Types of saunas for a summer residence (44 photos): from a trailer with a stove to a Finnish sauna on the shore of a pond. Mini-sauna for a summer residence: materials, varieties, budget and economical projects Heating, ventilation and lighting

Do you want to get a bathhouse, but your summer cottage is so small that it does not allow you to build a steam room of standard dimensions? The best way out of the situation is a mini-bath. In terms of functionality and comfort, it is in no way inferior to traditional structures, but it takes up much less space and does not require serious expenses. In addition, you can easily make a small steam room for your dacha with your own hands - then we will tell you how to bring such an idea to life.

Design and foundation

Even a small bathhouse cannot be built without at least the simplest project, so the first stage of work is drawing up a plan diagram. Here you need to indicate the location of the main objects and their dimensions.

As a rule, there are four zones in a bathhouse:

  • dressing room - enough space with an area of ​​1.5 x 2 m;
  • rest room - about 2 x 2 m;
  • shower room - at least 1 x 1 m;
  • steam room - no more than 1.5 x 2 m.

Thus, we obtain the minimum dimensions of the bath: length – 6 m, height – 2 m, width – 2.5 m. This is quite enough to create a comfortable and practical steam room.

The second stage of work is pouring the foundation. When deciding on the type of foundation, focus on the type of soil in the area.

If a mini-sauna is being built on hard and dry ground, you can limit yourself to a lightweight foundation: lay flat stones over the entire area of ​​the future sauna, cover them with clay, compact them, and arrange a dense layer on top wooden beams and treat them with waterproofing bitumen.

If your site has soft soil, lay a strip foundation: dig a trench, fill it alternately with layers of sand and crushed stone, compact the base and secure a reinforcing mesh on top, and then fill the pit with cement mortar.

Important! Strip foundation must be covered with a layer of waterproofing. The simplest option is sheets of roofing felt.

On soil with a high sand content, a foundation of concrete blocks can be laid under a miniature bathhouse. For a lightweight design, 10 blocks of standard dimensions 20 x 20 x 40 cm are enough.

Construction of a bath frame

The best method of constructing a mini-bath is frame. It is lightweight, fast and economical. To build the frame you will need:

  • bars 5 x 5 cm;
  • boards 2.5 cm thick;
  • waterproofing film or foil;
  • thermal insulation material.

First, a frame is assembled from beams, corresponding in its dimensions and configuration to the previously developed project. The inside of the frame is covered with boards. To connect the elements together, use all kinds of anchors and various screws. Insulating materials are mounted on top of the boards: mineral wool, expanded clay or sawdust can be used, and bitumen or polymer mastics can be used as waterproofing. It is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling.

Advice. It is advisable to additionally cover the thermal and waterproofing of the ceiling with roll-up boards - a row of wooden boards.

After insulation procedures, you need to take care of the roof. You can use slate or metal tiles as a covering: first mount it on the frame rafter system, and then fasten the roof on it with self-tapping screws. When constructing the roof, leave an opening for the chimney.

The outside of the mini-bath can be covered with a block house or clapboard - these materials will give the structure an aesthetic appearance.

Arrangement of communications

The final stage of work on the mini-bath is the arrangement of the necessary communication systems.

Water supply and drainage. Feeding can be done by gravity:

  1. Prepare two 50 liter tanks, a hose and a pipe with a mixer.
  2. Tank for hot water install 0.5 m lower than the cold tank.
  3. Connect the tanks together with a hose: fix one end in the lower zone of the “cold” tank, the other in the upper zone of the “hot” tank.
  4. Additionally, connect the tanks with a pipe with a mixer at the end.

To ensure water drainage you will need a drainage system:

  1. Dig a drainage well near the steam room.
  2. Make holes in the floor of the bathhouse for drainage.
  3. Bring the pipes to the holes, installing them with a slight slope.
  4. Direct the pipe into the drainage well.

Water heating system. To heat water, you can use a mini-stove or heating elements. In the first case, you must first install the device, and then in its hottest place, going around the base of the chimney, install a U-shaped metal pipe: the supply end of the pipe should be placed on the body, and the outlet end 5 cm higher. In the second case, it is necessary to install heating elements under the “cold” tank and connect them to the water supply system with hoses and pipes.

Ventilation system. To ensure ventilation in a small bathhouse, it is enough to make holes with a damper in the wall opposite the entrance.

A mini-sauna is the choice of those who do not want to give up a full-fledged steam room due to the modest dimensions of their summer cottage. As you can see, building it with your own hands is not difficult: foundation, frame, communications - you will successfully cope with these tasks if you follow simple recommendations and rules.

Do-it-yourself mini-sauna: video

Almost any owner of a personal plot would like to build a bathhouse there. However, its area may be small and it is not possible to erect a full-fledged structure. In such a situation, you can build a mini sauna for your dacha. It will be just as functional and comfortable as a traditional one, but its construction will require less materials and effort. Even a novice home craftsman can cope with this task.

If the area of ​​the dacha plot does not exceed 10 acres, then the best solution There will be a small-sized bathhouse. It is quite obvious that the dimensions of the building should also be ergonomic and not exceed 4x6 meters. There are several designs that meet these requirements:

  • Frame - the simplest structure of this type is installed on a lightweight base and has a wear-resistant wood frame, sheathed quality material. Also to minimize negative influence temperature changes and moisture, the structure should be insulated and waterproofed.
  • Monolithic - the material can be used as wood concrete, which is a mixture of sand, chemical additives, cement and filler.
  • Mobile - there are several options for this design, for example, an awning tent.
  • Ergonomic - the most popular here is the barrel-sauna made of wood.

Design Features

The beams are laid on top, which are then covered with waterproofing material, for example, bitumen. If the soil is soft or wet, it is better to use a strip foundation.

The prepared trench should be covered with a layer of sand and crushed stone, and then compacted well. Next thing to do cement mortar and pour it into the pit. As waterproofing material It is worth using roofing material.

You can build walls different ways. For a small-sized bathhouse, a frame structure would be the best option. To create it home handyman The following materials will be required:

  • Wooden beam 5x5 cm.
  • Boards at least 2.5 cm thick.
  • Polyethylene film for waterproofing.
  • Thermal insulation material.

The frame is assembled from timber in accordance with the drawn up project. Inner side the structure must be sheathed with boards. Anchors or self-tapping screws can be used as fastening elements. Then it is necessary to provide the building with reliable thermal protection. To solve this problem, it is worth using expanded clay or sawdust. Ideal as a waterproofing material bitumen mastic. The last stage the construction of walls will be interior decoration board.

To an uninformed person, a traditional Japanese bathhouse may seem at least strange - no heater, no pool, not even benches - none of the above is present in such a steam room. The Japanese steam room is not more like a bathhouse at all, but more like a large bathtub.

However, such a “bath” allows you to have a good rest, relax, improve your health and even rejuvenate the body. You just need to understand the peculiarities of her visit. If desired, such a steam room can be built and equipped with your own hands.

The main element of a traditional Japanese steam room is a huge barrel. The container is divided into two compartments. In the large upper chamber of such a barrel sits a person taking bath procedures. In the smaller (lower) chamber, a small stainless steel stove is installed, which heats the water in the barrel. The water in the barrel heats up to 40-50 degrees.

The visitor needs to be placed in a barrel so that the water level reaches approximately his heart. The first procedures can be quite difficult to bear – a person’s blood pressure rises and their pulse quickens. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to sit in a barrel for longer than 5-15 minutes.

Even such a short time will be enough to improve metabolism and the overall condition of the human body.

A Japanese bath helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, lungs and joints. In addition, the bath procedures under consideration contribute to a significant improvement in the condition of the skin: in the water, all skin pores open, after which the active removal of impurities and various toxins from the human body begins.

To increase the usefulness of bath procedures, it is recommended to add aromatic oils, various salts and herbal extracts to the water.

A recess is made in the floor under the box. An ordinary stainless steel stove is placed in it, stones are placed on top of the stove, and the box itself is installed on this base.

Sawdust is mixed with various herbs and roots. The mixture is moistened and heated to approximately 50-60 degrees. You need to dive into sawdust up to neck level. The recommended duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes.

In heated sawdust, the body begins to sweat intensely. Along with sweat, various toxins are removed from the body. As a result, the condition of the skin improves significantly.

After warming up, it is recommended to relax on a comfortable couch for at least an hour and drink herbal tea. Drinking energy drinks and alcoholic drinks when visiting a Japanese bath is strictly not recommended. In a barrel and box, without alcohol or energy drinks, a fairly significant load on the cardiovascular system will be created, especially for novice vapers.

Additional advantages of a Japanese bath include the possibility of arranging it even in an ordinary city apartment. However, it is recommended to consider this option exclusively for owners of apartments on the ground floor - ready-made structures filled with water and sawdust will create significant loads on the floor.
In such a situation, the size of the containers must be reduced as much as possible, leaving room for one person.

What are containers made of?

To make a barrel and box, it is best to use larch or pine wood; cedar is also suitable. Much less often, containers are made of oak and other types of wood.

Additionally, you need to make seats for the barrel and steps for convenient entry into and exit from the container. Almost any wood can be used to make seats. The main thing is that the material does not burn the skin when heated and tolerates contact with moisture normally.

There are also no specific requirements for the material used to make the steps. The main thing is that the structure is reliable and stable.

You can make the seats and steps yourself or buy them ready-made. Finished products are sold in specialized stores that sell various accessories for baths and saunas.

The procedure for arranging a Japanese bath

Setting up a small Japanese bathhouse is quite possible to do with your own hands. First of all, choose a place to place the steam room. A bathhouse can be made either in a ready-made residential building or in a separate building.

Define optimal sizes steam room At this point, navigate yourself, taking into account the expected number of visitors to the bathhouse.

The design of the building and the interior decoration of a Japanese bathhouse have many similarities with similar parameters of a traditional wooden Russian bathhouse, so during the construction process you can be guided by the same rules and requirements. The differences are present only in the features of the steam room arrangement.


The finished structure will have quite a lot of weight - stones, wood, visitors and other accessories - in total it all weighs a lot.

The optimal base option for arranging a Japanese steam room is a columnar structure.

Dig holes for posts around the perimeter of the future bathhouse, in the corners of the structure and under internal partitions. The optimal depth of the holes is 100 cm, the recommended placement step is 80-120 cm. Select the specific value yourself, taking into account the dimensions of the future building.

Fill the bottom of each hole with a mixture of sand and gravel, install vertical asbestos pipes, fill the pipes and empty surrounding space in the pits with concrete. Let the concrete dry. The base is ready.

Construction of the structure

It is most convenient to erect the walls of a bathhouse from pine or cedar beams. For additional savings, you can use larch wood. Factory timber initially has grooves and recesses for assembly, so you will not have any problems with the construction of walls.

Refer to the provisions of your drawings. You can prepare the necessary drawings yourself, order them from a professional, or find them in the public domain.

After erecting the walls of the required height, arrange the roof. Choose the roof structure at your discretion. An ordinary one- or gable design on the rafters. Also select the finishing material to your taste, taking into account permissible loads for construction and available budget.

Carry out the interior decoration of walls and ceilings using linden lining or other suitable wood. It is best to lay tiles on the floor. If you wish, you can install a floor heating system under the tiles, but this is not necessary.

Basic elements of a Japanese bath

The main elements of a Japanese sauna are a large barrel of water and a rectangular container with sawdust. The features of heating containers were disclosed earlier.

IN self-production barrels and boxes are nothing particularly complicated. The main thing is to be careful at every stage of the work and connect the structural elements as efficiently as possible.

The traditional barrel diameter is about 1.5 m, height – 1.1-1.2 m. Such a container can accommodate about 1300 liters of water and 2-4 people. If desired, you can change the dimensions of the barrel at your discretion.

The barrel is made in several steps.

First step

Make the bottom of the barrel. To make it, use heat-resistant wood.

Second step

Assemble the container frame. To assemble, use wooden boards thickness from 5 cm.

Third step

Place a stove-stove at the bottom of the barrel. To add fuel to the stove and replace stones, provide a suitable size hole in the barrel design.

Fourth step

Fix a horizontal partition inside the container. The product can be one-piece or stacked.

Fifth step

Carry out thorough waterproofing of the partition with any suitable material.

Sixth step

Secure the seats inside the barrel.

Seventh step

Install steps flush against the barrel for more comfortable diving into the container.

Eighth step

Install the temperature sensor. While visiting the steam room, make sure that the water temperature does not rise above 45-50 degrees.

It is important that all connections wooden elements the barrels were made without the use of metal fasteners. Fasten elements using a tongue-and-groove connection or other convenient options. For greater reliability, you can first add waterproof glue to the grooves.

If possible, connect the water supply and drainage pipes to the barrel. If this is not possible, water will have to be pumped in and out through separate hoses, which is not very convenient.

You will not have any difficulties making a sawdust box.

First step. Determine the optimal dimensions of the box. At this point, be guided by your personal preferences, the build of visitors to the steam room and their number.

Second step. Assemble a box from wooden shields appropriate sizes. IN in this case It is also strongly recommended that all connections be made without the use of metal fasteners.

Third step. Place the sawdust box on the previously prepared base. Usually a recess is created in the floor for installing a stove, stones are laid on top and a box is installed on top. If you wish, you can arrange the heating in the same way as in the case of a barrel - install the stove at the bottom of the box and cover it with a partition.

Finally, all you have to do is add steps to the box.

Additional requirements

Now you are aware of the main features of a Japanese bath and can even set up such a mini sauna with your own hands. However, in order for the operation of the steam room to be as efficient and safe as possible, be sure to fulfill the following additional requirements:

  • arrange a washing compartment in the bathhouse. A compact shower stall will suffice. You need to wash before and after visiting the bathhouse;
  • Even before starting work, think over the order of arranging heating, water supply, wastewater disposal and lighting systems. At this point, navigate individually in accordance with your project;
  • If possible, equip a small changing room and rest room in the bathhouse. In the latter you can relax after bath procedures and drink tea in the company of guests or alone;
  • arrange a ventilation system with a sufficient level of efficiency. Without quality organized ventilation the bathhouse will always be too damp, and the wood will rot quite quickly.

In other aspects of the design and arrangement of a Japanese bath, be guided by your personal preferences.

Good luck!

Video – DIY mini sauna

A mini bathhouse for a dacha is built when for large sauna there is no space, or it is expensive to build. If the dacha is used by the owners only for summer season, then the point of arranging a mini bath is the most straightforward. A bathhouse requires three rooms: a dressing room, a steam room, and a washing room. If the bathhouse turns out to be very small, you have to wash in the steam room, then it is better to add a washing station, because soap in the steam room is not at all useful.

Construction of a mini sauna for a summer residence

Projects and sizes

You can find a project for a mini sauna at your dacha on the Internet or order it from professionals, or you can create it yourself. It is impractical to build without drawings or drawings, a project or a plan; it will turn out poorly if there is no construction experience. Mini baths that turned out to be successful are presented in the pictures; the construction of a mini bath with your own hands can be organized with minimal costs materials and time.

Successful projects of mini baths, embodied in nature:

Mobile mini sauna

There are no standards for the construction of mini baths; everyone is guided by their own taste, which is why there is such a variety of projects and implementations of mini baths for the dacha. Little ones compact baths For small families seem to be the best option for construction.

In the photo - mini sauna, view from the inside

Rational sizes of mini baths

Since there are no standards or guidelines for sizes, you need to use common sense. If you have built a bathhouse, and washing in it is extremely uncomfortable and cramped, then you made a mistake already at the project stage.

When you build a mini sauna with your own hands, it, like a large one, requires the following zones:

  • dressing room, also known as a relaxation room, its comfortable size is 1.5 x 2 m;
  • shower or washing room, so that two people can turn around, 1×1 or 1×1.5-2m;
  • steam room – no more than 1.5 x 2 m, but no less.

The fourth zone in the mini-bath is combined with the first, the dressing room, otherwise it won’t be a mini-bath, but just a sauna. The height of the mini-bath must be such that a tall person can wash himself, that is, at least 2 m. Therefore, a project is needed to eliminate obvious errors and inconsistencies.

Materials and technologies for building a bathhouse

Having your own dacha plot allows a city dweller to break out of the concrete jungle of the city and be closer to nature. Unlike country house country house usually miniature, so it will give the same pleasure as a large one, a mini bathhouse, compact, decorated with soul. Industry building materials is developing rapidly, and even in such an ancient field as wood construction, new technologies appear every year, take, for example, laminated timber or frame houses.

Selecting the best materials

The owner of the summer cottage chooses the projects from which material to build his mini bathhouse. More durable stone baths, but then this is already a fundamental structure where it is necessary to provide communications, water drainage, etc. A compact bathhouse is built from materials that are cheap and practical, relatively durable, and meet sanitary requirements:

  • wood (logs, rounded logs, timber, laminated timber, carriages);
  • wall materials;
  • heat-steam-waterproofing roll or sheet products;
  • roofing materials;
  • finishing products.

A country house and a bathhouse for it should be in harmony with each other, and if the house is made of wood, then it is advisable to build a bathhouse from it. Most quick way construction, house and bathhouse, it is frame. It consists of constructing a light, durable wooden frame made of timber on a foundation, using cheap wall and finishing materials, wall finishing, and thermal insulation.

We offer a video from which you will learn how to quickly and cheaply build a sauna with your own hands

Modern finishing, roofing, thermal insulation materials They are perfect for a frame structure, be it a country house or a bathhouse. A frame mini bathhouse is good because it is quickly erected and quickly disassembled.

Technologies for the construction of compact structures

When it is decided that a mini sauna for a dacha, built with your own hands, will cost less, then after choosing materials you should understand the technology. When deciding to build a mini sauna from logs, the technological stages listed below are assumed.

  1. Site selection.
  2. Laying the foundation.
  3. Construction of a log house.
  4. Roof construction.
  5. Flooring.
  6. Insulation.
  7. Finishing work.

Even though the bathhouse is a small structure, the stages and quality of work are similar to those of a large construction site. A popular construction method is frame construction; here it is necessary to follow a certain sequence.

  1. Site selection.
  2. Laying the foundation.
  3. Construction of the frame.
  4. Raising walls.
  5. Roof construction.
  6. Flooring.
  7. Insulation.
  8. Finishing work.

If you decide to build a mini bathhouse from wood, and choose a frame technology, then you will build the structure quickly, only here precision is required when constructing the frame. If your material is logs or beams, then construction will take more time and it makes sense to increase the size of the bathhouse.

Option for a compact mini bath

Mini baths made of brick, expanded clay concrete or foam concrete are also built, they have their own, somewhat different from wooden materials, construction technologies. It is only recognized that the best material for a bathhouse it is, after all, a tree.

Compact baths are built when there is a great need for them, but only in the summer season. If the bathhouse is idle most of the year, then there is no need to make it capital and large. If you are happy with the mobile option, then you won’t need a solid foundation; just put the bathhouse on concrete pillars located along the perimeter of the structure.

If the size of the summer cottage does not allow the construction of a full-fledged building, then Alternative option– mini-bath. In terms of functionality, level of comfort and safety, it is absolutely not inferior to traditional steam rooms, but at the same time it requires much less usable space. Besides, self-construction baths from available and safe materials even a novice master can do it.

Available materials for the construction of a budget bathhouse

Before you build a budget sauna for your dacha, you need to decide on the material for the wall structures. Typically, for the construction private steam room used natural wood- timber, a simple or rounded log, but increasingly, in order to save money, site owners give preference to simpler and cheaper materials. The most popular of them are:

  • Brick.
  • Wooden beam.
  • Edged board.
  • Steel frame with wood cladding.
  • Plastic corrugated sheet.

Each material has its own strengths and weak sides, which can be advantageously used when constructing a compact steam room.

Types of economy baths

An economical bathhouse in the country is perfect solution for small garden plots, the area of ​​which does not exceed 10 acres. This means that the structure itself must be ergonomic: up to 6 meters in length and 4 meters in width.

Let's consider the main design options that can be advantageously arranged on a small private plot.


The simplest frame bath is built on a lightweight foundation, has a wear-resistant wooden frame, lined with high-quality materials.

To provide a small frame bathhouse additional protection from the negative effects of moisture and temperature changes, the structure is insulated and waterproofed.

Dry logs with a cross-section of up to 112 mm are suitable for constructing a bathhouse. To make a compact bathhouse with an area of ​​up to 13 square meters. m, it is necessary to prepare 80 units of lumber. Can be used for insulation mineral wool, tow fiber and tow.

Frame structures do not require additional exterior decoration. If desired, it can be done, but this will significantly increase the costs of implementing the project.


Another economical design option for construction on summer cottage. It involves the use of cheap material - wood concrete, which is prepared from sand, cement, chemical additives and filler. Sawdust from coniferous and deciduous trees, hemp and flax bonfires, rice and cotton straw stalks are used as filler.

There are two technologies for constructing a bathhouse: from sawdust blocks brickwork or monolithic casting. Monolithic technology provides for a preliminary removable type with subsequent filling of the walls with the finished mixture.


On modern market ready-made ergonomic bath designs with various technical and operational parameters are presented. One of them is a small sauna, which is a tent on a steel base, equipped with a mobile heater and a backpack for transportation.

There are more affordable and lightweight designs that are equipped with a small-sized steam unit.

The undoubted advantage of a mini-bath for use in the country is the ease of assembly and installation in any accessible place. Depending on the design features, dimensions and type of bathhouse, it can accommodate from 2 to 5 people.


The budget barrel sauna is the most popular and sought-after design option, which has almost all the advantages of a stationary building.

This structure is a large barrel made of wood. It is divided by a special partition into two functional areas: a steam room and a shower room - for health and water treatments, and a dressing room - for installing heating equipment. A mobile barrel-shaped sauna can accommodate from 2 to 4 people in one session.

Used to build walls edged board made of deciduous trees up to 6 cm thick. A mobile economical sauna does not require a foundation, but to increase the stability of the structure it is recommended to use additional wooden base from boards up to 5 cm thick.

If the bathhouse is intended to be used not only in summer period, but also with the onset of cold weather, then prerequisite is the insulation of the structure. For thermal insulation, frost-resistant and durable materials are used, inert to rotting and the negative effects of external factors.

Choosing a site for the construction of a country bathhouse

On a small site, it is better to build a bathhouse near existing buildings - a residential building, summer kitchen, sanitary unit. Similar option has many advantages, since it allows not only to effectively connect usable area various buildings, but also significantly save on construction and finishing materials.

When building a bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account the following basic recommendations:

  1. The bathhouse should be located at a safe distance from any bodies of water to avoid possible flooding of the premises.
  2. The distance of the building from the hydraulic structure should be 15 meters, from neighboring areas - 5 meters.
  3. It is better to locate the bathhouse in the backyard or south side of the site.
  4. You should not build a building near a road, field or garden.
  5. All fire safety rules must be observed.
  6. When developing the project, the competent organization of ventilation and wastewater systems, as well as the safe arrangement of steam and heat insulation protection, are taken into account.

Construction of a budget bathhouse at the dacha using frame technology

Build a bathhouse in the country with minimal investment available to any owner of a small plot, according to construction technology All work is carried out step by step in the following order:

  1. Preparing the site for construction.
  2. Construction of the foundation.
  3. Tying a wooden frame.
  4. External wall cladding.
  5. Thermal insulation.
  6. Arrangement of communications.
  7. Installation of heating equipment and furniture.

Site preparation and foundation construction

At the initial stage, it is necessary to prepare the site for construction. The area is cleared of dirt and vegetation and leveled. Next, the foundation for the bathhouse is arranged.

Cheap foundation option for frame bath– it is distinguished by its strength and durability. It is recommended to use asbestos cement pipes as supports.

Getting ready for pipes required quantity recesses around the perimeter and at the junctions of walls.

The installation step of the supports is selected taking into account the type of soil and the maximum load exerted on the base.

Shrinkage of the supports is carried out to a depth of up to 150 cm, while a drainage (15 cm) cushion based on sand and fine crushed stone is first poured into the bottom of the pit.

The pipes are installed in a vertical position, with fittings placed in each. The cavity of the pipes is concreted, the area around each pipe is also filled with mortar.

After the concrete has hardened, a wooden or metal grillage under the frame is installed on each support.

Timber frame strapping

Frame for budget wooden bath It is made from timber sized 15×15 cm, dried and treated with moisture-proofing compounds. The initial crown is laid on the waterproofed base with alignment along the perimeter. Laying method - in the paw.

The walls are going up required height with the organization of door and window openings. The crowns are fixed to each other using wooden dowels. The beams are insulated with jute fiber or tow.

On the upper crown, the rafters are fixed to metal brackets, taking into account the configuration of the future roof. For a single-pitched roof, the rafters are fixed with external and internal supports; for a gable roof, the rafters are mounted at the bottom load-bearing walls, and are brought down from above in the form of a roofing ridge.

External wall cladding and thermal insulation

Even a simple and compact bathhouse needs high-quality thermal insulation and external cladding. For frame structure you can use available and cheap materials - OSB and CSP (cement-bonded particle boards), moisture-resistant plywood and boards.

The sheathing is mounted on the finished frame using self-tapping screws, and the joints are filled polyurethane foam or sealant.

Reliable thermal insulation will provide additional protection wooden structure from increased moisture and temperature changes. Mineral and ecological wool, polystyrene foam sheets, reed boards and jute can be used as a heat insulator.

Thermal insulation materials are installed in the free space between the internal and external cladding, preventing the formation of cracks that can lead to heat loss.

A vapor barrier layer made of glassine or polyethylene film.

Arrangement of communications

At this stage, all main communications are laid - water supply (cold and hot), waste and ventilation system, electrical wiring.

The laying of the sewage system - the construction of a drainage well, a septic tank or a tie-in into the central sewer system - must be provided for at the stage of constructing the foundation.

It is better to make a wooden base a leaky structure with a small hole for drainage. The floor is arranged in accordance with minimum inclination at 5 degrees.

Next, reinforced electrical wiring is laid. Afterwards the insulation of the wall and ceiling structures using improvised and moisture-resistant materials, decorative finishing clapboard or plywood. Finally, doors and windows, heating equipment and electrical appliances are installed.

Installation of heating equipment and furniture

For frame village bathhouse At the dacha, it is recommended to choose a compact and economical heater - an electric stove or a wood stove with a metal body. Massive stoves require the construction of an additional foundation, which will entail increased costs for the construction and maintenance of the bathhouse.

Finally, a standard set of furniture is installed - shelves and benches for the steam room, a table, chairs and hangers for the dressing room (dressing room), benches and shelves for the shower room.

The construction of a small private bathhouse on a personal plot is a complex and responsible undertaking. To get a decent result of your work, experts recommend drawing up a detailed plan for the construction process. This will simplify the passage of the main stages of work and avoid serious mistakes.

Step-by-step instructions for building a mini-bath include the following steps:

  • Choosing a location on a building site.
  • Construction of a foundation for a bathhouse.
  • Construction of walls, partitions and interfloor ceilings.
  • Installation of the rafter system.
  • Thermal insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier of walls, ceilings and floors.
  • External insulation and cladding.
  • Installation of heating equipment and chimney.
  • Laying floors, installing door and window structures.
  • Communications supply.
  • Internal cladding of premises.
  • Selection and arrangement of furniture, bath accessories.

Projects of small-sized baths

Construction work begins with the preparation of the design of the future bathhouse. It is important to take into account all the main parameters: dimensions and internal layout, location, construction and Decoration Materials, furniture and equipment.

The most common sizes of budget baths are:


Square one-story building of 9 square meters. m - the most affordable option small bathhouse. It provides for a steam room and a washing room, located on 4 squares with a minimum set of furniture, as well as a dressing room of 4 square meters. m with a folding table and benches. Here you can also organize a locker room and a relaxation area. A small corridor is intended for convenient storage bath accessories.


Bathhouse project for 12 sq. m provides for a budget construction designed for small company of 2-3 people. The total space of the bathhouse can be divided into several functional zones thin partitions made of timber: steam room, washing room and dressing room. A small tray with a drain hole is installed in the washing room. For such a bath, it is recommended to choose a compact metal wood-burning heater or an electric stove.


Bathhouse project for 16 sq. m is quite in demand due to its spaciousness. A standard building is built on one floor and may include the following premises: a steam room, a washing room, a dressing room, a sanitary unit and a rest room. In some cases, such a project provides for the presence open terrace. The bathhouse may have a second floor, equipped as a guest room, a playroom or a study. To build such a bathhouse, timber, logs, cinder blocks and bricks are used.


Budget project country bathhouse for 20 sq. m includes a minimum structural elements. As a rule, the building is built on one floor and is divided into a steam room, washing department, lounge and terrace. Heating equipment and furniture are installed in the steam room, an area with shower and sanitary facilities is installed in the washing room, and Appliances and furniture. This project may not include a dressing room, which allows you to get a fairly practical summer option baths


The most popular project for a small-sized bathhouse of 24 square meters. m, which consists of a steam room and a washing room of the same area, a dressing room, small room for relaxation combined with a terrace. Such dimensions of the building allow it to be used for a company of 4-6 people. To save space, multi-tiered folding shelves can be installed in the steam room. If desired, you can reduce the area of ​​the rest room by highlighting small room for the locker room.

Photo examples of ready-made baths in the country

Before starting the construction process, it is necessary to develop a working design and draw up a detailed drawing indicating technical parameters future building. Original and popular options for budget bathhouses in summer cottages, built with your own hands, in our photo selection.

A functional frame bathhouse in a summer cottage is an affordable and relatively cheap option buildings for home use. To reduce construction costs, you can create own project, and also use only inexpensive and practical materials. A compact heating stove, made by yourself, will also help to significantly reduce the cost of servicing the finished bath.
