Bergenia - planting and care in open ground. Bergenia - planting, growing and caring for a flower in open ground What kind of soil does bergenia like?

It is difficult for beginners in floriculture to figure out how to propagate bergenia, because in old bushes the rhizome almost lies on the surface, and it is not clear what to do with it. With seeds, you also can’t tell right away whether it’s worth planting them? Let's decide in which cases which method of reproduction is more suitable for you.

Simple ways to propagate bergenia

Bergenia is propagated in three ways - by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Propagation by seeds

Let us immediately note that growing from seeds is a rather lengthy process: in the 1st year, the seedlings develop slowly, forming rosettes no higher than 3 cm. Towards the end of the 2nd year, the leaf rosettes will grow to 8 cm, and flowering will occur only at 3 or 4 th year.

The seeds ripen in September, their size does not exceed 2 mm; the grains should be collected from the largest and most beautiful inflorescences. When the flowers begin to fade, tie the inflorescence with a gauze bag and leave it until the middle or end of September, then cut off the inflorescence, dry it and collect the seed material.

Seeds can be sown in open ground in October or November and covered with leaves for the winter. Sowing of seedlings is carried out in May or March; first prepare a flat container medium depth and soil. The best option- light turf soil. The mixture can be prepared by mixing one part each of compost or humus, sand and soy clay soil.

Let's move on to sowing. You need to make small depressions (up to 5 mm) on the soil surface and moisten them warm water and lay out small bergenia seeds. The first shoots will appear in about 3 weeks. Caring for them involves timely watering: make sure that the soil does not dry out, but also do not overwater the seedlings.

At the beginning of June, seedlings can be planted on permanent place, the distance between seedlings should be at least 40 cm. Pour a little sand into the bottom of each hole, up to 6 cm deep, place the seedling in it and fill it with the remains of the mixture that was prepared for the seedlings. For the winter, young bergenia grown from seeds should be covered with leaves or peat.

Rhizome division and cuttings

The simplest and most common methods of propagating bergenia are suitable even for beginners.

You can divide the bush in September. Separate from an adult (4 or 5 years old) bush the above-ground part of the root, no shorter than 7-10 cm with three buds, and slightly bury the section into the soil in a new place. You can also make a cut in the rhizome right in the flowerbed, and dig a section for next year - then the daughter bush will more easily tolerate replanting.

The cutting procedure is carried out after the bergenia blooms, from about May to August, separate the rosette with the rhizome and burn it a little with earth. For better rooting, periodically water new seedlings and cover them for the winter.

It happens that in the first 2-3 years after dividing or transplanting, bergenia grows poorly. Check if the plant is not flooded and its rhizome is not very deep, then just be patient and wait - it will manifest itself. But if he has been quiet for 5 years, then change the place - he is not a fan of deep shade, prefers light partial shade, and even more open places. Here's a closer look at what a good landing site looks like:

Plant this magnificent evergreen plant in your home, as bergenia is quite easy to propagate. If it is possible to select a rare variety, then sow it with seeds. If you managed to purchase a cutting of rhizome or a cutting, plant it, you won’t regret it. We are sure that now you will understand exactly how to propagate bergenia for your garden.

The flowering plant bergenia is a charming evergreen “resident”, which is considered worthy decoration any summer flower garden. We will tell you in the article what varieties and types of bergenia there are, how to properly plant and care, grow and propagate the plant, as well as what garden crops to combine in landscape design!

Description: varieties and varieties of bergenia

Extraordinary beautiful plant Bergenia, completely strewn with small pink flowers, came to gardeners from Siberia. It was the harsh growing conditions that made herbaceous plant unpretentious and capable of wintering in any region of our country.

An amazing feature of bergenia is not only the beauty of the inflorescences, but also the wonderful healing properties: leaves and rhizomes garden perennial They are considered a treasure trove of ascorbic, tannic and gallic acids, and carotene. Prepared from thick-leaved bergenia medicines have a good anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, and improve the secretion process of the digestive glands. And tea brewed from the leaves will not only have an unusual aroma, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Interesting! Gardeners often compare bergenia, which does not take much time to plant and care for, with elephant ears. And all because the plant has beautiful, large leaves, which can change their color throughout the season, which greatly enlivens the flower garden, emphasizing its uniqueness and picturesqueness.

In nature, there are about 10 species of this flowering plant and many of the most unusual varieties. This feature allows you to create luxurious flower arrangements using only bergenia.

The most common garden crop is the thick-leaved bergenia, which received its name because of its fleshy leaves with petioles, which contain a supply of moisture. Crossed thick-leaved bergenia with other species, breeders managed to develop several varieties of this crop:

  • "Britten" with soft pinkish flowers (gardeners call this variety "apple blossom");
  • "Purple Glocken" with fragrant inflorescences of a deep purple color;
  • "Abbenglute" with bright pink velvety flowers;
  • “Morgenrote”, “Sunningdale” are no less beautiful, but late-flowering varieties. Their flowering peak occurs in the middle of the summer season.

Planting a plant

If you want bergenia, planting and caring for which is extremely simple, to grow to its full potential and retain as much of everything as possible beneficial features, try to recreate natural natural conditions for its growth.

For planting, it is better to use lightweight turf soil, avoid clay soil, or dilute it with fine sand or crushed stone. Bergenia grows well in sand, compost and clay soil, but stagnation of water has a bad effect on its growth and flowering. If the post is sufficiently drained, you can safely landscape the banks of reservoirs and ponds with flowering plants.

The best period for planting is spring or late summer. Before planting, the soil is prepared, its composition is determined and, if necessary, improved, and weeds are removed. Only after this a spacious hole (up to 30 cm) is dug, the rhizome of the plant is placed in it and sprinkled with earth.

Advice! Planting is done with the utmost care so as not to damage the root system!

Often before planting, the hole is filled with water, into which the rhizomes are placed and covered with a layer of soil. Then the soil is compacted and mulched with sawdust and peat. If the second method was chosen for planting (using water), then watering will be required only after 5-7 days.

Plant care

Like any garden crop, bergenia requires care, but it cannot be called burdensome. Everything you need for normal growth and fabulous bloom– this is timely watering, eliminating stagnation of water and overflow, suitable fertilizing, periodic removal of falling leaves and mulching.

Important! In the spring, bergenia needs to be cleared of last year's shoots, dried leaves should be removed, and the shoots should be slightly shortened.

If the plant was not planted in a visible place personal plot, then you don’t have to clean it garden culture from last year's leaves: gradually falling off, they will cover the soil with a kind of protective layer, which will help retain moisture in the ground and protect the plant from overheating in the summer heat.

In one place, bergenia can grow quietly for about 10 years, while it does not require replanting and is extremely resistant to frost in the soil.

Fertilizer and fertilizing of bergenia

The plant is very responsive to properly selected fertilizing. It is recommended to use it before and after bergenia blooms. mineral fertilizers. 2-3 weeks after flowering, you can feed the plant: fertilizers in this case activate the process of growing and aging of the leaves, which at this time are just beginning to change their color.

Plant propagation

The reproduction procedure is somewhat lengthy and difficult, but not all of us prefer easy solutions. For those who do not succumb to difficulties, we will tell you about two methods of propagation - using seeds and cuttings.

Method 1. Growing bergenia by propagating seeds.

To begin with, we note that bergenia has black and very small seeds (1-2 mm). During the first few years, seedlings develop slowly, forming miniature rosettes no more than 2.5 cm long. Seedlings need constant watering and supervision, and in late autumn they must be covered with dried leaves until spring. In addition, the seedlings must be planted with a substrate of compost, loamy soil and sand (ratio 1:1).

Experienced breeders note that the most The best way reproduction is planting in early spring in a special sowing container, which is fearlessly exposed in the winter under the snow and only in the middle of spring is placed in warmth. Seedlings are planted in an area of ​​permanent growth in the second year in the second half of summer.

Method 2. Growing bergenia by cuttings.

For reproduction using this method, strong and healthy plants middle aged. Before planting, part of the branch with the apical bud and rosette is separated, and almost all the leaves are torn off. Usually after a few days you can notice the first signs of rooting. It is recommended to plant cuttings at a distance of no more than 40 cm from each other, placing the rosette in prepared soil to the base. The procedure for caring for seedlings is similar to adult plants.

Diseases and pests

Thick-leaved bergenia is insensitive to pests and diseases. But this is only if all the conditions for flower growth are met, otherwise the plant may suffer from spotting from time to time: brown spots with sharp outlines will appear on the leaves. Subsequently, the color of these spots will change from brown to brown-gray. A white, unhealthy coating gradually forms on the underside of the leaves. To get rid of a fungal disease, just trim off the diseased leaves or spray with Bordeaux liquid composition, foundationazole or preparations with a high copper content.

Bergenia: combination with other plants

Bergenia planted on flower beds, creates unusual compositions with plants such as:

  • fern;
  • Mahonia;
  • lungwort;
  • juniper;
  • hellebore.

But it is better not to plant bergenia with lilies of the valley, periwinkle and other low-growing and creeping plants - it will not only get lost among them, but will also prevent them from growing, and will itself be limited in space. A well-groomed bergenia, growing under the spreading crown of any tree, looks unusually picturesque and harmonious. deciduous tree. Bergenia is no less beautiful surrounded by spring bulbous flowers - delicate hyacinths, charming snowdrops and woodlands, bright crocuses.

Bergenia in landscape design

An important feature of bergenia - unpretentiousness of care and lighting - allows you to grow the plant both in the shade and in direct sunlight, in flower beds surrounded by other flowers and as an independent unit of landscape design. Thanks to its creeping rhizomes, bergenia effectively covers the soil, preventing the appearance of weeds.

How to grow bergenia correctly: video

Bergenia in the garden: photo

Today we will look at growing Bergenia from seeds in open ground and find out what features exist in plant care. Let's discuss prevention against diseases and pests. We will also analyze common mistakes flower growers and answer the most common questions.

Bergenia – herbaceous perennial has medicinal and decorative value. IN natural environment grows in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Bergenia can be found in Primorye, Altai Territory, Siberia. Grows well on mountain slopes, rocky and forest-steppe areas.

Blooms from late March to late May. Depending on the type and variety, Bergenia flowers are pink, purple, white and red. The flowers are goblet or bell-shaped. Flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, located on a high peduncle.

The diameter of Bergenia flowers is no more than 2 cm. There are up to 120 flowers in one inflorescence

Growing Bergenia from seeds in open ground: conditions

Bergenia grows well in light and loose soils. Tolerates alkaline and moist soils well. Areas located in partial shade or under canopy are suitable for planting Badan. tall trees. When landing on sunny area the growth and development of the plant is weakened, spots in the form of burns form on the leaves, the inflorescences are drooping, the flowers quickly fade.

The horizontal roots of the plant are located close to the soil surface, so they are difficult to tolerate dry areas. To protect the root system, the soil is mulched, which allows it to retain moisture on the driest days.

The main care for bergenia is watering and thinning. The plant should be watered frequently, but moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. The thinning procedure is carried out to prevent the development of disease and pests.

Bergenia is a ground cover plant that forms dense thickets, thanks to which it clogs weeds

Step-by-step instructions for growing Bergenia from seeds

Bergenia begins to bear fruit in the second half of July and ends in mid-August. The seeds are contained in a dry box. Each box contains several hundred seeds. The seeds are small up to 2 mm.

Seeds can be sown in open ground and sown in containers for growing seedlings. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to sow seeds not immediately in open ground, but to germinate them in shallow trays. Reproduction at home will allow the seedlings to become stronger before planting in open ground.

The generative method of propagation of Badan is a long process. During the first 1.5-2 years, young plants obtained from seeds develop slowly and require care.
Badan seedlings bloom on average 3-4 years after sowing

Sow seeds in early spring in small containers. It is not recommended to bury the seeds deep into the soil; it is enough to mix the seeds with clean coarse sand and distribute them evenly over the surface of the moist soil. The crops are covered with film and placed outside under the snow. In the second half of March, containers with sowing are brought into a warm room. The appearance of friendly shoots begins after 25 days.

Young shoots sprout when the first leaf appears. Planted for growing in open ground in mid-May. However, seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the second year or as soon as the rosette of leaves reaches 10-12 cm. In the table we consider several types of purchased soil suitable for sowing Badan seeds:

Purchased soil provides good oxygen access to the roots of young plants, and also allows for even distribution of moisture in the soil. Soil acidity is neutral

Tip #1: To grow seedlings, you must use soil without decomposing organic matter. Such organic matter displaces nitrogen compounds from soil mixture. Nitrogen is necessary for the development of seedlings initial stage growth. Moreover, the decomposition of organic matter generates a lot of heat, which leads to overheating of the soil and the death of the still weak root system of young plants. Often, strong heating of the soil leads to the death of seeds.

Planting Badan seedlings in open ground

Bergenia seedlings are planted in the spring - in mid-March. This period is the most favorable for the rooting of young seedlings. At proper care The seedlings will get stronger and accumulate all the necessary nutrients for the winter.

Before planting, seedlings must be acclimatized, namely, seedlings should be brought into the garden in early March on the warmest and windiest days. After some time, as soon as the morning frosts and night frosts are over, the seedlings are left overnight in the area under a plastic cover. Then the cover is removed and the plant continues to be hardened for several more days.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings are watered liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen-phosphorus compounds. This feeding will speed up the rooting of seedlings in a new place. Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The soil should be light and loose, such soil is well warmed up by the weak rays of the sun. If the soil is clayey, sand must be added; add a little clay to sandy soils. Holes in the soil are formed with a depth of no more than 2-2.5 cm. The seedlings are planted in open ground along with a lump of earth. The seedlings are placed at a distance of 10-12 cm. After planting, the seedlings are moderately watered with water at room temperature.

Tip #2: After planting in open ground, Badan seedlings must be covered with film. This will protect young plants from sudden frosts, bright rays of the sun, heavy rainfall and pests. The film is periodically opened slightly to ventilate the seedlings. As soon as the plant takes root, the film is removed .

Planted seedlings must be mulched. Mulch in the first stages of plant development will suppress the growth of weeds and preserve required quantity moisture and heat in the soil. In the table we will consider suitable material for mulching young Badan plants:

Organic types of mulch, in addition to retaining heat and moisture in the soil and protecting against weeds, improve the structure of the topsoil. Inorganic types of mulch provide good shade to the soil and retain moisture, but on persistently hot days they can lead to overheating of the soil or cause a greenhouse effect.

Cultivated varieties of Bergenia for planting in the garden

In nature, there are about 10 species of Bergenia, from which they were obtained garden forms plants. Garden forms of Badan are hybrids of various origins. In the table we will consider varietal characteristics each of the above varieties of Badan:

Garden varieties Plant height (cm) Features of flowers Leaf Features


45-50 The inflorescences are dense, the flowers are reddish-pink Ellipsoidal leaf shape. Green in spring and summer, red-burgundy in autumn
"Thick-leaved" 45-50 The flowers are large up to 2 cm, dark pink The leaves are wide, hard, fleshy. In spring, summer – light green, by autumn – red-brown with shine
"Heart-leaved" 30-35 Inflorescences pink or bright purple The leaves are heart-shaped, hard, smooth, and shiny. Green in spring and summer, red-burgundy in autumn
"Schmidt" 35-40 Inflorescences are bright scarlet Ellipsoidal shape of leaves In spring, in summer the leaves are matte, green, by autumn they are green with a blue tint.
"Bach" 35-40 Cone-shaped inflorescences, white flowers Ellipsoidal, rigid. In spring and summer dark green, by autumn - brown

To grow Badan, it is necessary to prepare areas in which the plant will grow for 8-10 years. It is important to remember that all garden forms of Badan are difficult to tolerate the transplantation procedure.

All Badan varieties do not like stagnation of water in the soil, and also do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Waterlogged soil often leads to rotting of the root system.

Bergenia is rarely affected by diseases and pests. The development of the disease is observed only if the plant is not properly cared for. The absence of pests is due to the specific chemical composition plants that repel the vast majority of pests. Experienced gardeners note that Badan is affected by slobbering pentilia and nematodes. Pennytail appears if the plant is planted in shady areas with frequent accumulation of water in the soil. Nematodes develop in the soil when large amounts of organic matter are added.

Bergenia looks impressive against the background artificial reservoirs and among the stones

To prevent the development of diseases and the appearance of pests, it is necessary to regularly remove dead above-ground plant organs, as well as promptly remove fallen leaves and weeds. When planting is dense, it is recommended to carry out a thinning procedure.

Bergenia in landscape design

Bergenia looks good when planted along garden paths. Thanks to the horizontal root system, which develops close to the surface, Bergenia successfully takes root and grows in areas with an uneven surface.

Bergenia looks organically in a composition with thujas and green pine needles

Serious mistakes gardeners make when growing Bergenia

The main mistakes are:

  1. The seeds are planted deep into the soil.
  2. Seedlings are planted in early spring without hardening.
  3. Rooted seedlings are not mulched.
  4. Water frequently and abundantly.
  5. Seedlings are grown in the sunniest areas.

Frequently asked questions from gardeners

Question No. 1. What material should not be used to mulch Bergenia seedlings?

Answer: Types of organic mulch such as sawdust, wood shavings and bark, when rotting, extract nitrogen from the soil, which impairs the development and rooting of young plants. Use of fallen leaves as mulch should be done with extreme caution. It is not recommended to bring in foliage from diseased trees or trees that have been treated with chemicals.

Question No. 2. When can you replant? mature plant Badan?

Answer: Badan does not tolerate transplantation well. Replant in mid-summer or first half of autumn.

Question No. 3. What is the optimal age of a Bergenia plant for dividing a bush?

Answer: Badan aged more than 5 years is suitable for dividing rhizomes. Otherwise, the plant will not tolerate division well, which can lead to disease and death of the plant.

Question No. 4. At what stage of Badan development can mineral fertilizers be applied?

Answer: They are fed with mineral fertilizers at the flowering stage and after it ends.

Question No. 5. Is it possible to sow Badan seeds directly in open ground?

Answer: It is not recommended to sow Bergenia seeds in open ground; the germination rate of such seeds is low. Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out at the end of March until the end of April. Seedlings appear in about a month. For the winter, the seedlings are covered with straw. It blooms 3-4 years after planting.

For the design of garden plots in natural style The perennial bergenia plant is ideal. Its ornamental dark green leaves and pink flowers will decorate the garden from early spring to late autumn. In addition, the flower has medicinal properties, and is widely used in folk medicine. It is difficult to find a plant that is more unpretentious in planting, care and propagation. Even a novice gardener can grow bergenia on his plot.

Description, types and photos of bergenia

This herbaceous unusually beautiful plant belongs to the saxifrage family and is famous for its bright inflorescences. Large shiny bergenia leaves collected in a rosette resemble elephant ears. That is why people often call it “elephant ears.” One inflorescence of a plant can contain more than 100 flowers, each of which has a diameter of 2 cm.

There are 10 types of bergenia found in nature. Among them, three types are the most popular and are most often used for decorating garden plots.

Flowering of all types of bergenia lasts about a month. The plant grows rhizomes every year, and therefore grows well, as if “crawling” around the area.

Bergenia: planting and care in open ground

This shade-tolerant, winter-hardy plant grows well not only in light areas, but also in partial shade and shade. However, the plant does not bloom in full shade, and does not grow well in open sunny space.

Landing Features

You should know that bergenia does not tolerate transplants well. Conditions for its growth should be as close to natural as possible. Only in this case will the plant grow well and retain its healing properties.

Soil requirements for bergenia:

  • The best substrate for flower growth is considered to be turf soil, instead of which you can use a mixture consisting of loamy soil, compost and sand;
  • if the site has loamy soil, it is recommended to dilute it with sand and crushed stone;
  • the plant does not tolerate stagnant water, so the soil for it must be well drained.

It is best to plant in the spring, but it can also be done in early August. Having prepared the soil for bergenia, you will need to dig spacious holes no more than 30 cm deep. Next, rhizomes are placed in them and carefully sprinkled with earth. The plant is watered.

To do not damage fragile roots, the hole can first be filled with water, then the rhizomes can be placed in it and covered with soil. In this case, the plant will need to be watered only after a week.


Growing in one place bergenia maybe about ten years. It does not require constant transfers to a new site. The flower does not require special care, but some nuances still need to be taken into account.

Propagation of bergenia

The plant reproduces in two ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

Dividing the bush

This method of propagation is not very difficult, so even novice gardeners can do it.

You can divide the bush in May-June. This must be done so as not to damage the main rhizome. It will not be difficult to dig up new roots since they lie close to the soil surface. Each individual root must have at least two or three leaves and three root buds.

For divisions, holes 10-15 cm deep are prepared in advance. The distance between plants should be about 30-50 cm. Since bergenia grows well in breadth and not upward, there is no need to save space.

In order for the plant to bloom next spring, the division should be planted vertically. In this case, the leaf rosette should protrude slightly above the ground.

For more quick receipt With new planting material, the bushes sit at an angle. Usually shrub cuttings are rooted in this way. In this case, the plant will grow faster and produce new shoots.

After landing the ground well watered and sprinkled with mulch. Caring for young plants involves timely watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Propagation by seeds

This is a fairly lengthy process, so you need to be patient.

Sowing is best done in March. First you need to prepare a container and fill it with earth. The grooves, 0.5 cm deep, should be 3 cm apart from each other. Quite small bergenia seeds are sown in the grooves spilled with warm water.

When the room temperature is not lower than +20C, the seedlings sprout in about three weeks. They develop very slowly, forming very small rosettes. Caring for them involves timely watering.

Seedlings can be planted in the garden at the beginning of June. It is recommended to place the holes checkerboard 40x40 cm. Sand is poured into the bottom of each hole, the depth of which should be about 6 cm, and seedlings are placed. The seedlings are sprinkled on top with an earthen mixture, which consists of loamy soil, humus and sand in equal parts.

The seedlings go to winter when they are very small. They can have only two leaves and grow up to 2.5 cm. For the winter they need to be covered with peat or fallen leaves. Bergenia will bloom only in the third or fourth year after planting.

Medicinal properties of bergenia

The rhizomes of the plant contain substances that are used in modern medicine. Based on them are being manufactured medications , which have:

Medicines from the rhizomes of the plant are used for high blood pressure, sore throat, stomatitis, problems with intestinal function and even some gynecological diseases.

At home, you can use a decoction of broadleaf bergenia. It is prepared from 10 grams of the plant, which is poured with 200 g of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. The hot broth is filtered and cooled. It is recommended to take it three times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.

Landed on garden plot Bergenia will bring in landscape design a kind of “highlight”. It will look very impressive against the background of stones and water. The flower is indispensable in compositions with variegated and narrow-leaved plants, which include phlox, arabis, and hosta. That is why it is worth starting to grow bergenia in open ground, planting and caring for which will not take much time.

Bergenia plant

Along with hostas, bergenia or bergenia can become a real highlight shady garden, and will also delight you with beautiful flowering in early spring. As soon as the snow begins to melt in the garden, the bergenia is the first to come to life and raise its large, juicy leaves. The powerful leaves of the plant, which are similar to cabbage, winter well under the snow and come to life in the spring. In spring, bright inflorescences appear on the plant, somewhat reminiscent of bells. The color of bergenia flowers can be white or bright, pink, dark purple or bright scarlet. The flowers of the plant are very fragrant, and the bergenia itself is medicinal and useful in home medicine cabinet. How to grow this plant in the garden, when is the best time to plant it and how to replant it, how to deal with pests?

Description of the plant

Bergenia or bergenia is evergreen, belonging to the Saxifraga family. There are 10 species in its genus. It blooms in early spring, as soon as the sun begins to warm the air and ground.

The leaves are cabbage-like, among them inflorescences with a height of 20 to 60 cm appear on the peduncles. In autumn, bergenia leaves can change their color from bright green to bright bronze or lilac-brown. This color can last until spring. The leaves winter well under the snow.
Flower growers value bergenia as an evergreen and very early flowering plant. With slight shading and sufficiently moist soil, bergenia can form very beautiful bushes which look very decorative. But the plant is most decorative during the flowering period.

Popular varieties

Nowadays you can buy different hybrids of bergenia varieties at fairs and in specialized flower shops. However, they are based on three popular varieties:

  • Bergenia sercelifolia is a plant up to 40 cm high. The inflorescences of this variety are lilac, pink, violet and white. This variety got its name from the unique shape of its leaves. The foliage is very dense.
  • Pacific bergenia is decorative variety. During the flowering period, a strong, thick peduncle appears, on which many purple bells bloom. The leaves are oval-shaped, very large, and turn purple by autumn.
  • Bergenia thickleaf is a plant that reaches a height of about 50 cm. During the flowering period, it produces a tall stem on which there are many bright, Pink colour. The inflorescences of this variety of bergenia exude a very pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in early spring, but this variety is very decorative even without flowers. By the end of summer or early autumn, the foliage of broadleaf bergenia turns purple. This is the most popular variety.

We can say that bergenia is one of the plants that can be safely forgotten immediately after planting. Badan is completely unpretentious, which is why it has earned the love of gardeners and flower growers. Bergenia grows well on absolutely any soil, suppresses weeds around it, and requires almost no care and attention.
If we talk about preferences when choosing a site for planting bergenia, then this plant prefers light soil with a high content of nutrients, moderately moist. On nutritious soil you can grow a powerful, magnificent plant that will delight you with flowering in May.

Bergenia will grow equally well both in the sun and in the shade, but in the sun the flower will bloom more profusely. This plant tolerates frost well and is winter-hardy.

In spring, old shoots and diseased leaves are removed from the bergenia. In spring, fertilizers are applied. Any complex fertilizer is suitable as a top dressing. Applying fertilizers to spring period will help the bergenia grow green mass faster. The next time the plant is fed two weeks after the start of flowering. It is better to apply mineral fertilizer as a top dressing.
Many gardeners complain that their bergenia does not bloom. This can happen due to an incorrectly chosen landing site. The plant tolerates shade, but needs at least three hours sunlight in a day. Too much shade can cause poor development of the bush. Also, bergenia may begin to bloom poorly if the bush for a long time not transplanted.

Badan is very unpretentious plant, and requires minimal care. Experienced flower growers recommend cutting off faded flower stalks with pruners after flowering, and cutting off poorly overwintered leaves in early spring.
IN further care caring for the plant comes down to rare weeding, since powerful bergenia bushes themselves crowd out weeds, loosening the soil around the bushes and infrequent watering. In order for the plant to grow faster in the spring, it must be watered several times with warm water.

Growing by seed

Bergenia can be grown from seeds, although many gardeners do not use the generative method of propagation. First, the seeds must be sown in boxes, which allows you to grow stronger seedlings in favorable conditions. The germination rate of bergenia seeds is quite good, and you will get a lot of seedlings. To increase the germination of seeds, they must be soaked in a fungicide solution before sowing. Strictly control the soil moisture in the boxes so that the still immature sprouts do not dry out under any circumstances.

Read also: How to grow shrub amorpha?

Young shoots need to be moistened and protected from drafts, and when the seedlings reach a height of 10-15 cm, they can be transplanted to a permanent place in open ground. During the period of seedling growth, it is necessary to cover it from direct sunlight, but keep it in a bright room.

The disadvantages of this method of propagation include the late flowering of young plants - the flowering of bergenia grown from seeds begins only in the third or fourth year.

Vegetative propagation

This method is the simplest and most common. To plant bergenia by vegetative propagation, you need to take young rhizomes with several buds. In spring or autumn, you need to dig up the bush, separate several sections with a sharp knife and transplant them to a new place. A distance of at least 40 cm should be left between young plants.
When transplanting a cutting, you need to dig a hole the size of the roots, lower the seedling into it and cover it with soil, spill it generously and trample it a little. Transplanted plants should be well watered at first so that they quickly develop a strong root system.


It is better to replant bergenia every 5-6 years. Transplanting bushes and dividing them at the same time makes it possible to rejuvenate the plants and get a new planting material. Make a transplant better in autumn, preferably in early September, although the plant can be replanted in the spring and even throughout the summer. But if in your region hot climate, then it is better to postpone the transplant to October or do it in the spring.
Transplantation can be carried out simultaneously with dividing the bush. You can get several young plants from one six-year-old bush that will fill empty spaces in the garden.

To replant bergenia, the bush must be undermined from all sides and dug up along with a lump of earth. Next, the rhizome is freed from the ground, washed and divided sharp knife into several parts. To lower leaves did not interfere with work, they should be cut off.
The old rhizome is thrown away, and the young roots are divided so that a strong shoot remains on each division. After this, the bergenia is planted in the ground in a permanent place.

Read also: How is common wolfberry used?

When transplanting bergenia to a new place in the hole for the bush, you need to pour a layer of fertile, nutritious soil and add any complex fertilizer. This will help the bushes quickly restore the root system damaged by transplantation.
In the first two to three weeks after transplanting, plants should be watered abundantly and the soil under them should be loosened so that they take root faster.

If you need to replant bergenia in the summer, the plant will need to be shaded and mulched with a thick layer of sawdust or peat. Summer replanting is not advisable, as the bush may get sick and die.

Diseases and pests

Bergenia is a plant that is quite resistant to diseases and pests. But if the right conditions Bergenia cultivation is not observed, for example, the place for planting is poorly chosen, then the plant may be affected by spotting.

If bergenia gets blight, its leaves will become covered with blackish, sharply defined spots, which will gradually turn brown with the development of the disease. gray tint. The underside of the leaves of a diseased plant becomes covered whitish coating. This disease is very resistant to low temperatures, but you can get rid of it by cutting off all the diseased leaves of the plant. You can also spray bergenia with Bordeaux mixture and foundationazole.

Plant in the garden

If you still don’t have a beautiful bergenia on your site, then in the fall, in September-October, it’s time to sow its seeds. The seeds will sprout together in the spring, and a beautiful, unpretentious, treatment plant with very decorative leaves. When the leaves begin to fall in the fall, the juicy foliage of bergenia will remind you of the hot summer.

  • Bergenia is an indispensable plant for decorating the banks of artificial reservoirs on the site, rockeries and alpine slides.
  • The plant looks great as a living border, in garden beds, or in flower beds next to other inhabitants of the garden.
  • Bergenia bushes can be planted in groups among trees and tall shrubs.

This plant grows in one place for a long time, so you won’t have the hassle of frequent transplants. The bushes grow to the sides very slowly. After transplantation in the first year, the plant hardly grows, and blooms only in the second year of life. But most often, bergenia begins to bloom magnificently only from the third year after transplantation. Bergenia does not like to be transplanted too often; after dividing the bush and transplanting it to a new place, it can hurt for a long time.
