Thuja occidentalis - which winter-hardy varieties should you prefer? Western thuja: winter-hardy varieties Fertilizing for thuja Columna

06.01.2017 37 761

Thuja occidentalis - which winter-hardy varieties should you prefer?

Thuja occidentalis is often found in the landscape design of many parks and squares, in the countryside and personal plot every second owner grows an evergreen shrub of the cypress family. The varieties are distinguished by their diversity, spherical ones look aesthetically pleasing, dwarf thujas easily fit in flowerpots on the street, fast-growing ones are always appreciated by gardeners, but the blue beauty or with yellow needles, even golden ones, are win-win options for landscaping and landscaping a country courtyard.


Thuja Brabant (Thuja occidientalis Brabant) is a tall columnar bush, reaching a length of 4.5 m and a width of 1.5 m. Mature conifers are usually large in size (up to 20 m). The color is malachite, with a slightly brown tint appearing in winter. Brabant is a fast-growing variety, increasing in height by 0.3 m per year. Frost-resistant shrub with scaly large and green coniferous branches.

Unpretentious in care and cultivation, easily tolerates pruning. It can be cultivated on wet and dry soils, but loams with good fertility are better suited.

After planting in open ground, for the first time it is recommended to protect from bright sun rays winter and early spring. The plant is quite shade-tolerant and is often planted as a beautiful fence. Also create beautiful compositions in garden plots, city squares and parks.

Correct fit Brabant requires the presence of a dug hole in which a mixture of fertile soil (2 parts), river sand (1 part) and peat (1 part) is placed. In addition, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers and monitor the root collar, which after planting should be flush with the ground.

The hedge turns out to be continuous and dense when a planting distance of 50-70 cm is maintained. In order for the wall to be beautiful and even, it is necessary to cut the thuja in March and August.

Block of hedge made from thuja occidentalis “Brabant” - pictured Thuja occidentalis Brabant - pictured


Thuja Smaragd (Thuja occidientalis Smaragd) is characterized by moderate growth rates and is considered a selected conical shrub. Adult individuals have a height of 2.5-4.5 m, a diameter of 1-1.5 m. The branches are soft, glossy, and not too densely spaced. Resistance to frost is high, color does not change with the onset of winter. When using thuja Smaragd in a hedge, you need to take into account that the tops do not close at the top, so the delimitation of space is considered conditional.

Thuja occidentalis Smaragd Marianna - pictured Thuja occidentalis Smaragd - pictured

Due to its slow growth, there is no need for frequent pruning, which is a big advantage over other varieties. It grows well in well-drained soils and does not tolerate drought, so you need to know it in the garden to ensure beautiful color and healthy growth.

It is preferable to plant thuja Smaragd in places that are protected from strong winds. When seating on bare sunny areas, may suffer from temperature changes, it is advisable to protect young bushes from the sun.

balls from thuja occidentalis Smaragd - in the photo

The optimal soil acidity for growing thuja is 4.5-6 Ph. If groundwater is close, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of crushed stone (crushed brick, pebbles) with a height of 10-15 cm.


Thuja Columna (Thuja occidientalis Columna) is an erect tall shrub (3-5 m) with a strictly columnar narrow shape. It grows quite quickly, the height is 13-15 cm per year. Does not lose color in winter. The needles are scaly, glossy, and shimmer beautifully in the sun.

Columna is a winter-hardy representative of cypress conifers. The beauty is not picky about the soil composition and does well in partial shade. Suitable for organizing a green fence in a country house or personal plot. In summer, due to lack of moisture, it may wither and lose its gloss. Excellent for pruning.

Thuja Columna - pictured
Thuja occidentalis Columna - pictured

When forming a beautiful hedge, maintain a distance of 60-70 cm between plantings. It is necessary to remember that the bright sun does not spoil the young bushes in the first couple of years. Columna is used by gardeners for topiary pruning.


Thuja Holmstrup (Thuja occidientalis Holmstrup) is columnar and has dense shoots. The branches are curly and look unusually beautiful in living fences and in individual artistic settings. garden elements. With the arrival of winter, the color does not change.

Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup - pictured
Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup - pictured

Frost-resistant thuja tolerates cutting of overgrown needles without problems. Holmstrup - grows slowly (annual growth up to 12 cm). If cultivated in hedges, it is recommended to trim once every two years.

In places with sufficient lighting, full shoot regrowth occurs, but even in partial shade, development does not stop. It is quite unpretentious to moisture, so small stagnation of water is not a problem. Loss of turgor during drought, recommended wet soils. The requirements for soil composition are the same as for other varieties and varieties of western conifers.


Thuja fastigiata (Thuja occidientalis Fastigiata) is a cypress conifer characterized by a columnar crown. The branches are dense, grow compactly, and are colored in rich shades. Height 5-6 m.

Fastigiata is a fast-growing thuja variety that grows 0.3 m per year. The needles have a soft structure with a characteristic aroma. It is unpretentious, easy to cut and grows back after removing excess branches.

Thuja occidentalis fastigiata - pictured
Thuja occidentalis Fastigiata - pictured

Its shape is similar to cypress. It is used to create green fences, since sufficient height and density make it possible to obtain a dense, beautiful hedge. It is advisable to plant on well-drained loams with moderate humidity.


Thuja Sunkist (Thuja occidientalis Sunkist) is a small coniferous tree (3.5 m) with a characteristic conical crown, where the branches are densely branched. Young seedlings are colored yellow, shimmer with a golden tint, become lemon-yellow over time, and bronze tones are visible in winter. Specimens growing in the shade are predominantly green.

The Sunkist variety is slow-growing, mature bushes (10-12 years old) two meters in height. Frost-resistant, liberal to soil composition. Suitable for decoration summer cottages, looks great in alpine slide, heterogeneous compositions and as a free-standing unit.

Thuja occidentalis Sunkist - pictured
Thuja occidentalis Sunkist - pictured

Regarding cultivation conditions, it is demanding on the humidity and fertility of the soil; when planting, you need to use peat chips, river sand, fertile soil (1: 1: 2). The recommended gap between bushes is 50-60 cm.


Thuja Wagneri (Thuja occidientalis Wagneri) - moderate height (3.5 m), the bush is strong and dense, ovoid. There are a lot of branches, growing upward, which gives neatness and a kind of decorative effect.

Gray-green color, in winter reddish-yellow shades are added. Long-lived, medium-sized, gains 8-10 cm per year. Wagneri is a frost-resistant and drought-resistant variety of western thuja, grows in sun and partial shade, tolerant of soil composition.

The plant holds its shape well, but in winter it is recommended to tie the shoots with twine so that they do not break under the weight of the snow. This species can most often be seen in solitaire plantings due to its decorative nature, but the bushes look advantageous in group plantings in the garden.

Clot of Gold

Thuja Cloth of Gold (Thuja occidientalis Cloth of Gold) - a cypress representative grows up to 2 m, the crown of the bushes is elongated and ovoid. Delicate needles grow in needles and scales. The bushes are saffron, yellow or yellowish-orange (depending on growing conditions), with a copper tint characteristic in winter.

It grows slowly and requires special soil conditions. The soil must be soft and drained, fertile, and have an alkaline reaction. Do not allow waterlogging; plant on hills if there is water on the site in the spring. Otherwise, the root collar and sensitive roots will rot, which can lead to the death of the plant.

Thuja occidentalis Clot of Gold - pictured Thuja occidentalis Cloth of Gold - pictured

Haircuts should be carried out by shortening 1/3 of the shoots, no more. Frost-resistant variety Clot of Gold should be covered for the winter in the first years so that burns do not form and the color remains beautiful.

It is advantageous to place conifers in small groups in landscape combinations or as individual specimens to decorate a dacha. Experienced gardeners plants are placed in plantings of deciduous and coniferous trees, and rocky gardens.


Thuja Globosa Compacta (Thuja occidientalis Globosa Compacta) is a low-growing spherical variety, mature plant- no more than a meter. An ideal dwarf ball with evergreen needles can fit in any corner of the dacha, as it does not take up much space, but greatly decorates the yard.

The needles are scaly, greenish-yellow, thick. Globoza Compacta is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, which is a definite advantage when choosing conifers. Cultivated on moderately moist and dry soil, moistened loams are also suitable. Responsive to fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers, becomes more powerful and rich in color.

Thuja occidentalis Globoza Compacta - pictured

It grows slowly (4 cm), the crown is multi-stemmed and dense. If you don’t know what to plant in a rock garden, on a rocky terrace, try planting Globoza Compacta. You will certainly be pleased with the beautiful ball that will fit into any composition or will grow alone, decorating the area.


Thuja Woodwardi (Thuja occidientalis Woodwardi) – spherical, with a dense crown (1.5-2.0 m). The width of adult representatives is 1.8-2.0 m. The shoots are flat and do not change color in winter.

At the age of ten years, thuja reaches a height of 0.4 m. Woodwardi is a winter-hardy conifer, but when cultivated in the middle zone, the Urals and Siberia, additional shelter is needed for young plants; annual shoots may freeze.

It looks neat when planted; many gardeners prefer to plant the crop on the lawn. Plants are placed in fertile, moist areas and must be fed so that the ball does not fade and maintains its density.

Thuja occidentalis Woodwardy - pictured
Thuja occidentalis Woodwardi, formed into 5 trunks, age 15 years - pictured

Recommended for landscape design, rocky gardens, solitary plantings. Looks great in plantings of shrubs with a variety of colors. Garden paths can also be decorated with this variety of thuja, due to its compactness.


Thuja Stolwik (Thuja occidentalis Stolwik) resembles a Christmas tree in appearance, as the delicate tiers are dense and wide, becoming more sparse and narrow towards the top. The color of the branches is green, new shoots grow yellow-white. Winter-hardy, can be propagated by cuttings.

Fertile and humid areas are required, the location is sunny. When grown in shady places, thujas become loose and less decorative. When purchasing, you should take into account that Stolvik is not very drought-resistant; in the hot summer it is recommended to water well and sprinkle to avoid wilting.

Thuja occidentalis Stolvik - pictured
Thuja occidentalis stolwijk - pictured

It is easy to cut; in the spring the shoots are shortened to give greater density to the thuja. They are planted in mixborders, ridges, used in landscaping plots and gardens, and also placed singly.


Thuja Danica (Thuja occidentalis Danica) is spherical, short marsh-colored twigs grow densely. The dwarf variety grows slowly (50 mm). The ball shape holds almost perfectly with early age.

Thuja occidentalis Danica - pictured Thuja occidentalis Danica, in the foreground - in the photo

Thuja Danica is frost-resistant and quite shade-tolerant; it is propagated by cuttings. Due to its compact size, the low-growing ball is completely covered with snow in winter and is not damaged by sunlight.

western Thuja Danica in a composition with roses - in the photo

Used for arranging rock gardens, garden paths, borders, etc. Thuja is drought-resistant, but it is preferable to keep it on moist loams. When cultivated in the shade, it loses its beautiful spherical outline, becomes loose, and less shiny.

Golden Globe

Thuja Golden Globe (Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe) - low-growing golden dwarf variety(up to 100 cm). The golden-yellow coloring is more present at the ends of the branches, and if you push the bush apart with your hand, you can see the bright green needles inside. It grows in size at a slow pace (80-100 mm); cutting is rarely required. In the spring, if necessary, carry out sanitary pruning, removing dry twigs.

Thuja occidentalis golden globe - pictured

Many gardeners often call Golden Globe "yellow ball" or "Yellow globular thuja." It is frost-resistant, grows well on light loams, and is not afraid of heavy snowfalls, since the tightly spaced branches prevent the bush from falling apart.

The drought resistance of thuja is average; it is recommended to water and sprinkle on hot summer days. The golden color is preserved only when cultivated on sunny flower beds, in the shade the color becomes lighter, and the crown loses density and becomes loose.

branches of thuja occidentalis Golden Globe - in the photo

Sometimes, with age and improper care, the branches begin to grow at a greater distance, gaps appear, and a not very neat appearance is created. In this case, prune the thuja, shortening the shoots by 1/3 to make it thicker.


Thuja Teddy (Thuja occidentalis Teddy) - a spherical and dwarf variety, was bred relatively recently, therefore, in many sources it is considered new. The height does not exceed 30-40 cm.

Thuja occidentalis Teddy - pictured
Thuja occidentalis Teddy - pictured

Thuja is characterized by densely located thin branches, which at a young age have small needles. The needles of young specimens are needle-shaped and do not prick at all. Teddy's color is green, and on autumn days it casts bronze.

Thuja "Teddy" in the center - pictured
Western thuja "Teddy" - pictured

Thujas are planted on drained fertile soils with a loose structure, as plants react sharply to compacted soils. The root system is located close to the soil surface, branched. Winter-hardy representative, can be trimmed if necessary. Looks neat in plantings on the lawn, rocky gardens, and when arranging paths in the garden.

Kira Stoletova

To make the fence in the garden also beautiful, then a living wall made of coniferous plants ideal for these purposes. Thuja Columna, bred in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, looks best. She has adapted perfectly to our climate: she is not afraid of Russian winters, does not fade under the summer sun and keeps her shape without regular haircuts.

Description of culture

There are 5 types of thuja, of which the western one has become widespread in Russia, as the most winter-hardy, unpretentious, elegant and original plant.

Characteristics of the variety

Western thuja Columna (Thuja occidentalis Columna) belongs to the group of columnar varieties with an average growth rate: per year the thuja increases in height by 15-20 cm, in width by 5-7 cm.

The maximum height is 10 m in a single planting and 8-9 m in group plantings. The plant forms a tall narrow column with a diameter of no more than 1.5 m.


The crown is smooth, dark green, consists of horizontal short skeletal branches, the ends of which end in fan-shaped overgrown shoots with soft shiny needles. As the temperature drops, it turns bronze, and in spring the color changes to green.

Due to its structural features, the surface of Columna looks like a homogeneous dense mass.

The bark is rough, red-brown. The root system is superficial, fibrous. The variety is frost-resistant, unpretentious, suitable for forming green walls and hedges that do not require cutting.


In order for Thuja Columna to show itself in all its glory, it needs to be provided with comfortable conditions. These primarily include:

  • landing place;
  • priming;
  • size and quality of the planting hole.


The place for Columna is chosen sunny or in lacy partial shade. Dense shadow will lead to losses decorative properties thuja, its crown will become loose and dull.

It is better to choose a soil that is light, air- and moisture-permeable. Optimally - loams without close access to groundwater.

The plant is undemanding in terms of soil nutrition, but the acidity of the soil is critical for it: it must be slightly acidic or neutral.

The site is prepared in advance, for which:

  • dig up, removing weed roots;
  • filled with compost, slow-acting mineral fertilizers(superphosphate, AVA-universal, granular);
  • if necessary, deoxidize by adding dolomite flour or chalk.

Spring plantings are possible (April-May) and autumn plantings (4 weeks before the onset of permanent frosts).

Seedlings with closed roots can be planted at any time, including in summer.

A planting pit for seedlings 1.5 m high needs a depth of 70-80 cm and a width 2 times larger than the root system.


When planting a seedling with an open root system, you must:

  • inspect each root and remove damaged ones;
  • treat the roots in phytosporin or pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • soak for 20 minutes in a root-forming agent (Epin, Kornevin).

Thujas with a closed root system should be removed from the container and soaked in a root former solution for 20-30 minutes.

A drainage layer 15-20 cm thick, consisting of expanded clay, broken brick or river pebbles, is poured onto the bottom of the pit. Prepare the composition for filling:

  • 2 parts of garden land;
  • 1 part peat
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part organic matter (rotted manure, mature compost, humus).

Note! When planting, do not add fresh manure or bird droppings - they will provoke fungal diseases of the roots.

The following actions:

  1. The pit is filled 1⁄2 full with planting soil.
  2. Water generously.
  3. Place the seedling so that the root collar is at ground level. If necessary, add additional soil. The roots are evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the pit.
  4. The soil is carefully compacted.
  5. Water the top in 2-3 doses as the moisture is absorbed. This watering will remove all air pockets in the pit.
  6. After complete absorption, the top is mulched with sawdust, bark, and expanded clay.

Important! For group plantings, thujas are planted at a distance of at least 1.2-1.5 m from each other.


Young plants need attention and care first of all. They do not survive the bright midday sun well; they should be protected from sunburn.

Care consists of standard operations:

  • glaze;
  • weed removal;
  • loosening;
  • fertilizing;
  • preparation for winter;
  • sanitary pruning.

Thujas love moist soil; lack of moisture has a bad effect on the needles: they become lethargic and crumble. However, prolonged waterlogging of the soil negatively affects the health of the plant.

The column is watered as the surface layer dries, usually 1-2 times a week. But watering should be plentiful, which can moisten to a depth of 10-15 cm. This is where the bulk of the absorbent roots of the thuja are located.

In hot weather, sprinkling is used. This operation refreshes the needles and promotes more active evaporation of resinous substances containing phytoncides.

Weeds are the plant’s competitors in the fight for soil nutrition, so they must be removed.

At the same time, loosening is carried out. They also loosen the soil after watering to improve the supply of oxygen to the roots and remove the surface crust. The operation should be performed with caution.

You can save time if you use mulching. Mown grass, peat, sawdust, and bark are suitable for this.


Thujas do not tolerate excess nitrogen; with its excess, decorative qualities are lost: skeletal shoots are stretched, the trunk is exposed, fan-like overgrown branches do not fit tightly together. The tree looks unkempt, ugly, like a broom.

That's why nitrogen fertilizers Thujas are given in minimal quantities, mainly in early spring, when it is necessary to restore the needles after winter damage.

In the first 1-2 years, fertilizing is not necessary - the tree will have enough nutrition that was added during planting.

Subsequently, special fertilizers are needed for coniferous evergreens. There are spring and autumn mixtures that contain a balanced composition of macro- and microelements.

In order for the thuja to survive the winter calmly, it is necessary to perform 2 operations:

  • mulch the tree trunk circle with leaves, peat and humus (10-15 cm layer to protect the roots from freezing);
  • tie the crown and cover it with any breathable material to protect it from breaking by fallen snow and from spring sunburn.


Columna holds its shape well. However, spring sanitary pruning she needs it. Remove yellow and damaged branches. Formative pruning is needed for this variety only to limit growth or when fulfilling a design plan.

Diseases and pests

It is easier to prevent thuja diseases than to treat them.

Important! Banning fresh manure, bird droppings and undecomposed compost reduces the likelihood of fungal diseases, and regular clearing of weeds protects against pests.

For prevention, plants are treated with Bordeaux mixture.

If affected by late blight, rust, or schute, the affected branches should be removed and burned and the thuja and trunk circle should be treated with fungicides (HOM, foundationol).

When attacked by pests, insecticides are used: Fufanfon, Fumitox Antiklesch, Decis, Aktellik, Aktara.

To increase immunity and relieve stress, the tree needs to be supported with Zircon solution.

Which is better: Columna or Brabant?

The best thujas for hedges are Columna and Brabant. Which variety should you choose?

Comparison of varieties

Crown shapecolumnarcone-shaped
Height gain per year (cm)Up to 20Up to 30
Maximum height (m)10 5
Maximum width (m)1,5 3-4
Coloring of needlesDark greenBright green
Color change in winterBronzes with decreasing temperatureDoes not change
The need for a shaping haircutNo2 times per year
Crown change with ageDoes not changeOver the years it acquires a loose structure
Distance between adjacent plants to create a hedge (m)1,0-1,5 2,5 -3,5

The table shows that it is cheaper and faster to create hedge from thuja Brabant. However, if necessary tall plants with a thick crown that does not need to be cut regularly, it is better to choose thuja Columna.

In the top 20 western thujas, Columna ranks 5th and Brabant ranks second. Thuja Smaragd is the leader in this ranking - the most popular variety in the middle zone.

Application in landscape design

Narrow tall trees The columns resemble Tuscan cypress, so they are planted to give the site a Mediterranean style.

In group plantings, this variety is most often used to highlight zones within a site and to create a living wall in the entrance area.

It also looks good as a tapeworm plant.

Crops that have the same requirements for soil and light are planted in the foreground. Excellent compositions are obtained if you plant next to the thuja:

  • European forsythia;
  • hydrangeas;
  • roses;
  • hosts;
  • primrose;
  • bergenia;
  • heather.

Against the background of a dark green crown, bright green Smaragd or yellow thujas will look great.

How much do seedlings cost?

The cost of seedlings varies depending on the size of the plant.

In spontaneous markets, prices are much lower, but the risk of purchasing a diseased plant there is much higher.

Recently among ornamental plants Arborvitae are becoming increasingly popular. This is not difficult to explain: such shrubs easily take root, are quite easy to care for and have an undoubted decorative value.

Among the many varieties of thuja, thuja western Golden Smaragd has a special status. This variety is a medal winner; in 2008 it became a bronze medalist at the international exhibition “Green is Life”, which was held in Warsaw. It is a protected variety and its propagation without special permission is prohibited.

In the scientific literature, this variety is also called Thuja occidentalis Janed Gold, Western Thuja Janed Gold. According to biological characteristics, Thuja Golden Smaragd is an evergreen tree with a narrow columnar crown shape. The needles are dense, bright yellow-green in color. The Golden Smaragd variety was bred in Poland on the basis of the already well-known Western thuja variety - Smaragd.

The maximum height of an adult tree is from 4 to 6 meters; the thuja grows up to 1.5 meters in width. The tree does not grow quickly, annually adding only 10-20 cm in height. The branches of the thuja emerald are short, directed strictly vertically and densely located. The needles are scaly, soft to the touch and very thick. The main color of the needles is yellow-green, on the tops of the branches it is bright gold. When the buds bloom in the spring, the needles are colored Orange color. The cones are sparse, oblong and small - their length is a maximum of 1 cm.

As already noted, thuja emerald - unpretentious plant. Likes to grow on sunny places, without sufficient lighting, the color of the needles loses its saturation.

Thuja requires moderate and regular watering. Like all types of thuja, thuja Golden Smaragd has a superficial root system, and for such plants stagnation of water in the circle around the trunk is highly undesirable. Thuja is watered, moistening the surface layer of soil. From time to time, the soil around the bush is loosened and mulched, which helps to avoid it from drying out.

For planting, Thuja Golden Smaragd prefers fertile and well-drained soils. Drainage for such plants is mandatory - it will prevent stagnation of groundwater, and hence rotting of the roots. The nutritional value of the soil can be increased by adding a small amount of limestone to it.

In nurseries you will be offered a seedling in a flowerpot, which is already provided with mineral and organic fertilizers. When planting in open ground, monitor the position of the root collar - it should be at ground level. In a row, seedlings are planted at a distance of 50 - 60 cm from each other. The crown of young trees is tied and covered for the winter - this protects seedlings up to 3 years of age from the effects of frost and sunlight (the first spring sun may burn the needles). Older trees tolerate winter frosts well and do not require such protection.

Of the pests for thuja, Golden Smaragd is most afraid of false scale insects and aphids. These insects cause a lot of damage appearance pine needles - they turn pale and fall off. On humus-rich soils, beetleworm grows, which is considered the most terrible enemy of ornamental plants in general and thujas in particular. Khrushchev larvae eat the root system with great gluttony. To destroy Khrushchev use by various means, based on imidacloprid. The crown is sprayed with a solution of the chemical and the circle around the trunk is added.


Thujas of the Golden Smaragd variety are widely used in creating hedges. This tree looks good both when planted alone and when creating various landscape compositions. The strict and regular appearance of its crown of a bright emerald yellow shade will become a unique highlight of any corner.

Thuja Columna is one of the most popular evergreen coniferous trees. Belongs to the Cypress family. Most often, “Western” is attached to its name, since its name in scientific literature includes the word “occidentalis”, which means Western. This is a plant of the gymnosperm conifer genus, widely used in landscape design around the world. It can be seen not only in public parks, but also on private estates.

Thuja Columna: description

This plant is characterized by a narrow, fairly dense cone-like crown. A mature tree can reach a height of up to 10 meters, but in most cases growth stops at 8 meters. The needles have a characteristic shine, are thick and bright green in color.

Thuja occidentalis Columna is a long-liver among trees. This factor greatly affects its growth rate. In just 12 months, a young plant can gain up to 15 cm in height. Its crown grows up to 5 cm in diameter annually. In winter, the needles slightly change their usual appearance, acquiring a slightly brown tint, which becomes less noticeable already in the winter. spring period. In cold growing regions, this process is even more intense. The tree bark turns red Brown.

The fruits of Thuja Columna are small cones that turn brown in autumn. The seeds of the tree are two-winged. They have a flat shape and appear already in the first year of the plant’s life. The root system is characterized by thin and dense shoots of a mycorrhizal type (similar to the mycelium of a fungus).

Conifer tree Experts recommend planting at a certain depth - preferably no more than 80 cm. It is better to choose a place for this that is protected from strong winds. The distance between landings should be at least one and a half meters. If you are going to plant young seedlings in several rows, the distance can be reduced.

Features of cultivation

In order for a tree to grow quickly and remain healthy, you need to be careful about the planting process. If you do not follow the rules of care, the condition of the thuja Columna will deteriorate very quickly and the plant will simply stop growing. To reproduce a tree, seeds are required. The plant is most often used in landscape design to create, so planting should be done in groups. If the project is for registration garden plot allows you to use single landings.

This type of thuja is quite resistant to low temperatures, so there is no need to worry about overwintering the plant in frosty conditions. However, in order to still protect young seedlings in the first two to three years after planting, it is worth covering them. In the spring, it will be difficult for them to tolerate intense ultraviolet radiation, so they should also be shaded at this time. It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not lack moisture, since in this case they will begin to lose their juiciness and quickly dry out. It is recommended to use nitroammophoska as a top dressing (during the planting process).

Thuja Columna, photos of which are presented in a wide variety, is an evergreen slender plant. This tree has high aesthetic value, so it can transform any garden area.

Differences from other varieties

It has a wide variety of varieties, so every gardener can choose an option to their liking. Plants may differ from each other in growth rates, height, color and other parameters.
The most common varieties are Thuja Columna or Smaragd. It’s difficult to say which one is better for growing, since it all depends on personal preference.
The determining factor when choosing is often the height of the hedge that you plan to grow.
To decide on the selection of the most suitable variety, you should carefully consider the features and properties of each of them.

Video about the features of Thuja Columna

Thuja is a coniferous evergreen tree of the Cypress family, which was brought to us from East Asia and America. This plant has about 6 varieties. Western thuja is a frost-resistant plant that has about 100 species. This is the most popular variety of shrub, which is successfully grown by many gardeners. Thuja has many similarities with juniper. Like most varieties of juniper, thuja occidentalis belongs to coniferous plants, which are an excellent decoration for any garden without the use of stones. These plants are not whimsical; they can be planted in any garden plot.

Balls, balls, pyramids, columns and bonfires are just some of the forms of the crowns of these amazing plants. Juniper and thuja have quite a variety of needle colors - green, golden, blue, emerald, bronze, silver and many other shades.

A distinctive feature of thuja from other conifers is the absence of needles. Its needles consist of small scales overlapping each other. Thuja grown in the garden reaches up to 10 m in height. In addition to tall varieties, there are dwarf, low-growing and spherical trees. Despite the absence bright colors, thuja is an excellent ornamental shrub for any garden plot.

The most common types of thuja occidentalis

Thuja Occidentalis Brabant

Thuja Brabant is planted in spring in well-moistened and fertile soil. If it is planted on dry and poor soil, then such a plant will have a rather weak crown of a faded color and actively bear fruit. To properly plant thuja Brabant and grow a beautiful tree, you need to use a mixture consisting of peat, sand and turf soil in a 1:1:2 ratio. If the soil is too wet, it is recommended to provide good drainage. You can also add 500 g of nitroamophoska per plant.

The growing container must be well drained. Thuja Brabant should be planted so that the root collar remains at soil level. Immediately after planting, the plant is well watered. Then watering is carried out every week at the rate of 10 liters per tree for a month. Further watering is carried out according to the principle - twice a week, 15 liters per tree.

Subsequent care of the plant includes regular loosening of the soil to a depth of no more than 10 cm. This variety requires mulch up to 7 cm deep with the addition of wood chips and peat. In spring, it is recommended to remove dry and damaged branches.

One-year-old shrubs must be covered for the winter. This will provide protection for sensitive needles from sunlight in the spring.

Spruce branches and craft paper will be an excellent shelter in this case. Thuja Brabant is often used to create a hedge. Proper planting of plants should be done at a distance of half a meter from each other. In order to achieve a green continuous wall, the plants are pruned twice a year - in March and April. When pruning the apical and lateral branches, you can get a plant with a width of 0.4 m and a height of up to 2 m.

Thuja Smaragd

A coniferous tree with a clearly defined cone-shaped crown, grows up to 5 m in height. Saturated needles dark green with a dense structure. It is characterized by a low growth rate and unchanged color in winter. For planting thuja, only nutritious and well-moistened soil is used. For active growth, the tree requires regular watering. Most often, Smaragd is grown to delimit garden space. When planted alone, this is an excellent tapeworm.

The characteristic differences of this tree include slow growth in both width and height. Therefore, frequent pruning is not required here.

This plant is not drought tolerant. Therefore in summer time year, it especially needs regular and abundant watering. Thuya Smaragd – light-loving plant, but can also grow in partial shade. This variety, like many others, needs periodic pruning.

Despite its frost resistance, it is better to plant thuja Smaragd in an area where there are no drafts. For young plants, it is necessary to create protection from sunburn in the spring. Burlap can be used as a covering material. Most often, Smaragd is grown as a hedge. The needles look great in group and single plantings. In addition, Smaragd is great for growing in containers and creating a wide variety of shapes using topiary cutting.

Thuja Western Columna

A tall coniferous tree 6-7 meters high with a columnar crown. These are scale-like needles with a dense and compact crown and short outgoing side shoots. The plant has a dark green color that does not change throughout the year. This is a fast-growing, unpretentious tree that grows successfully in fertile soil with average humidity. Columna is planted in shaded areas, since the plant does not tolerate drought very well. Haircutting is done as needed to form the crown.

In winter, young plants need shelter for the first two years to avoid sunburn. This variety of needles is used in topiary cutting, as well as for single and group plantings.

Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup

Coniferous tree of short stature - 3-4 m in height with a dense needle structure. This is a columnar-shaped tree. Thuja Holmstrup is characterized by slow growth and does not require special care. Haircuts are done once every two years. Grows well in sunny and shaded areas. Successfully tolerates moderate drought and stagnation of water in the soil. In order to properly plant thuja Holmstrup, it is necessary to use light and fertile soil. For several years, young trees need to be covered to protect them from spring sun rays. Tree trunk circle It is recommended to mulch with spruce branches. This will be excellent protection against field mice.

Thuja occidentalis Globoza

Ornamental shrub up to 2 meters high in the shape of a ball. Scale-like needles can change their color depending on the season: in winter - brown or grey-green color, and in summer – green. Globoza has a fairly dense crown, which needs pruning once every two years. It is winter-hardy, shade-tolerant and drought-resistant plant. This variety is planted on well-moistened nutrient soil. Unlike other types of thuja, this species requires frequent soil moisture. In order to keep the crown from breaking under snow cover in winter, Globoza needs tying up. You can also build a frame. This applies to young shrubs.

There are many other varieties of Western Thuja that can be grown at home. Thuja Western Golden Globe, Hoseri, Danica, Stolvik and many other varieties of it successfully take root in various climatic zones and delight the eye with their decorative properties.

Thuja care

To successfully grow all varieties of western thuja, you must adhere to some basic rules:
