In adj, the plural of numbers is not determined by gender. Plural gender of adjectives

Kalinina O.P.

6th grade Topic: Declension of plural adjectives. number.


Introduce students to the peculiarities of declension of adjectives
in plural.

Develop speech, attention, memory, fine motor skills, vocabulary.

Bring up positive motivation to learning.

During the classes

1. Updating knowledge and difficulty in individual activities


Update educational knowledge and skills necessary for perception
new material

– What do you know about adjectives? (Adjectives are
part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions what?,
which one?, which one?, which ones? Adjectives change according to number, gender and

1.Add to noun. Adj. Apple - cucumber - sky - mother - friendship - table - hair -

Add to adj. Noun Smooth - soft - round - hard - sweet - juicy

2. On the board, decline the adjectives: tasty tomato, cheerful baby,

– What do these adjectives have in common? (Singular, masculine)

– What are the endings? (The same)

– So how do singular adjectives change? (IN
singular adjectives change according to gender and case)

– How to determine the case of an adjective in the singular? (Case
the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which
it applies)

- Put in phrases interesting lesson V Nominative case

– Is it possible to determine the gender of adjectives in the plural? In what
difficulty? (Gender not determined)

This means that the gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

2.New material

Agree on the purpose and topic of the lesson.

– Can we say that plural adjectives change?
by cases? (Not really-?)

– What do you think we will work on in class today? Who
formulate the topic of the lesson? (Plural declension of adjectives

Let's bow now

Option I – Interesting books

Option II – Happy days

Those who want to try their hand go to the board on their own.

– In which cases do plural adjectives have the same

– How can you determine the plural case of an adjective?
(The plural case of an adjective can be recognized by the case of the name

– What new things have you learned about plural adjectives? Draw a conclusion.

3. Primary consolidation Working with the textbook (exercises)

– Read the rules silently and out loud.

– What did you learn about changing adjectives in the plural?

4. Physical education minute

I will name phrases that contain nouns and
adjectives. If I say plural adjectives
then you squat. if in units. including raising your hands

True friends, about forest plants, in the remote steppes, in the dense
forests, warm April, bright stars, near deep rivers, blue pencil,
in huge cities fragrant flower, in the dark
caves, a small village, kind hearts, bright sun.

5.Work in groups

There are cards on your table. Read
task and explain in your own words what needs to be done. (Paste and highlight
endings, determine case)

On the blue sofa

To the old house

With a red ball

By a tall tree

In the wide open spaces

Along a country road

– How to determine the plural case of adjectives?

Make up a sentence using these words.

South, with, flew, with, birds, spring, offensive.

– Underline the main parts of the sentence. Determine gender and case of names

6. Differentiated task

Green card.

Write down the text, inserting appropriate adjectives. Determine case

Spring has arrived with...birds,...streams, In...the forest, patterns of...footprints are visible on the snow.

Streams are running.


Write down the text, adding words that suit their meaning. Determine case
plural adjectives.

Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest on the snow are visible
patterns... traces. Streams are running.

Blue card.

Write down the text, inserting the missing endings of adjectives. Determine case
plural adjectives.

Spring has come with singing...birds, with ringing...streams, with In spring...
in the forest in the snow you can see patterns of animals... footprints. The bell is running... streams.

7. Reflection on learning activities

– How do adjectives change in the plural? (Only by

– How do plural adjectives not change? (Not
vary by gender).

Lesson topic : Declension of adjectives in the plural.

Target : introduce the peculiarities of declension of adjectives in the plural.


    develop the ability to decline adjectives in the plural,

    improve the ability to recognize gender and case of adjectives; write endings correctly.

This lesson belongs to the section “Adjective”, the first lesson on the topic “Declination of adjectives in the plural”

Planned results ,formed by UUD:

Personal: educational and cognitive interest in educational material(understand the learning task in the lesson and strive to complete it); moral and ethical assessment of the acquired content, ensuring personal moral choice based on social and personal goals; assessing your achievements in class.

Regulatory: determine the purpose of educational activities with the help of the teacher, take initiative in educational cooperation.

Communication : formulate your thoughts into oral speech;

Cognitive : independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection of necessary information, analysis, comparison, classification of objects according to selected characteristics.

Teaching methods : problematic; partially search.

During the classes

1. Self-determination for educational activities.

Today we have guests in our lesson. Turn to the guests and say hello. I think that each of you will please yourself and me today with your work in class. So let's get started.

They sat down nicely, opened the notebooks, laid them down at an angle, and took the pens correctly.

And I would like to start today’s Russian language lesson by reading K. G. Paustovsky’s statement about the Russian language:

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.

What conclusion can we draw after reading this statement?

And what words gave the most accurate description of the Russian language?

What part of speech are they?

Now let’s write down the date in the notebook.

What would you like the lesson to be? Choose epithets for the noun “lesson”. (Educational, interesting, fun, meaningful)

Who does it depend on? (From the teacher and students and their mutual understanding)

2. Updating knowledge.

You and I were selecting epithets for the noun “lesson”. Tell me, what part of speech are the epithets expressed in? (With adjectives)

What do you know about adjectives? (Adjectives are a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which? Adjectives vary by number, gender and case)

Group work. (Annex 1)

Decline the adjectives on the sheets.

Group I

Group II

III group

I. p.

Interesting lesson

Fun lesson

Content lesson

R. p.

Interesting lesson

Have a fun lesson

Meaningful lesson

D. p.

Interesting lesson

Have a fun lesson

Content lesson

V. p.

Interesting lesson

Fun lesson

Content lesson


Interesting lesson

Have a fun lesson

A meaningful lesson

P. p.

About an interesting lesson

About a fun lesson

About the content lesson

What do these adjectives have in common? (Singular, masculine)

What are the endings? (The same)

So how do singular adjectives change? (In the singular, adjectives change according to gender and case)

How to determine the singular case of an adjective? (The case of the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers)

Put the phrase interesting lesson in the nominative plural.

Is it possible to determine the gender of adjectives in the plural? What's the problem?

This means that the gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

3. Statement of the educational task.

Can we say that plural adjectives change according to cases? (Not really-?)

What do you think we will work on in class today? Who will formulate the topic of the lesson? (declension of adjectives in the plural)

4. Construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty.

Let's bow now

Option I – Interesting lessons

Option II – Fun changes

I. p. (which ones?)

Interesting lessons

Fun changes

R. p. (which ones?)

Interesting lessons

Happy changes

D. p. (which?)

Interesting lessons

Happy changes

V. p. (which ones?)

Interesting lessons

Fun changes

etc. (which ones?)

Interesting lessons

Happy changes

P. p. (about which ones?)

About interesting lessons

About fun changes

Now pay attention. Working in pairs, compare case endings adjectives. What can you say about the endings of plural adjectives? (The endings are the same)

In which cases do plural adjectives have the same endings?

I. p., V. p.
ee, ee

R.p., P.p.
oh, them

D. p.
ym, im

them, them

How can you determine the plural case of an adjective? (The plural case of an adjective can be recognized by the case of the noun)

What new have you learned about plural adjectives? Draw a conclusion. (Adjectives in the plural are changed by case or declined. The gender of plural adjectives is not determined)

5. Primary consolidation in external speech.

Let's check if the authors of the textbook agree with us. Let's open the textbook to page 34. Compare your conclusions with the data in the textbook.

Read the rules silently and out loud.

What have you learned about changing adjectives in the plural?

6. Physical education minute.

I will name phrases that contain nouns and adjectives. If I call adjectives in the plural genitive case, you squat, if in the plural prepositional case, you jump on the spot. Be careful.

True friends (R.p.), about forest plants (P.p.), in dense snowdrifts (P.p.), bright stars (R.p.), by deep rivers (R.p.), in huge cities (P.P.), from interesting books(R.p.), in dark caves (P.p.).

7. Work in pairs with self-test according to the standard.

Work in pairs. (Appendix2)

There are cards on your table. Read the task and explain in your own words what needs to be done. (Insert and highlight endings, determine case)

Behind balloons- etc.
About summer holidays - P. p.
To the neighborhood boys - D. p.
From thorny bushes - R.p.
With bitter frosts - etc.
Until the first frost - R. p.
On musical instruments– P. p.
Along the river waves - D. p

Enough. Let's check it against the standard.

Which pairs did exactly the same?

How to determine the plural case of adjectives?

Guys! Look down, up, left, and now out the window and at the screen.

Winter does not want to give up its rights to spring. Proof of this is the most beautiful winter days with frost and sun!

Write a sentence using the words on the slide.

Snow sparkles, multi-colored, in the bright sun.

The snow sparkles with colorful sparks in the bright sun.

Write down the sentence.

Underline the main parts of the sentence. Determine gender and case of adjectives.

(Check at the board)

8. Differentiated homework(Appendix3)

Here is the text.

Read it.

What part of speech is missing?

Anyone who can independently choose adjectives that are suitable in meaning, take a green card.

Who needs words - helpers, take a yellow card.

If you are not confident in your abilities, take a blue card.

You will complete the tasks on these cards at home.

Green card.

Write down the text, inserting appropriate adjectives. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

Yellow card

Write down the text, adding words that suit their meaning. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

Words for reference: crackling, fierce, noisy, winter, bestial, deep.

Blue card.

Write down the text, inserting the missing endings of adjectives. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

Winter has come with crackling... frosts, noisy... blizzards, deep... snowdrifts. In the winter forest, patterns of animal... footprints are visible on the snow. The bitter frosts are crackling.

9. Reflection on learning activities

Evaluate the results of educational activities.

Remember the topic of our lesson.

How do adjectives change in the plural? (Only by cases)

How do plural adjectives remain unchanged? (Does not change by gender).

How to determine the plural case of an adjective? (As in the singular, the case of the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers)

Greetings to all lovers of the French language. Today we will talk about the plural of French adjectives.

As you remember, we discussed the feminine gender of adjectives in French. So, French adjectives also have a number. Usually the plural of adjectives is formed by adding the ending s to the singular form (petit - petits). This ending is not pronounced except in cases of binding (les grands amis).

But there are also special cases of forming the plural of adjectives, which we will talk about today.

So, Le pluriel des adjectifs. The basic rule for forming the plural of adjectives

If a singular adjective ends in s, -x, then it does not change when forming the plural. In oral speech, the ending is not pronounced, so the article most often acts as a plural determiner. For example:

  • Un vieux plafond – des vieux amis – old ceiling– old friends
  • Un sourire faux – des billets faux – fake smile – fake tickets

If singular adjectives end in -al, then in the plural they change this ending to –aux:

  • Un geste amical - des gestes amicaux - friendly gesture - friendly gestures
  • Un problème principal – des problemes principaux – the main problem – the main problems

Exceptions: banal, fatalglacialnatal,naval,finalpascal– these adjectives take on an ending s in plural:

  • Un conflict banal – des conflicts banals – banal conflict – banal conflicts
  • Un concours final – des concours finals – final competition – final competitions

If singular adjectives end in eau, in the plural they add the ending –x:

Adjectives in the feminine form form the plural accordingly. In this case, the plural of the same adjectives in the feminine and masculine genders may not coincide. For example:

  • Masculine: Faux – plural faux
  • Feminine: Fausse – plural of fausses

If in the context of what has been said, some adjectives refer to masculine and feminine at the same time, then in the plural they take the masculine form. For example:

  • Paul et sa soeur Anne sont blondes. – Paul and his sister Anna are fair-haired.
  • Michel et Marie sont bons amis. – Michelle and Marie are good friends.

If we use the pronoun in speech on in the meaning of “we”, “they”, “you”, the plural is implied. In this case, we use the appropriate form of the plural adjective, which in meaning refers to this pronoun. For example:

  • André et moi, on est jumeaux. – Andrey and I are twins.
  • Nadine et moi, on est jumelles (moi – feminine gender is implied). – Nadya and I are twins.

But if the pronoun on is used in the meaning of “everyone”, “people”, then in this case the adjective is used in the masculine singular:

  • On est satisfait de tout cela. – People (they) are happy with all this.
  • On est bien aise de vous voir. Everyone is glad to see you.

If the pronoun on is used in the meaning of “man” or “woman”, then we use the masculine or feminine form, respectively, but in the singular.

  • Quand on est belle, on est capricieuse et coquette. – When you are beautiful, you are capricious and flirtatious.
  • Quand on est mère, on est heureuse. – When you are a mother, you are happy.

And a few more important rules...

Some color adjectives remain the same. In most cases, these are adjectives that come from nouns. Eg:

  • Un pullover marron – des pullovers marron – des chaussures marron – brown pullover – brown pullovers – brown shoes
  • Un pantalon orange - des bas orange - des blouses orange - orange pants - orange socks - orange blouses

But there are exceptions:

  • Ecarlate-écarlates (crimson)
  • Rose-roses (pink)
  • Fauve-fauves (fawn)
  • Mauve-mauves (purple)
  • Pourpre-pourpres (purple)

Compound adjectives, which consist of two, both agree in number and gender with the noun referring to them:

  • Sourd-muet – sourds-muets – deaf-mute – deaf-mutes

Compound adjectives, which consist of two, if the first ends in -i or -o, only the second agrees in number and gender with the noun referring to them, and the first does not change:

  • Un cas tragi-comique – des cas tragi-comiques – tragicomic case – tragicomic cases

Compound adjectives denoting colors, both adjectives remain unchanged.

  • Une blouse bleu foncé – des blouses bleu foncé – dark blue blouse – dark blue blouses

Try to remember these rules, they will be needed in implementation practical exercises, as well as in speech.

§ 1 Determination of the gender of adjectives

In this lesson we will look at the morphological features of an adjective. Remember that an adjective is independent part speech that denotes the characteristics of objects and answers the questions of what? which? which? which?

In phrases and sentences, an adjective is associated with a noun.

The noun is the main word, and the adjective is the dependent word. A question to an adjective is asked on behalf of a noun, for example:

They bought me a blue ball. The ball (what?) is blue.

We saw a small dachshund. Dachshund (what?) small.

When determining the gender and number of a noun, it is necessary to remember that gender is a constant attribute of a noun, and number is changeable.

An adjective is always in the same form as a noun, in other words, it agrees in gender and number with the adjective. The connection between these parts of speech is called coordination.

Let's learn to determine the gender of an adjective. To do this correctly, you need to find out what gender the noun with which the adjective is associated belongs. The adjective name will have the same gender.

The word ball is masculine, which means

Adjectives are also masculine.

The noun forget-me-not is feminine, which means that adjectives are also feminine.

The word cloud is neuter, and adjectives are also neuter.

Pay attention to nouns and their associated adjectives. When replacing a noun of one gender with a noun of another gender, the endings of the adjectives change. This means that adjectives change according to gender. Rod is variable attribute adjective name.

§ 2 Determining the number of adjectives

The next morphological feature that we will look at in this lesson is number. Let's take nouns of different genders, change them by number and see how this affects the endings of adjectives.

knife (what?) sharp

knives (what?) sharp

shovel (what?) sharp

shovels (what kind?) sharp

blade (what?) sharp

blades (which ones?) sharp

We see that adjectives, like nouns, vary in number. But the gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined. The ending and question of a plural adjective do not change depending on the gender of the associated noun. Plural adjectives answer the question which? and have endings -й, -и.

Let's summarize the lesson.

Adjectives vary by number and in the singular by gender. Adjectives are associated with a noun and agree with it in gender and number.

In the plural, the gender of an adjective cannot be determined.

In the section on the question Does the plural have a gender or not? for example: earthly riddles - plural, v.p., w.r. is it possible? given by the author .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.? the best answer is If this is a plural noun, and one that has a singular form, then there is a gender - we determine it by initial form(singular, im. pad), for example, in the phrase earthly riddles, the noun riddles is feminine.
If a noun is used only in the plural, that is, it does not have a singular form, then it does not have a gender category, for example, the nouns tongs, ink, yeast, sleigh, day, name day, vacation, etc. remain outside the gender category.
We do not determine the gender of adjectives in the plural, since no matter what gender such an adjective refers to, its ending does not depend on the gender of the noun: in the plural, adjectives are declined the same way, regardless of what gender of the noun it refers to. This means that we will not indicate the gender of the adjective in the phrase earthly riddles. But if this adjective is combined with a singular noun, then, of course, we determine its gender: earthly layer (male), earthly riddle (female), earthly animal (neuter). Compare: earth layers, riddles, animals.

Answer from Natalia[guru]
of course I have! put it in the singular form, if it’s more convenient to check.. but the gender doesn’t go away in the plural either))

Answer from Vasya Petrov[guru]
There is no family! There is a case!

Answer from Yergey Yesenin[newbie]
you can barely understand the phrase

Answer from Elena[newbie]
there is no kind but there is fall

Answer from Grisha Shalaginov[active]
It is forbidden.

Answer from Diana Khotkina[active]

Answer from Nadezhda Nadezhda[newbie]
There is a case. Plural adjectives in nominative and accusative case answer the question which ones? -s, -s:
Plural adjectives in genitive and prepositional cases answer the question which ones? -y, -them:
Plural adjectives in the dative case answer the question how? -ym, -im:
Plural adjectives in instrumental case answer the question which ones? -s, -s:

Answer from Elena Shabanova[active]
So is it possible to determine the gender of the plural adjective in the phrase??? It seems like logic clearly suggests that it is possible (an adjective characterizes a given noun - we put it in singular and using it we can easily determine the gender of the adjective).... it’s a different matter if it is a separate adjective in the plural (without a phrase) - there is no question: we won’t determine, of course... Other rules in the Russian language are just some kind of ossified dogmas ...
