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If you ask yourself what holiday spring is associated with, Easter will probably be one of the most common answers. And Easter means not only eggs and Easter cakes, but also willow branches. They strive to purchase them exactly a week before the celebration.

After all, the last Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday. It is known that on this day Jesus Christ solemnly rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and all the joyful people spread palm branches right in his path. But why then we're talking about about willows?

And what does holiday mean anyway? Palm Sunday, what is its essence, what is it connected with? We'll tell you about this right now.

Christ is risen: what does the willow have to do with it?

You may think: “In southern countries it is possible to get palm branches, but in our northern latitudes they are replaced with willows.” And you will be absolutely right, but not completely.

It is interesting that this plant in Rus' has symbolized spring rebirth since time immemorial, new life, favorable changes for the better. Initially, it was a purely folk symbol, but at some point (now it is difficult to say at what point) the willow acquired religious significance.

But that's not all. Do you know which tree buds first in our latitudes? Yes, it is the willow - that same tree from the willow family.

One thing is interesting here: will spring come soon, how long will it take, will the Easter celebration fall in April or May (after all, it happens differently), and the willow will still produce its fluffy buds. It will be many centuries later that science will prove that trees respond not so much to warming as to an increase in daylight hours. But the people could not and did not know such features, which did not prevent them from recognizing this particular tree as a symbol of spring renewal.

What happened 2000 years ago: the meaning of the holiday

We have long been accustomed to the fact that each holiday has one generally accepted name, for example, New Year or March 8. However, in the case of Palm Sunday the situation is different. It is also called Palm Sunday, and also Flower Week (less commonly, Vaii Week).

What happened 2 thousand years ago, where did the holiday and the traditions associated with it come from? In short, the Savior enters Jerusalem on a donkey to the enthusiastic rejoicing of the people, but what is really behind this?

In ancient times, people paid great attention to certain symbols. To be fair, we must say that even today we are not indifferent to the little things. Agree that the color of a tie, fashion accessories and even the make of a car - all this can be called the language of new times.

Now let's imagine for a second the psychology of people who lived two thousand years ago. After all, Jesus was perceived as the Savior, the very Messiah who was supposed to come and protect the Israeli people from the oppression of the Roman occupiers who seized their historical land in those days. Moreover, many believed that he was the Son of the living God. But God is the King, and the place for the king is certainly in the capital.

And so Christ performs his ministry, heals the sick and even raises them from the dead. By the way, Saturday is celebrated exactly one day before Palm Sunday (the day before, according to legend, Jesus resurrected the deceased Lazarus).

After this, the Messiah enters the holy city and capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. This story is preceded by a whole series of interesting, truly significant events.

But here's what's surprising. The Savior entered not on a horse, but on a donkey. And this event gives special significance to the Palm Sunday holiday. The donkey is a symbol of peace, while if Christ rode on a horse, this would mean his warlike plans - to take the city by force, coercion.

And you don’t even have to believe in God to understand the true meaning of the event. Yes, we can almost always achieve what we want through coercion and order. Another thing is how long will the situation remain as we “ordered”?

On the contrary, good will and peaceful dialogue are a more difficult path. But its results are also impressive, from the category of those that are talked about “seriously and for a long time.” That is why this amazing story means more than the Lord's entry into the city of Jerusalem.

In fact, Palm Sunday is a symbol of the victory of peace over war, goodwill over coercion, the power of the mind over the power of hand and weapon. And the entire ministry of Christ was called to serve this idea.

What's happening today: the meaning and symbols of Palm Sunday

Of course, geniuses and great people are several centuries ahead of their time. And in the case of Christ - perhaps for 2 millennia. Which, however, is what we are seeing these days: the idea of ​​freedom and personal integrity, the value of each person, began to embrace the consciousness of humanity only in the 21st century. But everything doesn’t happen at once, does it?

How is Palm Sunday celebrated today in different faiths and environments? ordinary people?

  1. Orthodox Christians try to acquire willows as quickly as possible and rush to church services. Visiting a temple is generally a pleasant duty, especially since the consecration of a willow is possible in the church. Believers stand with twigs and lit candles in joyful silence. They seem to meet the Savior, anticipating the approach of Easter. But at the same time this is an anxious expectation. After all, the Great Week begins: exactly a week later the Savior will be executed, and then he will rise from the dead.
  2. Catholics and Lutherans call Palm Sunday, which does not change the meaning and symbols of the holiday. In southern countries (for example, Italy, France), believers walk with palm branches - nature allows it! Otherwise, the tradition of celebration is approximately the same as that of the Orthodox. The Finns and some other peoples still have a tradition of making bouquets of willows and giving them to each other with wishes for good changes.
  3. Protestants also rush to buy willow branches and go to worship. However, most often, representatives of this denomination do not use candles, which, however, does not darken their mood and does not disturb the atmosphere of the holiday. Believers pay especially much attention to prayer and joyful chants.

Well, it’s also customary for ordinary people to decorate their house with willows - they are placed in a vase so that the branches will please family and guests. By the way, you can lightly hit the to a loved one– this will at least lift your spirits.

And most importantly, this is a fairly ancient tradition: it is believed that such a ritual improves health. You can even sincerely wish: “Be as healthy as a willow.” It is better to keep the branches in the house as long as possible - at least until the day when everyone joyfully says “Christ is risen!”


In 2018 we will celebrate Palm Sunday on April 1, and in 2019 we will celebrate on April 21.

In ancient times, there were many traditions that had both Orthodox and pagan roots. For example, willow branches, after drying, were fed to livestock so that they would produce good offspring. And women who could not get pregnant ate willow buds.

Nowadays, we can simply consecrate the branches in the church, or we can simply put them in a beautiful vase in a prominent place, look and admire. Looking at them, you can tune in to a positive wave of good changes.

It is no secret that an object in itself does not give anything unless a person believes in it. Or rather, into yourself. Faith in your inner reserves, physical and mental strength, at a minimum, lifts your spirits and guarantees a surge of real inspiration. And here it doesn't of great importance, whose holiday we celebrate, what meaning we put into it.

This can only be explained by the action of some internal forces, which are still unknown to science. But intuitively everyone understands that they live in it.

It’s just much easier to tune in to the general wave of goodness and light when many people around us are smiling and happily sorting out willows. They go with them to church, to their home or to visit. It's like the New Year's bustle - you can hardly pass by the Christmas tree market, when these trees are joyfully sorted out and New Year's gifts are bought.

Palm Sunday was and remains one of the main church and national holidays, it symbolizes the anticipation of Easter and, in general, the brightest events, small and big miracles in our lives. The meaning of the holiday is closely connected with the onset of spring, which in itself is a symbol of positive change.


For some reason, the opinion has spread that Palm Sunday and Forgiveness are one and the same. In fact, the day when it is customary to ask for forgiveness from all your loved ones and acquaintances is celebrated exactly 7 weeks before Easter. Although, of course, nothing prevents us from getting rid of the unnecessary burden of emotional problems and establishing contacts with everyone who is dear to our hearts on such a bright day as Palm Sunday.

That is why the holiday signifies good changes and symbolizes spring.

And the thaw, before it happens around us, must happen inside us. The right attitude, a little effort on yourself is the key to good success.

This means that you don’t need everything at once – it’s enough to do even small step, which, in turn, will lead to a new one, and he will lead to an even more important consequence. How great it would be to take this step on Palm Sunday!

Solemn the Lord's entry into Jerusalem preceded by the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus from Bethany. We find a touching account of this event in the Gospel of John. When Lazarus fell ill, his sisters Martha and Mary immediately sent to tell the Savior about this. Lazarus soon died and was buried, and only four days later the Lord came to Bethany. " Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died!", said Martha. The Savior replied that Lazarus would rise again, and went to the cave where he was buried. When the stone was rolled away, the Lord prayed and then cried out in a loud voice: “Lazarus, get out!” And Lazarus, entangled in burial shrouds, came out of the tomb in which he had lain for four days.

Icon "Resurrection of Lazarus". Veliky Novgorod, XV century

The Lord has raised the dead before, soon after death. But this miracle especially shocked all those present, because the smell of decay was already emanating from the deceased, he was buried and lay in the coffin for several days. Many who saw and heard about this event believed in Christ.

When the next day the Savior entered Jerusalem, where many pilgrims had gathered before the Old Testament Passover, He was greeted as a winner. The scribes and high priests, who were looking for the slightest reason to kill Jesus Christ, wanted to kill the resurrected one. Lazarus went into hiding and subsequently became the first bishop of Cyprus. He lived another 30 years.

The entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and his solemn meeting are described by all four Evangelists. The disciples, at the command of the Lord, brought to him a donkey and a colt, on which they laid their clothes, and He sat on top of them. Many people, having learned about the great miracle, met the Savior: they spread their clothes on the road, others laid cut branches. Those accompanying and greeting them loudly exclaimed:

Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!

The donkey and the colt, which had not yet walked under saddle, symbolized the Old Testament Israel and the pagans who also believed in Christ. Evangelists point out that Jesus Christ, as the Son of David, enters Jerusalem on a young donkey, just like David after his victory over Goliath.

The people greeted Christ as a winner and triumphant, but the Lord did not go to Jerusalem for earthly power, not to free the Jews from the power of the Roman invaders. He went to suffer and die on the cross. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. Only a few days will pass, and many people will gather again. But this time the crowd will shout: “Crucify, crucify Him!”

Palm Sunday. history of the holiday

Holiday Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem known since the first centuries of Christianity. Already in the 3rd century, Saint Methodius of Patara mentioned him in his teaching. The Holy Fathers Ambrose of Milan and Epiphanius of Cyprus, who lived in the 4th century, in their sermons say that the holiday is celebrated solemnly, many believers walk on this day in a solemn procession with branches in their hands. Therefore, the holiday received another name - Vaii or Flower Week. In Rus', just at this time, fluffy earrings bloom. Hence the popular name of the holiday - Palm Sunday. On this day, food with fish is allowed. The day before, on Lazarus Saturday, it is customary to eat caviar.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Festive service

In the stichera for the holiday, first of all, the humility of the Savior, modestly walking on a dumb foal, is pointed out, and the believers are called upon to greet the Coming One with jubilant singing: “ Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest" The texts of the Orthodox service not only describe the events that took place in Jerusalem two thousand years ago, but also show us their significance, in particular, the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The first proverb (Gen. XLIX, 1-2, 8-12) contains the prophecy of the patriarch Jacob to the son of Judah that kings will come from his family until the Reconciler appears (i.e. the Lord Jesus Christ); in the second proverb (Zephaniah III, 14-19) the triumph of Zion and the rejoicing of Israel are prophesied, because the Lord, the King of Israel, is among them. The third proverb (Zechariah IX, 9-15) predicts the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on a colt:

Your king is coming to you, righteous and saving; He is meek and sits on a colt and a young donkey.

The canon depicts the joy of true Israel, honored to witness the Royal Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, and the anger of the scribes and Pharisees and high priests of the Jews with which they looked at the triumph of the Son of David. All living things are called to glorify the Lord, who goes to free and saving suffering.

Library of Russian Faith

The evening service has a feature that distinguishes this holiday from others: after the Gospel, the priest reads a prayer over the willow tree, in which he remembers the dove that brought Noah an olive branch, and the children who met Christ with the branches with the words: “ Hosanna in the highest! Blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord" Having venerated the Gospel, the worshipers receive from the priest several branches of consecrated willow and hold them in their hands along with burning candles for the rest of the service. Returning home, believers place the willow next to the icons. It is not customary to throw away last year’s “bouquets”; they are burned or thrown into the river.

In the Apostle (Phil. IV, 4,-9) believers are called to meekness, peacefulness, a prayerful mood and fidelity to the teachings of Christ. The Gospel tells of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem (John XII: 1-18) and of the supper in Bethany.

Troparion holiday explains to us the spiritual meaning of the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem:

Џ general resurrection before your passion ўwersz, and 3з8 dead waters є3сi2 lazarz хрте b9е. the same and3 we2 ћkw џtrots, victorious џimages of the nossche, to you the conqueror of death we cry, nsanna in 8 blissful lands in 2 and 3mz.

Russian text:

Confirming the general resurrection before Your suffering, You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God. That is why we, like children, wearing symbols of victory, say to You, the Conqueror of death: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who walks in the name of the Lord!

Kontakion for the holiday. Church Slavonic text:

On the ground on the nb7si, on the lot on the earth2 carry1m xrte b9e, t ѓnGl praise, and3 t dеtє1st chanting of the reception, calling you, blessed є3si2 come ґdam to move.

Russian text:

Christ God, carried on the throne, and on earth on a donkey, You, received chanting from the children and praise from the Angels crying: “Blessed is the Lord, who comes to call (from hell) Adam.

"Procession on a Donkey"

In the XVI–XVII centuries. in Rus' in Moscow, Veliky Novgorod and other large cities there was a custom to perform procession on the day of the holiday in a special way. In Moscow, a solemn procession of the cross went from the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin to the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral), one of the chapels of which was consecrated in the name of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. The Patriarch rode on a young donkey, which was led by the king. Most often, the “donkey” was symbolic - a horse of a light color.

The western aisle of St. Basil's Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral on Red Square) was consecrated in the name of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem

In Rus', this custom did not arise independently, but was borrowed from the Greeks. In the Church of Constantinople " donkey procession"was known back in the 9th–10th centuries. The earliest Russian evidence of such a custom is in the expense books of the St. Sophia Cathedral of Veliky Novgorod for 1548. The Novgorod governor drove a donkey on which the archbishop sat. The procession went from St. Sophia Cathedral to the Church of the Entrance to Jerusalem and back. It is known that such a ceremony was also held in the 17th century in Rostov the Great, Ryazan, Kazan, Astrakhan and Tobolsk. At the end of the 17th century, the custom was abolished.

Celebrating Palm Sunday on Red Square. Engraving from the book by A. Olearius “Description of a Journey to Muscovy...”. Mid-1630s - first half of the 1640s.

Palm Sunday in folk traditions

Some folk rituals and customs were dedicated to Palm Sunday. During Matins, the peasants prayed with blessed willow and, upon coming home, swallowed willow buds in order to protect themselves from illness and drive away any illness. On the same day, women baked nuts from dough and gave them to all household members, including animals, for health. The consecrated willow was preserved until the first pasture of livestock (April 23), and every pious housewife drove the cattle out of the yard with the willow, and then the willow itself was either “put into the water” or stuck under the roof of the house. This was done with the aim that the cattle would not only be preserved intact, but also return home in good order, and would not wander in the forest for several days.

Russian historian and ethnographer second half of the 19th century century M. Zabylin in the book “Russian people. Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry” describes the traditions of Palm Week.

« Palm Week, or Vai week, is enlivened for us purely by the holiday of the beginning of spring; a willow or willow, which has not yet given leaves, blooms and thus, as it were, declares that our northern nature will soon reward us and everything living on earth with new blessings. The holiday itself, the Resurrection of Lazarus, serves as a symbol of the renewal and revitalization of powerful nature. During Palm Week, children's bazaars have been established in the capitals, where they sell mainly children's toys, willows, flowers and sweets, as if to commemorate the fact that small children have met the spring of their lives and should rejoice in this life, and looking at the toy, study the essence of it. of his future, since each toy is a visual literacy, a visual teaching that develops further understanding in the child, bringing him closer to life and developing his thinking through visualization, comparison of actions and images. On Lazarus Saturday, everyone is allowed to eat caviar, Lenten pancakes and various kitchen cookies.

On Palm Sunday, returning from church with blessed willow twigs, the village women whip their children with them, saying: “ Willow whip, beat me to tears!“In Nerekhta, peasant women bake lambs on Palm Sunday, and when they come from church, they feed the cattle with these lambs, and stick willows in the village house at St. icons and take care of it all year round until St. George's day. This custom is preserved in many provinces. It is known that in our country the first spring pasture of livestock begins on St. George's Day. On this day, the peasants take a one-year-old willow, soak it in holy water, sprinkle it on the cattle in the yard, and then whip the cattle with this willow, saying: “ Lord, bless and reward with health!"And sometimes just: " God bless you and be healthy"... and with the willow in their hands they lead them to the pasture area. The consecrated willow is highly respected and is usually preserved by the Russian pious people behind images for a whole year. In some provinces, willow, blessed on Palm Sunday, is used as a sympathetic remedy and placed in the swill of sick cows or calves.”

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Icons

Images of the Savior riding on a donkey are already known in early Christian art. Almost all images of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem have a common compositional scheme, but differ significantly in details. Christ blessing right hand, sits on a donkey, He is accompanied by two apostles talking with each other. One of them, according to a stable iconographic type, is identified as Peter, while the second apostle, quite young, may be Thomas, Philip or John. At the bottom of the compositions children are depicted rejoicing at the coming of the Savior. An indispensable element of the holiday’s iconography is the image of the Mount of Olives.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. First half of the 16th century Museum named after Andrey Rublev

A significant change in the iconography of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem occurs in the 14th - early 15th centuries. Now the Savior is most often presented in a complex perspective - he turns back to the apostles. The pose of Christ in question is present on icons from the festive row of the iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, tablet icons from Novgorod and many others.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, XVI century.
Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Mid-15th century

In Pskov images of the 16th century, the Savior is represented sitting feet first, and his left shoulder is turned towards the viewer so that He enters Jerusalem almost with his back forward.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Pskov State United Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve. First half of the 16th century

Temples in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

In many ancient cities temples in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem were built in the XIV–XV centuries. To this day, they have survived mainly in a reconstructed form. Thus, the temple in Veliky Novgorod, built in 1336 by Bishop Vasily, was dismantled “due to disrepair” in 1759. At the same time, construction began on a new cathedral designed by the architect Rastrelli. The building has survived to this day and houses a lecture hall.

The building of the temple in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem in Veliky Novgorod

Often the temple was not independent, but was considered a chapel of the main city cathedral, even if it stood separately. Perhaps this is connected with the rite of “procession on a donkey”? With the time of the emergence and spread of this custom in Rus', the construction of churches in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or chapels in Moscow (the western chapel of St. Basil's Cathedral), Ryazan, Kashin, Kazan, Suzdal and other cities coincides.

The rector of the Yuryevets Povolzhsky Cathedral (now Ivanovo region) was an archpriest. True, he served there for a short time, only eight weeks. The new archpriest was so strict with his flock, trying to correct people who were accustomed to a dissolute life, that they beat him almost to death! The governor posted guards around the house and did not allow the massacre to be completed. The rebellion did not subside, and Archpriest Avvakum was forced to flee to Kostroma, and then to Moscow, where he later served in the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square. A Cathedral in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem in Yuryevets was rebuilt in the 18th century and has survived to this day.

Next to the bell tower there is a five-domed cathedral in the name of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (rebuilt at the end of the 18th century). Archpriest Avvakum was its rector for a short time. Yuryevets Povolzhsky. Photo by S. M. Prokudin-Gorsky, 1910

There are no Old Believer churches consecrated in honor of this holiday.

Soulful teaching for Palm Sunday

Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 21, 1-11, Gospel for the day).

1-5. And when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them: go to the village that is right in front of you; and immediately you will find a donkey tied and a colt with her; untie, bring to Me; and if anyone says anything to you, answer that the Lord needs them; and he will send them forthwith. Nevertheless, this happened, so that it might be fulfilled that was spoken through the prophet, who says: “Say to the daughter of Zion: Behold, your king comes to you meek, sitting on a donkey and the colt of a donkey who has been yoked.”

The Lord sat on a donkey not for any other need, but solely to fulfill the prophecy and together to show us how modestly we need to ride, for He rode not on a horse, but modestly on a donkey. He fulfills the prophecy (see Isa. 62, 11. Zech. 9, 9) both in the historical and in the mysterious sense: in the historical sense by visibly sitting on a donkey, in the allegorical way by sitting on a colt, that is, on a new, unbridled and rebellious people, the pagans. The donkey and the ass were tied by the bonds of their sins. Two were sent to resolve this - Paul to the pagans, and Peter to the circumcision, that is, the Jews. And to this day there are two who free us from sins - the Apostle and the Gospel. Christ walks meekly, for at His first coming He appeared not to judge the world, but to save. Other kings of the Jews were predatory and unjust, but Christ is a meek king.

6-7. The disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them: they brought a donkey and a colt and put their clothes on them, and He sat on top of them.

Luke and Mark speak only of a colt, but Matthew speaks of a donkey and a colt. There is no contradiction between them, for when the colt was led away, its mother followed it. Jesus sat on them, that is, not on two animals, but on clothes. Or: first He sat on a donkey, and then on a colt, since at first He was in the Jewish synagogue, and then He chose a faithful people from among the pagans.

8-9. Many people spread their clothes along the road; while others cut branches from trees and spread them along the road. The people who preceded and accompanied exclaimed: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!

As for the direct, historical meaning, laying out clothes expresses great honor, and wearing cut branches is a manifestation of triumph. In the mysterious sense, understand this: the Lord sat down when the apostles sent Him their clothes, that is, virtues. If the soul is not adorned with apostolic virtues, the Lord will not sit on it. Those who preceded are the prophets who lived before the incarnation of Christ, and the accompanying ones are the martyrs and teachers who lived after the incarnation. They spread their clothes over Christ, that is, they subjugate the flesh to the spirit, since the body is clothing, the covering of the soul. They spread out their bodies on the path, that is, in Christ. “I am the way and the truth and the life,” He says (John 14:6). Whoever does not lay down his flesh, that is, does not humiliate it, while remaining on the path in Christ, but deviates into heresy, the Lord will not sit on him. Hosanna, according to some, means “song” or “psalm,” and according to others, which is more correct, “save us.” The Lord is called the Coming One, because the Jews were expecting His coming. So John says: Art thou he that is to come? (Matthew 11:3), that is, the One whose coming is expected. In addition, the Lord is called the Coming One because every day one can expect His second coming. Therefore, each of us must expect the end of the age, the coming of the Lord, and prepare for it.

10-11. And when He entered Jerusalem, the whole city began to stir and said: Who is this? And the people said: This is Jesus, the Prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.

The simple-minded and simple people did not envy Christ, but at the same time they did not have a proper understanding of Him. That's why people in this case calls Him a Prophet. The people did not say: this is a Prophet, but: a Prophet, that is, exactly the one expected, about whom Moses said: the Lord God will raise up a prophet like me (Deut. 18:15).

The willow in Rus' has always symbolized holiday, spring, new life, and future renewal. That is why it has also become a religious symbol. In Orthodoxy, willow branches are called “branches of virtue”: they metaphorically stretch towards the sky. By the way, the Old Testament says that people had to bring the “firstfruits” of living things to the temple... On Palm Sunday, those observing fasting are finally allowed fish and wine.

The willow is consecrated on Saturday at the All-Night Vigil. At home they place it in water, and then the branches can be planted in the ground. If they have stood for a long time and have dried out, they must be taken to the temple and burned in the church oven...

Another belief is associated with the willow: they say that on the night of December 4, when the feast of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple begins, shortly before midnight, the ice-covered willow buds open, making a crackling sound, and leaves even appear from them...

Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem riding a donkey: this animal was an emblem of peace, in contrast to the “warlike” horse. They greeted Him with delight: people even spread their clothes on the road to honor Christ. The rumor about the miracles performed by Jesus, about the resurrection of Lazarus, which happened the day before, reached Jerusalem.

But Palm Sunday is considered one of the most tragic church holidays. After all, the enthusiastic residents of Jerusalem expected political victories from Christ, that he would end the Roman occupation and take revenge on the enemies of the people of Israel. And when Christ did not live up to these mundane hopes, the anger of the crowd turned against Him.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh comments on these events as follows: “And Christ bequeathed life to us; He taught us that apart from love, apart from the willingness to see in your neighbor the most precious thing that is on earth, there is nothing!.. He taught us that human dignity is so great that God can become a Man without humiliating Himself . He taught us that there are no insignificant people, that suffering cannot break a person if only he knows how to love. Christ taught us that the only way to respond to the emptiness of life is to respond with a prayer to God: “Come, Lord, and come quickly!”

And those few who heard the voice of the Savior, who chose love and humiliation, who wanted to love at the cost of their lives and at the cost of their death, received, according to the false promise of Christ, life, abundant life, victorious, triumphant life... This is a holiday , which we now remember, which we now celebrate; this is the day of the most terrible misunderstanding: some are left with their house empty, others enter the house of God and themselves become the temple of the Holy Spirit, the house of Life.”

, Palm Sunday(Old Glory. Week Vaiy, lat. Dominica in Palmis de passione Domini) - a Christian holiday celebrated on the Sunday ("Week") preceding Easter Week, that is, the sixth Week.

Every sixth Sunday of Lent, exactly one week before the holiday, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday.

Story. The history of Palm Sunday marks the day of Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem for the Christian world. The rumor about the resurrection of Lazarus at the hand of Jesus spread throughout all the cities, people saw in Jesus the solution to their problems, their new ruler, the king whom they would like to see on the throne. In those days it was a custom for the ruler to ride into the city on a donkey, showing that he came in peace. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People greeted him with palm branches, and the entire path of the Messiah's progress was covered with flowers. The palm tree in Judea was considered a symbol of virtue and closeness to God. Only kings were greeted this way. Jesus Christ knew that he was bringing people not an earthly kingdom, but a path to the salvation of their souls - the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus also knew the price he would have to pay for this.

Why then a willow and not a palm tree? Not all countries where Christianity is practiced have palm trees. Therefore, in countries they are replaced with tree branches, which are the first to bloom in the spring. Therefore, Orthodox Christians replaced palm branches with willow. In addition, among Orthodox Christians, the willow symbolizes virtue, renewal and new life.

Orthodox Christians began to call Palm Sunday, but Catholics still have the name Palm Sunday.

Signs, customs and rituals for Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, people bring willow branches to church to bless it. The consecrated willow branches, which are brought into the house after church, on this day are a symbol of the fact that people, just like the Jews in their time, meet Jesus Christ. Keep the consecrated willow whole year.

Since ancient times, willow branches have been attributed healing and magical properties. The consecrated willow was considered a talisman for the whole family - they touched loved ones with a twig, wishing them health and happiness. There is a ritual when, after a church service, people come home, beat each other with willow branches and say: “I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as water and rich as the earth” or “Whip the willow - hit until you cry. Be healthy like the willow.” " and others. The meaning of the ritual is to wish a loved one health and well-being. And people simply believe that after such rituals, health, strength and prosperity will come to a person. Palm branches decorate the icons in the house. This ritual should bring happiness, prosperity and health to every inhabitant of the house.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to pat little children with bunches of willow that were blessed in the temple so that they do not get sick throughout the year and grow up healthy.

Swallowing palm buds on Palm Sunday was known in Ukraine, where children ate the buds “so that their throat wouldn’t hurt.”

It is also believed to have healing properties and the water in which the branches of the consecrated willow stood - they bathed sick children in it and believed that the disease would thus recede. On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases throughout the year. In the old days, this was how many diseases were treated.

On this day, men wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength to a young man, and girls wore willow buds to help them conceive a child.

Traditionally, on this day you can enjoy delicious dishes and please the kids with sweets. But, since the holiday falls during Lent, dairy and meat products should not be placed on festive table. On this day you can eat fish and drink a little red wine.

According to ancient legends, on this day no one drove cattle out into the street, as they believed that evil spirits would definitely spoil them. And the girls on Palm Sunday always combed their hair, saying: “Water, go to the ground along with your headache.” And then they put the comb in water and watered the willow with this water.

WITH Palm week, especially with last days her, there are many signs associated with the weather and the future harvest. In the old days they believed that whatever wind blew on Palm Sunday, it would be like that all summer, but if the weather was warm and clear on that day, then the whole village would prepare to collect good harvest fruit. If “it’s frosty on Verbnaya, spring bread will be good.”

On Palm Sunday you cannot work, swear or be offended.

Photo: iStock/Global Images Ukraine

Palm Sunday or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, one of the twelve main holidays Orthodox Church, is considered a symbol of the future reign of God.

A certain date in church calendar there is no holiday - it is tied to the day of Easter. Palm Sunday is celebrated on the last Sunday of Lent - in 2019, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated on April 21.

What does Palm Sunday mean?

Palm Sunday or Bzoba, as the holiday is called in Georgia, - an important event the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ before the crucifixion on the Cross.

Palm Sunday is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as king, which is described in detail in all four Gospels.

Kings and victors, according to ancient Jewish custom, rode into the Holy City on horses or donkeys, and the people greeted their rulers with greetings and palm branches.

Jesus, in fulfillment of the prophecy of the Old Testament, also solemnly entered Jerusalem on a young donkey, and people greeted Him with exclamations of “Hosanna!”, as they usually addressed only to the king, and covered his path with palm branches.

The inhabitants of Jerusalem saw in him the new king-savior and the long-awaited Messiah. The rumor about the miracles performed by Jesus, about the resurrection of Lazarus, which happened the day before, reached Jerusalem.

Unlike the people, the Jewish high priests were not happy with Jesus. And Christ knew that this path would lead him to Calvary and the Cross.

The Church introduced the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem in the 4th century. In Rus', the holiday appeared in the 10th century and became known as Palm Sunday. Due to the fact that the palm tree is southern and does not grow everywhere, Christians replaced palm branches with branches of willow, willow, boxwood or other trees that grow in the country of celebration and bloom in early spring.

On Palm Sunday in Georgia, according to tradition, branches of willow and Colchian boxwood (bza - in Georgian) are blessed and solemn services are held in all churches.

Church traditions

Before Palm Sunday, on Saturday, at Orthodox churches An all-night vigil is held. Believers go to the service with willow branches in their hands in honor of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem and stand with lit candles until the end of the service.

The main tradition of Palm Sunday is the blessing of willow branches in the church. After reading the Gospel, the priests perform incense (a fragrant sacrifice to God, accompanied by prayers) of the willows and sprinkle the branches with Holy water.

On Palm Sunday, everyone can attend the service and bless the willow branches - they symbolize the victory of life over death, that is, the Resurrection of the Lord. The illuminated branches are kept for a whole year as a symbol of unity with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. After a year, the willow branches are burned, since they cannot be thrown into the trash.

Folk traditions and customs

In Rus', Palm Sunday has long been associated with many folk traditions, customs and rituals. According to one of them, people went to collect willow at dawn on Lazarus Saturday.

Willow branches were cut from young trees that still had no damage or dried branches. By the way, for the holiday it was forbidden to cut branches from the trees that grow next to the cemetery and that have hollows.

Willow branches, which were consecrated that same evening or on Sunday morning, were used to decorate icons or hang them in the corners of rooms.

On Palm Sunday in the old days, so-called palm bazaars were held, where they sold a lot of goods and organized different games and entertainment. According to custom, willow cherubs—willow branches decorated with angels—were sold at fairs.

On this day, as on all great days church holidays, you can’t work, so the women cleaned the house and cooked in advance. Housewives baked nuts from dough for Palm Sunday and gave them to all household members, including animals, for health.

According to tradition, this is a family holiday, which is spent in the circle of loved ones and relatives, in a calm atmosphere, because it continues Lent, and starts on Monday Holy Week, the last one before Easter, which in 2019 begins on April 22.

Palm Sunday is a solemn and Holy holiday and at the same time a sad and tragic day. Indeed, in fact, all those who greeted the Savior on Palm Sunday, within a few days, threw stones at him with cries of rage, demanding his crucifixion.

Therefore, on Palm Sunday it is necessary to think about God, pray, cleanse your soul and prepare for the celebration of the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Since ancient times, willow has been attributed Magic force, which promoted fertility, protected against diseases and cleansed evil spirits. People swallowed the buds of the consecrated willow so that no illness or disease would attach to them.

In ancient times, to attract good luck in new endeavors, people ate several willow buds before starting some important business.

Amulets made from willow buds were worn by women who did not have children. According to tradition, newlyweds were showered with willow buds and a willow twig was placed under the feather bed so that the offspring would be healthy.

Blessed willow was used during the first pasture of livestock. To ensure that the cattle remained safe and returned home on time, a willow twig was put into the water or stuck under the roof of the house.


Since ancient times, many people have believed in omens. Blessed willow branches were placed at the head of the sick, applied to sore spots, touched by them to people, wishing them health, and lashed children so that they would grow up healthy.

Crushed dried willow buds were added to various medicinal decoctions, which were used to treat skin diseases and wounds. Sometimes the buds were added to bread or other baked goods.

They also baked bread in the shape of a willow twig or cooked porridge from the opening buds of a willow tree.

In ancient times, in order to increase one’s wealth, a flower was planted or replanted on Palm Sunday. houseplants. The flower was carefully looked after and protected, because they believed that if it withered, serious financial losses were expected.

Girls, wanting to marry a specific guy, thought about him all day, from morning until evening. Somehow, perhaps telepathically, her thoughts were transmitted to this guy, and in the evening he invited her for a walk.

By the beginning of the sowing season, willow branches were always stuck into the ground in the field. In the old days they believed that this ritual contributed to a rich harvest and saved it from misfortunes.

People believed that willow healed and gave physical strength not only to humans, but also to cattle. Therefore, domestic animals, like children, were lashed with a blessed willow branch, willow was hung in barns, and before the first pasture in the field, these branches were fed to animals so that they would not become victims of diseases, thieves and predatory animals.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

Poultry is not allowed outside on Palm Sunday, as according to signs, witches and other evil spirits can spoil it.

It was also believed that the willow could protect the house from natural elements. So, for example, to a house in which there is blessed willow, lightning will not hit. If during a fire you throw a willow on the fire, it will go out faster and the flame will not spread to another building. And twigs thrown into the water during ice drift will help avoid large floods.

Rain on Palm Sunday - good omen. This means expect a good harvest. Dry weather, on the contrary, warns that harvest should not be expected. Cloudy but dry weather portends a good harvest, but not what we would like.

The material was prepared based on open sources
