Typical flow chart for installation of air conditioners. Calculation of labor costs, machine time and wages for the installation of ventilation units on a typical floor. General information about SCR refrigeration units

Typical technological map for installation and
installation internal systems ventilation and
air conditioning with supply and exhaust
installations and equipment systems

Typical technological map

Project code: 1012/40

Explanatory note



This technological map has been developed for the installation and installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems with supply and exhaust units and equipment for refrigeration systems in industrial, administrative, public and residential buildings.

The technological map has been compiled taking into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

Air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing steel with a diameter and larger side size of up to 2000 mm should be made:

Spiral-lock or straight-seam on folds;

Spiral-welded or straight-seam welded.

Air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing steel with a side size of more than 2000 mm should be made of panels (welded, glue-welded).

Air ducts made of metal plastic should be made on seams, and from stainless steel, titanium, as well as sheet aluminum and its alloys - on seams or by welding.

Air ducts made of sheet aluminum and its alloys with a thickness of up to 1.5 mm should be made on seams, with a thickness from 1.5 to 2 mm - on seams or welding, and with a sheet thickness of more than 2 mm - on welding.

Longitudinal folds on air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing and stainless steel and sheet aluminum with a diameter or larger side size of 500 mm or more must be fixed at the beginning and end of the air duct section spot welding, electric rivets, rivets or dowels.

Seams on air ducts, regardless of metal thickness and manufacturing method, must be made with a cutoff.

The end sections of seam seams at the ends of air ducts and in the air distribution openings of plastic air ducts must be secured with aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments specified in the working documentation.

Seam seams must have the same width along their entire length and be uniformly tightly seated.

There should be no cross-shaped seam connections in seam ducts, as well as in cutting charts.

On straight sections of rectangular air ducts with a side cross-section of more than 400 mm, rigidities should be structurally made in the form of bends (zigs) with a pitch of 300 - 500 mm along the perimeter of the air duct or diagonal bends (zigs). With a side of more than 1000 mm and a length of more than 1000 mm, in addition, it is necessary to install external rigidity frames in increments of no more than 1250 mm. The stiffening frames must be securely fastened with spot welding, rivets or self-tapping screws.

On metal-plastic air ducts, the stiffening frames must be installed using aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments specified in the working documentation.

Elements of shaped parts should be connected to each other using ridges, folds, welding, and rivets.

Elements of shaped parts made of metal-plastic should be connected to each other using folds.

Zig connections for systems transporting air of high humidity or mixed with explosive dust are not allowed.

Connecting sections should be done:

For round ducts wafer-type method (nipple/coupling), bandage connection or on flanges;

For rectangular air ducts: tire (large/small) or on flanges. Connections must be strong and tight.

Fastening the tire to the air duct should be done with rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, self-tapping screws (in the absence of fibrous components in the transported medium), spot welding, grooving every 200 - 250 mm, but not less than four. Internal corners tires must be filled with sealant.

The flanges on the air ducts should be secured by flanging with a persistent ridge, welding, spot welding, rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm or self-tapping screws (in the absence of fibrous components in the transported medium), placed every 200 - 250 mm, but not less than four.

Regulating devices (gates, throttle valves, dampers, air distributor control elements, etc.) must be easy to close and open, and also be fixed in a given position.

Air ducts made of non-galvanized steel, their connecting fasteners (including internal surfaces flanges) must be primed (painted) at the procurement plant in accordance with the working documentation. The final painting of the outer surface of the air ducts is carried out by specialized construction organizations after their installation.

Ventilation blanks must be equipped with parts for connecting them and means of fastening.

2.2. Preparatory work

2.2.1. General provisions

Rice. 1. Slings

a - lightweight sling with loops; b - lightweight sling with hooks;
c - four-leg sling

The lifted load should be kept from rotation by guys made of hemp ropes with a diameter of 20 - 25 mm or guys made of steel ropes with a diameter of 8 - 12 mm. For horizontal elements of ventilation systems (enlarged air duct units), two guys should be used, for vertical elements (sections of air conditioners, roof fans, air ducts, etc.) - one.

The most common slinging methods are shown in Fig. - .

Rice. 2. Slinging VPA-40

Rice. 3. Slinging of an autonomous air conditioner KTR-1-2.0-0.46

Rice. 4. Slinging of radial (centrifugal) fans, version No. 1

Rice. 5. Slinging fans Ts4-70 No. 6 - 8, version No. 1

Rice. 6. Slinging fans Ts4-70 No. 6 - 8, version No. 6

Rice. 7. Slinging fans Ts4-70 No. 10, 12.5

Rice. 8. Slinging the air duct

For the entire installation period, areas for storing air ducts must be equipped.

The installation of an on-site air duct warehouse must satisfy the following basic requirements:

Be located near access roads highways or railway tracks;

The boundaries of the warehouse must be at least 1 m from the road;

Be at a minimum distance from the installation site, if possible within the reach of the tower crane;

Do not interfere with construction and installation work;

Air duct storage areas must be carefully planned with a slope of 1 - 2° for outlet surface waters, covered with draining sand or gravel, and in necessary cases- have ditches;

Walkways, driveways and loading and unloading areas must be cleared of debris, construction waste (including winter time- from snow and ice) and sprinkled with sand, slag or ash;

Storage of ventilation products must be organized in compliance with work safety and fire protection requirements;

Barrier posts must be installed in the corners of the open warehouse, warning signs for vehicle drivers and signs with the name of the installation department or site and the location of the cargo receiver must be posted;

The warehouse must be lit.

Warehousing and storage of air ducts must be organized in accordance with current standards and in compliance with the following requirements:

Air ducts of rectangular cross-section must be stacked; straight sections with a height of no more than 2.7, shaped parts - no more than 2 m;

Air ducts round section should be installed vertically;

Air ducts delivered in inventory containers should be stored in these containers at specially organized container sites. It is prohibited to store air ducts and other products in railway containers;

During storage, each air duct should be placed on wooden stock pads;

Air ducts in stacks should be placed taking into account the installation sequence: stacks and containers should be provided with signs;

Passages with a width of at least 1 m must be left between the stacks; Every three stacks there should be passages for vehicles 3 m wide.

Air ducts are moved across the floors of multi-storey buildings using lifting and transport equipment or manual transport.

2.3. Works of the main period. Installation

2.3.1. Installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems. General provisions

Installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 73.13330.2012, SP 48.13330.2011, SNiP 12-03-2001, SNiP 12-04-2002, standards and instructions of equipment manufacturers, as well as in accordance with fire safety requirements SP 7.13130.2009.

Installation must be carried out using industrial methods from air duct assemblies and equipment supplied complete in large blocks.

Installation of systems should be carried out when the object (occupancy) is ready for construction in the amount of:

For industrial buildings - the entire building with a volume of up to 5000 m3 and part of the building with a volume of over 5000 m3;

For residential and public buildings up to five floors - a separate building, one or several sections; over five floors - five floors of one or more sections.

Another installation arrangement is possible depending on the adopted design scheme.

2.3.2. Air duct installation

The method of installation of air ducts should be selected depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), location relative to structures (near the wall, near columns, in the intertruss space, in the shaft, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (single or multi-story, industrial, public and etc.).

As shaped parts of complex geometric shape, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, silencers and other devices located in suspended ceilings, chambers, etc., flexible air ducts made of SPL fiberglass, metal fabric, aluminum foil, etc. should be used. The use of flexible air ducts as straight links is not allowed.

In order to reduce aerodynamic drag, parts made from flexible hoses in the mounted position must have a minimum degree of compression.

Installation metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, in enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

Marking installation locations for air duct fastening devices;

Installation of fastening means;

Coordination with builders of the location and methods of fastening lifting equipment;

Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site;

Checking the completeness and quality of the delivered air duct parts;

Assembly of air duct parts into enlarged blocks;

Installing the block in the design position and securing it;

Installation of plugs at the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

The length of the block is determined by the cross-sectional dimensions and type of connection of the air ducts, installation conditions and the availability of lifting equipment.

The length of enlarged blocks of horizontal air ducts connected on flanges should not exceed 20 m.

Schemes for organizing the work area during the installation of air ducts are given in Fig. - .

Rice. 9. Scheme of organizing the work area during installation of air ducts
along the outer wall of the building

1 - console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - auto hydraulic lift;
4 - traverse; 5 - guy; 6 - block

Rice. 10. Scheme of organizing the working area when installing horizontal
air ducts in the building

1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 - enlarged air duct unit; 4 - pendants

2.3.3. Fan installation

Fans must be installed in the following sequence:

Acceptance of ventilation chambers;

Delivery of the fan or its individual parts to the installation site;

Installation of lifting equipment;

Slinging a fan or individual parts;

Lifting and horizontal movement of the fan to the installation site;

Installation of the fan (fan assembly) on supporting structures (foundation, platform, brackets);

Checking the correct installation and assembly of the fan

Fastening the fan to supporting structures;

Checking the fan operation.

During the installation of fans, step-by-step operational control must be carried out in accordance with the operational control cards.

2.3.4. Installation of refrigeration system equipment

When adjusting ventilation and air conditioning systems to design air flow rates, the following should be done:

Check the compliance of the actual execution of ventilation and air conditioning systems with the design documentation and requirements SP 73.13330.2012 ;

Testing fans when operating them in a network, checking compliance with actual technical characteristics passport data, including: air consumption and total pressure, rotation speed, power consumption, etc.;

Checking the uniformity of heating (cooling) of heat exchangers and checking the absence of moisture removal through the drop eliminators of irrigation chambers or air coolers;

Determination of flow rate and resistance of dust collection devices;

Checking the action exhaust devices natural ventilation;

Testing and adjusting the ventilation network of systems in order to achieve design indicators for air flow in air ducts, local suction, air exchange in rooms and determining leaks or air losses in systems.

Deviations of air flow indicators from those provided for in the design documentation after adjustment and testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems are allowed:

Within ±8% - in terms of air flow passing through the air distribution and air intake devices of general ventilation and air conditioning installations, provided that the required air pressure (rarefaction) is ensured in the room;

Up to +8% - in terms of air flow, removed through local suction and supplied through shower pipes.

A passport is issued in two copies for each ventilation and air conditioning system (Appendices G, SP 73.13330.2012).

2.4.2. Testing of refrigeration systems

Testing of water refrigeration systems must be carried out with the heat generators and expansion vessels turned off using the hydrostatic method with a pressure equal to 1.5 operating pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm 2) at the lowest point of the system.

The system is considered to have passed the test if, within 5 minutes of being under test pressure:

The pressure drop will not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf/cm2);

There are no leaks in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings and equipment.


Quality control of work on the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems should be carried out by specialists or special services that are part of the construction organization or attracted from outside, equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control.

Quality control of work is carried out at all stages of the technological chain, starting from project development and ending with its implementation at the facility on the basis of design and production plans and technological maps. Quality control should include incoming inspection working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual installation processes or production operations and assessment of the conformity of the work performed.

During the incoming inspection of working documentation, its completeness and the sufficiency of the technical information contained in it for the execution of work are checked.

During the incoming inspection of products, materials and equipment, an external inspection checks their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documentation, as well as the presence and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.

3.1. Requirements for the quality of work on installation of air ducts

Air ducts must be installed in accordance with design references and marks. The connection of air ducts to process equipment must be made after its installation.

Air ducts intended for transporting humidified air should be installed so that there are no longitudinal seams in the lower part of the air ducts.

Sections of air ducts in which dew may fall out of the transported moist air should be laid with a slope of 0.01 - 0.015 towards the drainage devices.

Gaskets between tires or duct flanges must not protrude into the ducts.

Gaskets must be made of the following materials: foam rubber, tape porous or monolithic rubber with a thickness of 4 - 5 mm, polymer mastic rope (PMZ) - for air ducts through which air, dust or waste materials with temperatures up to 343 K (70 ° C) move .

To seal wafer-free air duct connections, the following should be used:

Sealing tape of the “Gerlen” type - for air ducts through which air moves at temperatures up to 313 K (40 ° C);

Mastic like “Buteprol”, Silicone and other certified sealants - for round air ducts with temperatures up to 343 K (70 ° C);

Heat-shrinkable cuffs, self-adhesive tapes - for round air ducts with temperatures up to 333 K (60 °C);

Other sealing materials specified in the working documentation.

Bolts in flange connections must be tightened, and all bolt nuts must be located on one side of the flange. When installing bolts vertically, the nuts should generally be located on the underside of the joint.

Fastening of air ducts should be carried out in accordance with the working documentation.

Fastenings of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts (clamps, hangers, supports, etc.) on a wafer band connection should be installed:

At a distance of no more than 4 m from one another with the diameter of a round duct or the size of the larger side of a rectangular duct less than 400 mm.

At a distance of no more than 3 m from one another - with a diameter of a round duct or a larger side of a rectangular duct of 400 mm or more.

Fastenings of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts on a flange, nipple (coupling) connection should be installed at a distance of no more than 6 m from one another:

For round sections with a diameter of up to 2000 mm,

For a rectangular section on flanges, a busbar on a flange connection with a round section with a diameter of up to 2000 mm or a rectangular section with dimensions of its larger side up to 2000 mm inclusive.

The distances between the fastenings of insulated metal air ducts of any cross-sectional sizes, as well as non-insulated air ducts of a round cross-section with a diameter of more than 2000 mm or a rectangular cross-section with a larger side of more than 2,000 mm, must be specified in the working documentation.

Fastening of the nipple (coupling) should be done with rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm or self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm every 150 - 200 mm of the circumference, but not less than three.

The clamps must fit tightly around the metal air ducts.

The fastenings of vertical metal air ducts should be installed at a distance of no more than 4.5 m from one another.

Fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings with a floor height of up to 4.5 m should be carried out in the interfloor ceilings.

The fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside rooms with a floor height of more than 4.5 m and on the roof of a building must be determined by the working documentation.

Attaching guy wires and hangers directly to the air duct flanges is not allowed. The tension of adjustable suspensions must be uniform.

The deviation of air ducts from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of air duct length.

Freely suspended air ducts must be braced by installing double hangers every two single hangers with a hanger length of 0.5 to 1.5 m.

For hangers longer than 1.5 m, double hangers should be installed through each single hanger.

Air ducts must be reinforced so that their weight is not transferred to the ventilation equipment.

Air ducts, as a rule, must be connected to fans through vibration-isolating flexible inserts made of fiberglass or other material that provides flexibility, density and durability.

Vibration isolating flexible inserts should be installed immediately prior to individual testing.

When making straight sections of air ducts from polymer film, bends of the air ducts are allowed no more than 15°.

To pass through enclosing structures, the air duct made of polymer film must have metal inserts.

Air ducts made of polymer film must be suspended on steel rings made of wire with a diameter of 3 - 4 mm, located at a distance of no more than 2 m from one another.

The diameter of the rings should be 10% larger than the diameter of the air duct. Steel rings should be secured using wire or a plate with a cutout to a supporting cable (wire) with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, stretched along the axis of the air duct and secured to the building structures every 20 - 30 m.

To prevent longitudinal movements of the air duct when it is filled with air, the polymer film should be stretched until the sagging between the rings disappears.

Table 1. Operational control map for installation of metal air ducts

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Supply of air duct parts to the installation site

Checking the completeness of the ventilation system (presence of control devices, fastening devices, etc.)

Constant 100%. Visually. Compliance with the picking list, sketches

Marking installation locations for air duct fastening devices

Fastening installation step in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85

Roulette I= 10 m


Plumb M = 200 g

Constant 100%

Drilling holes in building structures

Drilling depth

Steel meter

Constant 100%

Installation of fasteners

Mounting strength

Constant 100%.


Assembly of air duct parts, control and air distribution devices into larger units on site

Correct assembly in accordance with the design. Tightness of connections


Constant 100%

Lifting to the design level and interconnecting enlarged air duct units with preliminary fastening

The position of transverse seams and detachable connections of air ducts relative to building structures. Verticality of risers. No kinks or curvature on straight sections of air ducts

Plumb M= 200 g


Constant 100%

Alignment of mounted air ducts and their final fastening

Horizontal installation of air ducts and compliance with slopes in the distributing sections of air ducts. The density of coverage of the air duct with clamps. Reliability and appearance fastenings

Metal meter, tape measureI= 10 m, level I= 300 mm

Constant 100%.


Connecting air ducts to ventilation equipment

Correct installation of soft inserts (no sagging)

Constant 100%.


Testing the operation of control devices

Smooth operation of control devices

Day off 100%.


3.2. Requirements for the quality of fan installation work

Radial fans on vibration bases and on a rigid base installed on foundations must be secured with anchor bolts.

When installing fans on spring vibration isolators, the latter must have a uniform settlement. Vibration isolators do not need to be attached to the floor.

When installing fans on metal structures, vibration isolators should be attached to them. The elements of metal structures to which vibration isolators are attached must coincide with the corresponding elements of the fan unit frame.

When installed on a rigid base, the fan frame must fit tightly against the sound-insulating gaskets.

The gaps between the edge of the front disk of the impeller and the edge of the inlet pipe of the radial fan, both in the axial and radial directions, should not exceed 1% of the diameter of the impeller.

Radial fan shafts must be installed horizontally (shafts roof fans- vertically), the vertical walls of centrifugal fan casings should not have distortions or slopes.

Gaskets for multiple fan shrouds should be made of the same material as the duct gaskets for that system.

Electric motors must be accurately aligned with the installed fans and secured. The axes of the pulleys of electric motors and fans when driven by a belt must be parallel, and the center lines of the pulleys must coincide. Belts must be tensioned in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.

The electric motor slides must be mutually parallel and level. The supporting surface of the slide must be in contact along the entire plane with the foundation.

Couplings and belt drives should be protected.

The fan suction opening, which is not connected to the air duct, must be protected with a metal mesh with a mesh size of no more than 70x70 mm.

Table 2. Operational control chart for installation of centrifugal fans

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Supply of the fan unit to the installation site

Checking the availability and quality of components

Constant 100%.

Installing the frame on stands. Installation of vibration isolators under the frame

Horizontal level of foundation, frame

Level I= 300 mm

Constant 100%

Installing fans on a frame with vibration isolators

Vertical on the pulley, horizontal on the shaft

Plumb M= 200 g

Constant 100%

Assembling fans on the frame: installing the fan frame, installing the lower part of the fan casing, installing the turbine with fastening its frame to the frame, installing the inlet pipe

Fastening strength. The gap between the edge of the front impeller disk and the edge of the inlet pipe. Fastening strength



Constant 100%

Installing the upper part of the casing and connecting the individual parts of the fan casing to the flanges

Tightness of connection


Constant 100%

Adjustment and final fastening of vibration isolators on the frame

Uniform settlement of vibration isolators. Strength of attachment of vibration isolators to the frame


Constant 100%

Turbine balancing before start-up

Correct turbine wheel position

Constant 100%.

Visually, testing by hand (when scrolling, the marks should not coincide)

Installing the skid and electric motor on the skid

Parallelism of the sled. Strength of fastening of the electric motor to the skid. The strength of the connection between the electric motor and the fan. Parallelism of the axes of the fan and electric motor shafts. Ease of rotation of fan and motor shafts

Level I= 300 mm

Constant 100%. Visually


Installing the belt drive on the pulleys. Belt drive guard

Alignment of grooves for V-belts of fan and electric motor pulleys. Correct belt tension

Cord (cord tension in the plane of the ends of the pulleys), steel meter, testing by hand

Constant 100%

Connecting air ducts to a fan with installation of flexible inserts

Tightness of connections. No sagging in flexible inserts


Constant 100%

Table 3. Operational control chart for installation of axial fans

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Quality (no mechanical damage), completeness

Constant 100%.

Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

Installation of the fan unit on metal brackets. Fan mount

Strength of supporting structures. Strength of fan attachment to supporting structures. Vertical, horizontal

Plumb M= 200 g


Constant 100%

Checking the fan operation

The gap between the ends of the blades and the shells. Correct direction and ease of rotation of the impeller


Constant 100%.

Visually, testing by hand

Table 4. Operational control chart for installation of roof fans

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Supply of the fan complete with electric motor to the installation site

Completeness, quality (no mechanical damage)

Constant 100%.

Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

Checking the horizontality of the support flange of the glass


Level I= 300 mm

Constant 100%

Connecting a self-opening valve to a fan

Ease of valve movement

Constant 100%.

Visually, testing by hand

Installing the fan housing on the glass and securing it with anchor bolts

Strength of fan attachment to supporting structures. Shaft verticality. Ease of rotation of fan and motor shafts. Gap between inlet pipe and impeller

Plumb M= 200 g

Constant 100%.

Visually Testing by hand


Constant 100%

Checking the fan operation

Correct direction of wheel rotation

Constant 100%.

Visually (according to the project)

3.3. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of air conditioners

Air conditioner heaters should be assembled on gaskets made of certified material with heat resistance corresponding to the temperature of the coolant. The remaining blocks, chambers and units of air conditioners must be assembled on gaskets made of rubber tape 3 - 4 mm thick, supplied complete with the equipment.

Air conditioners must be installed horizontally. The walls of chambers and blocks should not have dents, distortions or slopes.

The valve blades must turn freely (by hand). In the “Closed” position, tight fit of the blades to the stops and to each other must be ensured.

The supports of chamber units and air conditioner units must be installed vertically.

Flexible air ducts should be used in accordance with the working documentation as shaped parts of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, noise suppressors and other devices located in suspended ceilings and chambers.

The use of flexible air ducts as main air ducts is not permitted.

Fastening of fan coil units, closers, split systems should be done in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers.


Installation ventilation ducts must be carried out in accordance with the safety, sanitation and occupational hygiene requirements established by building codes and labor safety rules in construction.

Before being allowed to work on the installation of ventilation ducts, heads of organizations are required to provide training and instructions on occupational safety in the workplace.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination without contraindications for performing work at height, who have professional skills and have undergone training are allowed to perform work at height safe methods and work methods and received the appropriate certificate.

To perform independent steeplejack work in accordance with the List of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during the performance of which the use of labor by persons under eighteen years of age is prohibited, persons (workers and technical workers) who are at least 18 years old, who have undergone a medical examination and recognized as fit to perform steeplejack work, having experience in steeplejack work for at least one year and tariff category not lower than third.

Workers admitted to steeplejack work for the first time must work for one year under the direct supervision of experienced workers appointed by order of the organization.

Persons who have undergone appropriate training, instruction and testing of knowledge of safe work rules with registration in a special journal and who have a qualification certificate are allowed to carry out electric welding work. Persons with medical contraindications are not allowed to perform electric welding work at height.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, been trained in the rules of using the tool, labor safety, and have an electrical safety group of at least II are allowed to work with electrified tools, and for connecting and disconnecting electrical points with a group of at least III. All electrified tools are subject to accounting and registration in a special journal. Each instrument must have an accounting number. Monitoring the serviceability and timely repair of electrified tools is assigned to the department of the chief mechanic of the construction organization. Before issuing an electrified tool, it is necessary to check its serviceability (no short circuit to the body, insulation of the supply wires and handles, condition of the working part of the tool) and its operation at idle speed.

Responsibility for proper organization Safe conduct of work at the site is the responsibility of the work manufacturer and the foreman.

Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the territory of the construction site, production, sanitary premises and workplaces is prohibited.

Work on the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as equipment for refrigeration systems, is carried out in accordance with the work permit for work under conditions of hazardous and (or) harmful production factors.

Installation should be carried out only if there is a work plan, technological maps or wiring diagrams. In the absence of the specified documents, installation work is prohibited.

The order of installation determined by the work project must be such that the previous operation completely eliminates the possibility of industrial hazards when performing subsequent ones. Installation of air ducts and parts of equipment for ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems should, as a rule, be carried out in large blocks using lifting mechanisms.

There should be no people under the mounted elements. A suspended air duct or a block of air ducts must not be secured to trusses, floors and other building structures in places not provided for by the work design.

Installation of air ducts from scaffolding, scaffolding and platforms must be carried out by at least two workers.

Alignment of flange holes when connecting air ducts should be done only with mandrels. It is forbidden to check the coincidence of the holes of the flanges being connected with your fingers.

Hemp rope guys should be used to prevent the duct blocks being lifted from swinging or twisting.

Work on installing ventilation ducts may only be carried out with working tools. Wrenches must exactly match the dimensions of the nuts and bolts, and have no bevels on the edges or burrs on the handle. Do not unscrew or tighten nuts with a wrench that is large (compared to the head) with a pad. metal plates between the edges of the nut and the key, as well as extend spanners by connecting another wrench or pipe.

Workplaces and work areas during installation at night must be illuminated. Illumination should be uniform, without the glare of lighting devices on workers. Work in unlit areas is not allowed.

Before starting work on the installation of internal systems, places that are dangerous for work and the passage of people should be fenced off, provided with inscriptions and signs, safety signs installed, and when working at night, marked with light signals.

When installing air ducts, provision should be made for the installation of fasteners to which the air duct installer can secure himself when working at height.

Exploitation construction machines(lifting mechanisms, small-scale mechanization), including Maintenance, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001 and the instructions of the manufacturers. The operation of lifting mechanisms, in addition, must be carried out taking into account PB 10-382-00 “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes”.

Places where open arc electric welding work is performed must be fenced off using fireproof screens, shields, etc.

When carrying out electric welding work in the open air, canopies made of fireproof materials must be built over installations and welding stations. In the absence of canopies, electric welding work should be stopped during rain or snowfall.

To protect against drops of molten metal and slag falling during electric welding under the welding site in places where people pass, it is necessary to install a dense platform covered with sheets of roofing iron or asbestos cardboard.

When installing ventilation ducts on roofs with a slope of more than 20°, as well as regardless of the slope on wet and frost- or snow-covered roofs, workers must use safety belts, as well as ladders with a width of at least 0.3 m with cross bars for supporting the legs; ladders must be secured during operation.

Loading and unloading operations should be performed in accordance with GOST 12.3.002-75*, GOST 12.3.009-76*.

Loading and unloading operations must be performed mechanized using lifting and transport equipment and small-scale mechanization. Loads should be lifted manually in exceptional cases, observing the standards established by current documents.

When loading and unloading ventilation duct blanks and their parts, containers should be used. While lifting, lowering or moving a container, workers must not be on or inside it, or on adjacent containers.

Slinging and unslinging of cargo should be done in accordance with PB 10-382-00.

The supply of materials, ventilation components, and equipment to workplaces must be carried out in a technological sequence that ensures the safety of work. Workpieces and equipment should be stored at workplaces in such a way that there is no danger when performing work, passages are not cramped, and it is possible to assemble air ducts into enlarged blocks. It is necessary to ensure the correct placement of equipment and workpieces on the floors, avoiding concentration and not exceeding the permissible loads per 1 m 2 of floor.

Ventilation blanks should be stored in stacks no more than 2.5 m high on gaskets and pads. Large and heavy equipment should be stored in one row on supports.

Storage area for workpieces and ventilation equipment at construction site must be fenced and located in the area of ​​an active load-lifting crane. The storage area must be planned, have slopes for water drainage, and be cleared of snow and ice in winter.

Explosive or harmful paints and other materials are allowed to be stored at workplaces in quantities not exceeding shift requirements. Such materials must be stored in tightly closed containers.

Between stacks (racks) on sites and in warehouses, passages with a width of at least 1 m and passages, the width of which depends on the dimensions of transport and loading and unloading equipment serving the warehouse or site, must be provided.

Managers of installation organizations are required to provide workers, engineers and employees with special clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with regulatory requirements.

All persons on the construction site are required to wear safety helmets. Workers and engineers without protective helmets and other necessary funds personal protective equipment is not allowed for installation of air ducts.

When working at height, installers of ventilation systems must always use safety belts.

Workers and employees receiving personal protective equipment (respirators, gas masks, safety belts, helmets, etc.) must be trained in the rules for using them.

All work on the installation of ventilation ducts should be carried out in the presence and under the guidance of responsible engineers in accordance with the rules for the production and acceptance of work in accordance with SP 73.13330. 2012 with strict adherence to occupational safety requirements according to:


Name of machines, mechanisms, machine tools, tools and materials


Unit change


Spray gun with a capacity of 600 m 3 /h



Compressor with a capacity of 20 - 30 m 3 / h


Double-sided open-end wrenches


Files flat, square, triangular, round, semicircular with cut No. 1, 2, 3

Steel hammer


Bench chisel

Screwdriver for mechanics (set)


Combination pliers 3 E 1

Welder shield

Mounting and traction mechanism


Rack jack


Drilling machine


Grinder electric


Electric impact wrench


Electric screwdriver


Electric hammer drill


Electric scissors


Mounting device for moving loads


Manual winch

STD 999/1

Hydraulic jack


Single-sided riveting gun

STD 96/1

Safety climbing device


4 digits

Ventilation system installer:

4 digits

3 digits

2 digits

As an example of the installation of ventilation ducts, we will take the installation of vertical risers of air ducts measuring 800x800 mm with an area of ​​100 m2 using a hand winch.

The costs of labor and machine time for the installation of ventilation ducts are calculated according to the “Unified Standards and Prices for Construction, Installation and Repair Work” (presented in Table 7)

Unit of measurement is 100 m 2 ventilation ducts.

Table 14 - Calculation of labor costs and machine time


Justification (ENiR and other standards)

Name of technological processes

Unit change

Scope of work

Standard time

Labor costs

workers, person-hours

workers, person-hours

driver, person-hour (machine operation, machine hours)

E9-1-46 No. 1a

Drilling holes with an electric drilling machine in building structures

100 holes

E1-2 Table. 3 No. 1ab

Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site

100 t


1,8 (1,8)


0,034 (0,034)

E10-5 Table. 12 No. 4v

Assembling air ducts into enlarged blocks, installing fastening means, lifting and installing blocks, connecting an installed block with a previously installed one, alignment and final fastening of the system

1 m2



E10-13 Table. 2g Apply.

Installation of plugs at the upper ends of vertical air ducts






0,034 (0,034)

The duration of work for the installation of ventilation ducts is determined by the work schedule presented in the table.

Technical and economic indicators are:

Ducts and parts ventilation systems must be manufactured in accordance with the working documentation and from materials approved for use in construction. In addition, the manufacture and installation of air ducts and equipment for ventilation and air conditioning systems must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003.

Air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing steel with a diameter and larger side size of up to 2000 mm should be made:

Spiral-lock or straight-seam on folds;

Spiral-welded or straight-seam welded.

Air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing steel with a side size of more than 2000 mm should be made of panels (welded, glue-welded).

Air ducts made of metal plastic should be made on seams, and from stainless steel, titanium, as well as sheet aluminum and its alloys - on seams or by welding.

Air ducts made of sheet aluminum and its alloys with a thickness of up to 1.5 mm should be made on seams, with a thickness from 1.5 to 2 mm - on seams or welding, and with a sheet thickness of more than 2 mm - on welding.

Longitudinal seams on air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing and stainless steel and sheet aluminum with a diameter or larger side size of 500 mm or more must be secured at the beginning and end of the air duct section by spot welding, electric rivets, rivets or doweling.

Seams on air ducts, regardless of metal thickness and manufacturing method, must be made with a cutoff.

The end sections of seam seams at the ends of air ducts and in the air distribution openings of plastic air ducts must be secured with aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments specified in the working documentation.

Seam seams must have the same width along their entire length and be uniformly tightly seated.

There should be no cross-shaped seam connections in seam ducts, as well as in cutting charts.

On straight sections of rectangular air ducts with a side cross-section of more than 400 mm, rigidities should be structurally made in the form of bends (zigs) with a pitch of 300 - 500 mm along the perimeter of the air duct or diagonal bends (zigs). With a side of more than 1000 mm and a length of more than 1000 mm, in addition, it is necessary to install external rigidity frames in increments of no more than 1250 mm. The stiffening frames must be securely fastened with spot welding, rivets or self-tapping screws.

On metal-plastic air ducts, the stiffening frames must be installed using aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments specified in the working documentation.

Elements of shaped parts should be connected to each other using ridges, folds, welding, and rivets.

Elements of shaped parts made of metal-plastic should be connected to each other using folds.

Zig connections for systems transporting air of high humidity or mixed with explosive dust are not allowed.

Connecting sections should be done:

for round air ducts using the wafer method (nipple/coupling), band connection or on flanges;

for rectangular air ducts: busbar (large/small) or on flanges. Connections must be strong and tight.

Fastening the tire to the air duct should be done with rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, self-tapping screws (in the absence of fibrous components in the transported medium), spot welding, grooving every 200 - 250 mm, but not less than four. The inner corners of the tire must be filled with sealant.

The flanges on the air ducts should be secured by flanging with a persistent ridge, welding, spot welding, rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm or self-tapping screws (in the absence of fibrous components in the transported medium), placed every 200 - 250 mm, but not less than four.

Regulating devices (gates, throttle valves, dampers, air distributor control elements, etc.) must be easy to close and open, and also be fixed in a given position.

Air ducts made of non-galvanized steel and their connecting fasteners (including the internal surfaces of the flanges) must be primed (painted) at the procurement plant in accordance with the working documentation. The final painting of the outer surface of the air ducts is carried out by specialized construction organizations after their installation.

Ventilation blanks must be equipped with parts for connecting them and means of fastening.

2.2. Preparatory work

2.2.1. General provisions

Rice. 1. Slings

a - lightweight sling with loops; b - lightweight sling with hooks;
c - four-leg sling

The lifted load should be kept from rotation by guys made of hemp ropes with a diameter of 20 - 25 mm or guys made of steel ropes with a diameter of 8 - 12 mm. For horizontal elements of ventilation systems (enlarged air duct units), two guys should be used, for vertical elements (sections of air conditioners, roof fans, air ducts, etc.) - one.

The most common slinging methods are shown in Fig. - .

Rice. 2. Slinging VPA-40

Rice. 3. Slinging of an autonomous air conditioner KTR-1-2.0-0.46

Rice. 4. Slinging of radial (centrifugal) fans, version No. 1

Rice. 5. Slinging fans Ts4-70 No. 6 - 8, version No. 1

Rice. 6. Slinging fans Ts4-70 No. 6 - 8, version No. 6

Rice. 7. Slinging fans Ts4-70 No. 10, 12.5

Rice. 8. Slinging the air duct

For the entire installation period, areas for storing air ducts must be equipped.

The installation of an on-site air duct warehouse must satisfy the following basic requirements:

Be located near access roads or railway tracks;

The boundaries of the warehouse must be at least 1 m from the road;

Be at a minimum distance from the installation site, if possible within the reach of the tower crane;

Do not interfere with construction and installation work;

Areas for storing air ducts must be carefully planned with a slope of 1 - 2° to drain surface water, covered with draining sand or gravel, and, if necessary, have ditches;

Walkways, driveways and loading and unloading areas must be cleared of debris, construction waste (in winter - from snow and ice) and sprinkled with sand, slag or ash;

Storage of ventilation products must be organized in compliance with work safety and fire protection requirements;

Barrier posts must be installed in the corners of the open warehouse, warning signs for vehicle drivers and signs with the name of the installation department or site and the location of the cargo receiver must be posted;

The warehouse must be lit.

Warehousing and storage of air ducts must be organized in accordance with current standards and in compliance with the following requirements:

Air ducts of rectangular cross-section must be stacked; straight sections with a height of no more than 2.7, shaped parts - no more than 2 m;

Round ducts should be installed vertically;

Air ducts delivered in inventory containers should be stored in these containers at specially organized container sites. It is prohibited to store air ducts and other products in railway containers;

During storage, each air duct should be placed on wooden stock pads;

Air ducts in stacks should be placed taking into account the installation sequence: stacks and containers should be provided with signs;

Passages with a width of at least 1 m must be left between the stacks; Every three stacks there should be passages for vehicles 3 m wide.

Air ducts are moved across the floors of multi-storey buildings using lifting and transport equipment or manual transport.

2.3. Works of the main period. Installation

2.3.1. Installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems. General provisions

Installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 73.13330.2012, SP 48.13330.2011, SNiP 12-03-2001, SNiP 12-04-2002, standards and instructions of equipment manufacturers, as well as in accordance with fire safety regulations requirements of SP 7.13130.2009.

Installation must be carried out using industrial methods from air duct assemblies and equipment supplied complete in large blocks.

Installation of systems should be carried out when the object (occupancy) is ready for construction in the amount of:

For industrial buildings - the entire building with a volume of up to 5000 m3 and part of the building with a volume of over 5000 m3;

For residential and public buildings up to five floors - a separate building, one or several sections; over five floors - five floors of one or more sections.

Another installation organization scheme is possible depending on the accepted design diagram.

2.3.2. Air duct installation

The method of installation of air ducts should be selected depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), location relative to structures (near the wall, near columns, in the intertruss space, in the shaft, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (single or multi-story, industrial, public and etc.).

Flexible air ducts made of SPL fiberglass, metal fabric, aluminum foil, etc. should be used as shaped parts of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, noise suppressors and other devices located in false ceilings, chambers, etc. Flexible air ducts are not allowed as straight links.

In order to reduce aerodynamic drag, parts made from flexible hoses in the mounted position must have a minimum degree of compression.

Installation of metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, in enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

Marking installation locations for air duct fastening devices;

Installation of fastening means;

Coordination with builders of the location and methods of fastening lifting equipment;

Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site;

Checking the completeness and quality of the delivered air duct parts;

Assembly of air duct parts into enlarged blocks;

Installing the block in the design position and securing it;

Installation of plugs at the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

The length of the block is determined by the cross-sectional dimensions and type of connection of the air ducts, installation conditions and the availability of lifting equipment.

The length of enlarged blocks of horizontal air ducts connected on flanges should not exceed 20 m.

Schemes for organizing the work area during the installation of air ducts are given in Fig. - .

Rice. 9. Scheme of organizing the work area during installation of air ducts
along the outer wall of the building

1 - console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - auto hydraulic lift;
4 - traverse; 5 - guy; 6 - block

Rice. 10. Scheme of organizing the working area when installing horizontal
air ducts in the building

1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 - enlarged air duct unit; 4 - pendants

2.3.3. Fan installation

Fans must be installed in the following sequence:

Acceptance of ventilation chambers;

Delivery of the fan or its individual parts to the installation site;

Installation of lifting equipment;

Slinging a fan or individual parts;

Lifting and horizontal movement of the fan to the installation site;

Installation of the fan (fan assembly) on supporting structures (foundation, platform, brackets);

Checking the correct installation and assembly of the fan

Fastening the fan to supporting structures;

Checking the fan operation.

During the installation of fans, step-by-step operational control must be carried out in accordance with the operational control cards.

2.3.4. Installation of refrigeration system equipment

Installation of refrigeration system equipment must be carried out in the following sequence:

Acceptance of a room or site for equipment;

Delivery of the installation or its individual parts to the installation site;

Installation of lifting equipment;

Slinging the installation or its individual parts;

Lifting and horizontal movement of equipment to the installation site;

Installation (assembly) of equipment on supporting structures (foundation, site);

Checking the correct installation and assembly of equipment;

Fastening the installation to supporting structures;

Commissioning works

Checking the operation of the equipment.

2.4. Testing and commissioning

Upon completion of installation work, contractors must carry out tests of internal systems. Tests must be carried out before finishing work begins.

Commissioning work is carried out after completion of construction and installation work, during the period of preparation and transfer of systems into operation. As a rule, they consist of individual tests and comprehensive testing.

Comprehensive testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems of a building (structure, etc.) is carried out according to the program and schedule developed by the general contractor or on his behalf by the commissioning organization. The results of complex tests are documented in the form of a report.

2.4.1. Testing and commissioning of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems

The final stage of installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems is commissioning and commissioning of the systems. Acceptance of work is carried out in the following sequence:

Inspection of hidden work;

Individual testing of ventilation equipment (run-in);

Handover for pre-launch testing and commissioning.

Air ducts and

ventilation equipment hidden in shafts, suspended ceilings, etc. The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of design and regulatory documentation, are documented in certificates of inspection of hidden work.

Check the tightness of sections of air ducts hidden by building structures using aerodynamic tests (if the requirements are specified in the detailed design); Based on the results of the leak test, draw up an inspection report for hidden work.

Individual tests of ventilation equipment (run-in) are carried out to check the performance of electric motors and the absence of mechanical defects in rotating elements of the equipment. As a rule, running-in is carried out after installation of equipment with a connected air duct network. In cases of installation of large-sized equipment in hard-to-reach places (roofs of buildings, basements, etc.), it is recommended to carry out a run-in before delivering the equipment to the installation site (at the production base or directly at the construction site).

When running in equipment with an unconnected network, it is prohibited to turn it on without creating artificial resistance (plug 3/4 of the suction hole).

Run-in of ventilation equipment is carried out within 1 hour, or by checking the current values ​​of the motor operating in operating mode.

The discrepancy between readings should not exceed 10% of current values I n indicated on the engine.

In the absence of power supply ventilation units and air conditioning according to a permanent scheme; the connection of electricity according to a temporary scheme and checking the serviceability of starting devices is carried out by the general contractor.

Based on the test results (run-in) of ventilation equipment, an individual equipment test report is drawn up (Appendix E, SP 73.13330.2012).

When adjusting ventilation and air conditioning systems to design air flow rates, the following should be done:

Check the compliance of the actual execution of ventilation and air conditioning systems with the design documentation and requirements SP 73.13330.2012 ;

Testing fans when operating in a network, checking whether the actual technical characteristics comply with the passport data, including: air flow and total pressure, rotation speed, power consumption, etc.;

Checking the uniformity of heating (cooling) of heat exchangers and checking the absence of moisture removal through the drop eliminators of irrigation chambers or air coolers;

Determination of flow rate and resistance of dust collection devices;

Checking the operation of natural ventilation exhaust devices;

Testing and adjusting the ventilation network of systems in order to achieve design indicators for air flow in air ducts, local suction, air exchange in rooms and determining leaks or air losses in systems.

Deviations of air flow indicators from those provided for in the design documentation after adjustment and testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems are allowed:

Within ±8% - in terms of air flow passing through the air distribution and air intake devices of general ventilation and air conditioning installations, provided that the required air pressure (rarefaction) is ensured in the room;

Up to +8% - in terms of air flow, removed through local suction and supplied through shower pipes.

A passport is issued in two copies for each ventilation and air conditioning system (Appendices G, SP 73.13330.2012).

2.4.2. Testing of refrigeration systems

Testing of water refrigeration systems should be carried out with the heat generators and expansion vessels turned off using the hydrostatic method with a pressure equal to 1.5 operating pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2) at the lowest point of the system.

The system is considered to have passed the test if, within 5 minutes of being under test pressure:

The pressure drop will not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf/cm2);

There are no leaks in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings and equipment.


Quality control of work on the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems should be carried out by specialists or special services that are part of the construction organization or attracted from outside, equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control.

Quality control of work is carried out at all stages of the technological chain, starting from project development and ending with its implementation at the facility on the basis of design and production plans and technological maps. Quality control should include incoming control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual installation processes or production operations and assessment of the conformity of the work performed.

During the incoming inspection of working documentation, its completeness and the sufficiency of the technical information contained in it for the execution of work are checked.

During the incoming inspection of products, materials and equipment, an external inspection checks their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documentation, as well as the presence and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.

3.1. Requirements for the quality of work on installation of air ducts

Air ducts must be installed in accordance with design references and marks. The connection of air ducts to process equipment must be made after its installation.

Air ducts intended for transporting humidified air should be installed so that there are no longitudinal seams in the lower part of the air ducts.

Sections of air ducts in which dew may fall out of the transported moist air should be laid with a slope of 0.01 - 0.015 towards the drainage devices.

Gaskets between tires or duct flanges must not protrude into the ducts.

Gaskets must be made of the following materials: foam rubber, tape porous or monolithic rubber with a thickness of 4 - 5 mm, polymer mastic rope (PMZ) - for air ducts through which air, dust or waste materials with temperatures up to 343 K (70 ° C) move .

To seal wafer-free air duct connections, the following should be used:

Sealing tape of the “Gerlen” type - for air ducts through which air moves at temperatures up to 313 K (40 ° C);

Mastic like “Buteprol”, Silicone and other certified sealants - for round air ducts with temperatures up to 343 K (70 ° C);

Heat-shrinkable cuffs, self-adhesive tapes - for round air ducts with temperatures up to 333 K (60 °C);

Other sealing materials specified in the working documentation.

Bolts in flange connections must be tightened, and all bolt nuts must be located on one side of the flange. When installing bolts vertically, the nuts should generally be located on the underside of the joint.

Fastening of air ducts should be carried out in accordance with the working documentation.

Fastenings of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts (clamps, hangers, supports, etc.) on a wafer band connection should be installed:

At a distance of no more than 4 m from one another with the diameter of a round duct or the size of the larger side of a rectangular duct less than 400 mm.

At a distance of no more than 3 m from one another - with a diameter of a round duct or a larger side of a rectangular duct of 400 mm or more.

Fastenings of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts on a flange, nipple (coupling) connection should be installed at a distance of no more than 6 m from one another:

For round sections with a diameter of up to 2000 mm,

For a rectangular section on flanges, a busbar on a flange connection with a round section with a diameter of up to 2000 mm or a rectangular section with dimensions of its larger side up to 2000 mm inclusive.

The distances between the fastenings of insulated metal air ducts of any cross-sectional sizes, as well as non-insulated air ducts of a round cross-section with a diameter of more than 2000 mm or a rectangular cross-section with a larger side of more than 2,000 mm, must be specified in the working documentation.

Fastening of the nipple (coupling) should be done with rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm or self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm every 150 - 200 mm of the circumference, but not less than three.

The clamps must fit tightly around the metal air ducts.

The fastenings of vertical metal air ducts should be installed at a distance of no more than 4.5 m from one another.

Fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings with a floor height of up to 4.5 m should be carried out in the interfloor ceilings.

The fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside rooms with a floor height of more than 4.5 m and on the roof of a building must be determined by the working documentation.

Attaching guy wires and hangers directly to the air duct flanges is not allowed. The tension of adjustable suspensions must be uniform.

The deviation of air ducts from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of air duct length.

Freely suspended air ducts must be braced by installing double hangers every two single hangers with a hanger length of 0.5 to 1.5 m.

For hangers longer than 1.5 m, double hangers should be installed through each single hanger.

Air ducts must be reinforced so that their weight is not transferred to the ventilation equipment.

Air ducts, as a rule, must be connected to fans through vibration-isolating flexible inserts made of fiberglass or other material that provides flexibility, density and durability.

Vibration isolating flexible inserts should be installed immediately prior to individual testing.

When making straight sections of air ducts from polymer film, bends of the air ducts are allowed no more than 15°.

To pass through enclosing structures, the air duct made of polymer film must have metal inserts.

Air ducts made of polymer film must be suspended on steel rings made of wire with a diameter of 3 - 4 mm, located at a distance of no more than 2 m from one another.

The diameter of the rings should be 10% larger than the diameter of the air duct. Steel rings should be secured using wire or a plate with a cutout to a supporting cable (wire) with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, stretched along the axis of the air duct and secured to the building structures every 20 - 30 m.

To prevent longitudinal movements of the air duct when it is filled with air, the polymer film should be stretched until the sagging between the rings disappears.

Table 1. Operational control map for installation of metal air ducts

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Supply of air duct parts to the installation site

Checking the completeness of the ventilation system (presence of control devices, fastening devices, etc.)

Constant 100%. Visually. Compliance with the picking list, sketches

Marking installation locations for air duct fastening devices

Fastening installation step in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85

Roulette I= 10 m

Plumb M = 200 g

Constant 100%

Drilling depth

Steel meter

Constant 100%

Installation of fasteners

Mounting strength

Constant 100%.


Assembly of air duct parts, control and air distribution devices into larger units on site

Correct assembly in accordance with the design. Tightness of connections


Constant 100%

Lifting to the design level and interconnecting enlarged air duct units with preliminary fastening

The position of transverse seams and detachable connections of air ducts relative to building structures. Verticality of risers. No kinks or curvature on straight sections of air ducts

Plumb M= 200 g


Constant 100%

Alignment of mounted air ducts and their final fastening

Horizontal installation of air ducts and compliance with slopes in the distributing sections of air ducts. The density of coverage of the air duct with clamps. Reliability and appearance of fastenings

Metal meter, tape measure I= 10 m, level I= 300 mm

Constant 100%.


Connecting air ducts to ventilation equipment

Correct installation of soft inserts (no sagging)

Constant 100%.


Testing the operation of control devices

Smooth operation of control devices

Day off 100%.


3.2. Requirements for the quality of fan installation work

Radial fans on vibration bases and on a rigid base installed on foundations must be secured with anchor bolts.

When installing fans on spring vibration isolators, the latter must have a uniform settlement. Vibration isolators do not need to be attached to the floor.

When installing fans on metal structures, vibration isolators should be attached to them. The elements of metal structures to which vibration isolators are attached must coincide with the corresponding elements of the fan unit frame.

When installed on a rigid base, the fan frame must fit tightly against the sound-insulating gaskets.

The gaps between the edge of the front disk of the impeller and the edge of the inlet pipe of the radial fan, both in the axial and radial directions, should not exceed 1% of the diameter of the impeller.

The shafts of radial fans must be installed horizontally (shafts of roof fans - vertically), the vertical walls of the casings of centrifugal fans must not have distortions or slopes.

Gaskets for multiple fan shrouds should be made of the same material as the duct gaskets for that system.

Electric motors must be accurately aligned with the installed fans and secured. The axes of the pulleys of electric motors and fans when driven by a belt must be parallel, and the center lines of the pulleys must coincide. Belts must be tensioned in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.

The electric motor slides must be mutually parallel and level. The supporting surface of the slide must be in contact along the entire plane with the foundation.

Couplings and belt drives should be protected.

The fan suction opening, which is not connected to the air duct, must be protected with a metal mesh with a mesh size of no more than 70x70 mm.

Table 2. Operational control chart for installation of centrifugal fans

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Supply of the fan unit to the installation site

Checking the availability and quality of components

Constant 100%.

Installing the frame on stands. Installation of vibration isolators under the frame

Horizontal level of foundation, frame

Level I= 300 mm

Constant 100%

Installing fans on a frame with vibration isolators

Vertical on the pulley, horizontal on the shaft

Plumb M= 200 g

Constant 100%

Assembling fans on the frame: installing the fan frame, installing the lower part of the fan casing, installing the turbine with fastening its frame to the frame, installing the inlet pipe

Fastening strength. The gap between the edge of the front impeller disk and the edge of the inlet pipe. Fastening strength


Constant 100%

Installing the upper part of the casing and connecting the individual parts of the fan casing to the flanges

Tightness of connection


Constant 100%

Adjustment and final fastening of vibration isolators on the frame

Uniform settlement of vibration isolators. Strength of attachment of vibration isolators to the frame


Constant 100%

Turbine balancing before start-up

Correct turbine wheel position

Constant 100%.

(when scrolling, the risks should not coincide)

Installing the skid and electric motor on the skid

Parallelism of the sled. Strength of fastening of the electric motor to the skid. The strength of the connection between the electric motor and the fan. Parallelism of the axes of the fan and electric motor shafts. Ease of rotation of fan and motor shafts

Level I= 300 mm

Constant 100%. Visually

Visually, testing by hand

Installing the belt drive on the pulleys. Belt drive guard

Alignment of grooves for V-belts of fan and electric motor pulleys. Correct belt tension

Cord (cord tension in the plane of the ends of the pulleys), steel meter, testing by hand

Constant 100%

Connecting air ducts to a fan with installation of flexible inserts

Tightness of connections. No sagging in flexible inserts


Constant 100%

Table 3. Operational control chart for installation of axial fans

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Quality (no mechanical damage), completeness

Constant 100%.

Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

Installation of the fan unit on metal brackets. Fan mount

Strength of supporting structures. Strength of fan attachment to supporting structures. Vertical, horizontal

Plumb M= 200 g


Constant 100%

Checking the fan operation

The gap between the ends of the blades and the shells. Correct direction and ease of rotation of the impeller

Constant 100%.

Visually, testing by hand

Table 4. Operational control chart for installation of roof fans

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Supply of the fan complete with electric motor to the installation site

Completeness, quality (no mechanical damage)

Constant 100%.

Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

Checking the horizontality of the support flange of the glass


Level I= 300 mm

Constant 100%

Connecting a self-opening valve to a fan

Ease of valve movement

Constant 100%.

Visually, testing by hand

Installing the fan housing on the glass and securing it with anchor bolts

Strength of fan attachment to supporting structures. Shaft verticality. Ease of rotation of fan and motor shafts. Gap between inlet pipe and impeller

Plumb M= 200 g

Constant 100%.

Visually Testing by hand

Constant 100%

Checking the fan operation

Correct direction of wheel rotation

Constant 100%.

Visually (according to the project)

3.3. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of air conditioners

Air conditioner heaters should be assembled on gaskets made of certified material with heat resistance corresponding to the temperature of the coolant. The remaining blocks, chambers and units of air conditioners must be assembled on gaskets made of rubber tape 3 - 4 mm thick, supplied complete with the equipment.

Air conditioners must be installed horizontally. The walls of chambers and blocks should not have dents, distortions or slopes.

The valve blades must turn freely (by hand). In the “Closed” position, tight fit of the blades to the stops and to each other must be ensured.

The supports of chamber units and air conditioner units must be installed vertically.

Flexible air ducts should be used in accordance with the working documentation as shaped parts of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, noise suppressors and other devices located in suspended ceilings and chambers.

The use of flexible air ducts as main air ducts is not permitted.

Fastening of fan coil units, closers, split systems should be done in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers.


Installation of ventilation ducts must be carried out in accordance with the safety, sanitation and occupational hygiene requirements established by building codes and rules for occupational safety in construction.

Before being allowed to work on the installation of ventilation ducts, heads of organizations are required to provide training and instructions on occupational safety in the workplace.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination without contraindications to work at height, have professional skills, have been trained in safe methods and techniques of work and have received the appropriate certificate are allowed to perform work at height.

To perform independent steeplejack work in accordance with the List of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during the performance of which the use of labor by persons under eighteen years of age is prohibited, persons (workers and technical workers) who are at least 18 years old, who have undergone a medical examination and recognized as fit to perform steeplejack work, having experience in steeplejack work for at least one year and a tariff category of at least third.

Workers admitted to steeplejack work for the first time must work for one year under the direct supervision of experienced workers appointed by order of the organization.

Persons who have undergone appropriate training, instruction and testing of knowledge of safe work rules with registration in a special journal and who have a qualification certificate are allowed to carry out electric welding work. Persons with medical contraindications are not allowed to perform electric welding work at height.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, been trained in the rules of using the tool, labor safety, and have an electrical safety group of at least II are allowed to work with electrified tools, and for connecting and disconnecting electrical points with a group of at least III. All electrified tools are subject to accounting and registration in a special journal. Each instrument must have an accounting number. Monitoring the serviceability and timely repair of electrified tools is assigned to the department of the chief mechanic of the construction organization. Before issuing an electrified tool, it is necessary to check its serviceability (no short circuit to the body, insulation of the supply wires and handles, condition of the working part of the tool) and its operation at idle speed.

Responsibility for the correct organization of safe work at the site rests with the work manufacturer and the foreman.

Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the territory of the construction site, production, sanitary premises and workplaces is prohibited.

Work on the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as equipment for refrigeration systems, is carried out in accordance with the work permit for work under conditions of hazardous and (or) harmful production factors.

Installation should be carried out only if there is a work plan, technological maps or installation diagrams. In the absence of the specified documents, installation work is prohibited.

The order of installation determined by the work project must be such that the previous operation completely eliminates the possibility of industrial hazards when performing subsequent ones. Installation of air ducts and parts of equipment for ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems should, as a rule, be carried out in large blocks using lifting mechanisms.

There should be no people under the mounted elements. A suspended air duct or a block of air ducts must not be secured to trusses, floors and other building structures in places not provided for by the work design.

Installation of air ducts from scaffolding, scaffolding and platforms must be carried out by at least two workers.

Alignment of flange holes when connecting air ducts should be done only with mandrels. It is forbidden to check the coincidence of the holes of the flanges being connected with your fingers.

Hemp rope guys should be used to prevent the duct blocks being lifted from swinging or twisting.

Work on installing ventilation ducts may only be carried out with working tools. Wrenches must exactly match the dimensions of the nuts and bolts, and have no bevels on the edges or burrs on the handle. You should not unscrew or tighten nuts with a large (compared to the head) wrench with metal plates between the edges of the nut and the wrench, or extend wrenches by attaching another wrench or pipe.

Workplaces and work areas during installation at night must be illuminated. Illumination should be uniform, without the glare of lighting devices on workers. Work in unlit areas is not allowed.

Before starting work on the installation of internal systems, places that are dangerous for work and the passage of people should be fenced off, provided with inscriptions and signs, safety signs installed, and when working at night, marked with light signals.

When installing air ducts, provision should be made for the installation of fasteners to which the air duct installer can secure himself when working at height.

The operation of construction machines (lifting mechanisms, small-scale mechanization), including maintenance, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001 and the instructions of the manufacturers. The operation of lifting mechanisms, in addition, must be carried out taking into account PB 10-382-00 “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes”.

Places where open arc electric welding work is performed must be fenced off using fireproof screens, shields, etc.

When carrying out electric welding work in the open air, canopies made of fireproof materials must be built over installations and welding stations. In the absence of canopies, electric welding work should be stopped during rain or snowfall.

To protect against drops of molten metal and slag falling during electric welding under the welding site in places where people pass, it is necessary to install a dense platform covered with sheets of roofing iron or asbestos cardboard.

When installing ventilation ducts on roofs with a slope of more than 20°, as well as regardless of the slope on wet and frost- or snow-covered roofs, workers must use safety belts, as well as ladders at least 0.3 m wide with transverse bars to support their feet; ladders must be secured during operation.

Loading and unloading operations should be performed in accordance with GOST 12.3.002-75*, GOST 12.3.009-76*.

Loading and unloading operations must be performed mechanized using lifting and transport equipment and small-scale mechanization. Loads should be lifted manually in exceptional cases, observing the standards established by current documents.

When loading and unloading ventilation duct blanks and their parts, containers should be used. While lifting, lowering or moving a container, workers must not be on or inside it, or on adjacent containers.

Slinging and unslinging of cargo should be done in accordance with PB 10-382-00.

The supply of materials, ventilation components, and equipment to workplaces must be carried out in a technological sequence that ensures the safety of work. Workpieces and equipment should be stored at workplaces in such a way that there is no danger when performing work, passages are not cramped, and it is possible to assemble air ducts into enlarged blocks. It is necessary to ensure the correct placement of equipment and workpieces on the floors, avoiding concentration and not exceeding the permissible loads per 1 m2 of floor.

Ventilation blanks should be stored in stacks no more than 2.5 m high on gaskets and pads. Large and heavy equipment should be stored in one row on supports.

The storage area for workpieces and ventilation equipment at the construction site must be fenced and located in the area of ​​an active load-lifting crane. The storage area must be planned, have slopes for water drainage, and be cleared of snow and ice in winter.

Explosive or harmful paints and other materials are allowed to be stored at workplaces in quantities not exceeding shift requirements. Such materials must be stored in tightly closed containers.

Between stacks (racks) on sites and in warehouses, passages with a width of at least 1 m and passages, the width of which depends on the dimensions of transport and loading and unloading equipment serving the warehouse or site, must be provided.

Managers of installation organizations are required to provide workers, engineers and employees with special clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with regulatory requirements.

All persons on the construction site are required to wear safety helmets. Workers and engineers without safety helmets and other necessary personal protective equipment are not allowed to perform work on the installation of air ducts.

When working at height, installers of ventilation systems must always use safety belts.

Workers and employees receiving personal protective equipment (respirators, gas masks, safety belts, helmets, etc.) must be trained in the rules for using them.

All work on the installation of ventilation ducts should be carried out in the presence and under the guidance of responsible engineers in accordance with the rules for the production and acceptance of work in accordance with SP 73.13330. 2012 with strict adherence to occupational safety requirements according to:

Name of machines, mechanisms, machine tools, tools and materials


Spray gun with a capacity of 600 m3/h

Compressor with a capacity of 20 - 30 m3/h

Double-sided open-end wrenches

Files flat, square, triangular, round, semicircular with cut No. 1, 2, 3

Steel hammer

Bench chisel

Screwdriver for mechanics (set)

Combination pliers

Hand scissors for cutting metal


Bench vice with manual drive

Metal measuring ruler

Welder shield

Mounting and traction mechanism

Rack jack

Drilling machine

Electric grinder

Electric impact wrench

Electric screwdriver

Electric hammer drill

Electric scissors

Mounting device for moving loads

Manual winch

Hydraulic jack

Single-sided riveting gun

Safety climbing device

Table 6- Composition of the brigade


Number of workers of this category

Total number of workers

Ventilation system installer

5 - 6 categories (foreman)

4 digits

Ventilation system installer:

4 digits

3 digits

2 digits

As an example of the installation of ventilation ducts, we will take the installation of vertical risers of air ducts measuring 800x800 mm with an area of ​​100 m2 using a hand winch.

The costs of labor and machine time for the installation of ventilation ducts are calculated according to the “Unified Standards and Prices for Construction, Installation and Repair Work” (presented in Table 7)

Unit of measurement is 100 m2 of ventilation ducts.

Table 14 - Calculation of labor costs and machine time

Justification (ENiR and other standards)

Scope of work

Standard time

Labor costs

workers, person-hours

workers, person-hours

driver, person-hour (machine operation, machine hours)

E9-1-46 No. 1a

Drilling holes with an electric drilling machine in building structures

E1-2 Table. 3 No. 1ab

Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site

E10-5 Table. 12 No. 4v

Assembling air ducts into enlarged blocks, installing fastening means, lifting and installing blocks, connecting an installed block with a previously installed one, alignment and final fastening of the system

E10-13 Table. 2g Apply.

Installation of plugs at the upper ends of vertical air ducts


Name of technological processes

Scope of work

Labor costs

Accepted squad composition

Duration of the process, h

Work shifts

workers, person-hours

driver, man-hours, (operation of machines, machine-hours)

Working hours

Drilling holes in building structures

Ventilation system installer

Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site

Loader driver


Assembly of air ducts into enlarged blocks, lifting and installation of blocks, alignment and final fastening of the system

Ventilation system installers

Installation of plugs at the upper ends of vertical air ducts

Ventilation system installers

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

higher professional education

Samara State Architectural

construction university

Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation

Technological maps for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems


for course and diploma design

Approved by the editorial and publishing

university council

Samara 2011

UDC 697.912 (035.5)

Compiled by: Yu.I. Kasyanov, G.I. Titov, E.B. Filatova

Technological maps for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems: guidelines for course and diploma design. - Samarsk. state arch.-build. univ. – Samara, 2011. – 61 p.

These guidelines are intended for 5th year full-time and 6th year students distance learning direction "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" specialty 01/27/09-65 "Heat and gas supply and ventilation" to complete a course project in the discipline "Organization construction production"and the section of the diploma project of the same name.

The guidelines have been developed in accordance with the educational and methodological complex of higher education and include general rules for conducting installation work, the composition and procedure for developing technological maps, as well as standard technological maps for the main processes of installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

These guidelines cannot be completely

or partially reproduced, duplicated (including photocopied)

and distributed without permission

Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.


Technical editor


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Format 6084. Offset paper. Printing is efficient.

Academic ed. l. Conditional oven l. Circulation 100 copies. Order No.

Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

443001 Samara, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 194.

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© Samara State

architectural and construction

university, 2011

Rules for conducting installation and assembly work on site

The installation production process can be divided into the following main stages:

    development of installation drawings, work projects, technological maps;

    preparation of production in an installation organization;

    execution of assembly units and parts at the procurement plant and acquisition of necessary materials and equipment;

    preparing the construction site for the smooth and quick execution of installation work;

    production of installation and assembly work at sites;

    testing, adjustment and commissioning of installed systems and devices.

Carrying out work in this sequence ensures the rhythm and economic efficiency of installation production. Preparation of production in the installation organization and preparation of the object itself for installation can and should be carried out in parallel and simultaneously.

Currently, installation of systems at sites is carried out mainly from enlarged units supplied from procurement enterprises. However, if the workpieces arrive at the facilities in the form individual elements, then installation should begin with the assembly of these elements into enlarged units and blocks at the facility itself. Modern equipment of installation organizations with truck cranes, auto-hydraulic lifts, and various drive and hand winches makes it possible to operate assembly units of large masses.

Thus, we can identify four basic rules for organizing the installation of internal sanitary systems.

First rule – installation is carried out in three steps: enlarged assembly, installation in the design position and connection of installation joints, not counting the installation of fastening means by a specialized team.

Second rule – the order of work must be carried out in a strict sequence, determined by considerations of construction technology.

Third rule – installation of pipelines, air ducts and equipment must be carried out using pre-installed fastening means. Early installation of brackets, hangers, clamps, etc. ensures that the slopes of the system elements provided for by the project are observed, either strictly horizontally or vertically.

Fourth rule – maximum mechanization of all types of work. This leads to a reduction in the time required for installation and assembly work and a reduction in their labor intensity.

Most assembly operations are performed manually, so special attention should be paid to the mechanization of auxiliary work. This group of works includes the delivery of workpieces and equipment inside the facility or to sites to their final locations. In this case, the production installation process can be accelerated by maximizing the combination of transport operations with the installation of equipment (especially heavy equipment) in the designed position, i.e. with rigging work. In this case, it is necessary to strive for comprehensive mechanization of operations using several sequentially operating mechanisms (for example, vertical lifting - a truck crane, horizontal movement - trolleys or rollers in combination with winches, straightening - hoists or jacks).

To reduce labor costs during assembly work, small-scale mechanization tools should be widely used: electric impact wrenches, drilling machines, etc. These tools and devices are included in kits for installation teams.

In addition, it should be emphasized that when organizing and installing various systems, including ventilation and air conditioning systems, safe execution of work must be ensured. This presupposes the installation of good lighting for work areas, the presence of fences if installation is carried out at height, the use of serviceable tools, mechanisms, construction machines that must correspond to the nature of the construction process being carried out, as well as the use of individual means of ensuring labor safety.





1.1. The technological map has been developed for a set of works on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems in public premises.

On the basis of this technological map, technological maps can be developed for the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems in office premises, offices with various design solutions in relation to specific planning conditions. The technological map under consideration can be tied to a specific object and take into account the accepted design dimensions. At the same time, production schemes, volumes of work, labor costs, mechanization means, materials, equipment, etc. are clarified. All technological maps are developed according to the working drawings of the project and regulate the means of technological support, the rules for performing technological processes during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures, and during the installation of utility networks.

1.2. For linking or when developing technological maps, the following documents are required as initial data:

- working drawings of the ventilation system;

- architectural and construction drawings and floor plans of buildings;

- building codes and regulations (SNiP, VSN, SP);

- instructions, standards, factory instructions and technical specifications (TS) for the main materials used (wires, cables, ventilation ducts, air ducts, fittings, etc.);

- uniform standards and prices for installing ventilation in premises (ENiR, GESN-2001);

- production standards for material consumption (NPRM);

- progressive standards and prices, maps of labor organization and labor processes used in the installation of ventilation systems for buildings and structures.


2.1. The regulatory basis for the development of technological maps for ventilation are: SNiP, SN, SP, GESN-2001 ENiR, production standards for material consumption, progressive local standards and prices, labor cost standards, material and technical resource consumption standards.

2.2. The work performed sequentially during the installation of a supply ventilation system includes:

- collection of manufactured ventilation parts;

- installation of the ventilation system according to the design diagram;

- commissioning of the ventilation system.

2.3. Ventilation - controlled air exchange in rooms serves mainly to create air conditions favorable to human health, meeting the requirements of the technological process, preserving equipment and building structures buildings, storage of materials and products.

A person, depending on the type of activity (energy costs), releases heat (100 kcal/hour or more), water vapor (40-70 g/hour) and carbon dioxide (23-45 l/hour) into the surrounding air; production processes may be accompanied by immeasurably large releases of heat, water vapor, harmful vapors, gases and dust. As a result, the air in the room loses hygienic qualities, favorable for human well-being, health and performance.

Hygienic requirements ventilation boils down to maintaining certain meteorological conditions of the air (temperature, humidity and mobility) and its purity.

The essence of ventilation is as follows: the supply air is mixed with the air in the room and, as a result of the heat or mass exchange that occurs, the specified air parameters are created in the room.

Ventilation installation work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

SNiP 3.01.01-85* "Organization of construction production";
*SNiP 3.01.01-85 is not valid. SNiP 01/12/2004 “Construction Organization” is valid hereinafter. - Database manufacturer's note.

SNiP 3.05.01-85* "Internal sanitary systems";
* SNiP 3.05.01-85 is not valid. SP 73.13330.2012 "Internal sanitary systems of buildings. Updated edition of SNiP 3.05.01-85" is in effect hereinafter. - Database manufacturer's note.

SNiP 3.05.05-84 "Technological equipment and technological pipelines";

SNiP 12-03-2001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements";

SNiP 12-04-2002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production";

SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation, air conditioning";

SP 7.13130.2009 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements";
* SP 7.13130.2009 was declared invalid as of 02/25/2013 with the entry into force of SP 7.13130.2013 (Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 02/21/2013 N 116

SP 60.13330.2012 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

SP 73.13330.2012 "Internal sanitary systems of buildings";

SP 131.13330.2012 "Building climatology";

GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT. "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area."


3.1. In accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85* “Organization of construction production”, before the start of construction and installation (including preparatory) work at the site, the General Contractor is obliged to obtain, in the prescribed manner, permission from the Customer to perform installation work. The basis for starting work can be the Certificate of Inspection of Hidden Work to Prepare Premises for Installation of Ventilation.

3.2. Installation of ventilation systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, Working Design, Work Project and instructions of equipment manufacturers. Replacement of materials and equipment provided for by the project is allowed only in agreement with the design organization and the customer.

3.3. The requirements for the installation of ventilation systems are limited to ensuring that the design parameters of the air environment in the ventilated rooms are ensured. This is achieved by maximum sealing of air duct systems and equipment, necessary sound insulation, appropriate conditions for operation, repair and replacement of equipment.

Reducing the time required to complete installation and assembly work, while maintaining their high quality, is achieved with high industrialization of work, which consists in the use of standard sections of ventilation chambers, blocks and air duct assemblies (shaped parts - diffuser, confuser, elbows, tees, crosses; control devices - valves , gates, throttling devices; fastenings; hangers; brackets; brackets; flanges) factory-made or made in workshops with appropriate mechanical equipment. As a rule, manufactured parts are only assembled on site, using mechanisms to move workpieces and ventilation equipment.

3.4. Before installation of ventilation systems begins, the following work must be completely completed and accepted by the customer:

- installation of interfloor ceilings, walls and partitions;

- construction of foundations or sites for the installation of fans, air conditioners and other ventilation equipment;

- building structures of ventilation chambers of supply systems;

- waterproofing work in places where air conditioners, supply ventilation chambers, and wet filters are installed;

- installation of floors (or appropriate preparation) in places where fans are installed on spring vibration isolators, as well as “floating” bases for installing ventilation equipment;

- arrangement of supports for installing roof fans, exhaust shafts and deflectors on building surfaces;

- preparation of holes in walls, partitions, ceilings and coverings necessary for laying air ducts;

- construction of foundations, bases and platforms for installation of ventilation equipment;

- application of auxiliary marks on the internal and external walls of all premises equal to the design marks of the finished floor plus 500 mm;

- plastering (or cladding) the surfaces of walls and niches in places where air ducts are laid;

- installation openings were prepared in the walls and ceilings for the supply of large-sized equipment and air ducts and crane beams were installed in the ventilation chambers;

- installed embedded parts in building structures for fastening equipment and air ducts in accordance with the working documentation;

- it is possible to turn on power tools, as well as electric welding machines, at a distance of no more than 50 m from one another;

- window openings in external fences are glazed, entrances and openings are insulated;

- measures have been taken to ensure safe installation work.

Acceptance of the object for installation must be carried out by employees of the installation organization according to the act.

3.5. When accepting an object for installation, the following must be checked:

compliance with all SNiP requirements and current technical specifications;

availability and correct execution of acts for hidden work;

geometric dimensions and connections to building structures of foundations for ventilation equipment and air conditioners, supporting structures on the roof of a building for installing roof fans and deflectors, openings for the passage of air ducts, installation openings;

correct installation of embedded parts;

installation of fencing for openings, decking and canopies.

3.6. Loading of blanks onto vehicles at procurement enterprises must be carried out by the enterprise, unloading at the site - by the installation department.

3.7. When transporting air ducts, depending on their type and dimensions, the following should be provided:

for air ducts of small sections - containerization or packaging;

for air ducts of large sections - telescopic installation;

for semi-finished products - special packaging.

3.8. Loading and unloading rigging work at sites it is recommended to carry out with the maximum use of mechanization with the help of workers who are part of the installation teams.

3.9. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training under the rigger program and received the appropriate certificate are allowed to work on lifting and moving cargo.

3.10. Winches, forklifts, truck cranes, jib cranes on pneumatic wheels and crawler tracks, tower and gantry cranes should be used as mechanized lifting equipment at sites.

3.11. It is recommended to carry out slinging of air ducts and ventilation equipment using inventory lifting equipment.

Slings should be selected depending on the type, weight of the load being lifted and the method of slinging. The most common slings are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig.1. Slings

A- lightweight sling with loops; b- lightweight sling with hooks; V- four-leg sling

3.12. The lifted load should be kept from rotation by guys made of hemp ropes with a diameter of 20-25 mm or guys made of steel ropes with a diameter of 8-12 mm. For horizontal elements of ventilation systems (enlarged air duct units), two guys should be used, for vertical elements (sections of air conditioners, roof fans, air ducts, etc.) - one.

The most common slinging methods are given in Table 1.

Slinging methods

Table 1


Slinging VPA-40

Slinging of an autonomous air conditioner KTR-1-2.0-0.46

Slinging of fans Ts4-70 N 6-8 version N 1

Slinging fans Ts4-70 N 10, 12.5

Slinging the lower part of the fan casing Ts4-76 N 16, 20

Slinging the OKF irrigation chamber packaging

Slinging the packaging of the wheel and guide vane in the casing

Slinging the packaging of the air filter FR-3

Strapping the valve package

Slinging the packaging of KO and VK cameras

Slinging the air duct

Slinging an enlarged unit raised in a vertical position

3.13. The method of installation of air ducts should be selected depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), location relative to structures (inside or outside the building, against the wall, near columns, in the intertruss space, in the shaft, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (single or multi-story , industrial, public, etc.).

3.14. Flexible air ducts made of SPL fiberglass, metal fabric, aluminum foil, etc. should be used as shaped parts of complex geometric shapes, as well as for connecting ventilation equipment, air distributors, noise suppressors and other devices located in false ceilings, chambers, etc. Flexible air ducts are not allowed as straight links.

In order to reduce aerodynamic drag, parts made from flexible hoses in the mounted position must have a minimum degree of compression.

3.15. Installation of metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, in enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

marking installation sites for air duct fastening devices;

installation of fastening means;

coordination with builders of the location and methods of fastening lifting equipment;

installation of lifting equipment;

delivery of air duct parts to the installation site;

checking the completeness and quality of the delivered air duct parts;

assembly of air duct parts into enlarged blocks;

installing the block in the design position and securing it;

installation of plugs at the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

3.16. The length of the block is determined by the cross-sectional dimensions and type of connection of the air ducts, installation conditions and the availability of lifting equipment.

The length of enlarged blocks of horizontal air ducts connected on flanges should not exceed 20 m.

3.17. Schemes for organizing the work area during the installation of air ducts are given in Fig. 2-5.

Fig.2. Scheme of organizing the work area when installing air ducts along the outer wall of a building

1 - console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - auto hydraulic lift; 4 - traverse; 5 - guy; 6 - block

Fig.3. Scheme of organizing the work area when installing horizontal air ducts in a building

1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 - enlarged air duct unit; 4 - pendants

Fig.4. Scheme of organizing the work area when installing horizontal air ducts on an overpass

1 - enlarged air duct unit; 2 - traverse; 3 - truck crane; 4 - auto hydraulic lift

Fig.5. Scheme of organizing the work area when installing vertical air ducts along the outer wall of the building

1 - enlarged air duct unit; 2 - semi-automatic sling; 3 - winch; 4 - block; 5 - console; 6 - brackets; 7 - stretching

3.18. During the installation of air ducts, operational control must be carried out in accordance with the Operational Control Card.

3.19. After completing the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, pre-launch individual and complex tests are carried out, which should be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.01-85 and SNiP 3.05.05-84.

The participation of representatives of ventilation, electrical installation organizations and the customer in individual tests is mandatory and is documented with appropriate entries in the “Log of applications for turning the electric drive together with the mechanism.”

Individual tests of ventilation equipment in idle mode are carried out by the installation organization under the guidance of an engineer and technical worker dedicated for this purpose.

To conduct individual tests of ventilation equipment, the customer appoints a responsible person authorized to give orders for the supply and removal of voltage from electrical installations. Starting of electric motors when testing ventilation and air conditioning systems is carried out by a representative of the electrical installation organization.

Comprehensive testing of equipment is carried out by the customer with the participation of representatives of design and contract construction organizations. Installation specialized organizations, together with operating personnel, provide round-the-clock duty to monitor the work and correct operation equipment.

Individual tests of ventilation and air conditioning systems are allowed only after complete assembly and installation of ventilation equipment, installation of guards for moving parts, checking the condition of electrical wiring, grounding and correct connection of the power supply.

Before starting a comprehensive test and adjustment of the ventilation and air conditioning system, you must make sure that there are no people in the air conditioners and supply chambers, and also remove all foreign objects and tools from the air ducts, filters, and cyclones.

If, during pre-start testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems, extraneous noise or vibration of equipment exceeding the permissible level is detected, the tests should be stopped immediately.

After disconnecting the ventilation equipment from the power supply, you must not climb or enter air ducts, bunkers and shelters until the equipment has completely stopped.

After completion of pre-start tests and adjustments, as well as during breaks (finishing work, lunch), the ventilation equipment must be disconnected from the power supply.


4.1. At all stages of work, it is necessary to carry out production quality control of construction and installation work, which includes incoming control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual construction processes or production operations and acceptance control of intermediate and final work cycles. The composition of controlled indicators, scope and methods of control must comply with the requirements of SNiP.

4.2. Quality control of construction and installation works must be carried out by specialists or special services equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control. During the incoming inspection of working documentation, its completeness and the sufficiency of the technical information contained in it for the execution of work must be checked. During the incoming inspection of building structures, products, materials and equipment, their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documentation, as well as the presence and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents, should be checked by external inspection. The results of the incoming inspection are recorded in the Logbook for the results of the incoming inspection in the form: GOST 24297-87*, Appendix 1, to print the original form, see the Logbook for the results of the incoming inspection.
* GOST 24297-87 was canceled in the Russian Federation from 01/01/2014 with the introduction of GOST 24297-2013 (Order of Rosstandart dated 08/26/2013 N 544-st). - Database manufacturer's note.

4.3. Operational control is carried out during construction processes or production operations in order to ensure timely detection of defects and take measures to eliminate and prevent them:

4.3.1. The quality of work is ensured by compliance with the requirements of technical conditions for the production of work, compliance with the necessary technical sequence when performing interrelated work, and technical control over the progress of work.

4.3.2. During operational control, it is necessary to check compliance with the technology for performing construction and installation processes specified in the work projects; compliance of the work performed with the working drawings, building regulations and rules. Particular attention should be paid to the implementation of special measures during construction on subsiding soils, in areas with landslides and karst phenomena, permafrost, as well as during the construction of complex and unique objects.

4.4. Control and assessment of the quality of work during the installation of a ventilation system is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents:

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143-06 TK

First Deputy
General Director

Chief Engineer

A.V. Kolobov

Head of laboratory

B.I. Bychkovsky

The technological map for the installation of ventilation ducts is an integral part of the PPR and is intended for production personnel and engineering and technical workers of construction organizations, work producers, foremen and foremen, as well as technical supervision service workers associated with these works.

The technological map contains: general data, technology and organization of work, requirements for quality and acceptance of work, calculation of labor costs, schedule of work, the need for mechanization and tools, decisions on safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety.

Employees of PKTIpromstroy OJSC participated in the development of the technological map:

Savina O.A. - development of technological map, computer processing and graphics;

Chernykh V.V. - general technological support;

Bychkovsky B.I. - development of technological map, technical guidance, proofreading and standard control;

Kolobov A.V. - general technical management of the development of technological maps;

Ph.D. Jedlicka S.Yu. - general management of the development of technological documentation.


1.1 This technological map has been developed for the installation of ventilation ducts in industrial, administrative, public and residential buildings.

1.2 The technological map is an integral part of the PPR and is intended for engineering and technical personnel (foremen, foremen) and workers of construction organizations involved in the installation of ventilation ducts, customer technical supervision employees carrying out supervisory functions over the technology and quality of work, as well as engineering and technical workers construction organizations.

1.3 Linking the technological map to specific objects and construction conditions consists of clarifying the scope of work, mechanization means, the need for labor and material and technical resources, as well as adjusting the calculation and work schedule.

1.4 The form of use of the technological map provides for its circulation in the field information technologies with the inclusion in the database of technology and organization of construction production of an automated workstation for a construction technologist (AWS TSP), contractor and customer.


2.1 For the installation of ventilation systems in industrial, administrative, public and residential buildings, ventilation ducts are used, which can be made from various materials, depending on the medium transported through the air ducts. Table 1 shows examples of materials from which air ducts can be made.

Table 1 - Materials for air ducts

Characteristics of the transported medium

Products and materials

Air with a temperature of no more than 80 °C and a relative humidity of no more than 60%

Concrete, reinforced concrete and gypsum ventilation blocks, asbestos-cement pipes and ducts, plasterboard, plasterboard and arbolite ducts; galvanized sheet steel; roofing steel, sheet steel; cold-rolled steel coils; fiberglass, paper and cardboard; other materials meeting the requirements of the specified environment

The same, with a relative air humidity of more than 60%

Concrete and reinforced concrete ventilation blocks, asbestos-cement pipes and ducts; galvanized sheet steel; sheet steel; sheet aluminum, plastic pipes and plates, fiberglass; paper and cardboard with appropriate impregnation; other materials meeting the requirements of the specified environment

Air mixture with chemically active gases, vapors and dust

Ceramic and asbestos-cement pipes and ducts; plastic pipes and boxes; blocks made of acid-resistant concrete and plastic concrete; metal-plastic; sheet steel; fiberglass; paper and cardboard with appropriate transportable media protective coatings and impregnation; other materials meeting the requirements of the specified environment


1 Air ducts made of asbestos-cement structures are not allowed to be used in supply ventilation systems.

2 Air ducts made of cold-rolled and hot-rolled sheet steel must have a coating that is resistant to the transported medium.

2.2 External dimensions cross section metal air ducts of rectangular cross-section should be taken according to table 2.

table 2 - External dimensions of metal air ducts

Rectangular air ducts, mm

Note- The dimensions of air ducts made of other materials should be verified according to the manufacturer's data.

2.3 The thickness of sheet steel for air ducts through which air moves at a temperature not exceeding 80 °C should be taken as no more than:

For rectangular air ducts, size, mm:

from 100?150 to 250?250 - 0.5 mm;

from 300?150 to 600?1000 - 0.7 mm,

from 1000?1250 to 1600?2000 - 0.9 mm,

For rectangular air ducts with one side over 2000 mm, and air ducts with a cross section of 2000×2000 mm, the steel thickness must be specified in the design.

2.4 The air duct network is assembled from standardized parts - straight sections, bends, transitions, plugs and branch assemblies from standardized parts in accordance with VSN 353-86.

For rectangular air ducts, straight sections with a length of 2500 mm are used, however, for structural and technological reasons, it is allowed to change the length of the straight section

For the manufacture of air ducts, thin-sheet hot-rolled steel should be used in accordance with GOST 19903-74* and GOST 16523-97, sheet and rolled cold-rolled steel in accordance with GOST 19904-90 and GOST 16523-97, roofing sheet steel in accordance with GOST 19904-90.

Air ducts made of thin-sheet roofing steel with a larger side size of up to 2000 mm should be made straight-seam with seams or straight-seam with welding, and air ducts with a side size of more than 2000 mm should be made in panels (welded, glue-welded).

Air ducts made of metal plastic should be made on seams, and from stainless steel, titanium, as well as sheet aluminum and its alloys - on seams or welding.

2.5 Depending on the transportation distance, it is recommended to transport air ducts:

Up to 300 km - by road;

More than 300 km - by rail or water.

When transporting air ducts by road, you should use:

Flatbed vehicles general purpose(GAZ-52-04, GAZ-53A; ZIL-130-76; Ural-377N, KamAZ-5320, MAZ-5335);

Truck tractors (GAZ-52-04; ZIL-130V1-76; KamAZ-5410);

Trailers (GKB-817, GKB-8350);

Semi-trailers (TsKTB-A402; OdAZ-885; OdAZ-9370).

Transport air ducts by railway should be in gondola cars, wagons closed type should be used in exceptional cases.

2.6 When transporting air ducts, depending on their type and dimensions, it is necessary to provide.

For air ducts of small sections - containerization or packaging;

For air ducts of large sections - telescopic installation;

For semi-finished products - special packaging.

The dimensions and weight of containers and packages must correspond to the dimensions and carrying capacity Vehicle. Table 3 shows the characteristics of containers for transporting air ducts.

Table 3 - Characteristics of containers for transportation of air ducts and ventilation products

Container type

Container own weight, kg

Dimensions, mm

Average number of ducts


Open folding container type KO-1.75I for ventilation products

Trust Soyuzorgsantekhmontazh

Container for air ducts STD 523 M

PKB trust Santekhdetal

Container for transportation of air ducts NOZ-5

Trest Promventilatsiya

Air ducts must be installed vertically on a vehicle if they do not go beyond the dimensions established for vehicles and the dimensions established by the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

2.7 Winches, forklifts, truck cranes, jib cranes on pneumatic wheels and crawler tracks, tower and gantry cranes should be used as mechanized lifting equipment at sites.

Lifting equipment is selected depending on the weight and dimensions of ventilation equipment and products, their lifting height and local conditions.

The scope of application of lifting equipment is given in Table 4.

Table 4 - Application area lifting mechanisms, assembly towers and scaffolding

Type of lifting mechanism

Operations Performed

Characteristics of mechanisms

Traction mounting mechanisms

Vertical (up to a height of 3 m) and horizontal movement of air ducts and ventilation equipment within the working area

With a traction force of up to 16 kN when installing air ducts and light ventilation equipment. With a traction force of up to 32 kN when installing ventilation equipment.

Manual assembly winches

Vertical (up to a height of 8 m) and horizontal movement of air ducts and ventilation equipment within the work area

With a traction force of 5 and 12.5 kN for installation of air ducts and light ventilation equipment. With a traction force of up to 50 kN - when installing ventilation equipment

Electric winches

Vertical (to a height of more than 8 m) and horizontal movement of air ducts and ventilation equipment within the work area

With a traction force of up to 10 kN when installing air ducts and light ventilation equipment, with a traction force of 32 kN when installing ventilation equipment

Forklift trucks equipped with forks

Loading, unloading and transport work at the construction site. Lifting and transport work on installation of ventilation equipment

4091, 4092, 4055M, 4013, 4014

Truck cranes

Loading and unloading operations at construction sites and warehouses. Lifting and transport work during the installation of air ducts and ventilation equipment at sites

MKA-6.3 cranes with a lifting capacity of 6.3 tons; MKA-10M with a lifting capacity of 10 tons; KS-3571 with a lifting capacity of 10 tons; MKA-16 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons, etc.

Jib assembly crane on pneumatic wheels

Crane MKP-16 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons, etc.

Crawler-mounted jib assembly cranes

Loading and unloading work at a construction site. Lifting and transport work during the installation of air ducts and ventilation equipment at sites

Cranes MKG-6.3 with a lifting capacity of 6.3 tons; MKG-10 with a lifting capacity of 10 tons; MKG-16 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons, etc.

Tower cranes

Loading, unloading and transport work at the construction site. Lifting and transport work during the installation of air ducts and ventilation equipment

Tower cranes used by a general contractor on a construction site

Gantry cranes

Loading, unloading and transport work at the construction site. Lifting and transport work at the pre-assembly site and during the installation of air ducts and ventilation equipment

Gantry cranes used by a general contractor on a construction site

Hydraulic car lifts

Raising and lowering ventilation mechanics for the installation of air ducts and some types of ventilation equipment at levels above or below the level of the platform on which the hydraulic lift is installed

AGP-12A, AGP-18, AGP-22 and AGP-28

Self-propelled retractable scaffolding

Lifting of ventilation mechanics for the installation of air ducts and some types of ventilation equipment at a height of more than 3 m. Lifting and transport work during the installation of air ducts and ventilation equipment

Telescopic hydraulic lift

Lifting ventilation mechanics for installation of air ducts and some types of ventilation equipment

2.8 Slinging of ventilation ducts should be done using inventory lifting equipment. Slings are selected depending on the type, weight of the load being lifted and the method of slinging according to Table 5; the main slings are shown in Figure 1.

One of the options for slinging rectangular air ducts is shown in Figure 2.

Air duct assemblies with a length of 12 m or more when lifted in a horizontal position, as a rule, are slung with parallel slings or traverses. The air ducts should be slinged in such a way that they can be delivered to the installation site in a position closest to the design one.

Table 5 - Types of slings

a - lightweight sling with loops; b - lightweight sling with hooks; c - four-leg sling

Picture 1 - Slings

Figure 2 - Option for slinging the air duct

When lifting air ducts, it is necessary to ensure their stability in a suspended position. Load suspension points should be located above the center of gravity.

The lifted load should be kept from rotation by guys made of hemp ropes with a diameter of 20 - 25 mm or guys made of steel ropes with a diameter of 8 - 12 mm. For horizontal enlarged air duct units, two guys should be used, for vertical air ducts - one.

2.9 Typical schemes installation and fastening of winches and outlet blocks are shown in Figures 3 - 5.

a) behind a building column; b) behind a brick wall

Figure 3 - Mounting winches

Winches used to move cargo must be loaded with ballast, the mass of which must be at least twice the pulling force of the winch. The ballast must be secured to the winch frame. The structures to which winches and outlet blocks are attached must be designed for additional load.

a - diagram of the location of the outlet block in front of the winch; b - fastening the outlet block to the anchor;
c - fastening the block to the console; 1 - block; 2 - sling made of steel rope; 3 - console;
4 - inventory metal lining

Figure 4 - Installation of a tap block

Figure 5 - Installation of drum winch

2.10 For the entire installation period, areas for storing air ducts must be equipped.

The installation of an on-site air duct warehouse must satisfy the following basic requirements:

Be located near access roads or railway tracks;

The boundaries of the warehouse must be at least 1 m from the road;

Be at a minimum distance from the installation site, if possible within the reach of the tower crane;

Do not interfere with construction and installation work;

Areas for storing air ducts must be carefully planned with a slope of 1 - 2° to drain surface water, covered with draining sand or gravel, and, if necessary, have ditches;

Walkways, driveways and loading and unloading areas must be cleared of debris, construction waste (in winter - from snow and ice) and sprinkled with sand, slag or ash;

Storage of ventilation products must be organized in compliance with work safety and fire protection requirements;

Barrier posts must be installed in the corners of the open warehouse, warning signs for vehicle drivers and signs with the name of the installation department or site and the location of the cargo receiver must be posted;

The warehouse must be lit.

2.11 Warehousing and storage of air ducts must be organized in accordance with current standards and in compliance with the following requirements:

Air ducts of rectangular cross-section must be stacked; straight sections with a height of no more than 2.7, shaped parts - no more than 2 m;

Round ducts should be installed vertically;

Air ducts delivered in inventory containers should be stored in these containers at specially organized container sites. It is prohibited to store air ducts and other products in railway containers;

During storage, each air duct should be placed on wooden stock pads;

Air ducts in stacks should be placed taking into account the installation sequence: stacks and containers should be provided with signs;

Passages with a width of at least 1 m must be left between the stacks; Every three stacks there should be passages for vehicles 3 m wide.

Air ducts are moved across the floors of multi-storey buildings using lifting and transport equipment or manual transport.

2.13 Before installation of ventilation systems begins, the general contractor must complete the following work:

Installation of interfloor ceilings, walls and partitions;

Construction of foundations, bases or platforms for the installation of fans, air conditioners and other ventilation equipment;

Building structures of ventilation chambers of supply systems;

Waterproofing work in places where air conditioners, supply ventilation chambers, and wet filters are installed;

Installation of floors (or appropriate preparation) in places where fans are installed on spring vibration isolators, as well as “floating” bases for installing ventilation equipment;

Construction of supports for installing roof fans, exhaust shafts and deflectors on building surfaces;

Openings in walls, partitions, ceilings and coverings necessary for laying air ducts have been prepared;

Auxiliary marks are applied on the internal and external walls of all premises, equal to the design marks of the finished floor plus 500 mm;

The surfaces of walls and niches in places where air ducts are laid are plastered (or lined);

Installation openings in walls and ceilings were prepared for the supply of large-sized equipment and air ducts and crane beams were installed in ventilation chambers;

Installed in accordance with the working documentation, embedded parts in building structures for fastening equipment and air ducts;

It is possible to turn on power tools, as well as electric welding machines, at a distance of no more than 50 m from one another;

Window openings in external fences were glazed, entrances and openings were insulated;

Measures have been taken to ensure safe installation work.

Acceptance of the object for installation must be carried out by workers of the production preparation site together with engineering and technical workers of the installation organization with the drawing up of a report.

2.14 The method of installation of air ducts is selected depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), location relative to structures (inside or outside the building, against the wall, near columns, in the intertruss space, in the shaft, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (single or multi-story , industrial, public, etc.).

2.15 Installation of metal air ducts is carried out in the following technological sequence:

Marking installation locations for air duct fastening devices;

Installation of fastening means;

Coordination with builders of the location and methods of fastening lifting equipment;

Installation of lifting equipment;

Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site;

Checking the completeness and quality of the delivered air duct parts;

Assembly of air duct parts into enlarged blocks;

Installing the block in the design position and securing it;

Installation of plugs at the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

2.16 To connect rectangular ventilation ducts, flange and rack connections are usually used. Rectangular flanges are manufactured in sizes 100×150 - 1600×2000 mm.

The design of a wafer rack connection for rectangular air ducts is shown in Figure 6.

The assembly of sections of air ducts into enlarged blocks using rack joints is carried out with pre-installed rubber gaskets in the tire groove, as can be seen in Figure 6a. Aligning the tires with each other and ensuring the alignment of the connected air ducts is done using a mandrel inserted into the hole of the mounting angles. Then the tires on one side are tightened with locking pliers and a rail is pushed onto them for a length of 10 - 15 mm, after which the rail is hammered to its entire length with light blows of a hammer through a wooden spacer. Connecting strips are installed first on the vertical sides of the air ducts, and then on the horizontal ones. This ensures that the rubber gaskets are pressed tightly together and the connection is tight.

When installing slats on the flanged ends of air ducts, a profiled rubber gasket is installed between the ends, as shown in Figure 6b, after which the air ducts are connected with slats driven in with light blows of a hammer.

When connecting rectangular air ducts using Z- and C-shaped slats (without the use of rubber gaskets), for sealing purposes, the outside of the joint should be coated with thickly rubbed paint or Buteprol mastic heated to 50 °C, as shown in Figure 6c.

a - using tires; b - using slats along the flanged ends of the air ducts;
c - using Z- and C-shaped slats; 1 - air duct; 2 - connecting rail;
3 - T-shaped rubber sealing gasket; 4 - thick rubbed paint

Figure 6 - Wafer rack connections for rectangular air ducts

2.17 Maximum length enlarged blocks of rectangular air ducts, mounted horizontally and connected on buses and slats, depends on the layout of the grips and is 6 - 12 m. In the case of using special traverses, the length of the blocks can be increased to 15 m, depending on the design of the traverse. Vertical air ducts are mounted in enlarged blocks within 1 - 2 floors of the building.

2.18 The length of the block is determined by the cross-sectional dimensions and type of air duct connection, installation conditions and the availability of lifting equipment.

Length of enlarged horizontal blocks; air ducts connected on flanges should not exceed 20 m.

Schemes for organizing the work area during the installation of air ducts in industrial buildings and structures are given in Figures 7 - 13.

1 - containers for air ducts; 2 - assembly tables; 3 - lifting roller conveyor

Figure 7 - Scheme of work organization during installation of lifting air ducts

roller conveyor in coating blocks on a conveyor

1 - console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - auto hydraulic lift; 4 - traverse; 5 - guy; 6 - block

Figure 8 - Scheme of organizing the work area when installing air ducts along the outer wall of the building

1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 - enlarged air duct unit; 4 - pendants

Figure 9 - Scheme of organizing the work area when installing horizontal air ducts in a building

1 - enlarged air duct unit; 2 - traverse; 3 - truck crane; 4 - auto hydraulic lift

Figure 10 - Scheme of organizing the work area when installing horizontal air ducts on an overpass

1 - enlarged air duct unit; 2 - semi-automatic sling; 3 - winch 4 - block; 5 - console; 6 - brackets; 7 - stretching

Figure 11 - Diagram of the organization of the work area when installing vertical air ducts along the outer wall of the building

Figure 12- Scheme of organizing the work area when installing vertical air ducts in a building using the “build-up from below” method

1 - air duct; 2 - mast; 3 - mounting and traction mechanism; 4 - stretching; 5 - traction;
6 - hinge; 7 - stand; 8 - clamp; 9 - inventory sling; 10 - pads

Figure 13 - Scheme of organization of the installation area when installing vertical air ducts

2.19 Air ducts must be installed regardless of the availability of technological equipment in accordance with design references and marks. The connection of air ducts to process equipment must be made after its installation.

When installing air ducts, it is necessary to maintain standard installation distances in places of complex intersections of air ducts and other communications and the layout of air ducts in the shaft, as shown in Figures 14 - 16.

For sizes b and b 1 from 100 to 500 ? = 100 mm

»» from 600 to 1600? = 300 mm

Figure 14 - Minimum installation distances from building structures to air ducts

Figure 15 - Minimum installation distances from utilities to air ducts

D and D?, b 1 and b? 1 - diameters and sides of round and rectangular air ducts, respectively

Figure 16 - Minimum installation distances between air ducts

Air ducts in shafts, niches, etc. must be placed in such a way that they are convenient to install and maintain.

2.20 Fastenings of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts (clamps, hangers, supports, etc.) on a wafer connection should be installed at a distance of no more than 4 m from one another when the dimensions of the larger side of a rectangular air duct are less than 400 mm and at a distance of no more than 3 m from one another - when the larger side of a rectangular duct has dimensions of 400 mm or more.

Fastenings of horizontal metal non-insulated air ducts on a flange connection of a rectangular cross-section with dimensions of its larger side up to 2000 mm inclusive are installed at a distance of no more than 6 m from one another. Distances between fastenings of insulated metal air ducts of any cross-sectional sizes, as well as non-insulated air ducts of a rectangular cross-section with dimensions of its larger sides of more than 2000 mm are designated by working documentation.

The clamps must fit tightly around the metal air ducts.

The fastenings of vertical metal air ducts are installed at a distance of no more than 4 m from one another.

Drawings of non-standard fastenings must be included in the set of working documentation.

Fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings with a floor height of up to 4 m is carried out in the interfloor ceilings.

The fastening of vertical metal air ducts indoors with a floor height of more than 4 m on the roof of a building is designated by the project (detailed design).

Attaching guy wires and hangers directly to the air duct flanges is not allowed. The tension of adjustable suspensions must be uniform.

Freely suspended air ducts must be braced by installing double hangers every two single hangers with a hanger length of 0.5 to 1.5 m.

For hangers longer than 1.5 m, double hangers are installed through each single hanger.

2.21 When installing vertical ventilation ducts in a multi-storey residential complex, before starting work, you must:

Perform concreting work monolithic areas around the shaft openings on the 1st floor and every three floors, leaving openings for ventilation ducts. On the remaining floors, instead of monolithic sections, install removable flooring made of wooden shields. Lay the boards on wooden purlins made of 50×150 mm boards in the direction “away from you”, securing the boards against displacement with stitching strips;

Clean the reinforced concrete walls of the shaft from concrete deposits;

On each floor, enclose the openings with a protective fence 1.1 m high. Fix the racks to the concrete walls using corner pieces welded at the top and bottom to the racks parallel to the enclosing concrete walls;

Organize a place for receiving vertical ventilation risers in the basement;

On the last floor, install and secure a hand winch and a mounting block with a lifting capacity of 1500 kg;

Provide lighting for workplaces and approaches in accordance with GOST 12.1.046-85 on each floor.

The installation diagram of a vertical ventilation duct in a residential multi-storey building is shown in Figure 17.

Options for installing a winch for lifting ventilation ducts are shown in Figures 18 and 19.

2.22 Work on the installation of vertical ventilation ducts in a residential multi-storey complex occurs in the following order:

An air duct 12 m long is assembled in the basement or on the first floor from six sections 2 m long each, as shown in Figure 20;

Each 12-meter lash is lifted by the upper section using a winch and a mounting block;

The load is slinged, shown in Figure 20 (node ​​2), using a hook on a loop welded to a pipe installed inside the section. The hook is attached through an ovoid link to the winch cable;

Figure 17 - Installation diagram of vertical ventilation ducts in a multi-storey building
residential complex using a winch installed on the ceiling and a diverter block

a) the winch is installed on the ceiling; b) frame for the winch

Figure 18 - First option for installing a manual winch

After lifting the first lash, it is secured according to the design to the air duct clamp, as shown in Figure 20 (node ​​1). The clamp is fixed in monolithic ceiling and flanges are welded to it. Similar fastening is carried out throughout the shaft through the floor;

After securing the lash according to the project, the rope with the hook is released and lowered down through the fixed duct to sling the air duct assembled in the basement or on the first floor.

a) the winch is installed above the shaft opening; b) frame for the winch

Figure 19 - Second option for installing a manual winch

The air duct connection is made using bolts and welding.

During the assembly of every 6 sections, the intermediate section is temporarily supported on corners laid on the ceiling.

As the lash rises, the shaft openings on each floor are closed using wooden flooring or corrugated sheets.

The upper section of the air duct must be docked to the ventilation ducts installed through the opening in the covering (using the method of building up from above).

Figure 20 - Assembly diagram of a ventilation duct lash of 6 sections


3.1 Quality control of work on the installation of ventilation ducts must be carried out by specialists or special services that are part of the construction organization or hired from outside, equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control.

3.2 Quality control of work is carried out at all stages of the technological chain, starting from project development and ending with its implementation at the facility on the basis of design and production plans and technological maps. Quality control should include incoming control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual installation processes or production operations and assessment of the conformity of the work performed.

3.3 During the incoming inspection of working documentation, its completeness and the sufficiency of the technical information contained in it for the execution of work are checked.

During the incoming inspection of products, materials and equipment, an external inspection checks their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documentation, as well as the presence and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.

3.4 Air ducts and parts of ventilation systems must be manufactured in accordance with the working documentation, installation drawings and duly approved technical specifications TU 36-736-78 “Metal air ducts” and TU 36-2581-83 “Ventilation ducts made of metal plastic”.

Permissible deviations in the external dimensions of the cross sections of air ducts should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 6.

Table 6 - Permissible deviations of the external dimensions of the cross sections of air ducts

The non-flatness of the walls of rectangular air ducts should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 7.

Table 7 - Non-flatness of the walls of rectangular air ducts

3.5 The ends of straight sections of air ducts must be perpendicular to their axes or adjacent surfaces. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the end should not exceed 10 mm per 1000 mm of the side length of the cross-section of the air duct.

3.6 Angular dimensions air ducts (branches, branch nodes, transitions, etc.) must comply with the requirements of installation projects. In this case, the permissible deviation should not exceed ± 1° 30?.

3.7 Connecting parts intended for installation of air ducts on flanges and wafer connections (bandage, rack, etc.) must comply with the requirements of technical documentation for the type of connection, approved in the prescribed manner.

3.8 Control of the correctness of the main dimensions of air ducts must be carried out according to the approved technology of the manufacturer with the following tool:

Metal ruler (GOST 427-75*);

Measuring tape (GOST 7502-98);

Test square 90° (GOST 3749-77*);

Vernier calipers (GOST 166-89*);

Goniometer (GOST 5378-88);

Templates made at the manufacturer.

3.9 The quality of coatings, seams, flanging, fastening of connecting products, fasteners, stiffeners and tires, appearance of products, as well as completeness, marking and packaging are checked visually.

3.10 The supply of air ducts must include the products specified in the installation project (statements, sketches), with the exception of dust removal and control devices - cyclones, dampers and valves (all types), noise suppressors manufactured according to the relevant standard drawings and specifications and fastening means.

The set of air ducts connected using wafer joints must include bands, slats and other parts provided for in the technical documentation for these types of connections, approved in the prescribed manner.

Each set of air ducts must be accompanied by an installation project (statements, sketches, diagrams) in one copy and a delivery note from the manufacturer with a mark from the technical control department.

3.11 Air duct products must have markings applied to the internal or external surface at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the end of the product using oil paint that differs in color from the base paint.

The results of the incoming inspection must be entered into the “Logbook of incoming accounting and quality control of received parts, materials, structures and equipment.”

3.12 Operational control is carried out directly during the installation of ventilation ducts, as well as immediately after completion of the work. During operational control, it is necessary to check compliance with the installation technology of ventilation ducts, compliance of the work performed with working drawings, building codes, rules and standards. The results of operational control must be recorded in the work log.

Operational control must be carried out constantly during installation work.

The operational control map for the installation of metal air ducts is shown in Table 8.

Table 8 - Card of operational control of installation of metal air ducts

Technological process

Controlled indicators

Measuring tool

Type of control

Supply of air duct parts to the installation site

Checking the completeness of the ventilation system (presence of control devices, fastening devices, etc.)

Constant 100%. Visually. Compliance with the picking list, sketches

Marking installation locations for air duct fastening devices

Fastening installation step in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85

Roulette l = 10 m

Constant 100%

Plumb M = 200 g

Drilling holes in building structures

Drilling depth

Steel meter

Constant 100%

Installation of fasteners

Mounting strength

Constant 100%. Visually

Assembly of air duct parts, control and air distribution devices into larger units on site

Correct assembly in accordance with the design. Tightness of connections

Visually. Constant 100%

Lifting to the design level and interconnecting enlarged air duct units with preliminary fastening

The position of transverse seams and detachable connections of air ducts relative to building structures. Verticality of risers. No kinks or curvature on straight sections of air ducts

Plumb M = 200 g

Visually. Constant 100%

Alignment of mounted air ducts and their final fastening

Horizontal installation of air ducts and compliance with slopes in the distributing sections of air ducts. The density of coverage of the air duct with clamps. Reliability and appearance of fastenings

Metal meter,

roulette l= 10 m,

level l= 300 mm

Constant 100%. Visually

Connecting air ducts to ventilation equipment

Correct installation of soft inserts (no sagging)

Constant 100%. Visually

Testing the operation of control devices

Smooth operation of control devices

Day off 100%. Visually

3.13 When assessing the conformity of the work performed, the compliance of the completed installation work with the requirements of design and normative-technical documentation and an assessment of the quality of the work must be carried out.

3.14 When carrying out quality control of work at individual stages of production of installation of ventilation ducts, the following must be checked:

Position of transverse seams and detachable connections of air ducts relative to building structures;

Verticality of risers;

Absence of kinks, curvature and helical shape on straight sections of air ducts;

Slopes in the distribution sections of air ducts through which air with high relative humidity is transported;

Careful and correct supply of gaskets in flange connections;

Reliability and appearance of fastenings of air ducts, air distribution devices, umbrellas, local suction (particular attention should be paid to fastenings of air ducts to be insulated or already insulated);

Correct installation of soft inserts;

Smooth operation of control devices and ease of control;

Careful painting of air ducts and other elements of ventilation systems and compliance with the type of painting for the project.

3.15 The deviation of air ducts from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of air duct length.

3.16 Air ducts intended for transporting humidified air should be installed so that there are no longitudinal seams in the lower part of the air ducts.

Sections of air ducts in which dew may fall out of the transported moist air should be laid with a slope of 0.01 - 0.015 towards the drainage devices.

3.17 Gaskets between the flanges of the air ducts should not protrude into the air ducts.

3.18 Bolts in flange connections must be tightened, all bolt nuts must be located on one side of the flange. When installing bolts vertically, the nuts should be located on the underside of the connection.

3.19 Work on the installation of ventilation ducts in industrial, administrative and residential buildings should be carried out in accordance with the rules for the production and acceptance of work in accordance with:

SNiP 3.05.01-85 Internal sanitary systems;

SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction;

SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;

SNiP 12-04-2002 Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production;

SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning;

PPB 01-03 Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.


4.1 Installation of ventilation ducts must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of safety, sanitation and occupational hygiene established by state standards of the occupational safety standards system (OSSS), construction standards and rules for occupational safety in construction, approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia, rules and regulations approved by state supervision organizations .

4.2 Before being allowed to work on the installation of ventilation ducts, heads of organizations are required to provide training and instructions on labor safety in the workplace in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90.

4.3 Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination without contraindications to work at height, have professional skills, have been trained in safe methods and techniques of work and have received the appropriate certificate are allowed to perform work at height.

To perform independent steeplejack work in accordance with the List of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during the performance of which the use of labor by persons under eighteen years of age is prohibited, persons (workers and technical workers) who are at least 18 years old, who have undergone a medical examination and recognized as fit to perform steeplejack work, having experience in steeplejack work for at least one year and a tariff category of at least third.

Workers admitted to steeplejack work for the first time must work for one year under the direct supervision of experienced workers appointed by order of the organization.

4.4 Persons who have undergone appropriate training, instruction and testing of knowledge of safe work rules with registration in a special journal and who have a qualification certificate are allowed to carry out electric welding work. Persons with medical contraindications are not allowed to perform electric welding work at height.

4.5 Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, are trained in the rules of using the tool, labor safety, and have an electrical safety group of at least II are allowed to work with electrified tools, and for connecting and disconnecting electrical points with a group of at least III. All electrified tools are subject to accounting and registration in a special journal. Each instrument must have an accounting number. Monitoring the serviceability and timely repair of electrified tools is assigned to the department of the chief mechanic of the construction organization. Before issuing an electrified tool, it is necessary to check its serviceability (no short circuit to the body, insulation of the supply wires and handles, condition of the working part of the tool) and its operation at idle speed.

4.6 Responsibility for the correct organization of safe work at the site rests with the work producer and the foreman.

4.7 When performing work on the installation of ventilation ducts, the requirements of SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work».

4.8 Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the territory of the construction site, production, sanitary premises and workplaces is prohibited.

4.9 Work on the installation of air ducts is carried out in accordance with the work permit for work under conditions of hazardous and (or) harmful production factors.

4.10 Installation of ventilation ducts should be carried out only if there is a work plan, technological maps or installation diagrams. In the absence of the specified documents, installation work is prohibited.

4.11 The procedure for installing ventilation ducts, determined by the work plan, must be such that the previous operation completely eliminates the possibility of industrial hazards when performing subsequent ones. Installation of air ducts should, as a rule, be carried out in large blocks using lifting mechanisms.

4.12 There should be no people under the installed air ducts. A suspended air duct or a block of air ducts must not be secured to trusses, floors and other building structures in places not provided for by the work design.

4.13 Installation of air ducts from scaffolding, scaffolding and platforms, made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24258-88, must be carried out by at least two workers.

4.14 Alignment of flange holes when connecting air ducts should be done only with mandrels. It is forbidden to check the coincidence of the holes of the flanges being connected with your fingers.

4.15 It is not allowed to carry out work on the installation of air ducts on the roof of buildings during ice, fog that excludes visibility within the work front, thunderstorms and wind speeds of 15 m/s or more.

4.16 To prevent swinging or twisting of the lifted air duct blocks, hemp rope guys should be used.

4.17 The installation of ventilation ducts may only be carried out with working tools. Wrenches must exactly match the dimensions of the nuts and bolts, and have no bevels on the edges or burrs on the handle. You should not unscrew or tighten nuts with a large (compared to the head) wrench with metal plates between the edges of the nut and the wrench, or extend wrenches by attaching another wrench or pipe.

4.18 Workplaces and work areas when installing ventilation ducts at night must be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.046-85. Illumination should be uniform, without the glare of lighting devices on workers. Work in unlit areas is not allowed.

4.19 Before starting work on the installation of ventilation ducts, places that are dangerous for work and the passage of people should be fenced off, provided with inscriptions and signs, safety signs installed in accordance with GOST R 12 4.026-2001, and when working at night, marked with light signals.

4.20 In work projects, it is necessary to indicate areas hazardous to people, in which harmful factors exceed the maximum permissible concentrations or maximum permissible levels.

4.21 Installation areas must be well lit. Lamps general lighting, connected to an electrical network with a voltage of 127 and 220 V, must be installed at a height of at least 2.5 m from the ground level, floor, flooring. If the suspension height is less than 2.5 m, the lamps must be connected to a network with a voltage of no higher than 42 V.

4.22 When installing air ducts in work projects, it is necessary to provide for the installation of fasteners to which the air duct installer can secure himself when working at height.

4.23 Ventilation blanks for metal air ducts must be supplied complete in accordance with TU 36-736-78, free from distortions, burrs and other defects that complicate installation work and can lead to injuries to ventilation mechanics working with them.

4.25 When performing work on painting air ducts and their parts, as well as sealing air ducts using compounds containing harmful substances, the requirements of POT RM-017-2001 “Interindustry rules for labor protection during painting work”, as well as GOST 12.3.016-, must be observed. 87.

4.26 Operation of construction machines (lifting mechanisms, small-scale mechanization), including maintenance, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001 and the instructions of manufacturers. The operation of lifting mechanisms, in addition, must be carried out taking into account PB 10-382-00 “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes”.

4.27 Places where open-arc electric welding work is performed must be fenced off using fireproof screens, shields, etc.

4.28 When performing electric welding work in the open air, canopies made of fireproof materials must be built over installations and welding stations. In the absence of canopies, electric welding work should be stopped during rain or snowfall.

4.29 To protect against drops of molten metal and slag falling during electric welding under the welding site in places where people pass, it is necessary to install a dense platform covered with sheets of roofing iron or asbestos cardboard.

4.30 When installing ventilation ducts on roofs with a slope of more than 20°, as well as regardless of the slope on wet and frost- or snow-covered roofs, workers must use safety belts, as well as ladders at least 0.3 m wide with transverse bars to rest their feet; ladders must be secured during operation.

4.31 Loading and unloading operations should be performed in accordance with GOST 12.3.002-75*, GOST 12.3.009-76*.

4.32 Loading and unloading operations must be performed mechanized using lifting and transport equipment and small-scale mechanization. Loads should be lifted manually in exceptional cases, observing the standards established by current documents.

4.33 When loading and unloading ventilation duct blanks and their parts, containers should be used. While lifting, lowering or moving a container, workers must not be on or inside it, or on adjacent containers.

4.34 Slinging and unslinging of loads should be carried out in accordance with PB 10-382-00.

4.35 The supply of materials, ventilation components, and equipment to workplaces must be carried out in a technological sequence that ensures the safety of work. Workpieces and equipment should be stored at workplaces in such a way that there is no danger when performing work, passages are not cramped, and it is possible to assemble air ducts into enlarged blocks. It is necessary to ensure the correct placement of equipment and workpieces on the floors, avoiding concentration and not exceeding permissible loads per 1 m 2 floors.

4.36 Ventilation blanks should be stored in stacks no more than 2.5 m high on pads and pads. Large and heavy equipment should be stored in one row on supports.

4.37 The storage area for workpieces and ventilation equipment at the construction site must be fenced and located in the area of ​​an active load-lifting crane. The storage area must be planned, have slopes for water drainage, and be cleared of snow and ice in winter.

4.38 Explosive or harmful paints and varnishes and other materials are permitted to be stored at workplaces in quantities not exceeding shift requirements. Such materials must be stored in tightly closed containers.

4.39 Combustible and flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, as well as lubricants and dyes) must be stored in rooms made of non-combustible materials or buried in the ground.

4.40 Between stacks (racks) on sites and in warehouses, passages with a width of at least 1 m and passages, the width of which depends on the dimensions of transport and loading and unloading equipment serving the warehouse or site, must be provided.

4.41 Managers of installation organizations are obliged to provide workers, engineers and employees with special clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with regulatory requirements.

4.42 All persons on the construction site are required to wear safety helmets. Workers and engineers without safety helmets and other necessary personal protective equipment are not allowed to perform work on the installation of air ducts.

4.43 When working at height, installers of ventilation systems must always use safety belts.

4.44. Workers and employees receiving personal protective equipment (respirators, gas masks, safety belts, helmets, etc.) must be trained in the rules for using them.

4.45 All work on the installation of ventilation ducts should be carried out in the presence and under the guidance of responsible engineers in accordance with the rules for the production and acceptance of work in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85 in strict compliance with labor safety requirements in accordance with:

SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization”;

SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General provisions";

SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production";

PPB 01-03 “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation”;

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work”;

SP 12-135-2003 “Labor safety in construction. Industry standard instructions on labor protection".


5.1 To carry out installation work on ventilation ducts, the mechanisms, tools and devices specified in Tables 9 and 10 can be used.

Table 9- Gazette hand tools, installation devices, small-scale mechanization equipment and personal protective equipment


Type, brand, GOST

Technical specifications

Quantity per team of 6 people, pcs.

Steel hammer

Weight, kg 0.5 - 1

Roofing hammer

Weight, kg 1.5

GOST 11042-90

Blacksmith's blunt-nosed sledgehammer

Weight, kg 2 - 4

Bench chisel

GOST 11401-75*

Length, mm 160 - 250

Double-sided open-end wrenches

GOST 7211-86*

Jaw size, mm:

Ratchet wrench

GOST 2839-80*

The size of the throat of replaceable heads,

10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19

Adjustable wrench

Jaw size, mm 30

Universal gas welder key

GOST 7275-75*

Screwdriver for mechanics (set)

GOST 17199-88

Length, mm 160 - 250

Combination pliers

GOST 5547-93

Length, mm 160 - 200

Files flat, square, triangular, round, semicircular with cut No. 1, 2, 3 (set)

GOST 1465-80*

Length, mm 150 - 400

GOST 7213-72*

Length, mm 125 - 160

Hand scissors for cutting metal

GOST 7210-75*

Length, mm 250 - 320


GOST 24473-80*

Length, mm 150

Clamp for assembling bandage connection

Maximum opening, mm 150

Manual hacksaw frame

GOST 17270-71*

Hacksaw blade length, mm 250 - 300

Bench vice with manual drive

GOST 4045-75*

Assembly crowbar

Length, mm 560 - 1320

Rectangular steel brush

TU 494-01-104-76

Length, mm 310

Sweep brush

Folding metal meter

Length, mm 1000

Metal measuring ruler

GOST 427-75*

Length, mm 500

Metal measuring tape

GOST 7502-98

Tape length, mm 5000 - 20000


GOST 166-89*

Measuring limit 125 mm

Locksmith bits

GOST 7214-72*

Length, mm 160 - 200

Marking compass

GOST 24472-80*

Length, mm 250

Extended mandrel

Diameter, mm 16

Pliers for assembling bandage joints

Maximum opening, mm 120

Construction level

GOST 9416-83

Steel plumb line for construction

GOST 7948-80

Weight, kg 0.4

Injection cutter for manual oxygen cutting

GOST 5191-79*

GOST 1077-79*

Balloon reducer for gas-flame processing

GOST 13861-89

Welder shield

Mounting and traction mechanism

MTM-1.6 or

Load capacity, t 1.6

Load capacity, t 3.2

Mounting block

Load capacity, t 1.25

Mounting block

Load capacity, t 2.5

Rack jack

Load capacity, t 3.2

Rack jack

Load capacity, t 5

Voltage, V 380

Three-pole plug connection

Voltage, V 42

Plug connection, two-pole

Voltage, V 250

Drilling machine

IE-1035 or

Drill diameter, mm 14

Drill diameter, mm 23

Diameter grinding wheel, mm 180

Grinding wheel diameter, mm 230

Flat mallet

Dimensions, mm 355?190?80

Construction helmet

GOST 12.4.087-84


GOST 12.4.010-75*

Safety belt for installers

GOST R 50849-96*

Set of safety and labor protection signs

GOST R 12.4.026-2001



GOST 12.4.028-76*

Table 10- List of hand tools, installation devices and small-scale mechanization equipment for periodic needs


Type, brand, GOST

Technical specifications

Quantity per 100 workers, pcs.

Electric two-speed drilling machine with electronic speed control

IE-1204E or IE-1207E

Drill diameter, mm 14/9

Drill diameter, mm 14/9

Same, with electronic speed control

Drill diameter, mm (max.) 9

Electric grinder

Grinding wheel diameter, mm 125

Electric grinder, angle

Grinding wheel diameter, mm 80

Electric impact wrench

Thread diameter, mm 12 - 30

Impact energy, J 25

Electric impact wrench

Thread diameter, mm 16

Tightening torque, N? m 125

Electric screwdriver

Thread diameter, mm 6

Screwdriver with electronic speed control

IE-3604E or IE-3603E

Thread diameter, mm 6

Thread diameter, mm 6

Electric hammer drill

Thread diameter, mm 2

Electric hammer drill

Thread diameter, mm 2.5

Electric scissors

Thickness of the sheet being cut, mm 1

Electric scissors

Thickness of the sheet being cut, mm 0.85

Electric scissors

Thickness of the sheet to be cut, mm 2.5

Electric scissors

Thickness of the sheet to be cut, mm 1.6

Pendulum saw

Diameter of abrasive reinforced wheel, mm

Electric sharpening machine

Circle diameter, mm 100

Electric sharpening machine

Circle diameter, mm 100

Mounting device for moving loads

Load capacity, t 1

Manual winch in installation housing

Load capacity, t 0.5

Load capacity, t 1

Load capacity, t 3.2

Mobile compressor

Productivity, m/min 0.5

Manual pneumatic paint sprayer

Paint consumption, l/min 1.6

Manual winch

Load capacity, t 0.5

Hydraulic jack

Load capacity, t 6.3


Load capacity, kg, up to 12.5


Load capacity, kg, up to 20

Wedge lining

Load capacity, t 3

Wedge lining

Load capacity, t 5

Wedge lining

Load capacity, t 10

Safety climbing device

Maximum mass of falling load, kg 100

Mounting reel

Mounting block

Load capacity, t 5

Mounting and traction mechanism

Load capacity, t 3.2

5.2 Tables 11 and 12 show the consumption rates of rolled metal and auxiliary materials per 100 m 2 of air ducts and related elements of ventilation systems.

Table 11 - Metal consumption rates per 100 m 2 of air ducts


Consumption rates for rolled metal per 100 m2 of air ducts with related ventilation products

Rolled ferrous metal


Beams and channels

Large-grade steel

Medium grade steel

Small grade steel

Plate steel

Thin sheet steel with a thickness of more than 1.9 mm

Thin sheet steel up to 1.8 mm thick

Roofing steel black

Galvanized steel

Table 12 -Consumption rate of auxiliary materials per 100 m 2 of air duct


Consumption rates of auxiliary materials per 100 m 2 of air ducts made of roofing and sheet steel (without elements of ventilation systems)



Welding materials


Welding wire

Carbon dioxide

Painting materials

Soil GF-020



Mastic "Buteprol"

Bolts with nuts


Welding materials


Padding materials

Sheet rubber

Porous rubber

Profiled rubber

Asbestos cord


6.1 Installation of ventilation duct systems must be performed by workers of appropriate qualifications, united, as a rule, in complex teams and units. In these teams, in order to ensure an even and full workload of workers, it is recommended to widely practice combining professions.

The composition of a comprehensive air duct installation team, taking into account the possibility of combining professions, is shown in Table 13.

Table 13 - Composition of the integrated team

Number of workers of this category

Total number of workers

Ventilation system installer

5 - 6 categories (foreman)

Installation rigger 3rd category

4 digits

Electric welder 3rd category

Ventilation system installer:

4 digits

3 digits

Installation rigger 2nd grade

2 digits

Note- Responsible types of welding must be entrusted to a qualified electric welder.

6.2 As an example of the installation of ventilation ducts, we will take the installation of vertical risers of air ducts measuring 800×800 mm with an area of ​​100 m2 using a hand winch.

6.3 The costs of labor and machine time for the installation of ventilation ducts are calculated according to the “Unified Standards and Prices for Construction, Installation and Repair Work”, introduced in 1987, and are presented in Table 14.

Table 14 - Calculation of labor costs and machine time for installation of ventilation ducts

Unit of measurement 100 m 2 ventilation ducts

Justification (ENiR and other standards)

Name of technological processes

Scope of work

Standard time

Labor costs

workers, person-hours

workers, person-hours

driver, person-hour (machine operation, machine hours)

E9-1-46 No. 1a

Drilling holes with an electric drilling machine in building structures

Table 3 No. 1ab

Delivery of air duct parts to the installation site

Table 12 No. 4v

Assembling air ducts into enlarged blocks, installing fastening means, lifting and installing blocks, connecting an installed block with a previously installed one, alignment and final fastening of the system


Installation of plugs at the upper ends of vertical air ducts

6.4 The duration of work for the installation of ventilation ducts is determined by the work schedule presented in Table 15.

6.5 Technical and economic indicators are:

Labor costs, man-hours:

workers: 64.8

driver: 0.034

Duration of work, hour. 18

Table 15 - Work production schedule

Final product meter - 100 m 2 ventilation ducts


1 SNiP 3.05.01-85 Internal sanitary systems.

2 SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction.

3 SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

4 SNiP 12-04-2002 Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.

5 SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

6 GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions.

7 GOST 12.1.046-85 SSBT. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites.

8 GOST 12.3.002-75* SSBT. Production processes. General safety requirements.

9 GOST 12.3.009-76* SSBT. Loading and unloading works. General safety requirements.

10 GOST 12.3.016-87 SSBT. Construction. Anti-corrosion works. Safety requirements.

11 GOST 12.4.010-75* SSBT. Individual protection means. Special mittens. Technical conditions.

12 GOST 12.4.011-89 SSBT. Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification.

13 GOST R 12.4.026-2001 SSBT. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods.

14 GOST 12.4.059-89 SSBT. Construction. Inventory safety fences. General technical conditions.

15 GOST 12.4.087-84 SSBT. Construction. Construction helmets. Technical conditions.

16 GOST 24258-88 Scaffolding means. General technical conditions.

17 EniR. Unified standards and prices for construction, installation and repair work. Collection 1. In-building transport work.

18 EniR. Unified standards and prices for construction, installation and repair work. Collection 10. Constructions of ventilation, air conditioning, pneumatic transport and aspiration systems.

19 PB 10-382-00 Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, M., 2000.

20 PPB 01-03 Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation. Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, M., 2003.

21 SP 12-135-2003 Occupational safety in construction. Industry standard instructions on labor protection.

22 VSN 279-85 Instructions for sealing ventilation and sanitary systems. M., 1985

23 VSN 353-86 Design and use of air ducts from standardized parts. M., 1986

24 VSN 470-89 Standards for the need for hand tools, installation devices and small-scale mechanization for production various types installation and special construction work. M., 1990

25 Manual for the production and acceptance of work when installing ventilation and air conditioning systems (to SNiP 3.05.01-85). M., 1989

26 POT R M-007-98 Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of cargo.

27 POT R M-012-2000 Interindustry rules for labor protection when working at height.

28 POT R M-016-2001 Interindustry rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations.

29 POT R M-017-2001 Interindustry rules for labor protection during painting work.

30 POT R M-020-2001 Interindustry rules for labor protection during electric and gas welding work.
