Budget and simple construction of a garage: how to build it cheaper, from what materials? How to build a garage cheaply: useful tips How to build a garage for car repairs

Brick is expensive, but lately it has not been in demand, and not only because of its high cost. Yes, the brick looks beautiful and has excellent characteristics, but construction takes too much time. Another thing - alternative materials:

Here are the three main building materials used frugal builders. Let's explore the detailed technologies building a garage cheaply and reliably.

Made from wood

Perhaps, wood- this is the best option, because here, like no other option, external aesthetics, environmental friendliness, efficiency and ease of construction are successfully combined. But working with wood also has its own nuances.

Please note that there are two construction methods: from rounded logs And frame technology . The first is more reliable, the second is cheaper. Choose the option that suits you best.


How to build a garage cheaply with your own hands from wood? Preparatory stage consists in choosing the location of the future building and its model. Garages can be free-standing or attached to a building. The types of gate openings are also multivariate. All these points should be decided in advance.

After drawing up the plan and layout, the construction site is leveled, cleared, and compacted. The site must be perfectly flat so that there are no kinks or distortions afterwards.

The site is ready, it’s time to begin the most important part of our construction - pouring the foundation. Along the perimeter of the future building, a trench is dug on which the formwork is installed. A must do pillow from several layers of sand and gravel, which is carefully compacted.

The base is reinforced with metal rods and filled with concrete. Now we need to let the foundation stand at least three weeks. When the foundation is ready, we proceed to the lower trim, which is made from the board 50x100 mm.

ATTENTION: Don't forget about wood's tendency to absorb moisture and rot. Therefore, process in advance construction boards antiseptic.

For corner posts and the gate leaves are best taken timber, while other frame elements are made of boards 50x100 mm. When performing the lower trim, maintain an interval of no more than 120 cm.

Also, if you want your garage to be as durable, strong, solid and last a long time as possible, install braces in the corners. This will give the structure greater stability.

The hardest part of the job is pouring the foundation And erection of the frame. For the frame you need stronger, thicker boards, while for the arrangement you can use a 25x100 mm board, even simple lining. The board is then covered with any finishing material, after which it is necessary to carry out hydro- and vapor barriers by laying several layers of polyethylene or polypropylene film.

As you can see, the garage is the cheapest made of wood not that difficult to build.

Photo of the garage made of wood:

cinder block

The second most popular building material for a garage is cinder block. Today, cinder blocks come in several types:

  • made from blast furnace slag, which is famous for its excellent performance and durability;
  • shell rock;
  • brick fight.

To improve performance, some manufacturers add more perlite, polystyrene and other materials.

Everyone loves a cinder block, but there's one in it. flaw: like a tree, he absorbs moisture, which is why it quickly collapses. In dry soil, this quality of material will not be problematic, and with proper construction it will last up to fifty years, but in places where there are groundwater , it is better to choose another material, because if the wood can still be treated with varnish, you can carry out such manipulations with a cinder block it is forbidden.

ATTENTION: You need to know that cinder blocks are divided into types not only by composition, but also by configuration: hollow, which are used for walls, and solid, intended for the foundation. Ignoring this feature can lead to rapid destruction of the entire structure.


In the construction of a garage from cinder block, we also conduct preparatory work, clearing and leveling the site, developing a plan for the future structure.

A poured foundation is ideal for wood, but cinder blocks do not need such powerful support; this will work here. Strip foundation done as follows: remove upper layer soil and dig a trench about 45-50 cm deep and 40-45 cm wide. Then a cushion of sand and broken brick is made, which is then filled with cement.

You can do it another way: the trench is filled with sand and then filled with water. The combination of water and sand gives the structure strength and makes it resistant to time and changes in temperature and humidity. After this, reinforcement is laid at the bottom and the entire structure is concreted.

In a month you can begin construction of the walls. The third method of constructing a strip foundation even simpler: instead of sand, rubble stone is poured into the trench and the entire structure is filled with cement grout, not lower than grade 150.

After the foundation is erected, the basement is equipped with heat and vapor barrier materials. The most universal option for hydro-, heat- and vapor barrier is simple roofing felt.

  • walling;
  • floor screed;
  • roofing;
  • hanging the gate.

Cinder block laying identical with bricklaying, only here this work is carried out several times faster. Laying can be carried out in half a stone (spoon method) or in one stone (poke method).

Masonry of 2 and 1.5 stones is also practiced. You choose the option that suits you, remembering that the thickness of the walls directly affects the durability of the garage and its ability to withstand sudden temperature changes. A garage of one stone will freeze in winter, even if several heaters are installed in it, while one and a half and two stones will be warm and cozy.

When erecting walls, you should first lay out corners, and only then, stretching construction cords between them, begin laying blocks brick method, that is, overlapping the seam of the previous row.

When constructing a floor, remember that the screed must be not less than 10 cm. Concrete is good for screeding M200, which is poured in several layers and then, after drying, rubbed over.
The final stage – electrification And interior decoration.

Photo of the garage from cinder blocks:

Corrugated sheet

What's the easiest way to build a garage? Suitable for this universal material corrugated sheet. It is perfect for fences, for sheds, and also makes good garages. But here the most important condition is the right choice of corrugated sheeting: for the construction of a cheaper garage, only brand PS or WITH.

The corrugated sheet is marked with a letter and a number. Letter "WITH" stands for "purpose for walls", number – sheet stiffness. The higher the number, the stronger the sheet. S-20– the most optimal option for construction.

Sometimes sellers, due to their illiteracy or when there is no twenty in stock, recommend a ten or an eight for construction, but! Never fall for this sales trick! A garage made of such a sheet, although it will cost much less, will not last long, and in winter it will be icy, and it will be impossible to warm it up. And the wind will make the walls shake. You need it? We think not, so we stick to the standard one. twenty.

Ideal flooring thickness: half a millimeter.


How to build cheap garage with your own hands from corrugated sheets? We will need:

  • reinforcement and concrete for foundation construction;
  • elements for the frame: corner, bars, metal rods;
  • metal elements for gates;
  • self-tapping screws

Arm yourself with the following tool:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. welding machine;
  3. Bulgarian;
  4. metal scissors;
  5. jigsaw

Photo of the garage from corrugated sheets:

Let's get to work. First of all, fill it in. Having cut off half a meter of soil, fill the resulting trench with sand and fill it with water. Under frame racks Wells are made, which will also become foundation pillars.

This work will help make the foundation stronger and more resistant to ground movement. The wells are driven to a depth of at least half a meter.

The following is all according to the standard: wooden formwork is erected, on which rods are installed reinforcement structure. For strength, the rods are secured with wire. Now the main thing is not to forget to install stands in the wells frame structure.

IMPORTANT: Before installing the racks, it is necessary to process bitumen underground part structures.

To prevent the racks from becoming warped, they are carefully aligned using level. Final stage work – pouring concrete into reinforcement. Use mark 300, For this case, this is the ideal option.

Some builders claim that construction can be done within two or three days after pouring concrete, but professionals still advise waiting until the required time. three weeks, otherwise the foundation may crack, and then it will no longer be possible to correct the mistake. Patience and more patience is the key to success.

When the foundation is ready, they build metal carcass . Both welding and a grinder with a jigsaw for cutting will come in handy here metal pipes the right size, and some more welding skills. With basic welding skills, the frame can be welded in a day or two. It takes a newbie a week. In order to make a frame, you need to carefully study the drawing several times and cut the material according to its data.

Using welding, we weld horizontal metal rods to the racks. Welding is underway at three points. If the frame is made of timber, then in addition to everything, special fastenings for wooden crossbars are welded to the racks. The bars are attached using self-tapping screws.

Now the corrugated sheet is attached self-tapping screws. You can adjust the sheets to size using a jigsaw. It's better to do this job team of three or four people, it is almost impossible to cope with it alone.

When the frame is completed, the gate installation stage begins. Here you also need to show patience and maximum attention to avoid mistakes. The gate frame is made from metal corners and sheathed with corrugated sheets. This work can be completed in a day or two.

As a rule, it is performed in a single-pitch version. The roof frame is made of crossbars (wooden or metal), onto which a clapboard sheathing is attached. It is important to take into account the climatic features of your region.

In the southern regions, a lightweight sheathing design can be used. In the northern ones, where winter period with blizzards and snow drifts is quite long, it is better to make a stronger, high-quality structure that can withstand a load of snow.

We described the main stages of construction technology. Now it's your turn to choose from what cheaper build a garage with your own hands for your swallow. And all we can do is wish you good luck and peaceful skies above your head!

Useful video

How to correctly lay cinder blocks during construction budget garage, watch the video:

The garage is considered a multifunctional room that can perform many useful functions. Beyond storage vehicle, it is used as a storage for vegetables, fruits, tools or building materials. It is recommended to figure out in advance what is best to build your garage from and what materials to use for this.

Before construction, you need to decide on the type of garage space for storing vehicles. There are several types of car garages that are popular among motorists.


Owners of large summer cottages build permanent structures that are located separately from the residential building. The main difference between garages of this type is that, in addition to the building, a separate place for parking and entry of cars is also being built. Some builders do it in capital garages small rooms for storing auto parts or tools.

The advantages of the buildings include:

  • reliability;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation.


People who do not want to spend a lot of time on construction prefer combined designs. When constructing such a garage, the Swedish construction method is used, in which the foundation is made of concrete and the upper part of the structure is made of metal.

When creating the frame of combined garage spaces, steel pipes are used. To cover the frame, experts advise using corrugated sheeting or siding.


To quickly build a vehicle storage room, temporary garages are built. They are assembled from corrugated sheets, wood or metal building materials. The main advantage of temporary buildings is that for their construction you do not need to obtain permission in advance. This allows the car owner to save not only his time, but also financial resources.

Which material to choose

When constructing car garages, various building materials are used. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features of each of them in advance in order to choose the most suitable material.


Among the common building materials for constructing garages are brick. However, this material is not the most suitable, since it does not protect the room well from low temperatures. If you build a brick garage, you will have to spend time and money on insulating the building.

Builders advise when using bricks to make thick walls to make it easier to maintain inside normal temperature. Also, dense walls will reduce the level of humidity and protect the car from corrosion.

Cinder block and foam block

During construction garage structures They often use cinder blocks. In this case, one of its three varieties is used:

  • shell rock;
  • blast furnace-slag;
  • brick.

Cinder block buildings are much more powerful than brick ones, as they are durable and strong. However, the cinder block has serious drawback- absorption of moisture, which leads to destruction of the brick. Therefore, you cannot use cinder blocks in areas where increased level groundwater. In such places they use wood that can be processed special compounds to protect against dampness.

Wooden beam

More recently, wood was considered an unsuitable material for creating car garages, as it quickly burns. However, now wooden building materials are treated with fire hazardous agents, thanks to which wooden surfaces do not ignite. Also, to enhance fire resistance, the wood is trimmed with slabs made from basalt wool.

Wooden garages need insulation, and therefore the floor covering is covered with expanded clay screed. This helps retain heat indoors.

Sandwich panels

This building material is used if it is necessary to build a garage structure in the shortest possible time. The basis of buildings built from sandwich panels is a metal frame, which, after installation, is covered with corrugated sheeting.

In the construction industry, two types of sandwich panels are used, which include:

  • sandwich with mineral wool or foam insulation inside;
  • OSB panels.

It is not easy to build a garage from this building material yourself, since to carry out the work a person must have the skills to use a welding device, a screwdriver and other tools.

Pros and cons of different types of materials

All building materials have advantages and disadvantages, which must be familiarized with before using them.


Structures built from wood have the following advantages:

  • Small mass. Wood is several times lighter than brick or metal, making it much easier to build walls. Also, due to the fact that the garage structure weighs little, it is not necessary to make a reliable foundation.
  • Environmental friendliness. Wood is considered safe building material, which does not harm human health.
  • Thermal insulation. Wooden walls have low thermal conductivity, which makes it possible to avoid additional insulation.

The main disadvantages of wood are that it is easily flammable and rots when high level humidity.


Bricks stand out among other building materials with the following advantages:

  • Durability. Properly built brick garages can last for decades.
  • Protection from mechanical damage and precipitation. These materials cope with the effects of low temperatures, snow, rain and strong gusts of wind.
  • Environmental friendliness. When making bricks, they use water with sand and clay, which do not harm environment and people.

The disadvantages of brick garages include:

  • Financial expenses. To build a reliable brick building, you will have to spend a lot of money.
  • Duration of construction. Buildings made of brick take many times longer to build than those made of wood.
  • Structure weight. Buildings made of brick weigh a lot, and therefore a strong foundation will have to be built.

Corrugated sheet

The third most popular material from which garages are made is corrugated sheeting. Its advantages include:

  • Duration of operation. Companies involved in the production of corrugated sheets claim that it does not deteriorate for thirty years.
  • Rust resistant. All sheets are covered with a protective zinc layer, which protects the surface from dampness and prevents corrosion.
  • Ease. Structures whose walls are made of profiled sheets are considered the lightest.
  • Price. Corrugated sheeting is cheaper than wood, brick and many other building materials.

The main disadvantage of profiled sheets is poor sound insulation.

How to cover the roof

There are four types of materials used when covering garage roof.


When creating a roof, polycarbonate is often used, which has the following properties:

  • strength, thanks to which the coating can withstand impacts from heavy objects;
  • soundproofing;
  • combustion resistance;
  • light weight.

Profiled sheet

Some builders use profiled sheets when creating a roof. This material is resistant to corrosion on the surface due to the lining.

The sheets are easy to use, and therefore it is not necessary to have experience in the construction industry to re-roof.


Roll roofing using roofing felt is considered the simplest and most common method of organizing a roof. This method is popular among builders because of its low cost and ease of installation.

To prevent the roof from leaking, you need to use dense roofing material, the density of which is 5-7 millimeters. Less durable material quickly cracks and begins to leak.


Slate sheets are considered the most durable and reliable building material for a garage roof. Their advantages include ease of installation, low maintenance, low cost, and fire resistance.

To cover a garage roof, they use a wave type of slate with a sheet size of about one and a half meters. Even people who have not previously been involved in construction will be able to lay such sheets.

How to choose a gate

An important element of any garage is the gate, which protects the garage from intruders. Exist different types gates that can be installed in the garage.


Structures of this type are made of several sections that are connected by movable elements. Dignity sectional doors They are considered compact, since they do not take up space in the garage and do not interfere with the car’s departure. Other advantages include thermal insulation properties and protection from moisture.


The products are made from a single piece of fabric, the size of which is equal to the dimensions of the garage entrance opening. Lifting structures can be operated manually or electric drive. The lifting mechanism at the gate is very reliable, since its components are made of durable steel that can withstand any load.


Roller models are equipped with a special shaft onto which the leaf is screwed when the gate is opened. They are installed in small garages with little free space. The advantages of the design are considered to be low cost, compactness, and the ability to cover large passages.


Swing gates attract buyers with their low cost and ease of use. Most often, double-leaf models are installed in garages, consisting of two reliable supports. It is better not to use single-leaf gates, as they sag.

Cost calculation

Construction costs depend on what building materials were used. For example, to purchase a cubic meter of foam blocks they spend 3-4 thousand rubles. At the same time, partition blocks are additionally purchased, the price of which reaches two and a half thousand rubles per cubic meter. Also, part of the financial resources is spent on the purchase of tools and other construction materials. On average, 20-30 thousand rubles are spent on the construction of a car garage.


When building a garage, people often face the problem of choosing suitable building materials. To do right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of materials in advance.

To extend service life paint coating car, it is recommended to store the car in a garage, especially in conditions of winter frosts or scorching summer sun. Once upon a time, so-called shells were popular, but such structures can be compared more to a cover than to a full-fledged building.

A modern garage should be equipped in such a way that both the car owner and the car itself feel comfortable in it. Therefore, it is important to choose the right material for future construction. Today, garages are built from brick, corrugated sheets, sandwich panels and much more. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are worth considering in more detail. First of all, you need to decide on the frame and decide what to build the walls from.

Concrete plates

This is the most outdated material, which has a lot of shortcomings. For example, constructing a building will require massive equipment. If you don’t have welding equipment at hand, this will lead to even greater costs. In addition, a garage made of a concrete slab is completely impossible to transport.

But, if there are some lying around at the dacha concrete plates, then you can use them too. But, it is better to consider other options.


Full-fledged capital buildings are erected from this material. They are durable and suitable not only for storing cars, but also gardening tools, bicycles and much more. As a rule, inspection pits are organized in such garages to carry out car repairs. This is not just a garage, but a full-fledged workshop.

If we talk about the advantages of a brick frame, then it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Long service life of the building (more than 50 years).
  • In such a garage there will be no problems in installing electricity, equipping ventilation system and even running water.
  • Fire resistance of the material.
  • If desired, after some time you can build a room over such a garage.
  • Brick does not require cladding and interior decoration.

Healthy! For the garage, you can use broken bricks or materials of a lower standard. But, if you plan to build a building of several floors, then it is better to buy solid brick.

But there are also a number of disadvantages:

  • Since brick is compact material, then construction will require more time.
  • If the building is located separately from a residential building, then in this case you need to take care of proper insulation. To do this, the wall of the future building must be two bricks thick.
  • Based on the previous point, it follows that the foundation for such a garage must be solid.
  • A brick is more expensive than any other building material.

Sandwich panels

These building elements are metal sheets with insulation laid between them (it is allowed to use polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polyurethane or basalt fiber). This type of construction is lightweight, which means that the foundation is not subject to such serious requirements as when building a brick garage.

Sandwich panels also have other advantages:

  • Low cost. A garage made of panels will cost much less than a brick or wooden one.
  • The building can be erected in 3-5 days. In this case, all the work is done with your own hands; no heavy equipment is required.
  • Construction in winter is allowed.
  • Since the panels already have insulation, there is no need to think about additional thermal insulation.
  • Such a garage can be disassembled and moved to a new location without any problems.

The disadvantages include:

  • Low strength of the building. Shelves cannot be attached to the walls of such a garage.
  • The building can easily be destroyed by a hurricane, so not every region can build such structures.
  • The panels must be connected very tightly. If the garage begins to sag and gaps form between the panels, it will become very cold in winter.
  • The internal insulation is highly flammable. Therefore, it will be difficult to conduct electricity.

Foam blocks, cinder blocks and expanded clay blocks

All these building materials are very methodically pushing brick out of the market. This is not surprising, because blocks of this type are lightweight and durable. Since they are much larger than bricks, buildings made from blocks are built much faster. Wherein ready garage will cost much less.

There are other advantages:

  • You can build a two-story building.
  • Foam blocks retain heat well. According to these indicators, they are three times higher than the characteristics of brick.
  • Can be organized without any problems additional heating or install plumbing and electricity.
  • Fireproof materials.

Healthy! For construction you will need a reinforced belt.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • Foam blocks (and other types of porous building materials) require high-quality external and internal finishing.
  • When the building shrinks strongly, the blocks crack easily.
  • The building material is difficult to store (the blocks are quite brittle).
  • Installation of shelves and cabinets is carried out only with the help of special fasteners.


Timber, logs and boards are environmentally friendly building materials. Garages of this type are usually built on suburban areas. Often such buildings are combined with bathhouses, sheds and workshops.

The advantages of this building material include:

  • Nice appearance.
  • Good thermal insulation properties of wood.
  • Construction speed.
  • The ability to attach cabinets and wall shelves using any convenient method.
  • The material does not emit toxins, so the garage can be attached to a residential building.

The disadvantages are usually the low moisture resistance and fire safety of the material. Both of these shortcomings are easily compensated for today with the help of special impregnations. For example, if you coat wood with a fire-retardant compound, its fire-resistant properties will be in no way inferior to any other material.

Corrugated sheet

This is one of the cheapest options for constructing a garage that needs to be built in short time. Such a building can be dismantled in a matter of minutes and moved to a new location.

Other advantages include:

  • Corrugated sheeting can last up to 30 years.
  • The building material is much cheaper than any other.
  • The building can be erected with your own hands in a few days.
  • Light weight material.

But there are also disadvantages. For example,:

  • Corrugated sheeting is not able to protect a car from theft. Thin sheets of iron can be broken using a regular can opener. Therefore, such buildings are suitable only for protection from precipitation and sun rays.
  • Additional insulation will be required. Iron has very high thermal conductivity.
  • Dents appear on walls easily.
  • Shelves and other niches for storing tools will have to be fixed to the floor.
  • Corrugated sheeting has extremely low noise insulation.

The same applies to sheet steel. Such a garage cannot be built without welding equipment. It will also have to install additional heating devices. However, the issue of insulation is faced by the car owner in most cases.

What material to insulate a garage with?

In this case, everything depends on how the building will be used. If the car owner plans to spend a lot of time in it and store tools, sports and other equipment in the garage, then it is best to insulate the walls with glass wool. For finishing, you can choose chipboard sheets. Some install stoves, but for this you will need to think through a hole for the pipe in the ceiling in advance.

Important! The stove can only be installed in buildings made of fire-resistant material.

If the garage is wooden, then the building needs to be insulated in several stages. Some people use sheets of glass wool for this. But it's not far away environmental material, which is completely illogical to use with wood. It is best to use natural clay for this. It is non-toxic and does not allow cold to pass through. You can sheathe the inside of the room with boards. This is an inexpensive but reliable option.

The foundation of the building is also important in this matter. It provides additional insulation, and in some situations it is completely impossible to build a garage without a good foundation.

Which foundation is better

There are several options for mounting the base:

  • Prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks. This reliable material, which installs quite quickly. Using reinforced concrete blocks, you can quickly build an inspection hole. But such panels are very heavy and expensive; you won’t be able to do it without a crane.
  • Monolithic foundation with reinforcement. This is exactly the kind of foundation that will be needed for a brick garage. A monolithic foundation is made without the use of a crane or other heavy equipment. However, this is not a cheap pleasure. You will need to purchase not only cement, but also a sand-gravel mixture, prepare formwork (you can use plywood, old boards and used panels for it). You also need fittings (can be replaced metal profile or mesh). Such a foundation takes a long time to build and gains the necessary strength over a long period of time.
  • Strip foundation. This optimal solution for garages made of foam blocks. Such a foundation is erected only under load-bearing walls. The foundation can be made of concrete, brick or rubble stone (as a rule, a concrete mixture with reinforcement is most often used).

  • Made from brick or cinder blocks. This is a rather complex type of base; in addition, you will need to pay great attention to heat and waterproofing.

The most the best option there will be a shallow strip foundation.

In custody

The material for the garage should be selected based on the planned functionality of the building. If it is needed only for protection from precipitation, then corrugated sheeting without a base will do. But, for storing rubber, auto parts and carrying out repair work you need to think about a more solid structure.

Car owners know that a garage is not a whim, but a necessity, since only their own cozy home The car guarantees its safety both from bad weather and from robbers. In addition, having a garage is an excellent place to store spare parts and accessories for your car. And the garage can be used as a mini-workshop and your own, men's, recreation room.

If you have already decided that it is most convenient for you to build a garage in your country house, then you need to choose a location, size and material from which to build the structure. There are many options - preference depends on the size of your wallet and your own skills in construction.

What kind of garage to build?

Thanks to the huge variety of building materials, the construction of any building can now be simplified and made not so costly. If you are in doubt about what to build a garage from, then you need to weigh the pros and cons of this or that design and choose the model that interests you most.

Garages for cars can be temporary or permanent.

Temporary structures, which can look like a shed or a full-fledged garage, can be dismantled quickly and easily. Most often, temporary garages are made of wood, corrugated sheets, and sandwich panels. Their dismantling does not take much time, and for collection you need to choose a flat place.

Capital garages are mainly built from brick, cinder block, gypsum block, foam block, and timber. To construct such a building, a solid foundation is required - in the form of a foundation.

It is worth noting that a foundation is necessary for both a temporary garage and a permanent one. But its depth is noticeably different - a prefabricated structure needs a foundation in order to level the ground for installing wall modules, so the trench should be small. But for a permanent garage, where the foundation is needed in order to be able to transfer the load from the walls to the ground, it needs to be built stronger and deeper.

Choosing a project for a garage

Before choosing what material to build a garage from, you need to at least use a photo to decide on the design of the future structure. Perhaps, after you analyze your possibilities, you will definitely answer the question of what you should use to build a cheap garage.


  1. Built-in. If you have a small empty plot of land, but your plans include a desire to build a good-quality cottage, then you can safely consider building a garage in the basement of your future home. The main advantage is the saving of building materials, because the ceiling of the garage is the ceiling of the first floor, and the walls themselves are a continuation of the foundation. In addition, this option allows you to do without heating. The main problem of this option is how to ensure reliable waterproofing, as well as how to isolate the first floor from the penetration of gasoline vapors and exhaust gases. Another important problem is how to protect the garage from precipitation, since the floor level is much lower than the soil level. A basement garage is very beneficial if the lot is much higher than the street elevation. And also, although this happens rarely, they are not used for garages. ground floor, and part of the first floor, then this room becomes a rather organic part of the house, since basically it has a connection with the living quarters. A built-in garage must have a fire-resistant ceiling and a protective gateway made of non-combustible materials– through it communication with other premises is carried out. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to heating, since its installation should exclude the possibility of ignition of fuel vapors and ensure high-quality uninterrupted ventilation even with the gates closed. All this must be provided for in case of an accidental fire, so that the fire does not spread to the house. All flammable liquids should be stored in tightly closed metal boxes (in principle, like in any other garage).
  2. Attached garage. If there is already a house on the dacha plot, then a garage can be attached to it. This is also an economical option, since the garage will have one common wall with the house and, most likely, it will be more convenient if you do common roof for two rooms. The attached garage should not be adjacent to the bedroom; it is better that it borders on non-residential rooms. Advantages attached garage– all communications are nearby and there is no need to fear flooding. Disadvantages - if you install sewerage and water supply, then it is advisable to install heating, since in winter problems due to cold weather are not excluded. You can attach a garage to a bathhouse, barn, workshop or other outbuilding.
  3. Separately standing garage. The choice of place to build a garage depends only on your own individual preferences. It is advisable to place such a building as close as possible to the fence of the site, since placing it deep in the site is completely illogical - it will take more space, since it will be necessary to build an access road through the entire site. Ideally, the garage door should be positioned flush with the fence so that it “opens” directly onto the street. This is the most acceptable option, since the garage does not interfere at all summer cottage. The disadvantage of such construction is that it takes up a certain space on the site, it is necessary to additionally insulate the garage, and also to spend a lot of money on building materials, as well as the need to additionally lay all communications. But there is also a huge plus - due to the fact that the garage is located far from the living space, the danger of it catching fire in the event of a fire is minimal.


The size of the constructed garage should not be adjacent to the car. The standard place for a car is an area measuring three by six meters. At the same time, the distance from the garage walls to the car doors should not be less than 70 centimeters, and to the radiator - less than 50 centimeters.

If you need to save space in the garage, then the gate opening needs to be moved slightly to the left (for the convenience of the driver). The width of the gate is 2.5 meters, but a size of 2.3 meters with a height of 1.8-2 meters is quite acceptable. But if you plan to make custom-made gates, you can choose any size you are interested in.

Don't forget about the area in front of the garage - it is either concreted or tiled. You can make a driveway for a car along with a water drain - in this case, you can wash your car here.

Choosing material for garage construction

Brick or cinder block garage

Brick garages are cold, so they require additional insulation. It is much more profitable to build brick garages not on personal plot, and in garage cooperatives, since the adjacent location of buildings eliminates the need to erect thick walls that serve as protection against penetration and support for the panel ceiling. The walls for a brick garage are built at least one brick thick. You can build a garage from cinder block - this structure will be much stronger and more powerful than from brick.

The ceiling for a brick garage is hollow reinforced concrete slabs, wooden beams or even logs - a sheathing of boards is laid over them, and either slate or metal tiles are laid on top.

The main disadvantage of this option is that a brick garage is labor-intensive to construct. In addition, there must be at least minimal practical experience in bricklaying.

For faster construction, it is advisable to use a concrete mixer.

Garage made of aerated concrete or foam concrete

These building materials appeared relatively recently, but they managed to significantly displace brick and cinder block in construction, because:

  • construction speed is much faster;
  • masonry is much easier;
  • noticeable energy savings.

If you plan to save on construction, then build a garage from foam blocks or gas blocks. Thanks to the large size, low weight and familiar geometry of these blocks, you won’t need any special construction skills - very quickly you will have an inexpensive, but reliable and, most importantly, warm shelter for your car.

In the event that you plan to cover walls from reinforced concrete panels, then the last row of masonry must be made of monolithic concrete reinforced belt. Its height must be at least ten centimeters. Thanks to it, it is possible to protect fragile aerated concrete from being crushed. In addition, there is one big advantage of this building material - it smooth walls that do not need finishing. True, it is still better to treat aerated concrete on the outside with a primer or impregnation deep penetration– this will be an excellent protection against moisture so that when it freezes it does not destroy the structure. But foam concrete does not need such protection.

Garage made of timber or logs

Previously, firefighters did not advise building garages from timber or logs, but today, thanks to the presence of fire-retardant impregnations and fire-resistant finishes, wood may well be suitable for constructing a shelter for a car.

From the inside, garages made of timber or logs are insulated with a semi-rigid slab of basalt wool, and then the cladding takes place moisture-resistant plasterboard or glass magnesite.

The floor will also need to be laid with fire-resistant material, e.g. expanded clay screed, on top of it is an electrical cable, which is filled with solution. Thanks to this trick, which, in principle, can be used in any other garage, there will be heat that will ensure the safety of the car body.

Garage made of corrugated sheets and sandwich panels

This construction refers to prefabricated structures. The easiest option is to build frame garage from a metal profile, and then cover it with corrugated board. This technology is a cold shelter for a car.

To build a better garage, the walls need to be insulated - you will need to choose the pitch of the frame posts so that it is equal to the width or length of the rigid mineral wool slab (that is, either 50 or 100 cm). Only in this case will the insulation fit clearly, evenly and accurately into place. The top will need to be sewn with any sheet material– these can be flat asbestos cement sheets, cement bonded particle boards, OSB, galvanized steel, lining (but treated with fire retardant).

It is also worth considering that multilayer panels come in two types: a classic sandwich made of corrugated steel sheets with mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam insulation, and structures made of OSB sheets with polystyrene foam.

By the way, it is quite possible to purchase a ready-made “constructor” that can be used to assemble a garage yourself. The composition of such a “toy” includes: a metal frame, gates, panels, fasteners, and various additional elements. There are construction companies that can even assemble a garage constructor for you.

However, it is worth considering that if you build a garage yourself from sandwich panels, then its price will be approximately the same as that of a garage built from foam blocks. But its construction will take several times less time, since the walls and roof will be assembled from multilayer panels. In addition, there is no need to insulate this structure.

If you are interested in how to cheaply build a garage with your own hands, use a selection of tips for thrifty owners. The structure should be comfortable and durable, but it is not necessary to use expensive materials. Among all their variety, you can choose affordable but practical ones.

What is the best way to make a foundation?

A strip base is more suitable for a garage. Its height should be at least 0.3–0.5 m above ground level, otherwise groundwater will penetrate inside. Several types of materials can be used for the foundation:

  • prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks;
  • concrete with subsequent reinforcement;
  • cinder block

Of these, it is most profitable to use a concrete mixture. Before installing the foundation, they also think in advance whether there will be inspection hole. She is being equipped at the same time as him.

For flooring The following materials are used:

  • concrete;
  • wood;
  • a mixture of sand and gravel.

What materials to use for walls

You can reduce the cost of construction using a frame structure or by purchasing used bricks or foam concrete. But if you use old materials, additional finishing will be required. Then costs will increase.

The frame itself is made of boards, and the walls are sheathed with OSB boards or multi-layer plywood. The structure can be insulated inside mineral wool. If the garage is adjacent to the house, you can save money by not having to build another wall. But at the same time, you need to properly connect both buildings to each other.

What is the most profitable way to arrange a roof?

The best option is a pitched roof. It will require less roofing building materials and wood for lathing. It is recommended to use profile sheets as a covering. In terms of durability, they are not inferior to other materials, and the difference in price is significant.

Should you save money on gates?

They are installed last after the rest are completed. construction work. If materials for walls or roofs can be found cheaper, then it is better not to skimp when choosing a gate. The safety of the car depends on their strength. The gate must be metal. Regular will do swing option. To extend their service life, they are coated with paint in 2-3 layers.

To understand how to make a garage with minimal costs, it is recommended to carry out advance paynemt materials, and then start looking for affordable options.
