Should we be afraid? Who is a necromancer? Mystical creatures. White, black magic Famous necromancers

Necromancers are the most terrible and evil black magicians who died and came to life again because hell did not accept their souls (similar to zombies). A necromancer has the ability to resurrect the dead, which is why, apparently, in legends, the castles of necromancers were guarded by hordes of the living dead, zombies and security spells of black magic. The magic of necromancers is, to one degree or another, strongly associated with death.

This is evident even from the name of these magicians: “necro” translated from Latin means “dead.” But the magic of necromancers does not necessarily have to bring only death. If the necromancer good mood, he is able to bring healing and help to anyone. True, no one is immune from the fact that after this the necromancer will not demand SUCH payment from you, for which you will regret being alive. Necromancers rarely side with other creatures, and they are rarely asked to do so. The life of a necromancer is not about draining energy from other beings, it is just one of his many “abilities” that helps him restore energy reserves and strength. The energy of “others” - energetically strong beings - is what he needs. Thus, he becomes a hunter of hunters. You can call it a necromancer energy vampire. The most famous of the necromancers is Faust 1.

Having discarded the inveterate idea of ​​necromancers as dark sorcerers, we can look at the representatives of this mythological profession more broadly. Firstly, it is worth noting that recently a word such as “necromagus”, a magician who operates with the emanations of death, has come into use. This definition may be considered more accurate, since the word “necromancer” denotes a fortuneteller, often Eastern, who uses in his craft the techniques of vivisection, dissection of animals and people, as well as calling souls from the afterlife. Without bias, necromancers/necromagi can be considered not evil, but not good either. More likely gray, if we accept the conventional color classification.

Necromancers are detached from active life and their goals, if the necromancer has any, are often incomprehensible to ordinary people. Rather, the necromancer has a distorted view of life and death; for him, both of these states are intertwined and sometimes indistinguishable. To study dead magic you don’t have to be dead or risen from the dead; necromancers are often living people with completely human needs. But sometimes the necromancer’s body still undergoes mutations or evolves through atrophy internal organs, which the necromancer no longer needs for life or existence. Necromancers are not afraid of death; they can manipulate this power quite well, lock it in a bottle, send it along with infection, or, conversely, drive it away from living people. Usually a necromancer's proximity to death gives him some advantages. For example, immunity to infectious diseases, curses affecting health, as well as insensitivity to physical pain. Necromages are also credited with the ability to manipulate their flesh, modifying it into different forms(for example, recover from severe injuries).

Unlike most other carriers of magic, necromancers rely not only on their magical power, but also on their physical abilities. In other words, sometimes they have to defend their lives with the help of physical violence. The necromagus' weapon is a hollow staff metal cylinder, filled with cemetery soil, a ritual knife made of iron, copper or bronze. One side of the knife blade is equipped with a saw with triangular teeth for working with flesh, and the other with a saw with parabolic teeth for working with tendons. To carry the material for his experiments, that is, dead flesh, the necromancer can use butcher's hooks with a palm handle. Necromancy rituals use candles made from animal, sometimes human fat mixed with ashes or cemetery soil, special incense and often black cloth. The rest of the attributes of necromantic rituals depend on the uniqueness of a particular ritual.

Before the battle with the Philistines, the spirit of the prophet Samuel. In Ancient Greece, necromancers, in a state of trance, summoned spirits in the sanctuaries of Hades and Persephone. These sanctuaries were usually built in sacred places close to the underworld: caves, gorges, near hot mineral springs. The Roman historian Lucanius reports how on the eve of the battle against Julius Caesar at Pharsalus (August 9, 49 BC), Sextus Pompey turned to the most famous witch Erichto to make a prophecy. Having revived the fresh corpse of a warrior who had fallen on the battlefield, Erichto prophesied the defeat of Sextus Pompey from Julius Caesar, which came true (see The Secret Arts from the series “The Enchanted World” / Translated from English by O. Kubatko. M., 1996. P. 32, 33).

Famous necromancers

  • The real (historical) Doctor Faustus was known as a necromancer and demonologist.
  • Edward Kelly is known as a medieval English necromancer and soothsayer. E. Kelly and the fortuneteller John Dee together summoned the spirits of the dead.
  • The famous medieval German white magician and alchemist Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim, it is said, also could not resist the temptation of necromancy in order to avoid responsibility for the death of a careless student who was killed by a demon, who unprofessionally communicated with the demon he had summoned. Cornelius Agrippa was forced to revive the student so that he would go to the city market of the city of Leuven (present-day Belgium) and die there again.
  • Count Cagliostro called himself a necromancer, but in fact by necromancy he meant only spiritualism.
  • The British black magician Aleister Crowley was a typical necromancer.
  • One of the most famous necromancers, Anita Blake, is described by the writer Laurel Hamilton.

In fantasy

In fantasy works, the concept of “necromancy” began to be interpreted in a broader manner. This term meant interaction with the world of the dead, the use of its energy, control of the world of the dead. Accordingly, a necromancer is a magician or priest who practices this kind of action. This could be controlling dead bodies (creating undead), using necromantic spells, negative energy(draining, stealing life) or talking with the dead, calling spirits. In some of the works of fantasy, the necromancer himself is “half dead,” an undead (usually a former necromancer who retained his mind and strength after death is called a lich), but in most references he is a living person. The American science fiction writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft revived interest in necromancy, touching on in his works the semi-mythical book “Necronomicon”, which is a medieval Arabic grimoire.

see also

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  • Almanac of the Unknown / Davidson G. E., Claflin M. - L. et al.; edited by Natsis K., Potter M. (international publishing house), ch. ed. book program Yaroshenko N. (Russian publishing house). Italy: Reader's Digest Publishing House, 2002. - 168, 189, 190 pp.
  • // Atheistic Dictionary / Abdusamedov A. I., Aleynik R. M., Alieva B. A. and others; Under general ed. M. P. Novikova. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Politizdat, 1985. - P. 252. - 512 p. - 200,000 copies.
  • Encyclopedia “Mystics of the 20th Century” / Trans. from English D. Gaiduk. Vanderhill E. - M.: Lokid; Myth, 1996. - pp. 307-321.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing Necromancy

Marya Genrikhovna was the wife of the regimental doctor, a young, pretty German woman, whom the doctor married in Poland. The doctor, either because he did not have the means, or because he did not want to be separated from his young wife at first during his marriage, took her everywhere with him in the hussar regiment, and the doctor’s jealousy became a common subject of jokes between the hussar officers.
Rostov threw on his cloak, called Lavrushka with his things behind him and walked with Ilyin, sometimes rolling through the mud, sometimes splashing in the subsiding rain, in the darkness of the evening, occasionally broken by distant lightning.
- Rostov, where are you?
- Here. What lightning! - they were talking.

In the abandoned tavern, in front of which stood the doctor’s tent, there were already about five officers. Marya Genrikhovna, a plump, fair-haired German woman in a blouse and nightcap, was sitting in the front corner on a wide bench. Her husband, a doctor, was sleeping behind her. Rostov and Ilyin, greeted with cheerful exclamations and laughter, entered the room.
- AND! “What fun you are having,” Rostov said, laughing.
- Why are you yawning?
- Good! That's how it flows from them! Don't wet our living room.
“You can’t dirty Marya Genrikhovna’s dress,” answered the voices.
Rostov and Ilyin hurried to find a corner where they could change their wet dress without disturbing Marya Genrikhovna’s modesty. They went behind the partition to change clothes; but in a small closet, filling it completely, with one candle on an empty box, three officers were sitting, playing cards, and did not want to give up their place for anything. Marya Genrikhovna gave up her skirt for a while to use it instead of a curtain, and behind this curtain Rostov and Ilyin, with the help of Lavrushka, who brought packs, took off the wet dress and put on a dry dress.
A fire was lit in the broken stove. They took out a board and, having supported it on two saddles, covered it with a blanket, took out a samovar, a cellar and half a bottle of rum, and, asking Marya Genrikhovna to be the hostess, everyone crowded around her. Some offered her a clean handkerchief to wipe her lovely hands, some put a Hungarian coat under her feet so that it would not be damp, some curtained the window with a cloak so that it wouldn’t blow, some brushed the flies off her husband’s face so that he would not wake up.
“Leave him alone,” said Marya Genrikhovna, smiling timidly and happily, “he’s already sleeping well after a sleepless night.”
“You can’t, Marya Genrikhovna,” the officer answered, “you have to serve the doctor.” That’s it, maybe he’ll feel sorry for me when he starts cutting my leg or arm.
There were only three glasses; the water was so dirty that it was impossible to decide whether the tea was strong or weak, and there was only enough water in the samovar for six glasses, but it was all the more pleasant, in turn and by seniority, to receive your glass from Marya Genrikhovna’s plump hands with short, not entirely clean, nails . All the officers seemed to really be in love with Marya Genrikhovna that evening. Even those officers who were playing cards behind the partition soon abandoned the game and moved on to the samovar, obeying the general mood of courting Marya Genrikhovna. Marya Genrikhovna, seeing herself surrounded by such brilliant and courteous youth, beamed with happiness, no matter how hard she tried to hide it and no matter how obviously shy she was at every sleepy movement of her husband, who was sleeping behind her.
There was only one spoon, there was most of the sugar, but there was no time to stir it, and therefore it was decided that she would stir the sugar for everyone in turn. Rostov, having received his glass and poured rum into it, asked Marya Genrikhovna to stir it.
- But you don’t have sugar? - she said, still smiling, as if everything that she said, and everything that others said, was very funny and had another meaning.
- Yes, I don’t need sugar, I just want you to stir it with your pen.
Marya Genrikhovna agreed and began to look for a spoon, which someone had already grabbed.
“You finger, Marya Genrikhovna,” said Rostov, “it will be even more pleasant.”
- It's hot! - said Marya Genrikhovna, blushing with pleasure.
Ilyin took a bucket of water and, dripping some rum into it, came to Marya Genrikhovna, asking him to stir it with his finger.
“This is my cup,” he said. - Just put your finger in, I’ll drink it all.
When the samovar was all drunk, Rostov took the cards and offered to play kings with Marya Genrikhovna. They cast lots to decide who would be Marya Genrikhovna's party. The rules of the game, according to Rostov’s proposal, were that the one who would be king would have the right to kiss Marya Genrikhovna’s hand, and that the one who would remain a scoundrel would go and put a new samovar for the doctor when he woke up.
- Well, what if Marya Genrikhovna becomes king? – Ilyin asked.
- She’s already a queen! And her orders are law.
The game had just begun when the doctor’s confused head suddenly rose from behind Marya Genrikhovna. He had not slept for a long time and listened to what was said, and, apparently, did not find anything cheerful, funny or amusing in everything that was said and done. His face was sad and despondent. He did not greet the officers, scratched himself and asked permission to leave, as his way was blocked. As soon as he came out, all the officers burst into loud laughter, and Marya Genrikhovna blushed to tears and thereby became even more attractive in the eyes of all the officers. Returning from the yard, the doctor told his wife (who had stopped smiling so happily and was looking at him, fearfully awaiting the verdict) that the rain had passed and that she had to go spend the night in the tent, otherwise everything would be stolen.
- Yes, I’ll send a messenger... two! - said Rostov. - Come on, doctor.
– I’ll watch the clock myself! - said Ilyin.
“No, gentlemen, you slept well, but I didn’t sleep for two nights,” said the doctor and gloomily sat down next to his wife, waiting for the end of the game.
Looking at the gloomy face of the doctor, looking askance at his wife, the officers became even more cheerful, and many could not help laughing, for which they hastily tried to find plausible excuses. When the doctor left, taking his wife away, and settled into the tent with her, the officers lay down in the tavern, covered with wet overcoats; but they didn’t sleep for a long time, either talking, remembering the doctor’s fright and the doctor’s amusement, or running out onto the porch and reporting what was happening in the tent. Several times Rostov, turning over his head, wanted to fall asleep; but again someone’s remark entertained him, a conversation began again, and again causeless, cheerful, childish laughter was heard.

At three o'clock no one had yet fallen asleep when the sergeant appeared with the order to march to the town of Ostrovne.
With the same chatter and laughter, the officers hastily began to get ready; again they put the samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron. It was already dawn; the rain stopped, the clouds dispersed. It was damp and cold, especially in a wet dress. Coming out of the tavern, Rostov and Ilyin, both in the twilight of dawn, looked into the doctor’s leather tent, shiny from the rain, from under the apron of which the doctor’s legs stuck out and in the middle of which the doctor’s cap was visible on the pillow and sleepy breathing could be heard.
- Really, she’s very nice! - Rostov said to Ilyin, who was leaving with him.
- What a beauty this woman is! – Ilyin answered with sixteen-year-old seriousness.
Half an hour later the lined up squadron stood on the road. The command was heard: “Sit down! – the soldiers crossed themselves and began to sit down. Rostov, riding forward, commanded: “March! - and, stretching out into four people, the hussars, sounding the slap of hooves on the wet road, the clanking of sabers and quiet talking, set off along the large road lined with birches, following the infantry and battery walking ahead.
Torn blue-purple clouds, turning red at sunrise, were quickly driven by the wind. It became lighter and lighter. The curly grass that always grows along country roads, still wet from yesterday’s rain, was clearly visible; The hanging branches of the birches, also wet, swayed in the wind and dropped light drops to their sides. The faces of the soldiers became clearer and clearer. Rostov rode with Ilyin, who did not lag behind him, on the side of the road, between a double row of birch trees.

Who is a necromancer? We see this word quite often in fantasy literature, films and even on the pages of newspapers. Most often, the necromancer is found in fantasy works. As a rule, he is depicted as an old, creepy sorcerer in dark, shabby clothes. However characteristic feature necromancer - manipulation of the dead.

Many believe that necromancers are mystical creatures that are mentioned only in ancient legends. But that's not true. In some historically reliable documents you can find information about people who practiced necromancy. Perhaps the most famous personalities are Dr. Johann Georg Faust ( a real man, and not the hero of Goethe’s tragedy), Cagliostro, etc. What else is there. It is quite possible that to this day among us modern society there are people who have similar mystical knowledge.

So who is a necromancer? What magical powers does he have and where does he get them from? You can find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Necromancy - what is it?

The theme of death is often seen in different religions. Interest in it gave rise to a whole area of ​​mysticism called necromancy. What it is? You can find out the answer to this question by reading this article.

The first mentions of necromancy and necromancers were noticed back in the days ancient Greece. Adepts, being in a state of trance, called spirits straight to the sanctuaries of Persephone and Hades. Such structures were built, as a rule, closer to the underground world (gorges, caves, or places near which there were hot springs). If you believe ancient legends, this was done in order to ensure a stronger connection with the souls of the dead.

Among other things, necromancy is even mentioned in the Bible. The necromancer in the person of the Endor sorceress, at the request of King Saul, summoned the spirit biblical prophet Samuel.

Since the Renaissance, necromancy has often been associated with demonology and black magic. But do the adherents of this teaching really serve the forces of evil?

Necromancer - good or evil?

There is a widespread belief among people that the magic of necromancers takes its origins from dark forces. But is this really so?

Necromancers are not followers of Satan. After all, they do not serve evil forces and do not use their spells solely to cause harm. But at the same time, adepts of necromancy cannot be called adherents of Light. This is due to the fact that they use creepy and forbidden magic, which can cause a lot of trouble. So who is a necromancer? You will find out the answer to this question below.

A necromancer or necromagus is a gray wizard who is a “bridge” between the world of the living and the dead. Moreover, he has a certain power over both the first and the second. Obtaining vital energy is the main goal of necromagi. Energy for them is the same means of subsistence as food for them. ordinary person. It is thanks to life force that necromancers can raise the dead from their graves. A completely logical question arises here - “Where do the followers of necromancy get this vital energy". The answer is quite obvious - from other creatures. Thanks to his rituals, a necromagus can take away the strength of any living creature, including a person. Therefore, a necromancer can be called an energy vampire.

It is a fairly common misconception that necromages use their spells exclusively for evil deeds. Gray mages use their powers for various purposes. They can both destroy, kill, and heal, give life. Often, necromancers use magic for their own purposes. However, sometimes, being in good health, they can condescend to ordinary people and help them in their endeavors (for example, predict the future, protect them from damage, etc.). However, sometimes a necromagus can charge a huge fee for his help.

Perhaps one more characteristic necromage - the ability to cause damage, the evil eye. With enough energy, a gray magician can destroy a person in a matter of seconds. It is for this reason that the necromancer's curse is considered very dangerous. But, fortunately, followers of necromancy rarely use their powers on ordinary people. After all, necromages are unlikely to want to use their hard-earned life force on ordinary mortals.


Since necromages practice very complex and dangerous magic, they cannot do without equipment. Each necromancer must have a special ritual knife made of iron, bronze or copper. It can be used to collect special herbs, ingredients for potions, etc. Also, another important attribute for a gray magician is candles consisting of animal fat. They are used in most necromantic rituals. Also, necromages often carry incense with them, which can be useful in one or another ritual.

Sometimes the gray magician cannot use his magic for protection. In such cases, you have to use physical force. It is for this reason that necromages carry edged weapons with them, for example, a sword. The necromancer's sword is made of iron or silver. As a rule, various protective runes and symbols are engraved on it.

Necromancers in modern culture

One of the most popular mystical images is the necromancer. Fantasy works especially often use this motif. Just remember the universe of the mega-successful Games World of Warcraft. The world of WoW is home to thousands of amazing creatures - from gnomes and dwarves to majestic dragons. Necromagi, in turn, fit perfectly into the overall setting of the game due to their mystical roots. You don’t have to look far for examples from the world of literature either. One can immediately name such works as “Necromagic”, “Faust” and a line of novels about the adventures of Anita Blake. In all of the above works, the theme of necromancy is revealed in great detail.

If you are interested in how to become a necromancer in real life, then, firstly, you must clearly understand the consequences of such a decision, secondly, carefully familiarize yourself with all aspects of this type of magic, and thirdly, devote a lot of time to practice.

In the article:

How to become a necromancer in real life, and what is necromancy

If we talk about necromancy, then you should understand that this is, first of all, magic associated with the world of the dead in all its incarnations. One should not think that any necromancer is a villain who wishes death to everyone around him and commands hordes of the undead, as is demonstrated in computer games and films. Of course, a strong magician of this orientation can indeed use the dead for his own purposes, but he is no longer interested in worldly power and ordinary human desires at that point in his development.

In some ways, necromancy has a connection with classical schools of magic - almost always, to achieve a certain level of power, the presence of a teacher is necessary. Moreover, a Teacher with a capital T, who will really want and have the opportunity to open a door for the adept, from which there will be no way back. You should not think that you can find such a mentor on the Internet or through advertisements.- those who leave this kind of proposals, in best case scenario are simple charlatans, and at worst, magicians who simply need energy recharge. But do not despair - you need to develop yourself, study the science that interests you, and when you are ready, your Teacher himself will find you.

The magic of death has a very deep similarity with shamanism. It also welcomes a certain amount of seclusion and communication with otherworldly forces. But if shamans refuse part of their worldly life for the sake of communicating with the spirits of nature, terrain and animals, then necromancers devote themselves to the deities of death and the dead.

A little about the energy of death

, which almost every person, one way or another, has had to deal with, contrary to popular opinion and cliches of mass consciousness, is not evil. It is beyond the struggle between good and evil - it is a completely different force, largely indifferent to most familiar things and people.

But this force, nevertheless, is very powerful, capable of much. You can easily feel such energy in cemeteries, during funerals, and at places of mass death. To some it seems calm and peaceful - these people are initially predisposed to necromancy. Others feel uncomfortable and want to leave such places as quickly as possible. If you have felt such inconvenience and discomfort, then it is unlikely that you will succeed in this field - you must not only be able to contact the world of the dead and draw strength from it. You will have to half live in it.

The energy of death affects a person. According to legend, it also interested the leaders of the Third Reich. On their orders, mysterious phenomena that arose during the violent death of many people were investigated in the concentration camps. During the research, conclusions were drawn - a person does not disappear without a trace, he leaves an energy trace at the place of his death.

In 1993, the scientific and practical center of dowsing conducted research into the energy of cemeteries and human remains. The result was the conclusion that necrotic energy in cemeteries is concentrated around human remains, like auras.

Since ancient times, cemeteries have always been a place where the disadvantaged, deprived of protection, family and shelter, could find solace. Funeral treats have saved the life of more than one homeless person - there is nothing wrong with eating delicacies left for the deceased, but only if it is truly vital, and there are simply no other opportunities to survive. The dead, no matter how strange it may sound, do not seek to make people’s lives worse or shorten them, but rather the opposite.

This was precisely the reason that a huge number of various rituals have always been associated with the cemetery. could be aimed both at terrible evil and causing suffering to someone, and at salvation and achieving justice. In the first case, the sorcerer was awaiting retribution for his actions. In the second situation, when, for example, a girl who had become a victim of a rapist turned to the dead for help, even the most terrible and cruel revenge did not leave any negative imprint on her life.

Opportunities and abilities of the necromancer

A necromancer, having access to the power of the dead, receives an almost inexhaustible source of energy, which can be directed to anything, except for one thing - this energy cannot be the energy of creating something new, energy used as vital forces. She can heal, she can protect and, of course, she can punish and destroy her opponent. But she is not able to help in creating a new life.

Every necromancer can truly communicate with the dead. He can find out the cause of their death, he can send a deadly one, he can easily end someone’s life. Also, he receives truly broad knowledge and can literally plunge into the abyss of history as deeply as his mind is developed. Remember that the dead cannot lie.

However, for the favor of the deceased, you will have to help them. Many of the deceased have unfinished business, and they will be grateful for help in completing them. Others require simple communication and attention, and still others, of whom, of course, are a minority, may turn out to be truly evil and dangerous entities with great powers.

First of all, this applies to suicides, who cannot go to either heaven or hell, but are doomed to eternal torment. However, some of the necromancers can even help them, putting them to rest forever if they solve the problem that brought the unfortunate man to commit suicide. They can also be very cruel former murderers and mentally ill people, whom the necromancer is also obliged to help with healing from the disease that has consumed not only their mortal body, but also their immortal soul.

The karma of the necromancer and his deeds, in contrast to ordinary people, are measured not by their attitude towards humanity in general and specific people in particular, but in relation to the dead. If you use them without giving anything in return and without providing their help, they will never be favorable to such a person and will try to get rid of him as quickly as possible. And vice versa, if you take care of the dead, give them human warmth, help and relieve them of the problems that are always tormenting them, they will be grateful and will easily help in solving any troubles in life.

However, you should not obediently fulfill all their whims, otherwise they will not quickly make the magician their slave. You need to be able to balance between help and demand, between help and work, between what is given and what is received. In general, the whole life of a necromancer is a delicate balancing act on the edge of a knife: between life and death, between the dead and the living, between infinity and the moment.

The knowledge of one's own death, which necromancers possess, is both a great gift and a terrible curse. No attempt to change it will succeed. The life of a necromancer can be anything, but he will not be able to change death. For example, there is a parable about a necromancer who was destined to drown. He devoted the rest of his life to avoiding bodies of water. However, at the appointed hour there was a heavy downpour, he slipped, lost consciousness and simply choked in a shallow puddle. But this knowledge will a good gift- the magician will have the opportunity to really carefully plan his life and prepare for the inevitable, putting all his affairs in order.

Separately, it is worth noting protective magic. , which the necromancer possesses, is in itself almost ideal. Not a single cemetery ritual will work against such a magician, immediately hitting the ill-wisher. At the same time, the necromancer will immediately learn everything about who was going to do him harm, and will be able to find and punish a potential enemy. Even very powerful magicians can have very little influence on a very mediocre necromancer, and the use of special protective rituals makes the death magician truly completely invulnerable.

About initiation into necromancers

Initiation into necromancers, as mentioned above, must necessarily be carried out by an already initiated one, for a long time a practicing magician. This applies to almost all areas of real magic that works in life. But you can always take the first steps yourself. Hard work on yourself, constant meditation and searching for information will definitely attract the attention of knowledgeable people to you.

The search for the necessary knowledge should be discussed in a little more detail. Note that you are unlikely to be able to find rituals or mentors that actually work through the Internet or books. However, to gain general information, finding parts of spells and rituals is quite possible. But you should be extremely skeptical about everything that people you don’t know write, and have a “feeling” for the right data, actions and words. However, if you do everything right, you will undoubtedly develop such an instinct.

There are a lot of options for dedication, but they all have one thing in common - dedication must take place in a cemetery. The ritual necessarily involves the sacrifice of a living being, as well as the exhumation of a recently buried person. In general, a necromancer has to manipulate burials very often, so always be as careful as possible - such actions are illegal in all countries of the world and are punished very strictly.

What does a necromancer's workplace look like?

As you can understand from everything written above, the necromancer’s main workplace, his place of power and protection is the cemetery. Of course, it is not always possible to visit it, so a small home altar will not hurt. It will become the home workplace for the necromancer. You can also take care of the design of the altar initial stage your path to necromancy.

The workplace can be supplemented with a cabinet in which ritual instruments will be stored. It is desirable that its compartments have doors. Not all ritual components can be exposed to the rays of the sun.

The attributes of death must be present on the altar. This is grave soil from a cemetery, bones or a skull, preferably human. Finding them is quite simple - just go to a large and old cemetery and look in the bushes. Very often, at the site of old burials, graves are torn open and their contents are thrown away. At the same time, you definitely need to leave some kind of compensation in the cemetery when you take the grave land, and bury the remains of the person from whom you took the bone. It is not necessary to look directly for a complete skeleton; it is enough to make at least a small, well-kept grave, with at least one bone and a memorial sign. Then the spirit of the deceased will be favorable to you.

Be sure to purchase separate tools for working in the cemetery. It is advisable not to use them for anything other than your necromantic practices, and under no circumstances trust them with other people. In general, it is advisable to live alone, since unprepared people can start to get sick due to an excess of dark energy in the home.

How to become a necromancer - where to start

If you have firmly decided to take the thorny path of necromancy, then get ready for the fact that soon society will really turn away from you. It will not perceive you on a subconscious level as an ordinary person. You will be shunned and avoided, just as people avoid walking through a cemetery at night. But until this moment, long and persistent preparation awaits you.

The initial stage is not particularly different from any other serious magical practice. You should devote as much time as possible to meditation and try to put your life in order. This also applies physical fitness- your illnesses and chronic problems from constant contact with the energy of death can intensify and very quickly lead to the grave. It will be useful to study stopping practices internal dialogue- without them you will not be able to perform any type of magic except simple ones folk conspiracies and rituals. Once you learn to control yourself, feel your internal energy, you can begin more serious practices.

Visit cemeteries as often as possible. You can meditate, relax, and do creativity there. At the same time, any necromancer understands that the dead need to have a special attitude. Try to behave quietly and calmly there. If possible, clean and decorate other people's graves - and the deceased will definitely pay attention to you, protect you from troubles and thank you. It is advisable to do this daily. Ultimately, find your favorite spot in the cemetery and try to establish a lasting connection with the people buried there. They will become your guardians along this path and your closest friends.

It should be noted that the development process must inevitably have personal experience evidence of the death itself and participation in it. If you've ever killed livestock, that's good. If not, you will definitely have to perform some kind of ritual, preferably with the sacrifice of a black rooster. Remember once and for all: not in any present magical ritual Cats and cats are not sacrificed - they are conductors connecting all worlds, and none of the inhabitants of both our and the other world will like their murder. People who have undergone clinical death- they already have a clear understanding of what is “beyond the line.” Also, a feeling or experience can be helpful near death- if you almost became a victim of an accident, murder or other accidents in life.

Consequences of necromancy

Naturally, every person who seriously wishes to embark on the path of this magic must be clearly aware possible consequences. First of all, you should forget about the possibility of starting a family. Your relatives themselves will begin to move away from you, and if you love them, it is advisable for you to stay away from them. A person who works with the dead for a long time acquires a special energy that is destructive for ordinary people, but beneficial for him. In addition, at the very beginning of the path you should be very careful with illnesses - even an untreated cold can have extremely dangerous complications for a person just starting his journey along this dark path.

Also, your path to Christian, Muslim or any other paradise will forever be closed. Necromancers are subject to special after-death rules. Hell, however, does not threaten them in any case. Most often, they simply dissolve in the world of the dead, becoming conductor entities, which, in principle, is similar to their existence in a mortal body, since a professional and experienced death magician actually lives half in the world of the living and half in the world of the dead.

However, not all consequences are unpleasant for the necromancer himself. After taking the first steps, you will be able to notice how much your needs and desires will change. You will no longer worry about worldly problems of earning money, entertainment, and social status. In addition, all necromancers who have undergone initiation have full knowledge about his death. It will never come before the appointed hour - all dangers, illnesses, accidents will begin to pass you by. In addition, being with the dead can really be interesting - just imagine how many stories, how much knowledge, advice and recommendations the deceased can give. You will be able to communicate directly with your deceased relatives
