Vanga about the future. Vanga's predictions about the end of the world and the third world war

1. In 2008 - There will be an assassination attempt on all 4 heads of government. will erupt conflict situation in Hindustan. And this will be just one of them all possible reasons to start a new world war.

2. In 2010 - World War 3 will begin. It will begin at the beginning of November 2010 and end at the end of October 2014. It will use nuclear weapons, and then chemical ones.

3. In 2011 - Due to nuclear fallout, there will be no animals or even plants left in the entire northern part of the planet. After this, Muslims will begin to use chemical weapons against still living Europeans.

4. In 2014, many people will have a whole bunch of skin diseases (all these are traces of chemical attack).

5. In 2016, the European part of the planet was almost deserted.

6. In 2018 - Now a new world power - China. All countries that were just developing at the time of the war become one of the most developed countries in the world and will begin to use previously advanced countries in terms of strength and industrial development.

7. In 2023 - The orbit of our Earth will change slightly.

8. In 2025 - Europe is still almost uninhabited.

9. In 2028 – A completely new source of energy will appear. Gradually, hunger will be overcome. A new manned interstellar spacecraft will set off for Venus.

10. In 2033 - The ice began to melt. As a result, the level of the entire World Ocean will rise.

11. In 2043 - The economy is booming. In old Europe, Muslims are now at the helm of government.

12. In 2046 - They began to grow a variety of organs. Now replacing any organ becomes the best method treatment.

13. In 2066 - There is an attack on a new Muslim state, after which the United States uses a completely new weapon - climate. There is a sharp, deadly cold snap.

14. In 2076 - Returns again (communism).

15. In 2084 - Nature is restored.

16. In 2088 - A new problem, a disease has appeared in which people grow old and die in seconds!!!

17. In 2097 – A unique cure for a disease called “rapid aging” is found.

18. In 2100 - An artificial huge Sun is created, which illuminates the other side of our planet.

19. In 2111 - Now there are no people, they have all become cyborgs.

20. In 2113 - Now there are wars among small states. Large countries decided not to interfere.

21. In 2125 - Hungary catches signals from endless space (now everyone remembers Vanga).

22. In 2130 - Underwater colonies are created (thanks to the advice of aliens).

23. In 2164 - Scientists experiment and create half-humans with the help of animals.

24. In 2167 - A new faith appeared. 25. In 2170 - A long drought began.

26. In 2183 - Now the colony that was created on Mars becomes one big power with nuclear potential and wants to become independent from Earth.

27. In 2187 - Managed to stop 2 major volcanic eruptions.

28. In 2195 - All sea underwater colonies are now completely self-sufficient.

29. In 2196 - Now there was a complete unification of the Asian and European races.

30. In 2201 - On the old Sun, all thermonuclear reactions begin and slow down. It's starting to get colder again.

31. In 2221 - In search of a new life beyond the earth, humanity comes into contact with something completely terrible.

32. In 2256 - A new intergalactic ship brought a new terrible disease.

33. In 2262 - So the orbits of all known planets began to gradually change. And Mars is now threatened by a huge comet.

34. In 2271 - New laws are revealed atomic physics, and the changed orbits are recalculated.

35. In 2273 - Complete mixing of the white, yellow and Negroid races occurs. Completely different races appear.

36. In 2279 - Creation of energy using black holes.

37. In 2288 - The first time travelers. New aliens have been discovered.

38. In 2291 - The sun cools down. There are attempts to reignite it.

39. In 2296 - Very powerful thermonuclear flares occur. Because of this, the force of gravity changes. Now all the old satellites and stations are falling from space.

40. In 2299 - A new partisan Christian movement was organized against all of Islam.

41. In 2302 - Completely new, extremely important and significant for the whole world secrets and laws of the Universe are rediscovered.

42. In 2304 - Now the secret of the Moon has been discovered.

43. In 2341 - Something terrible is approaching the planet from the depths of space.

44. In 2354 - An accident occurs on the artificial Sun, which leads to a global drought.

45. In 2371 - A terrible famine occurred.

46. ​​In 2378 - The emergence of a rapidly growing race.

47. In 2480 - Collision of two artificial Suns. Now the Earth is in darkness.

48. In 3005 - A terrible war on the planet Mars. Completely changes the trajectories of the planets.

49. In 3010 - A huge comet hits the Moon and a belt of dust and stones forms around the planet.

50. In 3797 - During this period, all living things will disappear from the face of the Earth. However, humanity will have time to save seeds for future life in another galactic system.

51. In 3803 – A completely new and amazing planet is extremely sparsely populated. There is very little contact between all people. The climate of this planet radically affects the organisms of all people - they mutate.

52. In 3805 - A terrible war for possible resources. Most people will die out.

53. In 3815 - End of the war.

54. In 3854 - Development on the planet stops. People now live in packs like animals.

55. In 3871 - Now a prophet appears and tells all people about religion and morality.

56. In 3874 - The Prophet is now supported by all segments of the population. A new unique Church is being built.

57. In 3878 - All aliens, together with the Church, teach humanity forgotten knowledge in a new way.

58. In 4302 - Other cities will appear on the planet. The Church sponsors the development of all technologies.

59. In 4302 - The development of science will begin. Scientists will find new general mechanisms of the influence of absolutely all diseases on the human body.

60. In 4304 - A way to defeat any terrible disease has been discovered.

61. In 4308 - Now all people have learned to use more than 35% of their entire brain. The very concept of evil and malice disappears.

62. In 4509 - People get to know God himself. Now humanity has reached the level where it is possible to talk with God.

63. In 4599 - People gain immortality.

64. In 4674 - And now the development of the entire civilization reached its maximum peak. Total number of all existing people who live on completely different and distant planets amounted to more than 350 billion. Assimilation with all aliens began.

65. In 5076 - Scientists managed to find the boundaries of the universe. And no one can even imagine what is abroad.

66. In 5078 - A unique decision was made for everyone to leave this boundary of the universe. And although approximately 40% were against this, humanity decided to take this step.

67. In 5079 - The end of the world will occur.

Predictions and predictors. Is the veil of the future pierceable?

Oddly enough, a clear answer to this question has not yet been given. Despite the huge number of soothsayers and predictions, there is still no single, established and recognized opinion as to whether the veil of the future is permeable, and whether there are people who can see through it clearly enough. Or all this is 25% coincidence, and the remaining 75% is manipulation of facts and a grandiose hoax.

There is a top 10 greatest predictors of the world, where Cassandra, who predicted the death of Troy, and the legendary Nostradamus, the American Edgar Cayce, who predicted the collapse of the USSR, and the boy Sharifu, who mysteriously disappeared at a young age and was allegedly taken to heaven alive, found their place.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga ranks second on this list in terms of the number of prophecies that have come true.

...But the whispers of the future are indistinct. “A large kingdom will be destroyed,” said the oracle when asked about the outcome of the Greco-Persian War. Is this how it should have been interpreted? Will the Greeks win? Or Persians? The predictions are vague. And “in hindsight” you can pull anything and anything by the ears.

Although the same Vanga once uttered a prophecy that was difficult to interpret in two ways: “In March, a big man with a pipe will go to another world and the world will become kinder.” Stalin actually died on March 5th. But once the broom shoots.

Was there anything else and can it be checked?

Let's try.

Great Vanga. Fiction, conjecture. And it’s true.

It is reliably known that Vangelia Pandeva (01/31/1911 – 08/11/1996) lived in Petrich (a city in Bulgaria). In her last years, she received people who wanted to meet her in the village of Rupite. She was buried there, next to the Church of St. Petka of Bulgaria. After that, more than a ton of lump sugar was left. Everyone who came to the seer had to take a piece of sugar, which lay under his pillow for several days. Sugar was Vanga’s “signature” way of making predictions and healing.

Despite the fame of a great healer, Vanga could not help herself. She became blind at the age of 12. This is almost the only reliable fact. Everything else is shrouded in mystery and legend.

The legend says that the girl lost her sight when she was carried away by a tornado. They found her with her eyes covered in sand.

For the first time, the prophetic gift awoke in her at the age of 16, when a sheep disappeared - Vanga accurately described the house and yard where the lost animal was kept.

Hitler came to see her. They said "for closed doors", but he left "very saddened" ...

For her prediction of Stalin’s death, Vanga was thrown into prison under the execution clause: “10 years without the right to correspondence” - but six months later she was released, because Stalin really died.

Leonid Brezhnev visited Vanga several times, to whom she gave useful advice.

Vanga predicted enormous fame for Philip Kirkorov, then only four years old.

Vanga predicted her own death to the minute.

Even the goddaughter and adopted children of the famous clairvoyant cannot say which of all this is true and which is a legend. “I don’t remember anymore” - this is how Vanga herself answered such questions.

“Vanga’s List”, her prophecies about Russia

A list of Vanga’s prophecies about Russia is floating around the Russian Internet. Many of them have already come true.

  1. World War II and Russia's victory at the cost of enormous sacrifices;
  2. Death of Stalin;
  3. The collapse of the USSR (“The world will change in 6 years. The old leaders will leave. A new man will come.” It is believed that by “new man” Vanga meant Mikhail Gorbachev.
  4. Putin's reign (“His personality will come as a surprise…”)
  5. The death of our submarine. (“Kursk will disappear under water and people all over the world will mourn this.” The prophecy seemed crazy: what could happen to the world for the city of Kursk to be under water? Unthinkable! But it came true). The authenticity of this prediction has not been proven.

Another prediction, equally strange, concerned Russia in Last year millennium: “Good will be inside, and experience will be outside...” Perhaps these words meant the process of “brain drain” from Russia. Natural resources (goods) remained, but people: specialists, scientists who could manage them correctly, preferred to go abroad. That is why the turn of the millennium was so difficult for the country.

This is only a small part of the predictions that concerned Russia.

There is a whole list that has been replicated on thousands of sites; you’ve probably already come across it:

“There will be nothing left on Earth except Russia and the glory of Vladimir. Empty and cold Europe" - this prophecy dates back to the first years of the 21st century. In general, Vanga very rarely made year-by-year forecasts, so the dating in the list is clearly the work of the compilers. Apparently this prophecy did not come true. Or - misinterpreted.

Prosperity was predicted for the country in 2017. Even the poorest citizens had to begin to live well, but they had to beware of “spiritual impoverishment.”

Well... Here the clairvoyant turned out to be at least partially right. Wealth did not happen, but spiritual impoverishment is all right. It came true as predicted.

In 2022, “the number of Russians will decrease noticeably.” This prophecy can be understood in two ways: some kind of demographic catastrophe will happen. (Who knows, maybe the government was trying to prevent this by introducing a law on “maternity” capital). Or citizens of other nationalities will begin to move to Russia en masse.

A possible option is to unite Russia and China. Then there will definitely be fewer Russians in the country, because there are already a billion Chinese on earth.

At the same time, Russia will disintegrate into several sovereign states. The Urals and Siberia will separate, and Moscow will cease to be the capital.

However, this cataclysm will only benefit Russia. In 2040, it is predicted to become “the world cradle of culture and religion.” How all this relates to the spiritual impoverishment of 2017 is unclear. But, apparently, something will happen that will stir up the diminishing spirituality. One can only hope that this “something” will not be another global catastrophe... but on this score, the list, alas, is silent.

In 2045 there will be a global crisis, which this time will happily bypass Russia. According to the list, the crisis will be associated with the fact that the world will run out of oil. If you trust the prophecies entirely, you must assume that by this time Russia, tightly sitting on the “oil needle,” will not only increase production and agriculture, but will also find alternative source energy. It would be great!

In 2060, Russia will be a powerful superpower with unquestionable authority in the world.

In 2176, Russia is predicted to go to war with almost the entire world. But “the country will survive” . There is no doubt about THIS. Since its founding, Russia has not lost a single external war, its most terrible enemy has always been and remains ourselves.

In the 23rd century, large-scale space exploration will begin, and by the 24th century, there will finally be life on Mars - we will populate it.

In 2450, Russia will face a global natural disaster that will not affect only the colonists and inhabitants of the Moon and Mars. Everyone else will have a hard time.

By 3000, Russia as such will disappear. But the people, culture, religion will remain.

“Should I guess and believe fortune-telling”

A mathematician, physicist or chemist would never build a theory on the basis of one experiment.

Let's try to check "Vanga's list"?

As you know, prophecies about Russia were once made by many clairvoyants, including those from the “top” list.

Interpreters of Nostradamus, deciphering his quatrains, came to the conclusion that in 2014 Russia began its path to the “Golden Age”.

“This year is more difficult than the previous one,

For the Message, for the Church going without God,

Devastation and quarrels are usually in vain,

But the darkness will die away and the Dawn will take over...".

Deciphering the quatrains of the prophet and poet, interpreters came to the conclusion that 2025 will be the year of completion of political and economic reforms for Russia, and the promised Golden Age will come in another 10 years, in 2035.

In the same pile, however, with some stretch, we can put the words of another “top” predictor - the American Edgar Cayce:

“Hope will come to the world from Russia - not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! It will be years before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope.”

Was there a “Vanga’s list”?

According to prophecies, Russians can calmly look to the future - An era of peace, happiness and prosperity awaits us. Great.

If not for one “but”!

All the truly close people of the great blind clairvoyant: her younger sister Lyubka, her nephews and her goddaughter unanimously claim that Vanga extremely rarely uttered prophecies concerning countries and the world. So, she never predicted the end of the world.

All of Vanga’s widely circulated shocking predictions about the end of the world, the extinguished light, have no documentary basis and are not confirmed by her loved ones.

As a rule, her insights were about a specific person who turned to her: his health, family, future.

Krasimira Stoyanova, Vanga’s niece, has repeatedly said that her aunt’s words are “shamelessly distorted.” Among the predictions allegedly uttered by Vanga are the transformation of people into cyborgs, disruption of the trajectories of planets, and so on: you must agree, it is unlikely that a semi-literate woman could know such words. Everything that Vanga ever said, she said simple and understandable vernacular, in which there was not and could not be the following phrases: “a fundamentally new source of energy has been invented,” “the border of the Universe has been opened,” “the existence of another highly organized civilization has been proven.”

The Orthodox Christian Vanga was credited with sayings taken from Tibetan and Chinese treatises, herbal books, dream books and even horoscopes.

Genuine "fakes"

“Kursk will be under water.” This shocking prediction is usually given with reference to a book by Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent Svetlana Kudryavtseva (there is no mention of a voice recording anywhere). Critics call this newspaper yellow without any quotation marks.

“Crimea will break away from one shore and land on the other.” The prediction became widely known in 2014. It had not been published anywhere before, which already makes any sane person doubt its authenticity.

"War in Donbass" - “In the land of underground holes and man-made mountains, everything will shake, as a result of which much will collapse in the west and much will rise in the east. And Sagittarius will come, and will stand for twenty and three years, and what stood for twenty and three years will be ground into powder... There will be a cry, there will be gunpowder, there will be darkness, there will be a rabbit, but everything will scatter and be carried away by the wind.”

“Genuine fake”, invented for fun by Sergei Lukyanenko, the author of “Watches” and other science fiction novels.

Where did it come from?

The well-known service TinEye says that the famous “list” with predictions by year, up to 3797, when “every living thing on earth will perish,” was published on the website: on January 25, 2008.

It was from this year that the prophecies began.

Since that time, the list began to circulate on the RuNet. First, the author of his ball was named Nostradamus (, and only then – Vanga.

The list itself, characteristically, ended with the fact that in 3797 “every living thing on Earth will die.” But you and I already know that Vanga did not predict the end of the world!

According to one version, the list was created based on Manfred Dimde’s “Nostradamus. Predictions: a new reading,” published in 1998 by Panorama. The book is available online in the public domain, and anyone can test this hypothesis.

Where, in this case, do “Vanga’s predictions” come from, which are full of teaser networks: “In 2018, three zodiac signs will suddenly become rich...”

They are written by novice copywriters at a price of 5 – 10 rubles. for 1000 characters. Doubters can look at any freelance exchange, at least Etxt or Copilancer, and find there, in the feed, 1 - 2 orders for success stories of Forex players, mothers of 3 children married to oligarchs, fake reviews about successful treatment, study, sale of cars and real estate.

Prophecies and horoscopes are a hot commodity.

Did Vanga have a real prophetic gift? Eyewitness opinion

In the 70s, psychic Vladimir Safonov visited Vanga. His visit was recorded in detail “hot on the heels” - the psychic did not doubt Vanga’s prophetic gift for a second. According to him, the clairvoyant stunned him from the very door with the words that his parents were “at his brother’s bedside” - Vladimir’s brother was dying just at that time, and his parents had long been dead.

Several times journalists tried to conduct a “black magic session with exposure,” but the blind and semi-literate grandmother Vanga each time easily exposed their “legends.”

Vanga's true prophecies about Russia

There are several known prophecies of Vanga about Russia, whose authenticity is beyond doubt. They were expressed to famous people, recorded on voice recorders and cameras.

Here is the first one: « Even though our country is now called Soviet Union, But the time will come, and old Russia will again find its true name. And then everyone will recognize her spiritual superiority. But first yours the country will pass through a series of great cataclysms. Your children and grandchildren will be alive at that time. A sign of the beginning of the apocalypse will be the coming to power of a black king in the west and two kings in your country. And although this union will seem strong at first, it will be destroyed. IN North America there will be a great disaster on the water, made by man. The water in the entire ocean will turn black and become undrinkable. The underwater currents will stop, and the winds will bring terrible heat and fires to the whole earth, and then severe cold. Natural disasters will shake the earth, disasters will occur everywhere, and all nations will be affected» .

A very famous and often quoted prophecy by Vanga was made at a meeting between the Bulgarian clairvoyant and Valentin Sidorov, a Soviet writer, which took place in the 70s:"Now you are calledUnion. And then you will be called, as under Saint Sergius - Rus. Like an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth and cover the whole earth with its wings. Everyone, even America, recognizes her spiritual superiority. But this will happen in sixty years. And before that there will be a rapprochement between the three countries - China, India and Russia will gather their forces into one fist...”

In 60 years, that means around 2030. According to Vanga’s “list of prophecies by year,” which raises justifiable doubts, the true flourishing of Russia, the “golden age,” will begin in 2035. That is, everything comes together here.

And one more prophecy, which has already been quoted in this article, we present it in full: “There is no force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow and strengthen. Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything in her path and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

It is known that the Bulgarian prophetess loved Russia and treated it with great respect. It is unlikely that the reason for this was only the enormous sacrifices that the country made in the past. Rather, it was still a genuine vision of the future.

How to be?

Should we believe the prophecies, or recognize them as Internet fakes and forget them?

Let's do our own research. Moreover, nothing supernatural is required from us. There is no need to crawl anywhere with voice recorders in your teeth.

Vanga's prophecies for 2018 are known. 2018 – here it is, already here. If everything, or at least part of what was predicted, comes true, this is a strong argument in favor of taking the “list” seriously and carefully.

And if not, then there’s nothing to talk about.

That the coming year? Vanga's predictions for 2018

Prophecies for the new year 2018 are optimistic, not to say joyful.

Trains “will rise into the sky and fly on solar wires” — the prophecy, one might say, came true. There is a Sky Way - and it still flies, no matter what the skeptics say.

Oil production will be significantly reduced and the role of solar energy will increase. This, of course, is great, but it is of little use for Russia - we have worse problems with the sun than with oil. But who knows…

Scientists will discover the secret of long life. A “cure for old age” will be created based on the hormones of a horse, turtle and dog (no comments).

There will be a change of power in political life. The leader of the state will be a person who is not in any way connected with the law enforcement agencies. Under him, the country will begin to emerge from the economic crisis and regain its status and influence in the world.

There will be peace again between Russia and Ukraine, since they are one people. Moreover, the prophecy says that peace will be achieved not by force of arms or through political decisions. They'll bring it ordinary people who will get tired of the war and simply refuse to go to the barricades against people like them. (Even if it’s fake and political propaganda, I really want to believe it!)

“Everything will melt like ice, only the glory of Russia and the glory of Vladimir will remain.”

Which Vladimir do you mean? Monomakh? Lenin? Putin? Someone fourth, the one who will come for him? Wait and see.

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Comments on the topic

Guardian 12/19/2017 at 02:13


Tamara Globa: “At the “elections”* in the future era, when the forces of darkness will think that they have already corrupted the world and victory is “in their pocket”, the Spirit of Russia** will win “by a margin of one vote”... And it will be a vote Carrying out..."*


Tamara Globa: “The whole world knows that the future belongs to Russia, that the new Saoshiant (Savior of the world, Messiah) will rule in Russia*, that Light from Russia will go throughout the world**.”

* Saoshiant will begin to rule in Russia in 2018.
** Russia will become the Power of Light

Guardian 12/22/2017 at 09:00

They will follow Astvat-eretha*
Victorious followers
kind-hearted, good-speaking,
virtuous, trustworthy,
uttering no lies
own language.
Will bend before them
Aeshma, bloody spear, ill-fated.
Asha** will defeat the evil Lie
of evil origin, coming from darkness.

* Astvat-ereta - Saoshiant
** The universal law of righteousness - bright thoughts, bright words and bright deeds

Guardian 12/24/2017 at 06:01

Guardian 12/28/2017 at 02:40


In the Russian presidential elections, Ksenia Sobchak will defeat Putin!
Now no one will believe this, but before March 18, 2018, great changes will take place in Russia and in the world, thanks to which the Russian people will finally wake up and elect Ksenia Sobchak and Saoshianta!
Light will defeat Darkness!

Guardian 01/02/2018 at 11:43

I wish you, or rather us, victory in the Russian presidential elections in 2018!
Good luck!


Guardian 01/07/2018 at 07:42



* Slogan and sign (scarlet) of the winners of the Russian presidential elections - Saoshiant and Ksenia Sobchak!

Guardian 01/08/2018 at 13:54


“... Near the red wall, on the same square. Dead Vladimir will be taken out and buried. They will bring him in alive and imprison him. There was a crypt, now there is a prison. There will also be a queue. Watch for money. How he sits there behind bars, atones for his sins. Sometimes he sings. Sometimes he throws the mattress over his hip. I haven’t washed my kimono for many years.”

Guardian 01/10/2018 at 16:40

We were born in cramped apartments in new areas,
We lost our innocence in the battles for love.
Our clothes have already become too tight,
The clothes you sewed for us,
And now we have come to tell you what’s next...

* Song of the winners of the Russian presidential elections - Saoshiant and Ksenia Sobchak!

Guardian 01/13/2018 at 04:38

Go on strike, fight for your rights and freedom!
Go on strike, don't go to work!
Strike, show your unity!
Go on strike, show your heroic strength!

* Appeal to the people of Russia


Guardian 01/13/2018 at 17:42


Brothers and sisters!

I urge you not to listen to Navalny!
Boycotting the presidential elections plays into Putin's hands!
Navalny is doing everything for Putin’s victory!
March 18 - we are given a chance to change power legally and legally, without going out onto the streets!
March 18 - come to your polling stations and vote for Russia without Putin, for Ksenia Sobchak!
March 18—the fate of Russia will be decided!
We will win - V!


Guardian 01/18/2018 at 18:22


The new capital of the revived Russia will be -
There will be main body democracy of Russia - National Assembly!
There, they will elect a mayor, the head of the people's government of Russia!
The same people's self-government bodies will be created in all cities and villages of Russia; and other organs of democracy: people's control, people's government, people's court and people's squad!
People's control will replace the FSB!


Guardian 01/22/2018 at 17:37

PRE-ELECTION PROGRAM - “VOTE FOR HOLY Rus'!” After the elections in 2018, Russia will face dramatic changes in the economy and science, in the social and political life of our country! 1. Our country will regain its ancient, sacred name - Holy Rus'! 2. Novosibirsk will become the capital of Holy Rus'! 3. In Novosibirsk there will be a National Assembly of All Rus'! Elections to the V.V.R. will be held in stages: a) first, elections of deputies will be held at the All-People's Assembly of the districts; b) V.V. districts must elect their representatives, deputies to the National Assembly - republics, territories and regions; c) National Assembly - r.k. and about. must elect their representatives, deputies to the National Assembly of All Rus'; d) at the National Assembly - districts, r.k. both Fr. and all Rus' will elect mayors, heads of the Veche; e) if the mayor does not correspond to his position, then according to the vote of deputies V.V. he can be deprived of his position at any time and a new mayor can be elected. 4. How it was in Ancient Rus', great importance will have - our military, the Holy Russian Army, not only in protecting our borders from external enemies, but also in protecting public law and order; in joint patrolling of city streets with people's squads. The people's squads will be led by governors and SA officers. 5. The number of officials in our country will be significantly reduced - by half! Those who remain will be monitored - People's Control! In case of violation of the law S.R. on the fight against corruption, they will be fired with confiscation of illegally acquired money and property; and fines will be imposed depending on the amount of illegally acquired money or movable or immovable property purchased with it. All oligarchs face the same fate! No one will escape People's Court! 6. Everything Natural resources of our country: oil, gas, coal, gold, diamonds and other minerals should belong to the whole people, and not to a handful of oligarchs! All companies and enterprises in the mining and processing industries will be nationalized! All money from the sale of oil, gas, coal, gold and diamonds should be distributed equally; one half remains where minerals are mined and processed; the second half will be distributed to other rivers. and about. Holy Rus'. 7. Of great importance for the development of the economy of our country is scientific and technical progress And science education. The main task for scientists in our country is to create technical means to generate electricity from plasma! Can you imagine what will happen if there appears in our country free electricity a lot?! We will distill in scientific, technical and economic development all developed countries! 8. Agriculture is also of great importance for our country! For those creating rural communities on abandoned agricultural land; who revives endangered villages and villages - it is necessary to help free of charge in the construction of housing, farms and mini-processing factories; in the purchase of agricultural machinery. For them, it is necessary to abolish taxes on land and water, movable and immovable property; and take taxes only on profits from sales of agricultural products. These measures will help reduce the cost of agricultural products and increase their quality and quantity. The quality of the products will be monitored by the People's Control! 9. I believe that spiritually
moral development, raising our children, this is the most important thing in my election program! Help children maintain their connection with the Cosmos and God; which, unfortunately, they lose over time due to the ignorance and misunderstanding of adults; because of their arrogance towards children. Our children are much closer to God than we adults are! Now you help the children and the time will come - they will help you! Our children are the future not only of our country, but of all Mankind! They will become the founders of a new, sixth race on Earth! 10. If you want to vote for me, vote for Ksenia Sobchak! Vote for Holy Rus'!Sochiant

Guardian 01/28/2018 at 07:47 pm


To your question: who is the Antichrist?; I, God's witness, answer: Vladimir Putin!


Guardian 02/04/2018 at 13:14


The Victory Banner is a scarlet banner with the coat of arms of Moscow; where the rider on the white horse is - the Holy Russian People, smashing the black dragon - Putin - with the Spear of Destiny!


* “The Spear of Destiny is, first of all, a spiritual symbol, a symbol of the people’s faith in their chosenness and invincibility, and such faith is stronger than the sharpest blade and is capable of working miracles.”

"Legends. Holy Lance"
Izhevsk Space Center

Guardian 02/06/2018 at 15:25

“Teacher MM. About the State of Light

I.N. By what principle should the state be structured in the new Age of Fire?

MM Any civilization usually meets the conditions of the evolutionary stage of the Planetary complex in which it is built. Thus, the use of a centripetal system of state relations in the system of Darkness was determined not only by someone’s evil intent, but also by the need to match the direction of the vectors of forces of the Planetary Complex itself. The centripetal direction of the vectors of forces of the Planetary complex, accepted to be understood as the force of gravity, required people and a corresponding system in all systemic formations. The state of the past and so far the present responded to the need for precisely such a distribution of forces.

The times of the Fire Age have come, and there has been a radical change in the vectors of distribution of forces. This phenomenon has already manifested itself in the Natural Complex, where global changes are taking place right before the eyes of an entire civilization. The same should happen in state structures. The state of the new era is a state with a centrifugal vector orientation. That is, if in the state of the past there was a ball of the most formidable vampires in the center, then in the new state system in the center can only be Personalities capable of giving society their Light of Reason and the Power of their Spirit.

The head of such a system of Light must have an inextricable connection with the Hierarchy of Light in solar system, which means exercising the Power of the Sacrifice. The new era is also characterized by the fact that the implementation of Sovereignty can only be entrusted to a woman, since only the Feminine Principle can have a full connection with the Inner spheres of the Solar complex, and therefore with the Hierarchy of Light in Infinity.

The difference between the state of Darkness and the state of Light is that the first is autonomous entity, separated from the Hierarchy of Light, and therefore controlled by the forces of Darkness, and the second is included in the Hierarchy of Light and controlled by the Great Horses of Existence, which have another name: the Horses of Absolute Light.

I.N. What advantage will the population of the Earth receive by organizing their states on the principle of the Power of Light?

MM The Power of Light is essentially the Kingdom of Light on Earth, so long ago and almost hopelessly called upon by people in their prayers. … “Thy Will be done. May Your Kingdom be both in Heaven and on Earth!...” When a person asks Heaven for something for a long time, it is certainly given to him. The Power of Light is a fundamentally new system of life, in which the Highest Laws of Existence are at the forefront, which are both the laws of physics discovered by science and the Laws of Absolute Light. Essentially, the level of human civilization has now reached such a magnitude that it is able to accommodate the presence of God - the Absolute Light, not only by Faith alone, but also scientific knowledge. Faith and Knowledge open up completely limitless possibilities for a person not only in organizing his life on Earth, but also in organizing such conditions that a person in his development will very quickly find ways out of the limits of the Earthly level, moving to ever higher Universal scales.

Fulfillment of the seven Highest Laws of Existence included in constitutional law, will lead to complete harmonization of man and nature, to the emergence of a completely different economy and financial system. It will contribute to scientific knowledge such a harmonious and logical system component that even babies can easily navigate the most complex problems of civilization. The new scientific paradigm will become starting point for a complete restructuring of all the foundations of civilization and, first of all, its ideological component. For the first time, man will become the basis of all civilizational endeavors, and his needs in the field of growth of the Spirit will become priorities in all state policy.

In the Power of Light, economics and finance will cease to play a dominant role, but will begin to play an auxiliary role as serving tools for the successful growth of the human spirit, and Education, Enlightenment and true Culture will become the basis and priority of all state power - the enlightenment of man. His growth in the Hierarchy of Light, not only on the Planetary, but also on the Solar scale, will become commonplace. And the responsibility of people for the deeds they have done during their lives in each of their births will become the basis for great responsibility, both to their descendants and to themselves during their future births. A tribute to one of the Highest Laws of Existence - the Law of Reincarnation - will be to understand the responsibility of each day spent in a given birth, in which Karma is formed for all subsequent births on Earth.

Soon all the states of the world, which are inhabited by people suitable for the further evolution of the planet, will be in line with the Power of Light. Those statehoods where a deep and irreversible process of dying and degradation of the spirit of the majority of the population has occurred will undergo serious upheavals up to and including complete destruction.

The Power of Light, emerging in Russia, will spread to all Slavic states. In a single union, they will be able to organize such a life support system for their citizens, which will demonstrate with obvious facts all the inappropriateness of organizing life in the system of dark states. First of all, this will be reflected in economic and financial indicators, as well as in the discoveries of science, which will cross the line of forbidden in the system of Darkness, and thus will enter into irreversible processes of development in the mainstream of Spiritual-Scientific flows, where the human highest nature of Light becomes the cornerstone of all scientific change.

From now on, science becomes spiritualized, and its discoveries can no longer serve misanthropic purposes. The Army of Light will also enter into religious knowledge, since Darkness - a demonic trick in keeping a person in the bond of Orthodoxy from the evil Paulineism has become that huge dam for the human spirit, which the Light will certainly break through. And then the signs of Sophia the Wisdom will become clear to every believer, and the boundaries of the Church of Christ will expand to the Infinity of the Wisdom of God...

The Power of Light is the Kingdom of God on Earth. And only the Slavs now have EVERYTHING necessary to implement the first stronghold of the Kingdom of God on Earth. All other countries have yet to go through their painful path of purification in the face of global changes in the entire Planetary complex.

I.N. What should the state do to least losses move into the era of BLUE FIRE?

MM In order to move into the New Blue Age with the least losses, it is necessary to use the resource of an entire self-sufficient state, such as Russia. No country in the world has all the necessary conditions for organizing life in a new direction. Western countries have a heavy karmic burden that they still have to overcome. The countries of the East are burdened with the need to cope with their immediate tasks, without being able to look into the future. And only Russia has all the prerequisites for avant-garde advancement into the Future, using all the potentials of the present.

The Russian state system is currently built on the principle of a centripetal vector of direction of forces. In order to change the circumstances of the systemic crisis that is growing all over the world, only Russia can consciously reverse the vectors of systemic construction and begin to live in the conditions of the System of Light at the present time. She has all the necessary prerequisites for this. The very first prerequisite is the presence of a Center, that is, a hierarchically determined Power “FROM GOD”, from the Hierarchy of Light. The presence in the human environment of a Personality with powers and involvement in the Hierarchy of Light creates everything the necessary conditions to implement plans in line with the Power and Stronghold of Light on Earth. There is such a Personality in Russia!

Next, there is a constant transmission from this Personality into the public consciousness of all the necessary conditions for the formation of the Unified Field of the New State, a kind of Matrix of the Power of Light, but which gradually begins to gather all the creative potential people in the most diverse areas of their creativity and work. Lots of breakthroughs are starting to happen. Thus, scientists begin to make discoveries that can give impetus to science. Inventors begin to offer a completely different approach to familiar natural phenomena, applying knowledge of the Highest Laws of Existence to the realities of every day. A new system of relationships among people and society is being established in the state, expressed in the New Constitution, which is capable of leveling all the necessary conditions for the implementation of the Power of Light not only on the territory of Russia, but also far beyond its borders. The opportunity to influence the world community with exclusively positive changes will be the only argument for bringing your Innovations into the world consciousness.

Governance of the state, based on the Constitution and the Highest Laws of Existence, will remove once and for all questions about the succession of Power, since anyone who comes to govern the state will not have the opportunity to change even one letter of the Laws, regardless of time. The Highest Laws of Existence are the only significant Laws at all times and epochs, on all rational-electromagnetic temporal and spatial spheres of the Limitless Universe.

A state that manages to accept the Higher Laws of Existence before the start of global changes in global significance will be able to become a stronghold of stability and Salvation for all other countries, which will simultaneously go through their karmic lessons and break out all the vicious parts from their systems along with their human resources.

Changing the vectors of the Planetary complex with a complete replacement of the polar presence, with a change in the magnetic component of the surface, will require immediate adjustment to the current conditions of each and every individual. Therefore, the entire resource of a modern state should be aimed at creating a sufficient material and resource base for the creation of new residential areas, the creation of new arable and irrigated areas. To preserve the number of animals and birds, for many species and breeds, the state must create a bank of lands and many plants Agriculture. Replenish supplies for the human gene pool. It is necessary to collect and freeze a sufficient amount of sperm from the most thoroughbred and elite animals. Human sperm and egg banking must also take place.

Preparations for serious changes in the financial field should consist in ensuring that by the time of global collapses of the world exchange systems, all conditions for the existence of a new monetary system, in which not a single printed banknote came out from under printing press without providing it with a real amount of energy resource in a generally accepted unit of measurement.

Establishing restrictions for the spread of so-called market relations to a level not higher than true market ones, when a product is in competition only at the level of its sale in small wholesale and retail sales.

Any market trade at the level of selling the resources of the earth, its subsoil and energy reserves should become a thing of the past, like a bad dream. People should know that the entire surface of the Earth does not belong to any mortal, since the Earth is a LIVING LOGOS, bestowing the capabilities of its natural complex on people free of charge on the rights of the Horse of the Victim. Therefore, no individual can and should not appropriate to himself the right to dispose of the energy of the Earth’s Sacrifice only for his own selfish personal property. Personal property can only be that product that a person produces HIMSELF, directly through his own effort without the use of someone else’s work force, and even more so should not receive any income from lending money and lending it on interest...

The new state will become a reality only when the entire society simultaneously feels JUSTICE and TRUTH in everything that the Authorities do. Then only the Spirit of the people will awaken and begin to respond to the tasks of the Common Good.

It is possible to raise Enthusiasm in society - the Sacred Fire of the Spirit of the People - only by applying all the indicated actions at once. Then the power of the state’s capabilities will rise at the moment of the real transition to higher layers of Space and Time. The necessary intelligent-electromagnetic COCOON will be created, capable of saving not one, not two, or even just one of the chosen ones, but the WHOLE STATE - the “Power of Light.”

The article - “Teacher M M. About the State of Light”, this is the Cornerstone of my election program, from which the construction will begin - the State of Light, Holy Rus'!


Guardian 02/19/2018 at 23:28


Banner of Holy Rus': scarlet banner; in the center of it is a white, equilateral Cross inside a white circle (ambulance sign); symbolizes the Spiritual Sun (the abode of the Creator of the Universe) and the Universal Teaching of Christ!

Banner of the Holy Russian Army: scarlet banner; in its center is the Square of Svarog or the Star of Rus', golden in color; symbolizes the protection of our borders from dark forces, the invincible - the Power of Light!

Coat of arms of Holy Rus': coat of arms of Moscow, scarlet; where the Horseman - the Holy Russian People fights with the Black Dragon (with dark forces) not only in Russia, but throughout the world; without using violence, only with your own Light, with your own example!
If other nations want to join us, they will do so - voluntarily!

Saoshiant, Hammer

Guardian 02/21/2018 at 20:05

HYMN OF HOLY Rus' - “HAIL, Rus'!”

Rejoice, Rus'!
Bequeathed to the heart by the Fathers.
Rejoice, Rus'!
Crowned with Holy Glory.
Rejoice, Rus'!
Veche from edge to edge.
Vast, incomprehensible, indestructible,

- My Holy Rus'!

Hello, People!
Having endured the cross of trials.
Hello, People!
The one who accepted the cup of the savior.
Hello, People!
Nations Constellation free.
Hidden reality, imperishable memory, blessed,
One in spirit, preserved by God, -
- My Holy Rus'!

Keeps it sacred
The heart of the Canons of Eternity,
In Faith and Love
Saving humanity.
Rejoice, Rus'!
The Light Time is on its way.
Rus' revived, Rus' ascended, liberated,
One in spirit, preserved by God, -
- My Holy Rus'!

The time has come
Reveal divinity to souls.
The time has come
To match your essence.
The time has come
Give children Universes.
Rus' inspired, directed upward, saved by God,
United in spirit, guarded by the heart, -
- My Holy Rus'!


Guardian 02/24/2018 at 12:21


There will be a different dynasty in Russia,
The country is rising for its freedom,
The people, having become one Messiah out of grief,
The whole kingdom leads to prosperity and glory. (ts.5, k.26)


Guardian 03/01/2018 at 15:52


The time has come to show people the Truth.
That Truth that has been hidden from them for the past two thousand years.
That Truth, the knowledge of which can make you free and happy.
There is a way out of the situation that has developed throughout the world. And this way out was indicated to humanity two thousand years ago by a Person known in history under the name of Jesus Christ. Yes Yes. Jesus Christ! He came into the world to show by the example of His deeds and His life the basic principle on which we should speak modern language, build all relationships between people, personal, social, interethnic and international. A principle that should form the basis of state, economic and political life. This is the Principle of Love - amazing, endless Life Energy, and as a consequence of this principle - the Principle of Non-Violence. It is important that both of these principles are applied not only in words, but most importantly - in deeds. Nothing less than observance of the simple commandment “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” could, can and will lead people to long-awaited lasting peace and true happiness.
When everyone has read this Book, and there are those who want to take upon themselves the responsibility of leading their people on the path to this peace and happiness, in addressing the people they could say this:
“Dear Fellow Citizens, Divine in essence! I appeal to you and urge you to start building a society and state together, based on the principles of Love and Non-violence, and not “class hatred”. To build a society and a state, inspired by the image of Jesus Christ. Yes Yes. You heard right. Precisely Jesus Christ, the real Person that He really was, and not just a symbolic figure. Precisely Jesus Christ, truly a Man with a capital M. Yes, yes, inspired by the example of Jesus Christ as a Teacher, Elder Brother and Friend, who is ready to come to your aid at any moment, and not the mournful figure that human churches have come to represent Him. Yes, yes, inspired by this Person, who proclaimed and demonstrated the colossal capabilities and colossal abilities of man.
And I now declare all this quite consciously. Not because it has recently become fashionable to refer to this Image, but because a true understanding of this phenomenon and its meaning has come, this is the result of long reflection and analysis of past years and events. And I am sure that those who have ears will hear me, and those who are pure in heart will see the Truth in my words. Well, let those of you, my dear fellow citizens, who have never made a single mistake in your life, be the first to throw a stone at me. The time has come when human consciousness, not only among individuals, but also among many people, has developed sufficiently to understand, appreciate and accommodate the Truth brought into the world two millennia ago. After all, we ourselves create the so-called hell in our lives with our thoughts, words and deeds. And it was precisely about the possibility of creating a so-called paradise on Earth and life in abundance and happiness that Jesus spoke: “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).
And therefore, I urge you to work together to build a society and state based on the One Universal Worldview - the Worldview of Knowledge and Light. A worldview in which religion would be united with science. A worldview that incorporates wisdom and truths that have stood the test of time and have always brought hope, comfort and encouragement to people. A worldview that reconciles all the religions and teachings of the world. And the time for such a unification has come.
It’s only on these principles that all laws, programs, decrees, directives and instructions will then work. And it is SUCH a society and SUCH a state that I want to build together with YOU, dear fellow citizens.”

Transmitted through B. Cullen


Guardian 03/04/2018 at 12:10


No conscience, no honor
And they have no morals.
Ordinary scoundrels
And they became swindlers!

They steal, they lie, they don’t think,
Today is about the People.
But they'll come up with ideas for you
How happy are you in your kind!

They sparkle with palaces and yachts
And they're still not enough
They own Oil, mines….
What happened to the People?!

Hopes and believes
The people are in power today!
And apparently you trust
All parts of their own country.

And this is oil and gold
And this is all wealth...
And they will take all the gold,

Brothers and sisters!

What Ksenia Sobchak offers us in her election program is not of great importance now; The most important thing in the elections is to defeat Putin, to deprive him of legitimate power!
After the elections, let the People themselves decide (with the help of a referendum) which path to take: towards liberal capitalism (what Ksenia Sobchak offers us) or along the path commanded by God - to Holy Rus'!

God bless us!


Guardian 03/16/2018 at 05:27


Citizens, the Fatherland is in danger!
Citizens, the Fatherland is in danger!
Our tanks are on foreign soil!
The roosters are crowing,
That there is no one to blame
But for lies and for sins
It's up to you to answer!
For every step and every failure
It's up to you to answer!
And if not, then to hell with you,
There is no demand!
Then get drunk
A stew of lies!
And let it be my fault again,
My fault, my war
And death is mine again!

Alexander Galich

We don't need another Hitler!
We do not need a war in Ukraine and Syria!
Vote for peace!
Vote for Ksenia Sobchak!


Guardian 03/19/2018 at 02:50


A new time has come
Those who were silent are not silent!
And the one who was in the shadows
He's talking to you now!
April comes into its own
The time for songs has come!
Those who sing for money
We are so tired of you!
Hey, hypocrites of the country,
Who is behind you?!
Why are you telling lies?
Commanding the herds?!
When will you leave,
The darkness will clear from the sky!
Then only there will be victory,
Then it will be my spring!
The sky is crying with rain -
I'm joining my fight!
The sky puts out the fire, 04/07/2018 at 10:21


Brothers and sisters!

If you don’t believe me, then believe the prophet who predicted my coming!
Of all the decodings of Nostradamus’ quatrains, “Nostradamus’s Message to the Russian People”* is closest to the truth!
Indeed, many of the Russians (zombified with the help of "boxes", "hypnosis and magic") look like the walking "dead", slaves of voodoo - the "devil"!
Tomorrow is Easter, the day of the resurrection of Christ!
I believe the long-awaited day will come when my People will be resurrected; and to my greeting - The people are risen!, you will answer me - Truly risen!
Happy holiday!


* Russian politics

Vangu can perhaps be called the most famous person in the world who has superpowers. People who were familiar with the Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga said that this woman could determine human diseases with incredible accuracy and predict them future fate, communicate with spirits, foresee certain events in the world.

Vanga was believed by many. And at the time of the change of millennia, prophecies even began to be published in all printed publications in the world, on a par with the quatrains of the prophet Nostradamus. But what did Vanga predict? Some of Vanga’s real predictions have already come true, while others are yet to come true.

Predictions that came true

First of all, it’s worth looking at the predictions that have already come true:

What didn't come true

It is also worth noting that some of Vanga’s predictions did not come true. Such predictions include the following:

But as you can see, these predictions did not come true.

Predictions for the future

Sociologists carefully studied the predictions of the Bulgarian seer. They found that out of 99 predictions about Russia, 43 were adequate, 43 were ambiguous and 12 were inadequate. This suggests that the probability of telepathic prediction is about 68%. But still, this result is considered quite high.

Before moving on to predictions for the future, it is worth noting that Vanga was actively promoted by the Bulgarian special services. Bulgaria received a seer, to whom crowds of tourists and celebrities came from all over the world. Clients were never allowed to come to her right away; they were asked to wait a few days.

Skeptics claim that this was done so that the intelligence services could collect as much information as possible from tourists.

If we talk about this woman’s predictions regarding Russia, they are extremely dim. One of the latest predictions about Russia came down to just one gesture: Vanga, without uttering a single word, outlined a huge circle with her hands.

The future of Russia

The Bulgarian seer said the following about Russia: “Everything will melt like ice, only the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia, will remain untouched.” She also said in her predictions that no one and nothing can stop Russia, this country will sweep away everything in its path and become the ruler of the whole world. But all this will happen only in 2040. According to Vanga, by this time the three states should come closer:

  • Russia.
  • China.
  • India.

But if we talk about the near future, then the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant are not very favorable. In her opinion, villages and cities will begin to collapse from floods and earthquakes. Various natural disasters will shake the planet, they will win bad people, the number of informers and thieves will increase.

But also during this period Russia will experience a huge spiritual upsurge. In the coming years, Russia will gain power when Prince Vladimir rules it.

Vanga’s close relatives and acquaintances said that she loved Russia very much. The clairvoyant really wanted to visit Moscow, but the opportunity never presented itself.

21 century

Speaking about predictions for the future, it is worth noting that Vanga almost never said anything directly. Therefore, interpreters could make a mistake in interpreting her words. For example, in 2016 Vanga prophesied a cold and empty Europe. This must have happened after using a chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as after the war between the European people and the Muslim people. There was no war, so we didn’t see empty and cold Europe either. Some scientists believe that the Bulgarian clairvoyant had in mind some kind of spiritual desert, and not the destruction of states in the literal sense. But what else did the Bulgarian clairvoyant prophesy for the 21st century?

Vanga often warned humanity that the world would be prone to natural disasters, as well as global natural and man-made disasters. She also mentioned the end of the world twice.

In the first prediction, the clairvoyant said that the day would come when the Earth would turn towards the Sun so that all the places where there was heat would be covered with an icy desert. Animals will begin to die out, and time will go back.

The second version of the end of the world according to Vanga - the global waters will wash away all life from the face of the Earth, and sunlight will disappear for a long time. The culprit for all this will be a huge celestial body, possibly a giant asteroid, which will collide with the earth's firmament, causing the entire Earth to tremble, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to begin.

Even if some living beings manage to create such cataclysms, they will die from lack of oxygen and toxic fumes.

What Vanga predicted to various countries of the world

If you believe Vanga’s words, Europe will soon face decline. In 2016 it will become almost deserted. But China will become the most successful country in 2018. The exploited powers will change places with their exploiters, and the developing powers with the developed ones.

2024 will become the golden millennium for Russia, peace and prosperity will reign in the country. And in 2043, Europe will begin to dominate, the world economy will flourish again.

In 2066, the United States will begin to fight. They will use the latest climate weapons against them. The earth will be shaken by a sharp cold snap.

Vanga's predictions about the development of science and peace

In 2023 the Earth will shift. A manned spacecraft will be sent to Venus in 2028.

In 2046, medicine will flourish. Doctors will learn to grow artificial ones and replace damaged ones with them.
The year 2088 will be a terrible year for all humanity. An unknown thing will appear - sharp aging in a few seconds. This disease will be defeated only in 2097.

In 2100, an artificial Sun will be created. It will illuminate dark side Earth. 11 years after that Earth will no longer inhabit simple people, and cyborgs. In 2167, aliens will advise earthlings to create underwater colonies of people.

In 2187, science will be so advanced that it will be possible to prevent the eruption of two volcanoes. In 2288, people will again begin to contact alien beings, thanks to which they will gain knowledge with which they will learn to travel through time.

In 2291, the Sun will go out, earthlings will try to light it again. In 2304, people will be able to comprehend the secret of the Moon.

In 4674, civilization will reach new heights. There will be 340 billion people living in the Universe. The human race will be mixed with the alien race. In 5079, after people cross the border of the Universe, the end of the world will come.

What the great fortuneteller said and how her words should be interpreted can be explained by the material in this article.

On this site there are other predictions, conspiracies, love spells and much more that can be interesting and useful and that can be found by searching the site.

Vanga’s predictions are a hoax, true, nonsense, a pre-planned scenario or a myth

Of course, there are skeptics who believe that Vanga either did not really exist. Or all the predictions are pure fiction. But there is quite a lot of evidence in favor of the great clairvoyant. As time shows, many of her predictions came true. And the moment when she was alive, many higher ranks, “big” and famous people They came to her for advice, to find out the moments of their lives. Of course, it is now difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, but the facts confirming her strength and power say that Vanga is not a myth.

Vanga's predictions Armenia and Azerbaijan

At the beginning of the 90s, Vanga told Azerbaijani journalists, “You came from a country where there is a lot of blood. I hear children crying, I see girls burning wedding dresses. Back off, you are fighting for something that does not belong to you. You will lose. But this is just the beginning. I see gold that will not bring happiness. After 30 years, you will return your lands.” With these words she predicted the collapse of Azerbaijan. Fights in Nagorno-Karabakh made me remember the words of the great woman.

Vanga's predictions of America and Russia and what came true

“Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river” (1989).

Experts compare these words with the events of September 9, 2001, when innocent people died as a result of a terrorist attack on skyscrapers.

“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit”

Recent events will not allow one to doubt these words. Today, Russia has proven that it must be taken into account, it has become respected.

Vanga's predictions and the dead will rise with the living when the Russian Federation becomes a great power

At first glance, these words seem completely stupid. How can the “dead” become close to the living? But on the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, On May 9, the prediction came true. A large number of people across the country came out to support the “endless regiment”. The excitement around the action surprised even the organizers; no one expected so many people to take to the streets.

Vanga's predictions that came true and did not come true

“The world will go through many cataclysms and strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith..."

This prediction came true, unfortunately, terrible things are happening all over the world, a huge number of disasters, every day you can hear on the news that new tsunamis, fires, floods or earthquakes have occurred in some part of the world. Horrible terrorist attacks around the world frighten even seasoned skeptics. Conflicts on religious grounds, unfortunately, are also not uncommon.

Vanga's predictions Syria will fall and the third world war will begin

Once Vanga said that Syria would fall and changes would begin, scientists interpreted based on recent events that the great clairvoyant predicted the third world war, after the fall of Syria. But now in the east they are fighting with enormous damage to the country, both materially and spiritually. The government is changing, order cannot be restored on its own, peaceful people are fleeing from there. Until the prediction came true, the time had not come to say for sure whether it was plausible or not.

Vanga's predictions about Europe

Vanga predicted that with the outbreak of war in the East, trouble would come to Europe. If you look at the situation today, we can say with confidence that the prediction has come true. Millions of refugees fleeing the East flooded Europe, so much so that local residents were forced to complain. EU policy could not refuse refugees shelter, but it was also impossible to accept everyone.

Vanga's predictions when the war in Donbass and Ukraine will end

She didn’t say anything good about Ukraine. That the crisis will drag on for a long time, greedy people who want to fill their pockets to capacity will come to power. Not thinking about the interests of the people. Poverty, hunger, robbery, violence - this is what awaits the country. Nothing in detail was said about the end of the war, or simply not yet interpreted.

Vanga's predictions for Crimea

The predictions about the peninsula are very vague. The only thing that was found was the words that Crimea and Russia will always go together, perhaps she meant the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the return. She also said that for a short time Crimea would belong to the Crimean Tatars.

The article offers an extensive selection of various humorous and interesting predictions of fate and the future, which can be used in various situations....
