atheist, blood relatives, or representatives of different religions (at the same time, if such people entered into a marriage registered by the state, the church does not consider this to be prodigal cohabitation).

Weddings do not take place during fasts (Great, Nativity, Dormition, Apostolic), during Cheese Week, Easter Week, and during the period from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany (Christmastide). Also, marriages are not celebrated on Saturday and on the eve of fasting days (Wednesday and Friday).

You should prepare properly for such an important step as a wedding. It is advisable that the bride and groom prepare for Confession and Communion and begin these sacraments before the Wedding. It is also necessary to purchase icons of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. Of course, wedding rings are bought. Once upon a time, betrothal and wedding were completely unrelated rituals. For example, during weddings, wedding rings were used, and during civil registration, wedding rings were used. The ring is a symbol of eternity, external sign the indissolubility of marriage, the fact that those getting married will somehow be together in posthumous existence. You also need a white towel (rushnik) to lay under your feet.

The priest leads the bride and groom into the temple, thereby starting a new life together, pure and immaculate. The priest burns incense at the temple three times, following the example of Tobiah, who burned the liver of a fish to ward off the demon opposed to marriage. Then he blesses the bride and groom three times, they cross themselves and take candles in their hands.

Every sacred ceremony in the church begins with the glorification of God, but during the wedding ceremony this is especially emphasized, because by the very act of marriage the bride and groom glorify God. Between traditional forgiveness, the deacon, on behalf of all those praying in the church, asks the Lord to bless the marriage and fulfill any request of the spouses related to their salvation.

Next, the priest asks the bride and groom to bow their heads, while he himself prays to the Lord that He personally bestow a blessing on this marriage. Then the priest takes the rings from the Holy Throne and puts them on first to the groom, baptizing him three times with the words: “The servant of God (name of the groom) is engaged to the servant of God (name of the bride) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” then to the bride: “The servant is engaged God (name of the bride) to the servant of God (name of the groom) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

It is no coincidence that the rings lie on the Holy See right side, as if before the face of the Lord. We believe that through touching the Throne they receive from God the power to send grace to those entering into marriage. The rings lie nearby, symbolizing mutual love future spouses to each other. The priest blesses the bride and groom, the groom puts a ring on the bride's hand as a sign of caring for her. The bride accepts the ring, accepting at the same time his willingness to take care of her all his life. This gesture is performed three times according to the number of persons in God. After which the priest prays that the Lord himself will sanctify this marriage, bestow his grace on the couple and seal their union.

The bride and groom are taken to the middle of the temple and stand on a cloth specially spread on the floor, which symbolizes the beginning of a new, immaculate life. The priest reads three lengthy prayers in which he asks the Lord to give the newlyweds a peaceful life, the opportunity to see the sons of their sons, unite the bride and groom into one flesh and give them the fruit of the womb.

On the most solemn and important point the priest, on behalf of God, blesses the bride and groom three times, who stand in front of the Royal Doors with crowns on their heads, with the words: “Lord our God, crown them with glory and honor!” Then an excerpt is read from the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians (1 Cor. 7:4-5), which speaks of the union of Christ and the Church like a marriage, and then an excerpt from the Gospel of John about the miracle in Canna of Galilee (2:1-11) . This is a deeply symbolic passage in which the Lord turns water into wine, thereby illuminating marriage.

After performing the Lord's Prayer, the priest illuminates the wine and gives the young couple to drink from it three times. Then connects right hand the groom from the right of the bride and covers them with the stole, thereby the husband receives a wife from the Church itself. The priest leads the newlyweds around the lectern three times. At the end of the procession, the priest takes off his crowns and offers two more prayers to the Lord, asking in the name of the Most Holy Trinity to forever seal their union. The spouses are brought to the Royal Doors, kiss the cross, and are presented with icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. With a discreet kiss, the spouses express their feelings to each other.

The meal on the occasion of marriage should be modest and restrained. Intemperate dancing and vulgar toasts are absolutely inappropriate here. Everything should take place in the same atmosphere in which the Sacrament was performed: gracefully, joyfully and decently.

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

Wedding plays a very important role in the life of all believers. This event is very important, it has a deep religious meaning. A wedding, like baptism, takes place once in the life of every person; this is a very important and serious step.

There is such a widespread belief that God created marriage in heaven. Jesus Christ confirmed and sanctified this process, the process of marriage. This was done while Jesus was in Canna of Galilee for a wedding. The wedding ceremony began to appear only at the beginning of the tenth century.

Among modern people weddings have become popular and fashionable. When a married couple gets married, from that moment they become spouses before God. During the wedding, the couple receives a blessing from the Lord for a happy marriage and the birth of children. Not all couples get married on their wedding day. They can do this after a few years of family life, when they are confident in each other.

Newlyweds must prepare very well before conducting this intimate wedding ceremony. It is not always fashionable to get advice about this ritual from your parents or grandparents. They know little about this ritual, because in their times it was not customary to hold a wedding.

If the bride and groom have a desire, they can talk with the priest. During the conversation, the newlyweds can ask about the meaning of such a church ceremony as a wedding, what things need to be taken to church for the ceremony. The priest also gives his blessing for photographing this event.

Church rules say that the bride and groom must fast for at least three days, and after that they must go to confession and receive communion. For believers, fasting is abstinence not only from food, but also from sexual relations. It is very good if during the period of fasting a person leads a lifestyle detached from noisy and stormy events, devoting the main part of his time to prayers.

What should you take to church?

  • Certificate of official marriage, issued by the Civil Registry Office. Many temples do not require presentation of this document, because they believe that true marriage is made in heaven. Church workers simply rely on the lovers' honesty. According to tradition, before the wedding, lovers need to officially register their marriage.
  • Pectoral crosses. These should be the crosses that were once used to baptize the bride and groom. The wedding is held only if the newlyweds are baptized and have the Orthodox Christian faith (if the wedding is held in Orthodox Church). The same applies to witnesses. Crosses should be on the neck, they should not be given to anyone and should not be removed. If for some reason the bride or groom are not baptized, but decide to get married, then before the wedding ceremony you must first undergo a baptismal ceremony.
  • Wedding rings that were exchanged between newlyweds at the registry office. Wedding rings are used in the wedding process. The priest puts them on the newlyweds’ fingers again, but after he has blessed them.
  • Four small linen handkerchiefs, a white towel or towel. White towel symbolizes the purity of marriage. The newlyweds step on it during the wedding, and the priest also bandages the hands of the newlyweds with the same towel, thus uniting two destinies into one. Two wedding heads are wrapped in two linen scarves, and two more scarves are used so that witnesses can use them to hold church crowns over the wedding couple.
  • Wedding candles. They symbolize God's grace and are a sign of chastity and pure love. Wedding candles can be bought in an icon shop or directly in the temple. They differ from ordinary church candles. Wedding candles are large in size and very often decorated with various figures, flowers, and patterns. Newlyweds choose wedding candles to their taste, the most important thing is that they are sacred. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the candles that come with a special scarf so that the wax does not drip onto the groom’s suit or the bride’s dress.
  • Two icons. One icon is for the bride, the second is for the groom. The groom is the future head of the family, for him they use the icon of Christ the Savior, and the bride is the keeper of the hearth, for her they use the icon of the Mother of God.

What newlyweds should know

A wedding dress is different from a wedding dress, they are not the same thing. The wedding dress should be modest and should not be very revealing or provocative. For a wedding ceremony, a bold length, deep neckline, very bright colors, such as green, red, high cuts. It's best to choose a dress white and classic tailoring. This can guarantee that people in the temple will not cast sidelong glances at you, and also guarantees that the priest will undertake to conduct the ceremony. If there is something in the outfit that is unacceptable for a church ceremony, then this part should be covered with a scarf of the same color as the dress, or you can throw on a bolero.

Regarding the bride's hairstyle, it should be simple, without any special decorations. Light styling is best. The veil should be secured as high as possible so that the hair is underneath it. If the outfit does not include a veil, then you need to take some light scarf or headscarf with you to church so that you can cover the bride’s head.

Many couples want to capture this an important event in their lives on camera. Basically, filming is allowed in all temples. But you still need to talk about this with the priest in advance, so that there are no unforeseen situations later. The church has specific lighting, so it is best to turn to professionals for help to take photos and video of the ceremony.

Traditionally, there must be witnesses at a wedding (usually called a groomsman and a friend). When choosing witnesses, a very important argument is that the girl must be unmarried and the guy must also be single. At the wedding ceremony, witnesses are instructed to hold crowns over the heads of the newlyweds.

What witnesses need to know

Witnesses must be present Orthodox people. It is very desirable that they also be church people and take the wedding ceremony very seriously. During a marriage, witnesses have the same responsibilities as during a baptism. God-parents. In the future, witnesses should ensure that the young develop spiritually.

How does the wedding process work?

The wedding ceremony is carried out in two stages. The first stage is engagement, and the second stage is wedding. Before the ceremony, you need to present the rings to the priest, which he carries out on a tray during the ceremony. He lights the candles, approaches the newlyweds and gives them rings in their hands. Next, the young people perform the triple ring exchange procedure. The bride and groom move their wedding rings three times on a given tray and then each puts on theirs. This symbolizes that people commit themselves to each other's significant other for life.

During the wedding ceremony, the priest puts crowns on the newlyweds and blesses them, and the Gospel is read. The newlyweds are presented with a cup of wine; they must drink three sips from this cup. After all this, the bride and groom become one.

Next, the priest takes the right hands of the bride and groom with his hands and connects them, while he and the newlyweds walk around the lectern three times. This means that the marriage of these people will be an eternal reunion of hearts and souls.

The newlyweds are then led to the royal doors. The newlyweds kiss the images, the bride kisses the image of the Mother of God, and the groom kisses the image of the Savior. After this, the newlyweds change places and kiss the cross, which the priest provides them with. The newlyweds can hang these icons in own home above the bed where they sleep.

Signs associated with the wedding ceremony

  • On the wedding day, you need to put a lock under the threshold in the morning; after the young family crosses the threshold, the lock is locked and the key is thrown away. The castle itself should be kept throughout all the years of family life. This tradition promises the newlyweds a long and happy life. family life.
  • When the sacrament of wedding takes place, the newlyweds do not need to look into each other's eyes, as this can later lead to betrayal.
  • The white towels that were laid under the feet of the newlyweds do not need to be given to anyone. These towels should be kept at home after the ceremony.
  • If during the ceremony the wedding candles burn smoothly and evenly, then this is a symbol that the newlyweds will have a happy and measured life, if the candles crackle when burning, this means that the life of the newlyweds will be restless and filled with quarrels and scandals .
  • After the wedding ceremony is over, the candles should be kept for the rest of their life at home. Under no circumstances should you throw them away!

When the ceremony ends, the newlyweds must thank the church. They do this with fresh bread, which is wrapped in a linen towel.

A wedding in a church is a sacred rite that gives a husband and wife a church blessing for a happy family life and the birth of children. Many couples decide to celebrate this beautiful and touching event. But in order for the ritual to be not just a tribute to fashion, but to become a serious, deliberate step, it is worth knowing its features.

Important conditions for a wedding

It is allowed to get married on the wedding day or after a period of time: a week, a month, years. The main thing is that all conditions provided by the church are met.

Who can get married?

An important condition for the ceremony is the presence of a marriage certificate. In addition, spouses must be baptized Orthodox Christians. However, in some cases, a wedding may be allowed if the spouse is a non-Orthodox Christian, provided that children born in marriage will be baptized in Orthodoxy. Compliance with the marriageable age is also important: the bride must be 16 years old, the groom - 18. There is no need to be afraid of refusal if the wife is pregnant, since, according to the church, children should be born in a married marriage. The wedding can be held even if the spouses have not received a parental blessing, since it can be replaced by the blessing of the confessor.

There are not many restrictions on the sacrament of marriage. The Church will not approve of the ritual between unbaptized, atheists, blood, and also spiritual relatives, for example, between godparents of the child, between godfather and godson. This ceremony is allowed to be held no more than three times. It is also prohibited to get married if this is already your fourth officially registered marriage.

When is the ceremony allowed?

Often newlyweds decide to get married on the day with the official registration of marriage. But, given that such a sacrament of Orthodoxy is a rather serious step, there is no need to rush into the ceremony: it can be postponed until the birth of a child or carried out after several years of official marriage.

This ritual is not performed every day. Newlyweds are married 4 days a week on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. However, it is worth considering that there are 4 fasts throughout the year, during which church marriages are not celebrated:
- Rozhdestvensky - lasts November 28 - January 6;
- Great - seven weeks before Orthodox Easter;
- Petrov - depends on the date of Easter, lasts from 8 to 42 days;
- Uspensky - lasts from August 14 to August 27.

The church will also refuse to hold weddings on significant days:
- September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist;
- September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross;
- from January 7 to January 19 - Christmastide;
- on Maslenitsa;
- on Bright Week (the week after Easter).

Even if the day you choose does not fall on the listed dates, it is still better to go to church to clarify everything with the priest. In addition, the bride must calculate so that on the chosen date there will be no “ critical days", since it is impossible to appear in church at this time.

What should precede the wedding ceremony?

It is necessary to prepare spiritually for this ritual. This means that before the wedding the bride and groom need to pray, confess, take communion, and undergo a three-day fast (it is necessary to abstain from food of animal origin). Newlyweds should not enter into carnal relations before marriage, and this condition also applies to a couple who decided to get married after several years of marriage. They need to refrain from intimate relationships for several days before the ceremony.

Preparation for the sacrament of wedding

Choosing a church, communicating with a priest

To decide where to get married, you can go to different churches and choose the church where you feel most comfortable. For a magnificent, solemn ceremony, a large cathedral is suitable, for a quiet, secluded ceremony - a small church. Since the priest is an important character in the ritual, it is worth taking a responsible approach to his choice.

You must register for the wedding ceremony in advance (several weeks in advance). It is also worth discussing with the priest in advance all the issues: the duration of the wedding, what you need to bring with you, whether photography can be carried out, etc. It is worth considering that this is a paid ceremony, but in some churches its exact cost is established, in others voluntary donations are provided. This issue should also be discussed with the priest. Moreover, “additional services” are often provided, for example, bell ringing, church choir.

Selection of guarantors

Two guarantors (witnesses) are usually chosen from close relatives. It is worth considering that they must be baptized. It is not allowed to take divorced spouses or a couple living in an illegal, “civil” marriage as guarantors. Their spiritual responsibilities are similar to those of godparents: they must spiritually guide the family they are creating. Therefore, it is not customary to invite young people who are not familiar with married life to be guarantors. If difficulties arise when searching for witnesses, it is possible to carry out the sacrament of wedding without them.

Choosing an outfit

  • Bride

    The bride's wedding dress should not be higher than her knees, should cover her shoulders and preferably her arms, and should not have a deep neckline (you can use long gloves, a cape, a bolero, an openwork shawl, a stole, etc.). It is advisable to give preference to light colors along with dark and bright ones (purple, blue, black) should be abandoned. Sundresses and trouser suits are not suitable for the ceremony. The bride must cover her head. Considering that during the ceremony the newlyweds wear church crowns (crowns), you should not cover the bride’s head with a large hat, as it will look inappropriate.

    You can wear any shoes, but when choosing them, you should take into account that you will have to stand in them for quite a long time, so it is better to avoid uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. To decide on a hairstyle, it is advisable to check with the priest in advance whether the crowns will be placed on the head or will be held by guarantors. The bride's makeup should not be too noticeable; it is also worth remembering that it is forbidden to kiss a crown, cross, or icon with painted lips.

    It is believed that a wedding dress cannot be given or sold. It must be stored together with baptismal shirts, wedding candles, and icons.

  • Groom

    For a wedding, the groom will wear a formal suit. There are no special prohibitions regarding the color of the suit. You should not come to church in casual, denim, or sportswear. The groom should not have a hat.

  • Guests

    Guests entering the temple must comply with the requirements for all parishioners: for women - clothing closed type, hats, trouser suits are not recommended, for men - formal clothing, without a headdress.

    In addition, all participants and those present at the wedding ceremony: the bride, groom, guarantors and guests must wear crosses.

What to prepare for the ceremony

For the wedding you will need:
- rings that must be given to the priest before the ceremony for consecration;
- wedding candles;
- wedding icons (images of Christ and the Virgin Mary);
- a white towel (the newlyweds will stand on it during the ceremony);
- two scarves (to hold candles).

The towel on which the bride and groom stood during the wedding in the temple symbolizes the path of life, so it must be kept and not given to anyone. You should also store wedding candles, which can be lit during difficult childbirth or illness of children.

Photographer's choice

It is important to note that making a video or photographing a wedding ceremony is not allowed in all churches. Therefore, it is worth discussing this issue with the priest in advance. Considering that the lighting in churches is specific, it is advisable to choose a professional photographer who will take into account the nuances of shooting, will be able to choose the right angles, and take high-quality photographs that convey the atmosphere of the temple and the grandeur of the wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremony

This ritual includes engagement and wedding. It is worth considering that during the ceremony the priest must call the newlyweds by the names that were given to them at baptism (sometimes they differ from the names “in the world”). Engagement passes at the entrance to the church. The bride should stand to the left of the groom. The priest blesses the newlyweds and hands over lit wedding candles, which must be held until the end of the service. After the prayer, he changes the wedding rings three times from the man’s hand to the woman’s hand. After this they become the bride and groom.

Wedding is held in the center of the temple, where the bride and groom will stand on a white towel. During the ceremony, the priest reads prayers, and the guarantors hold crowns over the heads of the newlyweds. After answering the priest’s questions, “Is the wedding performed of one’s own free will?” “Are there any obstacles?” and reading prayers, the newlyweds become spouses before God. Now they can kiss their crowns and drink wine from a cup in three doses, which symbolizes family life with joys and sorrows. After the priest leads them around the lectern and leads them to the Royal Doors, the husband kisses the icon of Christ, and the wife kisses the Mother of God. Now guests can congratulate the newlyweds.

Remember that a wedding is not just a memorable, bright holiday, but also a very important step that should be taken once in a lifetime. It is possible to divorce (debunk) spouses only under serious circumstances, with the permission of the diocese. Therefore, the union of one’s life before God and the sacrament of wedding itself should be approached seriously, with understanding and taking into account all traditions and rules.

For Orthodox parishioners, a wedding is not only a beautiful rite that marks the blessing of a couple for family life, but also one of the greatest sacraments.


You need to understand the seriousness and responsibility of marriage before the face of the Lord. Although this process is currently reversible, it is not recommended. That is why you should weigh all of the above and once again ask yourself and your future spouse whether each of the couple is ready to take this path. It happens that one of the young people is not a believer. Based on this, there are many nuances associated with a wedding. On the eve of this event, the young couple is often interested in the details of the process. After all, it’s really important to know what you need for a wedding? And how exactly does everything happen?


Absolutely everything is important in a wedding ceremony. Has equal value internal state, as well as the thoughts of the bride and groom, and even a handkerchief wrapped around a candle. Next, you should understand what actions the wedding itself consists of. The rules of this process are divided into religious and social. Without compliance with some, it is impossible to fulfill others. One of the social rules includes, for example, the preliminary registration of a marriage at the registry office with the issuance of an official document confirming this fact. Next, a few more points need to be met in order to go through the wedding. The rules also state that the eligible age of the newlyweds for the ceremony must be at least 18 years old.

However, there are certain cases in which it is allowed for the bride to be 16. It is also prohibited for any of the future spouses to have a registered and not yet dissolved marriage with a third party. Newlyweds cannot be admitted to the wedding ceremony if they are related by blood or in a corresponding relationship up to the third generation. Compliance with all rules is mandatory.

Do you need to be baptized?

There are a few more necessary items that are needed for the wedding. For example, both of the established couple must undergo the rite of baptism in their lives. If for some reason this has not yet happened, then this process must first be carried out before the wedding. A separate case to consider is the desire of a couple to tie the knot in the face of the Lord, when one of the newlyweds is a representative of a different religion. For example, a parishioner of the Catholic and Lutheran churches. This situation is resolved as follows.

A couple is allowed to attend a wedding ceremony only if each spouse undertakes to raise the children born in this union in accordance with the traditions and canons of the Orthodox religion. The wedding of newlyweds who are already related to the church is considered unacceptable. For example, godchildren or godparents. It is not allowed for a couple to tie the knot in the face of God if the bride or groom openly declares atheism or does not perform the ceremony according to their personal will. IN in this case Supporters of the wedding, as a rule, are the parents of one of the parties. In such a situation, the priest has the right to refuse to perform the ceremony. The last rule states that you are allowed to get married no more than three times in your entire life. Although, of course, it is better to carry out this ceremony once and forever.

Favorable days

Wedding days require special attention. After all, the ceremony is held at a strictly defined time. So, the ritual is allowed on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. It should be remembered that the wedding ceremony is not allowed to be held on days during fasting. For example, in Veliky, Rozhdestvensky, Uspensky, and also Petrov. A wedding should not be planned during Christmas time, the period from January 7 to 19, Maslenitsa and the week after Orthodox Easter. Also, days are excluded from the list of permitted dates religious holidays. For example, Candlemas - February 15, the Ascension of the Lord, the Holy Trinity, the Beheading of John - September 11, the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary - September 21, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - the 28th of the same month, and also the Intercession - October 13. There are no wedding processions on the days preceding these dates. Finding out in the temple chosen for the ceremony what is needed for the wedding, the newlyweds, as a rule, find out on what days it is recommended to hold it. Each church has its own internal holidays, often associated with the ministers of a given parish. It is best to learn about all the specific nuances from the abbot.

Communion and confession are obligatory rites before a wedding

An important stage in preparation for the sacrament is communion, as well as confession of each of the couple. In anticipation of these rituals, one should fast for three days. It imposes a restriction for this period in the form of a ban on the use alcoholic drinks, as well as intimacy between spouses. This period is best devoted to reading prayers, communicating with the Almighty and getting into the right frame of mind. This puts thoughts in order and also brings peace. After three days of fasting, you should definitely confess, repenting of your sins. After all the previous rituals have been completed, the spouses are considered ready for the wedding.

Crosses and rings for wedding

What do you need for a wedding? On the day of the ceremony, everyone who is going to attend it must have crosses with them. First of all, this concerns, of course, newlyweds. Pectoral crosses are one of the main and integral attributes of the ceremony. Second important element serve as rings. Previously, it was necessary to prepare a pair of rings, one of which was made of gold and symbolized the masculine principle and its strength. The second was made of silver and personified feminine energy. Nowadays these traditions are not obligatory. The main thing is that the spouses like the rings and are comfortable.

It is important to follow the following rule. The rings must be given to the priest who will conduct the ceremony before it begins. They will be on the throne for consecration.


Icons are what you need for a wedding. There should be two of them: one - the Most Holy Theotokos, the other - Christ. After the ceremony, the icons must be taken and placed in the newlyweds’ home. This will serve very well a strong talisman to protect the home and family as a whole. You should also purchase wedding candles in advance and be sure to wrap them in a white scarf so as not to get burned by melted wax. An important attribute of the ceremony are towels with wedding symbols. One of them will be spread under the feet of the spouses, the second will be tied around their hands. At the end of the ceremony, they should be folded for storage in the newlyweds' home.

Requirements for the bride herself

The bride must comply with certain requirements. A wedding in a church does not allow revealing outfits, including exposure of the neckline, shoulders and back. Today it is difficult to find a dress that meets such requirements. And if this happens, it is unlikely that the outfit will respond modern trends fashion. Therefore, in this case, a wedding cape is used. It can be in the form of a jacket or coat. These outfit elements should also be light color and cover the specified parts of the body. The wedding cape can be openwork or lace. Such an element is capable of making appearance The bride is simply stunning. It is also necessary to remember that it is mandatory for all representatives of the fair sex to cover their heads during the ceremony. For the bride it could be a veil or a hat. Any other headdress that matches the wedding dress is also suitable.

Cost of the ceremony

When everything is prepared and the appointed day has arrived, they proceed directly to the ceremony itself. Newlyweds are naturally interested in the question of how much the wedding will cost them. The price of the church action itself, as a rule, is not mentioned by the clergy. Because in the temple only voluntary donations are accepted in the amount that the newlyweds themselves and their relatives consider necessary and sufficient. The main expenses are spent on purchasing wedding paraphernalia. This includes body crosses, wedding candles and scarves, towels, icons, the bride’s cape, and also, of course, the outfits themselves.

Many newlyweds make the procedure much easier by first going through the betrothal ceremony. If it is carried out on the wedding day, then it takes much more time. This sacrament usually takes place a month before the main procession. The newlyweds can choose to invite guests to one of the pre-wedding ceremonies. According to many couples, such a division of rituals is very justified. After all, at one of them the newlyweds are present together, not counting the priest. This procedure is perceived as a real sacrament. After all, the presence of a large number of people does not contribute in any way this feeling. If the betrothal ceremony is performed separately, this significantly reduces the duration of the wedding procession. This solution is convenient if elderly guests or children are invited to the ceremony.
