English language abroad. Au Pair - which country is better to go to? Types of language courses for learning English

Its prevalence knows no bounds: it is currently the most popular language in the world, but for the majority of its speakers English is not their native language. Whatever the goal is for you or your children when you choose courses in English abroad, he will be able to open up great prospects for your future employment, advancement in your career, or ensuring a good future for your child. After all, almost anywhere on Earth you can find people who speak at least a little of this language. If you know English, communication and local orientation will not be a problem abroad. Also, when completing training at a more complex level, you will be able to find a job in another country, significantly expanding your communication capabilities. Studying English abroad opens up new horizons that you have always dreamed of!

It is worth noting that staying in a country where this language is national or as natural as the native language for the majority of residents will have a beneficial effect on the productivity of learning English. After all, many years of experience have proven that learning English abroad is better than at home.

Best schools

English courses abroad will give you...

...the skill of listening to foreign speech. You will be able to easily understand what is being said to you. This will also be facilitated by the need for daily communication with native speakers. Listening is one of the first and most important stages if you choose English courses abroad.

...competent writing. You will learn to write competently and quickly in this language, which will greatly facilitate real and virtual communication with the people around you during the courses.

...free reading. It will not be a problem for you to read signs on the street or literature, including highly specialized ones, depending on which course you choose - basic, business, special, exam, etc.

…the ability to express oneself freely within given topics. After completing English courses abroad, everyday or professional communication will no longer be a problem. Being in a language environment will allow you to start thinking in English, so your speech will become coherent and fluent. This will add confidence when entering an educational institution or during business negotiations.

Cost of studying English abroad

It would be a mistake to think that a foreign language is just lexical baggage mixed with a set of rules of grammar and syntax. When studying the language of a particular country, we certainly encounter a new worldview and way of life, and get acquainted with traditions, culture and history. These processes take place most harmoniously in the homeland of the language, at its roots, among those for whom it is everyday. Therefore, one of the most important stages of its study is immersion in language environment.

Studying a foreign language abroad gives you the opportunity to short term to assimilate and experience it in a way that was not possible even in several years of “remote” study. Language courses abroad allow, among other things, to combine educational process and travel, get to know the country and its people better, thereby making new language not a dry discipline, but literally a part of life. That's why it's worth learning a language abroad.

23 countries to learn a foreign language

Popular language schools

Foreign language abroad: what to choose?

To meet the growing popularity of studying foreign languages ​​abroad, leading language schools abroad today offer huge selection training courses for young people, students, adults and even those over 50. Foreign language courses abroad can differ in focus, duration and intensity. But the quality of knowledge obtained in those schools with which the Educational and Consulting Center “Global Dialogue” cooperates will always be at the highest level.

The most popular language course abroad, due to its versatility and financial feasibility, is general (basic). All foreign language schools offer it. Duration general course it can be from a week to a year, 15-20 hours a week, or with intensive training - 30-35 hours. Classes can be individual, or conducted in standard groups, mini-groups and any combination of these forms.

Language training abroad is also in demand among young people aged 16 and over. Mainly, this category of students choose preparation courses for passing international language exams (TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, DALF, etc.), necessary for admission to foreign colleges and universities. So, to study at foreign universities you need to pass, for example, the IELTS exam with a score of 6.5-7 points. And for admission to educational establishments those countries where a TOEFL certificate is required - 213-250 points. From level basic knowledge The intensity and duration of the courses will depend (20-30 lessons per week, from a month to a year).

Language courses abroad for business people and specialists in various fields are offered today by all leading schools. Training programs “foreign language for business communication“allow you not only to significantly expand your professional vocabulary, but also to acquire communication skills in the international business space. As a rule, English language courses abroad, like any other language for entrepreneurs, managers and specialists, are based on individual programs. They take into account the language level, area of ​​activity and capabilities of students. Thus, top management training is carried out the best specialists, both teachers and experts in a specific field of business. The lack of time that large businessmen often experience affects the intensity of such courses (8-10 daily lessons), and the level of teaching affects their cost.

Among those who study a language “for themselves,” language learning programs combined with hobbies, sports, or some educational courses, the so-called, are especially popular. "language plus" This could be golf and tennis, yachting and rafting, rock climbing, theater, painting and choreography; many tourists are attracted by study courses national cuisine or wine tourism. A huge list of everything that modern language schools offer reflects all the brightest and most original things that characterize a particular country.

Foreign studies abroad: where to study?

Many schools have a network of branches both within one country and abroad. Therefore, high-quality foreign language courses can be offered to you both in the largest cities and in quiet provinces. Everything will depend on your habits and requests. The same can be said about choosing a country where you plan to learn a particular language.

For many, the phrase “English abroad” means a mandatory trip to the UK, and most likely to London. The most popular of all foreign languages ​​is most often sought to be studied precisely where the oldest schools and the most prestigious English courses abroad are concentrated. But learning English abroad is not limited to one country.

Thus, the generally recognized center for teaching English is Malta, whose schools operate according to the same proven British system, but studying there is much more accessible than in Foggy Albion. Language schools in the USA and Canada also offer an excellent level of education and a variety of recreational programs, excursions and entertainment. Also, if you want to teach French abroad, then Canada will easily compete with Moliere’s homeland. And even more so, if you have two plans at once - English and French - then you will not find a better offer than Canadian language schools.

The same can be said about studying German abroad. In addition to German schools, it is taught in Austria and, of course, Switzerland, in the recognized “language paradise”. This multicultural country offers unrivaled quality of education in English, German, French, Italian. And of course highest level comfort, accommodation and service: a full range of sports programs, walks and excursions around the most beautiful places Swiss Alps and much more.

It’s safe to say, no matter what language courses abroad you choose, studying in the Motherland of the language will be remembered for a long time, and the knowledge acquired in linguistic centers will remain with you for life!

With English - abroad, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2012.

This book with CD is indispensable for those who love to travel! Here you will find a complete set of words and expressions that you may need on your trip. You will learn to easily carry on a conversation, not get confused at the airport or get lost in the city, easily resolve all issues at the hotel, make purchases and order favorite dish at the restaurant! Life situations are presented in dialogues that can be read or listened to on the disc. Clear explanations and effective exercises will help you better understand the material. The author’s effective methodology is based on the use of ready-made speech templates characteristic of specific situation communication. Thanks to this, the need to translate from Russian into English is minimized, the quality of speech is improved, and mutual understanding is achieved faster. The course is designed for students with initial and intermediate levels of training and is intended for independent study of the English language.

When you travel abroad, you usually stay in a hotel. If you book a hotel / book a hotel yourself, then you will be sent a confirmation letter / registration confirmation; if you buy a package tour, the tour operator provides you with a voucher, which contains information about the reservation.

Arriving at the hotel, you go to the reception / administration desk and speak to the receptionist / administrator.

Sound recording
- Hello! I'd like to check in, please. / Hello, I would like to check into the hotel.

Hello, sir (ma'am)! Your passport and confirmation letter, please. / Hello, sir (ma'am)! Your passport and registration confirmation, please.

I’d like to get a room with a sea view, please./ I’d like to get a room with a sea view.

You booked a room with a city view. But you can get a room with a sea view for additional $30 dollars per day./ You have a room with a city view booked. To get a sea view room you need to pay an extra $30 per day.

Introduction / Introduction 7
1. Airport / At the airport 9
Part I. Departure / Departure 9
Part II. Waiting for the Flight / Waiting for flight 16
Part III. On Board / On Board 20
Part IV. Arrival / Arrival 25
2. Hotels / Hotels 32
3. Money I Money 43
4. Shopping / Shopping 53
Parti. Can I Help You? / I can help you? 53
Part II. Shopping in a Duty-Free / In duty-free 64
Part III. How to Return or Exchange a Purchase / How to return or exchange a purchase 71
5. Restaurants & Bars / Restaurants and bars 79
Parti. In a Restaurant / In a restaurant 79
Part P. In a Bar/ At the bar 92
6. In the Pharmacy / In the pharmacy 99
7. Beauty Salon / Beauty Salon 107
8. Renting a Car / Car rental 112
9. Getting Around Town
(Getting a Cab, Asking for Directions / How to catch a taxi, ask for directions) 124
10. Going for a Tour / Excursions 133
11. On the Beach / On the beach 145
12. Meeting People / Dating 153
Parti. Casual Talk / Everyday conversation 153
Part II. Talking About Self / How to talk about yourself 163
13. Time. Weather. Going out/ Time. Weather. Entertainment 175
Parti. Time 175
Part II. Weather 179
Part III. Going out / Entertainment 185
14. Useful Phrases / Useful phrases 190
15. Forms 199
Appendix 1. Countries & Cities /
Appendix 1. Countries and cities 202
Appendix 2. Days of the Week & Months
Appendix 2. Days of the week and months 206
Appendix 3. Politically Correct
Appendix H. Political correctness 208
Appendix 4. Clothing
Appendix 4. Clothing 210
Key / Key to exercises 212.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book With English - Abroad, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2012 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Modern English vocabulary for free communication, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2015 - This book contains the most common and most modern words and expressions of spoken English. With its help, readers will learn... Books on English
  • English, Start-up, English tutorial for beginners, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2017 - English. Start-up Self-teaching English for Beginners is a textbook for those who are learning the language from scratch or want to repeat basic... Books on English
  • Modern English words and expressions + slang, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2013 - This book will introduce you to spoken English - the kind that native speakers use every day in real life. You … Books on English
  • Clear English, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2014 - This manual is intended for a wide range of people traveling abroad and faced with the need to communicate with foreigners in English. ... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • All texts for reading, Ivanova I.E., Naumova E.A., Voitenko L., 2013 - Preface Series of English books. Primary School consists of four manuals that are intended for use by students in grades 1-4 secondary schools. … Books on English
  • English language, grades 5-6, English with pleasure, Enjoy English, Biboletova M.Z., Dobrynina N.V., Trubaneva N.N., 2013 - Educational and methodological set “English with pleasure (grades 5-6) is intended for students educational institutions, in which teaching English begins from the 2nd... Books on English
  • English for speech therapists, Tarasova T.N., Savina S.L., Baryshnikova I.Yu., 2003 - This manual was developed by a team of authors from the University Department of Foreign Languages ​​and is intended for speech therapist students studying English in accordance with the program ... Books on English
  • English for geographical specialties, English for Geographers, Komarova A.I., 2005 - The textbook contains professionally oriented texts borrowed from textbooks on geography, regional studies and ecology in English and other original sources. ... Books on English

Previous articles:

  • Spoken English - no problem, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2013 - This guide will help you master modern spoken English. It presents the most common phrases for communication, discussion of the most current topics... Books on English
  • English in simple words, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2012 - The manual consists of thematic sections that contain explanations of grammatical complexities and lexical subtleties of the use of certain words and ... Books on English
  • 200 dialogues in English for all occasions, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2014 - Natalya Chernikhovskaya’s author’s methodology is based on the use of ready-made speech patterns characteristic of a specific communication situation. This book contains dialogues... Books on English
  • English language, grade 11, Yukhnel N.V., Naumova E.G., Demchenko N.V., 2012 - FAMILY TIES Discuss the questions below in pairs. How did you spend your summer? Did you spend a... Books on English

With English - go abroad! Chernikhovskaya N.O.

M.: 2012 - 224 p. + CD

This book with CD is indispensable for those who love to travel! Here you will find a complete set of words and expressions that you may need on your trip. You will learn to easily carry on a conversation, not get confused at the airport or get lost in the city, easily resolve all issues at the hotel, make purchases and order your favorite dish in a restaurant! Life situations are presented in dialogues that can be read or listened to on the disc. Clear explanations and effective exercises will help you understand the material better. An effective author's technique is based on the use of ready-made speech patterns characteristic of a specific communication situation. Thanks to this, the need to translate from Russian into English is minimized, the quality of speech is improved, and mutual understanding is achieved faster. The course is designed for students with initial and intermediate levels of training and is intended for independent study of the English language.

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Audio (CD)

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Size: 76 MB

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Introduction / Introduction 7
1. Airport / At the airport 9
Part I. Departure / Departure 9
Part II. Waiting for the Flight / Waiting for flight 16
Part III. On Board / On Board 20
Part IV. Arrival / Arrival 25
2. Hotels / Hotels 32
3. Money I Money 43
4. Shopping / Shopping 53
Parti. Can I Help You? / I can help you? 53
Part II. Shopping in a Duty-Free / In duty-free 64
Part III. How to Return or Exchange a Purchase / How to return or exchange a purchase 71
5. Restaurants & Bars / Restaurants and bars 79
Parti. In a Restaurant / In a restaurant 79
Part P. In a Bar/ At the bar 92
6. In the Pharmacy / In the pharmacy 99
7. Beauty Salon / Beauty Salon 107
8. Renting a Car / Car rental 112
9. Getting Around Town
(Getting a Cab, Asking for Directions / How to catch a taxi, ask for directions) 124
10. Going for a Tour / Excursions 133
11. On the Beach / On the beach 145
12. Meeting People / Dating 153
Parti. Casual Talk / Everyday conversation 153
Part II. Talking About Self / How to talk about yourself 163
13. Time. Weather. Going out/ Time. Weather. Entertainment 175
Parti. Time 175
Part II. Weather 179
Part III. Going out / Entertainment 185
14. Useful Phrases / Useful phrases 190
15. Forms 199
Appendix 1. Countries & Cities /
Appendix 1. Countries and cities 202
Appendix 2. Days of the Week & Months
Appendix 2. Days of the week and months 206
Appendix 3. Politically Correct
Appendix H. Political correctness 208
Appendix 4. Clothing
Appendix 4. Clothing 210
Key / Key to exercises 212

Now the time has come when huge distances are covered in a few hours, when at the other end globe you can look in by simply turning on your computer and going online. In this world without borders, people from all over the world can communicate with each other freely. Historically, it is English that has become the language in which people of different nationalities and residents communicate today. different countries and continents. Today you will hear English spoken everywhere, no matter where you are on the planet.
The English language has become widespread not only due to economic trends in recent decades, but also because of its simplicity. No matter how strange it may sound to you, English - in comparison with other languages ​​- is very easy for foreigners to learn. The only thing you need to do to make learning English relatively fast is to choose effective method studying.
The REAL ENGLISH method is based on the principle of repetition and memorization of phrases from real life situations. You don’t need to invent anything, you don’t need to compose phrases in your head and mentally translate them from Russian into bad English. Just repeat what native speakers say in certain situations, and then put it into practice.
The principle of repetition and use of speech structures that native speakers use in real life situations is your key to success. If you watch how people learn a foreign language, you will soon realize that no matter how, where or with whom they learn English - in courses, with teachers, on their own - it all comes down to the fact that students simply repeat what is a model, namely the speech of native speakers. So why not adopt this principle from the very beginning and use it consciously?
So simple?! Yes! It is this principle that will help you take a huge step forward in speaking and eliminate the language barrier.
You don't have to wait until your next trip abroad to try out this English learning concept. Get started now! This book suggests various situations you may find yourself in when traveling abroad. Read the explanations for the dialogues, listen to the dialogues on the disc and memorize them, do the suggested exercises - and when you have to speak English, you will notice that you use these phrases without even thinking.

“Foreign countries will help us,” Ostap Bender convinced us. Indeed, learning English abroad is now more fashionable than ever. But is it worth exchanging the comfort of your hometown, where even the walls help, for an educational journey? Let's find out in this article. You will learn how you can learn a language abroad for children and adults, what the pros and cons of each method are. And our teachers will tell you about own experience improving English abroad.

Pros and cons of studying English abroad

Before you consider various ways learning a language abroad, let's weigh the pros and cons of a study trip. First, we offer you a few reasons to pack your bags to improve your knowledge.

1. Immersion in the language environment

2. Overcoming the language barrier

Anyone who has been abroad remembers how difficult it is to start speaking English. But it is the need to somehow explain yourself to others that will make you forget about embarrassment and fears. And even if the first phrases are difficult and stuttering, this will be the first step towards free oral speech.

3. Getting to know another country

Abroad, you will not only study, but also get acquainted with the culture of another country, and also see new interesting places. Of course, this is much more interesting and more motivating than sitting at home cuddling with Blue Murphy.

4. Expanding your circle of acquaintances

On your trip you will definitely interact with new people. Make friends with them, exchange contacts, for example Skype, and when you arrive home, continue communicating with them online. This way you can find an interesting interlocutor to practice speaking.

5. Exposure to different accents

While traveling, you will most likely communicate in English with people of different nationalities. At first, you may not even understand their words due to their accent. Don’t worry, your ears will gradually get used to it, and you will easily understand what the other person wants to tell you. And you will also make sure that your accent is not the worst version of English :-)

Now let’s add a fly in the ointment: pay attention to what pitfalls await you when studying abroad.

1. A miracle will not happen

Studying English abroad, although effective, is still not a guarantee that upon arrival you will speak like a native speaker or immediately pass an international exam with the highest score. Your success (as in any business) directly depends only on your own efforts. Knowledge will not appear in your head, as if by magic magic wand. To get the maximum benefit, you will also have to learn new words, repeat heard phrases, understand grammatical structures, etc.

2. From Pre-Intermediate and above

We do not recommend learning a language “from scratch” abroad: it is impossible to understand explanations in a language you don’t know, and if everything is explained to you in Russian, then the meaning of the trip is almost lost. We recommend educational trips for people with at least a Pre-Intermediate level.

3. Avoid your compatriots

Of course, it's always nice to have someone next to you who understands native language and features of the Russian national mentality. However, this may result in you talking to a new friend in Russian, that is, you will “emerge” from the language environment, and the goal of the trip will not be achieved.

4. A blow to the wallet

Traveling abroad is not cheap in any case. Even if you choose a volunteer project, you will still have to pay money for preparing documents, insurance, food, etc. Learning a language within the country is still cheaper, especially since you can study with a teacher from the UK or USA right at home. For example, in our school there is.

5. Difficulties in translating acclimatization

No matter how trivial it may sound, not all people tolerate climate change easily, and poor health can interfere with your studies. So choose the country and time of year for your trip carefully. Also, get acquainted with the traditions of the inhabitants of another country before traveling, then the culture shock will not be so strong.

How adults can learn English abroad

Of course, it’s easier for adults to find suitable option studying English abroad: you are an independent person and will not get confused even in the event of unforeseen situations, so you can choose not only expensive and proven options, but also more affordable and slightly riskier options.

Language school - expensive but safe

A language school abroad can be located in any country, including a non-English speaking one. Typically, you are given daily English lessons with native speakers for the first part of the day, and the second part you can spend on excursions or communicating in English with your classmates. Schools typically provide meals and residential or homestay accommodation. They will also help you with obtaining a visa, insurance and other documents.

1. Security 1. Expensive

This is the most expensive way to study English abroad, as every aspect of the program is thought out and you pay for it: tickets, accommodation, food, etc.

2. Professional teachers

IN good schools you are taught by experienced teachers with special education, often native speakers.

2. Large groups

Many schools are trying to cut costs and organize groups of 20-30 people. The larger the group, the less time they will devote to you and the less productive the training will be.

3. Availability of a training program

The purpose of the school is to educate you, so you will follow a structured curriculum rather than idly spend your time abroad.

3. Few activities, a lot of free time

Some schools are guilty of conducting few classes and not organizing any entertainment for students.

4. Convenience

Usually the school takes care of all the paperwork, booking tickets, finding accommodation, etc. You only need to express your preferences and pay for the course.

4. Bad conditions residence

There is a risk of ending up in an untidy hostel or an unpleasant family. So carefully read the reviews of former students of the chosen institution.

Experience as a teacher: 9 years

Experience at Englex: 6 months

Studying in the UK has always been considered very prestigious, and British diplomas and certificates are recognized throughout the world. By studying in the UK, people get a great opportunity not only to improve their English, but also to gain useful experience of living in another culture. This will allow you to choose in the future among the most promising employment offers in any country in the world. And a new circle of communication will help to establish relationships with the most talented, purposeful and wealthy people from different countries, because these are the students who strive for the best - education in the UK.

If long-term study is not for you, go for short-term courses during the holidays or holidays. In addition to an invaluable wealth of knowledge, skills and abilities, you will receive a certificate that will help you impress employers. This is also a great chance to travel around Foggy Albion: Edinburgh, Birmingham, York, Liverpool, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton, Stonehenge... and London, of course! “If you're tired of London, you're tired of life,” said the famous English poet Samuel Johnson.

From my experience, the most popular study trips in the UK last 18-21 days. During this time, children/students study in a British school, usually 4 lessons per day. Various entertainment events are also organized for them: visits to attractions, stadiums, matches, parks, attractions, museums, other cities, etc. Students live in families, which gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the British and find new friends from different countries. In addition to practicing English, this is an excellent experience for children in dealing with unusual life situations and being outside their comfort zone. Everyone is satisfied with such internships. Many go there (or to new school) Every year.

Recently, my student (29 years old) went to the USA for a month using the same scheme. He lived and studied in Los Angeles. After the training, I appreciated his progress; he began to speak faster and more confidently. Now he, too, is teaching me new slang phrases in American English that he learned there. This is interesting!

Volunteering is cheap and cheerful

Volunteering is voluntary assistance to nature, animals or those in need. Volunteer groups are staffed by people from all over the world, and their language of communication is English. Therefore, on such a trip you will, willy-nilly, speak a lot and often in English. Volunteer groups can work in any country in the world. You choose the duration of the program (usually from 2 weeks to a year), the country of residence and the work you want to do.

1. Affordable price

The contribution to a volunteer organization is less than the tuition fee for language school.

1. These are not courses

You will not specifically study the language, but simply immerse yourself in a language environment where you will have to speak English.

2. The opportunity to help others

You not only satisfy your own thirst for knowledge, but also help people.

2. Can be dangerous

Projects can involve quite heavy or traumatic work.

3. Interesting thing

Volunteering is not always about the suffering. You can, for example, help little turtles grow or organize festivals in Australia. If you wish, you can find something to do to your liking.

3. Age limit

The vast majority of volunteer projects are designed for people under 30 years of age.

4. Earning opportunity

Some programs do not imply free help, but work for a small monetary reward. You won't be able to make good money, but you'll have enough for souvenirs.

4. Responsibilities are not always pleasant.

Not every person will agree to clean up after animals or dig in the garden under the scorching sun. Consider whether you are ready for the challenge.

Experience as a teacher: 10 years

Experience at Englex: 7 months

I started taking part in volunteer projects as a student. Usually this was work in sports and recreational camps for children, which provided enormous experience not only from a professional point of view.

After graduating from university, I went to the USA, where I was lucky to meet a wonderful family and their friends who not only traveled to Africa and worked with local children, but also took part in American projects in hometown. At first I worked in kindergarten with the kids preschool age. These included extracurricular activities of an entertaining nature, organizing holidays, helping teachers during excursions, hikes and other events. Kindergarten, and then the school was for immigrant children, so it was doubly interesting. Different cultures, different customs, behavior merge in one team, although there was a big problem in communication. So we explained ourselves as best we could. Among the volunteers there were also students from South Africa, Brazilians, Germans, Koreans, and Mexicans. Often traditional cultural holidays were organized for the children: parents brought food, we held small concerts. Of course, we also represented our countries at these events.

Volunteer work is a great opportunity to try yourself in different professions and find out what you like to do. In addition to school projects, there were fairs for which we prepared traditional Russian food and made small souvenirs. On holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, I took part in a local organization, distributing food and things to people in need, and we also delivered food to elderly people who were left alone on the holiday.

This work took up to 5 hours a day, but brought a lot of pleasure. This gave me the opportunity to see a lot of interesting things and travel, visit museums, exhibitions, parks, observatories, storage facilities, which I would hardly have been able to visit in normal life. We also went with the children to the salt lakes of Utah, where they showed us how salt is collected. We were in the mountains at small excavations, at the thermal springs in Arches Park, at dinosaur museums and an open-air village of old settlements, and many other places.

I did not stop my volunteer work while living in Ireland, where I worked with a local sports organization working with children with disabilities. disabilities. This was mainly assistance to teachers during trips, after classes, since each such child requires attention. Of course, sometimes even after a couple of hours of work you feel like a squeezed lemon, but then, when you meet these kids in the city and they hug you, and their parents say words of gratitude, you feel that even a couple of hours a day gives a huge result!

Work & Travel USA - accessible and interesting

Work & Travel USA is a special student exchange program that allows them to live and work in the United States for some time, communicating daily with native English speakers. English knowledge requirements are low. As a rule, students are offered low-skilled jobs: waiters, salespeople, children's camp counselors, rescuers, etc. When contacting the company that sends students under this program, you can choose the type of work.

1. Affordable price

Of course, you will need to pay the fee, insurance, paperwork, etc., but students usually get discounts on all of this.

1. Age limit

This program is open to students only.

2. Opportunity to earn money

Your expenses can be fully recouped thanks to good pay for work abroad.

2. Can be challenging work

If you are not ready to work in a low-skilled position, it is better to abandon the program.

3. Convenience

You do not need to look for housing and work yourself; a special company does this.

3. Not always good conditions residence

The housing provided is not always in good condition, and when living with a family, you will have to get used to people with a completely different mentality.

4. Support

Abroad, you will have a coordinator who will help if problems arise.

4. Difficulties with housing

An employer can provide you with housing, but in many cases you will have to find an apartment yourself. It's not easy and quite expensive.

Programs for children

Are you a responsible parent looking for an English study abroad program for your child? Then the mini-review that we have provided below will be useful to you.

FLEX - exciting, but far and long

FLEX is an exchange program for high school students. The organizer and sponsor is the US Government, which pays all expenses of the participants. After passing the competition, schoolchildren go to the USA for one academic year, where they study in regular schools with their American peers. The program is currently suspended in Russia for 2 years, but enrollment is expected to resume for the 2017-2018 academic year.

1. Absolutely free

The US government covers all costs and also assists with paperwork. In addition, schoolchildren are given small amounts of pocket money.

1. The risk of ending up with an irresponsible representative

The program has many representatives who can do their job negligently, for example, placing you in a problem family.

2. Immersion in an environment without compatriots

The organizers try to distribute schoolchildren so that residents of the same country do not end up in the same school. That is, your child will communicate only in English.

2. One warrior in the field

The child will have to solve all the problems that arise in a foreign country himself. There is a risk of ending up with an irresponsible host organization.

3. Study abroad

In most cases, a student can transfer grades from an American school to a domestic one. That is, he will not lose a year of study, but will be able to continue it upon arrival home.

3. Psychological discomfort

The child faces two great stresses: the first is a clash with a foreign culture, the second is a return to our realities.

4. Practical knowledge

During a year of stay in the country, the student will receive good knowledge, begin to think in English, communicating exclusively in this language every day. In addition, at this age, memory quickly and efficiently assimilates information.

4. Quite high requirements for the level of English

Your child will need not only to understand others, but also to study school subjects in English. This is quite difficult due to the abundance of terms in each subject.

Experience as a teacher: 7 years

Experience at Englex: 3 years

Children's language camp - useful and fun

Children's language camps offer to spend one week or more of vacation learning English. They exist both in our country and abroad. We will focus on foreign options, because native speakers teach there, and the child has less chance of finding a talkative compatriot and chatting the entire holiday in Russian.

1. Security

The organizers care about the safety of children and do not leave them unattended.

1. High prices

The cost of staying in the camp is high, and not everyone can afford it.

2. Instilling a love of language

At the camp, knowledge is presented in an easy and interesting way, so that the child will enjoy learning English.

2. Psychological difficulties

Some children find it difficult to be without parents in a foreign country with a different culture.

3. Productive learning

There is training program and professional teachers, so the time will pass profitably.

3. Problem with teachers

Since children are not very knowledgeable about the subject and will not complain, some organizers, instead of professional teachers, give lessons to native speakers without appropriate education or teachers for whom English is not their native language.

4. Child development

Summer camps organize not only education, but also exciting leisure time for children in such a way that children develop comprehensively.

4. It is difficult to assess the quality of study

It is difficult for a child to evaluate the quality of teaching. It will also be difficult for you to draw conclusions: responsibility for the lack of achievements may be placed on the child, and not the teacher.

We have only listed the main pros and cons of each of the popular ways to study English abroad, but perhaps you have something to say about this too. Maybe you tried to study at a language school or went to Europe as a volunteer? Please share your experience in the comments to this article.
