Sidorenko communicative competence training buy. Sidorenko E.V. Training of communicative competence in business interaction. Approximate word search

The book outlines the mathematical aspects of logistics as a science about optimal planning of enterprise activities from the point of view of minimizing costs and increasing efficiency.

In the theoretical part of the book, the reader becomes acquainted with the basic concepts and definitions of logistics, its functional areas and impact on activities industrial enterprises. The practical part of the book contains the formulation and detailed analysis of 13 tasks related to the most well-known problems arising in production planning, in the activities of supply and sales services, in the transportation of finished products, as well as in personnel policy.

The book is intended for students studying the course “Logistics” while studying in the specialty “Mathematical methods in economics”, and will also be useful to a wide range of readers, as it develops skills mathematical modeling subject areas being studied, develops the ability to formally pose a problem and create efficient algorithms her decisions.

Motivational training

The book is a practical guide for a psychological trainer. The author proposed the concept of motivational training, based on the use of spontaneous motivational forces, paradoxical phenomena and biological metaphors.

The book is intended for anyone who wants to master methods of managing their own motivation and the motivation of other people.

Psycho-gymnastics in training

A book by famous domestic psychologists and practitioners N.Yu. Khryascheva, S.I. Makshanova, E.V. Sidorenko is the first detailed practical training manual in Russia. The book contains a practical guide to psychological training.

Technologies for creating training. From idea to result

The book is of interest to thought leaders in training and business. It contains technologies for creating development programs in various areas of human practice.

The book is intended for those who conduct trainings and lead.

Training of communicative competence in business interaction

The book will be of interest to professional psychologists, managers of various profiles, and specialists in the field of human resource management

Methods of mathematical processing in psychology

The book is a practical guide for researchers who set out to statistically substantiate their scientific and practical conclusions.

The principle of selection of methods is clarity and simplicity. Methods are discussed at real examples and are accompanied by algorithms and graphic illustrations. All of them can be used for fast data processing.

Influence and resistance training

The book will be of interest not only to specialists in the field of psychology, but also to all those who want to improve their ability to influence others and resist their unwanted influence.

St. Petersburg: Rech, 2008. - 208 p.: ill.
The book outlines the author's program for training communicative competence in business interaction: methodological foundations and social context of development, principles of implementation, exercises and tasks for participants. The book is supplemented with an example brochure for training participants.
The book will be of interest to professional psychologists, managers of various profiles, and specialists in the field of human resource management. Contents IntroductionTheoryConcept of communicative competence training
Concept of training
Area of ​​communicative competence training
Ideology and technology of training
Training as a model of partnerships
Evolution of training
Main Contents of Chapter 1 The role of communication in modern business interaction
Trend one: strengthening the role of communication, including non-business communication
Trend two: weakening the role of direct communication
Trend three: strengthening the role of communication in the process of creating services
Trend four: stratification of society
How will communicative competence training change in connection with these trends?
Main contents of chapter 2 Communication competence
The concept of communicative competence
Communication ability
Communicative knowledge
Perception and transmission of communication signals
Communication dramas
Overcoming communication dramas with communication skills
Active listening
Regulation of emotional tension
Main Contents of Chapter 3 Training models
German model. Conversation Techniques
English model
Proposed Russian model
Suggested training principles
Summary of Chapter 4 PracticeLogic and logistics of training
General logic of training
Indicative Basics
Logistics Communication techniques
Classification of active listening techniques
Questioning techniques
Small talk techniques
Verbalization techniques
Techniques for regulating emotional stress Active listening training
Introduction of standards
Brief introduction of participants to the concept of the training
Introducing the concept of active listening
Introduction to Formulation Techniques open questions
Exercise “Pum-pum-pum”
Exercise “Who is this person?”
Role-playing game to reveal the motive using open questions
Role-playing game "Challenger"
Role-playing game "Refusal"
Role-playing game "Extra win"
Nonverbal and paralinguistic cues
Nonverbal exercise
Introduction of verbalizations
Experiments with verbalization technique A - repetition
Exercise "Detective"
Exercise “Both this is good and this is bad”
Experiment with Technique B - Paraphrasing
Experiment with technique B - interpretation
Role-playing game “What’s the matter?”
Feedback by Day 1 Training in small talk and regulation of emotional tension
Introduction to small talk techniques
Experimenting with small talk techniques
Introducing emotion regulation techniques into conversations
Practicing the technique of “emphasizing commonality”
Exercise “Emphasising commonality with the ball”
Exercise “List of General Qualities”
Exercise "Gratitude"
Game "Paris Exhibition"
Tournament “Dictionary of Emotions”
Practicing techniques for verbalizing feelings in pairs
Exercise “Respectful Verbalization”
Exercise “Metaphorical Verbalization”
Exercise “Petersburg Artist”
Role-playing game “Division by criteria”
Exercise “O"K and Hmm-mm Technique”
Role-playing game "Do it wrong"
Mutual quoting game
Feedback at the end of the training ConclusionGlossaryBibliography Application
1. Brochure for training participants
2. Distribution of time between different types activity

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research development

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" research and development "

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# study


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For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

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When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

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The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

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To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

20. Rogov E.I. Psychology of communication. - M.: Vlados, 2004. - 335 p.

21. Problems of communicative and cognitive activity of the individual. Interuniversity Sat. / ed. A.V. Petrovsky, - Ulyanovsk, 1981

22. Workbook practical psychologist. Technologies for effective professional activity. // Ed. A. A. Derkach - M.: Publishing house. house "Red Square", 1996.

23. Reid M. How to develop successful communication skills. Practical guide. - M.: Eksmo, 2003. - 352 p.

24. Romanenko O.A. Social and psychological training as one of the factors in the development of communicative competence. In the collection " Humanitarian sciences" - Stavropol: SevKavGSU, 2003. - No. 10

25. Russian Sociological Encyclopedia / ed. G.V. Osipova - M, 1998

26. Rubtsov V.V., Margalis A.A. Strategy for the development of higher psychological education // Psychology and Science, 1998, No. 2

27. Rudensky E.V. Social Psychology: Lecture course. - M.: INFA-M; Novosibirsk: IGAEiU, 1997.-224 p.

28. Sidorenvo E.V. Methods of mathematical processing in psychology. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003. - 345 p.

29. Sidorenko E.V. Training of communicative competence in business interaction. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003. - 208 p.

30. Sokolov A.V. General theory social communication: Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of Mikhailov V.A., 2002. - 461 p.

31. Socio-psychological training. Sat. scientific works. / answer Ed. E. V. Rudensky - Novosibirsk, 1995

32. Spivakovskaya A.S. Social-psychological training and increasing competence in communication // Questions of psychology. - 1989. - No. 6. - p. 152

33. Stolyarenko L.D. Basics of psychology. – Rostov-on-Don, 1997.

34. Sukhovershina Yu.V., Tikhomirova E.P., Skoromnaya Yu.E. Communication competence training. - M.: Academic project. Trixta, 2006

35. Ushacheva Yu.V. Formation of a communicative culture of future teachers at a university through pedagogical communication training. Abstract of dissertation. For a candidate's academic degree pedagogical sciences. - Eagle, 2009

36. Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuylov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. - M.: 2002.

37. Sharkov F. I. Fundamentals of communication theory: textbook / F. I. Sharkov. – M.: “Social Relations”; “Perspective”, 2004. – 246 p.

38. Emotional and cognitive characteristics of communication / Ed. V.A. Labunskaya. - Rostov n/d, 1990.


39. Aleksandrova N.V., Tarabanova V.A., Eidemiller E.G. Communicative competence - effectiveness in the profession (cognitive-behavioral model of socio-psychological training of managers and doctors) // Journal of Practical Psychologist. - 1999. - No. 7-8.

40. Ezova S.A. Communicative competence // Scientific and technical libraries. - 2008. - No. 4

41. Emelyanov Yu.N., Zhukov Yu.M. Social-psychological training: problems and prospects. // Questions of psychology. - 1983. - No. 6.

42. Zotova I.N. Characteristics of communicative competence // News of TRGU. Thematic issue “Psychology and Pedagogy” No. 13(68), Taganrog: 2006.- P.225-227.

43. Kochyunas R. Zhukov Yu.M. Social-psychological training: problems and prospects. // Questions of psychology. – 1983. - No. 7

44. Nikonova O.V. Problems of communicative training of future teachers: In the book. Kindergarten– school – university: problems and prospects for development. Materials of the 2nd scientific and practical conference - Bryansk: BSU Publishing House, 2003.

45. Labunskaya V. A. On the problem of similarities and differences in the socio-psychological determination of difficulties in interpersonal communication in the post-Soviet period // Psychological Bulletin of the Russian State University. - Rostov-on-Don, 2000. - No. 5

46. ​​Petrovskaya L.A. Competence in communication. Social – psychological training. – M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1989. - 216 p.

47. Kryuchkova O.V. Video training as a means of improving the communicative competence of people with different motivations to communicate. Abstract of the dissertation for the candidate's scientific degree psychological sciences. - M.: MGGU, 2007

48. Kochetkova V.G. Development of communicative competence of students in the conditions of information education. - Samara: SMGPU, 2006.

Annex 1

"Methodology for assessing communicative and organizational aptitudes" (COS).

B.A. Fedorishin. The KOS questionnaire is used in career guidance to determine how inclined the optant is to areas of activity related to managing the activities of other people and communications.

The results of the CBS questionnaire allow us to speak not about the level of professional suitability, but rather about the potential of the optant in the field of management and communications. Purpose of the technique: The technique is designed to diagnose the potential capabilities of people in the development of their communication and organizational abilities. It is based on the principle of the subject reflecting and assessing certain features of his behavior in various situations (which are familiar to the subject from his personal experience). The subject's answers are based on self-analysis of the experience of his behavior in a given situation.

Organizational skills - in their structure it is not difficult to highlight the ability to influence people to successfully resolve certain tasks and achieve specific goals, the ability to quickly understand the “situational” interaction of people and direct it in the right direction, the desire to take initiative, to perform social work.

Communication skills individuals are characterized by the ability to easily and quickly establish business and friendly contacts with people, the desire to expand the scope of communication, to participate in social or group events that satisfy people’s need for broad, intensive communication.

Analysis of communicative and organizational abilities allows us to consider their structure, isolating in it such components that can be indicators of the corresponding abilities.

Instructions: “The test offered to you contains 40 questions. Read them and answer all questions using the form. Question numbers are printed on the form. If your answer to the question is positive, that is, you agree with what is being asked in the question, then circle the corresponding number on the form. If your answer is negative, that is, you do not agree, then cross out the corresponding number. Make sure that the question number and the number on the answer sheet match. Please note that the questions are general in nature and may not contain all the necessary details. Therefore, imagine typical situations and do not think about the details. Don't waste a lot of time thinking, answer quickly. It may be difficult for you to answer some questions. Then try to give the answer that you consider preferable. When answering any of these questions, pay attention to his first words and coordinate your answer with them. When answering questions, do not try to deliberately pleasant impression. Sincerity in answering is important.”

  1. Do you have many friends with whom you constantly communicate?

    How often do you manage to persuade the majority of your comrades to accept your opinion?

    How long have you been bothered by feelings of insult caused to you by one of your comrades?

    Do you always find it difficult to navigate a critical situation?

    Do you have a desire to make new acquaintances with different people?

    Do you enjoy doing social work?

    Is it true that you enjoy spending time with a book or some other activity rather than with people?

    If some obstacles arise in the implementation of your intentions, do you easily give up on them?

    Do you easily establish contacts with people who are much older than you?

    Do you like to organize and invent with your mates? various games and entertainment?

    Is it difficult for you to join new companies?

    Do you often put off until other days things that should be done today?

    Is it easy for you to establish contacts with strangers?

    Do you try to get your comrades to act in accordance with your opinion?

    Is it difficult for you to get used to a new team?

    Is it true that you do not have conflicts with your comrades because they fail to fulfill their promises, obligations, and responsibilities?

    Do you strive to meet and talk with new people when the opportunity arises?

    Do you often take the initiative in solving important matters?

    Do you often get irritated by the people around you and do you want to be alone?

    Is it true that you usually have trouble finding your bearings in unfamiliar surroundings?

    Do you like to be around people all the time?

    Do you get irritated if you fail to finish something you started?

    Do you feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, or embarrassed when you have to take the initiative to meet someone new?

    Is it true that you get tired of frequent communication with your friends?

    Do you like to participate in group games?

    Do you often take the initiative when resolving issues that affect the interests of your comrades?

    Is it true that you feel insecure around people you don’t know well?

    Is it true that you rarely strive to prove that you are right?

    Do you think that it is not particularly difficult for you to bring some life to an unfamiliar company?

    Have you taken part in social work in school, class, group?

    Do you try to limit the circle of your acquaintances? a small amount of people?

    Is it true that you do not strive to defend your opinion or decision if it was not immediately accepted by your comrades?

    Do you feel at ease when you find yourself in unfamiliar company?

    Are you willing to organize various events for your friends?

    Is it true that you don't feel confident or calm enough when you have to say something to a large group of people?

    Are you often late for business meetings or dates?

    Is it true that you have many friends?

    Do you often find yourself the center of attention among your friends?

    Do you often feel embarrassed or awkward when communicating with unfamiliar people?

    Is it true that you don't feel very confident surrounded by a large group of your friends?

20communication students competence students-managers Laboratory work >> Psychology

... communicative competence students-managers Organization and research methods Participants took part in our study: students ... trainings, remote methods education. Traditional methods training useful in conveying information about psychology ...

  • Psychology aging

    Abstract >> Psychology

    Success psychologists V use on... physiological, psychological, communicative, production and others... a program has been developed training And training, in which... performance, competence, intellectual potential... between the group students And...

  • The book outlines the author's program for training communicative competence in business interaction: methodological foundations and social context of development, principles of implementation, exercises and tasks for participants. The book is supplemented with an example brochure for training participants.

    The book will be of interest to professional psychologists, managers of various profiles, and specialists in the field of human resource management.

    St. Petersburg: Rech, 2008.

    ISBN 5-9268-0117-6

    Number of pages: 208.

    Contents of the book “Training communicative competence in business interaction”:

    • 3 Table of contents
    • 6 Introduction
    • 9 Part I. Theory
      • 9 Chapter 1. Concept of communicative competence training
        • 9 1.1. Concept of training
        • 11 1.2. Area of ​​communicative competence training
        • 16 1.3. Ideology and technology of training
        • 23 1.4. Training as a model of partnerships
        • 28 1.5. Evolution of training
        • 33 Main Contents of Chapter 1
      • 34 Chapter 2. The role of communication in modern business interaction
        • 34 2.1. Trend one: strengthening the role of communication, including non-business communication
        • 46 2.2. Trend two: weakening the role of direct communication
        • 53 2.3. Trend three: strengthening the role of communication in the process of creating services
        • 59 2.4. Trend four: stratification of society
        • 62 2.5. How will communicative competence training change in connection with these trends?
        • 64 Main contents of chapter 2
      • 65 Chapter 3. Communicative competence
        • 65 3.1. The concept of communicative competence
        • 66 3.2. Communication ability
        • 67 3.3. Communicative knowledge
        • 67 3.4. Perception and transmission of communication signals
        • 73 3.5. Communication dramas
        • 75 3.6. Overcoming communication dramas with communication skills
        • 76 3.7. Active listening
        • 77 3.8. Regulation of emotional tension
        • 81 Main Contents of Chapter 3
      • 82 Chapter 4. Training models
        • 82 4.1. German model
          • 85 4.1.1. Conversation Techniques
        • 86 4.2. English model.
        • 89 4.3. Proposed Russian model
        • 97 4.4. Suggested training principles
        • 105 Summary of Chapter 4
    • 107 Part II. Practice
      • 107 Chapter 5. Logic and logistics of training
        • 107 5.1. General logic of training
        • 109 5.2. Indicative Basics
        • 111 5.3. Logistics
      • 112 Chapter 6. Communication techniques
        • 112 6.1. Classification of active listening techniques
        • 113 6.2. Questioning techniques
        • 116 6.3. Small talk techniques
        • 123 6.4. Verbalization techniques
        • 125 6.5. Techniques for regulating emotional stress
      • 138 Chapter 7. Active Listening Training
        • 138 7.1. Acquaintance
        • 144 7.2. Introduction of standards
        • 147 7.3. Brief introduction of participants to the concept of the training
        • 148 7.4. Introducing the concept of active listening
        • 148 7.5. Introducing techniques for formulating open-ended questions
        • 148 7.6. Exercise “Pum-pum-pum”
        • 153 7.7. Exercise “Who is this person?”
        • 159 7.8. Role-playing to reveal the motive using open-ended questions
          • 159 7.8.1. Role-playing game "Challenger"
          • 167 7.8.2. Role-playing game "Refusal"
          • 168 7.8.3. Role-playing game "Extra win"
        • 169 7.9. Nonverbal and paralinguistic cues
        • 170 7.10. Nonverbal exercise
        • 172 7.11. Introduction of verbalizations
        • 173 7.12. Experiments with verbalization technique A - repetition
          • 173 7.12.1. Exercise "Detective"
          • 174 7.12.2. Exercise “Both this is good and this is bad”
        • 175 7.13. Experiment with technique B - paraphrasing
        • 177 7.14. Experiment with technique B - interpretation
        • 178 7.15. Role-playing game “What’s the matter?”
        • 181 7.16. Day 1 Feedback
      • 182 Chapter 8. Training in small talk and regulation of emotional tension
        • 182 8.1. Repetition
        • 182 8.2. Introduction to small talk techniques
        • 184 8.3. Experimenting with small talk techniques
        • 187 8.4. Introducing emotion regulation techniques into conversations
        • 187 8.5. Practicing the technique of “emphasizing commonality”
          • 187 8.5.1. Exercise “Emphasising commonality with the ball”
          • 187 8.5.2. Exercise “List of General Qualities”
        • 190 8.6. Exercise "Gratitude"
        • 191 8.7. Game "Paris Exhibition"
        • 193 8.8. Tournament "Dictionary of Emotions"
        • 195 8.9. Practicing techniques for verbalizing feelings in pairs
          • 195 8.9.1. Exercise “Respectful Verbalization”
          • 196 8.9.2. Exercise “Metaphorical Verbalization”
        • 197 8.10. Exercise “Petersburg Artist”
        • 200 8.11. Role-playing game “Division by criteria”
        • 204 8.12. Exercise “OK and Hmmm Technique”
        • 206 8.13. Role-playing game "Do it wrong"
        • 208 8.14. Mutual quoting game
        • 210 8.15. Feedback at the end of the training
    • 211 Conclusion
    • 213 Glossary
    • 215 Bibliography
      • 218 Appendix 1. Brochure for training participants
      • 231 Appendix 2. Distribution of time between different types of activities