Constipation during late pregnancy treatment. Severe constipation during pregnancy, what to do? Getting rid of constipation by adjusting your diet

Almost every woman faces such a problem as constipation during pregnancy. This is not surprising, given the changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. Solving the problem is not at all as difficult as it might seem, but to do this you need to know the exact causes of its occurrence, as well as respond in a timely manner to the appearance of the first symptoms.

Where does constipation come from during pregnancy?

Timely identification of the causes will help overcome constipation immediately after the problem appears. However, you should be aware that these very reasons may differ significantly depending on the different dates. For example, in the first trimester, difficulties when going to the toilet can be caused by:

  • a sharp decrease in physical activity associated with the need for bed rest due to the high risk of miscarriage;
  • increased concentration of progesterone in the body, which causes atonic constipation during pregnancy. Progesterone relaxes the intestinal muscles, which leads to difficulties in excreting feces;
  • taking vitamin complexes and foods that contain large amounts of potassium and iron. These microelements are very useful for a woman during pregnancy, but they complicate the process of defecation.

From the fourth month of pregnancy, new problems are added to the above-mentioned problems. They are mainly associated with fetal growth. It leads to displacement internal organs and increasing pressure on them. At the same time, all existing problems with the digestive tract and intestines come to the surface. If in a normal state they may not show themselves in any way, then under pressure they create serious troubles.

Another reason why constipation occurs during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters is lack of water. Whenever severe swelling its quantity is greatly limited, which leads to problems in operation digestive system.

Toxicosis, which provokes long breaks between meals, overeating, and non-compliance with diet also lead to negative consequences. But in this case, it is difficult to fight the pathology; you need to wait until the body itself gets used to the changes occurring in it.

Constipation during pregnancy can also be caused by psychological stress. Its causes include a restructuring of the body, fear of the upcoming birth, and any problems in the family. Regardless of why such experiences arise, it is better to protect the expectant mother from them, since stress negatively affects the development of the fetus. Complete calm and positive emotions are the main ways to protect against any disease.

Problems caused by constipation during pregnancy

Recognize constipation during pregnancy early stages or in the 2-3 trimester it’s not so difficult. The occurrence of the disease is indicated not only by problems with going to the toilet, but also by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • constant nausea;
  • decreased ability to work, deterioration of mood, lethargy, apathetic attitude towards everything that happens around;
  • loss of appetite. The expectant mother needs to deal with this symptom first of all, since for the normal development of the fetus it is necessary to eat well;
  • the appearance of pain in the anus, the occurrence of quite painful cracks. Constipation during pregnancy can occur precisely because of such problems.

Also common symptoms include a false urge to defecate and a feeling of fullness in the intestines. All this negatively affects the condition of the pregnant woman and is passed on to the unborn baby, so you should not delay treatment.

Drug Treatment for Constipation: Be Extremely Caution

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy? The main rule is not to self-medicate. Some medications for expectant mothers are generally prohibited, as they can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. For example, medications such as Senadexin or other tablets based on Senna leaves can cause abortion.

It is best to see a doctor who will prescribe one of the following safe medications to help relieve constipation during pregnancy:

  • Duphalac syrup. It has a very delicate effect on the body, softens feces and promotes their gentle removal from the body. The presence of a prebiotic in the composition makes it possible to simultaneously restore normal microflora and eliminate the occurrence of problems in the future;
  • Microlax. Another gentle remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which is used for so-called microenemas. Its main advantage is high speed impact. The required laxative effect appears within 10-12 minutes;
  • Glycerin suppositories. Absolutely safe remedy against constipation during pregnancy, which gives an excellent effect. Its components do not penetrate the blood and do not pose a risk to the health of the unborn baby.

Despite the fact that these drugs are safe, treatment for constipation during pregnancy with their use can only be performed after consulting a doctor. Only he can choose a medicine that suits the characteristics of the body.

Folk remedies: using the gifts of nature

You should also consult your doctor before using any natural recipes. Many of them allow you to do without medications and alleviate the condition of the expectant mother. Here's an example:

  • a decoction of oatmeal, which is mixed with finely chopped beets and prunes;
  • raisins and dried apricots. 100 grams of each ingredient should be crushed and mixed with honey. Take two teaspoons at night;
  • herbal sedatives. They will help if constipation is accompanied by cramps.

Without fear, you can take a remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which is used by everyone, regardless of age and gender - warm water with honey. It softens the intestines, acts gently and delicately, but the effect should only be expected after a few hours.

Is it possible to avoid constipation during pregnancy: preventive methods

Constipation during pregnancy can be successfully prevented if preventive measures are taken. The most effective of them is following a diet. Nutrition must fully satisfy the body's needs and ensure its protection from a wide variety of diseases.

It's best to go to fractional meals. That is, eat relatively small portions several times a day. With this approach, constipation during pregnancy occurs very rarely and does not have serious consequences. In addition, the following recommendations must be followed:

    • It is advisable to completely remove coffee and strong black tea, pastries and White bread, bananas, and other foods that “tighten” the stomach, lead to the formation of gases and cause constipation during pregnancy;
    • no fatty or fried, too salty and spicy. However, this requirement helps prevent not only constipation during pregnancy, but also many other diseases;
    • all dishes containing a large amount of protein should be eaten in the morning so that they have time to be properly digested;
    • For dinner it is recommended to eat kefir or other fermented milk products, as well as vegetables and fruits. Everything else is heavy food, which is best left for the first half of the day;
    • It is very important to drink as much fluid as possible. Minimum – one and a half liters per day. You can drink a glass in the morning warm water with lemon juice, which prevents constipation during pregnancy;

You can also include dried fruits in the menu, vegetable oils. For a pregnant woman, any pasta, fatty meat and any fats of animal origin, rice and semolina porridge. In addition, it is very undesirable to consume preserves and canned foods that use spices, marinades, or any chocolate products. This diet is difficult to follow, but it will help prevent or eliminate constipation during pregnancy, and will also have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

To avoid feeling hungry while following a diet, you can use fiber, which is sold in every pharmacy. We recommend mixing it with kefir or other fermented milk products - this allows you to make any snack more nutritious and healthy.

To avoid constipation during pregnancy, you need to move as much as possible. Walking, relaxing in nature or by the pool, easy morning work-out and evening exercises will improve digestion. But before regular walks, it still wouldn’t hurt to consult a doctor so as not to risk the health of your unborn baby. You can massage, but avoid putting too much pressure on your stomach and intestines. The following gymnastics helps a lot:

  • smooth squats. In later stages, it is better to hold on to a chair to reduce the load on the body;
  • exercises from a lying position - “bicycle” and “scissors”;
  • tension and relaxation of the sphincter;
  • pelvic lifts from a supine position.

Each exercise must be performed at least 10 times.

To summarize, we can list several main preventive measures that help prevent constipation during pregnancy:

  • a diet prepared with the participation of a qualified specialist;
  • physical activity within the limits established for pregnant women;
  • regular consumption of liquids - plain water, decoctions and compotes of dried fruits, fruit drinks, herbal tea;
  • only positive emotions. Constipation during pregnancy can be caused nervous stress and depression that arises for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is best to exclude these reasons in advance, if possible.

Negative consequences of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy can and should be treated. Under no circumstances should you simply ignore the problem, as its consequences can be very unpleasant:

  • deterioration of general condition, nausea, migraine;
  • poisoning with feces, which are slowly excreted from the body;
  • gallbladder problems;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • inflammation of the rectum and other intestinal diseases;
  • deterioration of condition skin. Peeling skin and sagging are not very pleasant problems, which are caused by constipation during pregnancy;
  • negative impact on the growth and development of the fetus.

In addition, medicinal laxatives designed to treat constipation during pregnancy can create a serious risk of miscarriage, so it is very important not to escalate the situation to their use. It is better to use preventive and traditional methods treatments that will not cause any harm to the unborn baby.

In today’s article we will look at probably one of the most unpleasant problems: severe constipation during pregnancy, what should we do?

The beginning of pregnancy is euphoria, joy and... sometimes quite unpleasant ailments. Such ailment is severe constipation, which women hate. Constipation is a very common symptom during pregnancy, affecting more than 50% of expectant mothers.

They are caused by pregnancy hormones, which slow down the digestive process and weaken intestinal function and the ever-growing uterus, which puts pressure on the digestive system.

Luckily, movement plus a few dietary solutions... best recipe constipation Thanks to them, you can get rid of them effectively.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation is a result higher level progesterone, which relaxes the intestinal tract and slows down the removal of stomach contents through the digestive system.

An additional burden is the constantly growing uterus during pregnancy, which puts pressure on the intestines. If you also suffer from anemia and need to take iron supplements, your constipation problems may become significantly worse.

Therefore, in order to avoid the consequences of constipation, which in turn can lead to hemorrhoids, you should try to overcome them as soon as they occur.

What affects constipation?

Unfortunately, the nutrition of a pregnant woman is not complete without small weaknesses, especially when we're talking about about increased consumption of substances such as chocolate, white rice and bread.

In addition, constipation during pregnancy and its formation are influenced by the less active lifestyle of the expectant mother. The process of slowing down digestion also has a powerful effect.

What you eat stays in the intestines longer, so more nutrients are absorbed by the body. However, the sooner you think about preventing constipation, the better for you and your well-being.

How to get rid of severe constipation during pregnancy?

Eat foods containing fiber:

  • bran (up to a spoon per day),
  • whole wheat bread,
  • cereals,
  • apples,
  • kiwi,
  • beet,
  • broccoli,
  • legumes

Drink vegetable and fruit juices, boiled water with lemon or honey on an empty stomach. Herbal or fruit tea. Eat raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits - plums, raisins, apricots, figs, cranberries. You can also consume drinking yoghurts and kefir.

Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day - excluding coffee or tea. Leisure- A 20-minute walk or half an hour in the pool should help.

What should you avoid if you have constipation?

Avoid highly processed foods and laxatives—sudden, forceful bowel movements caused by laxatives can cause uterine contractions that lead to premature labor.

For the same reason, you should not do enemas during pregnancy.

Severe constipation during late pregnancy

How to deal with severe constipation in later stages? Food should be consumed frequently, it should not be very high in calories, and contain large amounts of fruit and vegetable juices.

If all types of home remedies for constipation, such as diet and exercise, do not help, consult a doctor. You should not treat yourself because even herbal medicines can backfire during pregnancy.

Mild osmotic and edematous laxatives are used only in late pregnancy.

Constipation during pregnancy

The problem of constipation during pregnancy occurs when bowel movements are infrequent (less than three times a week) and difficult: the stool is thick or hard, difficult to pass, unpleasant and often painful.

Although the main cause of constipation during pregnancy is high level progesterone and the pressure of the uterus on the intestines, this is also facilitated by poor nutrition. And if you have problems with bowel movements during pregnancy, the first thing you will have to focus on is changing your diet.

What should you eat to get rid of constipation?

There are several general principles guidelines to follow, as well as several specific products with proven endpoints of activity, all of which are effective.

In addition, sometimes it is worth using pharmaceutical products, but not all of them are safe or recommended during pregnancy - so read carefully which ones you can now use.

To make your fight against constipation effective, you should use several methods simultaneously. If you are consistent in these actions, you will definitely get results.

Here are ways to have easier and more frequent bowel movements.

Fiber in the daily diet

You should enrich your daily menu with foods that are a source of fiber; it is called the “broom of the digestive tract” because it effectively removes food debris from it.

Fiber, passing through the intestines, absorbs water, thereby relaxing the stool and making bowel movements easier.

Replace potatoes with buckwheat and whole grain noodles, and instead of white rice, eat brown or wild rice. Vegetables and fruits (raw or dried) also contain a lot of fiber.

Richest sources of fiber:

  • artichokes,
  • green salad,
  • sauerkraut,
  • beet,
  • tomatoes and fruits -
  • dried: plums,
  • figs,
  • dates and a
  • bricots,
  • as well as fresh: blackberries,
  • raspberries,
  • currant,
  • apples.

Fiber Sources:

    1. dried apples: 100 g - 10.3 g
    2. black currant: 100 g - 7.9 g
    3. raspberries: 100 g - 6.7 g
    4. green peas: 100 g - 6 g
    5. beans: 100 g - 5.8 g
    6. Graham buns: 1 piece (90 g) - 4.9 g
    7. dried figs: 1 pc. (35 g) - 4.5 g
    8. wheat bran: 1 tablespoon (10 g) - 4.2 g
    9. Grapefruit: 1 piece (300 g) - 3.6 g
    10. beans: 100 g - 3.9 g
    11. almonds: handful (30 g) - 3.9 g
    12. hazelnuts: handful (30 g) - 2.7 g
    13. oatmeal: 30 g - 2 g
    14. cabbage: 100 g - 2.6 g
    15. peanuts: handful (30 g) - 2.2 g
    16. raisins: handful (30 g) - 2 g
    17. walnuts: handful (30 g) - 2 g
    18. Graham Bread: 1 slice (33g) - 1.7g
    19. prunes: 1 pc. (15 g) - 1.6 g
    20. dried apricots: 1 pc. (10 g) - 1 g

Treatment with plums for constipation during pregnancy

In the evening, pour 5-6 prunes into a glass hot water and leave overnight. In the morning, drink water and eat soaked plums, and only after 20-30 minutes have breakfast. Repeat this “treatment” daily - the treatment should last about a month.

Instead of water, you can also pour a cup of kefir into the plums and eat it all morning.

Good to know Do not eat this if you are constipated!

You should eliminate certain foods if you don't want to make the situation worse.

Do not eat:

  • sugar (white and brown)
  • white flour products
  • chocolate,
  • cocoa
  • carbonated drinks,
  • juices from the store,
  • black coffee and tea
  • highly processed products (ready-made meals, powdered sauces, vegetable seasonings)
  • bananas.

Kefir and buttermilk make bowel movements easier

Fermented milk drinks are useful in preventing constipation during pregnancy: buttermilk, kefir, natural yogurt, acidophilus milk. They contain lactic acid bacteria, which improve intestinal function.


An old and proven method is to drink flaxseed jelly: pour 2 tablespoons of flax seeds into a glass of boiling water, wait until it cools, then drink the resulting slimy liquid (preferably at night), perhaps adding a little warm milk for a better taste .

Drink plenty of fluids

Constipation is often caused by a lack of fluid. Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses a day), preferably between meals. You can heat the water a little to better start peristalsis.

Many people also find it helpful to drink a glass of warm water every day on an empty stomach (20-30 minutes before breakfast) with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. In addition, you can drink fruit teas, freshly squeezed juices and weak coffee with milk.

Beware of iron

Constipation may be worsened by adding iron to the diet. If you are taking medications with this element and notice that it makes it more difficult to go to the toilet, talk to your doctor about it because you may consider changing the medication or even stopping the pills for a while.

Fiber tablets

In pharmacies you can buy ready-made preparations with fiber that are safe for pregnant women. Sollievo Liofibra tablets (Aboca) contain several types of fiber and mallow leaf extract, which support normal functioning intestinal mucosa.

Thanks to specially selected ingredients (e.g. egg yolk, cellulose), the product works in such a way that it absorbs and retains water in various parts intestines, increasing the volume of fecal matter and facilitating its disposal.

Babka psyllium capsules (Gorvita) contain rich powdered psyllium psyllium seeds, which also improve intestinal motility and facilitate the movement of feces in the colon.

Pharmacy drugs

You can buy a drug containing lactulose (for example, Duphalac) without a prescription, which is well tolerated and does not react with other drugs.

Lactulose is a physiological regulator of intestinal function - it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and is absorbed in the large intestine. Decomposes to form acetic acid and lactic acid, which stimulate intestinal motility.

The pharmacy also has suppositories that are safe for pregnant women. They work gently, causing natural reactions in the body. They give quick effect- in just 15 minutes. It is also worth using ready-made probiotics (for example, Dicoflor 60, Enterol), which regulate intestinal function.

Physical activity

Movement supports intestinal motility, preventing constipation. A daily, energetic half-hour walk will bring you improvement, and even better if it is regular, not too active exercise.

Also helpful are pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises), which strengthen the muscles that control the opening to the intestines and vagina.


Herbs are also worth trying, but not all of them. Do not use rhizome laxative tablets, seed tea or buckthorn bark during pregnancy - they may cause uterine contractions.

You can safely drink infusions of chamomile, dill and dandelion, which improve digestion. And if you want to do something special, here is the recipe: in the evening, pour a spoonful of plum flowers, a spoonful of birch buds and 2 tablespoons of ground parsley seeds into a dish.

Pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave covered until morning. Drink one cup of tea before breakfast and the second before bed. Use this treatment for 28-30 days.


They are ideal for combating constipation because it has been scientifically proven! Kiwis are very helpful positive influence on intestinal motility and have a slightly laxative effect.

It is worth eating 1-2 kiwis before each main meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Good to know: Good habits

  • Eat slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly and without swallowing air.
  • Try to go to the toilet at the same time every day - preferably in the morning, soon after waking up, because that's when the colon is most active.
  • Don't stop your bowel movements when you feel the need - this weakens the muscles responsible for controlling this activity, making it more difficult in the future.

At the beginning of bearing a baby, many changes occur in the female body. Most of the time they are not very pleasant. These include problems with the digestive system, in particular, why do they occur? What should women do in such situations? And how to avoid them?

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

Therapists consider bowel movements that occur less than two to three times a week to be problematic. And if before pregnancy a woman did not experience problems with stool at all, then in the early stages they are quite possible. The whole point is that the body expectant mother During this period, he is susceptible to stagnation in the intestines. This is facilitated by an increase in the level of progesterone, the female hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy. It weakens intestinal motility. Progesterone relaxes the smooth muscle that moves the intestinal wall.

Constipation in expectant mothers in the early stages can begin with severe toxicosis. Regular nausea reduces appetite, and vomiting and dehydration lead to insufficient fecal volume.

And even in the early stages, pregnant women are often prescribed iron supplements to normalize the indicators. Such medications also lead to congestion and constipation. The stool becomes thicker.

Another reason for the problem is insufficient physical activity women. Some people are prescribed bed rest in the early stages, while others very much feel a decrease in immunity and loss of strength, while others simply become lovers of sleep.

Another common cause of constipation in the first trimester is poor nutrition and lack of fiber in the diet.

Also, stress and even the news of pregnancy itself, if it was not planned, can cause stagnation. Psychologists, by the way, explain it this way: while a woman is thinking about whether to continue the pregnancy or not, weighing all the pros and cons, she is in a kind of state of stagnation. This is reflected in the processes in the intestines. And when she decides exactly what to do next, the stagnation goes away.

What are the dangers of constipation in pregnant women?

The problem cannot be underestimated. After all, the intestines are in close proximity to the reproductive organs. Therefore, the well-being of the expectant mother depends on its condition.

Stagnation disrupts the intestinal microflora, and reproduction pathological bacteria leads to their penetration into the reproductive organs.

Colpitis during pregnancy can be provoked by chronic constipation. If the intestinal microflora of the expectant mother is disturbed, then the baby also faces the risk of dysbacteriosis in the form of problems with stool and colic.

Constipation is also dangerous because a large amount of toxins are absorbed into the blood. Intoxication develops, which harms the development of the fetus and the health of the woman.

If a woman strains with constipation, intra-abdominal pressure increases. And this also negatively affects the developing baby, and his mother runs the risk of getting it.

Treatment of constipation in the first trimester of pregnancy

A competent approach is needed in this matter, because women are strictly prohibited from taking medications and traditional laxatives in the early stages. This also applies to enemas, since they stimulate the so-called explosive bowel movement, which, in turn, can cause uterine contractions.

Vaseline oil as a mild laxative produces a gentle effect. But its high fat content puts a strain on the digestive system, in particular the liver.

Laxatives based on buckthorn bark, sena and others usually cause intestinal cramps. And this is a provoking factor for miscarriage.

Traditional drugs with irritating effects are prohibited during early pregnancy: Regulax, Senade, Gutalax, Dulcolax.

You can take Fortrans powder and other laxatives based on polyethylene glycol. Duphalac, a syrup containing a prebiotic, is suitable. You can use glycerin suppositories.

Concerning folk remedies from constipation, then women prone to such phenomena are recommended to include in their diet boiled beets, a mixture of dried apricots, raisins and honey, kefir. These products prevent constipation, normalize stools, and serve as natural sources of vitamins.

Upon learning of pregnancy, every woman experiences a lot of positive emotions: first ultrasonography, first movement. But during the 9 months of waiting for the long-awaited meeting with the baby, in addition to happy moments, the expectant mother will have to face various unpleasant surprises, one of which is constipation.

Difficulties with bowel movements occur in 70% of pregnant women. And most importantly, this uncomfortable condition is dangerous for pregnant women and their babies, so it is important to take timely measures to eliminate it.

Symptoms and causes of constipation during pregnancy

The disease is characterized by slow, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movement. Many pregnant women experience pain in the abdomen and pelvis during constipation, and blood streaks are observed in the stool during defecation. Also symptoms of impaired intestinal functionality are:

  • itching and burning after defecation in the anus;
  • attacks of nausea not associated with toxicosis;
  • flatulence();
  • bitter taste in the mouth.

There may be several reasons causing problematic bowel movements:

  1. Enlarged uterus. The baby is growing, so the uterus begins to increase in size, and additional pressure occurs on the intestines, as a result of which there is difficulty in excreting feces, accompanied by venous stagnation. Very often this phenomenon ends in the development of hemorrhoids.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, hormonal disruptions occur in a woman’s body, which, due to an excess of progesterone, slow down the digestion process. The consequence of this condition is deterioration of peristalsis and constipation.
  3. Iron and calcium deficiency. A lack of these microelements can cause stool retention. To eliminate this problem, doctors prescribe special vitamin preparations.
  4. Insufficient amount of fluid in the body can also cause problems with bowel movements.
  5. Low physical activity. Many pregnant women lead an inactive lifestyle, which often causes problems with bowel movements.
  6. Anal diseases(hemorrhoids, fissures) often cause constipation, as they complicate the process of excreting feces.
  7. Stress. During pregnancy, physiological changes occur in the expectant mother's body. In addition, every woman in a pregnant position awaits labor and the birth of a child with caution. Fear, anxiety and nervousness negatively affect the frequency of bowel movements.

Constipation is a dangerous pathology that is accompanied by serious complications, so women expecting a child should consult with their doctor to determine methods to eliminate this unpleasant problem.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy: proper nutrition

To get rid of a problem, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. However, the first thing a doctor can recommend is adjusting the nutritional diet, since the foods consumed by a pregnant woman (as well as any other person) affect the process of digestion and bowel movements. That is why future mom should include in your menu dishes and products that contribute to normal bowel movements:

  • raw fruit and vegetable products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dried fruits (especially prunes);
  • black bread;
  • cereals: oatmeal, barley porridge;
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • meat with sufficient connective tissue content.

Except healthy products, pregnant women also need to know about those that can cause constipation. During pregnancy, you should reduce the amount or completely eliminate semolina, rice, cabbage, nuts, beans, sorrel, spinach, and white bread from your diet.

Concerning drinking regime, then a pregnant woman should drink up to 2 liters of liquid throughout the day: water, natural juices and compotes, fermented milk drinks. However, if you have problems with swelling, then the amount of liquid you drink per day should be reduced.

But drinks such as strong tea and cocoa should be excluded from the diet, as they make defecation much more difficult.

Medicinal solution to the problem

If dietary adjustments do not bring the desired result, and the disease progresses, then treatment with medications is necessary. But I would immediately like to note that such therapy should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since self-treatment can have unpredictable consequences for both the pregnant woman and her baby. Only a doctor can determine whether it is necessary at all drug treatment, and will pick up the right remedy. In addition, most drugs have many contraindications and restrictions.

In such situations, specialists often prescribe suppositories for constipation, which act at the local level. But during pregnancy, it is necessary to use this kind of medication carefully, since they not only eliminate problematic fecal excretion, but can also tone the uterus, and this already threatens miscarriage. The safest for pregnant women are glycerin suppositories and papaverine. Their use helps soften stool and relax the intestines.

Vaseline oil, which is used for topical treatment, also helps to cope with constipation. However, it is not recommended to use it for a long period of time, since the product has the ability to accumulate in organs and interfere with vitamin absorption.

Tablet drugs (Mukofalk, Fiberlex and the like) can also help eliminate this unpleasant problem, but let us remind you once again that such drugs are prohibited from being used during pregnancy without a doctor’s prescription.

Traditional methods of treating constipation

Traditional medicine is famous for its many recipes for constipation, but at the same time, not all recipes can be used during pregnancy. For example, pregnant women are prohibited from using herbal decoctions of senna, buckthorn, rhubarb and joster fruits.

Expectant mothers can prepare a healing remedy from honey and dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Mix 100 grams of twisted dried fruit and two tablespoons of bee product. The resulting mixture should be consumed at night, two teaspoons.

The following decoction recipe also effectively relieves constipation and improves peristalsis. Mix in equal proportions (100 g each) prunes, cereals and beets and add two liters of water. Then place the pan with the contents on the fire and simmer over low heat for an hour. The cooled and strained broth should be stored in the refrigerator and taken a glass before bed.

Preventing constipation during pregnancy

Preventive measures protect the health of pregnant women and the little man under her heart. Following these recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant and dangerous problem:

  1. Eat right.
  2. Eliminate foods from your nutritional diet that may have a negative impact on your digestive system.
  3. Maintain drinking regime.
  4. Lead (as far as possible) an active and mobile lifestyle.
  5. Avoid stressful situations and try not to get nervous.

Being pregnant, I had to face a number of problems that I did not even know existed. Previously, having no idea about the disruption of the digestive system, during pregnancy I began to be bothered by heartburn and a feeling of heaviness after eating. But most of all the discomfort was caused by constipation, which accompanied the baby and me during the first half of pregnancy.

I read in the medical literature that as the pregnant uterus increases in size, it compresses the intestines, disrupting the natural process of evacuation of contents. In addition, impaired bowel movements may be due to changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, which promote relaxation of smooth muscles and decreased intestinal motility. Prolonged constipation not only causes discomfort, but can also provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which leads to the threat of miscarriage. Let's talk about how to deal with constipation during pregnancy using diet and other simple methods.

Constipation during pregnancy: symptoms of impending “trouble.”

The biological clock for each of us works in its own mode. There are so-called larks - people who are more active in the morning, and night owls, whose productivity increases in the evening. The situation is exactly the same with bowel movements - everything is purely individual. For some, daily bowel movements in the early morning are considered normal, while for others, bowel movements every three days are considered normal. Before dealing with constipation during pregnancy, you should learn to recognize the signs that signal a violation of the bowel movement process.

So, we speak about the development of constipation during pregnancy if:

  • Defecation occurs less frequently than usual (once every 4-5 days or less);
  • The amount of feces decreases;
  • The stool is dry and hard (defecation is painful, there may be blood in the stool);
  • There is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after defecation;
  • There are abdominal pains, bloating, nausea, and bitterness in the mouth.

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy? "Know the enemy by sight"

In the fight against constipation during pregnancy, it is important to establish the underlying cause of its occurrence. Of course, an enlarged uterus and an increase in the level of progesterone, a hormone that helps reduce peristalsis, affect the rate of bowel movements, but these are not all the factors contributing to the development of constipation.

Sedentary lifestyle. If there is a concomitant pathology during pregnancy, for example, the threat of abortion, the woman is forced to reduce physical activity to a minimum and observe bed rest.

Poor nutrition. How to deal with constipation during pregnancy if you constantly want to eat something harmful? It is the craving for flour products, sweets, smoked meats, as well as the consumption of dairy products that can affect bowel movements. Problems with bowel movements also appear due to the consumption of tea, coffee, chocolate, spices and herbs in large quantities.

Insufficient fluid intake. Without realizing it, we often confuse thirst with hunger, which results in the formation of dry stool, which complicates the process of bowel movement.

Taking medications. In some cases, the fight against constipation during pregnancy begins precisely after taking iron and calcium supplements, which have astringent properties. In addition, diuretics, sleeping pills and antidepressants can cause constipation during pregnancy.

Pain in the perianal area. Chronic hemorrhoids, anal fissure and other problems can cause constipation during pregnancy.

Frequent stress. Depression, quarrels, problems at work, worries about this pregnancy often cause disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, including the digestive system, which is accompanied by the development of constipation during pregnancy.

Long-term use of laxatives. Fighting constipation during pregnancy with laxatives is the last of all possible options. The fact is that long-term use of such medicines It is addictive, and after reducing the dosage of the laxative or stopping it, the opposite effect develops: constipation becomes even more persistent, and the act of defecation itself becomes more painful.

Taking progesterone drugs (duphaston, utrozhestan).

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy? Useful recommendations.

1. Optimal diet.

Eating foods rich in fiber helps combat constipation during pregnancy: buckwheat and oatmeal, black and bran bread, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is enough to eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, a vegetable salad with herbs for lunch and a couple of fresh fruits during the day to get required amount fiber, which speeds up the process of stool passing through the intestines.

IMPORTANT! When dealing with constipation during pregnancy, you should limit the consumption of foods that promote gas formation: cabbage, spinach, legumes, white bread, etc. In addition, the following foods contribute to the development of constipation: banana, persimmon, pear, bird cherry, rice.

2. Compliance with the drinking regime.

The amount of fluid you drink per day to combat constipation during pregnancy should be at least 1.5 liters. And we are not talking about tea, juice or milk, you should drink 1.5 liters clean water per day.

Advice. Drinking a glass of cool water on an empty stomach will help to empty your bowels in the morning.
