Convenient designs of one-story frame houses with open and closed terraces. Frame houses with a veranda Frame one-story houses with a terrace drawings

Frame houses with a terrace from the Vybor company are in constant demand and very popular among lovers of country housing. High quality, adherence to technology, three-year warranty, delivery and installation up to 450 km from the city of Pestovo, Novgorod region, is free. 10 years of experience and the presence of only Russian craftsmen make the company one of the leaders in this segment construction market. Attentive attitude of company specialists to wishes potential clients allows you to build a beautiful and cozy house according to the customer’s sketches.


Frame houses with a terrace are different high speed and ease of construction, excellent thermal insulation and waterproofing properties, low cost due to the lack of a foundation and the unnecessary use of heavy construction equipment. The presence of a terrace gives a lot of space for implementation different ideas on arrangement usable area. It is possible to create a gazebo for relaxation, setting up a small flower garden or organizing children's corner. Frame houses with a terrace are highly attractive and harmoniously complement the natural landscape.

It is not difficult for the owner to rent out a frame house with a terrace from the “Vybor” company. You should call or leave a request on the website, agree on the project, conclude an agreement, pay 70% of the cost upon delivery of the first materials and then enjoy all the benefits of new and comfortable housing.

Huge selection finished projects, representing frame houses with a terrace, are offered by the Dachny Sezon company. They take into account the basic wishes of clients, and include functional and utility units (boiler room, garage, boiler room).

Order a professional project for your own home

Our catalog contains a variety of designs of houses with a terrace in standard and individual designs. The area can be open, glazed, with railings or decorative handrails. In summer, a house with a terrace can be decorated climbing plants: It will be cozy and cool there. Typical projects make it possible to significantly speed up the construction of a structure and reduce material costs, but the houses will look like original buildings due to individual exterior and interior decoration.

For each project, a terrace of rectangular, square or diamond-shaped configuration is provided. If the client wishes, it will be made in a semicircular form or non-standard shape. The open area is a good place to relax, receive guests and play board games.

If in the drawings the extension is located directly next to the building, you can choose a house design with a veranda. Its glazed version will serve as a natural barrier between the street and your hallway.

We offer original projects houses with a terrace from the leader in the private construction market. The perfect solution for temporary or permanent residence. Guaranteed high level comfort due to the use of high-quality insulation.

Construction of a house with a terrace is carried out within 20 days. Clients can order turnkey housing or choose an option without finishing. The terrace allows you to expand the space of the cottage, making it more comfortable for living.

Before ordering, you independently determine the degree of energy efficiency of your home, and we will help you determine the thickness of the walls, the amount and material of insulation. The package may include single-chamber or double-chamber windows, pediments and external walls from lining or imitation timber. The house is being built with a roof made of metal tiles, profiled sheets or ondulin. You will see everything we offer you in the detailed construction plan. If necessary, we will make changes to suit your wishes.

The design provides for double or single piping, vapor barrier, wet or dry finished floors. The specific set depends on the choice of equipment and the cost of the object. If you like terraces, then choose one of the proposed designs, ideal for creating your dream home. You can order one of the following packages:

  • Economy;
  • Standard;
  • Luxury

Contact the managers right now and find out the details of the start of construction of your cozy house By optimal price as soon as possible.

A country frame house with a terrace, built by professionals, is in no way inferior in terms of comfort to elite cottages, which take years to build. But such a structure is erected in a few weeks, and the customer is spared a number of problems that accompany new buildings made of concrete or brick.

We build turnkey frame houses with terraces and verandas: you can see examples of structures in the photo in the catalogue, there are also projects here and approximate construction prices are given. Place your order - soon you will have your own comfortable Vacation home!


  • Simple and fast construction technology;
  • Reliability and durability, not inferior to houses built in the “traditional” way;
  • Relatively low mass(which means no shrinkage) and stability.

A country house with a spacious open area, which in the warm season is used as a summer dining room or a relaxing place, is the object of dreams for many. In winter, thanks to the presence of a terrace or veranda in the house, heat loss is reduced, which contributes to some savings on heating.

Optimal shape terraces – rectangular. The size of the extension depends on what the customer plans to use it for.

  1. If guests will gather on the terrace on summer days, it should be made as spacious as possible.
  2. If the terrace serves as a decoration, an element cozy atmosphere and serve as a porch or veranda, a small area is enough.
  3. The terrace should be located on sunny side so that sunlight falls on it for as long as possible during the day.
  4. Access: it’s good if you can access it from the living room or kitchen. This is convenient for cases when there are guests in the house: you don’t have to go far to bring groceries.

Terraces can be open or closed. If the former are suitable for relaxation exclusively in warm weather, then the latter - glazed and insulated - can be used for friendly and family gatherings throughout the year. Frame house with a terrace is an opportunity to acquire your own excellent place to relax in the very near future.

The terrace is suitable for a variety of purposes. In summer it can be used as small kitchen, as well as equip with various sun loungers or hammocks for relaxing and socializing on fresh air. Therefore, when planning a frame house with a terrace, it is recommended to locate this room on the sunny side.

Also, such buildings differ in layout. They can take different forms:

  • round;
  • square and rectangular;
  • non-standard (polygonal, with rounded edges and others).

Diversity design solutions for decorating terraces is incredibly large. It could be like various plants, planted around the building or standing inside it, as well as other interior and decorative items. It all depends only on your imagination and preferences.

Advantages of frame houses with a terrace

Frame houses with a terrace have all the same advantages as other frame structures:

  • short duration of the construction period;
  • low cost;
  • no need for constant maintenance;
  • high rates of thermoregulation (retaining heat in winter and providing coolness in summer);
  • good sound insulation;
  • no shrinkage effect;
  • the ability to “hide” electrical wiring and heating or water supply systems inside the walls;
  • low weight, allowing the use of lightweight foundations;
  • environmental safety;
  • no need for interior finishing.

The company "Russian Spaces" provides construction services as standard frame houses with a terrace and individual solutions. We provide projects of different costs and designs, we guarantee high quality And long term operation of each home. To order a cost estimate and receive advice, fill out an application on this website or call the numbers listed on this page.
